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Kapitalismus bei Max Weber - zur Rekonstruktion eines fast vergessenen Themas: Herausgegeben, eingeleitet und kommentiert von Uta Gerhardt (Klassiker der Sozialwissenschaften)

by Uta Gerhardt Talcott Parsons

Die deutschsprachige Fassung der Heidelberger Dissertation von Talcott Parsons aus dem Jahr 1927 galt lange als verschollen. Umso überraschender ist es, dass diese bisher unveröffentlichte Schrift kürzlich in seinem Nachlass in Harvard aufgefunden wurde. In diesem Band wird sie zum ersten Mal in einer textkritischen Fassung veröffentlicht. In ihrer Einleitung klärt die Herausgeberin dieses Bandes Uta Gerhardt die werkgeschichtlichen Hintergründe der Entstehung und des „Verschwindens“ dieses nachgelassenen Manuskriptes von Parsons auf. Ferner würdigt sie in einer eigenen Abhandlung den Beitrag von Talcott Parsons zur Rezeption des Werkes von Max Weber und zur Kapitalismusdiskussion des 20. Jahrhunderts, die in diesem Band ebenfalls zum Abdruck kommt.

Kapitalismus, Herrschaft und Max Weber. Ausgewählte Aufsätze: Herausgegeben von Steffen Sigmund (Studien zum Weber-Paradigma)

by Guenther Roth

Guenther Roths vielfältige Arbeiten sind mit dem Werk Max Webers untrennbar verknüpft. Seine textgenaue und präzise Übersetzung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft ins Englische eröffnete ganz neue Chancen zu einer systematischen Auseinandersetzung mit Weber in der angelsächsischen Welt, seine detaillierten und historisch genauen Untersuchungen der Kontexte und der familiären Konstellationen, in die Weber eingebunden war, ermöglichen ein zeit- und milieusensibles Verständnis seiner Biographie und seine differenzierten makrosoziologischen Untersuchungen zu Herrschaft, Politik und Kapitalismus machen das analytische Potential dieses Ansatzes deutlich.Der vorliegende Band versammelt zentrale Texte von Guenther Roth. Sie sind soziologiegeschichtlich bedeutsam und für aktuelle Problemstellungen aufschlussreich. Sie zeigen, wie ein Anschluss an Webers Werk in historischer und systematischer Hinsicht neue Perspektivieren eröffnen kann und machen die Fruchtbarkeit des Weber Paradigmas für aktuelle Fragestellungen deutlich.

Kapitalismusanalyse und Kapitalismuskritik (essentials)

by Johannes Berger

​Der Kapitalismus, so hat Schumpeter gesagt, ist eine „Maschine der Massenproduktion, was unvermeidlich auch Produktion für die Massen bedeutet.“ Was immer man von diesem System halten mag: Kein anderes Wirtschaftssystem löst die Aufgabe, die Bevölkerung mit immer mehr und ständig neuen Konsumgütern zu versorgen, besser. Wie es aussieht, ist die Wohlstandsmehrung jedoch begleitet von materieller Ungleichheit, in ihrer Höhe schwankender Arbeitslosigkeit und ständig wiederkehrenden Wirtschaftskrisen. Zunächst wendet sich der Artikel den Grundzügen des modernen Kapitalismus zu. In einem zweiten Schritt wird dann der Gestaltwandel des Kapitalismus thematisiert. Im Anschluss daran wird die vielstimmige Kritik an diesem Wirtschaftssystem untersucht. Sie ist nicht nur Sozialkritik, sondern immer auch Kulturkritik gewesen. Der Beitrag schließt mit einem Ausblick auf die Zukunft dieses Wirtschaftssystems und skizziert denkbare, aber unwahrscheinliche Reformen, deren Verwirklichung in eine Wirtschaftsform jenseits der bestehenden führen würde.​

