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The Vitality of Critical Theory (Current Perspectives in Social Theory #28)

by Professor Harry F. Dahms

The common theme of this volume is that the critical theory of the Frankfurt School is as important today, if not more so, as it was at its inception during the 1930s. It looks at the distinguishing features of this tradition and how it is critical, yet also complementary, of other approaches in the social sciences, especially in sociology. The vanishing point of critical theory is not the replacement of diverse endeavors to illuminate the nature of modern society, rather, its purpose is to bundle overly fragmented perspectives that have been developed in theoretical sociology. It includes essays that address: the problematic analysis of political economy at the center of the early Frankfurt School, and the subsequent neglect of political economy; the continuing importance of alienation and reification as focal points of critical theory; differences in modes of critical theorizing during the twentieth century (with special emphases on Lukacs, Adorno, Habermas, and Postone); globalization as an analytical and normative challenge critical theorists are uniquely positioned to confront; and, the most problematic feature mainstream approaches in the social sciences have in common.

Vitreo-retinal Surgery: Progress III (Essentials in Ophthalmology)

by Stanislao Rizzo Fabio Patelli David Chow

Since the introduction of vitrectomy in the 1970s, vitreoretinal surgery has rapidly developed. Initially, new instrumentations were created to facilitate intraocular maneuvers and to treat almost all the vitreoretinal pathologies. High speed vitrectome probs, forceps, scissors, endolaser probes, and new light sources (xenon/photon light) permit us to perform safer surgeries. However, in the last few years the approach to vitreoretinal surgery has changed with the introduction of small gauge instruments and sutureless surgery. At present there is still confusion among vitreoretinal surgeons about the use of 25-, 23- or 20-gauge sutureless systems. Leading surgeons in the field were recruited to offer their insights into the sutureless techniques they perform. Topics dealt with in the book include: - fluidics and technical characteristics of 23- and 25-gauge systems, - basic vitrectomy techniques of 23- and 25-gauge systems, - sclerotomy characteristics of the sutureless approach, - advantages and disadvantages of the sutureless technique, - vitreoretinal pathologies treated with 23- and 25-gauge systems, - complications of the sutureless technique, - current clinical data.

Vocabularies of Public Life: Empirical Essays in Symbolic Structure (Routledge Revivals)

by Robert Wuthnow

First published in 1992, Vocabularies of Public Life explores the revolution that has taken place in our understanding of contemporary culture and decodes a number of the symbols which now dominate public life. Wuthnow divides the essays collected here into three distinct ‘vocabularies.’ Part I examines the ways in which religious and scientific languages function as vocabularies of conviction in public life, Part II focuses on music and art as vocabularies of expression, and Part III considers law, ideology, and public policy as vocabularies of persuasion. The contributors discuss such diverse subjects as American spiritualism, the syntax of modern dance and the social contexts of number one songs. What unifies the book is the common concern with the concrete, everyday manifestations of culture and the importance of understanding its basic structure. This book will be of interest to specialists and scholars of various disciplines such as linguistics, literature, media studies, popular culture, and sociology.

Vocabularies of Public Life: Empirical Essays in Symbolic Structure (Routledge Revivals)

First published in 1992, Vocabularies of Public Life explores the revolution that has taken place in our understanding of contemporary culture and decodes a number of the symbols which now dominate public life. Wuthnow divides the essays collected here into three distinct ‘vocabularies.’ Part I examines the ways in which religious and scientific languages function as vocabularies of conviction in public life, Part II focuses on music and art as vocabularies of expression, and Part III considers law, ideology, and public policy as vocabularies of persuasion. The contributors discuss such diverse subjects as American spiritualism, the syntax of modern dance and the social contexts of number one songs. What unifies the book is the common concern with the concrete, everyday manifestations of culture and the importance of understanding its basic structure. This book will be of interest to specialists and scholars of various disciplines such as linguistics, literature, media studies, popular culture, and sociology.

Vocation across the Academy: A New Vocabulary for Higher Education

by David S. Cunningham

Although the language of vocation was born in a religious context, the contributors in this volume demonstrate that it has now taken root within the broad framework of higher education and has become intertwined with a wide range of concerns. This volume makes a compelling case for vocational reflection and discernment in undergraduate education today, arguing that it will encourage faculty and students alike to venture out of their narrow disciplinary specializations and to reflect on larger questions of meaning and purpose. In conversation with a growing range of scholarly resources, these essays advance the cause of vocational reflection and discernment well beyond its occasional mention in general education courses and career placement offices. The book's thirteen contributors all work in higher education, but they do so as biologists and musicians, sociologists and engineers, doctors and lawyers, college presidents and deans, and scholars of history, literature, and business administration. Together, they demonstrate that vocation has an important role to play across the entire range of traditional academic disciplines and applied fields. Regardless of major, all undergraduates need to consider their current and future responsibilities, determine the stories they will live by, and discover resources for addressing the tensions that will inevitably arise among their multiple callings. Vocation across the Academy will help to reframe current debates about the purpose of higher education. It underscores the important role that colleges and universities can play in encouraging students to reflect more deeply on life's most persistent questions and to consider how they might best contribute to the common good.

