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Behind the Fog: How the U.S. Cold War Radiological Weapons Program Exposed Innocent Americans

by Lisa Martino-Taylor

Behind the Fog is the first in-depth, comprehensive examination of the United States’ Cold War radiological weapons program. The book examines controversial military-sponsored studies and field trials using radioactive "simulants" that exposed American civilians to radiation and other hazardous substances without their knowledge or consent during the Cold War. Although Western biological and chemical weapons programs have been analyzed by a number of scholars, Behind the Fog is a strong departure from the rest in that the United States radiological weapons program has been generally unknown to the public. Martino-Taylor documents the coordinated efforts of a small group of military scientists who advanced a four-pronged secret program of human-subject radiation studies that targeted unsuspecting Americans for Cold War military purposes. Officials enabled such projects to advance through the layering of secrecy, by embedding classified studies in other studies, and through outright deception. Agency and academic partnerships advanced, supported, and concealed the studies from the public at large who ultimately served as unwitting test subjects. Martino-Taylor’s comprehensive research illuminates a dark chapter of government secrecy, the military-industrial-academic complex, and large-scale organizational deviance in American history. In its critical approach, Behind the Fog effectively examines the mechanisms that allow large-scale elite deviance to take place in modern society.

Behind the Gates: Life, Security, and the Pursuit of Happiness in Fortress America

by Setha Low

First Published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Behind the Gates: Life, Security, and the Pursuit of Happiness in Fortress America

by Setha Low

First Published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Behind the Kitchen Door

by Saru Jayaraman

"When you work in restaurants you think the industry is everything, It’s being outside, talking to people, serving people. You feel like you’re part of something good. People mostly go out to eat for good stuff—proposals, weddings, birthdays—not to fight. You’re part of someone’s proposal—you bring the ring in an ice cream cake, you watch her reaction. You feel like you’re part of their experience, their special moment, even if the people don’t care who you are—you’re just the server.""Sustainability is about contributing to a society that everybody benefits from, not just going organic because you don’t want to die from cancer or have a difficult pregnancy. What is a sustainable restaurant? It’s one in which as the restaurant grows, the people grow with it."How do restaurant workers live on some of the lowest wages in America? And how do poor working conditions—discriminatory labor practices, exploitation, and unsanitary kitchens—affect the meals that arrive at our restaurant tables? Saru Jayaraman, who launched the national restaurant workers’ organization Restaurant Opportunities Centers United, sets out to answer these questions by following the lives of restaurant workers in New York City, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Miami, Detroit, and New Orleans. Blending personal narrative and investigative journalism, Jayaraman shows us that the quality of the food that arrives at our restaurant tables depends not only on the sourcing of the ingredients. Our meals benefit from the attention and skill of the people who chop, grill, sauté, and serve. Behind the Kitchen Door is a groundbreaking exploration of the political, economic, and moral implications of dining out. Jayaraman focuses on the stories of individuals, like Daniel, who grew up on a farm in Ecuador and sought to improve the conditions for employees at Del Posto; the treatment of workers behind the scenes belied the high-toned Slow Food ethic on display in the front of the house.Increasingly, Americans are choosing to dine at restaurants that offer organic, fair-trade, and free-range ingredients for reasons of both health and ethics. Yet few of these diners are aware of the working conditions at the restaurants themselves. But whether you eat haute cuisine or fast food, the well-being of restaurant workers is a pressing concern, affecting our health and safety, local economies, and the life of our communities. Highlighting the roles of the 10 million people, many immigrants, many people of color, who bring their passion, tenacity, and vision to the American dining experience, Jayaraman sets out a bold agenda to raise the living standards of the nation’s second-largest private sector workforce—and ensure that dining out is a positive experience on both sides of the kitchen door.