Kapitalistische Dynamik: Eine gesellschaftstheoretische Perspektive (Wirtschaft + Gesellschaft)

by Christoph Deutschmann

Der Band fasst die neueren Publikationen sowie einige Originalbeiträge des Autors zur Arbeits- und Wirtschaftssoziologie zusammen, in denen eine gesellschaftstheoretische Interpretation kapitalistischer Dynamik entwickelt wird. Zentrale Themen sind die Wahlverwandtschaft zwischen Kapitalismus und Religion und der daraus abgeleitete dynamische Ansatz der Analyse wirtschaftlicher Institutionen. Darüber hinaus geht es darum, diesen Ansatz für die Erklärung aktueller Transformationsprozesse der Arbeitswelt und der Finanzmärkte fruchtbar zu machen.

Kapitalistische Dynamik: Eine gesellschaftstheoretische Perspektive (Wirtschaft + Gesellschaft)

by Christoph Deutschmann

Der Band fasst die neueren Publikationen sowie einige Originalbeiträge des Autors zur Arbeits- und Wirtschaftssoziologie zusammen, in denen eine gesellschaftstheoretische Interpretation kapitalistischer Dynamik entwickelt wird. Zentrale Themen sind die Wahlverwandtschaft zwischen Kapitalismus und Religion und der daraus abgeleitete dynamische Ansatz der Analyse wirtschaftlicher Institutionen. Darüber hinaus geht es darum, diesen Ansatz für die Erklärung aktueller Transformationsprozesse der Arbeitswelt und der Finanzmärkte fruchtbar zu machen.

Karen Barad as Educator: Agential Realism and Education (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by Karin Murris

This book is about becoming touched and moved by Karen Barad’s agential realism. Karen Barad as Educator is not biographical. It is not about Barad. There is much to be learned about teaching and education research through the human and other-than-human narrative characters in Barad’s writings and way of life. Reading this book is about becoming entangled with, and being inspired by, a passionate yearning for a radical reconfiguration of education in all its settings and phases (e.g., day-care centres, schools, colleges, universities, but also homes, museums or therapy rooms). This book will appeal to lecturers, teachers, artists, therapists, parents and grandparents, funders of education research, organisers of educational events, as well as detached youth workers. In short, this book will speak to anyone interested in the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ of educational encounters and who is interested in alternatives to the dominant neoliberal national curricula, educational policies and humanist teaching, research, and conference agendas. The book aims to offer a gripping account for educators to be inspired by the invigorating and elusive philosophy of agential realism with a specific focus on iterative performative practices that profoundly matter to what counts as knowledge, teaching, learning and response-able education science.

Karl Mannheim and the Contemporary Sociology of Knowledge

by Brian Longhurst

Karl Mannheim and the Legacy of Max Weber: Retrieving a Research Programme (Rethinking Classical Sociology)

by David Kettler Colin Loader Volker Meja

This book focuses on the important work of Karl Mannheim by demonstrating how his theoretical conception of a reflexive sociology took shape as a collaborative empirical research programme. The authors show how contemporary work along these lines can benefit from the insights of Mannheim and his students into both morphology and genealogy. It returns Mannheim's sociology of knowledge inquiries into the broader context of a wider project in historical and cultural sociology, whose promising development was disrupted and then partially obscured by the expulsion of Mannheim's intellectual generation. This inspired volume will appeal to sociologists concerned with the contemporary relevance of his work, and who are prepared for a fresh look at Weimar sociology and the legacy of Max Weber.

Karl Mannheim and the Legacy of Max Weber: Retrieving a Research Programme (Rethinking Classical Sociology)

by David Kettler Colin Loader Volker Meja

This book focuses on the important work of Karl Mannheim by demonstrating how his theoretical conception of a reflexive sociology took shape as a collaborative empirical research programme. The authors show how contemporary work along these lines can benefit from the insights of Mannheim and his students into both morphology and genealogy. It returns Mannheim's sociology of knowledge inquiries into the broader context of a wider project in historical and cultural sociology, whose promising development was disrupted and then partially obscured by the expulsion of Mannheim's intellectual generation. This inspired volume will appeal to sociologists concerned with the contemporary relevance of his work, and who are prepared for a fresh look at Weimar sociology and the legacy of Max Weber.

