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Gypsy Bride: One girl's true story of falling in love with a gypsy boy

by Sam Skye Lee

'I felt like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and all the other fairy-tale princesses, and Pat was my Prince Charming.'Sam Skye Lee had often thought about getting married, but never imagined that her dress would be bright pink with flashing lights and weigh a staggering 20-stone. But then she didn't count on having a gypsy wedding...It's rare for a 'gorger', or non-traveller, to marry into the gypsy community. But after a shocking childhood tragedy, Sam found the comfort she needed from an unxpected source - Patrick and his family of travellers.Gypsy Bride is the heartwarming true story of how an ordinary girl finds herself discovering an extraordinary world. A place where 'grabbing' is a sign a boy fancies you, six-year-olds get spray tans, and christenings, weddings and funerals are jaw-droppingly flamboyant.This love story is more than boy meets girl. It's about a girl who falls in love with a whole race of people and their wonderful ways.

Gypsy Feminism: Intersectional Politics, Alliances, Gender and Queer Activism (Routledge Advances in Sociology)

by Laura Corradi

Clumsy stereotypes of the Romani and Travellers communities abound, not only culturally in programmes such as Big Fat Gypsy Weddings, but also amongst educators, social workers, administrators and the medical profession. Gypsy cultures are invariably presented as ruled by tradition and machismo. Women are presented as helpless victims, especially when it comes to gendered forms of violence. The reality, however, is much more complicated. In Gypsy Feminism, Laura Corradi demonstrates how Romaphobia – racist and anti-Gypsy rhetoric and prejudice, pervading every level of society – has led to a situation where Romani communities face multiple discrimination. In this context, the empowerment of women and girls becomes still more difficult: until recently, for example, women have largely remained silent about domestic violence in order to protect their communities, which are already under attack. Examining feminist research and action within Romani communities, Corradi demonstrates the importance of an intersectional approach in order to make visible the combination of racism and sexism that Gypsy women face every day. This concise and authoritative book will appeal to scholars and students in the areas of Sociology, Cultural Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies and Anthropology, as well as Politics, Media Studies, Social Policy, and Social Work. It is also an invaluable resource for activists, community and social service workers, and policymakers.

Gypsy Feminism: Intersectional Politics, Alliances, Gender and Queer Activism (Routledge Advances in Sociology)

by Laura Corradi

Clumsy stereotypes of the Romani and Travellers communities abound, not only culturally in programmes such as Big Fat Gypsy Weddings, but also amongst educators, social workers, administrators and the medical profession. Gypsy cultures are invariably presented as ruled by tradition and machismo. Women are presented as helpless victims, especially when it comes to gendered forms of violence. The reality, however, is much more complicated. In Gypsy Feminism, Laura Corradi demonstrates how Romaphobia – racist and anti-Gypsy rhetoric and prejudice, pervading every level of society – has led to a situation where Romani communities face multiple discrimination. In this context, the empowerment of women and girls becomes still more difficult: until recently, for example, women have largely remained silent about domestic violence in order to protect their communities, which are already under attack. Examining feminist research and action within Romani communities, Corradi demonstrates the importance of an intersectional approach in order to make visible the combination of racism and sexism that Gypsy women face every day. This concise and authoritative book will appeal to scholars and students in the areas of Sociology, Cultural Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies and Anthropology, as well as Politics, Media Studies, Social Policy, and Social Work. It is also an invaluable resource for activists, community and social service workers, and policymakers.

Gypsy Politics and Social Change: The Development of Ethnic Ideology and Pressure Politics among British Gypsies from Victorian Reformism to Romany Nationalism (Routledge Revivals)

by Thomas Acton

This book, first published in 1974, analyses the position of the Gypsies in Britain in the twentieth century, and assesses its significance in their overall history. Two dramatic shifts in Government policy towards the Gypsies are examined – in the 1880s and the 1960s – as are the changes in the stereotype of the ‘true Gypsy’. Dr Acton traces the developments of attitudes and economic conditions that gave rise to the 1970s increase in interest in Gypsies, and discusses the concomitant political and pressure group activity. He gives an account of the historical background to modern Gypsy politics; describes the postwar situation of the Gypsies in England and Wales, including pro-Gypsy pressure group activity up to 1965, and goes on to cover the campaigns of the Gypsy Council, including a sociological assessment of its work. He considers these aspects of Gypsy life in the light of modern sociological theory on minorities and race relations.

