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Urbanization in the Global South: Perspectives and Challenges

by Kala S. Sridhar George Mavrotas

This book examines the challenges of urbanization in the global south and the linkages between urbanization, economic development and urban poverty from the perspectives of cities in Asia, Africa and Latin America. It focuses on various aspects of urbanization ranging from food security and public services like sanitation, water and electricity to the finances of cities and externalities associated with the urbanization process. The volume also highlights the importance of participatory urban governance for cities in India with comparative perspectives from other countries. It further focuses on the urbanization of poverty, livelihood in urban areas, overconsumption and nutrition and ecology. Based on primary data, the chapters in the volume review trends, opportunities, challenges, governance and strategies of several countries at different levels of urbanization, with several case studies from India. This multidisciplinary volume will be of great interest to researchers and students of development studies, sociology, economics and urban planning and policy. It will also be useful for policymakers, think tanks and practitioners in the area of urbanization.

Urbanization in Vietnam (Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series)

by Gisele Bousquet

Most studies on urbanisation focus on the move of rural people to cities and the impact this has, both on the cities to which the people have moved, and on the rural communities they have left. This book, on the other hand, considers the impact on rural communities of the physical expansion of cities. Based on extensive original research over a long period in one settlement, a rural commune which over the course of the last two decades has become engulfed by Hanoi’s urban spread, the book explores what happens when village people become urbanites or city dwellers – when agriculture is abandoned, population density rises, the value of land increases, people have to make a living in the city, and the dynamics of family life, including gender relations, are profoundly altered. This book charts these developments over time, and sets urbanisation in Vietnam in the wider context of urbanisation in Southeast Asia and Asia more generally.

Urbanization in Vietnam (Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series)

by Gisele Bousquet

Most studies on urbanisation focus on the move of rural people to cities and the impact this has, both on the cities to which the people have moved, and on the rural communities they have left. This book, on the other hand, considers the impact on rural communities of the physical expansion of cities. Based on extensive original research over a long period in one settlement, a rural commune which over the course of the last two decades has become engulfed by Hanoi’s urban spread, the book explores what happens when village people become urbanites or city dwellers – when agriculture is abandoned, population density rises, the value of land increases, people have to make a living in the city, and the dynamics of family life, including gender relations, are profoundly altered. This book charts these developments over time, and sets urbanisation in Vietnam in the wider context of urbanisation in Southeast Asia and Asia more generally.

The Urbanization of Green Internationalism (Cities and the Global Politics of the Environment)

by Yonn Dierwechter

The recent rise of cities in global environmental politics has stimulated remarkable debates about sustainable urban development and the geopolitics of a changing world order no longer defined by tightly bordered national regimes. This book explores this major theme by drawing on approaches that document the diverse histories and emergent geographies of “internationalism.” It is no longer possible, the book argues, to analyze the global politics of the environment without considering its various urbanization(s), wherein multiple actors are reforming, reassembling and adapting to nascent threats posed by global ecological decay. The ongoing imposition and abrasion of different world orders—Westphalian and post-Westphalian—further suggests we need a wider frame to capture new kinds of urbanized spaces and global green politics. The book will appeal to students, scholars, and practitioners interested in global sustainability, urban development, planning, politics, and international affairs. Case studies and grounded examples of green internationalism in urban action ultimately explore how select city-regions like Cape Town, Los Angeles, and Melbourne are trying to negotiate and actually work through this postulated dilemma.

Urbanization, Population and Environment

by Satish K. Sharma Suman Lata Pathak

The volume explores the intricate relationship between urbanization, population dynamics, and the environment in the western Himalayas from a historical perspective. It challenges the conventional link that urban development is solely tied to population growth, unveiling the influence of political and economic elites. Through empirical analysis within a historical context, the study unveils the significance of cantonment towns, military consolidation, and legislative control in driving urban growth. While it leads to population surges, economic activities, and improvements in transportation and communication, it also exposes adverse effects like the overuse of forest resources, disrupting the balance between humans and nature, and leading to ecological imbalances and fatalities. This volume opens new avenues for research on rivers, biodiversity, geopolitics, socio-cultural aspects, and the economy but also offers valuable insights for national and international academia.