Karl Marx (Routledge Revivals)

by Loria Achille

Achille Loria was a well-known Italian political economist and this translation of his work presents his views and discussions on famous socialist Karl Marx, bringing his work to an English audience. Originally published in 1917, the translators have included a detailed foreword which attempts to put Loria’s work in context of other views on Marxism. This title will be of interest to students of politics and sociology.

Karl Marx (Routledge Revivals)

by Loria Achille

Achille Loria was a well-known Italian political economist and this translation of his work presents his views and discussions on famous socialist Karl Marx, bringing his work to an English audience. Originally published in 1917, the translators have included a detailed foreword which attempts to put Loria’s work in context of other views on Marxism. This title will be of interest to students of politics and sociology.

Karl Marx (Arguments of the Philosophers)

by Wood Allen

This is one of the most respected books on Marx's philosophical thought. Wood explains Marx's views from a philosophical standpoint and defends Marx against common misunderstandings and criticisms of his views. All the major philosophical topics in Marx's work are considered: the central concept of alienation; historical materialism and Marx's account of social classes; the nature and social function of morality; philosophical materialism and Marx's atheism; and Marx's use of the Hegelian dialectical method and the Marxian theory of value.The second edition has been revised to include a new chapter on capitalist exploitation and new suggestions for further reading. Wood has also added a substantial new preface which looks at Marx's thought in light of the fall of the Soviet Union and our continued ambivalence towards capitalism, exploring Marx's continuing relevance in the twenty-first century.

Karl Marx (Arguments of the Philosophers)

by Wood Allen

This is one of the most respected books on Marx's philosophical thought. Wood explains Marx's views from a philosophical standpoint and defends Marx against common misunderstandings and criticisms of his views. All the major philosophical topics in Marx's work are considered: the central concept of alienation; historical materialism and Marx's account of social classes; the nature and social function of morality; philosophical materialism and Marx's atheism; and Marx's use of the Hegelian dialectical method and the Marxian theory of value.The second edition has been revised to include a new chapter on capitalist exploitation and new suggestions for further reading. Wood has also added a substantial new preface which looks at Marx's thought in light of the fall of the Soviet Union and our continued ambivalence towards capitalism, exploring Marx's continuing relevance in the twenty-first century.

Karl Marx (The International Library of Essays in Classical Sociology)

by Kevin B. Anderson

Marx's approach to analyzing society and especially his critique of capitalist society, continues to influence the work of a large number of scholars world-wide. Unfortunately, there are relatively few clear accounts of what this approach is and how to put it to use. And, despite the many attempts to use Marx's method to study a variety of subjects, there are relatively few that can serve as useful models. In the present volume, the internationally renowned Marxist scholar, Bertell Ollman, and the social theorist Kevin B. Anderson, have brought together a sampling of the best writings of the past hundred years that illustrate and critique Marx's method as well as explain what it is and how to put it to work. Anyone wishing to understand better Marx's dialectical method (along, of course, with the theories created with its help), or to revise this method or to criticize it, or to use it in their own work will find this collection invaluable.

Karl Marx (The International Library of Essays in Classical Sociology)

by Kevin B. Anderson

Marx's approach to analyzing society and especially his critique of capitalist society, continues to influence the work of a large number of scholars world-wide. Unfortunately, there are relatively few clear accounts of what this approach is and how to put it to use. And, despite the many attempts to use Marx's method to study a variety of subjects, there are relatively few that can serve as useful models. In the present volume, the internationally renowned Marxist scholar, Bertell Ollman, and the social theorist Kevin B. Anderson, have brought together a sampling of the best writings of the past hundred years that illustrate and critique Marx's method as well as explain what it is and how to put it to work. Anyone wishing to understand better Marx's dialectical method (along, of course, with the theories created with its help), or to revise this method or to criticize it, or to use it in their own work will find this collection invaluable.

