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»Hochschulexperimentierplatz Bielefeld« - 50 Jahre Fakultät für Soziologie: 50 Jahre Fakultät Für Soziologie - Hier Text Einfügen (Sozialtheorie)
by Volker Kruse Torsten StrulikDie im Jahre 1969 gegründete Fakultät für Soziologie der Universität Bielefeld verkörpert eine akademische Autonomie und Vielfalt, die für dieses Fach einzigartig ist. Zum 50-jährigen Jubiläum ist dieser Band keine Festschrift im herkömmlichen Sinne. Er bietet vielmehr eine Darstellung von Ereignissen, die die Fakultät und ihre Entwicklung erlebbar werden lassen. Aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln und mit vielfältigen personellen und institutionellen Bezügen liefern die Beiträge Außen- und Innenansichten der Fakultät und ihrer Geschichte. Auch Studierende kommen zu Wort und zeigen, was ihnen die Fakultät jenseits einer Beschreibung als »Lernfabrik« bedeutet.
Hochschulorganisation und Digitalisierung: Die Auswirkungen organisationaler Funktionslogiken auf die digitale Transformation an Universitäten
by Marcel Graf-SchlattmannDas Forschungsfeld zur Digitalisierung im Hochschulwesen weist eine zentrale Lücke auf: Die Auswirkungen der organisationalen Rahmenbedingungen auf die digitale Transformation. Ausgehend von der Grundannahme, dass die digitale Transformation nicht organisationsneutral erfolgt, werden die organisationalen Effekte der Universität auf den digitalen Veränderungsprozess im Spannungsverhältnis von akademischer Selbst- und universitärer Zentralverwaltung betrachtet. Hierfür wird mit einem systemtheoretischen Organisationsverständnis sowie einer äquivalenzfunktionalistischen Theorietechnik operiert und eine Beschreibung der organisationalen Funktionslogiken, ausgehend vom Bezugsproblem unklarer rationaler Technologien in Forschung und Lehre, entwickelt.Der Einbezug organisationaler Funktionslogiken erzeugt ein weiterführendes Verständnis der digitalen Transformation an Universitäten. Diese erfolgt im Sinne einer graduellen Transformation und ist durch eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher, lose gekoppelter Prozesse und Entwicklungen gekennzeichnet. Neben der Art der Transformation und dessen organisationalen Bedingungen stehen insbesondere die Muster der Koordination organisationaler Prozesse und deren Auswirkungen auf beiden Seiten der Doppelhierarchie im Fokus.
Hochschulorganisation und Geschlecht in veränderten Bildungswelten: Eine modernisierungstheoretische Verortung
by Astrid FranzkeAstrid Franzke geht der Frage nach, unter welchen Einflüssen sich Geschlechterarrangements um 1900 konstituiert und bis in die Gegenwart hinein verändert haben. Die differenzierte historisch-systematische Untersuchung zeichnet sich durch einen modernisierungstheoretischen Zugang aus, der sowohl organisations- als auch geschlechtertheoretisch gerahmt ist. Geschlechterarrangements sind nicht mehr ausschließlich durch Polarisierung, Hierarchisierung und Personifizierung gekennzeichnet. Sie sind vielfältiger, flexibler, partnerschaftlicher, aber auch temporärer, ambivalenter geworden, mit Tendenzen zur Retraditionalisierung und Neutralisierung.
Hochsensibilität und Leadership: Subjektive Führungstheorien hochsensibler Führungskräfte
by Daniel PanettaIn diesem Buch wird erstmals ein bisher noch unbekanntes Phänomen betrachtet: hochsensible Führungskräfte. Der Begriff hochsensibel ist nicht unbelastet und wird daher auch unter Einbezug des Geschlechts aus führungswissenschaftlicher Perspektive diskutiert. Die inhaltliche Herleitung des Themas bietet neueste Erkenntnisse, aus welchen praktische Relevanzen abgeleitet werden. Hochsensibilität wird zukünftig ihren/seinen festen Platz in der Psychologie finden. Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass hochsensible Führungskräfte besondere empathische Fähigkeiten und einen speziellen Führungsstil besitzen, den sie vornehmlich von der Stimmung einer Situation abhängig machen. Sie nehmen Stimmungen körperlich bewusst wahr und handeln dementsprechend.