Gypsy Politics and Social Change: The Development of Ethnic Ideology and Pressure Politics among British Gypsies from Victorian Reformism to Romany Nationalism (Routledge Revivals)

by Thomas Acton

This book, first published in 1974, analyses the position of the Gypsies in Britain in the twentieth century, and assesses its significance in their overall history. Two dramatic shifts in Government policy towards the Gypsies are examined – in the 1880s and the 1960s – as are the changes in the stereotype of the ‘true Gypsy’. Dr Acton traces the developments of attitudes and economic conditions that gave rise to the 1970s increase in interest in Gypsies, and discusses the concomitant political and pressure group activity. He gives an account of the historical background to modern Gypsy politics; describes the postwar situation of the Gypsies in England and Wales, including pro-Gypsy pressure group activity up to 1965, and goes on to cover the campaigns of the Gypsy Council, including a sociological assessment of its work. He considers these aspects of Gypsy life in the light of modern sociological theory on minorities and race relations.

Gypsy Stigma and Exclusion in Turkey, 1970: The Social Dynamics of Exclusionary Violence

by G. Ozatesler Gül Özate?ler

Using an oral history approach, this book draws on Gypsy and non-Gypsy narratives to tell the story of Gypsy forced dislocation from Bayramic, a northwestern town of Turkey, in 1970. Gül Özatesler examines memory construction, the categories of Gypsyness and Turkishness, and the different perspectives and positions that emerged, considering all in relation to underlying socioeconomic structure. The book reveals how ethnic and other identities can be deployed to conceal socioeconomic and political inequalities.

H2H Marketing: The Genesis of Human-to-Human Marketing

by Philip Kotler Waldemar Pfoertsch Uwe Sponholz

In H2H Marketing the authors focus on redefining the role of marketing by reorienting the mindset of decision-makers and integrating the concepts of Design Thinking, Service-Dominant Logic and Digitalization. It’s not just technological advances that have made it necessary to revisit the way everybody thinks about marketing; customers and marketers as human decision-makers are changing, too. Therefore, having the right mindset, the right management approach and highly dynamic implementation processes is key to creating innovative and meaningful value propositions for all stakeholders. This book is essential reading for the following groups: Executives who want to bring new meaning to their lives and organizations Managers who need inspirations and evidence for their daily work in order to handle the change management needed in response to the driving forces of technology, society and ecology Professors, trainers and coaches who want to apply the latest marketing principles Students and trainees who want to prepare for the future Customers of any kind who need to distinguish between leading companies Employees of suppliers and partners who want to help their firms stand out. The authors review the status quo of marketing and outline its evolution to the new H2H Marketing. In turn, they demonstrate the new marketing paradigm with the H2H Marketing Model, which incorporates Design Thinking, Service-Dominant Logic and the latest innovations in Digitalization. With the new H2H Mindset, Trust and Brand Management and the evolution of the operative Marketing Mix to the updated, dynamic and iterative H2H Process, they offer a way for marketing to find meaning in a troubled world.

H2H Marketing: Case Studies on Human-to-Human Marketing (Springer Business Cases)

by Philip Kotler Waldemar Pfoertsch Uwe Sponholz Maximilian Haas

H2H Marketing focuses on redefining the role of marketing by reorienting the mindset of decision-makers and integrating the concepts of Design Thinking, Service-Dominant Logic and Digitalization. Following the authors' successful book on H2H Marketing, this book brings foward selected case studies showcasing various aspects of the concept, its fundamental elements, and its implementation.

H2H-Marketing – von Menschen für Menschen: Marketing mit mehr Verantwortung und Nachhaltigkeit – Konzeption und Umsetzung

