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Architektur, Atmosphäre, Wahrnehmung: Die römische Villa als Chance für das Bauen heute (Interdisziplinäre Architektur-Wissenschaft: Praxis – Theorie – Methodologie – Forschung)

by Martin Düchs Andreas Grüner Christian Illies Sabine Vogt

„Nach Rom Architekturstudenten zu schicken heißt, sie für ihr ganzes Leben zu ruinieren.“ (Le Corbusier 1922). Im Sinne dieses Verdikts hat sich die Architekturmoderne radikal von der klassizistischen Tradition abgewandt, in der die antike Baukunst als Schulung, Folie und Muster galt, indem man ihre Formen, Strukturen und Proportionen formalästhetisch analysierte und nachahmte. Doch gab es bereits in der Antike ein anderes Konzept von Architekturverständnis: das sinnliche Erleben von Raumsequenzen und die Gestaltung von Atmosphären. Vorgeführt wird uns ein solches Verständnis in Bauten wie der Villa Hadriana aber auch in den „Villenbriefen“ des römischen Senators Plinius d. J. (um 100 n. Chr.). Von Architekten wurden Letztere lebhaft diskutiert, bis die Moderne jede Beschäftigung mit der Antike „untersagte“.Der Band „Architektur, Atmosphäre, Wahrnehmung“ versammelt nun zehn Beiträge, die wieder alle –mehr oder weniger intensiv – als Ausgangsbasis die Villenbriefe nutzen, allerdings nicht, um mit ihnen einen formalästhetischen Zugriff auf die Antike wiederzubeleben, sondern, weil der von Plinius vorgeführte und in der Forschung bis dato vernachlässigte Blick auf die römische Villa unter dem Aspekt einer sequentiellen Sinnlichkeit eine „Chance für das Bauen heute“ ist.Im Ergebnis kann man festhalten: Egal ob man Architekturstudenten nach Rom schickt oder nicht – in jedem Fall sollte man sie Plinius lesen lassen.

Architektur- und Planungsethik: Zugänge, Perspektiven, Standpunkte (RaumFragen: Stadt – Region – Landschaft)

by Karsten Berr

Die Autoren dieses Bandes eröffnen Zugänge, Perspektiven und Standpunkte zu einer Architektur- und Planungsethik für Menschen in einer bebauten und bewohnten Welt, die auch in Zukunft bewohnbar bleiben soll. Den Beiträgen ist gemeinsam, dass sie von einer konkreten Praxis ausgehen und zeigen, welche ethisch relevanten Aspekte mit dem Handeln der Akteure verbunden sind oder mit welchen moralischen Herausforderungen dieses Handeln konfrontiert wird. In einem ersten Zugriff werden Zugänge zu moralischen, ethischen und politischen Aspekten der Planung identifiziert und für weitere architektur- und planungsethische Überlegungen erschlossen. Anschließend werden grundlegende begriffliche und theoretische Perspektiven einer Architektur- und Planungsethik aus lebensweltlichen Erfahrungen oder Handlungen der Akteure oder der Eigenlogik architektonischer Entwurfs- und Planungsprozesse entwickelt. Abschließend wird das heikle Verhältnis des Ästhetischen und Moralischen innerhalb architektur- und planungsethischer Überlegungen begrifflich präzisiert und mit neuen Argumenten gewichtet.

Architekturen und Artefakte: Zur Materialität des Religiösen (Veröffentlichungen der Sektion Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie)

by Uta Karstein Thomas Schmidt-Lux

In der Soziologie ist seit längerer Zeit ein zunehmendes Interesse an Architektur und Artefakten beobachtbar. Dabei wird daran erinnert, dass nicht nur immaterielle Zeichen, Symbole und Repräsentationen des Sozialen existieren, sondern auch Orte, Stoffe und Dinge. Diesen wird eine wichtige Rolle im sozialen Geschehen zugesprochen: Materiales erscheint als Träger von Erinnerungskulturen, als sozialer Akteur, Heilsvermittler, Medium von Repräsentation – kurz: als Bedingung, Beschränkung und Instrument sozialer Praxis. Dies gilt auch in Bezug auf Religion. Dennoch hat die Perspektive noch kaum Eingang in die deutschsprachige Religionssoziologie gefunden. Dieser Band soll daher Anstoß sein für die Öffnung der Religionssoziologie in Richtung einer Soziologie des Materialen.

Architektursoziologie: Grundlagen - Epochen - Themen

by Bernhard Schäfers

Diese Einführung vermittelt in drei Großkapiteln die Grundlagen einer Soziologie der Architektur, liefert einen Überblick über die Epochen seit 1800 und beschreibt die Themen- und Praxisfelder. Dies ist der erste Band der zweibändigen Soziologie der Architektur und der Stadt.

