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The Business Case for Love: How Companies Get Bragged About Today

by Marc Cox

Love it? Hate it? Or, just don’t care? How we feel about something dramatically affects how we interact with it. When we feel, we care. When we care, things happen. Companies that are thriving, not just surviving, are much more than a set of ruthlessly efficient and mechanistic processes – they are a social system operated by people for people. The quality of relationships, both inside and outside the organization is a far more important driver of sustainable success or failure than the quality of its control systems. The head is important, but it is the heart that matters most. If you want your customers to be brand ambassadors and your employees to brag about you to their friends, you need them to not just think you’re great – you need them to feel you’re great. You need them to love you – and for that, you need them to feel that you love them. For over a decade Marc Cox has been helping companies whose toxic cultures, miserable employees, and angry customers have all but destroyed them to rebuild their company spirit, discover the business case for love and build an organization that is wonderful to work for, brilliant to do business with and has the mindset of creating memorable employee and customer experiences. Underpinned by fresh insights and perspectives, robustly tested and refined by the real world experience of working with a wide range of companies and over 2,000 senior executives drawn from all parts of the world, and filled with fascinating and illustrative “love stories” the book will help you to make the business case for love. It will help you to find a more rewarding and invigorating way of working – both emotionally and financially. In short, it shows what happens when the love is put back into business.

Business Cases in Organisation Behaviour and HRM: Perspectives from India (Springer Business Cases)

by Gopal P. Mahapatra

This book provides perspectives on various dimensions of organizational behavior (OB) and human resource management (HRM) in an ever-changing world. The world has been experiencing disruptions and technological changes at an unprecedented level in the last two decades. This book is a collection of handpicked cases and teaching notes on the various critical dimensions of OB, such as organization transformation, leadership, organization culture, training and development, innovation, CSR, competencies for enhancing entrepreneurship, and women leadership. These dimensions have been covered extensively with an emphasis on COVID-19 pandemic in a few cases. While academicians can use this book to cover the critical concepts and dimensions of change, leadership, and innovation, they can highlight its relevance for young professionals in their journey of growth and development. Through these cases, the postgraduate students are likely to benefit enormously from the recent changes in various industries, MNCs, and Indian organizations operating during changing times. Overall, this book of OB & HRM cases is a great value addition to the management field, equally for the teachers, practitioners, and students. It is a valuable supplement to popular OB & HRM textbooks.

Business-Coach trifft Philosophen: Ein Dialog

by Siegfried J. Schmidt Walter Schwertl

SJ Schmidt als bekannter Geisteswissenschaftler und Walter Schwertl Praktiker im Bereich Business-Coaching nähern sich in Dialogform der Frage, wie ein Geisteswissenschaftler und ein Praktiker eine hinreichend gemeinsame Konzeption von Kommunikation erarbeiten können. Gerade zwischen hoch abstrakten Theorien selbstreferentieller Systeme und dem, was als systemische Praxis bezeichnet wird, erscheint die Kluft unüberwindbar. Die Autoren spannen einen Bogen zwischen philosophischen Diskursen und Fragen alltäglichen Handelns. Der Hinweis auf die Vorgeschichte des Buches lässt erahnen, dass die Protagonisten Neugierde auf die Argumente des Anderen, Vertrauen und respektvollen Kommunikationsstil der Kluft erfolgreich entgegensetzen.

Business-Coaching: Der Coach als Mountain Guide und Hofnarr

by Walter Schwertl

Business-Coaching ist ein Lehrbuch für die Ausbildung und ein Lesebuch für die Praxis. Ausgerichtet an den Qualitätsstandards des DBVC (Deutscher Bundesverband Coaching e.V.) werden die relevanten Grundlagen von Business-Coaching dargestellt. Anhand zahlreicher Praxisbeispiele wird der Leser in verschiedene Anwendungsfelder und thematische Bereiche eingeführt. Bei der Beschreibung von Stolperfallen und „Best Practise“-Vorgehensweisen profitiert der Leser von der jahrelangen Erfahrung des Autors. Mit einem Gastbeitrag von Dr. Maria L. Staubach sowie einem Vorwort von Prof. Dr. Dr. S. J. Schmidt und Günther Emlein.

