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War Over the Family

by David Popenoe

One of the most surprising and controversial social debates of the past two decades has been about the meaning and importance of marriage and the family in contemporary American life. Referred to by some as a culture "war over the family," the debate has pitted those concerned about the weakening of the traditional married-parent nuclear family, especially in its impact on children, against those arguing that nothing has gone wrong with families--that they are merely "diversifying." David Popenoe has been one of the most influential figures in laying out for a wide audience the importance of "family decline," and what it means for our children, our society, and our future.

War, Peace and Organizational Ethics (Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations #23)

by Howard Harris Michael Schwartz

Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations (REIO) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed series that publishes rigorous academic research into organizational ethics from a wide variety of disciplinary perspectives including, but not limited to, business management, philosophy, sociology, psychology, religion, accounting, and marketing. In this volume, War, Peace and Organizational Ethics, expert contributors draw upon philosophers such as Aristotle, Alasdair MacIntyre, and Emmanuel Levinas in order to explore how the ethics of war and peace resonate with organizational ethics. The topics covered include: the role of business in the “War on Terror”; the ethics of robot decision-making in military contexts; the use of force in UN peacekeeping missions; John Wooden’s conception of moral leadership; the implementation of meaningful change in relation to well-being in and outside of work; unethical pro-organizational behaviour; forsaking Aristotle’s Mean and pursuing the extreme. Ideally suited for researchers and professionals, this book poses questions that go to the very heart of the role organizations play in greater social conflicts, as well as the role that conflict plays in shaping organizations.

War, Peace and Organizational Ethics (Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations #23)

by Michael Schwartz and Howard Harris

Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations (REIO) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed series that publishes rigorous academic research into organizational ethics from a wide variety of disciplinary perspectives including, but not limited to, business management, philosophy, sociology, psychology, religion, accounting, and marketing. In this volume, War, Peace and Organizational Ethics, expert contributors draw upon philosophers such as Aristotle, Alasdair MacIntyre, and Emmanuel Levinas in order to explore how the ethics of war and peace resonate with organizational ethics. The topics covered include: the role of business in the “War on Terror”; the ethics of robot decision-making in military contexts; the use of force in UN peacekeeping missions; John Wooden’s conception of moral leadership; the implementation of meaningful change in relation to well-being in and outside of work; unethical pro-organizational behaviour; forsaking Aristotle’s Mean and pursuing the extreme. Ideally suited for researchers and professionals, this book poses questions that go to the very heart of the role organizations play in greater social conflicts, as well as the role that conflict plays in shaping organizations.

War, Peace and the Military: Sociological Perspectives (Militär und Sozialwissenschaften/The Military and Social Research #56)

by Franz Kernic

This book is a comprehensive analysis of the various social science approaches to explaining and interpreting war, peace and the military. Its central aim is to trace and reconstruct those basic assumptions constructed and 'thought processes' undertaken by modern social sciences in their research and conceptualization of military violence and the use of force. In addition to such reconstruction, the aim is also to enquire into the preconditions of such thought. This study therefore eschews the development of an explicit 'strategy' (in the sense of a research strategy), but instead is much more concerned with thinking about its subject matter by means of re-thinking and reflecting upon different theoretical approaches and problems. The investigation includes a critical reexamination of the tradition of military-sociological research from the beginning of modern sociology to late-twentieth century theoretical approaches regarding the security-focused and/or war-driven aspects of modern society.

War, State and Society

by Jacklyn Cock Rebecca Olive

War, States, and Contention: A Comparative Historical Study

by Sidney Tarrow

For the last two decades, Sidney Tarrow has explored "contentious politics"—disruptions of the settled political order caused by social movements. These disruptions range from strikes and street protests to riots and civil disobedience to revolution. In War, States, and Contention, Tarrow shows how such movements sometimes trigger, animate, and guide the course of war and how they sometimes rise during war and in war’s wake to change regimes or even overthrow states. Tarrow draws on evidence from historical and contemporary cases, including revolutionary France, the United States from the Civil War to the anti–Vietnam War movement, Italy after World War I, and the United States during the decade following 9/11. In the twenty-first century, movements are becoming transnational, and globalization and internationalization are moving war beyond conflict between states. The radically new phenomenon is not that movements make war against states but that states make war against movements. Tarrow finds this an especially troublesome development in recent U.S. history. He argues that that the United States is in danger of abandoning the devotion to rights it had expanded through two centuries of struggle and that Americans are now institutionalizing as a "new normal" the abuse of rights in the name of national security. He expands this hypothesis to the global level through what he calls "the international state of emergency."