Karl Marx: The Revolutionary as Educator (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by Robin Small

This book is an introduction to Karl Marx (1818–1883) as a radical educational thinker. Marx’s own schooling and education are examined and we see how his interest in educational issues was informed by his own experience. Educational themes in Marx’s thinking are identified: the role of education within capitalist society, the contribution of education to human development and the character of education in a future society. These are placed in a historical setting by the author and related to public debates over educational policy.Throughout his career, Marx identified education as key to the prospects of the working class. The story of this engagement adds a new dimension to the picture of his work as a philosopher, political economist and socialist revolutionary. The aspects of education that concerned Marx matched prominent features of his theoretical and political activity, and educational themes provided him with a critical application for many of his most important ideas.The author explores Marx’s work on the British factory school system, his use of evidence from the reports of school inspectors, and the contemporary movement that led to the establishment of modern systems of public schooling. The final chapter relates Marx’s thinking to questions about the place of education in today’s society, showing how relevant it is for the twenty-first century.These discussions contain new scholarship, draw on original sources and are written in a clear and readable style. Students in education courses at universities and colleges, educational researchers and teachers will find this examination of Karl Marx’s ideas concerning education both engaging and enlightening.

Karl Marx on Society and Social Change: With Selections by Friedrich Engels (Heritage of Sociology Series)

by Karl Marx

This volume presents those writings of Marx that best reveal his contribution to sociology, particularly to the theory of society and social change. The editor, Neil J. Smelser, has divided these selections into three topical sections and has also included works by Friedrich Engels. The first section, "The Structure of Society," contains Marx's writings on the material basis of classes, the basis of the state, and the basis of the family. Among the writings included in this section are Marx's well-known summary from the Preface of A Contribution to a Critique of Political Economy and his equally famous observations on the functional significance of religion in relation to politics. The second section is titled "The Sweep of Historical Change." The first selection here contains Marx's first statement of the main precapitalist forms of production. The second selection focuses on capitalism, its contradictions, and its impending destruction. Two brief final selections treat the nature of communism, particularly its freedom from the kinds of contradictions that have plagued all earlier forms of societies. The last section, "The Mechanisms of Change," reproduces several parts of Marx's analysis of the mechanisms by which contradictions develop in capitalism and generate group conflicts. Included is an analysis of competition and its effects on the various classes, a discussion of economic crises and their effects on workers, and Marx's presentation of the historical specifics of the class struggle. In his comprehensive Introduction to the selections, Professor Smelser provides a biography of Marx, indentifies the various intellectual traditions which formed the background for Marx's writings, and discusses the selections which follow. The editor describes Marx's conception of society as a social system, the differences between functionalism and Marx's theories, and the dynamics of economic and political change as analyzed by Marx.

Karl Marx on Society and Social Change: With Selections by Friedrich Engels (Heritage of Sociology Series)

by Karl Marx

This volume presents those writings of Marx that best reveal his contribution to sociology, particularly to the theory of society and social change. The editor, Neil J. Smelser, has divided these selections into three topical sections and has also included works by Friedrich Engels. The first section, "The Structure of Society," contains Marx's writings on the material basis of classes, the basis of the state, and the basis of the family. Among the writings included in this section are Marx's well-known summary from the Preface of A Contribution to a Critique of Political Economy and his equally famous observations on the functional significance of religion in relation to politics. The second section is titled "The Sweep of Historical Change." The first selection here contains Marx's first statement of the main precapitalist forms of production. The second selection focuses on capitalism, its contradictions, and its impending destruction. Two brief final selections treat the nature of communism, particularly its freedom from the kinds of contradictions that have plagued all earlier forms of societies. The last section, "The Mechanisms of Change," reproduces several parts of Marx's analysis of the mechanisms by which contradictions develop in capitalism and generate group conflicts. Included is an analysis of competition and its effects on the various classes, a discussion of economic crises and their effects on workers, and Marx's presentation of the historical specifics of the class struggle. In his comprehensive Introduction to the selections, Professor Smelser provides a biography of Marx, indentifies the various intellectual traditions which formed the background for Marx's writings, and discusses the selections which follow. The editor describes Marx's conception of society as a social system, the differences between functionalism and Marx's theories, and the dynamics of economic and political change as analyzed by Marx.