Business Computing (Handbooks in Information Systems #3)

by Gediminas Adomavicius Alok Gupta

This book is broadly organized in three parts. The first section ('Enhancing and Managing Customer Value') focuses on presenting the state-of-knowledge in managing and enhancing customer value through extraction of consumer-centric knowledge from mountains of data that modern interactive applications generate. The extracted information can then be used to provide more personalized information to customers, provide more relevant information or products, and even to create innovative business processes to enhance overall value to customers. The second section in the book ('Computational Approaches for Business Processes') focuses on presenting several specific innovative computing artifacts and tools developed by researchers that are not yet commercially used. These represent cutting-edge thought and advances in business computing research that should soon find utility in real-world applications or as a tool to analyze real-world scenarios. The final section in the book ('Supporting Knowledge Enterprise') presents approaches and frameworks that focus on ability of an enterprise to analyze, build, and protect computing infrastructure that supports value-added dimensions to the enterprise's existing business processes.

Business Continuity Management: Significant Insights from Practice

by Kush Srivastava Waddah S Ghanem Al Hashmi

An essential resource to navigate a fast-changing and challenging world, this book presents core concepts and practical insights for enterprise risk management, business continuity management, and organizational resilience. Business continuity management is a critical aspect that investors and company directors evaluate in terms of an organizations’ sustainability and future value propositions in the face of supply chain disruptions, threats of economic recession, climate change, and the COVID-19 pandemic. This guide demonstrates a simple and systematic way to ensure that businesses are prepared for any crisis or emergency, including steps to meet the specific requirements prescribed in the international Business Continuity Standard ISO 22201, with a particular focus on the oil and gas sector. The seasoned author team brings their experience to bear on critical issues such as: Where managers lose focus on the need for business continuity – and how to regain it How to select and implement a business continuity management tool How to plan for the "macro scenario" that combines supply chain management, risk management, business continuity, and crisis management How to best utilize "peace time" to explore business continuity plans and strategies Why organizations should invest in business continuity even when the “going is tough in revenue and sales” This guide to understanding the role of business continuity and management as an organizational strategy will earn its place on the desks of senior leaders, health and safety directors, consultants, corporate trainers, and business continuity and risk management professionals.

Business Continuity Management: Significant Insights from Practice

by Kush Srivastava Waddah S Ghanem Al Hashmi

An essential resource to navigate a fast-changing and challenging world, this book presents core concepts and practical insights for enterprise risk management, business continuity management, and organizational resilience. Business continuity management is a critical aspect that investors and company directors evaluate in terms of an organizations’ sustainability and future value propositions in the face of supply chain disruptions, threats of economic recession, climate change, and the COVID-19 pandemic. This guide demonstrates a simple and systematic way to ensure that businesses are prepared for any crisis or emergency, including steps to meet the specific requirements prescribed in the international Business Continuity Standard ISO 22201, with a particular focus on the oil and gas sector. The seasoned author team brings their experience to bear on critical issues such as: Where managers lose focus on the need for business continuity – and how to regain it How to select and implement a business continuity management tool How to plan for the "macro scenario" that combines supply chain management, risk management, business continuity, and crisis management How to best utilize "peace time" to explore business continuity plans and strategies Why organizations should invest in business continuity even when the “going is tough in revenue and sales” This guide to understanding the role of business continuity and management as an organizational strategy will earn its place on the desks of senior leaders, health and safety directors, consultants, corporate trainers, and business continuity and risk management professionals.

Business Data Analytics: First International Conference, ICBDA 2022, Dehradun, India, October 7–8, 2022, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1742)

by Rajesh Singh Valentina Emilia Balas Arpan Kumar Kar Anita Gehlot Shahab Shamshirband

This book constitutes the proceedings of the First International Conference on Business Data Analytics (ICBDA 2022) held in Dehradun, India, in October 7–8, 2022. The purpose of conference is to bring the diverse community of data scientist, machine learning, analytics, and data specialist from all over the world to share their original piece research. The 6 full papers included in this proceedings were selected among 107 submissions in a single-blind review process. The theme of conference includes three sub categories: Predictive Modelling and Data Analytics, Decision Analytics and Support System and Business data Analytics.

