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Heroic Leadership: An Influence Taxonomy of 100 Exceptional Individuals (Leadership: Research and Practice)
by Scott T. Allison George R. GoethalsHeroic Leadership is a celebration of our greatest heroes, from legends such as Mahatma Gandhi to the legions of unsung heroes who transform our world quietly behind the scenes. The authors argue that all great heroes are also great leaders. The term ‘heroic leadership’ is coined to describe how heroism and leadership are intertwined, and how our most cherished heroes are also our most transforming leaders. This book offers a new conceptual framework for understanding heroism and heroic leadership, drawing from theories of great leadership and heroic action. Ten categories of heroism are described: Trending Heroes, Transitory Heroes, Transparent Heroes, Transitional Heroes, Tragic Heroes, Transposed Heroes, Transitional Heroes, Traditional Heroes, Transforming Heroes, and Transcendent Heroes. The authors describe the lives of 100 exceptional individuals whose accomplishments place them into one of these ten hero categories. These 100 hero profiles offer supporting evidence for a new integration of theories of leadership and theories of heroism.
Heroic Leadership: An Influence Taxonomy of 100 Exceptional Individuals (Leadership: Research and Practice)
by Scott T. Allison George R. GoethalsHeroic Leadership is a celebration of our greatest heroes, from legends such as Mahatma Gandhi to the legions of unsung heroes who transform our world quietly behind the scenes. The authors argue that all great heroes are also great leaders. The term ‘heroic leadership’ is coined to describe how heroism and leadership are intertwined, and how our most cherished heroes are also our most transforming leaders. This book offers a new conceptual framework for understanding heroism and heroic leadership, drawing from theories of great leadership and heroic action. Ten categories of heroism are described: Trending Heroes, Transitory Heroes, Transparent Heroes, Transitional Heroes, Tragic Heroes, Transposed Heroes, Transitional Heroes, Traditional Heroes, Transforming Heroes, and Transcendent Heroes. The authors describe the lives of 100 exceptional individuals whose accomplishments place them into one of these ten hero categories. These 100 hero profiles offer supporting evidence for a new integration of theories of leadership and theories of heroism.
Heroin, Acting, and Comedy in New York City
by Barry SpuntThis book focuses on New York City-based actors and comedians who are self-acknowledged heroin users. Barry Spunt examines a number of hypotheses about the reasons why actors and comedians use heroin as well as the impact of heroin on performance, creativity, and career trajectory. A primary concern of the book is the role that subculture and identity play in helping us to understand the heroin use of these entertainers. Spunt captures the voices of actors and comedians through narrative accounts from a variety of secondary sources. He also examines how New York-based films about heroin relate to the major themes of his research.
Heroin and Music in New York City
by B. SpuntUsing narrative accounts from a sample of 69 New York City-based musicians of various genres who are self-acknowledged heroin users, the book addresses the reasons why these musicians started using heroin and the impact heroin had on these musicians' playing, creativity, and careers.
Heroines of Sport: The Politics of Difference and Identity
by Jennifer HargreavesHeroines of Sport looks closely at different groups of women whose stories have been excluded from previous accounts of women's sports and female heroism. It focuses on five specific groups of women from different places in the world: Black women in South Africa; Muslim women from the Middle East; Aboriginal women from Australia and Canada; and lesbian and disabled women from different countries worldwide. It also asks searching questions about colonialism and neo-colonialism in the women's international sport movement.The particular groups of women featured in the book reflect the need to look at specific categories of difference relating to class, culture, disability, ethnicity, race, religion and sexual orientation. In her account, Jennifer Hargreaves reveals how the participation of women in sport across the world is tied to their sense of difference and identity. Based on original research each chapter includes material which relates to significant political and cultural developments.Heroines of Sport will be invaluable reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students of sport sociology, and will also be relevant for students working in women's studies and other specialized fields, such as development studies or the politics of Aboriginality, disability, Islam, race and sexuality.