Hochstrittige Trennungseltern in Zwangskontexten: Evaluation des Elternkurses Kinder im Blick
by Eliane RetzEliane Retz untersucht die Wirksamkeit des Elternkurses „Kinder im Blick“, der die TeilnehmerInnen in ihrer Trennungsbewältigung unterstützt. Sie geht der Frage nach, inwieweit Eltern in hochkonflikthaften Trennungssituationen von „Kinder im Blick“ profitieren, insbesondere dann, wenn die Teilnahme daran aufgrund einer gerichtlichen Auflage erfolgt. Neben der Frage der Wirksamkeit von sog. Zwangskontexten konnten fünf verschiedene Typen hochstrittiger Elternschaft in ihrer speziellen Problematik, aber auch mit ihren jeweiligen Ressourcen und Bewältigungsstrategien identifiziert werden, sodass die Frage nach Verläufen hochstrittiger Elternschaft nach Trennung einen weiteren Schwerpunkt darstellt.
Hofstede Matters (ISSN)
by Sławomir J. Magala Christiane Erten Roger Matthew Bell Marie-Therese Claes Senem Yazici Atila KarabagHofstede Matters offers an updated presentation of the evolving views of academics and teachers who have worked with Hofstede’s research findings since the publication of the first edition of Culture’s Consequences in 1980. The authors reflect on their changing beliefs about the concept of cultural dimensions that led to a radical change in the way cultures were dealt with in business schools across Europe and beyond. Hofstede’s dimensions made "thinking" about culture more accessible overnight by creating a conceptual framework that teachers, students, managers, and consultants could grasp and easily apply in international comparisons. The book shows the man behind the value dimensions framework through the eyes of teachers and academics many of whom dealt with Hofstede personally. Contemporary contributors as well as younger academic fellow researchers evaluate the past paradigms and look behind the scenes to better understand the developments of the more recent ones. Jointly, they try to decide if Hofstede still helps us to overcome uncertainty when confronted with actions undertaken with different values in mind. Did he nudge us in the desirable direction? Offering a unique analysis of the strengths, criticisms, and legacy of Hofstede’s work, this book will appeal to academics and students across disciplines including cross-cultural management, critical management studies, and international management.
Hofstede Matters (ISSN)
Hofstede Matters offers an updated presentation of the evolving views of academics and teachers who have worked with Hofstede’s research findings since the publication of the first edition of Culture’s Consequences in 1980. The authors reflect on their changing beliefs about the concept of cultural dimensions that led to a radical change in the way cultures were dealt with in business schools across Europe and beyond. Hofstede’s dimensions made "thinking" about culture more accessible overnight by creating a conceptual framework that teachers, students, managers, and consultants could grasp and easily apply in international comparisons. The book shows the man behind the value dimensions framework through the eyes of teachers and academics many of whom dealt with Hofstede personally. Contemporary contributors as well as younger academic fellow researchers evaluate the past paradigms and look behind the scenes to better understand the developments of the more recent ones. Jointly, they try to decide if Hofstede still helps us to overcome uncertainty when confronted with actions undertaken with different values in mind. Did he nudge us in the desirable direction? Offering a unique analysis of the strengths, criticisms, and legacy of Hofstede’s work, this book will appeal to academics and students across disciplines including cross-cultural management, critical management studies, and international management.
Hogarth’s Art of Animal Cruelty: Satire, Suffering and Pictorial Propaganda
by P. BeirneThis book analyses the animal images used in William Hogarth's art, demonstrating how animals were variously depicted as hybrids, edibles, companions, emblems of satire and objects of cruelty. Beirne offers an important assessment of how Hogarth's various audiences reacted to his gruesome images and ultimately what was meant by 'cruelty'.
