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Capturing the Senses: Digital Methods for Sensory Archaeologies (Quantitative Methods in the Humanities and Social Sciences)

by Giacomo Landeschi Eleanor Betts

This open-access book surveys how digital technology can contribute effectively to improving our understanding of the past, through a sensory engagement based on the evidence of material culture. In particular, it encourages specialists to consider senses and human agency as important factors in studying ancient space, while recognising the role played by digital tools in enhancing a human-centred form of analysis. Significant advances in archaeological computing, digital methods, and sensory approaches have led archaeologists to rethink strategies and methods for creating narratives of the past. Recent progress in data visualisation and implementation, as well as other nascent digital sensory methods, means that it is now easier to explore and experience ancient space from a multiscalar perspective, from the individual body or single building to the wider landscape.The chapters in Capturing the Senses: Digital Methods for Sensory Archaeologies present innovative methods for representing an embodied experience of ancient space, simulating (but not recreating) ancient behaviours and social interaction. Chapters cover topics including the potentials and pitfalls of visualising, recreating, and re-enacting/experiencing the senses in Virtual Reality environments and also digital reconstructions and auralisations of ancient spaces to study sound sensory perception. Overall, the book demonstrates that multisensory approaches can give a new perspective on how ancient spaces were intended to be used by inhabitants to fulfil a series of purposes including conveying messages and regulating movement. This is an open-access book.

Car Crash Culture

by M. Brottman

A morbidly fascinating and articulate collection of essays, this book explores the grim underside of America's cult of the automobile and the disturbing, frequently conspiratorial, speculations that arise whenever the car becomes the cause or the site of human death. Through analysis of fatal celebrity car accidents and other examples of death by automobile, as well as through personal memoir and forensic reports, cultural critics ponder our very human fascination with the car crash. Topics include the roles and experiences of passengers and bystanders, car crash conspiracy theories, the automobile as a site of murder, studies of car crash cinema, and psychological interpretations of the notion of the 'accident.' The book features original essays by such underground icons as Kenneth Anger and Adam Parfrey.

The Carbon Almanac

by The Carbon Almanac Network

When it comes to the climate, we don't need more marketing or anxiety. We need established facts and a plan for collective action.The climate is the fundamental issue of our time, yet it seems we can barely agree on what is really going on, let alone what needs to be done. We urgently need facts, not opinions. Insights, not statistics.The Carbon Almanac is a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration between hundreds of writers, researchers, thinkers, and leaders that focuses on what we know, what has come before, and what might happen next. With thousands of data points, articles and charts explaining carbon's impact on everything in our society, from our the economy to extreme weather events, it is the definitive source for facts and the basis for a global movement to fight climate change. This book isn't what the oil companies, marketers, activists, or politicians want you to believe. This is what's really happening, right now. Our planet is in trouble, and no one concerned group, corporation, country, or hemisphere canaddress this on its own. We are in this together. And it's not too late for concerted, collective action for change.

Carbon Societies: The Social Logic of Fossil Fuels

by Peter Wagner

The climate crisis is humanmade. Its main cause is the burning of fossil fuels. To combat climate change, we have to understand how we arrived at where we are. This book explores the reasons why human societies have embarked on the trajectory of ever-increasing use of fossil fuels.Population growth, desire for freedom from want and profit-seeking all played major roles in shaping human history, but there has been no inevitable drive towards heating up the atmosphere in the pursuit of social objectives. To sustain a growing population, more natural resources are required, but their use does not need to generate climate change. No logic of modernity links freedom with a kind of material abundance that requires the burning of fossil fuels. No logic of capital necessarily ties the search for profit to the extraction of fossil resources.Examining the critical junctures in human history when resource regimes changed, this book identifies the social problems that were meant to be solved by burning fossil fuels and the power hierarchies that shaped the decisions to use them. Wagner argues that the key choices that led to the climate emergency were made relatively recently, during the second half of the 20th century: they are close enough in time for us to undo the prevailing social logic of fossil fuels. By redefining the key problems that humankind is facing and reshaping the existing mechanisms of power, we can take the decisive action needed to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and avert the worst consequences of climate change.