Behinderte Rechtsmobilisierung: Eine rechtssoziologische Untersuchung zur Umsetzung von Artikel 19 der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention

by Tonia Rambausek

Tonia Rambausek untersucht förderliche und hinderliche Bedingungen für die Umsetzung der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention, insbesondere für die selbstbestimmte Lebensführung behinderter Menschen in Deutschland. Dabei werden vor allem die rechtlichen, politischen und sozialen Bedingungen betrachtet, unter denen behinderte Menschen ihre Rechte mobilisieren und durchsetzen. Die theoretischen Erkenntnisse werden anhand einer quantitativen Studie unter außergewöhnlich gehbehinderten Menschen in Hessen überprüft.

Behinderung, Soziologie und gesellschaftliche Erfahrung: Im Gespräch mit Günther Cloerkes

by Jörg Michael Kastl Kai Felkendorff

Günther Cloerkes ist einer der wichtigsten europäischen Vertreter einer interaktionistischen Soziologie der Behinderten. Im Zentrum des Bandes stehen Gespräche und Interviews, die Kai Felkendorff und Jörg Michael Kastl mit ihm in den Jahren 2009-2013 geführt haben. Sie werden ergänzt durch Aufsätze von Günther Cloerkes und Jörg Michael Kastl, die historische und systematische Aspekte einer sozial engagierten Soziologie der Behinderten und der Behinderung beleuchten. ​

Behinderung und Migration: Inklusion, Diversität, Intersektionalität

by Gudrun Wansing Manuela Westphal

In den sozialwissenschaftlichen Diskursen um die Konstruktion sozialer Ungleichheitsverhältnisse berühren Fragestellungen der Intersektionalität traditionell den Dreiklang von Ethnizität, Geschlecht und Klasse. Behinderung findet hingegen als Differenzkategorie bislang noch wenig Berücksichtigung. So liegen bislang nur wenige wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zu der Fragestellung vor, wie die Differenz Behinderung mit anderen Differenzen im Kontext von Migration und der damit verbundenen Differenzziehung entlang von nationaler, ethnisch-kultureller Herkunft individuell und gesellschaftlich verschränkt ist. Vor dem Hintergrund der gegenwärtigen bildungs- und sozialpolitischen Perspektiven von Inklusion (Behinderung) und Integration (Migration) sowie der Anerkennung von Verschiedenheit (Diversität) geraten diese Schnittstellen jedoch verstärkt in den Fokus. Der vorliegende Sammelband führt hierzu theoretische Perspektiven und empirische Ergebnisse der Erziehungs- und Sozialwissenschaften, der Sozialen Arbeit, der Gesundheitswissenschaft und der Rechtswissenschaft inter- und transdisziplinär zusammen.

„Bei Sozialkunde denke ich nur an dieses Trockene …“: Relevanz geschlechtsspezifischer Aspekte in der politischen Bildung (Augsburger Reihe zur Geschlechterforschung #2)

by Christian Boeser

Haben Schülerinnen und Schüler unterschiedliche Lernbedürfnisse, unterschiedliche Zugänge zu Lerninhalten, lernen Schülerinnen also anders als Schüler? Diese Frage wurde in verschiedenen Unterrichtsfächern untersucht und teilweise bejaht. Für die politische Bildung hingegen wurde bislang keine eindeutige Antwort gegeben. In seiner empirischen Studie geht der Autor deshalb der Frage nach, ob geschlechtsspezifische Aspekte für die politische Bildung in der Schule bedeutsam sind. Drei Aspekte werden hierzu erörtert: 1. Ist aus gesellschaftlichen Gründen eine gezielte Mädchen- und Frauenförderung in der politischen Bildung geboten? 2. Bestehen geschlechtsspezifische Bedürfnisse in der politischen Bildung? 3. Wirkt sich politische Bildung unterschiedlich auf die Einstellungen von Schülerinnen und Schülern zur Politik aus? Die Untersuchung basiert auf der Verbindung einer qualitativen Interviewstudie mit einer quantitativen Fragebogenstudie und bietet für Praktiker wie für Theoretiker der politischen Bildung Einblicke in eine bislang vernachlässigte Thematik.

