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Showing 28,851 through 28,875 of 77,457 results

The Grocers: The Rise and Rise of Supermarket Chains

by Andrew Seth Geoffrey Randall

Retailing has been the most dynamic sector of industry over the past 20 years and supermarkets such as Tesco, Sainsbury's, Asda, Safeway, M&S, Walmart, Aldi and Lidl have led the way in growth, operating efficiencies and profitability. With unrivalled access to the top decision-makers in all the leading companies, The Grocers describes and analyses the strategies, organization and cultures that have made the supermarkets what they are today. With a forward by former Asda CEO Allan Leighton, this fully updated third edition of The Grocers also includes material on the rise of online retailing, the success of the hard discount chains and the influence of environmental issues on consumer attitudes and behaviour. Retailers, managers and students can all learn from the secrets of success it contains, and the pitfalls to avoid.

The Grocers: The Rise and Rise of Supermarket Chains

by Andrew Seth Geoffrey Randall

Retailing has been the most dynamic sector of industry over the past 20 years and supermarkets such as Tesco, Sainsbury's, Asda, Safeway, M&S, Walmart, Aldi and Lidl have led the way in growth, operating efficiencies and profitability. With unrivalled access to the top decision-makers in all the leading companies, The Grocers describes and analyses the strategies, organization and cultures that have made the supermarkets what they are today. With a forward by former Asda CEO Allan Leighton, this fully updated third edition of The Grocers also includes material on the rise of online retailing, the success of the hard discount chains and the influence of environmental issues on consumer attitudes and behaviour. Retailers, managers and students can all learn from the secrets of success it contains, and the pitfalls to avoid.

Große Gesellschaft in kleiner Gruppe: Zum Eigensinn bürgerschaftlichen Engagements für Oper und Theater (Kunst und Gesellschaft)

by Anja Frank

Die Studie untersucht bürgerschaftliches Engagement in Fördervereinen von Opern- und Theaterhäusern in Deutschland. Sie fragt nach den Selbst- und Gesellschaftsentwürfen, die hinter dem Bemühen um diese Kunstgattung stehen und nach den kollektiven Orientierungen, die sich in dem gemeinschaftlichen Engagement dokumentieren. Auf Grundlage von Gruppendiskussionen werden Sinnstrukturen des Engagements und ästhetischer Bezüge in ihren Deutungszusammenhängen und in interaktiven Prozessen rekonstruiert.

Große Transformation? Zur Zukunft moderner Gesellschaften: Sonderband des Berliner Journals für Soziologie

Der Band entfaltet ein umfassendes Panorama von potentiell tiefgreifenden Veränderungen, mit denen sich moderne Gesellschaften konfrontiert sehen: ökologische Gefahren, Ungleichheiten, Finanzkrisen, niedriges Wirtschaftswachstum, Fluchtmigration und Nationalismus sind einige der großen Herausforderungen der Gegenwart. Der Band widmet sich der Analyse und Deutung der damit verbundenen Problemstellungen. Er präsentiert Zukunftsaussichten, aber auch Chancen und Alternativen, die gesellschaftliche Transformationen bieten.

Großgruppenverfahren: Lebendig lernen - Veränderung gestalten

by Karin Dittrich-Brauner Eberhard Dittmann Volker List Carmen Windisch

Organisationen und ihre Mitarbeiter müssen fortlaufend lernen und sich verändern, um konkurrenzfähig zu bleiben. Eine effektive Möglichkeit, Veränderungsprozesse in Unternehmen zu steuern, stellen Großgruppenverfahren dar, denn sie binden auf strukturierte und transparente Weise viele Menschen in einen gemeinsamen Prozess ein. - Sie erzeugen Bewegung, initiieren Kontakte, ermöglichen Erfahrungen, lösen Diskussionen aus, setzen Veränderungsenergien frei, schaffen Orientierung, fördern Identifikation und sichern Nachhaltigkeit – und ermöglichen so Lernen, Wissenstransfer und Kreativität. Praxisnah stellen die Autoren bekannte Großgruppenverfahren wie Zukunftskonferenz, Open Space, World Café u.a. vor. Sie präsentieren Trends und konkrete Fallbeispiele aus bekannten Unternehmen. Anhand eines eigenen Verfahrens congress in motion® zeigen sie Möglichkeiten auf, wie bewährte Verfahren durch neuartige Aktionen wie Unternehmenstheater, Indoor-Übungen etc. bereichert werden können. Viele Tipps und die anschauliche Beschreibung einzelner Moderationstechniken machen das Buch zu einer Pflichtlektüre für alle, die beruflich mit größeren Gruppen zu tun haben.