Architektursoziologie: Grundlagen - Epochen - Themen (Uni-Taschenbücher #8254)

by Bernhard Schäfers

Diese Einführung vermittelt in drei Großkapiteln die Grundlagen einer Soziologie der Architektur, liefert einen Überblick über die Epochen seit 1800 und beschreibt die Themen- und Praxisfelder. Dies ist der erste Band der zweibändigen Soziologie der Architektur und der Stadt.

Architektursoziologie: Grundlagen - Epochen - Themen

by Bernhard Schäfers

Diese Einführung vermittelt in drei Großkapiteln die Grundlagen einer Soziologie der Architektur, liefert einen Überblick über die Epochen seit 1800 und beschreibt die Themen- und Praxisfelder. Dies ist der erste Band der zweibändigen Soziologie der Architektur und der Stadt.

Archival and Secondary Data (The SAGE Quantitative Research Kit)

by Tarani Chandola Cara Booker

Data archives provide rich and expansive sources of information for researchers. This book highlights the utility of secondary data analyses whilst showing you how to select the right datasets for your study, and in turn get the most out of your research. Topics include: · Generating your research question · Selecting appropriate datasets and variables · Examining univariate, bivariate and multivariate associations · Visualisng your data with tables and graphs Part of The SAGE Quantitative Research Kit, this book boosts students with know-how and confidence, to help them succeed on their quantitative research journey.

Archival and Secondary Data (The SAGE Quantitative Research Kit)

by Tarani Chandola Cara Booker

Data archives provide rich and expansive sources of information for researchers. This book highlights the utility of secondary data analyses whilst showing you how to select the right datasets for your study, and in turn get the most out of your research. Topics include: · Generating your research question · Selecting appropriate datasets and variables · Examining univariate, bivariate and multivariate associations · Visualisng your data with tables and graphs Part of The SAGE Quantitative Research Kit, this book boosts students with know-how and confidence, to help them succeed on their quantitative research journey.

Archival and Secondary Data (The SAGE Quantitative Research Kit)

by Tarani Chandola Cara Booker

Data archives provide rich and expansive sources of information for researchers. This book highlights the utility of secondary data analyses whilst showing you how to select the right datasets for your study, and in turn get the most out of your research. Topics include: · Generating your research question · Selecting appropriate datasets and variables · Examining univariate, bivariate and multivariate associations · Visualisng your data with tables and graphs Part of The SAGE Quantitative Research Kit, this book boosts students with know-how and confidence, to help them succeed on their quantitative research journey.

The Archive Project: Archival Research in the Social Sciences

by Maria Tamboukou Liz Stanley Niamh Moore Andrea Salter

Recent scholarship on archival research has raised questions concerning the character and impact of 'the archive' on how the traces of the past are researched, the use and analysis of different kinds of archived data, methodological approaches to the practicalities involved, and what kind of theory is drawn on and contributed to by such research. The Archive Project: Archival Research in the Social Sciences builds on these questions, exploring key methodological ideas and debates and engaging in detail with a wide range of archival projects and practices, in order to put to use important theoretical ideas that shed light on the methods involved. Offering an overview of the current 'state of the field' and written by four authors with extensive experience in conducting research in and creating archives around the world, it demonstrates the different ways in which archival methodology, practice and theory can be employed. It also shows how the ideas and approaches detailed in the book can be put into practice by other researchers, working on different kinds of archives and collections. The volume engages with crucial questions, including: What is 'an archive' and how does it come into existence? Why do archival research and how is it done? How can sense be made of the scale and scope of collections and archives? What are the best ways to analyse the traces of the past that remain? What are helpful criteria for evaluating the knowledge claims produced by archival research? What is the importance of community archives? How has the digital turn changed the way in which archival research is carried out? What role is played by the questions that researchers bring into an archive? How do we deal with unexpected encounters in the archive? A rigorous and accessible examination of the methods and choices that shape research 'on the ground' and the ways in which theory, practice and methodology inform one another, this book will appeal to scholars across the social sciences and humanities with interests in archival and documentary research.

