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Showing 5,351 through 5,375 of 77,368 results

Beyound The Echoes Of Soweto

by Geoffrey V. Davis

This book provides the reader with a comprehensive view of Matsemela Manaka's plays, namely, Egoli, Pula, Children of Asazi, Toro, and Goree and discusses three of his essays: 'Theatre of the dispossessed', 'The Babalaz people', and 'Theatre as a physical word'.

Beyound The Echoes Of Soweto

by Geoffrey V. Davis; John Kani

This book provides the reader with a comprehensive view of Matsemela Manaka's plays, namely, Egoli, Pula, Children of Asazi, Toro, and Goree and discusses three of his essays: 'Theatre of the dispossessed', 'The Babalaz people', and 'Theatre as a physical word'.

Beziehungsanalysen. Bildende Künste in Westdeutschland nach 1945: Akteure, Institutionen, Ausstellungen und Kontexte (Kunst und Gesellschaft)

by Gerhard Panzer Franziska Völz Karl-Siegbert Rehberg

​Ab den fünfziger Jahren entstand in Westdeutschland mit der neu geschaffenen „documenta“ allmählich das Bild einer eigenständigen „Westkunst“. Unter neuen politischen Rahmenbedingungen bewegte sich die Kunstwelt zwischen Versuchen, an Vorkriegstraditionen anzuknüpfen und sich zu modernisieren. Es kanonisierten sich abstrakte Gegenwartstendenzen, welche in der Gegensatzspannung zum Osten zunehmend politisch instrumentalisiert wurden. Von den Zeitgenossen schon kontrovers diskutiert, wird diese Phase der Kunstentwicklung bis heute unterschiedlich bewertet. Der vorliegende Band versammelt historisch-empirische Analysen, die die Beziehungsgeflechte in der damaligen Kunstwelt und deren strukturbildende, dynamische Vernetzung mit der Gesellschaft untersuchen, wobei die sozialen Träger dieser Erfolgsgeschichte im Mittelpunkt stehen.

Beziehungsgestaltung im interkulturellen Coaching: Eine erste empirische Annäherung

by Daniel Pauw

Daniel Pauw untersucht erstmals in einer internationalen Studie, wie Coaches mit Klienten unterschiedlicher kultureller Herkunft eine tragfähige Arbeitsbeziehung aufbauen und erhalten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass kulturelle Prägungen den Coachingprozess auf verschiedenste Weise beeinflussen können und welche Faktoren für eine erfolgreiche Beziehungsgestaltung besonders wichtig sind. Die Verknüpfung der Ergebnisse mit Erkenntnissen aus der interkulturellen Kommunikations- und Therapieforschung erweitert nicht nur die aktuelle Coachingforschung um eine interkulturelle Perspektive, sondern bietet auch Praktikern konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen für den kompetenten Umgang mit kultureller Diversität.Diese Arbeit wurde mit dem Erdinger Coaching-Preis 2016 ausgezeichnet.

Bezugsgruppenwechsel und Bildungsaufstieg: Zur Veränderung herkunftsspezifischer Bildungswerte

by Tanja Grendel

Befunde zur Stabilität ungleicher Bildungschancen haben im Bereich der Forschung zu einer Fokussierung auf die Erklärung der sozialen Reproduktion von Bildungswegen geführt. Die Frage nach dem Zustandekommen von Bildungswegen, die – gemessen an der Herkunftsgruppe – vom „Regelweg“ abweichen, wird hingegen weitgehend vernachlässigt. In Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass Angehörige bildungsferner Familien selbst bei Kontrolle ihres schulischen Kompetenz- und Leistungsniveaus häufig niedrige(re) Bildungsaspirationen aufweisen, geht Tanja Grendel der Frage nach, wann und unter welchen Bedingungen sich BildungsaufsteigerInnen in Gestaltungsfragen ihrer Bildungsbiographie an Gruppen orientieren, die eine höhere Wertschätzung gegenüber Bildung(stiteln) aufweisen als die eigene Herkunftsgruppe. Erhoben und ausgewertet werden zu diesem Zweck die Bildungsbiographien von Promovenden.

