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Showing 36,751 through 36,775 of 77,368 results

Junge Erwerbslose in Spanien und Deutschland

by Christoph Gille

Die grundlegenden Veränderungen von Wohlfahrtsstaat und Kapitalismus schlagen sich in der EU insbesondere im Alltag junger Erwerbsloser nieder. Christoph Gille untersucht, wie junge Menschen in Spanien und Deutschland trotz der Restriktionen, die damit verbunden sind, Handlungsfähigkeit in ihrem Alltag herstellen. Dazu entwickelt er in der Tradition der Wohlfahrtsstaatenforschung „von unten“ ein akteursbezogenes Verständnis des jeweiligen nationalen Kontextes. Deutlich werden so die Effekte der unterschiedlichen Sozialstaaten, aber auch die Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen den beiden Ländern, und damit der transnationale Charakter der andauernden wohlfahrtskapitalistischen Transformation.

Junge Frauen — junge Männer: Daten zu Lebensführung und Chancengleichheit Eine sekundäranalytische Auswertung (DJI - Reihe #12)

by Waltraud Cornelißen Martina Gille Holger Knothe Petra Meier Hannelore Queisser Monika Stürzer

Die vorliegende Sekundäranalyse bietet - auf der Basis aktuellen Datenmaterials - eine vergleichende Dokumentation von Interessen, Lebensführung und Teilhabechancen junger Frauen und junger Männer. Im Mittelpunkt der Aufmerksamkeit stehen die 14- bis 23-Jährigen, also die ,jungen' Jugendlichen und deren jeweilige Handlungsspielräume. Vergleiche zu anderen Altersgruppen werden ebenso hergestellt wie Vergleiche zwischen west- und ostdeutschen jungen Frauen und Männern. Darüber hinaus werden wichtige langfristige Trends benannt. Die einzelnen Kapitel liefern eine komprimierte Darstellung zur Entwicklung der Chancengleichheit in Bildung, Ausbildung und im Übergang zum Beruf und beschrieben Trends in den privaten Lebensformen junger Frauen und Männer. Zudem bieten sie einen Überblick über den Umfang und die Gestaltung von Freizeit und fragen nach dem gesellschaftspolitischem Engagement junger Frauen und Männer. Weiterhin liefern sie Daten über die Gesundheits- und Lebensrisiken junger Frauen und junger Männer und beschreiben die Delinquenzbelastung im Geschlechtsvergleich.

Junge Männer in Deutschland: Einstellungen junger Männer mit und ohne Zuwanderungsgeschichte zu Gender und LSBTI (Edition Centaurus – Jugend, Migration und Diversity)

by Katja Nowacki Katja Sabisch Silke Remiorz

Der Band untersucht die Werteorientierung junger Männer mit und ohne Zuwanderungsgeschichte zu Geschlecht, Gleichberechtigung und LSBTI unter Berücksichtigung von Beziehungsmustern und Sozialisation.

Junge Perspektiven der Türkeiforschung in Deutschland: Band 1

by Klaus Kreiser Raoul Motika Udo Steinbach Charlotte Joppien Ludwig Schulz

​Der vorliegende Band schafft ein interdisziplinäres Forum für die gegenwartsbezogene Türkeiforschung in Deutschland. Er präsentiert Forschungsergebnisse von NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen, die sich durch einen frischen Blick auf die Türkei, methodische Vielfalt sowie interdisziplinäre Ansätze auszeichnen. Der Band trägt so zu einem besseren Verständnis von Gesellschaft, Politik, Wirtschaft, Geschichte und Kultur des Landes bei, das sowohl regional als auch im europäischen Kontext einen immer wichtiger werdenden Platz einnimmt. ​

Junge Salafitinnen in Deutschland: Biographische Verläufe, Orientierungs- und Handlungsmuster. Eine qualitativ-empirische Studie (Globaler lokaler Islam)

by Laura Dickmann-Kacskovics

Warum schließen sich in Deutschland sozialisierte junge Frauen salafitischen Gruppierungen an? Welche biographischen Funktionen werden durch Hinwendungsprozesse zur fundamentalistischen Ideologie des Salafismus erfüllt, welche Bedürfnisse hierdurch befriedigt? Laura Dickmann-Kacskovics zeichnet auf Basis narrativer Interviews mit Anhängerinnen des Salafismus einzelne Lebensgeschichten sowie Handlungs- und Orientierungsmuster junger Salafitinnen nach. Ihre Erkenntnisse über die Hinwendungsprozesse zum Fundamentalismus bieten eine empirisch fundierte Grundlage, auf der geschlechterspezifische Angebote der Prävention und Distanzierung vom (gewaltlegitimierenden) Salafismus entwickelt werden können.

