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Karl Polanyi and the Paradoxes of the Double Movement (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought)

by John Vail

This book offers a critical reconstruction of the double movement, the central thesis of Karl Polanyi’s The Great Transformation, one of the most influential books of the 20th century. The double movement is the establishment of a free market economy and the subsequent effort by society to ameliorate the destructive effects of the market. In Polanyi’s bold vision, the double movement constituted the hidden gear of social change and historical transformation within capitalism. The book is a forensic examination and critique of Polanyi’s argument. It develops an interpretive framework of the double movement as four interrelated social processes: the establishment of the self-regulating market, the rise of a market society that deepens and extends market imperatives, a social protection phase that constrains the market and safeguards society, and the contradictions and crises that result from this clash of social principles. The book will be an indispensable guide for students and scholars across the social sciences which illuminates the relevance of Polanyi’s insights to a critical understanding of the contemporary era –the scourge of insecurity and inequality, the multiple crises of neoliberalism, the rise of right wing populism- as well as those interested in egalitarian and emancipatory alternatives to capitalism.

Karl Popper: Professional Philosopher and Public Intellectual (Springer Biographies)

by Friedel Weinert

Karl R. Popper is widely regarded as one of the most influential 20th century philosophers. In this new biography, Weinert provides a comprehensive and accessible account of his life and work, also addressing Popper’s role as a public intellectual. Drawing on a wide range of sources and interviews with former colleagues and collaborators, he recounts not only the wide interest from the scientific community, but also the inspiration that politicians took from Popper’s work. The book surveys the vast and varied intellectual landscape of Popper's philosophical journey during his long career: from the natural and social sciences (physics, evolution, sociology) to political philosophy and the philosophy of mind. It pays significant attention to Popper’s critical method - i.e., the notion that ideas and institutions should be exposed to rigorous tests – the approach that led him to a fervent defence of objectivity, rationality and realism, against all forms of irrationalism, as well as a passionate advocacy of freedom, social justice and liberal democracy, against all forms of authoritarianism. The book brings Popper into focus as a modern Enlightenment philosopher.

Karl Popper and Africa: Knowledge, Politics and Development

by Oseni Taiwo Afisi

This book provides a diverse contextualization of Popper’s critical rationalism concerning knowledge and his generalized attitude of criticism on appropriate social and political reforms in contemporary Africa. The book evaluates how best to address contemporary political problems, especially in politically very troubled parts of the world. To address these contemporary problems, especially as it relates to Africa, the authors found the political philosophy of Popper as suitable. The discussion of Popper’s political philosophy engages us directly with all the particularities of socio-economic and political problems within contemporary Africa. In other words, it presents the truth of the present socio-political reality in Africa where the question of what kinds of political ideas and concepts can be offered as appropriate to a political environment, which so greatly faces facets of developmental issues. Although the issues and events that informed the writings of Popper’s The Poverty of Historicism as well as The Open Society and Its Enemies, were among others, the rise of fascism and communism in Europe, the inventiveness of this work is how happily scholars in non-liberal societies, such as in Africa, can pick up Popper’s insights and usefully work with them to offer appropriate social reforms for their society. This volume is a critical juxtaposition of Popper’s ideas in a bid to make good sense of social and intellectual conditions in Africa, particularly as it relates to the scale and speed of social change that is needed in most African nations that are often ridden by corruption. The book is suitable for studies in political philosophy, economic and development studies, African Studies and Indigenous Knowledge systems.

Karriere in NGOs: Politik als Beruf jenseits der Parteien (Bürgergesellschaft und Demokratie #22)

by Christiane Frantz

Politik als Beruf ist mit dem Ausgang des 20. Jahrhunderts nicht mehr nur in Parteien, sondern auch jenseits von Parteien möglich. Die Veränderungen der Politikprozesse im Kontext der Globalisierung hat NGOs - Nichtregierungsorganisationen wie amnesty international, CARE oder Greenpeace - zu politischen global players gemacht. In NGOs werden politische Karrieren verwirklicht. Der vorliegende Band bietet eine Analyse der Karrierebedingungen in NGOs, gibt Auskunft über die Karrierewege und über Typen von NGO-Politikern. Der Band "Karriere in NGOs" liefert im Resultat eine neue Theorie über Politik als Beruf jenseits von Parteien und eine Analyse des professionellen politischen Arbeitsmarktes in einer globalisierten Welt.

