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Burnout und Arbeitsengagement bei Hochschullehrenden: Der direkte und interagierende Einfluss von Arbeitsbelastungen und -ressourcen (Economics Education und Human Resource Management)

by Franziska Schmidt

Das Buch gibt einen Überblick über den aktuellen Forschungsstand zu Arbeitsbelastungen und -ressourcen von Hochschullehrenden und zeigt, welche Wirkungen diese auf das arbeitsbezogene Wohlbefinden haben. Dabei betrachtet Franziska Schmidt in eigenen Studien neben den Haupteffekten der Arbeitsmerkmale auf Burnout und Arbeitsengagement auch Interaktionen wie Puffer- und Verstärkungseffekte. Die Autorin ermöglicht durch den Einsatz komplexer Studiendesigns und Analysemethoden sowohl kausale Längsschnittaussagen, als auch die Betrachtung fluktuierender Wirkungen.

Burnout While Working: Lessons from Pandemic and Beyond

by Michael P. Leiter Cary L. Cooper

This book offers an extensive look into the ways living through the COVID-19 pandemic has deepened our understanding of the crises people experience in their relationships with work. Leading experts explore burnout as an occupational phenomenon that arises through mismatches between workplace and individuals on the day-to-day patterns in work life. By disrupting where, when, and how people worked, pandemic measures upset the delicate balances in place regarding core areas of work life. Chapters examine the profound implications of social distancing on the quality and frequency of social encounters among colleagues, with management, and with clientele. The book covers a variety of occupational groups such as those in the healthcare and education sectors, and demonstrates the advantages and strains that come with working from home. The authors also consider the broader social context of working through the pandemic regarding risks and rewards for essential workers. By focusing on changes in organizational structures, policies, and practices, this book looks at effective ways forward in both recovering from this pandemic and preparing for further workplace disruptions. A wide audience of students and researchers in psychology, management, business, healthcare, and social sciences, as well as policy makers in government and professional organizations, will benefit from this detailed insight into the ways COVID-19 has affected contemporary work attitudes and practices.

Burnout While Working: Lessons from Pandemic and Beyond

by Michael P. Leiter Cary L. Cooper

This book offers an extensive look into the ways living through the COVID-19 pandemic has deepened our understanding of the crises people experience in their relationships with work. Leading experts explore burnout as an occupational phenomenon that arises through mismatches between workplace and individuals on the day-to-day patterns in work life. By disrupting where, when, and how people worked, pandemic measures upset the delicate balances in place regarding core areas of work life. Chapters examine the profound implications of social distancing on the quality and frequency of social encounters among colleagues, with management, and with clientele. The book covers a variety of occupational groups such as those in the healthcare and education sectors, and demonstrates the advantages and strains that come with working from home. The authors also consider the broader social context of working through the pandemic regarding risks and rewards for essential workers. By focusing on changes in organizational structures, policies, and practices, this book looks at effective ways forward in both recovering from this pandemic and preparing for further workplace disruptions. A wide audience of students and researchers in psychology, management, business, healthcare, and social sciences, as well as policy makers in government and professional organizations, will benefit from this detailed insight into the ways COVID-19 has affected contemporary work attitudes and practices.

Bürokratie und Politik in der römischen Kaiserzeit: Administrative Routine und politische Reflexe in Bürgerrechtskonstitutionen der römischen Kaiser (Otto von Freising-Vorlesungen der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)

by Werner Eck

Der Bestand an Militärdiplomen, Dokumenten, die aus der kaiserlichen Zentrale stammen, hat sich in den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten etwa vervierfacht. Sie ermöglichen neue Einblicke in die kaiserliche Politik und Administration sowie in bislang kaum bekannte politische Spannungssituationen. So erbrachte z. B. die Analyse der gesamten Auxiliardiplome neue Erkenntnisse zu den Motiven der Politik von Kaiser Antoninus Pius gegenüber dem Heer. Aus dem Fomular bestimmter Konstitutionen, die für das Heer in der Provinz Niedergermanien ausgegeben wurden, konnten Rückschlüsse auf die Loyalitätsprobleme des dortigen Heeres und eine drohende Militärrevolte zu Beginn der Herrschaft Kaiser Traians gezogen werden.

