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Habitus and Drug Using Environments: Health, Place and Lived-Experience

by Stephen Parkin

Informed by the thought of Pierre Bourdieu and framed by the philosophy of harm reduction, Habitus and Drug Using Environments provides a sociological analysis of public environments affected by injecting drug use. Drawing on ethnographic research across several locations, this book offers a qualitative and phenomenological account of the social organisation of public settings used for the preparation and administration of illicit drugs, informed by interviews with both injecting drug users and those whose employment is directly affected by public injecting drug use. With attention to current policy-related questions concerning the lived experience of ’place’ upon the health of injecting drug users, how wider social structures contribute to participation in public injecting and the manner in which participation in public injecting amplifies drug-related harm, Habitus and Drug Using Environments sheds light on the ways in which health and place interact to produce and reproduce already established hazards associated with injecting drug use. As such, it will be of interest to sociologists, geographers, criminologists and policy makers working in fields such as drug use, risk behaviours and their relation to place, and health studies.

Habitus, Ressourcen und Studienstrukturen: Passungen und Nicht-Passungen im Fachhochschulstudium

by Sabine Evertz

Wie erleben Studierende ihr Studium und wie hängt dieses Erleben mit ihren Habitusmustern und Ressourcenausstattungen zusammen? Die soziologische Studie widmet sich aus ungleichheitstheoretischer Perspektive den Passungen und Nicht-Passungen im Fachhochschulstudium. Ergründet wurden Konstellationen von Habitusmustern, Ressourcenausstattungen und Studienstrukturen. Bei den Studienstrukturen handelt es sich unter anderem um studienorganisatorische Strukturen wie die Stundenplangestaltung, um unmittelbar auf die Lehre bezogene Strukturen wie Lehrmethoden und Prüfungsformen oder auch um Strukturen, die im Besonderen das soziale Miteinander betreffen wie die Studienatmosphäre. Die Ergebnisse basieren auf der Analyse von Leitfadeninterviews mit Studierenden der Studienfächer Soziale Arbeit und Maschinenbau sowie auf der Auswertung von Wochenbüchern, die Erstsemesterstudierende in der Studieneingangsphase verfasst haben.

Habitus und Politik in Kärnten: Soziogenetische und psychogenetische Grundlagen des Systems Jörg Haider (Figurationen. Schriften zur Zivilisations- und Prozesstheorie #9)

by Christian Dorner-Hörig

Kärnten wird in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Literatur als „Sonderfall“ der österreichischen Zeitgeschichte beschrieben; der Volksgruppenkonflikt zwischen der slowenischsprachigen Minderheit und der deutschsprachigen Mehrheit, der politische Erfolg des „Dritten Lagers“ und eine politische Kultur, die mit Korruptionsskandalen, Ausgrenzung von Fremden und Diffamierung in Zusammenhang gebracht wird, ist kennzeichnend. Christian Dorner-Hörig untersucht, auf welche Weise diese Besonderheiten mit der Soziogenese und Psychogenese Kärntens zusammenhängen. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass die Etablierung eines ständischen Patrimonialismus zum Beginn der Neuzeit den Zugriff der Zentralgewalt auf die regionale Integrationsebene Kärnten behinderte. Die damit verbundene Fragmentierung des Landes in kleinere Herrschafts- und Verwaltungseinheiten begünstigte den Erhalt segmentär gefasster Figurationen ebenso wie die Herausbildung zweier in sich geschlossener Wir-Gruppen, die sich zunehmend in einer emotional aufgeladenen Konfliktspirale gegenüberstanden.

Habitus und Rational Choice: Ein Vergleich der Handlungsmodelle bei Gary S. Becker und Pierre Bourdieu (Sozialwissenschaft)

by Markus König

Markus König stellt Beckers ökonomischen Ansatz sowie die Habitus- und Feld-Theorie Bourdieus ausführlich dar und ordnet sie ideengeschichtlich ein. Er vergleicht Forschungsinhalte, Methoden und die Theorieentwicklung und bewertet die beiden Ansätze mit Blick auf diese Bereiche. Dabei zeigt sich, dass eine methodologisch widerspruchsfreie Synthese nicht hergestellt werden kann.