BFF?: The truth about female friendship

by Claire Cohen

Why do some friendships last a lifetime, while others fade away?How do you break up with a friend? How many 'best' friends should we be aiming for? From the time we start school, we are fed a diet of 'Best Friends Forever' - the idea that you should have a female soulmate to whom you tell all your secrets and who always has your back. It's the stuff of Hollywood films, but for most of us it isn't achievable. We spend years striving for a vision of female friendship that isn't realistic instead of searching for what suits us best or appreciating what we've already got.BFF? is an agenda-setting, personal and humorous book that pulls back the cover on the most underappreciated relationships in our lives to interrogate what modern friendship means, why we need it and what we can do to get the most from it. Featuring interviews with brilliant women, including Emma Barnett, Pandora Sykes, Nimco Ali and Jilly Cooper - as well as the intimate friendship stories of women from all walks of life - Claire Cohen argues that, unlike romance, friendship is much harder to pin down and. And it shows how often our friendships are taken for granted.An antidote to the idea that every woman must belong to a perfect girl gang, this book is a warm and reassuring guide to help women deepen their female friendships in ways that are meaningful and enduring._________________________________'It took me until my thirties to feel truly secure in my friendships - my female ones in particular. I truly believe that if I'd had a book like this when I was younger, it would have fallen into place sooner. That I'd have been happier, more trusting and able to deal with any bumps in the road. That's why I want us all to start telling the truth about female friendship. Because if I - raised in a house full of women, the product of two all-girls schools and the women's editor of a national newspaper - found it hard to trust, open up and had convinced myself that female friends 'weren't for me', then you might not have it worked out either.'


by Akhila Naik

The entire village was in an uproar when the news spread that Laltu had beaten up Yuvaraj. How dare a Dom boy thrash the gauntia’s nephew, a Teli? The Telis set out to seek revenge by breaking Laltu’s limbs. Conscious of the plight of the Dalits and the lower castes, and hoping to improve their lot, Laltu leads an uprising against the upper castes. Does he succeed? Or is he silenced and crushed by caste power? Set in a remote village in the Kalahandi district of Odisha, the story draws from the real, lived experiences of the region’s Dalits. Bheda, the first Odia Dalit novel, is not only a poignant tale of rebellion and betrayal, it is also a record of the caste atrocities and cultural politics that have defined India.

Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar and the Question of Socialism in India (Marx, Engels, and Marxisms)

by V. Geetha

This book offers a reading of Bhimrao Ambedkar’s engagement with the idea and practice of socialism in India by linking it to his lifelong political and philosophical concerns: the annihilation of the caste system, untouchability and the moral and philosophical systems that justify either. Rather than view his ideas through a socialist lens, the author suggests that it is important to measure the validity of socialist thought and practice in the Indian context, through his critique of the social totality. The book argues its case by presenting a broad and connected overview of his thought world and the global and local influences that shaped it. The themes that are taken up for discussion include: his understanding of the colonial rule and the colonial state; history and progress; nationalism and the questions he posed the socialists; his radical critique of the caste system and Brahmancal philosophies, and his unusual interpretation of Buddhism.

The Bhopal Tragedy: Language, Logic, And Politics In The Production Of A Hazard

by William Bogard

This book offers a critical theory of hazards, which the Bhopal tragedy would serve to highlight. It provides a general model of how hazards existed in Bhopal come to be defined and symbolically manipulated—through the institutionalized use of expert knowledge and political persuasion.

The Bhopal Tragedy: Language, Logic, And Politics In The Production Of A Hazard

by William Bogard

This book offers a critical theory of hazards, which the Bhopal tragedy would serve to highlight. It provides a general model of how hazards existed in Bhopal come to be defined and symbolically manipulated—through the institutionalized use of expert knowledge and political persuasion.

