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Kooperative Bildungsverantwortung als Weg aus der Armut

by Annekatrin Meißner

Annekatrin Meißner gibt eine Antwort auf die Frage der unternehmerischen Bildungsverantwortung. Ausgehend vom Ansatz Amartya Sens argumentiert sie für die Bedeutung von grundlegenden Verwirklichungschancen auf Bildung für den Weg aus der Armut und eine sekundäre unternehmerische Bildungsverantwortung. Im Anschluss legt sie Potenziale, Grenzen und Erfolgsfaktoren einer kooperativen Bildungsverantwortung von Unternehmen und Nichtregierungsorganisation am empirischen Fallbeispiel einer Social-Franchise-Kooperation in Brasilien dar.

Kooperative Finanzberatung: Das Dilemma zwischen Risiko und Ertrag lösen (essentials)

by Monika Müller Magnus Pirovino

Dieses essential startet mit einer kleinen Geschichte zum Thema Geld und zeigt anschließend das Dilemma zwischen Risiko und Ertrag auf, mit dem jeder Finanzberater konfrontiert ist. Anschließend erläutern die Autoren in einem interdisziplinären Dialog, wie Theorien aus der modernen Physik und Psychologie neue Impulse für die Finanzberatung liefern. Die vorgestellten Perspektiven fördern eine andere Haltung und ein neues Denken: Das Geheimnis des Geldanlegens liegt in einer stabilen und kohärenten Beziehung zwischen Anleger und Anlageberater. Gerade der Zwiespalt zwischen Unsicherheit im Risiko und Ertragsunsicherheit führt zum gemeinsamen Anlageerfolg, weil er einen unumgänglichen, aber gewinnbringenden Dialog in der Finanzberatung auslösen kann.

Kooperative Organisations- und Professionsentwicklung in Hochschule und Sozialwesen?: Gleichstellungspolitik und Professionalisierung in geteilter Verantwortung (Edition Centaurus - Perspektiven Sozialer Arbeit in Theorie und Praxis)

In einem interdisziplinären Zuschnitt führt dieser Band die Themen Organisationsentwicklung, Professionalisierung, Gleichstellungspolitiken und Adressatenorientierung zusammen, fragt nach kooperativen Schnittstellen und soll zum Weiterdenken der ausgelegten Korrespondenzen anregen. Organisation und Profession im Sozialwesen stehen im gesellschaftlichen Wandel, der Herausforderungen an Entwicklungsprozesse in Institutionen ebenso wie für die Qualifizierung von Fachkräften stellt. Was bedeutet dies für die Herstellung von Fachlichkeit und von Gleichstellung im Hochschul- und Sozialwesen? Inwiefern werden dabei professionelle Orientierungspunkte Sozialer Arbeit – Befähigung, Schutz, Ermächtigung von BürgerInnen – bedeutsam?

Koordination in der Regionalplanung (Städte & Regionen in Europa #13)

by Dietrich Fürst Ansgar Rudolph Karsten Zimmermann

Raumplanung ist im Wesentlichen Koordination von Raumnutzungen. Dabei geht es um Abwägen und Konfliktregelung, aber auch um zukunftsbezogenen Steuerung. In der Praxis kann Koordination aber auch bedeuten: imperative Interessendurchsetzung, kooperatives Problemlösen, technisches Abstimmen über formale Prüfverfahren. Praktisches Koordinieren ist jedoch schwierig: Nicht nur sind Machtstrukturen/Machtungleichheiten zu berücksichtigen, sondern Abwägen bedeutet i.d.R.: ,Äpfel' mit ,Birnen' zu vergleichen. Koordinationsprozesse werden zudem vorschnell als Verteilungskonflikte des ,Nullsummen-Typs' wahrgenommen und gespielt. Raumplaner haben es dabei nicht leicht: Sie müssen ein Kollektivgut erstellen (,optimierte Raumnutzung'), das politische jedoch wenig Unterstützung findet. Untersucht wird die Praxis der Koordination an den Fallbeispielen Planerstellung, Integration des Landschaftsrahmenplanens in den Regionalplan und Raumordnungsverfahren (als klassisches Abwägungsverfahren im Plan-Vollzug) in den Ländern Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Schleswig-Holstein.