Habitus und Studium: Rekonstruktion und Typisierung studentischer Bildungsorientierungen

by Janika Grunau

Janika Grunau widmet sich in ihrer qualitativen Untersuchung den ‚feinen Unterschieden’ zwischen Studierenden akademischer und nicht-akademischer Herkunft und entwickelt eine aussagekräftige und konsistente Typologie. Anhand der dokumentarischen Methode rekonstruiert die Autorin vier Studierendentypen und diskutiert die Ergebnisse unter Bezugnahme auf habitus- und milieutheoretische Ansätze sowie hinsichtlich ihrer Relevanz für die hochschulische und hochschulpädagogische Praxis. Der Fokus richtet sich auf Studierende, die keine ‚akademische Normalbiografie’ aufweisen, sondern zuvor eine Berufsausbildung absolviert haben. Auf innovative Weise gelingt die Verknüpfung ungleichheitstheoretischer Perspektiven und (berufs-)pädagogischer Reflexionen.

HabitusAnalysis 1: Epistemology and Language

by Heinrich Wilhelm Schäfer

This book is the first of three volumes of HabitusAnalysis that take the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu as a starting point to develop a methodical approach to the habitus of social actors. However, the concept of habitus and Bourdieu’s approach to language are somewhat disputed while his relationist epistemology is seldom paid tribute to. The present volume therefore in its first part deals with Bourdieu’s roots in relationist Neo-Kantian philosophy, the basic traits of his relationist sociology. The second part examines Bourdieu’s theoretical and empirical work on language before elaborating its own praxeological concept of language use that opens the road to a methodically and theoretically sound reconstruction of the habitus of social actors. In the second volume of HabitusAnalysis we will carefully re-read Bourdieu’s theory in order to develop a disposition-based theory of the habitus that emphasizes the creative potential of the linkage between mental orientations and socio-structural processes, classification and classes, as well as dispositions and positions. The method presented in the third volume will facilitate a detailed empirical analysis of the creative transformations operated by the habitus in relation with the social structures of domination and the dynamics of social differentiation.

HabitusAnalysis 2 – Praxeology and Meaning: With a preface by Franz Schultheis

by Heinrich Wilhelm Schäfer

Starting from the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu, Schäfer composes a methodical approach to habitus of social actors and the logic of their praxis: Building upon the generative terms of praxeology, he focuses on identity and strategy in processes of internalization, their transformation by means of dispositional schemes, and their externalization in action. The emphasis lies on a theory of dispositions that allows a flexible understanding of identity and strategy formation in the context of social experience and the interplay with social structures. This theory is developed over the course of a three-step analysis on habitus as a network of dispositions, on the dynamics that unfold between the logic of socio-structural processes and practical logic, and on the praxeological assessment of social structures via models of fields and the social space.This book is the second of three volumes of HabitusAnalysis. While the first volume deals with the epistemological underpinnings of praxeology, this book advances Bourdieu's theory with a special focus on creativity of action in the context of social structures, thereby preparing the methodological design of empirical models in the third volume.

Habitusreflexive Beratung im Kontext von Schule: Ein Weg zu mehr Bildungsgerechtigkeit

by Dagmar Vogel

Dagmar Vogel entwickelt in ihrem Buch das Modell einer habitusreflexiven Beratung im Kontext von Schule. Dabei handelt es sich um einen theoriefundierten Gegenentwurf zu einer Beratung, die die subtilen Wirkmechanismen, die für die Benachteiligungen im Bildungswesen ursächlich sind, ausblendet und damit im schlimmsten Fall zugrunde liegende strukturelle Probleme kaschiert. In Abgrenzung dazu kann das Modell einer habitusreflexiven Beratung einen Beitrag zu einer „rationalen-demokratischen“ Pädagogik im Sinne Bourdieus leisten. Es eröffnet die Möglichkeit, Macht- und Ungleichheitsverhältnisse im schulischen Kontext zu hinterfragen, Fragen nach Gerechtigkeit und Solidarität zu stellen und den Sprachlosen eine Stimme zu geben.​