Heroines of Sport: The Politics of Difference and Identity
by Jennifer HargreavesHeroines of Sport looks closely at different groups of women whose stories have been excluded from previous accounts of women's sports and female heroism. It focuses on five specific groups of women from different places in the world: Black women in South Africa; Muslim women from the Middle East; Aboriginal women from Australia and Canada; and lesbian and disabled women from different countries worldwide. It also asks searching questions about colonialism and neo-colonialism in the women's international sport movement.The particular groups of women featured in the book reflect the need to look at specific categories of difference relating to class, culture, disability, ethnicity, race, religion and sexual orientation. In her account, Jennifer Hargreaves reveals how the participation of women in sport across the world is tied to their sense of difference and identity. Based on original research each chapter includes material which relates to significant political and cultural developments.Heroines of Sport will be invaluable reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students of sport sociology, and will also be relevant for students working in women's studies and other specialized fields, such as development studies or the politics of Aboriginality, disability, Islam, race and sexuality.
Heroism and Gender in War Films
by Karen A. RitzenhoffFilmic constructions of war heroism have a profound impact on public perceptions of conflicts. Here, contributors examine the ways motifs of gender and heroism in war films are used to justify ideological positions, shape the understanding of the military conflicts, support political agendas and institutions, and influence collective memory.
Heroism and Wellbeing in the 21st Century: Applied and Emerging Perspectives (Researching Social Psychology)
by Olivia Efthimiou Scott T. Allison Zeno E. FrancoOffering a holistic take on an emerging field, this edited collection examines how heroism manifests, is appropriated, and is constructed in a broad range of settings and from a variety of disciplines and perspectives. Psychologists, educators, lawyers, researchers and cultural analysts consider how heroism intersects with wellbeing, and how we still use—and even abuse—heroism as a vehicle to thrive and prosper in the everyday and in the face of the most unbearable situations. Highlighting some of the most pressing issues in today’s world—including genocide, racism, deceitful business practices, bystanderism, mental health, unethical governance and the global refugee crisis—this book applies a critical psychological perspective in synthesizing the social construction of heroism and wellbeing, contributing to the development of global wellbeing indicators and measures.
Heroism and Wellbeing in the 21st Century: Applied and Emerging Perspectives (Researching Social Psychology)
by Olivia Efthimiou Scott T. Allison Zeno E. FrancoOffering a holistic take on an emerging field, this edited collection examines how heroism manifests, is appropriated, and is constructed in a broad range of settings and from a variety of disciplines and perspectives. Psychologists, educators, lawyers, researchers and cultural analysts consider how heroism intersects with wellbeing, and how we still use—and even abuse—heroism as a vehicle to thrive and prosper in the everyday and in the face of the most unbearable situations. Highlighting some of the most pressing issues in today’s world—including genocide, racism, deceitful business practices, bystanderism, mental health, unethical governance and the global refugee crisis—this book applies a critical psychological perspective in synthesizing the social construction of heroism and wellbeing, contributing to the development of global wellbeing indicators and measures.
The Hero's Fight: African Americans in West Baltimore and the Shadow of the State
by Patricia Fernández-KellyBaltimore was once a vibrant manufacturing town, but today, with factory closings and steady job loss since the 1970s, it is home to some of the most impoverished neighborhoods in America. The Hero's Fight provides an intimate look at the effects of deindustrialization on the lives of Baltimore’s urban poor, and sheds critical light on the unintended consequences of welfare policy on our most vulnerable communities.Drawing on her own uniquely immersive brand of fieldwork, conducted over the course of a decade in the neighborhoods of West Baltimore, Patricia Fernández-Kelly tells the stories of people like D. B. Wilson, Big Floyd, Towanda, and others whom the American welfare state treats with a mixture of contempt and pity—what Fernández-Kelly calls "ambivalent benevolence." She shows how growing up poor in the richest nation in the world involves daily interactions with agents of the state, an experience that differs significantly from that of more affluent populations. While ordinary Americans are treated as citizens and consumers, deprived and racially segregated populations are seen as objects of surveillance, containment, and punishment. Fernández-Kelly provides new insights into such topics as globalization and its effects on industrial decline and employment, the changing meanings of masculinity and femininity among the poor, social and cultural capital in poor neighborhoods, and the unique roles played by religion and entrepreneurship in destitute communities.Blending compelling portraits with in-depth scholarly analysis, The Hero’s Fight explores how the welfare state contributes to the perpetuation of urban poverty in America.