Karriereberatung. Coachingmethoden für eine kompetenzorientierte Laufbahnberatung

by Thomas Lang-von Wins Claas Triebel

Der Wandel von der stabilen Erwerbsbiografie zur instabilen Patchworklaufbahn verlangt von Karriere- und Berufsberatern eine besondere Herangehensweise. Die Autoren stellen Coaching-Methoden vor, die Personen in beruflichen Umbruchsituationen bei der aktiven Gestaltung des Berufswegs helfen und vorhandene Ressourcen aktivieren. Praxisnah und direkt einsetzbar beschrieben, können die wissenschaftlich fundierten Verfahren auf zahlreichen Feldern eingesetzt werden: von der Beratung Jugendlicher bis zum Coaching von Fach- und Führungskräften.

Karrieredestination Europäisches Parlament: Konservativ-christdemokratische und grüne Abgeordnete im Vergleich

by Uli Hausner

Anhand eines systematischen Vergleichs soziodemographischer, karriererelevanter und politischer Strukturelemente analysiert der Autor die Karrieren von 1388 konservativ-christdemokratischen und grünen Abgeordneten des Europäischen Parlaments. Daraus zieht er Rückschlüsse auf nationale und parteispektrale Muster hinsichtlich Rekrutierung und Karriereverläufen. Die Untersuchung der Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten – national oder europäisch geprägter – politischer Laufbahnen mündet schließlich in die Entwicklung einer faktorenbasierten Typologie von fünf Karrieretypen für die europäische Ebene.

Karriereperspektiven in der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie: Darstellung aktueller und zukünftiger Tätigkeitsfelder (Meet the Expert: Wissen aus erster Hand)

by Nida Ul Bajwa Cornelius J. König

Dieses Buch bietet Studienanfängern sowie Abiturienten, die sich für die Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie interessieren, Einblicke in die vielfältigen Berufsfelder des Fachgebiets. Die Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten in Deutschland sehr gut etabliert, sowohl innerhalb der Psychologie als auch in der Wirtschaft. Es ist nach der klinischen Psychologie das zweitwichtigste Anwendungsfach der Psychologie. So richten sich über 30% aller ausgeschriebenen Arbeitsstellen für Psychologen an Psychologie-Absolventen mit einem Schwerpunkt in der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie. Experten aus der Praxis stellen in diesem Band sehr anschaulich Ihren Berufsalltag dar, schildern ihre persönlichen Werdegänge und zeigen mögliche Karriereperspektiven für angehende Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologen auf. Dadurch gibt dieses Werk eine wertvolle Orientierung und erleichtert den Entscheidungsprozess. Kurze Video-Clips aus den Experteninterviews bereichern den Inhalt durch zusätzlichen Nutzen.

Karriereperspektiven in der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie: Darstellung aktueller und zukünftiger Tätigkeitsfelder (Meet the Expert: Wissen aus erster Hand)

by Nida ul Habib Bajwa Cornelius J. König

Dieses Buch bietet Studienanfängern sowie Abiturienten, die sich für die Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie interessieren, Einblicke in die vielfältigen Berufsfelder des Fachgebiets. Die Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten in Deutschland sehr gut etabliert, sowohl innerhalb der Psychologie als auch in der Wirtschaft. Es ist nach der klinischen Psychologie das zweitwichtigste Anwendungsfach der Psychologie. So richten sich über 30% aller ausgeschriebenen Arbeitsstellen für Psychologen an Psychologie-Absolventen mit einem Schwerpunkt in der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie. Experten aus der Praxis stellen in diesem Band sehr anschaulich Ihren Berufsalltag dar, schildern ihre persönlichen Werdegänge und zeigen mögliche Karriereperspektiven für angehende Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologen auf. Dadurch gibt dieses Werk eine wertvolle Orientierung und erleichtert den Entscheidungsprozess. Kurze Video-Clips aus den Experteninterviews bereichern den Inhalt durch zusätzlichen Nutzen.