Bhutan: Conservation and Environmental Protection in the Himalayas

by Ugyen Tshewang Michael Charles Tobias Jane Gray Morrison

Located in the heart of the Eastern Himalayas, Bhutan practices the philosophy of Gross National Happiness (“GNH”) that embraces environmental conservation as one of the main building blocks for its sustainable development goals. Bhutan’s conservation strategies and success are largely driven by the strong political will and visionary leadership of His Majesty the King of Bhutan The nation’s Buddhist perspectives regarding a deep and abiding respect for nature; and the strategic enforcement of a wide-ranging stringent set of internal regulations and controls have helped ensure ecological gold standards in Bhutan. Moreover, the country is an active member of the international conservation community by fulfilling its implementation of various Multilateral Environment Agreements. While it emerged into the 21st century as one of the 36 global terrestrial “hotspots” in biological diversity conservation ranks, Bhutan’s sheer commitment with more than 51% of its territory being managed under the explicit status of a protected area network, and more than 70% of the land under forest cover, represents Bhutan’s exemplary dedication to protect the planet despite its smallness in size and economy, and the biological fragility exemplified by its hotspot situation. In the face of imminent severe threats of global warming, Bhutan nonetheless exemplifies the truth that “a small country with a big conservation commitment” can make an enormous contribution to the global community.At the regional level, Bhutan is intent upon protecting the Water Towers of Asia (that glacial expanse of the Himalayas) which is a critical resource bulwark for about one-fifth of the global population downstream in South Asia. Such protections invariably help mitigate climate change by acting as a nation-wide carbon sink through its carbon neutral policies. In short, Bhutan has long represented one of the world’s foremost national guardians of biodiversity conservation, ecological good governance, and societal sustainability at a period when the world has entered the Anthropocene – an epoch of mass extinctions.We envision this publication to be ecologically and ethically provocative and revealing for the concerned scientific communities, and governments. Through an extensive review of the scientific and anthropological literature, as well as the research team's own data, the Author's have set forth timely recommendations for conservation policies, strategies and actions. This book provides technical and deeply considered assessments of the state of Bhutan’s environment, its multiple, human-induced stressors and pressures; as well as extremely sound, practical techniques that would address conservation strategies in the Himalayas and, by implication, worldwide.

Bi America: Myths, Truths, and Struggles of an Invisible Community

by William Burleson

Gain an in-depth understanding of the unique struggles of the bisexual community! "To me the gay and straight worlds are exactly the same; equally limited, judgmental, and bourgeois . . . just mirror images of each other. I truly like and overlap with some of the gay world, but my roots refuse to take hold there and grow. Unfortunately, my well-established roots in the straight world are simultaneously shriveling and dying too, leaving me feeling extremely unstable." -"Cool," a bisexual woman involved in a support groupThere are at least five million bisexual people in America, generally invisible to straight society, the gay community, and even to each other. While the vast majority of these five million live within the straight or gay world, there are a few who have formed a community of their own. Bi America: Myths, Truths, and Struggles of an Invisible Community offers an inside look at the American bisexual community and gives an understanding of the special circumstances unique to being bisexual. The book takes the reader to bi community events from picnics, to conferences, to support groups, to performances in order to expose the everyday trials of the bisexual community.Bi America includes very personal stories that let the voice of everyday bisexuals be heard through interviews, the "Bisexual History Project," in which ten bisexual people tell their life stories, and the "Online Support Group," a group of about 75 people who meet in cyberspace to talk about their lives and challenges. The book also includes the findings of a 2002 survey of about 300 bisexual people conducted via the Internet, an appendix that offers a concise list of resources for further study and personal enrichment, and an unabridged transcript of the "Bisexual History Project."Get the answers to these questions in Bi America: What is bisexuality? Is there a bisexual community? What is the culture of the bisexual community? What are commonalities and differences between the experiences of bi men and bi women? What is the special relationship between the bisexual and the transgender community? How have bisexuals and the bi community been affected by HIV/AIDS? What is the future of bisexual activism, if any? and many more! Bi America is a fascinating resource that exposes the challenges, struggles, and triumphs of bisexuals in America. Bisexuals, especially those newly coming out, can use this book to help understand their identity, and family members and friends seeking some insight into the unique circumstances faced by their loved ones will also find it helpful. This book will interest those concerned with the sociology of deviance or with subcultures in general. It is also appropriate for undergraduate sociology and cultural anthropology, as well as feminist studies and LGBT studies classes. This book offers one of the few accessible, nonacademic looks at this unique and interesting community. Visit the book's Web site at