Koordination und Kompromiss in föderalen Bildungssystemen: Umkämpfte Institutionalisierung eines neuen Zugangswegs in die Lehrpersonenbildung (Soziologie der Konventionen)

by Sandra Hafner

In vielen Ländern bereitet traditionell das Gymnasium auf die Lehramtsausbildung vor. Diese multimethodische Open Access Studie befasst sich mit der umkämpften Institutionalisierung eines zweiten, alternativen Zugangswegs (Fachmittelschule) in die Lehrpersonenbildung in der Schweiz. Mit der Analyse von Kritik, Konflikt und Kompromiss werden Prozesse der Harmonisierung von Bildung bei gleichzeitiger Bewahrung von regionalen Eigenheiten untersucht. Die Studie leistet damit einen Beitrag zur Erklärung von bildungspolitischer Handlungskoordination in föderalen Bildungssystemen.Ebenso nimmt die Studie die Fachmittelschule und das Gymnasium vergleichend als schulische Dispositive in den Blick. Anhand von Fallstudien wird gezeigt, wie die beteiligten schulischen Akteur*innen diese Dispositive konstruieren und (de-)valorisieren, und wie daraus unterschiedliche Sozialisationsumgebungen für Jugendliche entstehen. Auf dieser Grundlage lässt sich die unterschiedliche Bedeutung der beiden Schultypen für die Lehrpersonenbildung erklären. Damit wirft die Studie eine neuen, konventionensoziologischen Blick auf Schulkultur(en) als Wertigkeitsdispositive und ermöglicht eine institutionelle Perspektive auf die Formung von Berufs- und Studienwahlmotiven.

Korean Adoptees and Transnational Adoption: Embodiment and Emotion (Routledge Advances in Korean Studies)

by Jessica Walton

This book investigates the experiences of South Koreans adopted into Western families and the complexity of what it means to "feel identity" beyond what is written in official adoption files. Korean Adoptees and Transnational Adoption is based on ethnographic fieldwork in South Korea and interviews with adult Korean adoptees from the United States, Australia, Canada, Switzerland and Sweden. It seeks to probe beneath the surface of what is "known" and examines identity as an embodied process of making that which is "unknown" into something that can be meaningfully grasped and felt. Furthermore, drawing on the author’s own experiences as a transnational, transracial Korean adoptee, this book analyses the racial and cultural negotiations of "whiteness" and "Korean-ness" in the lives of adoptees and the blurriness which results in-between. Highlighting the role of memory and the body in the formation of identities, this book will be useful to students and scholars of Korean Studies, Ethnicity Studies and Anthropology as well as Asian culture and society more generally.

Korean Adoptees and Transnational Adoption: Embodiment and Emotion (Routledge Advances in Korean Studies)

by Jessica Walton

This book investigates the experiences of South Koreans adopted into Western families and the complexity of what it means to "feel identity" beyond what is written in official adoption files. Korean Adoptees and Transnational Adoption is based on ethnographic fieldwork in South Korea and interviews with adult Korean adoptees from the United States, Australia, Canada, Switzerland and Sweden. It seeks to probe beneath the surface of what is "known" and examines identity as an embodied process of making that which is "unknown" into something that can be meaningfully grasped and felt. Furthermore, drawing on the author’s own experiences as a transnational, transracial Korean adoptee, this book analyses the racial and cultural negotiations of "whiteness" and "Korean-ness" in the lives of adoptees and the blurriness which results in-between. Highlighting the role of memory and the body in the formation of identities, this book will be useful to students and scholars of Korean Studies, Ethnicity Studies and Anthropology as well as Asian culture and society more generally.

Korean Economic Reform: Before and Since the 1997 Crisis (Routledge Revivals Ser.)

by Robert F. Emery

This title was first published in 2001. In 1997 the author was told, by an official at the Korean embassy in Washington DC, that the most serious economic problem facing Korea was the need for reform of the financial sector. This proved to be true, as a financial crisis hit Korea in November 1997. Though problems arising before November 1997 indicate that Korea's economic problems were not solely financial. This study covers earlier reform efforts, the 1997 crisis and the measures taken by Korea since then to deal with the country's economic problems. It attempts to analyze the problems and offer suggestions as to how problems might corrected or resolved.