Carbone Dans Tous Ses Etats

by Serge Lefrant

First published in 2004. Le Carbone Dans Tous Ses États fait le bilan des connaissnances actuells sur l'élément carbone et, en particulier, sur les diverse formes cristallines qu'il permet de générer: diamant, graphite at fullerène. Se placant d'abord dans le cadre historique des études sur ces matériaux, pour arriver aux récentes découvertes des moléculs de la familie du C60, les auteurs passent en revue les aspects chimiques at physiques de ces systémes. Les propriétés (thermodynamiques, structurales, électroniques, électriques, optiques, magnétiques) sont cécrites at, le cas échéant, less applucations technologiques potentielles sont discutées. Ce livre s'adresse à tours les étudiants, enseignants et cherceheurs qui s'intéressent à la matière en général, au matièriaux avancés et à leurs applications.

Carbone Dans Tous Ses Etats

by Serge Lefrant

First published in 2004. Le Carbone Dans Tous Ses États fait le bilan des connaissnances actuells sur l'élément carbone et, en particulier, sur les diverse formes cristallines qu'il permet de générer: diamant, graphite at fullerène. Se placant d'abord dans le cadre historique des études sur ces matériaux, pour arriver aux récentes découvertes des moléculs de la familie du C60, les auteurs passent en revue les aspects chimiques at physiques de ces systémes. Les propriétés (thermodynamiques, structurales, électroniques, électriques, optiques, magnétiques) sont cécrites at, le cas échéant, less applucations technologiques potentielles sont discutées. Ce livre s'adresse à tours les étudiants, enseignants et cherceheurs qui s'intéressent à la matière en général, au matièriaux avancés et à leurs applications.

Cardiovascular Psychophysiology: Current Issues in Response Mechanisms, Biofeedback and Methodology

by Paul A. Obrist A.H. Black Jasper Brener Leo V. DiCara

The literature relating to the learned control of autonomic processes, especially cardiovascular processes demonstrating that the activities of visceral response systems may be modifi ed by operant reinforcement and biofeedback procedures, has grown exponentially. This research seems to show behavioral properties in the cardiovascular system that were previously believed to be exclusive attributes of the somatic response systems; the implications of this for possible therapeutic use have received widespread publicity. Questions remained unanswered-about the nature of "voluntary" control and the conditions necessary for establishing it, the reciprocal effects of conditioned changes in cardiovascular and psychological or behavioral functioning, the use of cardiovascular events to index behavioral states, and the principles and techniques whereby operant conditioning of the cardiovascular system can be clinically applied.

Cardiovascular Psychophysiology: Current Issues in Response Mechanisms, Biofeedback and Methodology

by Paul A. Obrist A.H. Black Jasper Brener Leo V. DiCara

The literature relating to the learned control of autonomic processes, especially cardiovascular processes demonstrating that the activities of visceral response systems may be modifi ed by operant reinforcement and biofeedback procedures, has grown exponentially. This research seems to show behavioral properties in the cardiovascular system that were previously believed to be exclusive attributes of the somatic response systems; the implications of this for possible therapeutic use have received widespread publicity. Questions remained unanswered-about the nature of "voluntary" control and the conditions necessary for establishing it, the reciprocal effects of conditioned changes in cardiovascular and psychological or behavioral functioning, the use of cardiovascular events to index behavioral states, and the principles and techniques whereby operant conditioning of the cardiovascular system can be clinically applied.