Karriereverläufe von Frauen und Männern in der Altenpflege: Eine sozialpsychologische und systemtheoretische Analyse

by Manfred Borutta Christiane Giesler

Altenpflege ist ein klassisches Berufsfeld für Frauen. Daher sollte es - im Gegensatz zu männerdominierten Bereichen - selbstverständlich sein, dass in geschäftsführenden und leitenden Positionen vorwiegend Frauen tätig sind. Aber weit gefehlt: Die Führungspositionen sind in der Altenpflege weitgehend von Männern besetzt, deren Qualifikation noch dazu oft fragwürdig ist. Anders als für Frauen besteht für Männer in der Pflege die Möglichkeit, ohne formelle Qualifikation in berufliche Positionen aufzusteigen, die im Hinblick auf Routinen, Menschenführung und Zukunftssicherung der fokalen Organisationen hohe Anforderungen stellen. Warum gelingt es Männern offenbar, in der Pflege schneller Karriere zu machen als Frauen? Streben Frauen Leitungspositionen nicht an oder gibt es andere Hinderungsgründe? Auf der Basis empirischer Daten untersuchen Manfred Borutta und Christiane Giesler diese Fragen aus sozialpsychologischer und systemtheoretischer Perspektive.

Kashmir and Neighbours: Tale, Terror, Truce

by Atav Trkkaya

This title was first published in 2001. This text reviews terrorist activity carried out ceaselessly and systematically in one of the most otherwise alluring spots on our planet. The rise of militancy, not only in Kashmir, but also in Punjab and in India's North-East, is related also to analogous belligerency in and around the borders of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Following preliminary information on the land, people, the past and the constitutional history of Kashmir, this work focuses on the rise of political violence and its consequences, following the evolution of democracy from the period of the provisional government. While dwelling mostly on the example of Jammu and Kashmir, the study endeavours to underline once more the need for an anti-terrorist international regime.

Kashmir and Neighbours: Tale, Terror, Truce

by Atav Trkkaya

This title was first published in 2001. This text reviews terrorist activity carried out ceaselessly and systematically in one of the most otherwise alluring spots on our planet. The rise of militancy, not only in Kashmir, but also in Punjab and in India's North-East, is related also to analogous belligerency in and around the borders of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Following preliminary information on the land, people, the past and the constitutional history of Kashmir, this work focuses on the rise of political violence and its consequences, following the evolution of democracy from the period of the provisional government. While dwelling mostly on the example of Jammu and Kashmir, the study endeavours to underline once more the need for an anti-terrorist international regime.

KasiNomic Revolution: The Rise of African Informal Economies

by GG Alcock

The informal business sector is the next great frontier of Africa and it is undergoing an economic revolution, a new world of small people doing big things, transforming the continent. Prepare for this new generation, prepare for the Afripolitan Generation.A revolution is taking place in the great marketplaces of the informal sector and it contains an unquantified scale and power as an economic engine and a way of life for the majority of our low income populations. The KasiNomic Revolution may still be a murmur in the streets, a grassroots economic groundswell, but it is the future of African economic activity.Kasi is the South African term for the township, a teeming conurbation of homes and businesses, entertainment venues and social meeting places. GG Alcock uses the term KasiNomics to describe the informal sectors of Africa, whether they are in the township, a rural marketplace, at a taxi rank or on a pavement in the shadow of skyscrapers.Brought up in a rural Zulu community, GG has learnt and shares the lessons of African culture, language, stick fighting, lifestyle and tribal politics, along with shared poverty and community, which have prepared him for accessing the great informal marketplaces of Africa. He is uniquely placed to uncover the extraordinary stories of kasi businesses which not only survive but excel, revealing a revolutionary entrepreneurship which is mostly invisible to the formal sector.KasiNomic Revolution is a story of kasi entrepreneurs on one side and, on the other, of great corporate successes and failures in the informal community. KasiNomic Revolution is at once a business book, and at the same time a deeply human book about the people and lives of rural and urban informal societies.KasiNomic Revolution is about the lessons of marketing, distribution, culture and modernity in an informal African world.Prepare for a KasiNomic Revolution.