Beijing: Geography, History, and Culture (Contemporary World Cities)

by Qian Guo

This comprehensive volume examines contemporary life and history in Beijing, covering such topics as culture, politics, economics, crime, security, the environment, and more.While it is not China's most populated city, Beijing serves an important role as the political and cultural capital of the country. This volume examines Beijing's long history, contemporary society, and current challenges the city faces as we move further into the 21st century.Geared toward high school readers, undergraduates, and general readers interested in learning about Beijing, this volume consists of 12 narrative chapters focused on geography, history, and culture. Coverage includes location, people, history, politics, economy, environment and sustainability, local crime and violence, security issues, natural hazards and emergency management, culture and lifestyle, popular culture, and the future. "Life in the City" sidebars feature interviews and memories transcribed by people who are from, lived in, or traveled through Beijing, while other sidebars offer cultural fun facts and travel tips. This volume is the perfect read for anyone looking to get a better idea of what life is like in Beijing and how its culture has arrived at this point.

Beijing: Geography, History, and Culture (Contemporary World Cities)

by Qian Guo

This comprehensive volume examines contemporary life and history in Beijing, covering such topics as culture, politics, economics, crime, security, the environment, and more.While it is not China's most populated city, Beijing serves an important role as the political and cultural capital of the country. This volume examines Beijing's long history, contemporary society, and current challenges the city faces as we move further into the 21st century.Geared toward high school readers, undergraduates, and general readers interested in learning about Beijing, this volume consists of 12 narrative chapters focused on geography, history, and culture. Coverage includes location, people, history, politics, economy, environment and sustainability, local crime and violence, security issues, natural hazards and emergency management, culture and lifestyle, popular culture, and the future. "Life in the City" sidebars feature interviews and memories transcribed by people who are from, lived in, or traveled through Beijing, while other sidebars offer cultural fun facts and travel tips. This volume is the perfect read for anyone looking to get a better idea of what life is like in Beijing and how its culture has arrived at this point.

Beim Lahmen lernt man Hinken: Wie Sprichwörter Ihr Unternehmen voranbringen – wenn Sie diese beachten

by Holm Landrock

Entdecken Sie in diesem Buch passende Sprichwörter und Redensarten für die UnternehmensführungIn seinem Buch „Beim Lahmen lernt man Hinken“ führt Holm Landrock mit einem Augenzwinkern und einer ganzen Menge bekannter Redensarten durch die Welt der Wirtschaft im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung. Über viele Jahrhunderte hat der Volksmund eine Unmenge von Sprichwörtern geschaffen, welche die Weisheiten der verschiedenen Epochen widerspiegeln. Wer die in diesen Sprichwörtern vermittelten Grundsätze ignoriert, wird privat wie geschäftlich scheitern. Das macht „Beim Lahmen lernt man Hinken“ zu einem amüsanten Sachbuch für alle, die Bildungsfutter und Lesespaß in einem haben möchten.Der Inhalt des Buchs über Redensarten für die Unternehmensführung im ÜberblickDas Buch „Beim Lahmen lernt man Hinken“ gibt Tipps zur Unternehmensführung am Beispiel zahlreicher Sprichwörter wie: • Schuster, bleib bei Deinem Leisten• Der Krug geht solange zum Wasser, bis er bricht• Hochmut kommt vor dem Fall• Ein Erfahrener ist besser als zehn Gelehrte• Der Teufel scheißt immer auf den größten Haufen• Beim Lahmen lernt man Hinken• Und viele weitere bekannte SprichwörterEs richtet sich nicht nur an Manager und Führungskräfte aus allen Branchen, sondern auch an interessierte Laien sowie sprachlich Interessierte aller Berufsgruppen. Darüber hinaus können sich vielleicht sogar Studierende sowie Start-ups praktische Anregungen, Ideen und Tipps für ihre Arbeit einholen.