Bi America: Myths, Truths, and Struggles of an Invisible Community

by William Burleson

Gain an in-depth understanding of the unique struggles of the bisexual community! "To me the gay and straight worlds are exactly the same; equally limited, judgmental, and bourgeois . . . just mirror images of each other. I truly like and overlap with some of the gay world, but my roots refuse to take hold there and grow. Unfortunately, my well-established roots in the straight world are simultaneously shriveling and dying too, leaving me feeling extremely unstable." -"Cool," a bisexual woman involved in a support groupThere are at least five million bisexual people in America, generally invisible to straight society, the gay community, and even to each other. While the vast majority of these five million live within the straight or gay world, there are a few who have formed a community of their own. Bi America: Myths, Truths, and Struggles of an Invisible Community offers an inside look at the American bisexual community and gives an understanding of the special circumstances unique to being bisexual. The book takes the reader to bi community events from picnics, to conferences, to support groups, to performances in order to expose the everyday trials of the bisexual community.Bi America includes very personal stories that let the voice of everyday bisexuals be heard through interviews, the "Bisexual History Project," in which ten bisexual people tell their life stories, and the "Online Support Group," a group of about 75 people who meet in cyberspace to talk about their lives and challenges. The book also includes the findings of a 2002 survey of about 300 bisexual people conducted via the Internet, an appendix that offers a concise list of resources for further study and personal enrichment, and an unabridged transcript of the "Bisexual History Project."Get the answers to these questions in Bi America: What is bisexuality? Is there a bisexual community? What is the culture of the bisexual community? What are commonalities and differences between the experiences of bi men and bi women? What is the special relationship between the bisexual and the transgender community? How have bisexuals and the bi community been affected by HIV/AIDS? What is the future of bisexual activism, if any? and many more! Bi America is a fascinating resource that exposes the challenges, struggles, and triumphs of bisexuals in America. Bisexuals, especially those newly coming out, can use this book to help understand their identity, and family members and friends seeking some insight into the unique circumstances faced by their loved ones will also find it helpful. This book will interest those concerned with the sociology of deviance or with subcultures in general. It is also appropriate for undergraduate sociology and cultural anthropology, as well as feminist studies and LGBT studies classes. This book offers one of the few accessible, nonacademic looks at this unique and interesting community. Visit the book's Web site at

Bi Men: Coming Out Every Which Way

by Pete Chvany Ron Jackson Suresha

A moving and pioneering celebration of the male bisexual self that addresses biphobia in our societyIn today&’s sexual world, both straight and gay and lesbian communities still often refuse to accept the reality of bisexuality. Bi Men: Coming Out Every Which Way confronts head-on the limiting views that bisexuality is a transitional phase of sexual evolution or a simple refusal to accept being either homosexual or straight. This pioneering collection of moving personal essays by bisexual men and those who love them explores what it means to be bisexual in today&’s monosexually oriented society.The millennial shift in sexual perspectives draws more and more men to come out as being attracted to both women and men. Bisexual and bi-curious men will find comfort and camaraderie in these stories about coming out, its impact on family and marriage, evolving perspectives on bisexuals within the LGBT community, and the building of acceptance and affirmation for bisexuality and polyamory. The nearly three dozen essays in Bi Men: Coming Out Every Which Way are told in the honest words of bisexuals, confirming the validity of their place in the world while illustrating that there are more bi men than anyone ever realized. These diverse and pioneering men&’s stories reveal a long-disguised and unconventional truth-that bisexuality is a valid lifestyle that does not threaten either sexual camp. Each contributor to this collection affirms the innate fluidity of self, sexuality, family, and community, and proclaims that sexuality is truly diverse in its predispositions and creativity.Bi Men: Coming Out Every Which Way separates its essays into four parts: coming out and personal realization of bisexual nature bisexuality&’s effects on family and marriage an examination of the shifting viewpoints of bisexuality within gay communities ways in which bisexuals can affirm and respect their own desires and celebrate their sexual selvesThese intimate stories address: biphobia monosexual prejudice the impact on marriage family issues coming out to self, spouse, and family political and community issues religious and spiritual concernsBi Men: Coming Out Every Which Way is a vibrant, reassuring call to bisexuals, the bi-curious, or anybody who knows and loves a bisexual/bi-curious man, to read and more completely understand the unique issues of being bisexual while providing the ultimate affirmation of bisexuality&’s existence.