Business Decisions, Human Choices: Restoring the Partnership Between People and Their Organizations (Non-ser.)

by Lloyd C. Williams

Dr. Williams contends that over the last 20 years a change has occurred in organizations that has created a syndrome of dysfunctions that are neither good for businesses nor for the people who work in them. Williams sees businesses as living entities, and argues that how they act and react will have an impact on their employees, and often a devastating impact. In much the same way as businesses make decisions, people make choices, and seldom are these decisions and choices congruent. Unless disparate self-interests and goals can be reconciled—unless a partnership can be restored between people and their organizations—not only will employees be damaged, but the success of their organization, upon which they depend for their livelihoods, will be jeopardized. How this dangerous situation came about, what it means, and how it can be remedied is the subjet of Dr. Williams' book. Research-based and always in touch with the realities of commerce, Dr. Williams will make business people aware that organizations and their people must become reunited, and then show them how it can be done.Dr. Williams makes clear he is not simply speculating or theorizing. His goal is to make management aware of the dysfunctions that are damaging their organizations, and how these are reflected in the behaviors of their employees. When he calls for a focus on humanity, spirit, and context, Dr. Williams is actually offering a workable, real-world strategy to breathe new life into organizations of all kinds—a strategy he calls The Trinity Process. Its purpose: to help management restore the essential partnership between organizational entities and the people who make them succeed or fail. In Part One he shows what it means to be part of any organization and, with anecdotes and cases from his own research, helps readers grasp the dynamics of their own organizations. In Part Two he proposes new or reframed paradigms that provide an underpinning for the reestablishment of equality between organizations and their employees. Then, in Part Three he presents The Trinity Process itself. The result is a remarkably lucid, readable, engrossing exploration of organizational life today, important reading for decision makers in all types of organizations, public as well as private, and for academics concerned with how organizations behave.

Business Development: Customer-oriented Business Development for successful companies

by Andreas Kohne

The book provides a compact overview of the increasingly important topic of Business Development (BD). The author not only describes the role of the Business Development Manager and its tasks, but also shows how Business Development can be integrated organizationally into a company. In addition, a prototypical Business Development Process is presented in concrete terms and explained using a case study. The book shows why enterprises fail, deals with new creative techniques such as Hackthons and dedicates itself more comprehensively than so far to the topic of communication in the course of changes.The book helps all, which want to introduce and/or optimize Business Development in the enterprise as responsible ones or work in the future in this range.

Business Development: Kundenorientierte Geschäftsfeldentwicklung für erfolgreiche Unternehmen

by Andreas Kohne

Das Buch gibt einen kompakten Überblick über das immer wichtiger werdende Thema Business Development (BD). Dazu beschreibt der Autor nicht nur die Rolle des Business Development Managers mit ihren Aufgaben, sondern er zeigt auch, wie Business Development organisatorisch in eine Firma integriert werden kann. Darüber hinaus wird ein prototypischer Business Development Prozess konkret vorgestellt und anhand einer Fallstudie erläutert.Das Fachbuch hilft allen, die als Verantwortliche Business Development im Unternehmen einführen bzw. optimieren wollen oder zukünftig in diesem Bereich arbeiten.

Business Development: Kundenorientierte Geschäftsfeldentwicklung für erfolgreiche Unternehmen

by Andreas Kohne

Das Buch gibt einen kompakten Überblick über das immer wichtiger werdende Thema Business Development (BD). Dazu beschreibt der Autor nicht nur die Rolle des Business Development Managers mit ihren Aufgaben, sondern er zeigt auch, wie Business Development organisatorisch in eine Firma integriert werden kann. Darüber hinaus wird ein prototypischer Business Development-Prozess konkret vorgestellt und anhand einer Fallstudie erläutert.Das Fachbuch hilft allen, die als Verantwortliche Business Development im Unternehmen einführen bzw. optimieren wollen oder zukünftig in diesem Bereich arbeiten.

Business Development: Prozesse, Methoden und Werkzeuge

by Andreas Kohne

Das Fachbuch gibt einen kompakten Überblick über das immer wichtiger werdende Thema Business Development. Dazu beschreibt der Autor nicht nur die Rolle des Business Development Managers mit ihren Aufgaben, sondern er zeigt auch, wie Business Development organisatorisch in eine Firma integriert werden kann. Darüber hinaus wird ein prototypischer Business Development Prozess konkret vorgestellt und anhand einer Fallstudie erläutert.Die dritte, überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage des Fachbuches zeigt, dass Krisen auch eine Chance sein können, erläutert spezifische Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) für Business Development und beschreibt neue digitale Geschäftsmodelle. Zusätzlich wurde das Buch um ein praxisnahes Interview und um Stimmen aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft ergänzt.Das Fachbuch hilft allen, die als Verantwortliche Business Development im Unternehmen einführen bzw. optimieren oder zukünftig in diesem Bereich arbeiten wollen.