Habitussensibilität: Eine neue Anforderung an professionelles Handeln

by Tobias Sander

Habitussensibilität hat Konjunktur. Immer mehr Berufsgruppen bemühen sich, sensibel gegenüber dem Habitus ihrer Klientel zu handeln. Gleichzeitig äußern gesellschaftliche Gruppen vermehrt die Erwartung, dass Professionelle in ihrem Handeln alltagskulturelle Unterschiedlichkeiten berücksichtigen. Der Band versammelt Fallstudien zur Sozialen Arbeit, Palliativmedizin, Polizeiarbeit sowie zu diversen Lehr- und Beratungsberufen. Zuvor werden Begriff und Konzept der Habitussensibilität sowie eine (professions-)soziologische Kernfrage diskutiert: Inwieweit leiten Professionelle aus der zusätzlichen Kompetenz Habitussensibilität eine soziale Höherbewertung ihrer Arbeit ab und wie reagiert die gesellschaftliche Governance von Beruflichkeit darauf?

Habitustransformation durch Bildung: Soziale und räumliche Mobilität im Lebensverlauf türkischer Bildungsaufsteiger

by Alcay Kamis

Alcay Kamis fragt danach, wie es Angehörigen der türkischen Minderheit in Deutschland gelingt, zu Bildungsaufsteigern zu werden. Insbesondere untersucht er, welche Rolle dabei das Wohnumfeld oder der Wechsel desselben spielt. Im Rahmen narrativ-biografischer Interviews lässt der Autor den Betroffenen Raum, selbst diejenigen Zusammenhänge herzustellen, die sie für ihren Bildungserfolg als relevant betrachten. Die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass sowohl die Wohnungsausstattung als auch die ethnische Zusammensetzung der Wohngegend in ihrer Bedeutung für die Bildungskarriere von Türkischstämmigen überschätzt werden. Das „Mantra der Mischung“, das ein ethnisch nicht segregiertes Wohnumfeld als förderlich für den Spracherwerb ansieht, findet somit keine uneingeschränkte Rechtfertigung in der Empirie.

Hacker Culture and the New Rules of Innovation

by Tim Rayner

Fifteen years ago, a company was considered innovative if the CEO and board mandated a steady flow of new product ideas through the company’s innovation pipeline. Innovation was a carefully planned process, driven from above and tied to key strategic goals. Nowadays, innovation means entrepreneurship, self-organizing teams, fast ideas and cheap, customer experiments. Innovation is driven by hacking, and the world’s most innovative companies proudly display their hacker credentials. Hacker culture grew up on the margins of the computer industry. It entered the business world in the twenty-first century through agile software development, design thinking and lean startup method, the pillars of the contemporary startup industry. Startup incubators today are filled with hacker entrepreneurs, running fast, cheap experiments to push against the limits of the unknown. As corporations, not-for-profits and government departments pick up on these practices, seeking to replicate the creative energy of the startup industry, hacker culture is changing how we think about leadership, work and innovation. This book is for business leaders, entrepreneurs and academics interested in how digital culture is reformatting our economies and societies. Shifting between a big picture view on how hacker culture is changing the digital economy and a detailed discussion of how to create and lead in-house teams of hacker entrepreneurs, it offers an essential introduction to the new rules of innovation and a practical guide to building the organizations of the future.