Großstadt: Soziologische Stichworte

by Hartmut Häussermann

Großwohnsiedlungen im Haltbarkeitscheck: Differenzierte Perspektiven ostdeutscher Großwohnsiedlungen

by Uwe Altrock Nico Grunze Sigrun Kabisch

Der Band widmet sich einer aktuellen Bestandsaufnahme und Reflexion der Situation ostdeutscher Großwohnsiedlungen. Er zeigt, dass deren Entwicklungstrends kaum verallgemeinert werden können. Vielmehr sind ihre Anpassungsfähigkeit und damit „Haltbarkeit“ zu betonen. Das Ziel bestand darin, die Aufmerksamkeit sowohl der akademischen Debatte als auch der praktischen Wohnungswirtschaft und Wohnungspolitik auf die mittel- bis langfristigen Perspektiven zu verstärken. Der Band will ein grundsätzliches Verständnis für die differenzierten Typen von Großwohnsiedlungen schaffen und Handlungsoptionen jenseits der aktuellen Programmatik der Städtebauförderung ausloten.Ausgangspunkt ist die derzeitige Veränderung der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung: Nach einer intensiven Auseinandersetzung um Konzepte des Abrisses und Rückbaus sowie punktueller Aufwertung in den Jahren des Stadtumbaus ist es um die Großwohnsiedlungen inzwischen ruhiger geworden. Die Gründe hierfür sind vielfältig – sie mögen im Stabilisierungserfolg einiger größerer ostdeutscher Städte, insbesondere Universitätsstädte, liegen. Diese sind mittlerweile durch Einwohnerwachstum und Knappheit an bezahlbarem Wohnraum gekennzeichnet. Hier erscheinen die Großwohnsiedlungen nicht mehr existenziell bedroht. Eine andere Sachlage ist in kleineren Städten zu beobachten, wo die Wohnungsbestände in den randstädtischen Siedlungen weiterhin von Leerstand geprägt sind und der Wohnungsabriss fortgesetzt wird.Dennoch: Ostdeutsche Großwohnsiedlungen bleiben weiterhin interessante Orte differenzierter sozialräumlicher und demographischer Entwicklung. Ihre Bedeutung wird voraussichtlich wieder zunehmen, da die Herausforderungen im Zuge knappen, preiswerten Wohnraums, innerstädtischer Verdrängung und gestiegener Zuwanderung anwachsen werden. Dadurch gewinnen bekannte Fragen des Zusammenlebens und Interagierens im Wohnumfeld, der Inanspruchnahme von sozialer und technischer Infrastruktur und der Einbettung der Großwohnsiedlungen in gesamtstädtische Entwicklungsziele erneut an Aufmerksamkeit.Diese Themen werden am Beispiel einer Reihe von Großwohnsiedlungen eingehend beleuchtet. Um die geographische Dimension zu weiten, sind zwei Beiträge zu Perspektiven tschechischer und polnischer Großwohnsiedlungen im Band enthalten.

Ground Control: Fear and happiness in the twenty-first-century city

by Anna Minton

Britain's streets have been transformed by the construction of new property - but it's owned by private corporations, designed for profit and watched over by CCTV. Have these gleaming business districts, mega malls and gated developments led to 'regeneration', or have they intensified social divisions and made us more fearful of each other? Anna Minton's acclaimed and passionate polemic, now updated to cover the UK property collapse and London's controversial Olympic Park, shows us the face of Britain today. It reveals the untested - and unwanted - urban planning that is changing not only our cities, but the nature of public space, of citizenship and of trust.