Bürokratietheorie: Einführung in eine Theorie der Verwaltung (Studienskripten zur Soziologie)

by Hans-Ulrich Derlien Doris Böhme Markus Heindl

Ausgehend von Max Webers Ausführungen möchte das Buch das für moderne Gesellschaften ubiquitäre Phänomen der "Bürokratie" theoretisch erfassen. Dabei werden vier Dimensionen herausgearbeitet und beschrieben: Bürokratietheorie als Gesellschaftstheorie, die Beziehungen zwischen Bürokratie und Politik, das Verhältnis von Individuum und Bürokratie sowie die Bürokratietheorie als Organisationstheorie. Das Buch schließt mit einem Blick auf das Thema der Entbürokratisierung.

Bushwick's Bohemia: Art and Revitalization in Gentrifying Brooklyn

by Mario Hernandez

Viewed as a symbol of urban blight and decline in the late 1970s and 1980s, Bushwick today is bustling and bursting with color, creativity, and commerce. Cozy and cool cafes, small boutiques, trendy restaurants, vibrant street murals, and art galleries now adorn the neighborhood in the northern part of Brooklyn, stoking its growing reputation as one of the more desirable places to live, work in, and visit.In this book, Mario Hernandez paints a precise picture that portrays the redevelopment, evolution, and ensuing gentrification of the Brooklyn neighborhood over recent decades. Drawing on interviews, developer reports, and historical and civic records, the author focuses closely on the artists and creative industries that moved to Bushwick and, over time, shaped the Bohemian art scene in the neighborhood and contributed to the growth of its vibrant urban economy. The book connects the emergence and ongoing development of the neighborhood’s art scene to neoliberal policies and city planning efforts that have also facilitated and led to the increasing displacement of long-time Black and Latinx residents. It also documents community efforts to counteract forces of displacement and development, revealing the complex, competing, and collective efforts to shape Bushwick and its future.Culture and capital collide, converge, and contribute to rapid and radical change in Bushwick’s bohemia, making this an important read for those interested in urban life, gentrification, and social issues.

Bushwick's Bohemia: Art and Revitalization in Gentrifying Brooklyn

by Mario Hernandez

Viewed as a symbol of urban blight and decline in the late 1970s and 1980s, Bushwick today is bustling and bursting with color, creativity, and commerce. Cozy and cool cafes, small boutiques, trendy restaurants, vibrant street murals, and art galleries now adorn the neighborhood in the northern part of Brooklyn, stoking its growing reputation as one of the more desirable places to live, work in, and visit.In this book, Mario Hernandez paints a precise picture that portrays the redevelopment, evolution, and ensuing gentrification of the Brooklyn neighborhood over recent decades. Drawing on interviews, developer reports, and historical and civic records, the author focuses closely on the artists and creative industries that moved to Bushwick and, over time, shaped the Bohemian art scene in the neighborhood and contributed to the growth of its vibrant urban economy. The book connects the emergence and ongoing development of the neighborhood’s art scene to neoliberal policies and city planning efforts that have also facilitated and led to the increasing displacement of long-time Black and Latinx residents. It also documents community efforts to counteract forces of displacement and development, revealing the complex, competing, and collective efforts to shape Bushwick and its future.Culture and capital collide, converge, and contribute to rapid and radical change in Bushwick’s bohemia, making this an important read for those interested in urban life, gentrification, and social issues.

Business 4.0 as a Subject of the Digital Economy (Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation)

by Elena G. Popkova

This book substantiates the transformation processes in the system of modern entrepreneurship in the conditions of formation of Industry 4.0. The authors develop a scientific concept of business 4.0, determine the specific features of business 4.0 and current problems and perspectives of its development in developed and developing markets, study the infrastructural provision of business 4.0 in view of its sectorial specifics, outline the perspectives and recommendations in the sphere of development of business 4.0, and offer the scientific and practical recommendations for state and corporate management.

Business Acumen for Strategic Communicators: A Primer

by Matthew W. Ragas Ron Culp

Business acumen has emerged as a critical competency for communicators. But if you’re a public relations, advertising or communication professional that didn’t go to business school, how can you make sure you have the abilities and skills to evolve along with your role? Business Acumen for Strategic Communicators is the book for you. Offering a critical primer for the world of business, Ragas and Culp equip you with the must-have business know-how needed to understand everything from the language and thinking of C-suites and boardrooms, to organizational agility, business models, rules and regulations, the money and the numbers, and even how to read financial statements and reports. Written for communicators by communicators, the concepts in each chapter are illustrated by expert insight essays written by a diverse group of senior communications leaders, and packed full of case studies, interviews, key terms and cutting-edge research. Brands profiled include Aflac, Costco, CVS Health, Levi Strauss, Mayo Clinic, Southwest Airlines, Target and YMCA of America. With these critical business literacy skills in hand, you will be set to serve with success as strategic counselors to the organizational leaders that are your colleagues, clients, and business partners.