Vocation across the Academy: A New Vocabulary for Higher Education

Although the language of vocation was born in a religious context, the contributors in this volume demonstrate that it has now taken root within the broad framework of higher education and has become intertwined with a wide range of concerns. This volume makes a compelling case for vocational reflection and discernment in undergraduate education today, arguing that it will encourage faculty and students alike to venture out of their narrow disciplinary specializations and to reflect on larger questions of meaning and purpose. In conversation with a growing range of scholarly resources, these essays advance the cause of vocational reflection and discernment well beyond its occasional mention in general education courses and career placement offices. The book's thirteen contributors all work in higher education, but they do so as biologists and musicians, sociologists and engineers, doctors and lawyers, college presidents and deans, and scholars of history, literature, and business administration. Together, they demonstrate that vocation has an important role to play across the entire range of traditional academic disciplines and applied fields. Regardless of major, all undergraduates need to consider their current and future responsibilities, determine the stories they will live by, and discover resources for addressing the tensions that will inevitably arise among their multiple callings. Vocation across the Academy will help to reframe current debates about the purpose of higher education. It underscores the important role that colleges and universities can play in encouraging students to reflect more deeply on life's most persistent questions and to consider how they might best contribute to the common good.

Vocational and Adult Education in Europe

by Graham Attwell, Fons Wieringen

The system of vocational and adult education and training in Europe offers young people and adults the opportunity to learn to play an effective part in the workplace and elsewhere in society. Vocational and adult education and training is increasingly seen as crucial to the maintenance of employment, economic growth and the social integration of disadvantaged groups. In an economy and a society which are increasingly based on knowledge and information, these tasks can only increase in importance. This book brings together contributors from different disciplines and the different countries in Europe to look at current developments and debates in the development of European education and training, including the relation between markets and institutions, learning and organisations, different programmes and sectors and the economics of education and training. The book will be of interest to students, researchers and policy makers concerned with the future of education and training in Europe.

Vocational Education and Training in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence Informed Practice for Unemployed and Disadvantaged Youth

by Celestin Mayombe

This book analyses the accessibility and success of vocational training programmes for unemployed and disadvantaged youth in Sub-Saharan Africa. Examining the implementation of vocational education and training programmes, the author assesses various internal and external enabling factors that can help foster youth employment. In doing so, the author presents a solid base for robust and evidence-informed practice and policy making for vocational training programmes, analysing such themes as employability skills, the labour market, and work-integrated learning. It also emphasises the importance of stakeholders taking into account the enabling and disabling environments found in a given local, regional or national context. It will be of interest to scholars of vocational training programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa and elsewhere, as well as of youth poverty and unemployment.

Vocational Education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Education and Employment in a Post-Work Age

by James Avis

This book examines the concept of the fourth industrial revolution and its potential impact on vocational education and training. Broadly located in a framework rooted in critical/radical theory, the book argues that the affordance of technologies surrounding the fourth industrial revolution are constrained by their location within a neoliberal, if not capitalist, logic. Thus, the impact of this revolution will be experienced differently across European regions as well as low and middle income economies. In order to break this impasse, this book calls for a politics based on non-reformist reforms, premised on an aspiration towards a socially just society that transcends capitalism.

Vocational Education of Female Entrepreneurs in China: A multitheoretical and multidimensional analysis of successful businesswomen's everyday lives (Routledge Research in Lifelong Learning and Adult Education)

by Mary Ann Maslak

This book examines the ways in which formal and non-formal education can contribute to women’s successful design, development and operation of small businesses in rural settings. Calling on varied, pertinent social theories, the book examines profitable businesses operated by Dongxiang Muslim women in the southern Gansu province of northwestern China. The author explains the multifaceted formula for women's challenges and successes in their business endeavours and goal for financial security. It argues that informal learning is the most important type of education to employ knowledge and skills to earn a living in general, and design and operate small businesses by women in rural areas in particular. The book concludes with an original, timely and necessary model for education that could be utilized by the women in this work; one that positions informal education as the primary conduit for successful entrepreneurial work and combines elements of both formal and non-formal educational principles and practices, thus offering support for the successful operation of women's businesses.