Urbanization, Urbanism, and Urbanity in an African City: Home Spaces and House Cultures (Africa Connects)

by P. Jenkins

Urbanization in sub-Saharan Africa has historic roots, and though it has accelerated in recent decades, it retains distinctive forms. This book explores sub-Saharan urbanism through a detailed and wide-ranging study of Maputo, Mozambique, covering physical and socio-economic factors as well as an ethnographic inquiry into cultural attitudes.

Urbicide: The Death of the City (The Urban Book Series)

by Fernando Carrión Mena Paulina Cepeda Pico

This book uses the reflection of academics specialized in the urban area of ​​Latin America, Europe and the United States, to initiate a comparative debate of the different dynamics in which Urbicidio expresses itself. The field or focal point of analysis that this publication approaches is the city, but under a new critical perspective of inverse methodology to that has been traditional used. It is about understanding the structural causes of self-destruction to finally thinking better and then going from pessimism to optimism.It is a deep look at the city from an unconventional entrance, because it is about knowing and analyzing what the city loses by the action deployed by own urbanites, both in the field of its production and in the field of its consumption. This suppose that the city does not have an ascending linear sequential evolution in its development but neither in each of its parts in the improvement process, showing the face that commonly not seen but others live. The category used for this purpose is that of Urbicidio or the death of the city, which contributes theoretically and methodologically to the knowledge of the city, as well as to the design of urban policies that neutralize it. In addition, it is worth mentioning that the book has an inclusive view of the authors. For this reason, gender parity, territorial representation and the presence of age groups have been sought.

Ursachen des Fachkräftemangels im beruflichen Lehramt: Die Attraktivität des Studiums aus der Sicht von Studierenden (BestMasters)

by Joana Sophie Koldehoff

Das berufliche Lehramt verzeichnet bereits seit vielen Jahren einen deutlichen Fachkräftemangel, der sich auch in den niedrigen Studierendenzahlen an den Universitäten widerspiegelt. Es gibt bereits einige Studien, die sich mit der Ursachenforschung sowie Maßnahmenfindung zur Behebung des Fachkräftemangels beschäftigt haben. Anschließend daran wird im Rahmen dieser Analyse eine Umfrage mit Studierenden des beruflichen Lehramts durchgeführt, um deren Wahrnehmung der Attraktiviät des Studiums zu erfassen. Außerdem werden mögliche Kritikpunkte aufgegriffen, die von Studierenden geäußert werden und gegebenenfalls für andere Studieninteressierte Ausschlusskriterien darstellen und somit die niedrigen Studierendenzahlen begünstigen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf den externen Einflussfaktoren, während die individuellen Berufswahlmotive der Studierenden nicht im Fokus der Untersuchungen stehen.

Ursachen und Wirkungen des weltweiten Terrorismus: Eine Analyse der gesellschaftlichen und ökonomischen Auswirkungen und neue Ansätze zum Umgang mit dem Terror

by Friedrich Schneider Bernhard Hofer

In knapper und verständlicher Form werden Entwicklungstendenzen, Motive sowie gesellschaftliche und ökonomische Auswirkungen des Terrorismus dargestellt. Die Autoren zeigen, dass der Terrorismus eine Erscheinungsform unserer zunehmend komplexer werdenden Welt ist und schlagen neue Lösungsansätze im Kampf gegen der Terror vor.

Ursprünge, Arten und Folgen des Konstrukts "Bevölkerung" vor, im und nach dem "Dritten Reich": Zur Geschichte der deutschen Bevölkerungswissenschaft