Ground Control: A Design History of Technical Lands and NASA’s Space Complex

by Jeffrey S. Nesbit

Ground Control: A Design History of Technical Lands and NASA’s Space Complex explores the infrastructural history of the United States rocket launch complex. Working primarily between 1950, the year of the first rocket launch at Cape Canaveral, to 1969, the Apollo moon landing, the book highlights the evolution of its overlooked architecture and infrastructural landscape in parallel to US aerospace history. The cases outlined in this book survey the varying architectural histories and aesthetic motivations that helped produce America’s public image of early space exploration. The built environment of the U.S. space complex shows how its expanded infrastructural landscape tended to align with national Cold War politics and themes found in the age of modernity. Examples across often inaccessible sites of remote landscape help explain the contingent histories and deep association of an American aesthetic, land-use, and ultimately a form of nation-building practices. Ground Control offers a new way of understanding how technological uses of place-based science were designed and constructed in support of both industrial and military activities in postwar America. This book will be of interest to researchers, scholars, students, and anyone with a general interest in the history of American infrastructure, land use, and space exploration.

Ground Control: A Design History of Technical Lands and NASA’s Space Complex

by Jeffrey S. Nesbit

Ground Control: A Design History of Technical Lands and NASA’s Space Complex explores the infrastructural history of the United States rocket launch complex. Working primarily between 1950, the year of the first rocket launch at Cape Canaveral, to 1969, the Apollo moon landing, the book highlights the evolution of its overlooked architecture and infrastructural landscape in parallel to US aerospace history. The cases outlined in this book survey the varying architectural histories and aesthetic motivations that helped produce America’s public image of early space exploration. The built environment of the U.S. space complex shows how its expanded infrastructural landscape tended to align with national Cold War politics and themes found in the age of modernity. Examples across often inaccessible sites of remote landscape help explain the contingent histories and deep association of an American aesthetic, land-use, and ultimately a form of nation-building practices. Ground Control offers a new way of understanding how technological uses of place-based science were designed and constructed in support of both industrial and military activities in postwar America. This book will be of interest to researchers, scholars, students, and anyone with a general interest in the history of American infrastructure, land use, and space exploration.

Ground Wars: Personalized Communication in Political Campaigns

by Rasmus Kleis Nielsen

Political campaigns today are won or lost in the so-called ground war--the strategic deployment of teams of staffers, volunteers, and paid part-timers who work the phones and canvass block by block, house by house, voter by voter. Ground Wars provides an in-depth ethnographic portrait of two such campaigns, New Jersey Democrat Linda Stender's and that of Democratic Congressman Jim Himes of Connecticut, who both ran for Congress in 2008. Rasmus Kleis Nielsen examines how American political operatives use "personalized political communication" to engage with the electorate, and weighs the implications of ground war tactics for how we understand political campaigns and what it means to participate in them. He shows how ground wars are waged using resources well beyond those of a given candidate and their staff. These include allied interest groups and civic associations, party-provided technical infrastructures that utilize large databases with detailed individual-level information for targeting voters, and armies of dedicated volunteers and paid part-timers. Nielsen challenges the notion that political communication in America must be tightly scripted, controlled, and conducted by a select coterie of professionals. Yet he also quashes the romantic idea that canvassing is a purer form of grassroots politics. In today's political ground wars, Nielsen demonstrates, even the most ordinary-seeming volunteer knocking at your door is backed up by high-tech targeting technologies and party expertise. Ground Wars reveals how personalized political communication is profoundly influencing electoral outcomes and transforming American democracy.