Care and Capitalism

by Kathleen Lynch

The logics and ethics of neoliberal capitalism dominate public discourses and politics in the early twenty-first century. They morally endorse and institutionalize forms of competitive self-interest that jettison social justice values, and are deeply antithetical to love, care and solidarity. But capitalism is neither invincible nor inevitable. While people are self-interested, they are not purely self-interested: they are bound affectively and morally to others, even to unknown others. The cares, loves and solidarity relationships within which people are engaged give them direction and purpose in their daily lives. They constitute cultural residuals of hope that stand ready to move humanity beyond a narrow capitalism-centric set of values. In this instructive and inspiring book, Kathleen Lynch sets out to reclaim the language of love, care and solidarity both intellectually and politically and to place it at the heart of contemporary discourse. Her goal is to help unseat capital at the gravitational centre of meaning-making and value, thereby helping to create logics and ethical priorities for politics that are led by care, love and solidarity.

Care and Capitalism

by Kathleen Lynch

The logics and ethics of neoliberal capitalism dominate public discourses and politics in the early twenty-first century. They morally endorse and institutionalize forms of competitive self-interest that jettison social justice values, and are deeply antithetical to love, care and solidarity. But capitalism is neither invincible nor inevitable. While people are self-interested, they are not purely self-interested: they are bound affectively and morally to others, even to unknown others. The cares, loves and solidarity relationships within which people are engaged give them direction and purpose in their daily lives. They constitute cultural residuals of hope that stand ready to move humanity beyond a narrow capitalism-centric set of values. In this instructive and inspiring book, Kathleen Lynch sets out to reclaim the language of love, care and solidarity both intellectually and politically and to place it at the heart of contemporary discourse. Her goal is to help unseat capital at the gravitational centre of meaning-making and value, thereby helping to create logics and ethical priorities for politics that are led by care, love and solidarity.

Care and Care Workers: A Latin American Perspective (Latin American Societies)

by Nadya Araujo Guimarães Helena Hirata

This book presents an original contribution to the study of care and care work by addressing pressing issues in the field from a Latin American and intersectional perspective. The expansion of professional care and its impacts on public policies related to care are global phenomena, but so far the international literature on the subject has focused mainly on the Global North. This volume aims to enrich this literature by presenting results of research projects conducted in five Latin American countries – Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Uruguay –, and comparing them with researches conducted in other countries, such as France, Japan and the USA.Latin America is a social space where professional care has expanded dramatically over the past twenty years. However, unlike Japan, USA and European countries, such expansion took place in a context of heterogeneous and poorly structured markets, in societies which stand out for its reliance on domestic workers to provide care work in the household as paid workers, in both formal and informal arrangements.CareandCareWorkers: A Latin American Perspective will be a useful tool for sociologists, anthropologists, social workers, gerontologists and other social scientists dedicated to the study of the growing demand for care services worldwide, as well as to decision makers dealing with public policies related to care services. “Society cannot function without the unpaid (and poorly and informally paid) work of caregivers. Having the data – and this book presents this data – allows public policy to be based on the realities rather than on the prejudices, habits, or structural injustices of a previous time about gender roles, class, ethnicity, race, migrant status. (…) This volume not only presents the data, then, but also shows how some countries have begun to innovate to provide solutions to the problem that some people are overburdened by care while others do little of it. (…) Scholars and activists in Latin American countries lead the way in showing both how resistance remains and how to innovate. So the rest of the world has much to learn from this volume.” – Excerpt from the Foreword by Professor Joan C. Tronto

Care And Cost: Current Issues In Health Policy

by Kenneth McLennan Jack A. Meyer

America’s ability to deliver quality health care efficiently to its citizens is both an important component of national productivity and a hallmark of a civilized society. Recognizing the critical need to reform and restructure the way the public and the private sectors provide health care, CED trustees launched a study of how market-oriented pol

Care And Cost: Current Issues In Health Policy

by Kenneth Mclennan Jack A. Meyer

America’s ability to deliver quality health care efficiently to its citizens is both an important component of national productivity and a hallmark of a civilized society. Recognizing the critical need to reform and restructure the way the public and the private sectors provide health care, CED trustees launched a study of how market-oriented pol