The Archive Project: Archival Research in the Social Sciences

by Maria Tamboukou Liz Stanley Niamh Moore Andrea Salter

Recent scholarship on archival research has raised questions concerning the character and impact of 'the archive' on how the traces of the past are researched, the use and analysis of different kinds of archived data, methodological approaches to the practicalities involved, and what kind of theory is drawn on and contributed to by such research. The Archive Project: Archival Research in the Social Sciences builds on these questions, exploring key methodological ideas and debates and engaging in detail with a wide range of archival projects and practices, in order to put to use important theoretical ideas that shed light on the methods involved. Offering an overview of the current 'state of the field' and written by four authors with extensive experience in conducting research in and creating archives around the world, it demonstrates the different ways in which archival methodology, practice and theory can be employed. It also shows how the ideas and approaches detailed in the book can be put into practice by other researchers, working on different kinds of archives and collections. The volume engages with crucial questions, including: What is 'an archive' and how does it come into existence? Why do archival research and how is it done? How can sense be made of the scale and scope of collections and archives? What are the best ways to analyse the traces of the past that remain? What are helpful criteria for evaluating the knowledge claims produced by archival research? What is the importance of community archives? How has the digital turn changed the way in which archival research is carried out? What role is played by the questions that researchers bring into an archive? How do we deal with unexpected encounters in the archive? A rigorous and accessible examination of the methods and choices that shape research 'on the ground' and the ways in which theory, practice and methodology inform one another, this book will appeal to scholars across the social sciences and humanities with interests in archival and documentary research.

Archives, Accountability, and Democracy in the Digital Age (SpringerBriefs in Political Science)

by Keiji Fujiyoshi

This book is the first attempt to introduce the current status of archival practices in Japan as well as the basic views of the populace on making records accessible to English readers. In general, Japan has not paid sufficient attention to keeping and utilizing records except in the field of historical research. This book thus examines Japanese attitudes about history, records management, information acts, the status of archivists of the constitution, and genealogical research practices and a description of archives. Consequently, such investigations clarify how both private and public archives function or fail to do so in those spheres of Japanese society. In addition, this book presents the efforts in wartime record keeping in Australia, which is significantly different from how the Japanese deal with such records. This book therefore provides a clear and concrete picture of the status of current archival practices in Japan and the thinking that underlies them. On the basis of such examinations, this book enables readers to understand to what extent and how the past affects the present through archives, to recognize the importance of archives, and to respect the past in order to maintain and develop perspectives in people’s lives.

Archives for Maintaining Community and Society in the Digital Age (SpringerBriefs in Political Science)

by Keiji Fujiyoshi

This book explores how a society accepts and utilizes a system of archives to improve the quality of people’s lives at each level of community, organization, and government. This is the first book that examines the political, economic, and social background that has prevented the development of archival systems in Japan in comparison with other societies of different cultures such as the United States, Romania, India, and Korea. An archival system is an indispensable tool to live in the present and create a future by sharing an understanding of the past. For that reason, this book considers what “respecting the past” means from the point of view that people experience in their workplace to reconcile tragic experiences such as conflict, injustice, or corruption. Then the book shows how a system of archives plays a significant role in a democratic society because it serves as a foundation of evidence-based decision making for a specific group or the public. Thus, this volume provides guidance for ways that a society can build a common understanding of the importance of sharing the past to maintain community and society.

The Archives of Critical Theory

by Isabelle Aubert Marcos Nobre

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt am Main, in 1923, this book aims at shedding light on the archives of some of the key thinkers of Critical Theory of Society, also well known as “Frankfurt School”. To pay homage to this current of thought, this contributed volume aims to make the archives speak for themselves, to show the public the quantity of unpublished material still existing by the authors of the Critical Theory which are now in funds in different parts of the world (in Germany, in Italy, or in the United States), and to show that Critical Theory remains alive 100 years after its inception.The volume starts by presenting the archives of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the thinkers who inspired Critical Theory, and the archives of the Institute for Social Research itself. Then it dedicates separate sections to the archives of Walter Benjamin, Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, Friedrich Pollock, Herbert Marcuse, Leo Löwenthal and Jürgen Habermas. The book is composed of chapters written by researchers and editors who worked in the different fonds, as well as chapters written by or interviews with researchers who were or are in charge of some of the archives, or who are especially familiar with the material. The Archives of Critical Theory will be an invaluable tool for researchers in many disciplines working with Critical Theory of Society, such as Sociology, Anthropology, Political Science, Philosophy, History, Education, Law and Cultural Studies, among others. Readers will find information about the content of each archive and the history of its constitution. The various contributions present many ways in which the materials may be explored and explain how such explorations affected or may yet affect the state of the research.

Archiving Loss: Holding Places for Difficult Memories

by Martine Hawkes

Drawing together many stories from the archives of difficult events and volatile histories, Archiving Loss: Holding Places for Difficult Memories asks how we might cut and walk a path for memory, loss, and silence in the archive. The difficult events discussed in this book include state responses to refugees, events of genocide, alongside other less documented pockets of trauma, violence, and loss. This book describes the archives whose language and logic have shaped our ways we remember and respond to difficult events and the ways in which we expect memory and loss to be coherent, credible, and lead to clear conclusions. In asking what is missing and what is found in the archives of difficult events this book argues for the necessity of looking more closely at other ways of remembering loss and archiving memory.