Ground Wars: Personalized Communication in Political Campaigns

by Rasmus Kleis Nielsen

Political campaigns today are won or lost in the so-called ground war--the strategic deployment of teams of staffers, volunteers, and paid part-timers who work the phones and canvass block by block, house by house, voter by voter. Ground Wars provides an in-depth ethnographic portrait of two such campaigns, New Jersey Democrat Linda Stender's and that of Democratic Congressman Jim Himes of Connecticut, who both ran for Congress in 2008. Rasmus Kleis Nielsen examines how American political operatives use "personalized political communication" to engage with the electorate, and weighs the implications of ground war tactics for how we understand political campaigns and what it means to participate in them. He shows how ground wars are waged using resources well beyond those of a given candidate and their staff. These include allied interest groups and civic associations, party-provided technical infrastructures that utilize large databases with detailed individual-level information for targeting voters, and armies of dedicated volunteers and paid part-timers. Nielsen challenges the notion that political communication in America must be tightly scripted, controlled, and conducted by a select coterie of professionals. Yet he also quashes the romantic idea that canvassing is a purer form of grassroots politics. In today's political ground wars, Nielsen demonstrates, even the most ordinary-seeming volunteer knocking at your door is backed up by high-tech targeting technologies and party expertise. Ground Wars reveals how personalized political communication is profoundly influencing electoral outcomes and transforming American democracy.

The Groundbreakers: Architects in American History - Their Places and Times

by Charles E. Dagit

If there is anything to be learned from the history of American architecture it is that it reflects the American adventure in creativity and inventiveness, and the desire to be unique and expressive. In The Groundbreakers, Charles E. Dagit, Jr. examines pioneering American architects and the historical events and trends that gave rise to their achievements. These architects, the caliber of Frank Lloyd Wright and Frank Gehry, created their own distinct, personal styles, and represented the rich heritages of their specific geographical regions.The American pioneer spirit of individualism is alive and well in the architectural world, and like other American innovations, architecture as practiced in the United States is constantly renewing itself and finding new ways to capture the imagination. This book will be of interest to historians, architects, and students in American studies. Illustrations add dimension to the author's observations.

The Groundbreakers: Architects in American History - Their Places and Times

by Charles E. Dagit

If there is anything to be learned from the history of American architecture it is that it reflects the American adventure in creativity and inventiveness, and the desire to be unique and expressive. In The Groundbreakers, Charles E. Dagit, Jr. examines pioneering American architects and the historical events and trends that gave rise to their achievements. These architects, the caliber of Frank Lloyd Wright and Frank Gehry, created their own distinct, personal styles, and represented the rich heritages of their specific geographical regions.The American pioneer spirit of individualism is alive and well in the architectural world, and like other American innovations, architecture as practiced in the United States is constantly renewing itself and finding new ways to capture the imagination. This book will be of interest to historians, architects, and students in American studies. Illustrations add dimension to the author's observations.

A Grounded Identidad: Making New Lives in Chicago's Puerto Rican Neighborhoods

by Merida M. Rua

Chicago is home to the third-largest concentration of Puerto Ricans in the United States, but scholarship on the city rarely accounts for their presence. This book is part of an effort to include Puerto Ricans in Chicago's history. Rúa traces Puerto Ricans' construction of identity in a narrative that begins in 1945, when a small group of University of Puerto Rico graduates earned scholarships to attend the University of Chicago and a private employment agency recruited Puerto Rican domestics and foundry workers. They arrived from an island colony where they had held U.S. citizenship and where most thought of themselves as "white." But in Chicago, Puerto Ricans were considered "colored" and their citizenship was second class. They seemed to share few of the rights other Chicagoans took for granted. In her analysis of the following six decades--during which Chicago witnessed urban renewal, loss of neighborhoods, emergence of multiracial coalitions, waves of protest movements, and everyday commemorations of death and life--Rúa explores the ways in which Puerto Ricans have negotiated their identity as Puerto Ricans, Latinos, and U.S. citizens. Through a variety of sources, including oral history interviews, ethnographic observation, archival research, and textual criticism, A Grounded Identidad attempts to redress this oversight of traditional scholarship on Chicago by presenting not only Puerto Ricans' reconstitution from colonial subjects to second-class citizens, but also by examining the implications of this political reality on the ways in which Puerto Ricans have been racially imagined and positioned in comparison to blacks, whites, and Mexicans over time.

