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Showing 65,726 through 65,750 of 75,754 results

Stress und Armut: Eine interdisziplinäre Untersuchung von Stress in Zellen, Individuen und Gesellschaft

by Michael Breitenbach Elisabeth Kapferer Clemens Sedmak

Das Wort Stress ist allgegenwärtig und ist ein Modewort geworden. Jeder ist gestresst, so scheint es, und das fortwährend. Dieses Buch befasst sich mit der Bedeutung von Stress in den Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften und untersucht zellulären Stress als Ursache für Stress und im Zusammenhang mit dem, was Menschen als Stress erleben. Wann empfinden wir in psychologischem Sinn Stress und wann zeigen wir physiologische Anzeichen von Stress in unserem Gehirn?Stress ist eine Abweichung von dem, was sich „normal“ und gesund anfühlt. Er kann durch soziale oder ökonomische Faktoren ausgelöst werden und kann chronisch werden, was erhebliche Auswirkungen auf den einzelnen Menschen und auf die Gesellschaft als Ganzes hat. Dieses Buch konzentriert sich auf Armut als eine chronische Ursache von Stress und untersucht, wie der Mangel an druckfreier Zeit, die Entbehrungen und die Unvorhersehbarkeit des Alltags sowie ein allgemeiner Mangel an Schutz zu destruktivem toxischem Stress führen. Dieser permanente Druck beeinträchtigt die kognitiven und sozialen Funktionen, die Gehirnentwicklung in der Kindheit und kann auch zu vorzeitiger Alterung führen. Was können die Wissenschaften für unser Verständnis von und unsere Reaktion auf Stress leisten? Was kann gegen toxischen Stress getan werden, sowohl auf persönlicher Ebene als auch in Bezug auf Strukturen und politische Maßnahmen?Das Buch richtet sich an alle, die sich für Stress, seine Ursachen und Folgen sowie für den Zusammenhang von Stress und Armut interessieren.

Stress und Burnout in Organisationen: Ein Praxisbuch für Führungskräfte, Personalentwickler und Berater

by Ulrich Scherrmann

Dieses Buch hilft Führungskräften, Organisationsberatern und Coaches, Stress und Burnout im Unternehmen zu erkennen und zu bekämpfen. Es setzt dabei nicht nur bei individuellen Faktoren an, sondern auch bei dem, was wirklich hilft: Es erklärt organisationale Faktoren von Burnout in einem verständlichen, systemischen Organisationsmodell. Neben Grundwissen zu Ursachen von Burnout werden Tipps für einen adäquaten Umgang gegeben, die u.a. ein neues Paradigma von Gesundheit in Betrieben und Organisationen und das Thema Prävention umfassen. Der Praxisteil des Buches vermittelt konkrete Methoden und Checklisten für Führungskräfte sowie für die ganze Organisation. Erfahrungsberichte aus der Beratungsarbeit runden dieses praxisorientierte Handbuch ab.

Stress, Wellness, and Performance Optimization: Promoting Sustainable Performance in the Workplace

by Nilesh Thakre B. Udaya Kumar Reddy

This volume examines the intertwined concepts of stress, performance, and wellness and offers insight and strategies for providing support to individuals and organizations for effective performance optimization. The book considers new constructs in the area of organizational stress and provides a comprehensive review of wellness as well as performance aspects, offering unique perspectives and empirical findings. The book first discusses organizational constraints and summarizes the many factors within workplaces that negate effective job performance (disruptions, lack of supplies, equipment, or training, etc.). It discusses well-being interventions, giving practical examples that combine theory and practice. The moderating effect of situation-specific support is considered as is the role of family and spirituality in creating resilience in leadership and organizations in different cultural contexts. New technology, such as wearable devices and computer-based software applications, are considered, highlighting their potential to provide employers with guidance as to how they can enable their employees to self-manage their wellness and productivity. Other topics include anxiety habit loops —how they are formed, their debilitating impact, and various strategies that can break these dysfunctional habit loops and replace them with more functional and constructive habits, better leading to reduced anxiety, stronger mental well-being and resilience; measuring work-life balance and life satisfaction; the effects of perceived organizational justice and generational cohort on burnout and self-efficacy and the association between burnout and self-efficacy; and more.