Bi Men: Coming Out Every Which Way

by Ron Jackson Suresha Pete Chvany

A moving and pioneering celebration of the male bisexual self that addresses biphobia in our societyIn today&’s sexual world, both straight and gay and lesbian communities still often refuse to accept the reality of bisexuality. Bi Men: Coming Out Every Which Way confronts head-on the limiting views that bisexuality is a transitional phase of sexual evolution or a simple refusal to accept being either homosexual or straight. This pioneering collection of moving personal essays by bisexual men and those who love them explores what it means to be bisexual in today&’s monosexually oriented society.The millennial shift in sexual perspectives draws more and more men to come out as being attracted to both women and men. Bisexual and bi-curious men will find comfort and camaraderie in these stories about coming out, its impact on family and marriage, evolving perspectives on bisexuals within the LGBT community, and the building of acceptance and affirmation for bisexuality and polyamory. The nearly three dozen essays in Bi Men: Coming Out Every Which Way are told in the honest words of bisexuals, confirming the validity of their place in the world while illustrating that there are more bi men than anyone ever realized. These diverse and pioneering men&’s stories reveal a long-disguised and unconventional truth-that bisexuality is a valid lifestyle that does not threaten either sexual camp. Each contributor to this collection affirms the innate fluidity of self, sexuality, family, and community, and proclaims that sexuality is truly diverse in its predispositions and creativity.Bi Men: Coming Out Every Which Way separates its essays into four parts: coming out and personal realization of bisexual nature bisexuality&’s effects on family and marriage an examination of the shifting viewpoints of bisexuality within gay communities ways in which bisexuals can affirm and respect their own desires and celebrate their sexual selvesThese intimate stories address: biphobia monosexual prejudice the impact on marriage family issues coming out to self, spouse, and family political and community issues religious and spiritual concernsBi Men: Coming Out Every Which Way is a vibrant, reassuring call to bisexuals, the bi-curious, or anybody who knows and loves a bisexual/bi-curious man, to read and more completely understand the unique issues of being bisexual while providing the ultimate affirmation of bisexuality&’s existence.

BI_PoC Diversity Manager*innen in weißen Organisationen: Perspektiven und Handlungsempfehlungen

by Asmahan Gamgami

Dieses Buch ist eine wegweisende und machtkritische Analyse der deutschen Diversity Management-Praxis. Die Autorin bietet einen tiefgründigen, analytischen und umfassenden Einblick in die Komplexität der Thematik. Die zentrale Rolle weißer Befindlichkeiten sowie das Wirken kolonialer Kontinuitäten auf BI_PoC Diversity Manager*innen werden systematisch herausgearbeitet. Gamgami betont unter anderem das intrinsisch-aktivistische Verständnis von BI_PoC Diversity-Manager*innen und analysiert sowohl den Mehrwert als auch das Dilemma dieses Antriebs. Diese Forschung bietet jedoch nicht nur Kritik, sondern benennt wesentliche Faktoren für erfolgreiches Diversity Management, liefert Handlungsempfehlungen für den (Selbst-)Schutz von BI_PoC Diversity Manager‘*innen und definiert die Kompetenzen, die gute Diversity Manager*innen mitbringen müssen. Dabei berücksichtigt sie stets die Wirkung bestehender Machtverhältnisse. Die Autorin lädt dazu ein, die Herausforderungen und Potenziale des deutschen Diversity Managements, sowie ihrer Akteur*innen zu verstehen und kritisch zu reflektieren.