Jungen- und Männerarbeit: Bildung, Beratung und Begegnung auf der „Baustelle Mann“

by Johannes Krall

Im Lebensalltag entwerfen Männer ihre Rollen im Spannungsfeld von gesellschaftlichen Ansprüchen und realen Möglichkeiten ihrer Lebenswelt. Tradierte oder medial vermittelte "gemachte" Männerbilder liefern dafür Bausteine und Konstruktionsmodelle. Doch was aussieht wie ein schlüssiger Bauplan, erweist sich oft auch für den erfahrenen Heimwerker als unsicher, widersprüchlich oder gar unvereinbar. Bildung und Beratung stellen sich der Aufgabe, wie man gut fundierte Bewältigungsstrategien und tragfähige Lösungen erarbeiten kann. Konkrete Herausforderungen und Problemstellungen des Alltages und seiner gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen sind Gegenstand der "Baustelle Mann".

Jünger und die Folgen

by Niels Penke

Nach dem Krieg zunächst verfemt, gewann Ernst Jünger erneut an Popularität, die Lübke, Heuss und Kohl vielleicht sinnfälliger einte als Carlo Schmid, Joschka Fischer oder Heiner Müller, die sich ebenfalls emphatisch auf ihn bezogen und seinen intellektuellen Einfluss betonten. Bis in die Gegenwart ist das Spektrum dieser affirmativen Einschätzungen und Haltungen Jünger gegenüber vor allem in konservativen Kreisen, Burschenschaftlichen Milieus und (neu)rechten Subkulturen zu beobachten. Gegenläufig lässt sich eine Kritik nachzeichnen, die ihn zum Musterbeispiel deutscher Aggression, allgemeiner ‚Kriegsverherrlichung‘ und symptomatischer Exkulpationsstrategien nach 1945 erkoren hat. Walter Benjamin, Kurt Tucholsky, Bertolt Brecht, Klaus Theweleit, Jutta Ditfurth, Maxim Biller oder der Titanic sind nur einige unter vielen Kritiker/innen, auf die Jünger - bei aller Ablehnung und Kritik - dennoch gewirkt hat. Zeitgleich haben die popkulturellen Bezüge auf Jünger zugenommen: Max Goldt, Tristesse Royale, Wolfgang Herrndorf, Dietmar Dath oder Susanne Blech beziehen sich auf Jünger als Ästheten und provozierendes Stilvorbild, oft jedoch im Modus der Ironie, die interpretationsbedürftig ist.

Jüngere Jugendliche zwischen Familie, Peers und Schule: Zur Entstehung von Bildungsungleichheit an außerschulischen Bildungsorten (Studien zur Schul- und Bildungsforschung #54)

by Ulrike Deppe

Was in der gesellschaftlichen Realität untrennbar erscheint und im Alltagsverständnis häufig als zusammengehörig betrachtet wird, muss in der wissenschaftlichen Analyse als Zusammenhang nicht unbedingt Beachtung finden. Dazu gehört der Gegenstand des Bandes: der Beitrag von Familie und Peers für die Entstehung von Bildungsungleichheit. Darin werden die Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Studie, in der die Entstehung von Bildungsungleichheit aus der Perspektive von ca. 13-Jährigen, ihren Eltern und ihren Freunden untersucht wurde, präsentiert. Das Buch bietet neue empirische Einblicke in das Wechselverhältnis von Familie und Peers in ihrer Bedeutsamkeit für die Bildungsbiografien von ca. 13-jährigen Schülern und für die Entstehung von Bildungsungleichheit. Darüber hinaus werden ausführlich die empirischen und theoretischen Voraussetzungen der Studie geklärt und im Anschluss an die Ergebnisse neue theoretische und empirische Perspektiven für die Erforschung von Bildungsungleichheit eröffnet.