Hohes Alter in Deutschland (Schriften zu Gesundheit und Gesellschaft - Studies on Health and Society #8)
by Roman Kaspar Julia Simonson Clemens Tesch-Römer Michael Wagner Susanne ZankDies ist ein Open-Access-Buch.Trotz des schnellen Wachstums des Anteils der Bevölkerung in einem Alter ab 80 Jahren an der Gesamtbevölkerung ist das Wissen über diese Bevölkerungsgruppe bislang gering. Zwar gibt es thematisch, methodisch und regional spezifische Studien, jedoch keine repräsentative Erfassung der Lebenssituation und Lebensqualität dieser Altersgruppe für den gesamtdeutschen Raum. Eine gute Datenlage ist jedoch notwendig: Zum einen, um den besonderen Unterstützungsbedarfen im hohen Alter zukünftig besser gerecht werden zu können. Zum anderen, um Lösungsansätze für sozialpolitische Herausforderungen wie der sozialen Sicherung im Alter sowie im Hinblick auf eine Generationengerechtigkeit entwickeln zu können. Schließlich, um negativen Altersbildern und Vorurteilen über die Lebensqualität im hohen Alter empirisch fundiert entgegenwirken zu können. Die Studie "Hohes Alter in Deutschland“ (D80+) ist eine bundesweit repräsentative Querschnittsbefragung der hochaltrigen Menschen in Privathaushalten und in Heimen. Sie wird vom Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ) gefördert und gemeinsam vom Cologne Center for Ethics, Rights, Economics, and Social Sciences of Health (ceres) und dem Deutschen Zentrum für Altersfragen (DZA) durchgeführt. Die Studie vereint Perspektiven der an den beteiligten Institutionen verorteten Disziplinen wie Soziologie, Psychologie, Versorgungswissenschaften, Gerontologie und Medizin. Im vorliegenden Band werden zentrale Befunde u.a. zu den Themenbereichen Soziale und Digitale Teilhabe, Gesundheit und Versorgung, sowie Werte und subjektives Wohlbefinden vorgestellt.
Höhlenkompetenz: Evolutionäre Ressourcen der Pandemiegesellschaft. Ein empirischer Disput
by Jürgen GrimmDas Buch basiert auf Untersuchungen, die zwischen 2017 und 2020 mit 1632 österreichischen, deutschen und Studierenden anderer Nationen in Wien durchgeführt wurden. Die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen befanden sich während der Coronakrise teilweise in Quarantäne oder waren zumindest auf Online-Teaching und Home-Office angewiesen. Wie gehen junge Menschen mit Freiheitsbeschränkungen um? Was tun sie, um körperlich und geistig „gesund“ durch die Krise zu kommen? Neben konstruktiven Formen des Umgangs mit der Pandemie finden wir in der Gesellschaft und teilweise auch in einzelnen Menschen verschwörungstheoretische Gedankenkomplexe, die aggressive und destruktive Verhaltensweisen nahelegen. Diese Widersprüchlichkeit hängt mit unserer Urgeschichte zusammen: der Homo sapiens musste sich einesteils wilden Tieren stellen und andernteils in Kaltzeiten als einzigen Ausweg in Höhlen zurückziehen. Theoretisch begründet und empirisch überprüft werden höhlenbezogene Denkweisen und ihre Verbindung mit Mut und Durchhaltewillen, aber auch mit Verschwörungstheorien, politischer Entfremdung und Rechtsextremismus: Denkmuster aus paläohistorischer Zeit als Chance und Risiko in der Coronakrise.Zum Band erscheint eine CD: Höhlenkompetenz in 52 Übungen, auf der die Regeln zusammen mit einer eigenen Komposition von Havard Enstad eingesprochen wurden.
The Hojjatiyeh Society in Iran: Ideology and Practice from the 1950s to the Present
by R. CohenThis book analyzes the evolution of the Hojjatiyeh movement in Iran, a semi-clandestine movement which emerged in the 1950s as an anti-Baha'i movement, went underground in the 1960s, and re-emerged openly after Iran's 1979 revolution with its members coming to occupy some of the highest echelon posts in Iranian politics
Hokkien Theatre Across The Seas: A Socio-Cultural Study
by Caroline ChiaThis book adopts a refreshing approach by examining Hokkien theatre in a region connected by maritime networks, notably southern Fujian, Taiwan, Kinmen and Singapore. It considers how regional theatre is shaped by broader socio-cultural and political contexts and the motivation to stay relevant in an era of modernisation and secularisation. Political domains are often marked out by land boundaries, but the sea concept denotes fluidity, allowing theatrical forms to spread across these ‘land-bounded’ societies and share a common language and culture."This is an insightful theatrical study on the web of Chinese cultural networks in southern China and Singapore, and by extension, between China and Southeast Asia in the twentieth century and beyond. Using diverse sources in multiple languages and extensive field ethnography, this is a ground-breaking study which is both didactic and inspiring."- Lee Tong Soon, author of Chinese Street Opera in Singapore (University of Illinois, 2009)."Focusing on Hokkien theatre, this book offers new insights into how Chinese performing art responds to geographical, temporal, and social changes. Historical sources in different languages are widely used to give access to the cultural characteristics of Hokkien theatre, offering valuable ethnographic reports on the contemporary practices of Hokkien theatre in Taiwan, Kinmen, and Singapore. The book comments on the changing ritualistic significance of Hokkien theatre, and help us understand how societies remember the past of a performing tradition, and shape its present."- Luo Ai Mei, Co-Editor of A Preliminary Survey of the Cantonese Eight Song Cycles in South China: History and Sources (2016)