War Veterans in Postwar Situations: Chechnya, Serbia, Turkey, Peru, and Côte d’Ivoire (The Sciences Po Series in International Relations and Political Economy)

by Nathalie Duclos

This edited volume deals with the reintegration and trajectories of intrastate or interstate war veterans. It raises the question of the effects of the war experience on ex-combatants with regards, in particular, to the perpetuation of a certain level of violence as well as the maintaining of structures, networks, and war methods after the war.

The Warehouse: Workers and Robots at Amazon

by Alessandro Delfanti

‘Work hard, have fun, make history’ proclaims the slogan on the walls of Amazon’s warehouses. This cheerful message hides a reality of digital surveillance, aggressive anti-union tactics and disciplinary layoffs. Reminiscent of the tumult of early industrial capitalism, the hundreds of thousands of workers who help Amazon fulfil consumers’ desire are part of an experiment in changing the way we all work. In this book, Alessandro Delfanti takes readers inside Amazon’s warehouses to show how technological advancements and managerial techniques subdue the workers rather than empower them, as seen in the sensors that track workers’ every movement around the floor and algorithmic systems that re-route orders to circumvent worker sabotage. He looks at new technologies including robotic arms trained by humans and augmented reality goggles, showing that their aim is to standardise, measure and discipline human work rather than replace it. Despite its innovation, Amazon will always need living labour’s flexibility and low cost. And as the warehouse is increasingly automated, worker discontent increases. Striking under the banner ‘we are not robots’, employees have shown that they are acutely aware of such contradictions. The only question remains: how long will it be until Amazon’s empire collapses?

The Warehouse: Workers and Robots at Amazon

by Alessandro Delfanti

‘Work hard, have fun, make history’ proclaims the slogan on the walls of Amazon’s warehouses. This cheerful message hides a reality of digital surveillance, aggressive anti-union tactics and disciplinary layoffs. Reminiscent of the tumult of early industrial capitalism, the hundreds of thousands of workers who help Amazon fulfil consumers’ desire are part of an experiment in changing the way we all work. In this book, Alessandro Delfanti takes readers inside Amazon’s warehouses to show how technological advancements and managerial techniques subdue the workers rather than empower them, as seen in the sensors that track workers’ every movement around the floor and algorithmic systems that re-route orders to circumvent worker sabotage. He looks at new technologies including robotic arms trained by humans and augmented reality goggles, showing that their aim is to standardise, measure and discipline human work rather than replace it. Despite its innovation, Amazon will always need living labour’s flexibility and low cost. And as the warehouse is increasingly automated, worker discontent increases. Striking under the banner ‘we are not robots’, employees have shown that they are acutely aware of such contradictions. The only question remains: how long will it be until Amazon’s empire collapses?

Waren – Wissen – Raum: Interdependenz von Produktion, Markt und Konsum in Lebensmittelwarenketten

by Nina Baur Julia Fülling Linda Hering Elmar Kulke

Der Band betrachtet am Beispiel des Lebensmittelmarkts die drei Teilkontexte Produktion, Marktentnahme und Konsum in ihren wechselseitigen Handlungsbezügen sowie die Rolle von Macht und Wissen für die Koordination von Warenketten. Die Autorinnen und Autoren aus Geographie, Soziologie, Wirtschaftswissenschaften sowie der Stadt- und Regionalplanung widmen sich verschiedenen sich ergänzenden Aspekten der Koordination der Warenkette und der beteiligten Akteure von der Produktion, über die Logistik bis hin zum Handel und Konsum. Die Beiträge zeigen den unmittelbaren Zusammenhang zwischen Wissen und Handlungen der Akteure sowie deren Wirkungen auf die räumliche Organisation und Ordnung der Warenkette. Hinsichtlich der Rolle von Wissen geben die Beiträge eine Vielzahl an pointierten Analysen zu Teilaspekten der Gesamtinteraktionszusammenhänge.