Business Development: Processes, Methods and Tools

by Andreas Kohne

This reference book provides a compact overview of the increasingly important topic of Business Development. The author not only describes the role of the Business Development Manager with its tasks, but also shows how Business Development can be organizationally integrated into a company. In addition, a prototypical Business Development Process is specifically presented and explained using a case study.The second, revised and expanded edition of the reference book shows that crises can also be an opportunity, explains specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Business Development and describes new digital business models. In addition, the book was supplemented by a practical interview and quotes from business and science.The reference book helps everyone who is responsible for introducing or optimizing Business Development in the company or who wants to work in this area in the future.

Business Development Culture: Taking Sales Culture Beyond the Sales Team

by Alex Moyle

Business Development Culture defines how to facilitate a sales-oriented perspective throughout a company culture, enabling it to sell more on an ongoing and consistent basis. Highly practical in its approach, this book empowers readers to break away from the frustrations of missed opportunities and lost leads, and to escape the repetitive 'feast and famine' sales patterns. Providing direct guidance on the implementation of an immersive business development culture, this book will ensure that the wider objective of generating business profit is embraced by the entire organization, not just the sales team. Easily tailored to maximize current processes, Business Development Culture features numerous tools and market-tested insights to support leaders in adapting their approach at both team and strategy levels. This invaluable guidance to an ever-widening issue is driven through the author's extensive experience as a trainer, and a series of impacting interviews from across the industry. Insightful, practical and directly relevant, this book is an essential read to achieve stable, consistent growth, and ultimately, long-term profits.

Business Development Culture: Taking Sales Culture Beyond the Sales Team

by Alex Moyle

Business Development Culture defines how to facilitate a sales-oriented perspective throughout a company culture, enabling it to sell more on an ongoing and consistent basis. Highly practical in its approach, this book empowers readers to break away from the frustrations of missed opportunities and lost leads, and to escape the repetitive 'feast and famine' sales patterns. Providing direct guidance on the implementation of an immersive business development culture, this book will ensure that the wider objective of generating business profit is embraced by the entire organization, not just the sales team. Easily tailored to maximize current processes, Business Development Culture features numerous tools and market-tested insights to support leaders in adapting their approach at both team and strategy levels. This invaluable guidance to an ever-widening issue is driven through the author's extensive experience as a trainer, and a series of impacting interviews from across the industry. Insightful, practical and directly relevant, this book is an essential read to achieve stable, consistent growth, and ultimately, long-term profits.

Business Ethics (Business and Society 360)

by David M. Wasieleski James Weber

The Business and Society (BAS) 360 book series is an annual publication targeting cutting-edge developments in the broad business and society field, such as stakeholder management, corporate social responsibility and citizenship, business ethics, sustainability, corporate governance and others. Each volume will feature a comprehensive discussion and review of the current ‘state’ of the research and theoretical developments in a specific business and society area. As business and society is an inherently multi-disciplinary scholarly area, the book series will draw from work in areas outside of business and management, such as psychology, sociology, philosophy, religious studies, economics and other related fields, as well as the natural sciences, education and other professional areas of study. This volume focuses on research drawn from work grounded in ‘Business Ethics.’ Scholars known in this discipline contribute to a 360-degree evaluation of the theory, including cross-discipline research, empirical explorations, cross-cultural studies, literature critiques and meta-analysis projects. The book should appeal to a wide range of readers; from emerging and senior business school educators researching and teaching in the business and society field, to doctoral and masters level students across the business, social sciences and natural sciences seeking to learn about this multi-discipline and sustained field of management study. Business executives and managers could benefit from reading how the business and society field began, the path it has taken and the new, emerging directions that scholars envision for the field.