Being a Child in a Global World: Childhood in an Environment of Violence, Terror, Migration and Rapid Change

by Osman Sirkeci

We live in a globalized world in which children live in extreme poverty, experience stunted growth, are denied access to education, live as refugees, are subjected to violence, are employed as unskilled workers and even face threats from terror organizations. Drawing attention to these critical challenges, this edited collection develops holistic solutions towards achieving improved conditions and rights of children globally. Taking an interdisciplinary perspective spanning disciplines such as psychology, geography, history, philosophy, theology, education, social law and literature, Being a Child in a Global World includes over twenty chapters which delve into the concept and place of the child in the social order, as well as economic, humanitarian, and political dimensions. Featuring authorship from around the world, and combining the perspectives and knowledge of different disciplines, this edited collection is a truly ground-breaking and comprehensive multidisciplinary study. Providing answers to an urgent challenge of our time, the collection is a must-read for scholars who are interested in the global condition of childhood.

Being a Child in a Global World: Childhood in an Environment of Violence, Terror, Migration and Rapid Change

by Betül Karagöz Yerdelen Kamuran Elbeyo 287 Lu Osman Sirkeci Yasemin Mamur I&#351 305 Kç 305 Simon Grima Rebecca E. Dalli Gonzi

We live in a globalized world in which children live in extreme poverty, experience stunted growth, are denied access to education, live as refugees, are subjected to violence, are employed as unskilled workers and even face threats from terror organizations. Drawing attention to these critical challenges, this edited collection develops holistic solutions towards achieving improved conditions and rights of children globally. Taking an interdisciplinary perspective spanning disciplines such as psychology, geography, history, philosophy, theology, education, social law and literature, Being a Child in a Global World includes over twenty chapters which delve into the concept and place of the child in the social order, as well as economic, humanitarian, and political dimensions. Featuring authorship from around the world, and combining the perspectives and knowledge of different disciplines, this edited collection is a truly ground-breaking and comprehensive multidisciplinary study. Providing answers to an urgent challenge of our time, the collection is a must-read for scholars who are interested in the global condition of childhood.

Being a Lived Body: From a Neo-phenomenological Point of View (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought)

by Tonino Griffero

This book begins with the distinction between the so-called lived body or felt body (Leib) and the physical body (Körper), tracing the conceptual history of this distinction through key figures in philosophical and social thoughts and articulating a theory of the lived body that draws on the New Phenomenology developed by Hermann Schmitz. An explanation of our being-in-the-world in terms of a felt-bodily communication with all perceived forms and their affective-bodily resonance in us, Being a Lived Body integrates and critically assesses the leading theories of embodiment while presenting a new approach to the body. It will, therefore, appeal to scholars of philosophy, social theory, and anthropology with interests in phenomenology and embodiment.

Being a Lived Body: From a Neo-phenomenological Point of View (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought)

by Tonino Griffero

This book begins with the distinction between the so-called lived body or felt body (Leib) and the physical body (Körper), tracing the conceptual history of this distinction through key figures in philosophical and social thoughts and articulating a theory of the lived body that draws on the New Phenomenology developed by Hermann Schmitz. An explanation of our being-in-the-world in terms of a felt-bodily communication with all perceived forms and their affective-bodily resonance in us, Being a Lived Body integrates and critically assesses the leading theories of embodiment while presenting a new approach to the body. It will, therefore, appeal to scholars of philosophy, social theory, and anthropology with interests in phenomenology and embodiment.