Stress, Wellness, and Performance Optimization: Promoting Sustainable Performance in the Workplace

This volume examines the intertwined concepts of stress, performance, and wellness and offers insight and strategies for providing support to individuals and organizations for effective performance optimization. The book considers new constructs in the area of organizational stress and provides a comprehensive review of wellness as well as performance aspects, offering unique perspectives and empirical findings. The book first discusses organizational constraints and summarizes the many factors within workplaces that negate effective job performance (disruptions, lack of supplies, equipment, or training, etc.). It discusses well-being interventions, giving practical examples that combine theory and practice. The moderating effect of situation-specific support is considered as is the role of family and spirituality in creating resilience in leadership and organizations in different cultural contexts. New technology, such as wearable devices and computer-based software applications, are considered, highlighting their potential to provide employers with guidance as to how they can enable their employees to self-manage their wellness and productivity. Other topics include anxiety habit loops —how they are formed, their debilitating impact, and various strategies that can break these dysfunctional habit loops and replace them with more functional and constructive habits, better leading to reduced anxiety, stronger mental well-being and resilience; measuring work-life balance and life satisfaction; the effects of perceived organizational justice and generational cohort on burnout and self-efficacy and the association between burnout and self-efficacy; and more.

Stressbewältigung: Trainingsmanual zur psychologischen Gesundheitsförderung (Psychotherapie: Praxis)

by Gert Kaluza

Das Kursleiter-Manual: So werden Sie fit für das Training! Der richtige Umgang mit Stress lässt sich vermitteln: mit dem psychologischen Gesundheitsförderungsprogramm "Gelassen und sicher im Stress", das von Krankenkassen zur Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention empfohlen wird. Das darauf abgestimmte Kursleitermanual wird seit 20 Jahren erfolgreich eingesetzt und ist im Katalog präventiver Leistungen der Krankenkassen enthalten. Die Inhalte: (1) Hintergrundwissen aus der Stressforschung: kompakt, fundiert und verständlich. (2) Modularer Trainingsaufbau in 4 Trainings- und 5 Ergänzungsmodulen: für eine flexible Trainingsgestaltung.4 Trainingsbausteine und 5 Ergänzungsmodule(1) Das Entspannungstraining: entspannen und loslassen. (2) Das Mentaltraining: förderliche Denkweisen und Einstellungen entwickeln. (3) Das Problemlösetraining: Stresssituationen wahrnehmen, annehmen und verändern. (4) Das Genusstraining: erholen und genießen. (5) Ergänzungsmodule zu Stressbewältigung durch Sport und Bewegung, Pflege des sozialen Netzes, Zielklärung, gesunden Umgang mit der Zeit und der 4xA-Strategie für den Akutfall.Ein erfolgreiches Training - Tipps und Materialien Anschauliche, didaktisch hervorragend aufbereitete Materialien: (1) Didaktische Hinweise für eine kompetente Durchführung des Trainings. (2) Abwechslungsreiche Gestaltung durch viele praktische Übungen. (3) Teilnehmerunterlagen, die informieren und motivieren. (4) Alle Trainingsmaterialien im Buch stehen kostenlos zum Download im Internet zur Verfügung.

Stressbewältigung: Trainingsmanual zur psychologischen Gesundheitsförderung

by Gert Kaluza

Aufbauend auf den theoretischen Grundlagen zur Stressbewältigung und zur Gesundheitsförderung stellt das Kursleitermanual die einzelnen Schritte des Programms „Stressbewältigung“ detailliert dar. Jedes Trainingsmodul ist mit didaktischen Hinweisen, Beispielinstruktionen und praktischen Übungen versehen. Die begleitende CD-ROM enthält alle Trainingsmaterialien – u.a. für den Einsatz in der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung. Das Programm ergänzt das Training „Gelassen und sicher im Stress“ und ist von den Krankenkassen als Präventionsleistung anerkannt.

Stressbewältigung: Trainingsmanual zur psychologischen Gesundheitsförderung

by Gert Kaluza

Trainieren Sie Ihr Wissen: Das Kursleiter-Manual ergänzt das erfolgreiche Training "Gelassen und sicher im Stress", das im Leistungskatalog der Krankenkassen enthalten ist.Vier Trainingsschritte mit vielen praktischen ÜbungenNeu: Ergänzungsmodule zur Stressbewältigung durch Bewegung und sozialen Rückhalt, Zielklärung, Zeiteinteilung und Notfall-StrategieAlle Trainingsmaterialien auch auf CD-ROM

Stressbewältigung und berufliche Identität in der Bankenbranche: Eine qualitative Studie

by Rebecca Dietrich

Rebecca Dietrich geht der Frage nach, welche unterschiedlichen Bewältigungsstrategien Banker nutzen, um mit den Arbeitsbelastungen der modernen Bankenbranche umzugehen. Im Rahmen qualitativer Interviews untersucht sie, wie Banker die Auswirkungen dieser Belastungen erleben und welche Ressourcen sowie Copingstrategien ihnen bei der Stressbewältigung helfen. Dabei identifiziert sie spezifische Bewältigungsstrategien, die als zentrales Werkzeug für die Gestaltung der beruflichen Identität in der modernen Arbeitswelt dienen.