A Jungian Approach to Coaching: The Theory and Practice of Turning Leaders into People

by Laurence Barrett

In an increasingly superficial and disconnected world, Jungian psychology offers a more soulful alternative. It provides a frame within which we can more easily notice and understand the voice of the unconscious and its implications, allowing us to build deeper relationships and lead more meaningful lives. In this book, Laurence Barrett explores the fundamental principles and structures of Jung's model of the mind and considers ways in which these may be applied and extended to a modern coaching and consulting practice. It offers a deep but accessible insight to Jungian theory, supported by a wealth of source materials and rich examples from the author's own work and experience. A Jungian Approach to Coaching will help experienced coaches to better support individuals, groups, and organizations, in a rediscovery of their humanity and their potential. It will help turn leaders into people.

A Jungian Approach to Coaching: The Theory and Practice of Turning Leaders into People

by Laurence Barrett

In an increasingly superficial and disconnected world, Jungian psychology offers a more soulful alternative. It provides a frame within which we can more easily notice and understand the voice of the unconscious and its implications, allowing us to build deeper relationships and lead more meaningful lives. In this book, Laurence Barrett explores the fundamental principles and structures of Jung's model of the mind and considers ways in which these may be applied and extended to a modern coaching and consulting practice. It offers a deep but accessible insight to Jungian theory, supported by a wealth of source materials and rich examples from the author's own work and experience. A Jungian Approach to Coaching will help experienced coaches to better support individuals, groups, and organizations, in a rediscovery of their humanity and their potential. It will help turn leaders into people.

Jürgen Habermas: Einführung in die Theorie der Gesellschaft (Studientexte zur Soziologie)

by Wieland Jäger Marion Baltes-Schmitt

Die systematisch angelegte, detaillierte Aufarbeitung der Gesellschaftstheorie stützt sich auf alle soziologisch relevanten Schriften und Beiträge von Habermas seit 1954 bis in die Gegenwart. Im Zuge der inhaltlichen Auseinandersetzung schälen sich Tendenzen einer gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung heraus, die - so die These - auf eine Entkoppelung der Entkoppelung von System und Lebenswelt, also auf eine zunehmende, über eine vitale Öffentlichkeit vermittelte Integration von materieller und symbolischer Reproduktion hindeuten. Die Nutzung sozialrevolutionären Lernpotentials versetzt die Gesellschaft in die Lage, Krisen und Konflikte als Herausforderung zu begreifen. Damit bewegt sich die Gegenwartsgesellschaft auf eine "Postmoderne" zu, welche die Fehler der Moderne aufarbeitet - ohne vor neuen Fehlern gefeit zu sein und in dem Bewusstsein, dass Irrtümer zu evolutionären Umwegen zwingen. Diese wiederum bedürfen dann der Aufarbeitung durch die "Postmoderne" selbst. Anstelle einer komprimierten, aber nicht kapitelweise zu lesenden und zu bearbeitenden Fassung sind die einzelnen Hauptabschnitte in sich geschlossen und verständlich formuliert. Dieses Vorgehen erleichtert den Zugang zur Soziologie von Jürgen Habermas.

Jurgen Habermas (Key Sociologists)

by Michael Pusey

First Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Jurgen Habermas (Key Sociologists)

by Michael Pusey

First Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Jürgen Klopp

by Elmar Neveling

Updated to include Klopp’s final season at Anfield "It is the intensity of the football, of how the people live football in Liverpool, all the Liverpool fans around the world. It is not a normal club, it is a special club." Jürgen KloppJürgen Klopp’s decision to leave Liverpool after nine incredible years shocked the football community. His tactical acumen, motivational skills and ability to develop young talent were instrumental in Liverpool's resurgence as a top team in English and European football. Before disrupting the game in England, the extraordinary manager had single-handedly overthrown the accepted order in the German league, taking Borussia Dortmund from nowhere to back-to-back Bundesliga titles. Then, in 2019, he cemented his name in the history books by returning Liverpool to Champions League glory, ending the club's 14-year wait for a major European trophy. Klopp was the mastermind behind Liverpool’s Premier League title in the 2019-2020 season, a welcome return to the very heights of top flight football that saw his position as a Liverpool legend well and truly cemented in club history.Long after his departure, Klopp will continue to be revered as a master tactician with his own unique playing philosophies. His legacy among his players will be his passion and man-management skills, and he will forever be adored by fans for his charm, wit and thrilling football on the pitch.This is the definitive celebration of Jürgen Klopp, his down-to-earth nature and his footballing genius.