Being a Muslim in the World

by H. Dabashi

What does it mean to be a Muslim - in this world, in this deeply transformative time? Hamid Dabashi suggests that the transition to a changed, post-Western world requires the crafting of a new language of critical conversation with Islam and its cosmopolitan heritage - a language that is tuned to the emerging, not the disappearing, world

Being a Presence for Students: Teaching as a Lived Defense of Liberal Education

by Jeff Frank

This book offers a lived defense of liberal education. How does a college professor, on a daily basis, help students feel the value of liberal education and get the most from that education? We answer this question, as professors, each day in the classroom. John William Miller, a philosophy professor at Williams College from 1924-1960 and someone noted for his exceptional teaching, developed one form that this lived defense can take. Though Miller published very little while he was alive, the archives at Williams College hold unpublished notes and essays of this master teacher. In this book, Jeff Frank offers an extended commentary on one of these unpublished essays where Miller develops his thinking on liberal education. Frank develops the idea that presence is central to liberal education and offers suggestions for how professors can become an educative presence for students. The goal of this book is an invitation to other professors who value liberal education to think with Miller about how to develop their own lived defense of liberal education, each day, in their own classrooms. The tone of the book is meant to be invitational, at times even conversational, and the book concludes with some direct suggestions for how professors can live their own defense of liberal education.

Being a scholar in the digital era: Transforming scholarly practice for the public good

by Jessie Daniels Polly Thistlethwaite

What opportunities do digital technologies present? How do developments in digital media support scholarship and teaching yet further social justice? Written by two experts in the field, this accessible book is the first to look at scholarly practice in the digital era and consider how it can connect academics, journalists and activists in ways that foster transformation on issues of social justice. The terra firma of scholarly practice is changing. This book offers both a road map and a vision of what being a scholar can be when reimagined in the digital era to enliven the public good, as it discusses digital innovations in higher education as well as reflecting upon what these mean in an age of austerity. It is ideal for students and academics working in any field of humanities or social sciences with a social justice focus.

Being a scholar in the digital era: Transforming scholarly practice for the public good

by Jessie Daniels Polly Thistlethwaite

What opportunities do digital technologies present? How do developments in digital media support scholarship and teaching yet further social justice? Written by two experts in the field, this accessible book is the first to look at scholarly practice in the digital era and consider how it can connect academics, journalists and activists in ways that foster transformation on issues of social justice. The terra firma of scholarly practice is changing. This book offers both a road map and a vision of what being a scholar can be when reimagined in the digital era to enliven the public good, as it discusses digital innovations in higher education as well as reflecting upon what these mean in an age of austerity. It is ideal for students and academics working in any field of humanities or social sciences with a social justice focus.

Being a Teacher: From Technicist to Existential Accounts, in conversation with Jean-Paul Sartre (Contemporary Philosophies and Theories in Education #19)

by Alison M. Brady

This book re-conceptualizes teaching through an engagement with Jean-Paul Sartre’s early existentialist thought. Against the grain of teacher accountability, it turns to the demanding account of being human in Sartre’s thought, on the basis of which an alternative account of teaching can be developed. It builds upon Sartre’s key concepts related to the self, freedom, bad faith, and the Other, such that they might open up original ways of thinking about the practices of teaching. Indeed, given the everyday complexities that characterize teaching, as well as the vulnerabilities and uncertainty that it so often involves, this book ultimately aims to create a space in which to reimagine forms of accounting that move from technicist ways of thinking to existential sensitivity in relation to one’s practice as a teacher.

Being a Teacher Educator in Challenging Times: Negotiating the Rapids of Professional Learning (Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices #22)

by Mike Hayler Judy Williams

This book presents a duoethnographic exploration and narrative account of what it means to be a teacher educator today. Adopting a narrative approach, the book presents different personal, political and institutional perspectives to interrogate common challenges facing teacher education and teacher educators today. In addition, the book compares and contrasts the teacher education landscapes in Australia and the UK and addresses a broad range of topics, including the autobiographical nature of teacher educators’ work, the value of learning from experience, the importance of collegiality and collaboration in learning to become a teacher educator, and the intersection of the personal, professional and political in the development of teacher educator pedagogies and research agendas. Each chapter combines personal narratives and research-based perspectives on the key dimensions of teacher educators’ work that can be found in the literature, including self-study research. Readers will gain a better understanding of the processes, influences and relationships that make being a teacher educator both a challenging and rewarding career. Accordingly, the book offers a valuable asset for university leaders, experienced and beginning teacher educators, and researchers interested in the professional learning and development of teacher educators.