Korean Economic Reform: Before and Since the 1997 Crisis (Routledge Revivals Ser.)

by Robert F. Emery

This title was first published in 2001. In 1997 the author was told, by an official at the Korean embassy in Washington DC, that the most serious economic problem facing Korea was the need for reform of the financial sector. This proved to be true, as a financial crisis hit Korea in November 1997. Though problems arising before November 1997 indicate that Korea's economic problems were not solely financial. This study covers earlier reform efforts, the 1997 crisis and the measures taken by Korea since then to deal with the country's economic problems. It attempts to analyze the problems and offer suggestions as to how problems might corrected or resolved.

Korean Education in Changing Economic and Demographic Contexts (Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects #23)

by Hyunjoon Park Kyung-Keun Kim

This edited volume offers a comprehensive survey of Korean education in transition. Divided into three parts, the book first assesses the current state of Korean education. It examines how the educational system handles the effects of family background and gender in helping students smoothly transition from school to the labor market. Next, the book introduces growing concerns over whether the traditional model of Korean education can adequately meet the demands of the emerging knowledge-based economy. It examines features of new reform measures that have been introduced to help Korean education prepare students for the new economy. The third part discusses how an influx of diverse migrant groups, including marriage migrants, migrant workers, and North Korean migrants, and the rising divorce rate — two major demographic changes— challenge the fundamental assumption of cultural homogeneity that has long been a part of Korean education. This detailed analysis of a society and educational system in transition will appeal to a wide range of readers, from those involved with Korean education to educators and administrators in countries currently looking for ways to handle their own economic and demographic changes.

Korean Englishes in Transnational Contexts

by Christopher J. Jenks Jerry Won Lee

This book challenges the dominant tendency in world Englishes scholarship to rely on the ‘nation’ as a static spatial entity and reliable analytic category. Using the transnational Korean context as a case in point, the authors analyse how the practices and ideologies of the English language reflect the complex and unexpected flows of globalisation. Examining topics such as the spoken English of South Korean youth and English education in North Korea, this interdisciplinary work gathers both established and emerging scholars from a range of language-related fields to evaluate English as a dynamic and evolving language beyond purely ‘English-speaking’ countries. This edited collection will be a valuable resource for students and scholars of world Englishes, multilingualism, second language acquisition and globalisation.

Korean Englishes in Transnational Contexts

by Christopher J. Jenks Jerry Won Lee

This book challenges the dominant tendency in world Englishes scholarship to rely on the ‘nation’ as a static spatial entity and reliable analytic category. Using the transnational Korean context as a case in point, the authors analyse how the practices and ideologies of the English language reflect the complex and unexpected flows of globalisation. Examining topics such as the spoken English of South Korean youth and English education in North Korea, this interdisciplinary work gathers both established and emerging scholars from a range of language-related fields to evaluate English as a dynamic and evolving language beyond purely ‘English-speaking’ countries. This edited collection will be a valuable resource for students and scholars of world Englishes, multilingualism, second language acquisition and globalisation.

Korean Englishes in Transnational Contexts

by Christopher J. Jenks Jerry Won Lee

This book challenges the dominant tendency in world Englishes scholarship to rely on the ‘nation’ as a static spatial entity and reliable analytic category. Using the transnational Korean context as a case in point, the authors analyse how the practices and ideologies of the English language reflect the complex and unexpected flows of globalisation. Examining topics such as the spoken English of South Korean youth and English education in North Korea, this interdisciplinary work gathers both established and emerging scholars from a range of language-related fields to evaluate English as a dynamic and evolving language beyond purely ‘English-speaking’ countries. This edited collection will be a valuable resource for students and scholars of world Englishes, multilingualism, second language acquisition and globalisation.

Korean Families Yesterday and Today (Perspectives On Contemporary Korea)

by Hyunjoon Park Hyeyoung Woo

Korean families have changed significantly during the last few decades in their composition, structure, attitudes, and function. Delayed and forgone marriage, fertility decline, and rising divorce rates are just a few examples of changes that Korean families have experienced at a rapid pace, more dramatic than in many other contemporary societies. Moreover, the increase of marriages between Korean men and foreign women has further diversified Korean families. Yet traditional norms and attitudes toward gender and family continue to shape Korean men and women’s family behaviors. Korean Families Yesterday and Today portrays diverse aspects of the contemporary Korean families and, by explicitly or implicitly situating contemporary families within a comparative historical perspective, reveal how the past of Korean families evolved into their current shapes. While the study of families can be approached in many different angles, our lens focuses on families with children or young adults who are about to forge family through marriage and other means. This focus reflects that delayed marriage and declined fertility are two sweeping demographic trends in Korea, affecting family formation. Moreover, “intensive” parenting has characterized Korean young parents and therefore, examining change and persistence in parenting provides important clues for family change in Korea. This volume should be of interest not only to readers who are interested in Korea but also to those who want to understand broad family changes in East Asia in comparative perspective.