A Bias Radar for Responsible Policy-Making: Foresight-Based Scientific Advice (St Antony's Series)

by Lieve Van Woensel

Policymakers prepare society for the future and this book provides a practical toolkit for preparing pro-active, future-proof scientific policy advice for them. It explains how to make scientific advisory strategies holistic. It also explains how and where biases, which interfere with the proper functioning of the entire science-policy ecosystem, arise and investigates how emotions and other biases affect the understanding and assessment of scientific evidence. The book advocates explorative foresight, systems thinking, interdisciplinarity, bias awareness and the anticipation of undesirable impacts in policy advising, and it offers practical guidance for them. Written in an accessible style, the book offers provocative reflections on how scientific policy advice should be sensitive to more than scientific evidence. It is both an appealing introductory text for everyone interested in science-based policy and a valuable guide for the experienced scientific adviser and policy scholar.

Biased: Uncovering The Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, And Do

by Dr Jennifer Eberhardt

'Jennifer Eberhardt makes it clear that racism operates at all levels, and it fills me with hope to know that she is fighting it at all levels. More power to you, sister. The world needs you.' BENJAMIN ZEPHANIAH'A critically important book.' DAVID OLUSOGA, author of Black and British'Jennifer Eberhardt’s ground-breaking work has the power to shift the debate and help shape a fairer society.' DAVID LAMMY MP‘Jennifer Eberhardt gives us the opportunity to talk about race in new ways, ultimately transforming our thinking about ourselves and the world we want to create.’ MICHELLE ALEXANDER, author of The New Jim Crow‘Groundbreaking... essential reading for anyone interested in how we become a more just society.’ BRYAN STEVENSON, author of Just Mercy‘An illuminating and readable account of how racial stereotypes and assumptions can cause social devastation and keep huge inequalities in place.’ DR PRIYAMVADA GOPAL, University of Cambridge'This books should be required reading for everyone.' ROBIN DIANGELO, author of White Fragility'Read this book. Biased will enlighten your journey through race relations and associations.’ DAWN BUTLER MP______________________From one of the world’s leading experts on unconscious racial bias comes a landmark examination of one of the most culturally powerful issues of our time.We might think that we treat all people equally, but we don’t. Every day, unconscious biases affect our visual perception, attention, memory and behaviour in ways that are subtle and very difficult to recognise without in-depth scientific studies.Unconscious biases can be small and insignificant, but they affect every sector of society, leading to enormous disparities, from the classroom to the courtroom to the boardroom.But unconscious bias is not a sin to be cured, but a universal human condition, and one that can be overcome.In Biased, pioneering social psychologist Professor Jennifer Eberhardt explains how.

Biased Trials: Insights from Behavioral Law and Economics (Ökonomische Analyse des Rechts | Economic Analysis of Law)

by Goran Dominioni

Goran Dominioni argues that research in behavioral economics, psychology, and neurosciences can offer novel insights on whether court decisions are accurate, non-discriminatory, and maximize social welfare. The author also shows that insights from these areas of research can help to improve trial outcomes if carefully applied to craft trial rules and practices. He covers central themes in behavioral law and economics, such as implicit racial biases, the fundamental attribution error, and gender-related biases.

The Bible and Digital Millennials (Routledge Focus on Religion)

by David G. Ford Joshua L. Mann Peter M. Phillips

The Bible and Digital Millennials explores the place of the Bible in the lives of 18 to 35 year-olds who have been born into the digital age. As the use of digital media becomes increasingly pervasive, it should follow that it will have a significant effect on people’s engagement with religion and the sacred texts associated with it. Drawing on contemporary in-depth surveys, this study unpacks digital millennials’ stance towards, use of and engagement with the Bible in both offline and online settings. The book features results from a nationally representative survey of 2,000 young British people specifically commissioned for this project. The data is also compared with the findings of others, including a poll of 850 British Bible-centric Christians and recent Bible engagement surveys from the USA. This book investigates the relevance of the Bible to the lives of those who have grown up in the digital age. It will, therefore, offer fresh insight to any scholar of biblical studies, religion and digital media, and religious studies.