Hacker Culture and the New Rules of Innovation

by Tim Rayner

Fifteen years ago, a company was considered innovative if the CEO and board mandated a steady flow of new product ideas through the company’s innovation pipeline. Innovation was a carefully planned process, driven from above and tied to key strategic goals. Nowadays, innovation means entrepreneurship, self-organizing teams, fast ideas and cheap, customer experiments. Innovation is driven by hacking, and the world’s most innovative companies proudly display their hacker credentials. Hacker culture grew up on the margins of the computer industry. It entered the business world in the twenty-first century through agile software development, design thinking and lean startup method, the pillars of the contemporary startup industry. Startup incubators today are filled with hacker entrepreneurs, running fast, cheap experiments to push against the limits of the unknown. As corporations, not-for-profits and government departments pick up on these practices, seeking to replicate the creative energy of the startup industry, hacker culture is changing how we think about leadership, work and innovation. This book is for business leaders, entrepreneurs and academics interested in how digital culture is reformatting our economies and societies. Shifting between a big picture view on how hacker culture is changing the digital economy and a detailed discussion of how to create and lead in-house teams of hacker entrepreneurs, it offers an essential introduction to the new rules of innovation and a practical guide to building the organizations of the future.

Hacking Capitalism: The Free and Open Source Software Movement (Routledge Research in Information Technology and Society)

by Johan Söderberg

The Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) movement demonstrates how labour can self-organise production, and, as is shown by the free operating system GNU/Linux, even compete with some of the worlds largest firms. The book examines the hopes of such thinkers as Friedrich Schiller, Karl Marx, Herbert Marcuse and Antonio Negri, in the light of the recent achievements of the hacker movement. This book is the first to examine a different kind of political activism that consists in the development of technology from below.

Hacking Capitalism: The Free and Open Source Software Movement (Routledge Research in Information Technology and Society)

by Johan Söderberg

The Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) movement demonstrates how labour can self-organise production, and, as is shown by the free operating system GNU/Linux, even compete with some of the worlds largest firms. The book examines the hopes of such thinkers as Friedrich Schiller, Karl Marx, Herbert Marcuse and Antonio Negri, in the light of the recent achievements of the hacker movement. This book is the first to examine a different kind of political activism that consists in the development of technology from below.

Hacking Cyberspace

by David J. Gunkel

In Hacking Cyberspace David J. Gunkel examines the metaphors applied to new technologies, and how those metaphors inform, shape, and drive the implementation of the technology in question. The author explores the metaphorical tropes that have been employed to describe and evaluate recent advances in computer technology, telecommunications systems, and interactive media. Taking the stance that no speech is value-neutral, Gunkel examines such metaphors as "the information superhighway" and "the electronic frontier" for their political and social content, and he develops a critical investigation that not only traces the metaphors' conceptual history, but explicates their implications and consequences for technological development. Through Hacking Cyberspace, David J. Gunkel develops a sophisticated understanding of new technology that takes into account the effect of technoculture's own discursive techniques and maneuvers on the actual form of technological development.

Hacking Europe: From Computer Cultures to Demoscenes (History of Computing)

by Gerard Alberts Ruth Oldenziel

Hacking Europe traces the user practices of chopping games in Warsaw, hacking software in Athens, creating chaos in Hamburg, producing demos in Turku, and partying with computing in Zagreb and Amsterdam. Focusing on several European countries at the end of the Cold War, the book shows the digital development was not an exclusively American affair. Local hacker communities appropriated the computer and forged new cultures around it like the hackers in Yugoslavia, Poland and Finland, who showed off their tricks and creating distinct “demoscenes.” Together the essays reflect a diverse palette of cultural practices by which European users domesticated computer technologies. Each chapter explores the mediating actors instrumental in introducing and spreading the cultures of computing around Europe. More generally, the “ludological” element--the role of mischief, humor, and play--discussed here as crucial for analysis of hacker culture, opens new vistas for the study of the history of technology.