Warez: The Infrastructure and Aesthetics of Piracy

by Martin Paul Eve

When most people think of piracy, they think of Bittorrent and The Pirate Bay. These public manifestations of piracy, though, conceal an elite worldwide, underground, organized network of pirate groups who specialize in obtaining media – music, videos, games, and software – before their official sale date and then racing against one another to release the material for free. Warez: The Infrastructure and Aesthetics of Piracy is the first scholarly research book about this underground subculture, which began life in the pre-internet era Bulletin Board Systems and moved to internet File Transfer Protocol servers (“topsites”) in the mid- to late-1990s. The “Scene,” as it is known, is highly illegal in almost every aspect of its operations. The term “Warez” itself refers to pirated media, a derivative of “software.” Taking a deep dive in the documentary evidence produced by the Scene itself, Warez describes the operations and infrastructures an underground culture with its own norms and rules of participation, its own forms of sociality, and its own artistic forms. Even though forms of digital piracy are often framed within ideological terms of equal access to knowledge and culture, Eve uncovers in the Warez Scene a culture of competitive ranking and one-upmanship that is at odds with the often communalist interpretations of piracy. Broad in scope and novel in its approach, Warez is indispensible reading for anyone interested in recent developments in digital culture, access to knowledge and culture, and the infrastructures that support our digital age.

Warfare and Society in Europe: 1898 to the Present

by Michael S. Neiberg

Warfare and Society in Europe, 1898 to the Present examines warfare in Europe from the Fashoda conflict in modern-day Sudan to the recent war in Iraq. The twentieth century was by far the world's most destructive century with two global wars marking the first half of the century and the constant fear of nuclear annihilation haunting the second half. Throughout, this book treats warfare as a function of larger political, cultural, social and economic issues and includes discussion of: * the alliances that led to the outbreak of the First World War * the First World War * the Second World War * the increasing role played by the United States in Europe's twentieth century wars * Eastern European wars such as the Russian Civil War and the Greco-Turkish war * new technologies and weapons. Combining a traditional survey of military history with a survey of social issues, Michael S. Neiberg both examines how social changes have impacted the nature of war fighting and how war has shaped the basic patterns of European society. 9780203643525 9780415327190 9786610075577

Warfare and Society in Europe: 1898 to the Present (PDF)

by Michael S. Neiberg

Warfare and Society in Europe, 1898 to the Present examines warfare in Europe from the Fashoda conflict in modern-day Sudan to the recent war in Iraq. The twentieth century was by far the world's most destructive century with two global wars marking the first half of the century and the constant fear of nuclear annihilation haunting the second half. Throughout, this book treats warfare as a function of larger political, cultural, social and economic issues and includes discussion of: * the alliances that led to the outbreak of the First World War * the First World War * the Second World War * the increasing role played by the United States in Europe's twentieth century wars * Eastern European wars such as the Russian Civil War and the Greco-Turkish war * new technologies and weapons. Combining a traditional survey of military history with a survey of social issues, Michael S. Neiberg both examines how social changes have impacted the nature of war fighting and how war has shaped the basic patterns of European society. 9780203643525 9780415327190 9786610075577

Warlike and Peaceful Societies: The Interaction Of Genes And Culture

by Agner Fog

Are humans violent or peaceful by nature? We are both. In this ambitious and wide-ranging book, Agner Fog presents a ground-breaking new argument that explains the existence of differently organised societies using evolutionary theory. It combines natural sciences and social sciences in a way that is rarely seen. According to a concept called regality theory, people show a preference for authoritarianism and strong leadership in times of war or collective danger, but desire egalitarian political systems in times of peace and safety. These individual impulses shape the way societies develop and organise themselves, and in this book Agner argues that there is an evolutionary mechanism behind this flexible psychology. Incorporating a wide range of ideas including evolutionary theory, game theory, and ecological theory, Agner analyses the conditions that make us either strident or docile. He tests this theory on data from contemporary and ancient societies, and provides a detailed explanation of the applications of regality theory to issues of war and peace, the rise and fall of empires, the mass media, economic instability, ecological crisis, and much more. Warlike and Peaceful Societies: The Interaction of Genes and Culture draws on many different fields of both the social sciences and the natural sciences. It will be of interest to academics and students in these fields, including anthropology, political science, history, conflict and peace research, social psychology, and more, as well as the natural sciences, including human biology, human evolution, and ecology.