Care and Education in Early Childhood: A Student's Guide to Theory and Practice

by Audrey Curtis Maureen O'Hagan

The authors draw on their extensive early years experience to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date review of the key issues in the field of early childhood care and education. In this fully updated and revised new edition, rewritten to include the new Early Years Foundation Stage, students will find that this text now meets the needs of students on Foundation degrees, Early Childhood Degrees and the new Early Years Professional qualification. Topics covered in this essential textbook include: an overview of the principles of effective practice discussions on equal opportunities and children's rights an update of the latest development theories relating to brain development and how children learn and the difficulties children may face in their learning investigations into what working with parents really means consideration of the different early years systems in operation summaries of key management issues and useful information on how to address them comparison with European perspectives on early years care and education the importance of play in children's early learning. Readers of this second edition will also find the expansion of existing chapters in order to include topics such as inclusion, transitions, child protection in relation to the internet and partnerships with parents. The book covers the whole age range from birth to eight years with a special section on the birth to three years age group. Each chapter is fully referenced and has case studies or reflective practice boxes within the text. Informative and engaging, the book challenges the reader to think about how underlying theory may be reflected in practice. It will be essential reading for all students who are studying for early childhood qualifications at levels four, five and six.

Care and Education in Early Childhood: A Student's Guide to Theory and Practice

by Audrey Curtis Maureen O'Hagan

The authors draw on their extensive early years experience to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date review of the key issues in the field of early childhood care and education. In this fully updated and revised new edition, rewritten to include the new Early Years Foundation Stage, students will find that this text now meets the needs of students on Foundation degrees, Early Childhood Degrees and the new Early Years Professional qualification. Topics covered in this essential textbook include: an overview of the principles of effective practice discussions on equal opportunities and children's rights an update of the latest development theories relating to brain development and how children learn and the difficulties children may face in their learning investigations into what working with parents really means consideration of the different early years systems in operation summaries of key management issues and useful information on how to address them comparison with European perspectives on early years care and education the importance of play in children's early learning. Readers of this second edition will also find the expansion of existing chapters in order to include topics such as inclusion, transitions, child protection in relation to the internet and partnerships with parents. The book covers the whole age range from birth to eight years with a special section on the birth to three years age group. Each chapter is fully referenced and has case studies or reflective practice boxes within the text. Informative and engaging, the book challenges the reader to think about how underlying theory may be reflected in practice. It will be essential reading for all students who are studying for early childhood qualifications at levels four, five and six.

Care and social integration in European societies

by Birgit Pfau-Effinger Birgit Geissler

This book provides invaluable descriptions and comparative analyses of the now complex and highly varied arrangements for the care of children, disabled and older people in Europe, set within the context of changing labour markets and welfare systems. It includes analyses of the modernisation of informal care and new forms of informal care, topics often neglected in the literature. Issues of gender, family change, social integration and citizenship are all explored in a series of chapters that report on original empirical, cross-national research. All contributors are high-ranking experts involved in the COST A13 Action Programme, funded by the European Union. Care and social integration in European societies is essential reading for social policy and sociology academics, particularly those who are interested in comparative policy analysis, gender, labour markets and families. It is also recommended reading for graduate level students in these fields and policy makers, for whom the book provides a unique resource on the latest European developments in this critical policy area.

Care and the City: Encounters with Urban Studies

by Angelika Gabauer, Sabine Knierbein, Nir Cohen, Henrik Lebuhn, Kim Trogal, Tihomir Viderman, and Tigran Haas

Care and the City is a cross-disciplinary collection of chapters examining urban social spaces, in which caring and uncaring practices intersect and shape people’s everyday lives. While asking how care and uncare are embedded in the urban condition, the book focuses on inequalities in caring relations and the ways they are acknowledged, reproduced, and overcome in various spaces, discourses, and practices. This book provides a pathway for urban scholars to start engaging with approaches to conceptualize care in the city through a critical-reflexive analysis of processes of urbanization. It pursues a systematic integration of empirical, methodological, theoretical, and ethical approaches to care in urban studies, while overcoming a crisis-centered reading of care and the related ambivalences in care debates, practices, and spaces. These strands are elaborated via a conceptual framework of care and situated within broader theoretical debates on cities, urbanization, and urban development with detailed case studies from Europe, the Americas, and Asia. By establishing links to various fields of knowledge, this book seeks to systematically introduce debates on care to the interconnecting fields of urban studies, planning theory, and related disciplines for the first time.