Archiving Loss: Holding Places for Difficult Memories

by Martine Hawkes

Drawing together many stories from the archives of difficult events and volatile histories, Archiving Loss: Holding Places for Difficult Memories asks how we might cut and walk a path for memory, loss, and silence in the archive. The difficult events discussed in this book include state responses to refugees, events of genocide, alongside other less documented pockets of trauma, violence, and loss. This book describes the archives whose language and logic have shaped our ways we remember and respond to difficult events and the ways in which we expect memory and loss to be coherent, credible, and lead to clear conclusions. In asking what is missing and what is found in the archives of difficult events this book argues for the necessity of looking more closely at other ways of remembering loss and archiving memory.

Arctic Triumph: Northern Innovation and Persistence (Springer Polar Sciences)

by Nikolas Sellheim Yulia V. Zaika Ilan Kelman

This book approaches the challenges the Arctic has faced and is facing through a lens of opportunity. Through pinpointed examples from and dealing with the Circumpolar North, the Arctic is depicted as a region where people and peoples have managed to endure despite significant challenges at hand. This book treats the ‘Arctic of disasters’ as an innovated narrative and asks how the ‘disaster pieces’ of Arctic discourse interact with the ability of Arctic peoples, communities and regions to counter disaster, adversity, and doom. While not neglecting the scientifically established challenges associated with climate change and other (potentially) disastrous processes in the north, this book calls for a paradigm shift from perceiving the ‘Arctic of disasters’ to an ‘Arctic of triumph’. Particular attention is therefore given to selected Arctic achievements that underline ‘triumphant’ developments in the north, even when Arctic triumph and disaster intersect.

Are Americans Becoming More Peaceful?

by Paul Joseph

"It's time that someone broke into the general gloom created by a war-loving administration and reminded us that we are a peace-loving people. Paul Joseph's book does just that, not with fantasy but with facts, showing how the public antipathy to war, suppressed too long by propaganda and deception, is coming to the surface, and offers hope." Howard Zinn "In this antidote to despair, Joseph shows how even the most sophisticated efforts of US political and military leaders to maintain public support for war are flawed and doomed to failure in the face of an increasingly skeptical public that is unwilling to accept the costs." William A. Gamson, Boston College "An original and thought-provoking perspective on one of the most important issues in American politics today." Michael Klare, Hampshire College Are Americans becoming more peaceful -- even after the 2004 elections and the seeming affirmation of the war in Iraq? This book looks at the meaning of peace in the face of war and offers an optimistic interpretation of the public's changing views. US citizens are becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the costs of war that can be measured not just in dollars but in lives and international respect. Americans are becoming ever more resistant to government management of the "facts" surrounding war. In areas ranging from media and photojournalism to gender and casualties, Joseph exposes the reality of popular opposition to war.

Are Americans Becoming More Peaceful?

by Paul Joseph

"It's time that someone broke into the general gloom created by a war-loving administration and reminded us that we are a peace-loving people. Paul Joseph's book does just that, not with fantasy but with facts, showing how the public antipathy to war, suppressed too long by propaganda and deception, is coming to the surface, and offers hope." Howard Zinn "In this antidote to despair, Joseph shows how even the most sophisticated efforts of US political and military leaders to maintain public support for war are flawed and doomed to failure in the face of an increasingly skeptical public that is unwilling to accept the costs." William A. Gamson, Boston College "An original and thought-provoking perspective on one of the most important issues in American politics today." Michael Klare, Hampshire College Are Americans becoming more peaceful -- even after the 2004 elections and the seeming affirmation of the war in Iraq? This book looks at the meaning of peace in the face of war and offers an optimistic interpretation of the public's changing views. US citizens are becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the costs of war that can be measured not just in dollars but in lives and international respect. Americans are becoming ever more resistant to government management of the "facts" surrounding war. In areas ranging from media and photojournalism to gender and casualties, Joseph exposes the reality of popular opposition to war.