Hafen versus Stadt: Konfliktanalyse der Flächenkonkurrenz zwischen Hafenwirtschaft und Stadtentwicklung in Hamburg (Stadt, Raum und Gesellschaft)

by Oliver Lieber

Oliver Lieber untersucht den Konflikt zwischen der Hafenwirtschaft und der Stadtentwicklung in Hamburg. Er zeigt detailliert, dass Schwierigkeiten einer urbanen Nutzung an der Schnittstelle von Hafen und Stadt in der öffentlichen Debatte unterschätzt werden und dass der Konflikt mit Nutzeneinbußen für alle Seiten verbunden ist. Der Autor erläutert den komplexen rechtlichen Rahmen der Hafenplanung in Hamburg und diskutiert städtische Investitionen in den Hafen. Darüber hinaus untersucht er die Rahmenbedingungen im Hinblick auf das Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz und zum Störfallschutz sowie ihre Auswirkungen. Die detaillierte empirische Untersuchung des Konflikts zeigt, dass dieser sich seit 2000 deutlich verschärft hat, wozu insbesondere konkrete Anlässe zur Stadtentwicklung, bspw. die Olympiabewerbungen, beigetragen haben.

Hairy Hippies and Bloody Butchers: The Greenpeace Anti-Whaling Campaign in Norway (Protest, Culture & Society #21)

by Juliane Riese

In the popular imagination, no issue has been more closely linked with the environmental group Greenpeace than whaling. Opposition to commercial whaling has inspired many of the organization’s most dramatic and high-profile “direct actions”—as well as some of its most notable failures. This book provides an inside look at one such instance: Greenpeace’s decades-long campaign against the Norwegian whaling industry. Combining historical narrative with systems-theory analysis, author Juliane Riese shows how the organization’s self-presentation as a David pitted against whale-butchering Goliaths was turned on its head. She recounts how opponents successfully discredited the campaign while Greenpeace struggled with internal disagreements and other organizational challenges, providing valuable lessons for other protest movements.

Haiti-Haitii: Philosophical Reflections for Mental Decolonization

by Jean-Bertrand Aristide

In Haiti - Haitii Jean-Bertrand Aristide combines the artistry of Swahili with the poetic incisiveness of his native Kreyol to produce an eloquent critique of colonialism and an affirmation of humanist principles. Aristide uses poetry, prose and proverbs to tell the epic story of Haiti, the world's first independent Black republic. He chronicles the brutality of the colonisers and the ways in which they attempted to dehumanise Haitians. Aristide illustrates how Haitians' 300-year journey to freedom has been guided by the African philosophy of Ubuntu, a world view that emphasises human solidarity. Today, Aristide writes, it is this same philosophy that can empower a new generation of Africans to resist neo-colonialism. This book is the inspiring inside story of the country which has both suffered in unimaginable ways and dared to dream of freedom. It will be essential reading for all those interested in the past, present and future of Haiti and the prospects for national liberation across the world in the 21st century.

Haiti-Haitii: Philosophical Reflections for Mental Decolonization

by Jean-Bertrand Aristide

In Haiti - Haitii Jean-Bertrand Aristide combines the artistry of Swahili with the poetic incisiveness of his native Kreyol to produce an eloquent critique of colonialism and an affirmation of humanist principles. Aristide uses poetry, prose and proverbs to tell the epic story of Haiti, the world's first independent Black republic. He chronicles the brutality of the colonisers and the ways in which they attempted to dehumanise Haitians. Aristide illustrates how Haitians' 300-year journey to freedom has been guided by the African philosophy of Ubuntu, a world view that emphasises human solidarity. Today, Aristide writes, it is this same philosophy that can empower a new generation of Africans to resist neo-colonialism. This book is the inspiring inside story of the country which has both suffered in unimaginable ways and dared to dream of freedom. It will be essential reading for all those interested in the past, present and future of Haiti and the prospects for national liberation across the world in the 21st century.

Halal aus Sicht der muslimischen Bevölkerung: Eine Studie über kaufentscheidende Werte, Motive und Einstellungen (Studien zum Marketing natürlicher Ressourcen)

by Felicitas Senitza Julia Anna Jungmair Siegfried Pöchtrager

Der globale Wachstumsmarkt „Halal“ hat sich im österreichischen Lebensmitteleinzelhandel noch nicht etablieren können. Dabei liegt in der Zunahme des Anteils der Muslime in der Bevölkerung auch enormes Marktpotenzial. Mit einem prüfenden Blick auf das Einkaufsverhalten muslimischer Bevölkerungsgruppen, ihren Motiven, Werten und Einstellungen gegenüber Halal findet diese qualitative Studie praxistaugliche Antworten auf die steigende Nachfrage nach halal-konformen Lebensmitteln.