by Rainer Mackensen Jürgen Reulecke Josef Ehmer

Mit dem vorliegenden Band beendet der DFG-Schwerpunkt 1106 „Das Konstrukt ›Bev- kerung‹ vor, im und nach dem ›Dritten Reich‹“ seine Arbeiten. Die Leiter des Schw- punkts hoffen, daß diese Arbeiten aufgegriffen und fortgesetzt werden. Sie danken der DFG für die finanzielle Förderung und die wohlwollende Betreuung sowie den Gutachtern für die einfühlsame Beratung; sie danken den Projektleitern und den Mitarbeitern in den P- jekten für die Arbeiten im Schwerpunkt und für die erfreuliche Zusammenarbeit. Den M- arbeitern wünschen sie eine erfolgreiche Fortsetzung ihrer wissenschaftlichen Studien. Für die Redaktion des vorliegenden Bandes hat sich Ursula Ferdinand, unterstützt von Michael Engberding und Heike Görzig, besondere Verdienste erworben, für die wir ihr danken. Rainer Mackensen Inhaltsverzeichnis Vorwort ....................................................................................................... V Inhaltsverzeichnis ..................................................................................... VII Einleitung – Zur Geschichte der deutschen Bevölkerungswissenschaft ............................................................................. 1 Ursula Ferdinand, Rainer Mackensen, Jürgen Reulecke, Josef Ehmer I. Bevölkerungswissenschaft und Bevölkerungspolitik ......................................... 4 II. Disziplinäre Grenzbeziehungen .......................................................................... 8 III. Wissenschaft und Politik als Ressourcen füreinander ........................................ 9 IV. Das ›Erbe‹ – Entwicklungen nach 1945............................................................ 11 Bevölkerungswissenschaft und Bevölkerungspolitik Staat und Bevölkerung im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert.

Ursprünge und Kontinuität der Kernfamilie: Einführung in die Familiensoziologie (Studientexte zur Soziologie)

by Dorett Funcke Bruno Hildenbrand

Mit diesem Lehrbuch eröffnen die Autoren einen systematischen und historischen Zugang zur Familiensoziologie. Der erste Teil dient der Betrachtung der Familie aus einer diachronen Perspektive (Längsschnittbetrachtung, also historisch). Im zweiten Teil des Buches gehen die Autoren über zur zeitgeschichtlichen Betrachtung (synchrone Perspektive). Hier werden theoretische Konzepte aus der Familiensoziologie und auch der Familientherapie vorgestellt, die eine analytische Grundlage sein können, um die Kernfamilie in Bezug zur Verwandtschaft und im Binnenbereich als Ort der sozialisatorischen Interaktion sowie als Ort der Organisation von alltäglichem Wissen zu verstehen. Zur Veranschaulichung werden Kinofilme, TV-Serien, literarische Werke, Fotografien und empirische Forschungsergebnisse eigener Studien der Autoren herangezogen.

Úrsula Oswald Spring: With a Foreword by Birgit Dechmann (Pioneers in Arts, Humanities, Science, Engineering, Practice #17)

by Úrsula Oswald Spring

This book aims to initiate among students and other readers critical and interdisciplinary reflections on key problems concerning development, gender relations, peace and environment, with a special emphasis on North-South relations. This volume offers a selection of the author's research in different parts of the world during 50 years of contributing to an interdisciplinary scientific debate and addressing social answers to urgent global problems. After the author's biography and bibliography, the second part analyses the development processes of several countries in the South that resulted in a dynamic of underdevelopment. The deep-rooted gender discrimination is also reflected in the destructive exploitation of natural resources and the pollution of soils, water and air. Since the beginning of the Anthropocene in the mid-20th century, the management of human society and global resources has been unsustainable and has created global environmental change and multiple conflicts over scarce and polluted resources. Peace and development policies aiming at gender equity and sustainable environmental management, where water and food are crucial for the survival of humankind, focus on systemic alternatives embedded in a path of sustainability transition.• This book reviews multiple influences from Europe, Africa and Latin America on a leading social scientist and activist on gender, development and environment aiming at a world with equity, sustainability, peace and harmony between nature and humans.• This pioneer volume analyses social and environmental conflicts and peace processes in Latin America, with a special focus on Mexico, by addressing the development of under-development, global environmental change, poverty, nutrition and the North-South gap.• This volume focuses on environmental deterioration with a special emphasis on food and water and proposes systemic changes towards a sustainability transition with peace, regional development and gender equity.• This pioneering work offers alternative approaches to regional development, food sovereignty and holistic development processes from a gender perspective.