Care and the City: Encounters with Urban Studies

by Nir Cohen Henrik Lebuhn Kim Trogal Tihomir Viderman Tigran Haas Angelika Gabauer Sabine Knierbein

Care and the City is a cross-disciplinary collection of chapters examining urban social spaces, in which caring and uncaring practices intersect and shape people’s everyday lives. While asking how care and uncare are embedded in the urban condition, the book focuses on inequalities in caring relations and the ways they are acknowledged, reproduced, and overcome in various spaces, discourses, and practices. This book provides a pathway for urban scholars to start engaging with approaches to conceptualize care in the city through a critical-reflexive analysis of processes of urbanization. It pursues a systematic integration of empirical, methodological, theoretical, and ethical approaches to care in urban studies, while overcoming a crisis-centered reading of care and the related ambivalences in care debates, practices, and spaces. These strands are elaborated via a conceptual framework of care and situated within broader theoretical debates on cities, urbanization, and urban development with detailed case studies from Europe, the Americas, and Asia. By establishing links to various fields of knowledge, this book seeks to systematically introduce debates on care to the interconnecting fields of urban studies, planning theory, and related disciplines for the first time.

Care-Arbeit und Familie transnational: Rekonstruktionen sozialer Netzwerke ukrainischer Arbeitsmigrantinnen

by Eugenie Wirz

Die Haushaltarbeit, Kinderbetreuung und Altenpflege in den Industrieländern werden zunehmend von billigen und unsichtbaren Arbeitskräften aus dem Ausland entrichtet. Eugenie Wirz geht der Frage nach, wie transnational mobile Care-Arbeiterinnen und ihre Familien die Lebensführung gestalten. Dabei adressiert die Autorin den öffentlichen Diskurs über die sog. „Waisenkinder“ – so werden die Kinder von Arbeitsmigrantinnen aus osteuropäischen Ländern in ihrer Heimat stigmatisiert – und untersucht die Fragestellung, wie Frauen aus der Ukraine, die in der EU tätig sind, für ihre nicht migrierenden Familienangehörigen sorgen. Den Schwerpunkt dieser familienbiographischen Studie bilden die Rekonstruktionen transnationaler sozialen Netzwerke, in denen die Care-Arrangements für zurückgelassene Kinder und betagte Eltern von Arbeitsmigrantinnen hergestellt werden. Dieses Buch leistet einen Beitrag zur Diskussion über die Care-Umverteilung und den Ausmaß der Reproduktions- und Fürsorgeproblematik in der globalisierten Welt.Die Autorin Eugenie Wirz promovierte im Fach Soziologie an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. Sie forschte zu den Themen der Care-Arbeit in der EU und der transnationalen Lebensführung von Arbeitsmigrantinnen und ihren Familien.

Care Between Work and Welfare in European Societies (Work and Welfare in Europe)

by Birgit Pfau-Effinger and Tine Rostgaard

This book provides insights into the theoretical framework of 'tensions' related to care for children and the elderly. It analyzes if, and under what conditions, welfare state reforms have contributed to strengthening existing tensions, creating new tensions, or relaxing such tensions.

A Care Crisis in the Nordic Welfare States?: Care Work, Gender Equality and Welfare State Sustainability (Transforming Care)

by Lise Lotte Hansen Hanne Marlene Dahl

In this insightful collection, academic experts consider the impact of neoliberal policies and ideology on the status of care work in Nordic countries. With new research perspectives and empirical analyses, it assesses challenges for care work including technologies, management and policy-making. Arguing that there is a care crisis even in the supposedly feminist Nordic ‘nirvana’, this book explores understandings of the care crisis, the serious consequences for gender equality and the hitherto neglected effects on the long-term sustainability of the Nordic welfare states. This astute take on the Nordic welfare model provides insights into what the Nordic experience can tell us about wider international issues in care.