Katastrophen zwischen sozialem Erinnern und Vergessen: Zur Theorie und Empirie sozialer Katastrophengedächtnisse (Soziales Gedächtnis, Erinnern und Vergessen – Memory Studies)

by Michael Heinlein Oliver Dimbath

Katastrophen gehören zu den grundlegenden Erfahrungen des menschlichen Daseins. Sie entsetzen, indem sie unvermittelt eine große destruktive Kraft entfalten, die von Individuen und Kollektiven als existenzbedrohend wahrgenommen wird. Soziale Ordnungen werden nachhaltig und ohne Aussicht auf baldige Wiederherstellung irritiert.Ziel des vorliegenden Bandes ist es, Katastrophen als Erinnerungen aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven sowie mit Rücksicht auf gesellschaftliche Katastrophengedächtnisse zu beleuchten. Im Mittelpunkt steht hierbei die Zeitperspektive im Sinne der wissens- und damit gedächtnisspezifischen Wechselwirkung zwischen Erfahrung und Erwartung. Die hier versammelten Beiträge leisten dies zum einen mit theoretisch-systematisierendem Interesse und zum anderen als Fallstudien zu einzelnen Katastrophenphänomenen.Der InhaltFallstudien des Erinnerns und Vergessens katastrophaler Ereignisse • Theoretische Zugänge zu sozialen KatastrophengedächtnissenDie HerausgeberDr. Michael Heinlein ist Wissenschaftler am Institut für Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung e.V. – ISF München.Dr. Oliver Dimbath ist Professor für Soziologie an der Universität Koblenz-Landau.

Käufliches Alter: Konstruktionen subjektiven Alterserlebens in der Marketingkommunikation (Alter(n) und Gesellschaft)

by Christiane Nakao

Christiane Nakao untersucht Werbeanzeigen, die Bezug auf den Umgang mit dem eigenen Älterwerden nehmen, und analysiert ihre Werbebotschaften daraufhin, welche Interpretationen des Älterwerdens und welche Strategien des Umgangs mit dem Älterwerden dabei präsentiert werden. Sie bezieht sich sowohl auf den gerontologischen Diskurs als auch auf alter(n)sbezogene Marketingstrategien. Mittels rekonstruktiver Analyse gemäß der dokumentarischen Methode arbeitet die Autorin Typen von Konstruktionen des subjektiven Alterserlebens in der Marketingkommunikation als differenzierte und variable Gebilde heraus. Dadurch schärft sich der Blick auf das Alter(n) als verhandelbare gesellschaftliche Konstruktion. Auch bietet die Typologie Anhaltspunkte, subjektives Alterserleben in über das chronologische Alter(n) hinausweisenden Kategorien greifbar zu machen.

Keep Your Day Job: Leverage Your Side Hustle To Grow Your Corporate Career, Regardless Of What HR Says You Can Do

by Dannie Fountain

As millennials and Gen Z grow their influence in the workplace, side hustling and overemployment are emerging from the dark corners of the corporate world—but many companies still resist this trend. How can employees leverage the shifting power dynamic to build their own empires? Build now and ask forgiveness later: this book shows you how. Rich with insights from personal experience and doctoral research, this is the story of more than a decade of side hustling alongside successes, and failures, in a career in corporate America. But more importantly, it is a roadmap on how to successfully incorporate a side hustle into your life in a way that supports your day job too. Not everyone starts a side hustle to eventually quit their day job, and many individuals enjoy and take pride in the dual incomes they can earn this way. This book centers and prioritizes this path. No matter their industry, this book will resonate with readers who have been burned by their side hustle (or fear that they might be), as well as HR professionals who want to support change in corporate America and leaders who value and prioritize innovation to impact their workforce for the better.

Keep Your Day Job: Leverage Your Side Hustle To Grow Your Corporate Career, Regardless Of What HR Says You Can Do

by Dannie Fountain

As millennials and Gen Z grow their influence in the workplace, side hustling and overemployment are emerging from the dark corners of the corporate world—but many companies still resist this trend. How can employees leverage the shifting power dynamic to build their own empires? Build now and ask forgiveness later: this book shows you how. Rich with insights from personal experience and doctoral research, this is the story of more than a decade of side hustling alongside successes, and failures, in a career in corporate America. But more importantly, it is a roadmap on how to successfully incorporate a side hustle into your life in a way that supports your day job too. Not everyone starts a side hustle to eventually quit their day job, and many individuals enjoy and take pride in the dual incomes they can earn this way. This book centers and prioritizes this path. No matter their industry, this book will resonate with readers who have been burned by their side hustle (or fear that they might be), as well as HR professionals who want to support change in corporate America and leaders who value and prioritize innovation to impact their workforce for the better.