The Hero's Fight: African Americans in West Baltimore and the Shadow of the State
by Patricia Fernández-KellyBaltimore was once a vibrant manufacturing town, but today, with factory closings and steady job loss since the 1970s, it is home to some of the most impoverished neighborhoods in America. The Hero's Fight provides an intimate look at the effects of deindustrialization on the lives of Baltimore’s urban poor, and sheds critical light on the unintended consequences of welfare policy on our most vulnerable communities.Drawing on her own uniquely immersive brand of fieldwork, conducted over the course of a decade in the neighborhoods of West Baltimore, Patricia Fernández-Kelly tells the stories of people like D. B. Wilson, Big Floyd, Towanda, and others whom the American welfare state treats with a mixture of contempt and pity—what Fernández-Kelly calls "ambivalent benevolence." She shows how growing up poor in the richest nation in the world involves daily interactions with agents of the state, an experience that differs significantly from that of more affluent populations. While ordinary Americans are treated as citizens and consumers, deprived and racially segregated populations are seen as objects of surveillance, containment, and punishment. Fernández-Kelly provides new insights into such topics as globalization and its effects on industrial decline and employment, the changing meanings of masculinity and femininity among the poor, social and cultural capital in poor neighborhoods, and the unique roles played by religion and entrepreneurship in destitute communities.Blending compelling portraits with in-depth scholarly analysis, The Hero’s Fight explores how the welfare state contributes to the perpetuation of urban poverty in America.
Herrschaft in der modernen Gesellschaft: Zur Bedeutung des Organisationsverhältnisses in kritischen Theorien der Gesellschaft
by Michael BruchIm Wissenschafts- wie im Alltagsdiskurs wird Organisation in der Regel als neutrale und ubiquitäre Form der Koordination arbeitsteiliger Kooperation begriffen. Entgegen dieser Bestimmung stellt die vorliegende Arbeit den Versuch dar, Organisation über eine Historisierung als theoretische Kategorie für eine politökonomisch angeleitete Herrschaftstheorie der modernen Gesellschaft fruchtbar zu machen. Mittels des Begriffs des Organisationsverhältnisses wird eine herrschaftstheoretische Rekonstruktion der modernen Gesellschaft vorgenommen und zugleich gezeigt, dass in zentralen Theorien der modernen Gesellschaft Organisation, ohne dort als theoretische Kategorie ausgearbeitet zu sein, durchweg einen zentralen Bezugspunkt bei der Analyse moderner Herrschaft bildet.
Herrschaft und soziale Ordnung: Kritische Rekonstruktion und Weiterführung der individualistischen Theorietradition
by Andrea MaurerHerrschaft als Grundthema moderner Gesellschaften verweist auf das Spannungsverhältnis von individueller Freiheit zu sozialer Ordnung und damit auf die Möglichkeiten einer sozialen Handlungskoordination. Ausgehend von dieser Problemstellung werden die klassischen Beiträge von Hobbes über Weber bis hin zu Coleman rekonstruiert und als 'individualistische Traditionslinie' zusammengefaßt. Vor allem in der Auseinandersetzung mit der Herrschaftssoziologie Webers werden die Erklärungskraft aber auch die Implikationen und Restriktionen dieser Theorietradition herausgearbeitet und deren Konsequenzen für die gegenwärtige Forschung aufgezeigt. Im Anschluß daran wird Herrschaft als ein sozialer Koordinationsmechanismus behandelt, den Akteure zur Bewältigung von Handlungsproblemen schaffen, dessen Erhalt aber wiederum aus individuellen Handlungsentscheidungen abzuleiten ist. Zur Weiterführung der aufgewiesenen Traditionslinie wird dafür plädiert, sowohl die Entstehungs- wie auch die Bestandsbedingungen einer herrschaftlichen Handlungskoordination zum Gegenstand theoretischer Überlegungen und empirischer Forschungen zu machen.