Stressbewältigung und Social Support in Facebook: Der Einfluss sozialer Online-Netzwerke auf die Wahrnehmung und Bewältigung von Stress

by Martina Braasch

Martina Braasch betrachtet den Einfluss sozialer Online-Netzwerke für die Bewältigung von Stress und den Erhalt von Social Support empirisch in einem qualitativ-explorativen Forschungsdesign. Auf der Grundlage der Ressourcenerhaltungstheorie nach Stevan Hobfoll wird das Online-Netzwerk Facebook auf sein Potenzial hin beleuchtet, seinen Nutzerinnen und Nutzern Ressourcen zur Verfügung zu stellen, die sich auf ihr Stresserleben und die Bewältigung von Stressoren positiv – jedoch auch negativ – auswirken können. Die Facebook-Coping-Typologie gibt Einblicke in funktionale und dysfunktionale Verhaltensweisen in Facebook und ermöglicht, das eigene Nutzungsverhalten zu reflektieren und hinsichtlich einer ressourcenoptimierten Nutzung anzupassen.

Stressilient: How To Beat Stress And Build Resilience

by Dr Sam Akbar

Manage your mind. Handle your emotions. Concentrate on what matters in life.

Stressmanagement: Ein Arbeitsbuch für die Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung

by Stephan Rusch

Dieses Theorie- und Praxismanual gibt einen grundlegenden und wissenschaftlich fundierten Überblick über alle Themen des Stressmanagements: Von theoretischen Grundlagen zu Stress und Stressreaktionen über Methoden zur Analyse und Stressbewältigung bis hin zu praktischen Anregungen für die Durchführung eigener Stressmanagementseminare.Mit zahlreichen Arbeitsmaterialien und Fragen zur Überprüfung des eigenen Wissensstandes.

Stressmanagement für Teams: in Service, Gewerbe und Produktion - Ein ressourcenorientiertes Trainingsmanual

by Christine Busch Susanne Roscher Antje Ducki Tanja Kalytta Gunnar Liedtke

Beschäftigte in Service, Gewerbe und Produktion sind hohen körperlichen und psychosozialen Belastungen ausgesetzt. Dennoch haben sie als häufig un- bzw. angelernte Mitarbeiter nur selten Zugang zu Angeboten der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung. Betriebe erkennen mittlerweile, dass ein Gesundheitsmanagement für diese große Personengruppe das Potenzial zu beachtlichen Kostenersparnissen hat, bislang fehlen allerdings spezifische Trainingskonzepte. Dieses Manual bietet erstmals ein Programm zum Stress- und Ressourcenmanagement für geringqualifizierte Mitarbeiter (ist aber auch für andere Zielgruppen geeignet). Es ist als Teamtraining konzipiert und umfasst neben 4 Modulen für die Betroffenen (Bewegung, soziale Unterstützung sowie Problemlösen im Team und Worklife-Balance) auch ein Führungskräftetraining. Das Konzept wurde in enger Kooperation mit Anbietern betrieblicher Gesundheitsförderung (z.B. Krankenkassen) und dem Institut für Sport und Bewegungsmedizin der Universität Hamburg entwickelt und didaktisch auf die Zielgruppe zugeschnitten. Es enthält neben Grundlagen zum Stressmanagement umfangreiche Ablaufbeschreibungen, Checklisten, Moderationsanleitungen und alle Folien und Materialien komplett zum Download. - Für Verantwortliche im Gesundheitsmanagement, Geschäftsführer, Trainer, Krankenkassen und Sozialdienste.