Keepin' It Real: School Success Beyond Black and White (Transgressing Boundaries: Studies in Black Politics and Black Communities)

by Prudence L. Carter

Why are so many African American and Latino students performing less well than their Asian and White peers in classes and on exams? Researchers have argued that African American and Latino students who rebel against "acting white" doom themselves to lower levels of scholastic, economic, and social achievement. In Keepin' It Real: School Success beyond Black and White, Prudence Carter turns the conventional wisdom on its head arguing that what is needed is a broader recognition of the unique cultural styles and practices that non-white students bring to the classroom. Based on extensive interviews and surveys of students in New York, she demonstrates that the most successful negotiators of our school systems are the multicultural navigators, culturally savvy teens who draw from multiple traditions, whether it be knowledge of hip hop or of classical music, to achieve their high ambitions. Keepin' it Real refutes the common wisdom about teenage behavior and racial difference, and shows how intercultural communication, rather than assimilation, can help close the black-white gap.

Keepin' It Real: Essays on Race in Contemorary America (PDF)

by Elwood Watson

Keepin' It Real: Essays on Race in Contemporary America is a vibrant and eclectic collection of essays written during the most racially turbulent period of the modern era – the end of the Obama Administration and the start of the Trump Administration – that examine emerging racial tensions, current movements and controversies, black icons and celebrities and related issues that are more relevant today than ever in the current racial climate.

Keeping Cool in Southeast Asia: Energy Consumption and Urban Air-Conditioning (Energy, Climate and the Environment)

by M. Sahakian

Against the backdrop of the environmental impact of household electricity consumption and the history of cooling practices, Marlyne Sahakian considers how people keep cool, from Metro Manila to other mega-cities in Southeast Asia.

Keeping Families Together: The Homebuilders Model

by Charlotte Booth

When a family's problems become so severe that traditional community resources are unable to help them effectively, caseworkers are usually advised to place children outside the home. Family preservation services such as Homebuilders are designed to give caseworkers and families another option: services that are more intensive, accessible, flexible, and goal-oriented than conventional supports. Instead of relieving family pressure by removing a child, the approach described here adds resources to alleviate pressure and to facilitate the development of a nurturing environment for children within the context of the family. Whereas crisis intervention attempts to resolve immediate problems their approach enables the family to function better after the crisis than before. In addition to their obvious social benefits, family preservation services are cost effective. Straightforward and practice-oriented, Keeping Families Together profiles the kinds of families that are assisted by prevention services such as this, tracing the salient features of its innovative approach to crisis intervention, its organizational features, and its knowledge and research base. Rich in actual examples drawn from family practice, this book will be of great interest to beginning students as well as practitioners in family and children's services. The book is also intended for those who are considering beginning their own Family Preservation Services to evaluate whether or not the approach will be a good fit for them, to become aware of some of the complexities of program design and training so that they can make informed decisions. When the book first appeared, Contemporary Psychology said that it "speaks for itself as a wonderful description of how to be of help to families in crisis."

Keeping Families Together: The Homebuilders Model (Modern Applications Of Social Work Ser.)

by Charlotte Booth

When a family's problems become so severe that traditional community resources are unable to help them effectively, caseworkers are usually advised to place children outside the home. Family preservation services such as Homebuilders are designed to give caseworkers and families another option: services that are more intensive, accessible, flexible, and goal-oriented than conventional supports. Instead of relieving family pressure by removing a child, the approach described here adds resources to alleviate pressure and to facilitate the development of a nurturing environment for children within the context of the family. Whereas crisis intervention attempts to resolve immediate problems their approach enables the family to function better after the crisis than before. In addition to their obvious social benefits, family preservation services are cost effective. Straightforward and practice-oriented, Keeping Families Together profiles the kinds of families that are assisted by prevention services such as this, tracing the salient features of its innovative approach to crisis intervention, its organizational features, and its knowledge and research base. Rich in actual examples drawn from family practice, this book will be of great interest to beginning students as well as practitioners in family and children's services. The book is also intended for those who are considering beginning their own Family Preservation Services to evaluate whether or not the approach will be a good fit for them, to become aware of some of the complexities of program design and training so that they can make informed decisions. When the book first appeared, Contemporary Psychology said that it "speaks for itself as a wonderful description of how to be of help to families in crisis."