Juries, Science and Popular Culture in the Age of Terror: The Case of the Sydney Bomber

by David Tait Jane Goodman-Delahunty

Terrorism has become an everyday reality in most contemporary societies. In a context of heightened fear can juries be trusted to remain impartial when confronted by defendants charged with terrorism? Do they scrutinize prosecution cases carefully, or does emotion trump reason once the spectre of terrorism is invoked? This book examines these questions from a range of disciplinary perspectives. The authors look at the how jurors in terrorism trials are likely to respond to gruesome evidence, including beheading videos. The 'CSI effect' is examined as a possible response to forensic evidence, and jurors with different learning preferences are compared. Virtual interactive environments, built like computer games, may be created to provide animated reconstructions of the prosecution or defence case. This book reports on how to create such presentations, culminating in the analysis of a live simulated trial using interactive visual displays followed by jury deliberations. The team of international, transdisciplinary experts draw conclusions of global legal and political significance, and contribute to the growing scholarship on comparative counter-terrorism law. The book will be of great interest to scholars, students and practitioners of law, criminal justice, forensic science and psychology.

Jurisprudence: Realism in Theory and Practice (The\civilization Of The American Indian Ser. #21)

by Karl Llewellyn

Jurisprudence: Realism in Theory and Practice compiles many of Llewellyn's most important writings. For his time, the thirties through the fifties, Llewellyn offered fresh approaches to the study of law and society. Although these writings might not seem innovative today, because they have become widely applied in the contemporary world, they remain a testament to his. The ideas he advanced many decades ago have now become commonplace among contemporary jurisprudence scholars as well as social scientists studying law and legal issues.Legal realism, the ground of Llewellyn's theory, attempts to contextualize the practice of law. Its proponents argue that a host of extra-legal factors--social, cultural, historical, and psychological, to name a few--are at least as important in determining legal outcomes as are the rules and principles by which the legal system operates. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., book, The Common Law, is regarded as the founder of legal realism. Holmes stated that in order to truly understand the workings of law, one must go beyond technical (or logical) elements entailing rules and procedures. The life of the law is not only that which is embodied in statutes and court decisions guided by procedural law. Law is just as much about experience: about flesh-and-blood human beings doings things together and making decisions.Llewellyn's version of legal realism was heavily influenced by Pound and Holmes. The distinction between ""law in books"" and ""law in action"" is an acknowledgement of the gap that exists between law as embodied in criminal, civil, and administrative code books, and law. A fully formed legal realism insists on studying the behavior of legal practitioners, including their practices, habits, and techniques of action as well as decision-making about others. This classic studyis a foremosthistorical work on legal theory, and is essential for understanding the roots of this influential perspective.

Jurisprudence: Realism in Theory and Practice

by Karl Llewellyn

Jurisprudence: Realism in Theory and Practice compiles many of Llewellyn's most important writings. For his time, the thirties through the fifties, Llewellyn offered fresh approaches to the study of law and society. Although these writings might not seem innovative today, because they have become widely applied in the contemporary world, they remain a testament to his. The ideas he advanced many decades ago have now become commonplace among contemporary jurisprudence scholars as well as social scientists studying law and legal issues.Legal realism, the ground of Llewellyn's theory, attempts to contextualize the practice of law. Its proponents argue that a host of extra-legal factors--social, cultural, historical, and psychological, to name a few--are at least as important in determining legal outcomes as are the rules and principles by which the legal system operates. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., book, The Common Law, is regarded as the founder of legal realism. Holmes stated that in order to truly understand the workings of law, one must go beyond technical (or logical) elements entailing rules and procedures. The life of the law is not only that which is embodied in statutes and court decisions guided by procedural law. Law is just as much about experience: about flesh-and-blood human beings doings things together and making decisions.Llewellyn's version of legal realism was heavily influenced by Pound and Holmes. The distinction between ""law in books"" and ""law in action"" is an acknowledgement of the gap that exists between law as embodied in criminal, civil, and administrative code books, and law. A fully formed legal realism insists on studying the behavior of legal practitioners, including their practices, habits, and techniques of action as well as decision-making about others. This classic studyis a foremosthistorical work on legal theory, and is essential for understanding the roots of this influential perspective.

The Jurisprudence of Police: Toward a General Unified Theory of Law

by T. Svogun

This unique volume develops a new philosophy of law and a new theory of law enforcement. The concepts developed provide the basis for a general unified theory of law that reconciles what legislators and judges do, with what police do to resolve important questions in the field and make public policy recommendations.