Herrschaft und Technik: Entscheidungsträgerschaft im Wandel
by Doris BlutnerTechnik, so vermuteten wir lange, beherrsche uns, weil ihre Entwicklung einer eigendynamischen Logik folgt, die uns als außergesellschaftliches Faktum erschien, die gesellschaftliche Entwicklung bestimmt. Technik, so behaupteten wir später, sei maßgeblich Resultat akteursbezogener Wirklichkeitskonstruktionen und akteursbezogenen Handelns. Technik, so denken wir heute, ist in ihren Wirkungen nicht mittels technikdeterministischer oder sozialdeterministischer Vorannahmen zu entschlüsseln. Beim genauen Hinsehen offenbart sie sich uns vielmehr als kontingentes Resultat sozialer Innovationsprozesse, das das Potential hat, auf sozioökonomische und institutionelle Wandlungsprozesse Einfluss zu nehmen.Das vorliegende Buch schlüsselt diese Ansätze auf und ist auch als Lehrbuch zu lesen, um sich mit den verschiedenen Strömungen, Irrtümern und Erkenntnissen der Techniksoziologie vertraut zu machen. Die Fallstudien bieten Anregungen für weitere Forschungsvorhaben.
Herrschaftstheorien und Herrschaftsphänomene
by Hartmut AdenHerrschaft gilt als eine der wichtigsten Kategorien der Politischen Theorie. Lange Zeit spielten herrschaftstheoretische und -kritische Fragestellungen in Forschungsprojekten und Publikationen der Politikwissenschaft und ihrer Nachbardisziplinen (Soziologie, Rechtswissenschaften u.a.) eine zentrale Rolle. Inzwischen bestimmen andere Kategorien wie Governance oder Steuerung Konzeption und Fragestellungen vieler Forschungsvorhaben und Publikationen. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser Entwicklung fragen die Beiträge dieses Buches nach der Aktualität der Kategorie Herrschaft sowie der mit ihr beschriebenen politischen und gesellschaftlichen Asymmetrien. Teils aus theoretischer, teils aus empirischer Perspektive nehmen die Autoren eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme herrschaftstheoretischer Ansätze vor und untersuchen neuere Entwicklungen von Herrschaftsphänomen. Schwerpunkte bilden Beiträge zur Europäisierung und Globalisierung von Herrschaftsverhältnissen, zu den Herrschaftsfunktionen staatlicher Institutionen (Polizei, Geheimdienste usw.) sowie zur Arbeitswelt und zur Reichtumsverteilung. Mehrere Autoren bearbeiten diese Fragen aus einer interdisziplinären politik- und rechtswissenschaftlichen Perspektive.