A Care Crisis in the Nordic Welfare States?: Care Work, Gender Equality and Welfare State Sustainability (Transforming Care)

by Lise Lotte Hansen, Hanne Marlene Dahl and Laura Horn

In this insightful collection, academic experts consider the impact of neoliberal policies and ideology on the status of care work in Nordic countries. With new research perspectives and empirical analyses, it assesses challenges for care work including technologies, management and policy-making. Arguing that there is a care crisis even in the supposedly feminist Nordic ‘nirvana’, this book explores understandings of the care crisis, the serious consequences for gender equality and the hitherto neglected effects on the long-term sustainability of the Nordic welfare states. This astute take on the Nordic welfare model provides insights into what the Nordic experience can tell us about wider international issues in care.

Care Giving for Alzheimer’s Disease: A Compassionate Guide for Clinicians and Loved Ones

by Verna Benner Carson Katherine Johnson Vanderhorst Harold G. Koenig

Veteran clinicians offer a unique framework for understanding the psychological origins of behaviors typical of Alzheimer's and other dementias, and for providing appropriate care for patients as they decline. Guidelines are rooted in the theory of retrogenesis in dementia--that those with the condition regress in stages toward infancy--as well as knowledge of associated brain damage. The objective is to meet patients where they are developmentally to best be able to address the tasks of their daily lives, from eating and toileting to preventing falls and wandering. This accessible information gives readers a platform for creating strategies that are respectful, sensitive, and tailored to individual needs, thus avoiding problems that result when care is ineffective or counterproductive. Featured in the coverage: Abilities and disabilities during the different stages of Alzheimer's disease.Strategies for keeping the patient's finances safe.Pain in those with dementia, and why it is frequently ignored."Help! I've lost my mother and can't find her!"Sexuality and intimacy in persons with dementia.Instructive vignettes of successful caring interventions. Given the projected numbers of individuals expected to develop dementing conditions, Care Giving for Alzheimer’s Disease will find immediate interest among clinical psychologists, health psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and primary care physicians.

Care in Mathematics Education: Alternative Educational Spaces and Practices (Palgrave Studies in Alternative Education)

by Anne Watson

This book investigates the process of care in mathematics teaching. The author proposes transformative educational spaces in which learning mathematics, rather than consisting of a repetitive grind of exercises and facts, can become a part of learner identity. This book describes examples of mathematics teachings in a wide range of contexts and pedagogies, coordinated to identify common features where care for mathematical learning and thinking is combined with care for learners. Along with detailing caring mathematics education practices in alternative spaces, the author demonstrates similar practices alive even with the current mainstream spaces of acquisition and performance. Care is integrated through listening, and developing responsive and trusting relationships. It will be of interest to scholars of mathematics education, as well as pre-service and in-service teachers and teacher educators.

Care in Practice: On Tinkering in Clinics, Homes and Farms (VerKörperungen/MatteRealities - Perspektiven empirischer Wissenschaftsforschung #8)

by Annemarie Mol Ingunn Moser Jeannette Pols

In what way is »care« a matter of »tinkering«? Rather than presenting care as a (preferably »warm«) relation between human beings, the various contributions to the volume give the material world (usually cast as »cold«) a prominent place in their analysis. Thus, this book does not continue to oppose care and technology, but contributes to rethinking both in such a way that they can be analysed together. Technology is not cast as a functional tool, easy to control - it is shifting, changing, surprising and adaptable. In care practices all »things« are (and have to be) tinkered with persistently. Knowledge is fluid, too. Rather than a set of general rules, the knowledges (in the plural) relevant to care practices are as adaptable and in need of adaptation as the technologies, the bodies, the people, and the daily lives involved.

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