Grounded Innovation: Strategies for Creating Digital Products

by Lars Erik Holmquist

Grounded Innovation: Strategies for Creating Digital Products focuses on the innovation processes and technical properties of digital products. Drawing on case studies, the book looks at systematic ways to ground innovation in both technology and human needs, and it explores how digital products have become integrated in the real world. It provides guidelines to innovation in a new technical environment, including prototyping and testing, within the cultural or financial parameters of a business. The book is divided into two parts. Part 1 discusses the history and the basic properties of digital products; the different approaches to innovation; the concept of grounded innovation; and concepts and processes that are important for creating successful innovations such as inquiry, invention, and prototyping. Part 2 demonstrates how the basic properties of digital products can be used as raw material for new innovations, including interaction, networking, sensing, and proactivity. There is also a discussion on recent technology, such as rapid prototyping and mobile mash-ups. A wide variety of examples show how novel technical and conceptual innovations became commercial breakthroughs. Grounded Innovation is ideal for product designers, interaction designers, and design-oriented engineers. It will also be a valuable resource for anyone interested in understanding how digital products are created and in a general approach to information technology. Wide variety of examples show how novel technical and conceptual innovations became commercial breakthroughsProvides guidelines to innovation in a new technical environment including prototyping and testingDiscusses how to innovate within the cultural or financial parameters of a business

Grounded Theory: Zur sozialtheoretischen und epistemologischen Fundierung eines pragmatistischen Forschungsstils (Qualitative Sozialforschung)

by Jörg Strübing

Wenig wurde bislang über die erkenntnistheoretische Fundierung der Grounded Theory in der pragmatischen Sozialphilosophie und die daraus resultierenden Konsequenzen für das Verständnis der methodologischen Konzeption wie der praktischen Verfahren geschrieben. Der Band schließt diese Lücke, indem das Erkenntnismodell, ausgehend von den Arbeiten von C.S. Peirce, J. Dewey, G.H. Mead und W. James, vorgestellt und den Spuren nachgegangen wird, die dieses Modell als Geltungsbegründung in der Methodologie der Grounded Theory hinterlassen hat. Dabei geht der Text auch auf die gravierenden methodologischen Unterschiede zwischen der von Anselm L. Strauss geprägten und der von Barney G. Glaser vertretenen Variante von Grounded Theory ein und beschäftigt sich mit wesentlichen Weiterentwicklungen einer pragmatistischen Grounded Theory im Kontext postmodernen Denkens.

Grounded Theory: Zur sozialtheoretischen und epistemologischen Fundierung eines pragmatistischen Forschungsstils (Qualitative Sozialforschung)

by Jörg Strübing

Wenig wurde bislang über die erkenntnistheoretische Fundierung der Grounded Theory in der pragmatischen Sozialphilosophie und die daraus resultierenden Konsequenzen für das Verständnis der methodologischen Konzeption wie der praktischen Verfahren geschrieben. Der Band schließt diese Lücke, indem das Erkenntnismodell, ausgehend von den Arbeiten von C.S. Peirce, J. Dewey, G.H. Mead und W. James, vorgestellt und den Spuren nachgegangen wird, die dieses Modell als Geltungsbegründung in der Methodologie der Grounded Theory hinterlassen hat. Dabei geht der Text auch auf die gravierenden methodologischen Unterschiede zwischen der von Anselm L. Strauss geprägten und der von Barney G. Glaser vertretenen Variante von Grounded Theory ein und beschäftigt sich mit wesentlichen Weiterentwicklungen einer pragmatistischen Grounded Theory im Kontext postmodernen Denkens. Die vorliegende, vierte Auflage schließt zudem den aktuellen Diskurs um die Etablierung ansatzübergreifender Gütekriterien qualitativen Forschens an die Grounded Theory-immanenten Strategien zur Qualitätssicherung an. Forschende erhalten damit eine wertvolle Argumentationshilfe für die Legitimation ihrer empirischen Designs.

Grounded Theory: Zur sozialtheoretischen und epistemologischen Fundierung des Verfahrens der empirisch begründeten Theoriebildung (Qualitative Sozialforschung)

by Jörg Strübing

Das Buch führt in den Forschungsstil der Grounded Theory ein. Ausgehend vom pragmatischen Erkenntnismodell werden die basalen Regeln qualitativer Datenanalyse diskutiert und dabei auch die Divergenz der Ansätze von Anselm L. Strauss einerseits und Barney G. Glaser andererseits herausgearbeitet.