Business Ethics: Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy (Business and Society 360)

by David M. Wasieleski James Weber

The Business and Society (BAS) 360 book series is an annual publication targeting cutting-edge developments in the broad business and society field, such as stakeholder management, corporate social responsibility and citizenship, business ethics, sustainability, corporate governance and others. Each volume will feature a comprehensive discussion and review of the current ‘state’ of the research and theoretical developments in a specific business and society area. As business and society is an inherently multi-disciplinary scholarly area, the book series will draw from work in areas outside of business and management, such as psychology, sociology, philosophy, religious studies, economics and other related fields, as well as the natural sciences, education and other professional areas of study. This volume focuses on research drawn from work grounded in ‘Business Ethics.’ Scholars known in this discipline contribute to a 360-degree evaluation of the theory, including cross-discipline research, empirical explorations, cross-cultural studies, literature critiques and meta-analysis projects. The book should appeal to a wide range of readers; from emerging and senior business school educators researching and teaching in the business and society field, to doctoral and masters level students across the business, social sciences and natural sciences seeking to learn about this multi-discipline and sustained field of management study. Business executives and managers could benefit from reading how the business and society field began, the path it has taken and the new, emerging directions that scholars envision for the field.

Business Ethics and Care in Organizations (Routledge Studies in Business Ethics)

by Marianna Fotaki Gazi Islam Anne Antoni

Care is a human ability we all need for growing and flourishing. It implies considering the needs and interests of others, and the quality of how we relate to each other is often defined by care. While the value of care in private life is widely recognized, its role in the public sphere is contested and subject to political debates. In work organizations, instrumentality frequently overrides considerations for colleagues’ and co-workers’ well-being, while relationships are often sacrificed in the service of performance and meeting organizational targets. The questions this volume attempts to address concerns the organizational conditions that make care flourish and how a caring organization functions in practice. Specifically, we examine what it means to care for each other and what enhances caring behaviours in organizations. The volume ultimately focuses on how caring relations can contribute to making organizations better places. In this perspective, care involves the recognition of, and the limitations of, work as a key aspect of personal and social identity. Because care exceeds the sphere of individual intimacy, the book will also centre on the necessity for building caring institutions through a political process that considers the needs, contributions, and prospects of many different actors. This book aims to contribute to academic discussions on care in organizations, care work, business and organizational ethics, diversity, caring leadership, well-being in organizations, and research ethics. Managers, consultants, policy-makers, and students will find reflections about the goodness of care in organizations, and guidance about the ethical and practical difficulties of pursuing the project of building caring organizations.

Business Ethics and Care in Organizations (Routledge Studies in Business Ethics)

by Marianna Fotaki Gazi Islam Anne Antoni

Care is a human ability we all need for growing and flourishing. It implies considering the needs and interests of others, and the quality of how we relate to each other is often defined by care. While the value of care in private life is widely recognized, its role in the public sphere is contested and subject to political debates. In work organizations, instrumentality frequently overrides considerations for colleagues’ and co-workers’ well-being, while relationships are often sacrificed in the service of performance and meeting organizational targets. The questions this volume attempts to address concerns the organizational conditions that make care flourish and how a caring organization functions in practice. Specifically, we examine what it means to care for each other and what enhances caring behaviours in organizations. The volume ultimately focuses on how caring relations can contribute to making organizations better places. In this perspective, care involves the recognition of, and the limitations of, work as a key aspect of personal and social identity. Because care exceeds the sphere of individual intimacy, the book will also centre on the necessity for building caring institutions through a political process that considers the needs, contributions, and prospects of many different actors. This book aims to contribute to academic discussions on care in organizations, care work, business and organizational ethics, diversity, caring leadership, well-being in organizations, and research ethics. Managers, consultants, policy-makers, and students will find reflections about the goodness of care in organizations, and guidance about the ethical and practical difficulties of pursuing the project of building caring organizations.

Business Ethics And Continental Philosophy (PDF)

by Mollie Painter-Morland René Ten Bos

Business ethics has largely been written from the perspective of analytical philosophy with very little attention paid to the work of continental philosophers. Yet although very few of these philosophers directly discuss business ethics, it is clear that their ideas have interesting applications in this field. This innovative textbook shows how the work of continental philosophers - Deleuze and Guattari, Foucault, Levinas, Bauman, Derrida, Levinas, Nietzsche, Zizek, Jonas, Sartre, Heidegger, Latour, Nancy and Sloterdijk - can provide fresh insights into a number of different issues in business ethics. Topics covered include agency, stakeholder theory, organizational culture, organizational justice, moral decision-making, leadership, whistle-blowing, corporate social responsibility, globalization and sustainability. The book includes a number of features designed to aid comprehension, including a detailed glossary of key terms, text boxes explaining key concepts, and a wide range of examples from the world of business.