Korean Modernization and Uneven Development: Alternative Sociological Accounts

by Kim Kyong-Dong

Offering an alternative discourse on modernization and development viewed specifically from the East Asia perspective, this book focuses its analysis on the Korean experience of modernization and development. It considers the broad range of societal transformations which have occurred over the past half century, utilizing the vernacular language of Korea extracted from everyday life to interpret, characterize, globalize and pedagogically broaden the understanding and the human meaning behind these complex social changes.

Korean Modernization and Uneven Development: Alternative Sociological Accounts

by Kim Kyong-Dong

Offering an alternative discourse on modernization and development viewed specifically from the East Asia perspective, this book focuses its analysis on the Korean experience of modernization and development. It considers the broad range of societal transformations which have occurred over the past half century, utilizing the vernacular language of Korea extracted from everyday life to interpret, characterize, globalize and pedagogically broaden the understanding and the human meaning behind these complex social changes.

The Korean Peace Process and Civil Society: Towards Strategic Peacebuilding (Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies)

by Dong Jin Kim

“This is a must-read book for anyone searching for insight into the peace process of the divided Korean peninsula. As a peace researcher and activist, the author highlights the role of civil society in making peacebuilding possible and sustainable on the Korean peninsula. This volume opens a new horizon to the study of peace and conflict.” —Koo, Kab Woo, Professor, University of North Korean Studies“This book makes an enormous contribution to our understanding of the dynamics of peace and conflict on the Korean peninsula and expands our understanding of the requirements of sustainable peacebuilding. The emphasis on the role of civil society as part of an inclusive approach to strategic peacebuilding is especially helpful.”—Iain Atack, Assistant Professor in International Peace Studies, Trinity College Dublin“This expertly crafted book makes an original contribution to understanding peacebuilding theory and the critical role of civil society in strategic peacebuilding. It offers valuable lessons and hope for peaceful transformation of the Korean conflict as well as the negotiation of a sustainable peace in other protracted conflict settings.”—Wendy Lambourne, Senior Lecturer, Department of Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Sydney The Post-Cold War era witnessed a dramatic rise in breakthroughs for peace processes, including the Korean peninsula, between parties mired in protracted conflict. However, many such processes broke down within a short period of time. This book explores the possibilities for comprehensive and sustainable peacebuilding strategy in the Korean peace process, beyond reaching an agreement, by reviewing diverse peacebuilding activities from government and civil society.

The Korean Wave: Korean Media Go Global

by Youna Kim

Since the late 1990s South Korea has emerged as a new center for the production of transnational popular culture - the first instance of a major global circulation of Korean popular culture in history. Why popular (or not)? Why now? What does it mean socially, culturally and politically in a global context? This edited collection considers the Korean Wave in a global digital age and addresses the social, cultural and political implications in their complexity and paradox within the contexts of global inequalities and uneven power structures. The emerging consequences at multiple levels - both macro structures and micro processes that influence media production, distribution, representation and consumption - deserve to be analyzed and explored fully in an increasingly global media environment. This book argues for the Korean Wave's double capacity in the creation of new and complex spaces of identity that are both enabling and disabling cultural diversity in a digital cosmopolitan world. The Korean Wave combines theoretical perspectives with grounded case studies in an up-to-date and accessible volume ideal for both undergraduate and postgraduate students of Media and Communications, Cultural Studies, Korean Studies and Asian Studies.

The Korean Wave: Korean Popular Culture in Global Context

by Yasue Kuwahara

The rise in popularity of South Korean entertainment and culture began and is promoted as an official policy of the Korean government to revive the country's economy. This study examines cultural production and consumption, glocalization, the West versus. Asia, global race consciousness, and changing views of masculinity and femininity.