Herspace: Women, Writing, and Solitude
by J Dianne Garner Victoria Boynton Jo MalinThis collection delves deeply into the power of solitude in a richly detailed exploration of the lives of women writers! The essays in this fascinating volume combine literary theory, autobiography, performance, and criticism, while opening minds and expanding concepts of women's roles both in the home and within academia along the way. Herspace: Women, Writing, and Solitude begins with a discussion of the importance of solitude to the works of a variety of writers, including Margaret Atwood, May Sarton, Virginia Woolf, Marguerite Duras, and Zora Neale Hurston, and then moves on to an examination of the actual solitary spaces of women writers. The book concludes with the stories of modern women asserting their right to a space of their own. These essays, full of pain and new growth, lessons learned and battles fought, resound with the honesty and courage the authors have found in the process of truly making their own homes. Herspace examines: the stereotyped spinster solitude as a process and a journey women's prison literature cars, empty nests, kitchen counters, and other found spaces for writing the meaning of a home of one's own creating beauty in solitary settings Contributors to Herspace have made a conscious effort to integrate the personal with the academic, and the result is a volume of surprising intimacy, a window into the world of women writers past and present actively engaging solitude. From finding and defining the muse to the identity issues of home ownership, Herspace, which includes Jan Wellington's essay "What to Make of Missing Children (A Life Slipping into Fiction)," (winner of the 2003 NCTE Donald Murray Prize for "the best creative essay about teaching and/or writing published during the preceding year") provides you with the perspectives of women who are living these issues. As the editors write: "The solitary space itself enables the writing process, protects it. And women, more than men, need this enabling protection. Women need to claim their own space, to bargain and plan and keep out of sight that solitary space in which to commune with their thoughts and feelings, to experience their creative process intimately." Herspace explores these women's experiences, revealing the unique creativity that comes from solitude.
Herspace: Women, Writing, and Solitude
by J Dianne Garner Victoria Boynton Jo MalinThis collection delves deeply into the power of solitude in a richly detailed exploration of the lives of women writers! The essays in this fascinating volume combine literary theory, autobiography, performance, and criticism, while opening minds and expanding concepts of women's roles both in the home and within academia along the way. Herspace: Women, Writing, and Solitude begins with a discussion of the importance of solitude to the works of a variety of writers, including Margaret Atwood, May Sarton, Virginia Woolf, Marguerite Duras, and Zora Neale Hurston, and then moves on to an examination of the actual solitary spaces of women writers. The book concludes with the stories of modern women asserting their right to a space of their own. These essays, full of pain and new growth, lessons learned and battles fought, resound with the honesty and courage the authors have found in the process of truly making their own homes. Herspace examines: the stereotyped spinster solitude as a process and a journey women's prison literature cars, empty nests, kitchen counters, and other found spaces for writing the meaning of a home of one's own creating beauty in solitary settings Contributors to Herspace have made a conscious effort to integrate the personal with the academic, and the result is a volume of surprising intimacy, a window into the world of women writers past and present actively engaging solitude. From finding and defining the muse to the identity issues of home ownership, Herspace, which includes Jan Wellington's essay "What to Make of Missing Children (A Life Slipping into Fiction)," (winner of the 2003 NCTE Donald Murray Prize for "the best creative essay about teaching and/or writing published during the preceding year") provides you with the perspectives of women who are living these issues. As the editors write: "The solitary space itself enables the writing process, protects it. And women, more than men, need this enabling protection. Women need to claim their own space, to bargain and plan and keep out of sight that solitary space in which to commune with their thoughts and feelings, to experience their creative process intimately." Herspace explores these women's experiences, revealing the unique creativity that comes from solitude.
Herstellung und Reproduktion sozialer Grenzen: Roma in einer westdeutschen Großstadt (Forschung Gesellschaft)
by Ute KochTrotz einer Vielzahl an Veröffentlichungen zu Sinti und Roma sind bislang kaum empirische Forschungen auf der Basis von teilnehmender Beobachtung und Interviews durchgeführt worden. Eine Analyse der Beschaffenheit der angetroffenen Barrieren fand bisher nicht statt. In einer ethnographischen Fallstudie untersucht Ute Koch die Zuwanderung einer Gruppe von Roma aus dem ehemaligen Jugoslawien in eine westdeutsche Großstadt im Verlauf der 1980er Jahre und ihre anschließende Lebensführung. Anstatt von der Differenz von Kulturen auszugehen, fragt die Autorin, wie soziale Grenzen zwischen Roma und Nicht-Roma hergestellt und reproduziert werden, wie die Interagierenden diese Grenzziehungen deutlich machen und was sie im jeweiligen Kontext bedeuten.