Karl Marx on Society and Social Change: With Selections by Friedrich Engels (Heritage of Sociology Series)

by Karl Marx

This volume presents those writings of Marx that best reveal his contribution to sociology, particularly to the theory of society and social change. The editor, Neil J. Smelser, has divided these selections into three topical sections and has also included works by Friedrich Engels. The first section, "The Structure of Society," contains Marx's writings on the material basis of classes, the basis of the state, and the basis of the family. Among the writings included in this section are Marx's well-known summary from the Preface of A Contribution to a Critique of Political Economy and his equally famous observations on the functional significance of religion in relation to politics. The second section is titled "The Sweep of Historical Change." The first selection here contains Marx's first statement of the main precapitalist forms of production. The second selection focuses on capitalism, its contradictions, and its impending destruction. Two brief final selections treat the nature of communism, particularly its freedom from the kinds of contradictions that have plagued all earlier forms of societies. The last section, "The Mechanisms of Change," reproduces several parts of Marx's analysis of the mechanisms by which contradictions develop in capitalism and generate group conflicts. Included is an analysis of competition and its effects on the various classes, a discussion of economic crises and their effects on workers, and Marx's presentation of the historical specifics of the class struggle. In his comprehensive Introduction to the selections, Professor Smelser provides a biography of Marx, indentifies the various intellectual traditions which formed the background for Marx's writings, and discusses the selections which follow. The editor describes Marx's conception of society as a social system, the differences between functionalism and Marx's theories, and the dynamics of economic and political change as analyzed by Marx.

Karl Marx on Society and Social Change: With Selections by Friedrich Engels (Heritage of Sociology Series)

by Karl Marx

This volume presents those writings of Marx that best reveal his contribution to sociology, particularly to the theory of society and social change. The editor, Neil J. Smelser, has divided these selections into three topical sections and has also included works by Friedrich Engels. The first section, "The Structure of Society," contains Marx's writings on the material basis of classes, the basis of the state, and the basis of the family. Among the writings included in this section are Marx's well-known summary from the Preface of A Contribution to a Critique of Political Economy and his equally famous observations on the functional significance of religion in relation to politics. The second section is titled "The Sweep of Historical Change." The first selection here contains Marx's first statement of the main precapitalist forms of production. The second selection focuses on capitalism, its contradictions, and its impending destruction. Two brief final selections treat the nature of communism, particularly its freedom from the kinds of contradictions that have plagued all earlier forms of societies. The last section, "The Mechanisms of Change," reproduces several parts of Marx's analysis of the mechanisms by which contradictions develop in capitalism and generate group conflicts. Included is an analysis of competition and its effects on the various classes, a discussion of economic crises and their effects on workers, and Marx's presentation of the historical specifics of the class struggle. In his comprehensive Introduction to the selections, Professor Smelser provides a biography of Marx, indentifies the various intellectual traditions which formed the background for Marx's writings, and discusses the selections which follow. The editor describes Marx's conception of society as a social system, the differences between functionalism and Marx's theories, and the dynamics of economic and political change as analyzed by Marx.