by Philip Kotler Waldemar Pförtsch Uwe Sponholz

Dieses Buch zeigt, warum sich Marketing zu einem nachhaltigeren und verantwortungsvollen Handeln weiterentwickeln muss und wie das professionell gelingen kann. Unternehmen müssen heute die Beziehung zu den Menschen in den Mittelpunkt ihres unternehmerischen Wirkens setzen. Neue Angebote, Kommunikations- und Vertriebskonzepte sind dafür notwendig, um die gestiegenen Erwartungen der Menschen von heute erfüllen zu können. Für Unternehmen ist damit die große Chance verbunden, sich als proaktive Change Agents zu positionieren und eine authentische, sinnstiftende sowie verantwortungsvolle Rolle bei der Lösung der Probleme ihrer Kunden einzunehmen. Das H2H-Modell integriert dafür in einzigartiger Form aktuelle Managementkonzepte sowie Design Thinking und Service-Dominant Logic, gepaart mit den Chancen der Digitalisierung. Zugleich vereinfacht es kompliziert gewordene Marketingprozesse und implementiert fortschrittliche Management- und Entscheidungskonzepte. Die junge Generation kritisiert zu Recht, dass zu viel über Klimawandel, Nachhaltigkeit und wachsende Armut geredet, aber zu wenig gehandelt wird. Stattdessen wird der Hyperkonsum weiter angeheizt. Die Jugend legt den Finger in die Wunde. Es ist Zeit, jetzt umzudenken. Unternehmen, die dieser Botschaft keine Taten folgen lassen, werden Kunden verlieren. Wer diesen Weg in die Zukunft beschreiten will, muss bereit sein, neue Gedanken zuzulassen und den Menschen mit seinen Bedürfnissen und Erwartungen konsequent in den Mittelpunkt zu stellen. Den Leitfaden dazu bietet dieses Buch – mit gut durchdachten Konzepten und inspirierenden Beispielen.

Ha!: The Science of When We Laugh and Why

by Scott Weems

An entertaining tour of the science of humor and laughterHumor, like pornography, is famously difficult to define. We know it when we see it, but is there a way to figure out what we really find funny--and why?In this fascinating investigation into the science of humor and laughter, cognitive neuroscientist Scott Weems uncovers what's happening in our heads when we giggle, guffaw, or double over with laughter. While we typically think of humor in terms of jokes or comic timing, in Ha! Weems proposes a provocative new model. Humor arises from inner conflict in the brain, he argues, and is part of a larger desire to comprehend a complex world. Showing that the delight that comes with "getting" a punchline is closely related to the joy that accompanies the insight to solve a difficult problem, Weems explores why surprise is such an important element in humor, why computers are terrible at recognizing what's funny, and why it takes so long for a tragedy to become acceptable comedic fodder. From the role of insult jokes to the benefit of laughing for our immune system, Ha! reveals why humor is so idiosyncratic, and why how-to books alone will never help us become funnier people.Packed with the latest research, illuminating anecdotes, and even a few jokes, Ha! lifts the curtain on this most human of qualities. From the origins of humor in our brains to its life on the standup comedy circuit, this book offers a delightful tour of why humor is so important to our daily lives.

Ha!: The Science of When We Laugh and Why

by Scott Weems

An entertaining tour of the science of humor and laughter Humor, like pornography, is famously difficult to define. We know it when we see it, but is there a way to figure out what we really find funny -- and why? In this fascinating investigation into the science of humor and laughter, cognitive neuroscientist Scott Weems uncovers what's happening in our heads when we giggle, guffaw, or double over with laughter. While we typically think of humor in terms of jokes or comic timing, in Ha! Weems proposes a provocative new model. Humor arises from inner conflict in the brain, he argues, and is part of a larger desire to comprehend a complex world. Showing that the delight that comes with "getting" a punchline is closely related to the joy that accompanies the insight to solve a difficult problem, Weems explores why surprise is such an important element in humor, why computers are terrible at recognizing what's funny, and why it takes so long for a tragedy to become acceptable comedic fodder. From the role of insult jokes to the benefit of laughing for our immune system, Ha! reveals why humor is so idiosyncratic, and why how-to books alone will never help us become funnier people. Packed with the latest research, illuminating anecdotes, and even a few jokes, Ha! lifts the curtain on this most human of qualities. From the origins of humor in our brains to its life on the standup comedy circuit, this book offers a delightful tour of why humor is so important to our daily lives.

Haarige Kunst: Über den Eigensinn des Haars und das Können von Friseuren

by Hans G. Bauer Fritz Böhle

Im Mittelpunkt dieses Buches steht ein ‚Gegenstand‘, mit dem wir alle tagtäglich zu tun haben: das lebendige, so eigenwillige Haar. Jede und jeder von uns besitzt Erfahrungen mit seinem Haar, seinen Frisuren und Friseuren, ist von diesem Thema also unmittelbar betroffen und berührt.Die Autoren gehen der Frage nach, was einen ‚guten‘ Friseur ausmacht und beleuchten wenig bekannte und überraschende Seiten eines alten Berufs mit wechselhafter Geschichte und neuen Herausforderungen. Die genaue Betrachtung und Beschreibung der Arbeit des Friseurs ist in diesem Buch eingebettet in eine kulturhistorische Betrachtung der Bedeutung der Haare, der Entwicklung des Friseurberufs und in soziodemografische Daten und Einschätzungen zur aktuellen Lage des Friseurhandwerks.