Vocational Education of Female Entrepreneurs in China: A multitheoretical and multidimensional analysis of successful businesswomen's everyday lives (Routledge Research in Lifelong Learning and Adult Education)

by Mary Ann Maslak

This book examines the ways in which formal and non-formal education can contribute to women’s successful design, development and operation of small businesses in rural settings. Calling on varied, pertinent social theories, the book examines profitable businesses operated by Dongxiang Muslim women in the southern Gansu province of northwestern China. The author explains the multifaceted formula for women's challenges and successes in their business endeavours and goal for financial security. It argues that informal learning is the most important type of education to employ knowledge and skills to earn a living in general, and design and operate small businesses by women in rural areas in particular. The book concludes with an original, timely and necessary model for education that could be utilized by the women in this work; one that positions informal education as the primary conduit for successful entrepreneurial work and combines elements of both formal and non-formal educational principles and practices, thus offering support for the successful operation of women's businesses.

Vocational Interests in the Workplace: Rethinking Behavior at Work (SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series)

by Christopher D. Nye James Rounds

Vocational Interests in the Workplace is an essential new work, tying together past literature with contemporary research to present the most comprehensive coverage on vocational interests to date. With increasing recognition of the importance of vocational interests and their relevance to the workplace, this book emphasizes the strong links between vocational interests and work behavior. It proposes new models and approaches that facilitate thorough exploration of the implications of this relationship between interests and practice. The authors, drawing on knowledge and experience from a range of professional backgrounds, cover essential topics, including: interest measurement; personnel selection; motivation and performance; expertise; meaningful work; effects of a global business environment; diversity; and the ongoing development of interests through adulthood to retirement. Endorsed by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology board, this book is a valuable resource for researchers, professionals, and educators in the fields of human resources, organizational behaviour, and industrial or organizational psychology.

Vocational Interests in the Workplace: Rethinking Behavior at Work (SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series)

by Christopher D. Nye James Rounds

Vocational Interests in the Workplace is an essential new work, tying together past literature with contemporary research to present the most comprehensive coverage on vocational interests to date. With increasing recognition of the importance of vocational interests and their relevance to the workplace, this book emphasizes the strong links between vocational interests and work behavior. It proposes new models and approaches that facilitate thorough exploration of the implications of this relationship between interests and practice. The authors, drawing on knowledge and experience from a range of professional backgrounds, cover essential topics, including: interest measurement; personnel selection; motivation and performance; expertise; meaningful work; effects of a global business environment; diversity; and the ongoing development of interests through adulthood to retirement. Endorsed by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology board, this book is a valuable resource for researchers, professionals, and educators in the fields of human resources, organizational behaviour, and industrial or organizational psychology.

Vocational Studies, Lifelong Learning and Social Values: Investigating Education, Training and NVQs Under the New Deal (Routledge Revivals)

by Terry Hyland

Published in 1999. Lifelong learning is the slogan with which the Labour Government has chosen to publicise and popularise its values and policies for post-16 education and training under the new administration. Dr. Hyland’s book subjects New Labour policy - particularly developments surrounding the University for Industry and the New Deal - to searching scrutiny and offers a number of recommendations designed to upgrade vocational education and training (VET). If we are to create a high status and high quality VET system comparable to those of our European competitors we will need, Dr. Hyland argues, to move towards a unified curriculum in the post-school sector bringing with it the abolition of the present three-track model of NVQs, GNVQs and GCSEs/A Levels. More significantly it is argued that all vocational learning - both work-based and college-based - needs to be underpinned by a common core of knowledge and understanding and crucially, be located within a values framework which gives due attention to social justice and community interests rather than simplistic and utilitarian economistic objectives and employability skills. Moreover, the aesthetic and moral dimensions of vocational studies are not optional extras but areas of vocational learning experience which are essential and foundational if vocational education and training is to be enhanced in order to satisfy current lifelong learning criteria. Dr. Hyland’s challenging account provides one of the first comprehensive philosophical and policy critiques of New Labour VET developments and will be of interest to those committed to high quality vocational studies on all sides of education and industry as well as to lecturers, tutors, trainers and students working in post-compulsory education and training.