Warlike and Peaceful Societies: The Interaction of Genes and Culture

by Agner Fog

Are humans violent or peaceful by nature? We are both. In this ambitious and wide-ranging book, Agner Fog presents a ground-breaking new argument that explains the existence of differently organised societies using evolutionary theory. It combines natural sciences and social sciences in a way that is rarely seen. According to a concept called regality theory, people show a preference for authoritarianism and strong leadership in times of war or collective danger, but desire egalitarian political systems in times of peace and safety. These individual impulses shape the way societies develop and organise themselves, and in this book Agner argues that there is an evolutionary mechanism behind this flexible psychology. Incorporating a wide range of ideas including evolutionary theory, game theory, and ecological theory, Agner analyses the conditions that make us either strident or docile. He tests this theory on data from contemporary and ancient societies, and provides a detailed explanation of the applications of regality theory to issues of war and peace, the rise and fall of empires, the mass media, economic instability, ecological crisis, and much more. Warlike and Peaceful Societies: The Interaction of Genes and Culture draws on many different fields of both the social sciences and the natural sciences. It will be of interest to academics and students in these fields, including anthropology, political science, history, conflict and peace research, social psychology, and more, as well as the natural sciences, including human biology, human evolution, and ecology.

Warlike and Peaceful Societies: The Interaction of Genes and Culture (PDF)

by Agner Fog

Are humans violent or peaceful by nature? We are both. In this ambitious and wide-ranging book, Agner Fog presents a ground-breaking new argument that explains the existence of differently organised societies using evolutionary theory. It combines natural sciences and social sciences in a way that is rarely seen. According to a concept called regality theory, people show a preference for authoritarianism and strong leadership in times of war or collective danger, but desire egalitarian political systems in times of peace and safety. These individual impulses shape the way societies develop and organise themselves, and in this book Agner argues that there is an evolutionary mechanism behind this flexible psychology. Incorporating a wide range of ideas including evolutionary theory, game theory, and ecological theory, Agner analyses the conditions that make us either strident or docile. He tests this theory on data from contemporary and ancient societies, and provides a detailed explanation of the applications of regality theory to issues of war and peace, the rise and fall of empires, the mass media, economic instability, ecological crisis, and much more. Warlike and Peaceful Societies: The Interaction of Genes and Culture draws on many different fields of both the social sciences and the natural sciences. It will be of interest to academics and students in these fields, including anthropology, political science, history, conflict and peace research, social psychology, and more, as well as the natural sciences, including human biology, human evolution, and ecology.

Warmth Of The Welcome: The Social Causes Of Economic Success In Different Nations And Cities

by Jeffrey G Reitz

This book examines how the economic performance of immigrants is shaped by national and urban social institutions. In the United States, particularly in the high-immigration cities, most immigrant-origin groups have significantly lower earnings than do their counterparts in Canadian or Australian cities. Immigration policy is not a factor, however; in fact U.S. immigrants?in particular origin groups?are not less skilled. American institutions, including education, labor market structures, and social welfare, all reflect greater individualism and all contribute to the potential for inequality. Resulting higher poverty rates for America's immigrants explains their more extensive use of its weaker welfare system. Jeffrey Reitz's social institutional approach projects the impact of institutional restructuring?past and future?on the economic performance of immigrants in these countries.