Karl Marx’s Life, Ideas, and Influences: A Critical Examination on the Bicentenary (Marx, Engels, and Marxisms)

by Marcello Musto Shaibal Gupta Babak Amini

Since the latest crisis of capitalism broke out in 2008, Marx has been back in fashion, and sometimes it seems that his ideas have never been as topical, or as commanding of respect and interest, as they are today. This edited collection arises from one of the largest international conferences dedicated to the bicentenary of Marx’s birth. The volume contains 16 chapters authored by globally renowned scholars and is divided into two parts: I) On the Critique of Politics; II) On the Critique of Political Economy. These contributions, from multiple academic disciplines, offer diverse perspectives on why Marx is still so relevant for our times and make this book a source of great appeal for both expert scholars of Marx as well as students and general readers who are approaching his theories for the first time.

Karl Marx's Realist Critique of Capitalism: Freedom, Alienation, and Socialism (Marx, Engels, and Marxisms)

by Paul Raekstad

This book offers the first realist reconstruction of Marx’s critique of capitalism. Reading Marx through a realist lens enables us to make sense of the connections between (1) Marx’s positive concept of freedom, rooted in a theory of human development, (2) his understanding of alienation as diagnosing capitalist unfreedom, and (3) his conceptions of democracy and socialism, respectively, as the cures for this unfreedom. Along the way, it discusses and responds to some of Marx’s most insightful critics, such as Max Weber and Friedrich Hayek. This clarifies Marx’s ideas for a new generation of political thinkers; explains the challenge they pose to contemporary debates about freedom, democracy, and future economic institutions; and demonstrates that these ideas remain both defensible and compelling.

Karl Marx's Writings on Alienation (Marx, Engels, and Marxisms)

by Marcello Musto

The theory of alienation occupies a significant place in the work of Marx and has long been considered one of his main contributions to the critique of bourgeois society. Many authors who have written on this concept over the 20th century have erroneously based their interpretations on Marx’s early writings. In this anthology, by contrast, Marcello Musto has concentrated his selection on the most relevant pages of Marx’s later economic works, in which his thoughts on alienation were far more extensive and detailed than those of the early philosophical manuscripts. Additionally, the writings collated in this volume are unique in their presentation of not only Marx’s critique of capitalism, but also his description of communist society. This comprehensive rediscovery of Marx’s ideas on alienation provides an indispensable critical tool for both understanding the past and the critique of contemporary society.

Karl-Otto Apel und die Diskursethik: Eine Einführung

by Walter Reese-Schäfer

Dieses Buch führt in die zentralen Thesen von Karl-Otto Apels Philosophie ein, die oft über viele Texte seines Werkes verstreut sind. Sein Werk wird transparent gemacht im Spannungsfeld der Großdebatten zwischen der kritischen Theorie von Habermas und der Philosophie des Kritischen Rationalismus. Walter Reese-Schäfer macht Apels oft schwierige Sprache verständlich, benennt die Voraussetzungen der Diskursethik und steckt ihren Geltungsbereich ab. Damit bietet diese Einführung eine unentbehrliche Hilfe für alle, die einen ersten, aber auch vertiefenden Zugang zu seinem Werk und zur Diskursethik suchen.

Karl Polanyi and the Paradoxes of the Double Movement (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought)

by John Vail

This book offers a critical reconstruction of the double movement, the central thesis of Karl Polanyi’s The Great Transformation, one of the most influential books of the 20th century. The double movement is the establishment of a free market economy and the subsequent effort by society to ameliorate the destructive effects of the market. In Polanyi’s bold vision, the double movement constituted the hidden gear of social change and historical transformation within capitalism. The book is a forensic examination and critique of Polanyi’s argument. It develops an interpretive framework of the double movement as four interrelated social processes: the establishment of the self-regulating market, the rise of a market society that deepens and extends market imperatives, a social protection phase that constrains the market and safeguards society, and the contradictions and crises that result from this clash of social principles. The book will be an indispensable guide for students and scholars across the social sciences which illuminates the relevance of Polanyi’s insights to a critical understanding of the contemporary era –the scourge of insecurity and inequality, the multiple crises of neoliberalism, the rise of right wing populism- as well as those interested in egalitarian and emancipatory alternatives to capitalism.

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