Habermas and Social Research: Between Theory and Method (Routledge Advances in Sociology)

by Mark Murphy

One of the greatest contributors to the field of Sociology, Jürgen Habermas has had a wide-ranging and significant impact on understandings of social change and social conflict. He has inspired researchers in a range of disciplines with his multidimensional social theory, however an overview of his theory in applied settings is long overdue. This collection brings together in one convenient volume a set of researchers who place Jürgen Habermas’ key concepts such as colonisation, deliberation and communication at the centre of their research methodologies. Full of insight and innovation, this book is an essential read for those who want to harness the potential of Habermas’ core concepts in their own work, thereby helping to bridge the gap between theory and method in social research. Structured around three core themes, Habermas and Social Research provides a range of research case studies looking at system colonization, the politics of deliberation and communicative interactions. Issues as diverse as social movements, the digital public sphere, patient involvement, migration and preschool education, are all covered in the book, intertwined with a set of innovative approaches to theory application in social research. Designed to help researchers harness the potential of Habermas’ core concepts as methodological tools, this timely volume will prove highly useful for graduate and upper level undergraduates within the fields of theory and method, research design, public policy, education policy, urban and environmental planning.

Habermas and Social Research: Between Theory and Method (Routledge Advances in Sociology)

by Mark Murphy

One of the greatest contributors to the field of Sociology, Jürgen Habermas has had a wide-ranging and significant impact on understandings of social change and social conflict. He has inspired researchers in a range of disciplines with his multidimensional social theory, however an overview of his theory in applied settings is long overdue. This collection brings together in one convenient volume a set of researchers who place Jürgen Habermas’ key concepts such as colonisation, deliberation and communication at the centre of their research methodologies. Full of insight and innovation, this book is an essential read for those who want to harness the potential of Habermas’ core concepts in their own work, thereby helping to bridge the gap between theory and method in social research. Structured around three core themes, Habermas and Social Research provides a range of research case studies looking at system colonization, the politics of deliberation and communicative interactions. Issues as diverse as social movements, the digital public sphere, patient involvement, migration and preschool education, are all covered in the book, intertwined with a set of innovative approaches to theory application in social research. Designed to help researchers harness the potential of Habermas’ core concepts as methodological tools, this timely volume will prove highly useful for graduate and upper level undergraduates within the fields of theory and method, research design, public policy, education policy, urban and environmental planning.

Habermas, Critical Theory and Health

by Graham Scambler

The contribution of the German sociologist and philosopher Jurgen Habermas has proved seminal for attempts to understand the nature of social change in the context of global capitalism. This book provides an accessible introduction to his work and shows how his theories can be fruitfully applied to a wide range of topics in the sociology of health and illness including: * lay health knowledge * doctor-patient interaction* health care decision-making * health inequalities * new social movements in health * health care rationing * the Foucault perspective. Habermas, Critical Theory and Health will open up both new issues and new lines of empirical enquiry which will be of special interest to teachers and students of social theory and the sociology of health and illness and offers healthcare professionals new perspectives on their practice.

Habermas, Critical Theory and Health

by Graham Scambler

The contribution of the German sociologist and philosopher Jurgen Habermas has proved seminal for attempts to understand the nature of social change in the context of global capitalism. This book provides an accessible introduction to his work and shows how his theories can be fruitfully applied to a wide range of topics in the sociology of health and illness including: * lay health knowledge * doctor-patient interaction* health care decision-making * health inequalities * new social movements in health * health care rationing * the Foucault perspective. Habermas, Critical Theory and Health will open up both new issues and new lines of empirical enquiry which will be of special interest to teachers and students of social theory and the sociology of health and illness and offers healthcare professionals new perspectives on their practice.

Habermas, Foucault and the Political-Legal Discussions in China: A Discourse on Law and Democracy

by Fan Yang

This book revisits the discourse theories of Habermas and Foucault in a Chinese context. After arguing that Habermas’s Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy is too normative and idealistic, it presents Foucault’s Discourse Theory of Power Relations to illustrate the tensions between different Western discourse theories. The book then draws on the normative concept of Confucian Rationality from traditional Chinese cultural sources in order to investigate how adaptable these two discourse theories are to the Chinese society, and to balance the tension between them. Presenting these three dimensions of discourse theory, as well as the relations between them, it also uses empirical descriptions of certain facts of political-legal discussion both in traditional China and in the country’s new media age to explain, supplement and question this theoretic framework.The book asserts that, because of the diverse modes of thinking in specific cultures, there might be different normative paradigms of discorse and different political-legal discussion modes across corresponding cultural contexts. Normative discourse theories provide guidance for the practices of deliberative democracy and legal discussions, which can in turn verify, supplement, improve and challenge the normative discourse theories. In addition to demonstrating the multiple dimensions of discourse theories, this research also promotes an approach to the Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy that combines elements of both Chinese and modern society.