Holacracy: The Revolutionary Management System that Abolishes Hierarchy
by Brian J. RobertsonIn Holacracy, Brian J Robertson outlines a ground-breaking approach to organisation: no managers, only roles'Holacracy is the opposite of the cliché way to run a start-up. It creates clarity: who is in charge of what, and who makes each kind of decision' Evan Williams, cofounder of Blogger, Twitter and MediumIn traditional companies, managers make decisions, and workers execute the plan. But Holacracy is a revolutionary and tried-and-tested new system which turns everyone into a leader. The organisation looks like a nest of circles, not a pyramid -- but it's not anarchy. It's finally clear who should make each decision -- the person on the frontline has that authority -- and the organisation succeeds by adapting swiftly to pursue its purpose.In Holacracy, pioneer Brian Robertson explains how to adopt this system across your organisation -- and what you can do just within your department or for yourself -- and how to overcome any obstacles along the way.
Hold Successful Meetings (Penguin Business Experts Series)
by Caterina KostoulaMeetings allow us to bring people together to inspire each other, solve problems and make a difference. Yet, we all spend too much time in dull, frustrating meetings where little is achieved and even less is followed up on afterwards. In Hold Successful Meetings, executive coach and former Google leader Caterina Kostoula will change all this. Her unique framework will:- Equip you to hold fewer, more purposeful meetings- Create a creative and inclusive environment- Leave participants inspired and ready to take actionWhether virtual or in-person, people will leave your meetings inspired by the value you created together and ready to make an impact.
Holding Fast: The Struggle to Create Resilient Caregiving Organizations
by William A. KahnHow can caregivers remain both caring and strong enough to withstand the stress of their work?How can caregiving organizations effectively improve their management and practice?Increasing pressure on caregiving organizations to serve more people with fewer resources means that epidemics of burnout, high staff turnover, dissatisfaction and internal conflict often appear inevitable. Holding Fast focuses on the particular stress of caregiving work, its influences on the people and organizations who do that work, and what they can do about it. Illustrated by case studies based on extensive research in schools, hospitals, social work agencies, health care centres and religious institutions, Holding Fast identifies the problems faced by caregiving organizations, and outlines appropriate strategies for tackling these to create a resilient, effective organization. The book is divided into clear sections covering: * an introduction to the nature of caregiving organizations* the disturbances that can occur within them*the skills required to effectively lead them.Holding Fast offers a portrait of how organizations become, or are prevented from becoming, systems of caregiving. It will help leaders of caregiving organizations and their staff gain a better understanding of the difficulties encountered by their organizations, leading to improved management and practice.
Holding Fast: The Struggle to Create Resilient Caregiving Organizations
by William A. KahnHow can caregivers remain both caring and strong enough to withstand the stress of their work?How can caregiving organizations effectively improve their management and practice?Increasing pressure on caregiving organizations to serve more people with fewer resources means that epidemics of burnout, high staff turnover, dissatisfaction and internal conflict often appear inevitable. Holding Fast focuses on the particular stress of caregiving work, its influences on the people and organizations who do that work, and what they can do about it. Illustrated by case studies based on extensive research in schools, hospitals, social work agencies, health care centres and religious institutions, Holding Fast identifies the problems faced by caregiving organizations, and outlines appropriate strategies for tackling these to create a resilient, effective organization. The book is divided into clear sections covering: * an introduction to the nature of caregiving organizations* the disturbances that can occur within them*the skills required to effectively lead them.Holding Fast offers a portrait of how organizations become, or are prevented from becoming, systems of caregiving. It will help leaders of caregiving organizations and their staff gain a better understanding of the difficulties encountered by their organizations, leading to improved management and practice.