A Jurisprudence of the Body (Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies)

by Michael Thomson Chris Dietz Mitchell Travis

This book brings together a range of theoretical perspectives to consider fundamental questions of health law and the place of the body within it. Health, and more recently health law, has long been animated by discussions of particular bodies - whether they are disordered, diseased, or disabled - but each of these classificatory regimes claim some knowledge about the body. This edited collection aims to uncover and challenge the fundamental assumptions that underpin medico-legal knowledge claims about such bodies. This exploration is achieved through a mix of perspectives, but many contributors look towards embodiment as a perspective that understands bodies to be shaped by their institutional contexts. Much of this work alerts us to the idea that medical practitioners not only respond to healthcare issues, but also create them through their own understandings of ‘normality’ and ‘fixing’. Bodies, as a result, cannot be understood outside of, or as separate to, their medical and legal contexts. This compelling book pushes the possibility of new directions in health care and health justice.

Jury and the Defense of Insanity

by Rita J. Simon

Thirty years after it was first published, the issues raised in The Jury and the Defense of Insanity remain pertinent. Rita James Simon examines how motivated and competent juries are, how well jurors understand and follow judges' instructions, their understand-ing of expert testimony, and the extent to which their own backgrounds and experiences influence their decisions. Simon provides a rare opportunity to observe how jurors go about the process of deliberating and reaching a verdict by following them into the jury room and recording their deliberations. This pathbreaking study of jury room behavior provides compelling evidence of the effectiveness of our trial by jury system.The Jury and the Defense of Insanity was the product of an experimental study con-ducted as part of the University of Chicago Jury Project. Over 1,000 jurors were chosen to participate, not as volunteers, but as part of their regular jury duty, in two experimental trials, one on a charge of housebreaking, the other of incest. In each the insanity de-fense was raised. Court judges instructed the jurors to consider the recorded trials they were about to hear with all the care and seriousness they would give to a real criminal prosecution, and the taped recordings of their deliberations make it clear that they did just that. These recordings, along with responses to detailed questionnaires, yielded significant data, equally applicable to civil as to criminal cases. We learn their reactions to their fellow jurors; personal evaluations of the quality and effectiveness of delibera-tions; the degree to which religion, sex, social status, education, and like factors affect participation in and influence on the course of the deliberation; and the recounting of and reliance upon personal experience in seeking to reach a verdict, among other in-sights furnished by this study.This is an exact record not a description or recollected account of the struggle of a jury to weigh evidence and achieve a just verdict. For lawyers whose job it is to win civil and criminal cases, for behavioral scientists who study male and female reactions in their cultural environment to the circumstances that confront them, and to all who are interested in how people behave and why, in a dramatic, socially significant situation, this is a fascinating and revealing book.

Jury and the Defense of Insanity

by Rita J. Simon

Thirty years after it was first published, the issues raised in The Jury and the Defense of Insanity remain pertinent. Rita James Simon examines how motivated and competent juries are, how well jurors understand and follow judges' instructions, their understand-ing of expert testimony, and the extent to which their own backgrounds and experiences influence their decisions. Simon provides a rare opportunity to observe how jurors go about the process of deliberating and reaching a verdict by following them into the jury room and recording their deliberations. This pathbreaking study of jury room behavior provides compelling evidence of the effectiveness of our trial by jury system.The Jury and the Defense of Insanity was the product of an experimental study con-ducted as part of the University of Chicago Jury Project. Over 1,000 jurors were chosen to participate, not as volunteers, but as part of their regular jury duty, in two experimental trials, one on a charge of housebreaking, the other of incest. In each the insanity de-fense was raised. Court judges instructed the jurors to consider the recorded trials they were about to hear with all the care and seriousness they would give to a real criminal prosecution, and the taped recordings of their deliberations make it clear that they did just that. These recordings, along with responses to detailed questionnaires, yielded significant data, equally applicable to civil as to criminal cases. We learn their reactions to their fellow jurors; personal evaluations of the quality and effectiveness of delibera-tions; the degree to which religion, sex, social status, education, and like factors affect participation in and influence on the course of the deliberation; and the recounting of and reliance upon personal experience in seeking to reach a verdict, among other in-sights furnished by this study.This is an exact record not a description or recollected account of the struggle of a jury to weigh evidence and achieve a just verdict. For lawyers whose job it is to win civil and criminal cases, for behavioral scientists who study male and female reactions in their cultural environment to the circumstances that confront them, and to all who are interested in how people behave and why, in a dramatic, socially significant situation, this is a fascinating and revealing book.

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