Us Against Them: Ethnocentric Foundations of American Opinion (Chicago Studies in American Politics)

by Donald R. Kinder Cindy D. Kam

Ethnocentrism—our tendency to partition the human world into in-groups and out-groups—pervades societies around the world. Surprisingly, though, few scholars have explored its role in political life. Donald Kinder and Cindy Kam fill this gap with Us Against Them, their definitive explanation of how ethnocentrism shapes American public opinion. Arguing that humans are broadly predisposed to ethnocentrism, Kinder and Kam explore its impact on our attitudes toward an array of issues, including the war on terror, humanitarian assistance, immigration, the sanctity of marriage, and the reform of social programs. The authors ground their study in previous theories from a wide range of disciplines, establishing a new framework for understanding what ethnocentrism is and how it becomes politically consequential. They also marshal a vast trove of survey evidence to identify the conditions under which ethnocentrism shapes public opinion. While ethnocentrism is widespread in the United States, the authors demonstrate that its political relevance depends on circumstance. Exploring the implications of these findings for political knowledge, cosmopolitanism, and societies outside the United States, Kinder and Kam add a new dimension to our understanding of how democracy functions.

Us Against Them: Ethnocentric Foundations of American Opinion (Chicago Studies in American Politics)

by Donald R. Kinder Cindy D. Kam

Ethnocentrism—our tendency to partition the human world into in-groups and out-groups—pervades societies around the world. Surprisingly, though, few scholars have explored its role in political life. Donald Kinder and Cindy Kam fill this gap with Us Against Them, their definitive explanation of how ethnocentrism shapes American public opinion. Arguing that humans are broadly predisposed to ethnocentrism, Kinder and Kam explore its impact on our attitudes toward an array of issues, including the war on terror, humanitarian assistance, immigration, the sanctity of marriage, and the reform of social programs. The authors ground their study in previous theories from a wide range of disciplines, establishing a new framework for understanding what ethnocentrism is and how it becomes politically consequential. They also marshal a vast trove of survey evidence to identify the conditions under which ethnocentrism shapes public opinion. While ethnocentrism is widespread in the United States, the authors demonstrate that its political relevance depends on circumstance. Exploring the implications of these findings for political knowledge, cosmopolitanism, and societies outside the United States, Kinder and Kam add a new dimension to our understanding of how democracy functions.

Us Against Them: Ethnocentric Foundations of American Opinion (Chicago Studies in American Politics)

by Donald R. Kinder Cindy D. Kam

Ethnocentrism—our tendency to partition the human world into in-groups and out-groups—pervades societies around the world. Surprisingly, though, few scholars have explored its role in political life. Donald Kinder and Cindy Kam fill this gap with Us Against Them, their definitive explanation of how ethnocentrism shapes American public opinion. Arguing that humans are broadly predisposed to ethnocentrism, Kinder and Kam explore its impact on our attitudes toward an array of issues, including the war on terror, humanitarian assistance, immigration, the sanctity of marriage, and the reform of social programs. The authors ground their study in previous theories from a wide range of disciplines, establishing a new framework for understanding what ethnocentrism is and how it becomes politically consequential. They also marshal a vast trove of survey evidence to identify the conditions under which ethnocentrism shapes public opinion. While ethnocentrism is widespread in the United States, the authors demonstrate that its political relevance depends on circumstance. Exploring the implications of these findings for political knowledge, cosmopolitanism, and societies outside the United States, Kinder and Kam add a new dimension to our understanding of how democracy functions.

Us And Them?: The Dangerous Politics Of Immigration Control

by Bridget Anderson

Us and Them? explores the distinction between migrant and citizen through using the concept of 'the community of value'. The community of value is comprised of Good Citizens and is defined from outside by the Non-Citizen and from the inside by the Failed Citizen, that is figures like the benefit scrounger, the criminal, the teenage mother etc. While Failed Citizens and Non-Citizens are often strongly differentiated, the book argues that it is analytically and politically productive to to consider them together. Judgments about who counts as skilled, what is a good marriage, who is suitable for citizenship, and what sort of enforcement is acceptable against 'illegals', affect citizens as well as migrants. Rather than simple competitors for the privileges of membership, citizens and migrants define each other through sets of relations that shift and are not straightforward binaries. The first two chapters on vagrancy and on Empire historicise migration management by linking it to attempts to control the mobility of the poor. The following three chapters map and interrogate the concept of the 'national labour market' and UK immigration and citizenship policies examining how they work within public debate to produce 'us and them'. Chapters 6 and 7 go on to discuss the challenges posed by enforcement and deportation, and the attempt to make this compatible with liberalism through anti-trafficking policies. It ends with a case study of domestic labour as exemplifying the ways in which all the issues outlined above come together in the lives of migrants and their employers.