Warring with Words: Narrative and Metaphor in Politics (Claremont Symposium on Applied Social Psychology Series)

by Michael Hanne William D. Crano Jeffery Scott Mio

Scholars in many of the disciplines surrounding politics explicitly utilize either a narrative perspective or a metaphor perspective (though rarely the two in combination) to analyze issues -- theoretical and practical, domestic and international -- in the broad field of politics. Among the topics they have studied are: competing metaphors for the state or nation which have been coined over the centuries in diverse cultures; the frequency with which communal and international conflicts are generated, at least in part, by the clashing religious and historical narratives held by opposing groups; the cognitive short-cuts employing metaphor by which citizens make sense of politics; the need for political candidates to project a convincing self-narrative; the extent to which the metaphors used to formulate social issues determine the policies which will be developed to resolve them; the failure of narratives around the security of the nation to take account of the individual experiences of women and children. This volume is the first in which eminent scholars from disciplines as diverse as social psychology, anthropology, political theory, international relations, feminist political science, and media studies, have sought to integrate the narrative and the metaphor perspectives on politics. It will appeal to any scholar interested in the many ways in which narrative and metaphor function in combination as cognitive and rhetorical instruments in discourse around politics.

Warring with Words: Narrative and Metaphor in Politics (Claremont Symposium on Applied Social Psychology Series)

by Michael Hanne William D. Crano Jeffrey Scott Mio

Scholars in many of the disciplines surrounding politics explicitly utilize either a narrative perspective or a metaphor perspective (though rarely the two in combination) to analyze issues -- theoretical and practical, domestic and international -- in the broad field of politics. Among the topics they have studied are: competing metaphors for the state or nation which have been coined over the centuries in diverse cultures; the frequency with which communal and international conflicts are generated, at least in part, by the clashing religious and historical narratives held by opposing groups; the cognitive short-cuts employing metaphor by which citizens make sense of politics; the need for political candidates to project a convincing self-narrative; the extent to which the metaphors used to formulate social issues determine the policies which will be developed to resolve them; the failure of narratives around the security of the nation to take account of the individual experiences of women and children. This volume is the first in which eminent scholars from disciplines as diverse as social psychology, anthropology, political theory, international relations, feminist political science, and media studies, have sought to integrate the narrative and the metaphor perspectives on politics. It will appeal to any scholar interested in the many ways in which narrative and metaphor function in combination as cognitive and rhetorical instruments in discourse around politics.

The Warrior and the Pacifist: Competing Motifs in Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

by Lester R. Kurtz

This book looks at two contradictory ethical motifs—the warrior and the pacifist—across four major faith traditions—Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—and their role in shaping our understanding of violence and the morality of its use. The Warrior and the Pacifist explores how these faith traditions, which now mutually inhabit our life spaces, bring with them across the millennia the moral teachings that have traveled from prehistoric humanity, embedded in the beliefs, rituals, and institutions socially constructed by humans to deal with ultimate concerns, core aspects of daily personal and social life, and life transitions.

The Warrior and the Pacifist: Competing Motifs in Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

by Lester R. Kurtz

This book looks at two contradictory ethical motifs—the warrior and the pacifist—across four major faith traditions—Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—and their role in shaping our understanding of violence and the morality of its use. The Warrior and the Pacifist explores how these faith traditions, which now mutually inhabit our life spaces, bring with them across the millennia the moral teachings that have traveled from prehistoric humanity, embedded in the beliefs, rituals, and institutions socially constructed by humans to deal with ultimate concerns, core aspects of daily personal and social life, and life transitions.

Warriors and Worriers: The Survival of the Sexes

by Joyce F. Benenson

The question of exactly what sex differences exist and whether they have a biological foundation has been one of our culture's favorite enduring discussions. It should. After a baby is born, a parent's first concern is for its physical health. The next concern is its sex. Only in the most modern societies does sex not virtually guarantee the type of future life a new human being will have. Even in modern societies, one's sex usually plays a large role in the path a life follows. Scientists have published thousands of papers on the subject, with the general conclusion being that men and women are mostly the same, whatever differences exist have been socialized, and what differences exist have to do with women bearing children and men being physically stronger. In Warriors and Worriers, psychologist Joyce Benenson presents a new theory of sex differences, based on thirty years of research with young children and primates around the world. Her innovative theory focuses on how men and women stay alive. Benenson draws on a fascinating array of studies and stories that explore the ways boys and men deter their enemies, while girls and women find assistants to aid them in coping with vulnerable children and elders. This produces two social worlds for each sex which sets humans apart from most other primate species. Human males form cooperative groups that compete against out-groups, while human females exclude other females in their quest to find mates, female family members to invest in their children, and keep their own hearts ticking. In the process, Benenson turns upside down the familiar wisdom that women are more sociable than men and that men are more competitive than women.