Business Acumen for Strategic Communicators: A Primer

by Matthew W. Ragas Ron Culp

Business acumen has emerged as a critical competency for communicators. But if you’re a public relations, advertising or communication professional that didn’t go to business school, how can you make sure you have the abilities and skills to evolve along with your role? Business Acumen for Strategic Communicators is the book for you. Offering a critical primer for the world of business, Ragas and Culp equip you with the must-have business know-how needed to understand everything from the language and thinking of C-suites and boardrooms, to organizational agility, business models, rules and regulations, the money and the numbers, and even how to read financial statements and reports. Written for communicators by communicators, the concepts in each chapter are illustrated by expert insight essays written by a diverse group of senior communications leaders, and packed full of case studies, interviews, key terms and cutting-edge research. Brands profiled include Aflac, Costco, CVS Health, Levi Strauss, Mayo Clinic, Southwest Airlines, Target and YMCA of America. With these critical business literacy skills in hand, you will be set to serve with success as strategic counselors to the organizational leaders that are your colleagues, clients, and business partners.

Business Analysis

by James Cadle Malcolm Eva Debra Paul Craig Rollason Jonathan Hunsley

Business analysis is a key discipline within business transformation projects. Too often business changes are introduced without such analysis, leading to failed projects, wasted investment and unnecessary business disruption. Effective business analysis enables greater project success, informed investment and beneficial business outcomes. Business Analysis describes the entire landscape for successful business change, explaining the range of services offered by business analysts, the lifecycles and approaches that may be applied, and the techniques that aid analytical thinking, visualisation and modelling. The new edition of this bestseller has been updated extensively to ensure that the guidance offered is highly practical and encompasses the latest developments within the business analysis profession. This is a seminal text for business analysts, helping them to develop their understanding and skills and enabling them to develop their business analysis careers. It is also a key text for anyone working in organisations, whether driving change initiatives or enabling successful change outcomes. This book is: A practical and informative text, enabling business analysis and other business change professionals to develop their key knowledge and skills A readable and engaging journey through the business change lifecycle, the business analysis services and the toolkit required of a proficient business analyst Supports the BCS Business Analysis Certification Portfolio

Business Analysis

by James Cadle Malcolm Eva Debra Paul Craig Rollason Jonathan Hunsley

Business analysis is a key discipline within business transformation projects. Too often business changes are introduced without such analysis, leading to failed projects, wasted investment and unnecessary business disruption. Effective business analysis enables greater project success, informed investment and beneficial business outcomes. Business Analysis describes the entire landscape for successful business change, explaining the range of services offered by business analysts, the lifecycles and approaches that may be applied, and the techniques that aid analytical thinking, visualisation and modelling. The new edition of this bestseller has been updated extensively to ensure that the guidance offered is highly practical and encompasses the latest developments within the business analysis profession. This is a seminal text for business analysts, helping them to develop their understanding and skills and enabling them to develop their business analysis careers. It is also a key text for anyone working in organisations, whether driving change initiatives or enabling successful change outcomes. This book is: A practical and informative text, enabling business analysis and other business change professionals to develop their key knowledge and skills A readable and engaging journey through the business change lifecycle, the business analysis services and the toolkit required of a proficient business analyst Supports the BCS Business Analysis Certification Portfolio

Business Analysis

by Donald Yeates James Cadle Malcolm Eva Keith Hindle Debra Paul Craig Rollason Paul Turner

Business analysts must respond to the challenges of today's highly competitive global economy by developing practical, creative and financially sound solutions and this excellent guide gives them the necessary tools. It is also ideal for students wanting to gain university and industry qualifications. This new edition includes expanded discussions regarding gap analysis and benefits management, the impact of Agile software development and an introduction to business architecture.

Business Analysis

by Donald Yeates James Cadle Malcolm Eva Keith Hindle Debra Paul Craig Rollason Paul Turner

Business analysts must respond to the challenges of today's highly competitive global economy by developing practical, creative and financially sound solutions and this excellent guide gives them the necessary tools. It is also ideal for students wanting to gain university and industry qualifications. This new edition includes expanded discussions regarding gap analysis and benefits management, the impact of Agile software development and an introduction to business architecture.