Are Cyborgs Persons?: An Account of Futurist Ethics (Palgrave Studies in the Future of Humanity and its Successors)

by Aleksandra Łukaszewicz Alcaraz

This book presents argumentation for an evolutionary continuity between human persons and cyborg persons, based on the thought of Joseph Margolis. Relying on concepts of cultural realism and post-Darwinism, Aleksandra Łukaszewicz Alcaraz redefines the notion of the person, rather than a human, and discusses the various issues of human body enhancement and online implants transforming modes of perception, cognition, and communication. She argues that new kinds of embodiment should not make acquiring the status of the person impossible, and different kinds of embodiments may be accepted socially and culturally. She proposes we consider ethical problems of agency and responsibility, critically approaching vitalist posthuman ethics, and rethinking the metaphysical standing of normativity, to create space for possible cyborgean ethics that may be executed in an Extended Republic of Humanity.

Are Italians White?: How Race is Made in America

by Jennifer Guglielmo Salvatore Salerno

This dazzling collection of original essays from some of the country's leading thinkers asks the rather intriguing question - Are Italians White? Each piece carefully explores how, when and why whiteness became important to Italian Americans, and the significance of gender, class and nation to racial identity.

Are Italians White?: How Race is Made in America

by Jennifer Guglielmo Salvatore Salerno

This dazzling collection of original essays from some of the country's leading thinkers asks the rather intriguing question - Are Italians White? Each piece carefully explores how, when and why whiteness became important to Italian Americans, and the significance of gender, class and nation to racial identity.

Are Men Animals?: How Modern Masculinity Sells Men Short

by Matthew Gutmann

"Boys will be boys," the saying goes -- but what does that actually mean? A leading anthropologist investigatesWhy do men behave the way they do? Is it their male brains? Surging testosterone? From vulgar locker-room talk to mansplaining to sexual harassment, society is too quick to explain male behavior in terms of biology. In Are Men Animals?, anthropologist Matthew Gutmann argues that predatory male behavior is in no way inevitable. Men behave the way they do because culture permits it, not because biology demands it. To prove this, he embarks on a global investigation of masculinity. Exploring everything from the gender-bending politics of American college campuses to the marriage markets of Shanghai and the women-only subway cars of Mexico City, Gutmann shows just how complicated masculinity can be. The result isn't just a new way to think about manhood. It's a guide to a better life, for all of us.

Are We Free? Psychology and Free Will

by Roy F. Baumeister James C. Kaufman John Baer

Do people have free will, or this universal belief an illusion? If free will is more than an illusion, what kind of free will do people have? How can free will influence behavior? Can free will be studied, verified, and understood scientifically? How and why might a sense of free will have evolved? These are a few of the questions this book attempts to answer. People generally act as though they believe in their own free will: they don't feel like automatons, and they don't treat one another as they might treat robots. While acknowledging many constraints and influences on behavior, people nonetheless act as if they (and their neighbors) are largely in control of many if not most of the decisions they make. Belief in free will also underpins the sense that people are responsible for their actions. Psychological explanations of behavior rarely mention free will as a factor, however. Can psychological science find room for free will? How do leading psychologists conceptualize free will, and what role do they believe free will plays in shaping behavior? In recent years a number of psychologists have tried to solve one or more of the puzzles surrounding free will. This book looks both at recent experimental and theoretical work directly related to free will and at ways leading psychologists from all branches of psychology deal with the philosophical problems long associated with the question of free will, such as the relationship between determinism and free will and the importance of consciousness in free will. It also includes commentaries by leading philosophers on what psychologists can contribute to long-running philosophical struggles with this most distinctly human belief. These essays should be of interest not only to social scientists, but to intelligent and thoughtful readers everywhere.

Are We Free? Psychology and Free Will

by John Baer, James C. Kaufman, Roy F. Baumeister

Do people have free will, or this universal belief an illusion? If free will is more than an illusion, what kind of free will do people have? How can free will influence behavior? Can free will be studied, verified, and understood scientifically? How and why might a sense of free will have evolved? These are a few of the questions this book attempts to answer. People generally act as though they believe in their own free will: they don't feel like automatons, and they don't treat one another as they might treat robots. While acknowledging many constraints and influences on behavior, people nonetheless act as if they (and their neighbors) are largely in control of many if not most of the decisions they make. Belief in free will also underpins the sense that people are responsible for their actions. Psychological explanations of behavior rarely mention free will as a factor, however. Can psychological science find room for free will? How do leading psychologists conceptualize free will, and what role do they believe free will plays in shaping behavior? In recent years a number of psychologists have tried to solve one or more of the puzzles surrounding free will. This book looks both at recent experimental and theoretical work directly related to free will and at ways leading psychologists from all branches of psychology deal with the philosophical problems long associated with the question of free will, such as the relationship between determinism and free will and the importance of consciousness in free will. It also includes commentaries by leading philosophers on what psychologists can contribute to long-running philosophical struggles with this most distinctly human belief. These essays should be of interest not only to social scientists, but to intelligent and thoughtful readers everywhere.

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