Habermas, Lyotard and the Concept of Justice (Edinburgh Studies in Culture and Society)

by S. Raffel

Habermas' recent work makes a major claim: to be able to determine what is the most rational thing to do. Postmodernists, notably Lyotard, have perhaps successfully belittled this claim as too positivistic. This book does not dispute the validity of the postmodern critique but it is concerned to resist the irrationality which, thus far, seems to coincide with anti-positivism. The author looks at the concept of justice, as one that is both essential to Habermas and Lyotard but is also utilized in their work only in constricted and unimaginative ways.

The Habit of Excellence: Why British Army Leadership Works

by Lt Col Langley Sharp

The official British Army book on what makes its leadership so successful, and how to become a better leader yourself - whatever your field.'An extraordinary read for any leader. Truly brilliant' General Stanley McChrystal, author of Team of Teams'Offers proven tools and strategies ... This excellent book challenges popular assumptions about British Army leadership, revealing what makes it the "gold standard"' Matthew Syed, author of Rebel Ideas'If you want to become a better leader, read this book' Eddie Jones, England rugby union coach___________________The British Army stands or falls on the quality of its leadership. The stakes couldn't be higher. In The Habit of Excellence, Lieutenant Colonel Langley Sharp MBE - head of the Centre for Army Leadership, part of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst - distils over three centuries of the Army's experience in the art, science and practice of leadership.Exploring questions that are fundamental to leadership in any area of life - how to build trust and cohesion, achieve a balance between control and delegation, and deliver results in the face of adversity - the book draws on Lt Col Sharp's own experience and the latest research in military history, business, sociology, psychology and behavioural science. We see that leadership is not about the heroic exception, but the habitual practice of doing what is right, difficult and necessary every single day to build a team, look after the people in it and work towards the next objective.This is the first time one of the world's most revered institutions has given an inside and institutional view on what makes its leadership so effective. Going far beyond the latest leadership fads, The Habit of Excellence is for any leader committed to maximising the effectiveness of their teams and unlocking the potential of their people - and themselves.___________________'Excellent. It's hard to see how any leader, whatever their field, wouldn't benefit from reading and rereading it' New Statesman'Offers lessons for all managers' Financial Times 'Valuable in any walk of life' General Sir Mike Jackson, former Chief of the General Staff 'This very readable book uncovers the skills and qualities that have made Sandhurst a byword for effective leadership. I could not recommend this exceptional book more' General The Lord David Richards, former Chief of the Defence Staff 'A terrific book - one that is full of insights and lessons that will be of enormous value to leaders in all fields!' General David Petraeus, former Director of the CIA

The Habitable City in China: Urban History in the Twentieth Century (Politics and Development of Contemporary China)

by Toby Lincoln Xu Tao

This book offers a new perspective on Chinese urban history by exploring cities as habitable spaces. China, the world’s most populous nation, is now its newest urban society, and the pace of this unprecedented historical transformation has increased in recent decades. The contributors to this book conceptualise cities as first providing the necessities of life, and then becoming places in which the quality of life can be improved. They focus on how cities have been made secure during times of instability, how their inhabitants have consumed everything from the simplest of foods to the most expensive luxuries, and how they have been planned as ideal spaces. Drawing examples from across the country, this book offers comparisons between different cities, highlights continuities across time and space—and in doing so may provide solutions to some of the problems that continue to affect Chinese cities today.

Habitat: Human Settlements in an Urban Age

by Angus M. Gunn


Habitat: Human Settlements in an Urban Age

by Angus M. Gunn

Habitat: Human Settlements in an Urban Age discusses the man-made environment and its physical setting, focusing on the urban slums of the world and rural hinterlands that caused the slums. Each chapter of this book deals with a specific issue, and the study of each issue is concluded with three questions—one answerable from the text, a second raising value questions for discussion, and a third extending the study beyond the documentation available in this text. Numerous maps, statistical charts, photographs, and end table of facts and figures are also provided to further assist in the investigation process. Topics elaborated in this text include the rural-urban system; urban frontier; rural stagnation; population; poor and rich; hazards of the environment; energy crisis; shelter for the urban millions; and planning for tomorrow. This publication is intended for secondary and tertiary students, but is also a good reference for individuals researching on the issues of habitat or human settlement.