Heteroactivism: Resisting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Rights and Equalities
by Catherine Jean Nash Kath BrowneAround the world, LGBTQ+ activists have won an unprecedented series of political victories, from marriage equality to increased representation in government. But this success has sparked a backlash. While there has been much scrutiny of the role of the Christian right in opposing LGBTQ+ equality in the US, the backlash goes far beyond these traditional elements, and also extends beyond the US to countries including the UK, Ireland and Canada.In this book, Nash and Brown consider the rise of the new 'heteroactivism', showing how social media and new sources of funding have reinvigorated the opponents of LGBTQ+ rights. They also show how the rhetoric and tactics of this new generation of heteroactivists differs from that of their predecessors, exploiting notions of 'parental rights' and freedom of speech to assert heteronormative values in spaces ranging from schools to workplaces. They also reveal the increasingly transnational nature of anti- LGBTQ+ activism, with growing links between heteroactivists in the US, UK and beyond.
Heteroactivism: Resisting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Rights and Equalities
by Catherine Jean Nash Kath BrowneAround the world, LGBTQ+ activists have won an unprecedented series of political victories, from marriage equality to increased representation in government. But this success has sparked a backlash. While there has been much scrutiny of the role of the Christian right in opposing LGBTQ+ equality in the US, the backlash goes far beyond these traditional elements, and also extends beyond the US to countries including the UK, Ireland and Canada.In this book, Nash and Brown consider the rise of the new 'heteroactivism', showing how social media and new sources of funding have reinvigorated the opponents of LGBTQ+ rights. They also show how the rhetoric and tactics of this new generation of heteroactivists differs from that of their predecessors, exploiting notions of 'parental rights' and freedom of speech to assert heteronormative values in spaces ranging from schools to workplaces. They also reveal the increasingly transnational nature of anti- LGBTQ+ activism, with growing links between heteroactivists in the US, UK and beyond.
Heterogene Akteure als Innovationspartner: Zur Strukturierung von Handeln in industriellen Innovationsprojekten (Dortmunder Beiträge zur Sozialforschung)
by Katrin HahnInnovationsprojekte werden als unsichere und offene Prozesse beschrieben, da sich der Weg von einer ersten Idee bis zur dahin nicht eindeutig definierbaren, marktfähigen Neuheit nicht im Detail vorausplanen lässt. Die Komplexität des Innovationsvorhabens erhöht sich, wenn heterogene, eigenständige Akteure daran beteiligt sind. In diesem Fall müssen neben räumlichen Distanzen auch disziplinäre Spezifika und unterschiedliche Zeitvorstellungen überwunden werden, um ein notwendiges Maß an Abstimmung und Verbindlichkeit zu erzielen. Katrin Hahn diskutiert sowohl theoretisch als auch empirisch die Herausforderungen von Innovationskooperationen zwischen heterogenen Akteuren und zeigt die Grenzen bestehender Erklärungsansätze auf. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Innovationskooperationen zwischen forschungsintensiven und nicht-forschungsintensiven Partnern. Anhand der drei Dimensionen Raum, Zeit und Diskurs beschreibt sie die Komplexität solcher Projekte sowie die Heterogenität der Akteure und identifiziert Mechanismen, mit denen die Akteure diese überwinden und Abstimmung und Verbindlichkeit bei voraussetzungsvollen Innovationsvorhaben herstellen.