Vocational Studies, Lifelong Learning and Social Values: Investigating Education, Training and NVQs Under the New Deal (Routledge Revivals)

by Terry Hyland

Published in 1999. Lifelong learning is the slogan with which the Labour Government has chosen to publicise and popularise its values and policies for post-16 education and training under the new administration. Dr. Hyland’s book subjects New Labour policy - particularly developments surrounding the University for Industry and the New Deal - to searching scrutiny and offers a number of recommendations designed to upgrade vocational education and training (VET). If we are to create a high status and high quality VET system comparable to those of our European competitors we will need, Dr. Hyland argues, to move towards a unified curriculum in the post-school sector bringing with it the abolition of the present three-track model of NVQs, GNVQs and GCSEs/A Levels. More significantly it is argued that all vocational learning - both work-based and college-based - needs to be underpinned by a common core of knowledge and understanding and crucially, be located within a values framework which gives due attention to social justice and community interests rather than simplistic and utilitarian economistic objectives and employability skills. Moreover, the aesthetic and moral dimensions of vocational studies are not optional extras but areas of vocational learning experience which are essential and foundational if vocational education and training is to be enhanced in order to satisfy current lifelong learning criteria. Dr. Hyland’s challenging account provides one of the first comprehensive philosophical and policy critiques of New Labour VET developments and will be of interest to those committed to high quality vocational studies on all sides of education and industry as well as to lecturers, tutors, trainers and students working in post-compulsory education and training.

Vocational Training: International Perspectives (Routledge Studies in Employment and Work Relations in Context)

by Gerhard Bosch Jean Charest

The last decade has given rise to a strong public discourse in most highly industrialized economies about the importance of a skilled workforce as a key response to the competitive dynamic fostered by economic globalisation. The challenge for different training regimes is twofold: attracting young people into the vocational training system while continuing to train workers already in employment. Yet, on the whole, most countries and their training systems have failed to reach those goals. How can we explain this contradiction? Why is vocational training seen to be an "old" institution? Why does vocational training not seem to be easily adapted to the realities of the 21st century? This book seeks to respond to these important questions. It does so through an in-depth comparative analysis of the vocational training systems in ten different countries: Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Korea, Mexico, Morocco, the United Kingdom and the USA.

Vocational Training: International Perspectives (Routledge Studies in Employment and Work Relations in Context)

by Gerhard Bosch Jean Charest

The last decade has given rise to a strong public discourse in most highly industrialized economies about the importance of a skilled workforce as a key response to the competitive dynamic fostered by economic globalisation. The challenge for different training regimes is twofold: attracting young people into the vocational training system while continuing to train workers already in employment. Yet, on the whole, most countries and their training systems have failed to reach those goals. How can we explain this contradiction? Why is vocational training seen to be an "old" institution? Why does vocational training not seem to be easily adapted to the realities of the 21st century? This book seeks to respond to these important questions. It does so through an in-depth comparative analysis of the vocational training systems in ten different countries: Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Korea, Mexico, Morocco, the United Kingdom and the USA.

Vodou in Haitian Life and Culture: Invisible Powers

by C. Michel P. Bellegarde-Smith

This collection introduces readers to the history and practice of the Vodou religion, and corrects many misconceptions. The book focuses specifically on the role Vodou plays in Haiti, where it has its strongest following, examining its influence on spiritual beliefs, cultural practices, national identity, popular culture, writing and art.

Vögel aus Federn: Verschriftlichungen des Vogels seit 1800 (Cultural Animal Studies #12)

by Manuel Förderer Cristine Huck Laura M. Reiling

Die Beiträge des Bandes bestimmen mit interphilologischem Blick Formen der Literarisierung und Ästhetisierung des Vogels seit 1800 im Kontext aktueller naturpolitischer Diskurse und kulturwissenschaftlicher Theoriebildung. Über Epochen- und Gattungsgrenzen hinweg werden Darstellungs- und Schreibmodi von Mensch-Natur-Verhältnissen untersucht, in denen der Vogel als Reflexionsfigur ökologischer, sozialer und poetologischer Diskurse fungiert. Das Ergebnis ist eine literarisch-ornithologische Bestandsaufnahme in historischer wie systematischer Perspektive, die die Bedeutung des Vogels als Texttier der Moderne unterstreicht.

Voice and Discourse in the Irish Context

by Diana Villanueva Romero Carolina P. Amador-Moreno Manuel Sánchez García

This book examines the intersection of culture and language in Ireland and Irish contexts. The editors take an interdisciplinary approach, exploring the ways in which culture, identity and meaning-making are constructed and performed through a variety of voices and discourses. This edited collection analyses the work of well-known Irish authors such as Beckett, Joyce and G. B. Shaw, combining new methodologies with more traditional approaches to the study of literary discourse and style. Over the course of the volume, the contributors also discuss how Irish voices are received in translation, and how marginal voices are portrayed in the Irish mediascape. This dynamic book brings together a multitude of contrasting perspectives, and is sure to appeal to students and scholars of Irish literature, migration studies, discourse analysis, traductology and dialectology.