Stressmanagement für Teams in Service, Gewerbe und Produktion - ein ressourcenorientiertes Trainingsmanual

by Christine Busch Susanne Roscher Antje Ducki Tanja Kalytta

Beschäftigte in Service, Gewerbe und Produktion sind hohen körperlichen und psychosozialen Belastungen ausgesetzt. Das Manual bietet erstmals ein Programm zum Stress- und Ressourcenmanagement für diese Zielgruppe. Als Teamtraining konzipiert, umfasst es vier Module für gering Qualifizierte (Bewegung, soziale Unterstützung, Problemlösen im Team und Worklife-Balance) sowie ein Führungskräftetraining. Der Band enthält umfangreiche Ablaufbeschreibungen, Checklisten, Moderationsanleitungen sowie alle Folien und Materialien auf CD-ROM.

Stretch: How to Future-Proof Yourself for Tomorrow's Workplace

by Karie Willyerd Barbara Mistick

You know you can do more with your career. And the future is going to demand more of you. The problem is you are so busy keeping up with the day-to-day that you can't prepare for tomorrow. Stretch: How to Future Proof Yourself for Tomorrow's Workplace gives you the confidence and knowledge you need to achieve your goals in an ever-changing world. Karie Willyerd and Barbara Mistick—established experts and the collective winners of dozens of awards in the field of personal development and learning—offer evidence-based guidance on obtaining the skills you will need to thrive in tomorrow's workplace. Built on solid, global research and dozens of personal interviews with people who have achieved new and inspiring goals, Stretch offers advice, valuable insights, anecdotes, and recommendations to make achieving your goals practical and within reach. If you are like other professionals, your biggest worry is becoming obsolete at work. Shifting technologies, fierce competition among corporations, and recruitment occurring on a global level would give anyone concern. To remain relevant in spite of change, you need to know how to: Learn in any situation Open your thinking to a world beyond where you are now Connect to the people who can help you make your future happen Seek experiences that will prepare you for tomorrow Stay motivated through the ups and downs of a career so you can bounce forward Stretch: How to Future Proof Yourself for Tomorrow's Workplace offers five practices to help you start, enhance, and lengthen your career by anticipating the needs of tomorrow's work environment. Don't become obsolete. Instead, stretch to achieve your potential.

Stretch: How to Future-Proof Yourself for Tomorrow's Workplace

by Karie Willyerd Barbara Mistick

You know you can do more with your career. And the future is going to demand more of you. The problem is you are so busy keeping up with the day-to-day that you can't prepare for tomorrow. Stretch: How to Future Proof Yourself for Tomorrow's Workplace gives you the confidence and knowledge you need to achieve your goals in an ever-changing world. Karie Willyerd and Barbara Mistick—established experts and the collective winners of dozens of awards in the field of personal development and learning—offer evidence-based guidance on obtaining the skills you will need to thrive in tomorrow's workplace. Built on solid, global research and dozens of personal interviews with people who have achieved new and inspiring goals, Stretch offers advice, valuable insights, anecdotes, and recommendations to make achieving your goals practical and within reach. If you are like other professionals, your biggest worry is becoming obsolete at work. Shifting technologies, fierce competition among corporations, and recruitment occurring on a global level would give anyone concern. To remain relevant in spite of change, you need to know how to: Learn in any situation Open your thinking to a world beyond where you are now Connect to the people who can help you make your future happen Seek experiences that will prepare you for tomorrow Stay motivated through the ups and downs of a career so you can bounce forward Stretch: How to Future Proof Yourself for Tomorrow's Workplace offers five practices to help you start, enhance, and lengthen your career by anticipating the needs of tomorrow's work environment. Don't become obsolete. Instead, stretch to achieve your potential.

Stretched Thin: Poor Families, Welfare Work, and Welfare Reform

by Sandra L. Morgen Joan Acker Jill Weigt

When the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act became law in 1996, the architects of welfare reform celebrated what they called the new "consensus" on welfare: that cash assistance should be temporary and contingent on recipients' seeking and finding employment. However, assessments about the assumptions and consequences of this radical change to the nation's social safety net were actually far more varied and disputed than the label "consensus" suggests. By examining the varied realities and accountings of welfare restructuring, Stretched Thin looks back at a critical moment of policy change and suggests how welfare policy in the United States can be changed to better address the needs of poor families and the nation. Using ethnographic observations, in-depth interviews with poor families and welfare workers, survey data tracking more than 750 families over two years, and documentary evidence, Sandra Morgen, Joan Acker, and Jill Weigt question the validity of claims that welfare reform has been a success. They show how poor families, welfare workers, and welfare administrators experienced and assessed welfare reform differently based on gender, race, class, and their varying positions of power and control within the welfare state. The authors document the ways that, despite the dramatic drop in welfare rolls, low-wage jobs and inadequate social supports left many families struggling in poverty. Revealing how the neoliberal principles of a drastically downsized welfare state and individual responsibility for economic survival were implemented through policies and practices of welfare provision and nonprovision, the authors conclude with new recommendations for reforming welfare policy to reduce poverty, promote economic security, and foster shared prosperity.