Holding the Baby: Milk, sweat and tears from the frontline of motherhood
by Nell Frizzell'My favourite person on the politics of parenthood' Pandora Sykes'Exhilarating, infuriating, urgent and human' Daisy Buchanan'A blazing, brilliant read ... compassionate, convincing, funny!' Amy Liptrot'Honest, unflinching and necessary' Sara Pascoe'Funny and brisk ... urgent and incisive' Rob Delaney'A timely and important book' Clover StroudIt's time to share the motherload.A memoir culminating in a manifesto, Holding the Baby sets out to understand why we still treat early parenthood as an individual slog rather than a shared cultural responsibility. Tracing her own journey to the nadir of sleeplessness via social retreat and murderous rage, Frizzell draws on the latest research to explore:- What effect does parenting have on your career?- How can we make childcare affordable and fit for purpose?- If parenting is so hard, why does anyone ever do it more than once?Funny, reassuring and radically ambitious, Holding the Baby sheds light on the ways in which we fail new parents, and offers a rallying crying that we fight for a better alternative.
Holiness and Society: A Socio-Political Exploration of the Mosaic Tradition
by Ronen ShovalExploring the subtle political philosophy within the Biblical narrative, this book presents enduring insights that complement Ancient Greek philosophy for contemporary political distinctions – uncovering overlooked socio-political ideologies to provide a unique perspective alongside the classical philosophical tradition.By adopting a sociological approach, Ronen Shovel interprets the Bible as a reflection of perspectives and ideologies, emphasizing the intricate dynamics between rulers and subjects, balancing justice, and power within societies. A key focus is the examination of holiness as a distinct political category, influencing institutions, ethics, justice, and even the use of force. This perspective challenges traditional religious scholarship, merging sociology with the concept of holiness.Holiness and Society enriches political philosophy, religious studies, and sociology, broadening their boundaries and offering fresh perspectives, serving as a bridge between antiquity and modernity, providing valuable insights into contemporary political thought.
Holiness and Society: A Socio-Political Exploration of the Mosaic Tradition
by Ronen ShovalExploring the subtle political philosophy within the Biblical narrative, this book presents enduring insights that complement Ancient Greek philosophy for contemporary political distinctions – uncovering overlooked socio-political ideologies to provide a unique perspective alongside the classical philosophical tradition.By adopting a sociological approach, Ronen Shovel interprets the Bible as a reflection of perspectives and ideologies, emphasizing the intricate dynamics between rulers and subjects, balancing justice, and power within societies. A key focus is the examination of holiness as a distinct political category, influencing institutions, ethics, justice, and even the use of force. This perspective challenges traditional religious scholarship, merging sociology with the concept of holiness.Holiness and Society enriches political philosophy, religious studies, and sociology, broadening their boundaries and offering fresh perspectives, serving as a bridge between antiquity and modernity, providing valuable insights into contemporary political thought.
Holistic Flexibility for Systems Thinking and Practice (Systems Thinking)
by Rajneesh ChowdhuryThis book explores how the conceptual lens of Holistic Flexibility presents new advancements in systems thinking. Systems thinking is often associated with frameworks and methodologies that often confine the discipline to academic circles in operations research and management science (OR/MS). Holistic Flexibility for Systems Thinking and Practice challenges this status-quo and talks about systems thinking as a state of mind, giving it a cognitive character.The book presents both theoretical deliberations and practitioner cases of Holistic Flexibility. The development of systems thinking in OR/MS is described leading to the latest debates on the subject and the key pillars of Holistic Flexibility are discussed in detail. A range of case studies are presented that offer a firsthand experience of Holistic Flexibility in practice. Learnings are drawn to highlight the importance of a spiritual approach in management, an understanding which is used to further develop the conceptual lens of Holistic Flexibility since it was first introduced. This book presents a range of competencies required for systems practitioners to address and respond to complex situations in an interconnected world.A bold attempt to pragmatize systems thinking and systems practice, the ideas presented in this book weave a thread between the development of the discipline, current debates, and what lies ahead. It will be highly beneficial for OR/MS researchers and graduate students who are interested in systems thinking as well as researchers interested in connecting modern management thinking and Eastern mysticism.