Warriors and Worriers: The Survival of the Sexes

by Joyce F. Benenson

The question of exactly what sex differences exist and whether they have a biological foundation has been one of our culture's favorite enduring discussions. It should. After a baby is born, a parent's first concern is for its physical health. The next concern is its sex. Only in the most modern societies does sex not virtually guarantee the type of future life a new human being will have. Even in modern societies, one's sex usually plays a large role in the path a life follows. Scientists have published thousands of papers on the subject, with the general conclusion being that men and women are mostly the same, whatever differences exist have been socialized, and what differences exist have to do with women bearing children and men being physically stronger. In Warriors and Worriers, psychologist Joyce Benenson presents a new theory of sex differences, based on thirty years of research with young children and primates around the world. Her innovative theory focuses on how men and women stay alive. Benenson draws on a fascinating array of studies and stories that explore the ways boys and men deter their enemies, while girls and women find assistants to aid them in coping with vulnerable children and elders. This produces two social worlds for each sex which sets humans apart from most other primate species. Human males form cooperative groups that compete against out-groups, while human females exclude other females in their quest to find mates, female family members to invest in their children, and keep their own hearts ticking. In the process, Benenson turns upside down the familiar wisdom that women are more sociable than men and that men are more competitive than women.

Warriors or Peacekeepers?: Building Military Cultural Competence

by Kjetil Enstad Paula Holmes-Eber

As the past two decades of war in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Darfur and the Congo have revealed, war in the twenty-first century looks nothing like the traditional state-to-state conflicts of World Wars I and II which defined the previous century. Resolving today’s conflicts - typically based on complex ethnic, religious, economic and political dynamics - requires far more than mere military strength and technology. The military officer of today must simultaneously be a warrior and diplomat, combatant and humanitarian worker, soldier and peacekeeper. But how can today’s militaries prepare their leaders for such multifaceted roles? Warriors or Peacekeepers seeks to provide answers to this question, comparing and contrasting research on the successes and failures of military cultural education and training programs in seven different countries on three continents (U.S., Canada, Argentina Norway, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands). This anthology consists of three main sections. The first addresses the theoretical issues of developing the warrior-peacekeeper: what constitutes cultural competence in the officer profession and the pedagogical challenges associated with developing such competence. The second compares teaching practices from various military educational institutions and provides insight into such issues as: how language training can build cultural awareness, helping officers navigate the ethical and moral challenges of dealing with gender in radically different cultures and the best didactic models to develop reflective skills in military leaders. The third section examines the structural and organizational conditions which historically have aided or impeded educational and organizational change in the military. This book will appeal to military academic communities, educational institutions, scholars in security studies, peacekeeping and conflict studies; and to decision-makers in governments and administration.

Warsaw Housing Cooperative: City in Action (The Urban Book Series)

by Magdalena Matysek-Imielińska

This book discusses the unknown and remote urban experiment of modernist social practices and dreams of a better tomorrow. It describes the history of the Warsaw Housing Cooperative not as a historical relic or a single case study, but instead analyses this working-class social housing estate – in itself an extremely interesting emancipatory project – from the perspective of contemporary urban studies.It focuses on issues related to the power of architecture, architects and the estate residents themselves: the city's performative actions, problems related to the polycentric character of the city authorities, the opportunities of building urban institutions, and social identities and urban common goods. Inspired by the history of the Warsaw Housing Cooperative, the book investigates how the estate residents, assisted by social reformers (today called urban activists), organised the urban space of performative democracy, and how they developed anti-capitalist, urban-survival strategies and created new lifestyles. It also analyses how passive tenants turned into active citizens claiming their right to the city.The inspiring book is intended for researchers in the field of performative studies, urban sociologists, critical urban studies researchers, animators of social life and urban activists.

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