Stretching Beyond the Horizon: A Multiplanar Theory of Spatial Planning and Governance

by Jean Hillier

In this innovative work Jean Hillier develops a new theory for students and researchers of spatial planning and governance which is grounded primarily in the work of Gilles Deleuze. The theory recognizes the complex interrelation between place qualities and the multiple space-time relational dynamics of spatial governance. Using empirical examples from England and Australia, Hillier identifies the power of networks and trajectories through which various actors territorialize space and explores the social and political responsibilities of spatial managers and decision-makers. She considers what spatial planning and urban management practices could look like if they were to be developed along Deleuzean lines, and suggests alternative framings for spatial practice: broad trajectories or 'visions' of the longer-term future and shorter-term, location-specific detailed plans and projects with collaboratively determined tangible goals.

Stretching Beyond the Horizon: A Multiplanar Theory of Spatial Planning and Governance

by Jean Hillier

In this innovative work Jean Hillier develops a new theory for students and researchers of spatial planning and governance which is grounded primarily in the work of Gilles Deleuze. The theory recognizes the complex interrelation between place qualities and the multiple space-time relational dynamics of spatial governance. Using empirical examples from England and Australia, Hillier identifies the power of networks and trajectories through which various actors territorialize space and explores the social and political responsibilities of spatial managers and decision-makers. She considers what spatial planning and urban management practices could look like if they were to be developed along Deleuzean lines, and suggests alternative framings for spatial practice: broad trajectories or 'visions' of the longer-term future and shorter-term, location-specific detailed plans and projects with collaboratively determined tangible goals.

Stretching the Sociological Imagination: Essays in Honour of John Eldridge

by David Miller Andrew Smith Matt Dawson Bridget Fowler

This edited collection calls for renewed attention to the concept of the sociological imagination, allowing social scientists to link private issues to public troubles. Inspired by the eminent Glasgow-based sociologist, John Eldridge, it re-engages with the concept and shows how it can be applied to analyzing society today.


by Richard Hyman

A study concentrating on the sociology of industrial conflict and focusing on the causes of industrial disputes and their meanings for those involved. The author has aimed to present the views and theories of others, dealing mainly with Britain but including some international comparisons.

A Striking Likeness: The Life of George Romney

by David A Cross

This title was first published in 2000: In their stunning simplicity, George Romney's portraits of eighteenth-century gentry and their children are among the most widely recognised creations of his age. A rival to Reynolds and Gainsborough, Romney was born in 1734 on the edge of the Lake District, the landscape of which never ceased to influence his eye for composition and colour. He moved in 1762 to London where there was an insatiable market for portraits of the landed gentry to fill the elegant picture galleries of their country houses. Romney's sitters included William Beckford and Emma Hart, later Lady Hamilton. An influential figure, one of the founding fathers of neo-classicism and a harbinger of romanticism, Romney yearned to develop his talents as a history painter. Countless drawings bear witness to ambitious projects on elemental themes which were rarely executed on canvas. Richly illustrated, this is the first biography of Romney to explore the full diversity of his oeuvre.

A Striking Likeness: The Life of George Romney

by David A Cross

This title was first published in 2000: In their stunning simplicity, George Romney's portraits of eighteenth-century gentry and their children are among the most widely recognised creations of his age. A rival to Reynolds and Gainsborough, Romney was born in 1734 on the edge of the Lake District, the landscape of which never ceased to influence his eye for composition and colour. He moved in 1762 to London where there was an insatiable market for portraits of the landed gentry to fill the elegant picture galleries of their country houses. Romney's sitters included William Beckford and Emma Hart, later Lady Hamilton. An influential figure, one of the founding fathers of neo-classicism and a harbinger of romanticism, Romney yearned to develop his talents as a history painter. Countless drawings bear witness to ambitious projects on elemental themes which were rarely executed on canvas. Richly illustrated, this is the first biography of Romney to explore the full diversity of his oeuvre.