Business, Ethics and Institutions: The Evolution of Turkish Capitalism in Global Perspectives (Routledge International Studies in Business History)

by Asli M. Colpan Geoffrey G. Jones

This book is the first systematic scholarly study on the business history of Turkey from the nineteenth century until the present. It aims to place the distinctive characteristics of capitalism in Turkey within a global and comparative perspective, dealing with three related issues. First, it examines the institutional context that shaped the capitalist development in Turkey. Second, it focuses on the corporate actors, entrepreneurs and business enterprises that have led the national economic growth. Third, it explores the ethical foundations and social responsibility of business enterprises in the country. The comparative and historical approach sets the volume apart from previous books on the subject. Business, Ethics and Institutions aims to strengthen scholarly and policy understanding of Turkish capitalism and the diversified business groups which dominate the economy by providing a deep analysis of the evolution of political and social institutions which shaped corporate activity. It demonstrates the key role played by large family-owned business groups in Turkey’s development. It also seeks to identify both the similarities and the differences in the Turkish pattern of economic development, making comparisons with Japan, an early example of catch-up, and a more successful model than Turkey. The comparative perspective makes the book highly relevant to a wide range of scholars interested in the institutional foundations of modern capitalism and will be of value to researchers, academics, and students in the fields of business and economic history, ethics, organizational studies, and entrepreneurship.

Business, Ethics and Institutions: The Evolution of Turkish Capitalism in Global Perspectives (Routledge International Studies in Business History)

by Asli M. Colpan Geoffrey G. Jones

This book is the first systematic scholarly study on the business history of Turkey from the nineteenth century until the present. It aims to place the distinctive characteristics of capitalism in Turkey within a global and comparative perspective, dealing with three related issues. First, it examines the institutional context that shaped the capitalist development in Turkey. Second, it focuses on the corporate actors, entrepreneurs and business enterprises that have led the national economic growth. Third, it explores the ethical foundations and social responsibility of business enterprises in the country. The comparative and historical approach sets the volume apart from previous books on the subject. Business, Ethics and Institutions aims to strengthen scholarly and policy understanding of Turkish capitalism and the diversified business groups which dominate the economy by providing a deep analysis of the evolution of political and social institutions which shaped corporate activity. It demonstrates the key role played by large family-owned business groups in Turkey’s development. It also seeks to identify both the similarities and the differences in the Turkish pattern of economic development, making comparisons with Japan, an early example of catch-up, and a more successful model than Turkey. The comparative perspective makes the book highly relevant to a wide range of scholars interested in the institutional foundations of modern capitalism and will be of value to researchers, academics, and students in the fields of business and economic history, ethics, organizational studies, and entrepreneurship.

Business Ethics and Organizational Values: A Systems Theoretical Analysis

by O. Thyssen

Organizational values are a hot topic as private and public organizations are not only evaluated according to their products and profits, but also according to the circumstances of the product - labour conditions, materials, risks, human rights and social responsibility. Values are becoming the defining identity of organizations.

Business Ethics for Better Behavior

by Jason Brennan William English John Hasnas Peter Jaworski

A clear and concise roadmap for ethical business behavior using commonsense moral principles Business Ethics for Better Behavior concisely answers the three most pressing ethical questions business professionals face: What makes business practices right or wrong?; Why do normal, decent businesspeople of good will sometimes do the wrong thing?; and How can we use the answer to these questions to get ourselves, our coworkers, our bosses, and our employees to behave better? Bad behavior in business rarely results from bad will. Most people mean well much of the time. But most of us are vulnerable. We all fall into moral traps, usually without even noticing. Business Ethics for Better Behavior teaches business professionals, students, and other readers how to become aware of those traps, how to avoid them, and how to dig their way out if they fall in. It integrates the best work in psychology, economics, management theory, and normative philosophy into a simple action plan for ensuring the best ethical performance at all levels of business practice. This is a book anyone in business, from an entry-level employee to CEO, can use.

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