Holistic Flexibility for Systems Thinking and Practice (Systems Thinking)
by Rajneesh ChowdhuryThis book explores how the conceptual lens of Holistic Flexibility presents new advancements in systems thinking. Systems thinking is often associated with frameworks and methodologies that often confine the discipline to academic circles in operations research and management science (OR/MS). Holistic Flexibility for Systems Thinking and Practice challenges this status-quo and talks about systems thinking as a state of mind, giving it a cognitive character.The book presents both theoretical deliberations and practitioner cases of Holistic Flexibility. The development of systems thinking in OR/MS is described leading to the latest debates on the subject and the key pillars of Holistic Flexibility are discussed in detail. A range of case studies are presented that offer a firsthand experience of Holistic Flexibility in practice. Learnings are drawn to highlight the importance of a spiritual approach in management, an understanding which is used to further develop the conceptual lens of Holistic Flexibility since it was first introduced. This book presents a range of competencies required for systems practitioners to address and respond to complex situations in an interconnected world.A bold attempt to pragmatize systems thinking and systems practice, the ideas presented in this book weave a thread between the development of the discipline, current debates, and what lies ahead. It will be highly beneficial for OR/MS researchers and graduate students who are interested in systems thinking as well as researchers interested in connecting modern management thinking and Eastern mysticism.
Holistic Leadership: A New Paradigm for Today's Leaders
by Satinder DhimanThis book suggests that the solution to the current leadership crisis lies in leaders' self-cultivation process, emanating from their deepest values and culminating in their contribution to the common good. Traditional approaches to leadership rarely provide any permeating or systematic framework to garner a sense of higher purpose or nurture deeper moral and spiritual dimensions of leaders. Learning to be an effective leader requires a level of personal transformation on the continuum of self, spirit, and service.Synthesizing the best of contemporary approaches to leadership in a holistic manner, this book presents a unique model of leadership that is built on the sound principles of Self-Motivation, Personal Mastery, Creativity and Flow, Emotional Intelligence, Optimal Performance, Appreciative Inquiry, Authentic Leadership, Transformational Leadership, Positive Psychology, Moral Philosophy, and Wisdom Traditions of the world. This broadinterdisciplinary approach is well-suited to effectively address the multifaceted issues faced by contemporary organizations and leaders. It will be of great interest to graduate business and organizational leadership students and faculty as well as corporate leaders.
Holistisches Projektmanagement: Vom Umgang mit Menschen, Systemen und Veränderung
by Stephanie BorgertViele Projekte, an denen Mitarbeiter täglich arbeiten, sind von vornherein zum Scheitern verurteilt. In dem Buch werden Erkenntnisse aus der Systemtheorie, der Hirnforschung sowie dem Neuro-Linguistischen Programmieren (NLP) in einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz zu praktischen Werkzeugen und Methoden für die Projektarbeit verknüpft. Die Autorin, die auf 15 Jahre Projekterfahrung als Mitarbeiterin, Projektleiterin, Auftraggeberin und Coach zurückblickt, versteht Projekte als komplexe dynamische Systeme, die von Menschen mit Leben gefüllt werden.
Hollyweird Science: From Spaceships to Microchips (Science and Fiction)
by Kevin R. Grazier Stephen CassInformative, entertaining and upbeat, this book continues Grazier and Cass's exploration of how technology, science, and scientists are portrayed in Hollywood productions. Both big and small-screen productions are featured and their science content illuminated—first by the authors and subsequently by a range of experts from science and the film world. Starring roles in this volume are played by, among other things, computers (human and mechanical), artificial intelligences, robots, and spacecraft. Interviews with writers, producers, and directors of acclaimed science-themed films stand side by side with the perspectives of scientists, science fiction authors, and science advisors. The result is a stimulating and informative reading experience for the layperson and professional scientist or engineer alike. The book begins with a foreword by Zack Stentz, who co-wrote X-Men: First Class and Thor, and is currently a writer/producer on CW’s The Flash.
Hollyweird Science: From Quantum Quirks to the Multiverse (Science and Fiction)
by Kevin R. Grazier Stephen CassLighthearted, quirky, and upbeat, this book explores the portrayal of science and technology on both the big and little screen -- and how Hollywood is actually doing a better job of getting it right than ever before. Grounded in the real-word, and often cutting-edge, science and technology that inspires fictional science, the authors survey Hollywood depictions of topics such as quantum mechanics, parallel universes, and alien worlds. Including material from interviews with over two dozen writers, producers, and directors of acclaimed science-themed productions -- as well as scientists, science fiction authors, and science advisors -- Hollyweird Science examines screen science fiction from the sometimes-conflicting vantage points of storytellers, researchers, and viewers. Including a foreword by Eureka co-creator and executive producer Jaime Paglia, and an afterword by astronomer and science fiction author Michael Brotherton, Ph.D., this book is accessible to all readers from the layperson to the armchair expert to the professional scientist, and will delight all of them equally.