Grounded Theory: Zur sozialtheoretischen und epistemologischen Fundierung des Verfahrens der empirisch begründeten Theoriebildung (Qualitative Sozialforschung #15)

by Jörg Strübing

Das Buch führt in den Forschungsstil der Grounded Theory ein. Ausgehend vom pragmatischen Erkenntnismodell werden die basalen Regeln qualitativer Datenanalyse diskutiert und dabei auch die Divergenz der Ansätze von Anselm L. Strauss einerseits und Barney G. Glaser andererseits herausgearbeitet.

Grounded Theory and Grounded Theorizing: Pragmatism in Research Practice

by Antony Bryant

The grounded theory method is founded on a view of analysis whereby the research questions and potential hypotheses are not articulated at the outset; rather, the researcher initially seeks to gain familiarity with a research context, and only in later stages does the process become progressively more focused and targeted. As such, the grounded theory method uses familiar research tools and techniques (coding, sampling, classification) but in distinctive and innovative ways. As a result, the method is one of the most widely used-if not the most widely used-method in current qualitative research. Initially aimed at the social sciences, the grounded theory method has now spread so far that it can be found in almost any subject area or discipline in which people are observed or interviewed as participants. In Grounded Theory and Grounded Theorizing: Pragmatism in Research Practice, author Antony Bryant illustrates the key features of grounded theory method by showcasing examples from several of his most successful doctoral students. In this accessible volume, Bryant provides expert guidance on the use of grounded theory method in qualitative research by emphasizing and illustrating the essential features and background of the method for readers and researchers of all levels and competencies.

Grounded Theory and Grounded Theorizing: Pragmatism in Research Practice

by Antony Bryant

The grounded theory method is founded on a view of analysis whereby the research questions and potential hypotheses are not articulated at the outset; rather, the researcher initially seeks to gain familiarity with a research context, and only in later stages does the process become progressively more focused and targeted. As such, the grounded theory method uses familiar research tools and techniques (coding, sampling, classification) but in distinctive and innovative ways. As a result, the method is one of the most widely used-if not the most widely used-method in current qualitative research. Initially aimed at the social sciences, the grounded theory method has now spread so far that it can be found in almost any subject area or discipline in which people are observed or interviewed as participants. In Grounded Theory and Grounded Theorizing: Pragmatism in Research Practice, author Antony Bryant illustrates the key features of grounded theory method by showcasing examples from several of his most successful doctoral students. In this accessible volume, Bryant provides expert guidance on the use of grounded theory method in qualitative research by emphasizing and illustrating the essential features and background of the method for readers and researchers of all levels and competencies.

Grounded Theory Reader

by Günter Mey Katja Mruck

Der „Grounded Theory Reader“ bietet einen Überblick über die Entwicklung und den aktuellen Stand der Grounded-Theory-Methodologie, die international am weitesten verbreitete qualitative Forschungsstrategie. Die Verfahrensbegründer, Barney Glaser und Anselm Strauss, sowie Kathy Charmaz, Adele Clarke und Juliet Corbin als deren „Schülerinnen“ und zentrale Repräsentantinnen der „zweiten Generation“ stellen in Originalbeiträgen und Interviews – erstmals in deutscher Übersetzung – ihre jeweiligen Standpunkte und Arbeitsweisen vor. Zusätzlich erörtern renommierte deutschsprachige Experten und Expertinnen, neben den beiden Herausgebenden u.a. Franz Breuer, Udo Kelle, Jo Reichertz, Gerhard Riemann und Jörg Strübing, Herausforderungen der Grounded-Theory-Methodologie mit Blick sowohl auf epistemologische Voraussetzungen als auch auf deren Nutzung in der Forschungspraxis.

Grounds for Difference

by Rogers Brubaker

Offering fresh perspectives on perennial questions of ethnicity, race, nationalism, and religion, Rogers Brubaker analyzes three forces that shape the politics of diversity and multiculturalism today: inequality as a public concern, biology as an asserted basis of racial and ethnic difference, and religion as a key terrain of public contestation.

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