The Halal Frontier: Muslim Consumers in a Globalized Market (Contemporary Anthropology of Religion)

by J. Fischer

In The Halal Frontier Johan Fischer shows that halal (literally lawful or permitted) is no longer an expression of esoteric forms of production, trade and consumption, but part of an expanding globalised market. This book explores modern forms of halal understanding and practice in the halal consumption of middle-class Malays in the diaspora.

Half a Citizen: Life on welfare in Australia

by Sonia Martin Suellen Murray Greg Marston Jenny Chalmers John Murphy

'This important and illuminating book provides a powerful and harrowing depiction of the inadequacies of the Australian welfare system. Its findings challenge the foundations and direction of the welfare reform agenda.' - Professor Peter Saunders, University of New South Wales'This major new study challenges many myths about life on welfare and in low paid work. It should be read by anyone concerned with welfare reform.' - Jane Millar, Professor of Social Policy, University of BathWhat is it really like to be unemployed and on welfare? How do you make ends meet? Does the welfare system actually help people get back into jobs?Half a Citizen draws on in-depth interviews with 150 welfare recipients to reveal people struggling to get by on a low income, the anxieties of balancing paid work with income support, and how unstable housing makes it difficult to get ahead.By investigating the lives beyond the statistics, Half a Citizen also explodes powerful myths and assumptions on which welfare policy is based. The majority of welfare recipients interviewed are very active, in paid work, caring for children or for other family members, and they see themselves as contributing and participating citizens, even if they sometimes feel they are being treated as 'half a citizen'. These stories of resilience and passion bear no resemblance to the clich d images of dependence, laziness, and social isolation which underpin social policy and media debate.

Half a Citizen: Life on welfare in Australia

by Sonia Martin Suellen Murray Greg Marston Jenny Chalmers John Murphy

'This important and illuminating book provides a powerful and harrowing depiction of the inadequacies of the Australian welfare system. Its findings challenge the foundations and direction of the welfare reform agenda.' - Professor Peter Saunders, University of New South Wales'This major new study challenges many myths about life on welfare and in low paid work. It should be read by anyone concerned with welfare reform.' - Jane Millar, Professor of Social Policy, University of BathWhat is it really like to be unemployed and on welfare? How do you make ends meet? Does the welfare system actually help people get back into jobs?Half a Citizen draws on in-depth interviews with 150 welfare recipients to reveal people struggling to get by on a low income, the anxieties of balancing paid work with income support, and how unstable housing makes it difficult to get ahead.By investigating the lives beyond the statistics, Half a Citizen also explodes powerful myths and assumptions on which welfare policy is based. The majority of welfare recipients interviewed are very active, in paid work, caring for children or for other family members, and they see themselves as contributing and participating citizens, even if they sometimes feel they are being treated as 'half a citizen'. These stories of resilience and passion bear no resemblance to the clich d images of dependence, laziness, and social isolation which underpin social policy and media debate.

Half The Sky: How to Change the World

by Nicholas D. Kristof Sheryl WuDunn

Pulitzer Prize-winning reporting team, husband and wife Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, take us on a journey through Africa and Asia to meet an extraordinary array of exceptional women struggling against terrible circumstances. More girls have been killed in the last fifty years, precisely because they are girls, than men were killed in all the wars of the twentieth century combined. More girls are killed in this routine 'gendercide' in any one decade than people were slaughtered in all the genocides of the twentieth century. In the nineteenth century, the central moral challenge was slavery. In the twentieth, it was totalitarianism. In the twenty-first, Kristof and WuDunn demonstrate, it will be the struggle for gender equality in the developing world. Fierce, moral, pragmatic, full of amazing stories of courage and inspiration, HALF THE SKY is essential reading for every global citizen.

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