The Bible and Digital Millennials (Routledge Focus on Religion)

by David G. Ford Joshua L. Mann Peter M. Phillips

The Bible and Digital Millennials explores the place of the Bible in the lives of 18 to 35 year-olds who have been born into the digital age. As the use of digital media becomes increasingly pervasive, it should follow that it will have a significant effect on people’s engagement with religion and the sacred texts associated with it. Drawing on contemporary in-depth surveys, this study unpacks digital millennials’ stance towards, use of and engagement with the Bible in both offline and online settings. The book features results from a nationally representative survey of 2,000 young British people specifically commissioned for this project. The data is also compared with the findings of others, including a poll of 850 British Bible-centric Christians and recent Bible engagement surveys from the USA. This book investigates the relevance of the Bible to the lives of those who have grown up in the digital age. It will, therefore, offer fresh insight to any scholar of biblical studies, religion and digital media, and religious studies.

The Bible, Social Media and Digital Culture (Routledge Focus on Religion)

by Peter M. Phillips

This book centres on the use of the Bible within contemporary digital social media culture and gives an overview of its use online with examples from brand-new research from the CODEC Research Centre at Durham University, UK. It examines the shift from a propositional to a therapeutic approach to faith from a sociological standpoint. The book covers two research projects in particular: the Twitter Gospels and Online Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. It explores the data as they relate to Abby Day’s concept of performative belief, picking up on Mia Lövheim’s challenge to see how this concept works out in digital culture and social media. It also compares the data to various construals of contemporary approaches to faith performative faith, including Christian Smith and Melissa Lundquist Denton’s concept of moralistic therapeutic deism. Other research is also compared to the findings of these projects, including a micro-project on Celebrities and the Bible, to give a wider perspective on these issues in both the UK and the USA. As a sociological exploration of Digital Millennial culture and its relationship to sacred texts, this will be of keen interest to scholars of Biblical studies, religion and digital media, and contemporary lived religion.

The Bible, Social Media and Digital Culture (Routledge Focus on Religion)

by Peter M. Phillips

This book centres on the use of the Bible within contemporary digital social media culture and gives an overview of its use online with examples from brand-new research from the CODEC Research Centre at Durham University, UK. It examines the shift from a propositional to a therapeutic approach to faith from a sociological standpoint. The book covers two research projects in particular: the Twitter Gospels and Online Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. It explores the data as they relate to Abby Day’s concept of performative belief, picking up on Mia Lövheim’s challenge to see how this concept works out in digital culture and social media. It also compares the data to various construals of contemporary approaches to faith performative faith, including Christian Smith and Melissa Lundquist Denton’s concept of moralistic therapeutic deism. Other research is also compared to the findings of these projects, including a micro-project on Celebrities and the Bible, to give a wider perspective on these issues in both the UK and the USA. As a sociological exploration of Digital Millennial culture and its relationship to sacred texts, this will be of keen interest to scholars of Biblical studies, religion and digital media, and contemporary lived religion.

Bible Witness in Black Churches (Black Religion/Womanist Thought/Social Justice)

by G. Baker-Fletcher

Baker-Fletcher explores the Bible as a uniquely authoritative text within the context of Black church worship and service to the world, as well as analysing the Bible's central role in three forms of witness: translation, proclamation, and empowerment.

Biblical Ethics and Social Change

by Stephen Mott

This scholarly synthesis of biblical studies and Christian social ethics is designed to provide a biblical argument for intentional institutional change on behalf of social justice. Stephen Charles Mott provides a biblical and ethical guide on ways to implement that change. The first part of the book, providing the biblical theology of intentional social change, deals with the central concepts in biblical and theological ethics: grace, evil, love, justice, and the Reign of God. Christian social change must be rooted not only in justice, but in the grace received through the death and resurrection of Christ. The second part evaluates ethical and theological methods for carrying out that intentional social change. It offers a study of evangelism, counter community, civil disobedience, armed revolution, and political reform. It shows the contribution of each as well as the strong limitations of each used in isolation. A recurring theme of the book is the scriptural insistence on the priority of justice as taking upon oneself the cause of the oppressed. Justice is understood on bringing back into the community those who are near to falling out of it. Political authority has a vital role in social change for justice. It is essential that a Christian use all available and legitimate means of meeting basic needs by providing for all what is essential for inclusion in society. In this revised edition, Mott updates the contemporary illustrations and includes his own further reflections in the last thirty years on this topic.

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