Striking Women: Struggles And Strategies Of South Asian Women Workers (PDF)

by A. Sundari R. Pearson

Striking Women is centred on two industrial disputes, the famous Grunwick strike (1976-78) and the Gate Gourmet dispute that erupted in 2005. Focusing on these two events, the book explores the nature of South Asian women’s contribution to the struggles for workers’ rights in the UK labour market. The authors examine histories of migration and settlement of two different groups of women of South Asian origin, and how this history, their gendered, classed and racialised inclusion in the labour market, the context of industrial relations in the UK in the two periods and the nature of the trade union movement shaped the trajectories and the outcomes of the two disputes. This is the first account based on the voices of the women involved. Drawing on life/work history interviews with thirty-two women who participated in the two disputes, as well as interviews with trade union officials, archival material and employment tribunal proceedings, the authors explore the motivations, experiences and implications of these events for their political and social identities. The two disputes also serve as a prism for examining particular continuities and changes in the industrial relations, trade union practices and their scope for action. This work challenges stereotypes of South Asian women as passive and confined to the domestic sphere, whilst exploring the ways in which their employment experience interacted with their domestic roles. Paying close attention to the events and contexts of their workplace struggles enables us to understand the centrality of work to their identities, the complex relationships between these women and their trade unions and some of the challenges that confront trade unions in their efforts to address issues posed by gender and ethnicity. This is the workers’ story.

Striking Women (PDF): Struggles And Strategies Of South Asian Women Workers

by Anitha Sundari Ruth Pearson

Who were the women who fought back at Grunwick and Gate Gourmet? Striking Women gives a voice to the women involved as they discuss their lives, their work and their trade unions. This work focuses on South Asian women’s contributions to the struggle for workers’ rights in the UK. It is a fascinating insight into two key industrial disputes using interviews with women who participated in the disputes and rarely-seen archival material. Striking Women is centred on two industrial disputes, the famous Grunwick strike (1976-78) and the Gate Gourmet dispute that erupted in 2005. Focusing on these two events, the book explores the nature of South Asian women’s contribution to the struggles for workers’ rights in the UK labour market. The authors examine histories of migration and settlement of two different groups of women of South Asian origin, and how this history, their gendered, classed and racialised inclusion in the labour market, the context of industrial relations in the UK in the two periods and the nature of the trade union movement shaped the trajectories and the outcomes of the two disputes. This is the first account based on the voices of the women involved. Drawing on life/work history interviews with thirty-two women who participated in the two disputes, as well as interviews with trade union officials, archival material and employment tribunal proceedings, the authors explore the motivations, experiences and implications of these events for their political and social identities. The two disputes also serve as a prism for examining particular continuities and changes in the industrial relations, trade union practices and their scope for action. This work challenges stereotypes of South Asian women as passive and confined to the domestic sphere, whilst exploring the ways in which their employment experience interacted with their domestic roles. Paying close attention to the events and contexts of their workplace struggles enables us to understand the centrality of work to their identities, the complex relationships between these women and their trade unions and some of the challenges that confront trade unions in their efforts to address issues posed by gender and ethnicity. This is the workers’ story.

Striving to Save: Creating Policies for Financial Security of Low-Income Families

by Margaret Sherrard Sherraden Amanda Moore McBride

"Striving to Save will inform and inspire social policy with its breakthrough approach in understanding how low-income families make ends meet while striving to make a better life for themselves and their families. Scholarly work in savings, debt, household finance, and behavior economics will benefit from this pioneering study that provides real-life context for some of the most important issues of our day." ---Tom Shapiro, Brandeis University "The central contribution of the book is to use original qualitative research to provide readers with a nuanced understanding of the financial difficulties facing low-income households, their financial decision-making processes, and their paths to saving and building assets over time. The book provides an essential corrective to the unidimensional view of poor households as unable and unwilling to save." ---Michael Barr, University of Michigan In Striving to Save, Margaret Sherrard Sherraden and Amanda Moore McBride examine savings in eighty-four working families with low incomes, including fifty-nine families who participated in a groundbreaking program of matched savings and financial education. In-depth interviews with these families, along with savings and survey data, shed light on saving in low-income households. The book concludes with recommended public policy approaches for increasing savings in households that are striving to save. Margaret Sherrard Sherraden is Professor of Social Work at the University of Missouri, St. Louis. Amanda Moore McBride is Assistant Professor of Social Work at Washington University, St. Louis.

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