US Financial Regulation and the Level Playing Field (International Political Economy Series)

by H. Garten

What will deregulation and globalization of financial markets mean for the future of US financial regulation? This book argues that the uniqueness of US regulation derives from its success in promoting four principles of competitive fairness that US players demand from financial markets. The peculiar US notion of a 'level playing field' provides a novel approach to understanding the evolution of US regulation, including recent reform, and to predicting US attitudes toward questions of global financial market supervision.

US-Grenada Relations: Revolution and Intervention in the Backyard

by G. Williams

Why did the world's strongest power intervene militarily in the tiny Commonwealth Caribbean island of Grenada in October 1983? This book focuses on United States-Grenada relations between 1979 and 1983 set against the wider historical context of US-Caribbean Basin relations. It presents an in-depth study of US policy during the Carter and Reagan presidencies and the deterioration of relations with the Marxist-Leninist People's Revolution Government (PRG) of Grenada. It considers in detail the murderous internal power struggle that destroyed the PRG and the decisionmaking process that resulted in a joint US-Caribbean military intervention.

US Imperialism: The Changing Dynamics of Global Power (Globalization, Crises, and Change)

by James Petras

This book offers a broad and deep examination of the dynamics of US imperialism. Petras analyzes imperialism not only as economic domination, showing that its impact in the world takes many forms, including cultural, political and historical. He points to the disruptive effects it has on other world regional economies and cultures. Capitalism and imperialism take diverse forms but both are intimately tied to the projection of state power in the service of capital—a strategy designed to advance the geopolitical and economic interests of the US economic elite and ruling class—interests that are equated with the 'US national interest'.

US Imperialism: The Changing Dynamics of Global Power (Globalization, Crises, and Change)

by James Petras

This book offers a broad and deep examination of the dynamics of US imperialism. Petras analyzes imperialism not only as economic domination, showing that its impact in the world takes many forms, including cultural, political and historical. He points to the disruptive effects it has on other world regional economies and cultures. Capitalism and imperialism take diverse forms but both are intimately tied to the projection of state power in the service of capital—a strategy designed to advance the geopolitical and economic interests of the US economic elite and ruling class—interests that are equated with the 'US national interest'.

US Military Bases and Anti-Military Organizing: An Ethnography of an Air Force Base in Ecuador

by Erin Fitz-Henry

US military presence in twenty-first century in Latin America has recently been characterised by rapidly intensifying militarization alongside under-supported anti-military activism. This book redirects recent debates about twenty-first century social mobilization by taking seriously those who actively resist the social movements in their midst.

Us versus Them: Race, Crime, and Gentrification in Chicago Neighborhoods

by Jan Doering

Crime and gentrification are hot button issues that easily polarize racially diverse neighborhoods. How do residents, activists, and politicians navigate the thorny politics of race as they fight crime or resist gentrification? And do conflicts over competing visions of neighborhood change necessarily divide activists into racially homogeneous camps, or can they produce more complex alliances and divisions? In Us versus Them, Jan Doering answers these questions through an in-depth study of two Chicago neighborhoods. Drawing on three and a half years of ethnographic fieldwork, Doering examines how activists and community leaders clashed and collaborated as they launched new initiatives, built coalitions, appeased critics, and discredited opponents. At the heart of these political maneuvers, he uncovers a ceaseless battle over racial meanings that unfolded as residents strove to make local initiatives and urban change appear racially benign or malignant. A thoughtful and clear-eyed contribution to the field, Us versus Them reveals the deep impact that competing racial meanings have on the fabric of community and the direction of neighborhood change.