Habitat und Habitus: Pierre Bourdieus visuelle Soziologie

by Franz Schultheis Stephan Egger Charlotte Hüser

Habitat und Habitus – ein semantischer Gleichklang, aber auch ein Verweis auf ein fehlendes Glied in der breiten internationalen und interdisziplinären Rezeption und Diskussion rund um Bourdieus Habitus-Konzept. Bisher konzentrierte sich die Rezeption des »Habitus« fast ausschließlich auf die in La distinction, den »feinen Unterschieden« vorgetragene, wie Bourdieu es selbst nannte, »Ethnographie der französischen Gegenwartsgesellschaft«. Wie defizitär, genealogisch und theoretisch, dieser Eindruck war, erschließt sich erst durch einen Blick auf die »Anfänge« Bourdieus, seine algerische Erfahrung. In diesen grundlegenden ethnografischen Forschungen entwickelte Bourdieu nicht zuletzt dank des Blicks durch den Sucher seiner intensiv eingesetzten Kamera eine spezifische Perspektive auf die innige Korrespondenz zwischen der im Habitat der Menschen vergegenständlichten und in ihrem Habitus eingefleischten gesellschaftlichen Welt. In hunderten Fotos sicherte Bourdieu die Spuren einer durch koloniale Gewalt zerstörten traditionellen Lebensform, in der Habitat und Habitus ganz so wie Muschel und Auster eine geradezu naturwüchsige Einheit bildeten. Die visuellen Zeugnisse aus dieser Frühphase seines Schaffens dienten ihm bis ans Lebensende als Anschauungsmaterial für seine theoretischen Arbeiten. Bourdieus fotografische Zeugnisse führen vor Augen, wie sich der Verlust dieser angestammten Lebenswelt in einem gebrochen Habitus der Entwurzelten niederschlägt und welches Maß an zerstörerischer Gewalt in dem vom Kolonialismus ausgelösten Clash of Civilisations zur Geltung kommt.

Habits of Distraction (Critical Inventions)

by Michael Wood

Starting with Walter Benjamin's idea of 'reception in a state of distraction' and looking briefly at some antecedents for Benjamin's thinking, this book develops a working model of distraction in interpretation. Examples are taken from film (Benjamin's test case), literature, music, painting and photography; the book closes with a 'distracted' reading of a classic work of concentration: Milton's Paradise Lost.

Habits of the Heartland: Small-Town Life in Modern America

by Lyn C. Macgregor

"So, how do Americans in a small town make community today? This book argues that there is more than one answer, and that despite the continued importance of small-town stuff traditionally associated with face-to-face communities, it makes no sense to think that contemporary technological, economic, and cultural shifts have had no impact on the ways Americans practice community life. Instead, I found that different Viroquans took different approaches to making community that reflected different confluences of moral logics—their senses of obligation to themselves, to their families, to Viroqua, and to the world beyond it, and about the importance of exercising personal agency. The biggest surprise was that these ideas about obligation and agency, and specifically about the degree to which it was necessary or good to try to bring one's life into precise conformance with a set of larger goals, turned out to have replaced more traditional markers of social belonging like occupation and ethnicity, in separating Viroquans into social groups."—from Habits of the HeartlandAlthough most Americans no longer live in small towns, images of small-town life, and particularly of the mutual support and neighborliness to be found in such places, remain powerful in our culture. In Habits of the Heartland Lyn C. Macgregor investigates how the residents of Viroqua, Wisconsin, population 4,355, create a small-town community together. Macgregor lived in Viroqua for nearly two years. During that time she gathered data in public places, attended meetings, volunteered for civic organizations, talked to residents in their workplaces and homes, and worked as a bartender at the local American Legion post.Viroqua has all the outward hallmarks of the idealized American town; the kind of place where local merchants still occupy the shops on Main Street and everyone knows everyone else. On closer examination, one finds that the town contains three largely separate social groups: Alternatives, Main Streeters, and Regulars. These categories are not based on race or ethnic origins. Rather, social distinctions in Viroqua are based ultimately on residents' ideas about what a community is and why it matters. These ideas both reflect and shape their choices as consumers, whether at the grocery store, as parents of school-age children, or in the voting booth. Living with—and listening to—the town's residents taught Macgregor that while traditional ideas about "community," especially as it was connected with living in a small town, still provided an important organizing logic for peoples' lives, there were a variety of ways to understand and create community.

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