The Korean Wave: Evolution, Fandom, and Transnationality

by Tae-Jin Yoon Dal Yong Jin Anthony Y. H. Fung Seok-Kyeong Hong Luling Huang Hyeri Jung Bora Kang Ju Oak Kim Eunbyul Lee Hyangjin Lee Lisa Yuk-Ming Leung Wonjung Min Mi-Sook Park Yong-Jin Won Kyong Yoon Qian Zhang

Since the Korean Wave phenomenon started in 1997, Hallyu has undergone many changes. Geographically, while Asia has been the largest cultural market for the Korean cultural industries, other parts of society, including North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Latin America have gradually admitted Korean popular culture. The components of the Korean Wave have also greatly expanded. Hallyu originally implied the exports of a few cultural products, such as television dramas, popular music, and films; however, Korea has recently developed and exported K-pop, digital games and smartphone technologies as well as relevant youth culture. Meanwhile, industrial and technological contexts of the Korean Wave have changed significantly during the last 20 years. The role of social media in the Korean Wave's transnationalization in recent years is especially intriguing because fans around the world can easily access social media to enjoy K-pop, digital games, and films. The changes in the nature and appearance of the Korean Wave, conceptual and theoretical shifts in the studies of the Korean Wave, and the influences of the development of media technologies on the Korean Wave are all very significant. This book aims to provide a better understanding of Hallyu's theoretical and institutional history on one hand, and new features of the Korean Wave on the other hand.

The Korean Welfare State: Social Investment in an Aging Society (International Policy Exchange)

by Kyungbae Chung and Neil Gilbert

The birth and remarkable expansion of Korean social welfare policy over the last several decades has taken place amidst the socio-economic burdens of a rapidly aging society. This book surveys these developments through the analytic lens of the Social Investment State, under which contemporary policies have altered the essential character of the 20th century welfare states, which had provided a counterforce to capitalism. In contrast, the Social Investment State is seen as backing policies designed to advance capitalism by promoting labor force participation, the growth of human capital, individual responsibility and economic development. In examining the modern context and development of the Korean welfare state, this book is divided into three sections that focus on the socio-political evolution, the core policies of the Korean welfare state, and the contemporary policy challenges of Korea's aging society. The first section traces the socio-political evolution of the Korean welfare state over the last three decades. The second section surveys the core policies of the Korean welfare state. The third section explores several key policy challenges encountered by the Korean approach to social investment as it seeks to address the demands of social protection in a rapidly aging society. The volume concludes with a postscript that reviews the contemporary Korean discourse, which goes beyond the social investment state to the political interests in a universal basic income policy.

The Korean Welfare State: Social Investment in an Aging Society (International Policy Exchange)

The birth and remarkable expansion of Korean social welfare policy over the last several decades has taken place amidst the socio-economic burdens of a rapidly aging society. This book surveys these developments through the analytic lens of the Social Investment State, under which contemporary policies have altered the essential character of the 20th century welfare states, which had provided a counterforce to capitalism. In contrast, the Social Investment State is seen as backing policies designed to advance capitalism by promoting labor force participation, the growth of human capital, individual responsibility and economic development. In examining the modern context and development of the Korean welfare state, this book is divided into three sections that focus on the socio-political evolution, the core policies of the Korean welfare state, and the contemporary policy challenges of Korea's aging society. The first section traces the socio-political evolution of the Korean welfare state over the last three decades. The second section surveys the core policies of the Korean welfare state. The third section explores several key policy challenges encountered by the Korean approach to social investment as it seeks to address the demands of social protection in a rapidly aging society. The volume concludes with a postscript that reviews the contemporary Korean discourse, which goes beyond the social investment state to the political interests in a universal basic income policy.

The Koreas

by Charles K. Armstrong

Presenting a succinct, historically informed introduction to North and South Korea, the second edition of The Koreas considers the radically different ways these countries have dealt with the growing challenges of globalization. Since the first edition’s publication, the economic, political, and social differences have only intensified, making evident the relevancy and importance of Armstrong’s work, in understanding the Koreas now and in the future. Ultimately, The Koreas is a crisp, engaging primer of Korea and the Korean people in the contemporary world. This book is ideal for many courses in a variety of disciplines, including politics, history, international business, and Asian studies.

The Koreas

by Charles K. Armstrong

Presenting a succinct, historically informed introduction to North and South Korea, the second edition of The Koreas considers the radically different ways these countries have dealt with the growing challenges of globalization. Since the first edition’s publication, the economic, political, and social differences have only intensified, making evident the relevancy and importance of Armstrong’s work, in understanding the Koreas now and in the future. Ultimately, The Koreas is a crisp, engaging primer of Korea and the Korean people in the contemporary world. This book is ideal for many courses in a variety of disciplines, including politics, history, international business, and Asian studies.

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