Business Analytics: Data Science for Business Problems

by Walter R. Paczkowski

This book focuses on three core knowledge requirements for effective and thorough data analysis for solving business problems. These are a foundational understanding of: 1. statistical, econometric, and machine learning techniques; 2. data handling capabilities; 3. at least one programming language. Practical in orientation, the volume offers illustrative case studies throughout and examples using Python in the context of Jupyter notebooks. Covered topics include demand measurement and forecasting, predictive modeling, pricing analytics, customer satisfaction assessment, market and advertising research, and new product development and research. This volume will be useful to business data analysts, data scientists, and market research professionals, as well as aspiring practitioners in business data analytics. It can also be used in colleges and universities offering courses and certifications in business data analytics, data science, and market research.

Business and Buddhism

by Joan Marques

Business and Buddhism explores alternative ways of leading in the aftermath of the Great Recession and the many stories of fraud and greed that emerged. The book explores shifts in business perspectives as more value is placed on soft skills like emotional intelligence and listening, and introduces the reader to the principles in Buddhist philosophy that can be applied in the workplace. Buddhist practices are increasingly understood as spiritual, rather than religious per se. In fact, Buddhism is alternately referred to as a philosophy or psychology. In this book, Marques explores the value of applying the positive psychology of Buddhism to work settings. She outlines the ways in which it offers highly effective solutions to addressing important management and organizational behavior related issues, but also flags up critical areas for caution. For example, Buddhism is non-confrontational, and promotes detachment. How can business leaders negotiate these principles in light of the demands of modern day pressures? The book includes end of chapter questions to promote reflection and critical thinking, and examples of Buddhist leaders in action. It will prove a captivating read for students of organizational behavior, management, leadership, diversity and ethics, as well as business consultants.

Business and Buddhism

by Joan Marques

Business and Buddhism explores alternative ways of leading in the aftermath of the Great Recession and the many stories of fraud and greed that emerged. The book explores shifts in business perspectives as more value is placed on soft skills like emotional intelligence and listening, and introduces the reader to the principles in Buddhist philosophy that can be applied in the workplace. Buddhist practices are increasingly understood as spiritual, rather than religious per se. In fact, Buddhism is alternately referred to as a philosophy or psychology. In this book, Marques explores the value of applying the positive psychology of Buddhism to work settings. She outlines the ways in which it offers highly effective solutions to addressing important management and organizational behavior related issues, but also flags up critical areas for caution. For example, Buddhism is non-confrontational, and promotes detachment. How can business leaders negotiate these principles in light of the demands of modern day pressures? The book includes end of chapter questions to promote reflection and critical thinking, and examples of Buddhist leaders in action. It will prove a captivating read for students of organizational behavior, management, leadership, diversity and ethics, as well as business consultants.

Business and Corporate Integrity [2 volumes]: Sustaining Organizational Compliance, Ethics, and Trust [2 volumes]

by Robert C. Chandler

There is a crisis of trustworthiness in business and corporate integrity. This book identifies the specific actions to create and sustain integrity in businesses and corporations—steps that can restore the public's trust and confidence as well as improve company performance.Business and Corporate Integrity: Sustaining Organizational Compliance, Ethics, and Trust addresses a critical, contemporary topic of wide public concern from a pragmatic, solution-oriented perspective. Offering insights from world-class scholars and a range of subject matter experts, this accessible, two-volume work defines the nature of corporate integrity and business ethics in the current climate of scandals and an increasingly skeptical public, allowing readers to fully understand the importance of the subject. In addition, it uniquely provides practical methods, tactics, and tools to effectively address issues of integrity in the organizational environment.The first volume of the series contains contributed chapters that address the foundational approaches for ethics and integrity in the business world. The second volume presents practical ways to assess and enhance integrity and encourage ethical behavior in corporations, businesses, and other organizations. All companies—regardless of size or financial clout—need to avoid the significant consequences of ethical misconduct and illegal behavior by their employees and managers, which can result in erosion of public trust, customer loyalty, investor confidence, and employee morale, not to mention debilitating fines and criminal indictments. This book identifies the key mindset and values that should guide decision making for businesspeople every day.

Business and Corporate Integrity [2 volumes]: Sustaining Organizational Compliance, Ethics, and Trust [2 volumes]

by Robert C. Chandler

There is a crisis of trustworthiness in business and corporate integrity. This book identifies the specific actions to create and sustain integrity in businesses and corporations—steps that can restore the public's trust and confidence as well as improve company performance.Business and Corporate Integrity: Sustaining Organizational Compliance, Ethics, and Trust addresses a critical, contemporary topic of wide public concern from a pragmatic, solution-oriented perspective. Offering insights from world-class scholars and a range of subject matter experts, this accessible, two-volume work defines the nature of corporate integrity and business ethics in the current climate of scandals and an increasingly skeptical public, allowing readers to fully understand the importance of the subject. In addition, it uniquely provides practical methods, tactics, and tools to effectively address issues of integrity in the organizational environment.The first volume of the series contains contributed chapters that address the foundational approaches for ethics and integrity in the business world. The second volume presents practical ways to assess and enhance integrity and encourage ethical behavior in corporations, businesses, and other organizations. All companies—regardless of size or financial clout—need to avoid the significant consequences of ethical misconduct and illegal behavior by their employees and managers, which can result in erosion of public trust, customer loyalty, investor confidence, and employee morale, not to mention debilitating fines and criminal indictments. This book identifies the key mindset and values that should guide decision making for businesspeople every day.