The Heterogeneity Link of the Welfare State and Redistribution: Ethnic Heterogeneity, Welfare State Policies, Poverty, and Inequality in High Income Countries
by Udaya R. WagléThis book situates ethnic heterogeneity in the larger discussion of the welfare state and its redistributive outcomes, poverty and inequality. By using comprehensive, longitudinal data covering 1980 to 2010 from 17 high income countries, this analysis helps achieve a major milestone in comparative welfare state research both conceptually and methodologically. Conceptually, it elevates the relevance of growing ethnic heterogeneity in thinking about how politics and economics of the welfare state operate, collectively impacting the magnitudes of poverty and inequality. Methodologically, the analysis conducted in this book provides broader empirical tests for the many propositions and discourses found in the literature based largely on anecdotal evidence, case studies, and unjustifiably limited quantitative data. The innovative oeprationalization of the multidimensional character of both welfare state policies and ethnic heterogeneity help broaden the analytical frameworks of comparative welfare state research.The outcome is a major advance in the way we understand the causes and redistributive consequences of the welfare state, in which ethno-racial, religious, and especially immigration heterogeneity can play a crucial role. A thorough and insightful analysis presented in this book helps students, researchers, and policymakers better understand the ethnic heterogeneity connections of the welfare state and redistribution, together with a comparative perspective of the changing faces of ethnic heterogeneity, welfare state policies, and poverty and inequality in high income countries.
Heterogeneous Data Management, Polystores, and Analytics for Healthcare: VLDB 2019 Workshops, Poly and DMAH, Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 30, 2019, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11721)
by Vijay Gadepally Timothy Mattson Michael Stonebraker Fusheng Wang Gang Luo Yanhui Laing Alevtina DubovitskayaThis book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings for the VLBD conference workshops entitled: Towards Polystores That Manage Multiple Databases, Privacy, Security and/or Policy Issues for Heterogenous Data (Poly 2019) and the Fifth International Workshop on Data Management and Analytics for Medicine and Healthcare (DMAH 2019), held in Los Angeles, CA, USA, in August 2019, in conjunction with the 45th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, VLDB 2019. The 20 regular papers presented together with 2 keynote papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 31 initial submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections named:Poly 2019: Privacy, Security and/or Policy Issues for Heterogenous Data; Building Polystore Systems.DMAH 2019: Database Enabled Biomedical Research; AI for Healthcare; Knowledge Discovery from Unstructured Biomedical Data; Blockchain and Privacy Preserving Data Management.
Heterogenität - Diversity - Intersektionalität: Zur Logik sozialer Unterscheidungen in pädagogischen Semantiken der Differenz
by Marcus Emmerich Ulrike HormelDie Verbreitung von Konzepten der Heterogenität, Diversity und Intersektionalität innerhalb wissenschaftlicher wie praxisnaher pädagogischer Diskurse verweisen auf die zunehmende Bedeutung der Beobachtung sozialer Differenz im und durch das Erziehungssystem und seiner Organisationen. Gemeinsam ist allen drei Ansätzen ein Kanon von Differenzkategorien, deren Relevanz sowohl analytisch als auch normativ-programmatisch beansprucht wird. Gleichzeitig stehen Heterogenität, Diversity und Intersektionalität jedoch für Konzepte, deren Entstehungskontext und Genese auf funktionssystemspezifisch zu unterscheidenden Bezugsproblemen und Diskursfeldern (Erziehung, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft) basiert. Vor diesem Hintergrund geht diese Darstellung der Frage nach, welche Folgen die je spezifischen Beobachtungslogiken von Differenz in Hinblick auf die ‚Konstruktion sozialer Wirklichkeit’ innerhalb der adressierten pädagogischen Kontexte haben.
Heterogenität und Diversität in Städten mittlerer Größe: Das Beispiel Landau in der Pfalz
by Sebastian Fitz-KlausnerGesellschaftliche Vielfalt wird in der Regel mit Metropolen assoziiert und in der Wissenschaft primär als Phänomen großstädtischen Lebens reflektiert. Anhand ausgewählter Fallbeispiele aus Landau in der Pfalz zeigt der Sammelband jedoch auf, dass Heterogenität und Diversität auch in Mittelstädten gesellschaftliche Normalität war und ist. Auf der Basis empirischer Befunde formuliert der Band zudem theoretische Überlegungen zu Heterogenität und Diversität in Städten mittlerer Größe, wodurch er einen Beitrag zur Überwindung eines wichtigen Forschungsdesiderats – der wissenschaftlichen Reflexion gesellschaftlicher Vielfalt jenseits großstädtischer Metropolen – leistet.