Keeping Found Things Found: The Study and Practice of Personal Information Management (Interactive Technologies)

by William Jones

Keeping Found Things Found: The Study and Practice of Personal Information Management is the first comprehensive book on new 'favorite child' of R&D at Microsoft and elsewhere, personal information management (PIM). It provides a comprehensive overview of PIM as both a study and a practice of the activities people do, and need to be doing, so that information can work for them in their daily lives. It explores what good and better PIM looks like, and how to measure improvements. It presents key questions to consider when evaluating any new PIM informational tools or systems. This book is designed for R&D professionals in HCI, data mining and data management, information retrieval, and related areas, plus developers of tools and software that include PIM solutions.Focuses exclusively on one of the most interesting and challenging problems in today's worldExplores what good and better PIM looks like, and how to measure improvementsPresents key questions to consider when evaluating any new PIM informational tools or systems

Keeping Good Time: Reflections on Knowledge, Power and People

by Angela Davis Avery Gordon

Avery Gordon's first book, Ghostly Matters, was widely acclaimed as a work of striking sociological imagination and social theory. Keeping Good Time, her much anticipated second book, brings together essays by Gordon that were "written to be read aloud." Her eloquent voice in this book further establishes her place among literary sociological writers of a new generation. Keeping Good Time will be of great interest to activists, feminists, sociologists, students and everyone concerned about how to beat the odds in influencing the shape of social and culture change. Readers will find their thinking changed by the author's perennial quest to "develop insights gained in confrontation with injustice."

Keeping Good Time: Reflections on Knowledge, Power and People

by Angela Davis Avery Gordon

Avery Gordon's first book, Ghostly Matters, was widely acclaimed as a work of striking sociological imagination and social theory. Keeping Good Time, her much anticipated second book, brings together essays by Gordon that were "written to be read aloud." Her eloquent voice in this book further establishes her place among literary sociological writers of a new generation. Keeping Good Time will be of great interest to activists, feminists, sociologists, students and everyone concerned about how to beat the odds in influencing the shape of social and culture change. Readers will find their thinking changed by the author's perennial quest to "develop insights gained in confrontation with injustice."

Keeping It Halal: The Everyday Lives of Muslim American Teenage Boys

by John O'Brien

A compelling portrait of a group of boys as they navigate the complexities of being both American teenagers and good MuslimsThis book provides a uniquely personal look at the social worlds of a group of young male friends as they navigate the complexities of growing up Muslim in America. Drawing on three and a half years of intensive fieldwork in and around a large urban mosque, John O’Brien offers a compelling portrait of typical Muslim American teenage boys concerned with typical teenage issues—girlfriends, school, parents, being cool—yet who are also expected to be good, practicing Muslims who don’t date before marriage, who avoid vulgar popular culture, and who never miss their prayers.Many Americans unfamiliar with Islam or Muslims see young men like these as potential ISIS recruits. But neither militant Islamism nor Islamophobia is the main concern of these boys, who are focused instead on juggling the competing cultural demands that frame their everyday lives. O’Brien illuminates how they work together to manage their “culturally contested lives” through subtle and innovative strategies—such as listening to profane hip-hop music in acceptably “Islamic” ways, professing individualism to cast their participation in communal religious obligations as more acceptably American, dating young Muslim women in ambiguous ways that intentionally complicate adjudications of Islamic permissibility, and presenting a “low-key Islam” in public in order to project a Muslim identity without drawing unwanted attention.Closely following these boys as they move through their teen years together, Keeping It Halal sheds light on their strategic efforts to manage their day-to-day cultural dilemmas as they devise novel and dynamic modes of Muslim American identity in a new and changing America.

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