US VERSUS THEM C: Race, Crime, and Gentrification in Chicago Neighborhoods

by Jan Doering

Crime and gentrification are hot button issues that easily polarize racially diverse neighborhoods. How do residents, activists, and politicians navigate the thorny politics of race as they fight crime or resist gentrification? And do conflicts over competing visions of neighborhood change necessarily divide activists into racially homogeneous camps, or can they produce more complex alliances and divisions? In Us versus Them, Jan Doering answers these questions through an in-depth study of two Chicago neighborhoods. Drawing on three and a half years of ethnographic fieldwork, Doering examines how activists and community leaders clashed and collaborated as they launched new initiatives, built coalitions, appeased critics, and discredited opponents. At the heart of these political maneuvers, he uncovers a ceaseless battle over racial meanings that unfolded as residents strove to make local initiatives and urban change appear racially benign or malignant. A thoughtful and clear-eyed contribution to the field, Us versus Them reveals the deep impact that competing racial meanings have on the fabric of community and the direction of neighborhood change.

Usability: Turning Technologies into Tools

by Paul S. Adler Terry A. Winograd

As more and more equipment incorporates advanced technologies, usability -- the ability of equipment to take advantage of users' skills and thereby to function effectively in the broad range of real work situations -- is becoming an essential component of equipment design. Usability: Turning Technologies into Tools collects six essays that herald a fundamental shift in the way industry and researchers think about usability. In this new, broader definition, usability no longer means safeguarding against human error, but rather enabling human beings to learn, to use, and to adapt the equipment to satisfy better the demands and contingencies of their work. Following an introduction that develops some core concepts of usability, the subsequent chapters: -- describe the role of usability in guiding one of Xerox's largest strategic initiatives -- analyze a Monsanto chemical plant where a study of worker's conversational patterns contributed to the design of a more effective system of controls -- present an empirical study of equipment design practices in U.S. industry which contrasts technology-centered and skill-based design approaches -- summarize recent Scandinavian experiences with user participation in design, with specific reference to the DEMOS and UTOPIA projects -- analyze European experiences that suggest five key criteria for effective human-centered design of advanced manufacturing technology --offer an insightful discussion of the powerful, often hidden human and organizational resources that conventional design processes overlook. Today, three quarters of all advanced technology implementations in manufacturing fail to achieve their performance goals because of inadequate usability. By viewing the human being as a mechanistic system component, and not a particularly reliable one, the traditional "human factors" model of usability virtually ensures that the uniquely human qualities -- experience, adaptation, innovation -- will be neglected, and therefore that new technologies will realize little of their true potential. Usability: Turning Technologies into Tools answers the need for better usability criteria and more effective design and usability assurance processes. In so doing, it leads the way to making a new, broader concept of usability central to design. Its chapters will be of interest to managers and professionals in computer systems, manufacturing engineering, industrial design, and human factors, as well as researchers in disciplines such as computer science, engineering, design studies, sociology, organizational behavior and human resource management, industrial relations, education, and business strategy.

Usability Engineering: Scenario-Based Development of Human-Computer Interaction (Interactive Technologies)

by John M. Carroll Mary Beth Rosson

You don't need to be convinced. You know that usability is key to the success of any interactive system-from commercial software to B2B Web sites to handheld devices. But you need skills to make usability part of your product development equation. How will you assess your users' needs and preferences? How will you design effective solutions that are grounded in users' current practices? How will you evaluate and refine these designs to ensure a quality product? Usability Engineering: Scenario-Based Development of Human-Computer Interaction is a radical departure from traditional books that emphasize theory and address experts. This book focuses on the realities of product development, showing how user interaction scenarios can make usability practices an integral part of interactive system development. As you'll learn, usability engineering is not the application of inflexible rules; it's a process of analysis, prototyping, and problem solving in which you evaluate tradeoffs, make reasoned decisions, and maximize the overall value of your product.Written by prominent HCI educators who understand how to teach usability practices to students and professional developers.Interleaves HCI theory and concepts with a running case study demonstrating their application. Gradually elaborates the case study to introduce increasingly sophisticated usability engineering techniques.Analyzes usability issues in realistic scenarios that describe existing or envisioned systems from the perspective of one or more users.Emphasizes the real world of usability engineering-a world in which tradeoffs must be weighed and difficult decisions made to achieve desired results.

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