Voice and Discourse in the Irish Context

by Diana Villanueva Romero Carolina P. Amador-Moreno Manuel Sánchez García

This book examines the intersection of culture and language in Ireland and Irish contexts. The editors take an interdisciplinary approach, exploring the ways in which culture, identity and meaning-making are constructed and performed through a variety of voices and discourses. This edited collection analyses the work of well-known Irish authors such as Beckett, Joyce and G. B. Shaw, combining new methodologies with more traditional approaches to the study of literary discourse and style. Over the course of the volume, the contributors also discuss how Irish voices are received in translation, and how marginal voices are portrayed in the Irish mediascape. This dynamic book brings together a multitude of contrasting perspectives, and is sure to appeal to students and scholars of Irish literature, migration studies, discourse analysis, traductology and dialectology.

Voice and Environmental Communication (Palgrave Studies in Media and Environmental Communication)

by Stephen Depoe

Voice and Environmental Communication explores how people give voice to, and listen to the voices of, the environment. This foundational book introduces the relationship between these two fundamental aspects of human existence and extends our knowledge of the role of voice in the study of environmental communication.

Voice and Involvement at Work: Experience with Non-Union Representation (Routledge Research in Employment Relations)

by Paul J. Gollan Bruce E. Kaufman Daphne Taras Adrian Wilkinson

In the last decade, nonunion employee representation (NER) has become a much discussed topic in the fields of human resource management, employment relations, and employment/labor law. This book examines the purpose, structure, and performance of various types of employee representation bodies created by companies in non-union settings to promote collective forums for voice and involvement at the workplace. This unique volume presents the first longitudinal evidence on the performance, success, and failure of NER plans over an extended time period. Consisting of twelve detailed, in-depth case studies of actual NER plans in operation across four countries, this volume provides unparalleled evidence on such matters as: the motives behind the initial establishment of NER, different organizational forms of NER in industry, key success and failure factors over the long-term, pro and con evaluations for employers and employees, and more. Voice and Involvement at Work captures an unequalled international and comparative perspective through a wide cross-section of different NER forms.

Voice and Involvement at Work: Experience with Non-Union Representation (Routledge Research in Employment Relations #33)

by Paul J. Gollan Bruce E. Kaufman Daphne Taras Adrian Wilkinson

In the last decade, nonunion employee representation (NER) has become a much discussed topic in the fields of human resource management, employment relations, and employment/labor law. This book examines the purpose, structure, and performance of various types of employee representation bodies created by companies in non-union settings to promote collective forums for voice and involvement at the workplace. This unique volume presents the first longitudinal evidence on the performance, success, and failure of NER plans over an extended time period. Consisting of twelve detailed, in-depth case studies of actual NER plans in operation across four countries, this volume provides unparalleled evidence on such matters as: the motives behind the initial establishment of NER, different organizational forms of NER in industry, key success and failure factors over the long-term, pro and con evaluations for employers and employees, and more. Voice and Involvement at Work captures an unequalled international and comparative perspective through a wide cross-section of different NER forms.

Voice and Nation in Plurinational Bolivia: Aymara Radio and Song in an Age of Pachakuti (Bloomsbury Studies in Linguistic Anthropology)

by Karl Swinehart

This book offers ethnographic accounts of Aymara language media activism in Bolivia during the presidency of Evo Morales (2006–2019). It draws on research conducted among Aymara language radio broadcasters, hip hop artists, and community members during a period of radical social change and Indigenous political resurgence (pachakuti) in South America's most Indigenous republic. The Plurinational Republic of Bolivia counts Aymara among its official languages, but Aymara's social status and transmission to newer generations raise concerns about whether, despite being one of the most widely spoken Indigenous languages of the Americas, the threat of language obsolescence persists. This ethnographic account of Indigenous language activism shows how Aymara media and cultural workers combat this threat by making the language audible in diverse corners of Aymara life and examines the role Indigenous multilingualism plays in Bolivian politics. Through interviews and analysis of Aymara media texts, this study shows how language professionals determine how “the voice of the people” should sound. By introducing neologisms and archaicisms to avoid mixing Aymara with Spanish, Aymara language professionals disseminate a register of dehispanicized Aymara over the airwaves. The study reveals how these language professionals approach cultivating Aymara as more than a question of linguistic competence, but also of political commitment and anti-racist practice. Organized into two sections, one on radio and one on song, and including clear explanations and illustrations of key concepts in linguistic anthropology, this book listens to Aymara language advocacy from devout Catholics, union militants, and hip hop artists and fans, who hear in their language both the past and the future of Bolivia's Aymaras.

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