Being Agile: Your Roadmap to Successful Adoption of Agile

by Mario E. Moreira

Being Agile is your roadmap to successfully transforming your organization to an Agile culture. Veteran agile coach Mario Moreira teaches new adopters how to implement a robust Agile framework to derive from it the maximum business benefit in terms of customer value, revenue, and employee engagement. Agile is a ubiquitous watchword in the corporate world, but only a minority of companies understand and practice what they pay lip service to. Too many content themselves with half-baked approximations such as Fragile (fragile Agile), ScrumBut (Scrum but not the practices), and Scrum Fall (mini-waterfalls in the sprints). Moreira shows maturing early adopters how to bridge the chasm between going through the motions of doing Agile and genuinely being Agile.After a high-level synopsis of Agile’s values and principles, methodologies (including Scrum, Kanban, DSDM, Leam, VFQ, and XP), and roles, Moreira plunges into the nitty-gritty of how to apply the ready, implement, coach, and hone (RICH) deployment model to all phases of a project in such a way as to embody and inculcate agile values and principles at the team level and promote agile transformation across your organization's culture.

Being American on the Edge: Penurbia and the Metropolitan Mind, 1945-2010

by J. Goddard

This manuscript focuses on the development of hybrid city-country (penurban) landscapes around large urban areas which mesh stylized countryside with functional links to the cities. These landscapes are central to American mindsets as they combine the dreams, expectations, and experiences of the nation in expressive cultural landscapes. An interpretive-analytical methodology is used in this single-authored, multidisciplinary work which draws on insights from history, American Studies, social sciences, urban studies, and environmental studies, and cultural studies in order to portray lifestyle and settlement phenomena overlooked by single disciplinary fields. Telling the story of how penurban landscapes emerged, the work blends original research with a re-reading of existing work to understand developing lifestyle and settlement patterns. The book aims at readers in history, urban studies, environmental studies, consumerism and American Studies.

Being an Early Career Feminist Academic: Global Perspectives, Experiences and Challenges (Palgrave Studies in Gender and Education)

by Rachel Thwaites and Amy Pressland

This book highlights the experiences of feminist early career researchers and teachers from an international perspective in an increasingly neoliberal academy. It offers a new angle on a significant and increasingly important discussion on the ethos of higher education and the sector's place in society. Higher education is fast-changing, increasingly market-driven, and precarious. In this context entering the academy as an early career academic presents both challenges and opportunities. Early career academics frequently face the prospect of working on fixed term contracts, with little security and no certain prospect of advancement, while constantly looking for the next role. Being a feminist academic adds a further layer of complexity: the ethos of the marketising university where students are increasingly viewed as ‘customers’ may sit uneasily with a politics of equality for all. Feminist values and practice can provide a means of working through thechallenges, but may also bring complications.

Being and Becoming Through Higher Education: Expanding Possibilities (Debating Higher Education: Philosophical Perspectives #13)

by Gloria Dall’Alba

This book focuses on the importance of an ontological dimension for today’s higher education, with critical attention to implications for the student experience, engagement, satisfaction, wellbeing, employability, (dis)embodiment and activism in which students take a stand on their own being and becoming. In accessible language, key philosophical ideas are explored for their relevance to contemporary higher education, integrating philosophical with pedagogical perspectives. Although much of the material has been published previously, there is value in bringing it together into a single volume in exploring an ontological dimension of higher education as it is embodied. In doing so, the book demonstrates benefits to pedagogy through sustained attention to philosophy and theory, and vice versa, thereby contributing to recent heightened interest in the philosophy and theory of higher education. This book is intended to prompt re-imagining the ways in which higher education is conceived and conducted. An argument is put forward for greater emphasis on expanding possibilities for knowing, acting and being, toward fuller lives of interdependence with others and things in an interconnected world. Through highlighting an ontological dimension in this manner, a hope-filled future emerges for higher education.

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