A Business and Labour History of Britain: Case studies of Britain in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

by Mike Richardson & Peter Nicholls

By bringing together and critically engaging with accounts of certain themes in business and labour history, and utilizing original research, this book aims to widen understanding of industrial society and provide a background to further study and research in the area management and labour relations history.

Business and Management Practices in Greece: A Comparative Context

by Rea Prouska and Maria Kapsali

A comprehensive picture of the Greek business system and management practices placed in a comparative context. The editors bring together knowledge from contemporary research in a comprehensive, analytical and comparative way that enables readers to see the Greek system in a holistic way.

Business and Management Research: Paradigms and Practices

by Jan Priest Erica Hallebone

Business and Management Research combines the philosophy and practicalities of research into one accessible volume. Three popular approaches are demonstrated through case studies and reliable mental models, providing readers with applied knowledge - a crucial advantage when undertaking high profile projects.Key Features:• Detailed graphics, life-cycle illustrations and 'helicopter' treatment of key ideas make this the ideal starting point to a research project• Case studies demonstrate the concepts and methodologies of research• Strong focus on methodology, a central aspect of successful research design

Business and Post-disaster Management: Business, organisational and consumer resilience and the Christchurch earthquakes

by C. Michael Hall Sanna Malinen Rob Vosslamber Russell Wordsworth

This book provides a comprehensive examination of the effects of a natural disaster on businesses and organisations, and on a range of stakeholders, including employees and consumers. Research on how communities and businesses respond to disasters can inform policy and mitigate the cost and impacts of future disasters. This book discusses how places recover following a disaster and the vital roles that business and other organisations play. This volume gives a detailed understanding of business, organisational and consumer responses to the Christchurch earthquake sequence of 2010-2011, which caused 185 deaths, the loss of over 70 per cent of buildings in the city’s CBD, major infrastructure damage, and severely affected the city’s image. Despite the devastation, the businesses, organisations and people of Christchurch are now undergoing significant recovery. The book sheds significant new light not only on business and organisation response to disaster but on how business and urban systems may be made more resilient.

Business and Post-disaster Management: Business, organisational and consumer resilience and the Christchurch earthquakes

by C. Michael Hall Sanna Malinen Rob Vosslamber Russell Wordsworth

This book provides a comprehensive examination of the effects of a natural disaster on businesses and organisations, and on a range of stakeholders, including employees and consumers. Research on how communities and businesses respond to disasters can inform policy and mitigate the cost and impacts of future disasters. This book discusses how places recover following a disaster and the vital roles that business and other organisations play. This volume gives a detailed understanding of business, organisational and consumer responses to the Christchurch earthquake sequence of 2010-2011, which caused 185 deaths, the loss of over 70 per cent of buildings in the city’s CBD, major infrastructure damage, and severely affected the city’s image. Despite the devastation, the businesses, organisations and people of Christchurch are now undergoing significant recovery. The book sheds significant new light not only on business and organisation response to disaster but on how business and urban systems may be made more resilient.

Business Bullshit (PDF)

by André Spicer

Our organizations are flooded with empty talk. We are constantly "going forward" to lands of "deliverables", stopping off on the "journey" to "drill down" into "best practice". Being an expert at using management speak has become more important in corporate life than delivering long lasting results. The upshot is that meaningless corporate jargon is killing our organizations. #65533; In this book, management scholar Andr#65533;picer argues we need to call this empty talk what it is: bullshit. The book looks at how organizations have become vast machines for manufacturing, distributing and consuming bullshit. It follows how the meaningless language of management has spread through schools, NGOs, politics and the media. Business Bullshit shows you how to spot business bullshit, considers why it is so popular, and outlines the impact it has on organizations and the people who work there. It also outlines what we can do to minimise bullshit at work. The author makes a case for why organizations need to avoid empty talk and reconnect with core activities. This provocative, lucid book is essential reading for professionals, researchers and managers.

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