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Showing 74,251 through 74,275 of 75,981 results

Wissensmanagement im Arbeitskontext: Bedarfsanalyse, Implementation eines Expertenfindungstools und Analyse zum Help-Seeking-Prozess

by Stéphanie Maïté Gretsch

Stéphanie Maïté Gretsch entwickelt einen theoretisch und empirisch fundierten Orientierungsrahmen zur Einführung von Wissensmanagement im Arbeitskontext. Die Autorin analysiert die Themenschwerpunkte Konzeption, Entwicklung und Erprobung eines theoriebasierten Bedarfsanalysemodells. Dazu konzipiert sie ein Implementationsmodell, das die Grundlage für die Entwicklung des Expertenfindungstools bildet, und erarbeitet, basierend auf theoretischen Ansätzen zum Help-Seeking, ein Bedingungsmodell für die Prozessanalyse. Es umfasst einerseits die Prozesse beim Help-Seeking zur Entscheidung, Identifikation, Interaktion und Bewertung und andererseits Einflussfaktoren zu den Merkmalen des Hilfesuchenden, des Helfers, der Organisation, des Kontexts und der Technik.

Wissensökonomie und Digitalisierung: Geschichte und Perspektiven

by Yaman Kouli Peter Pawlowsky Markus Hertwig

​Die digitale Transformation ist aus der aktuellen Wirtschaftspolitik nicht mehr wegzudenken. Breitbandausbau, 5G-Netz, Wandel des Schulunterrichts und das „Internet der Dinge“ sind nur ein paar Beispiele aus einer Gruppe von Themen, die eng mit der Digitalisierung verflochten sind. Gleichermaßen besteht bisher wenig Zweifel daran, dass die Anforderungen an die Kompetenzen und Ausbildung der Beschäftigten steigen werden. Bei all dem ist in der Debatte nicht immer ersichtlich, dass es sich bei diesen Formationen um ein ganzes Bündel von Entwicklungen handelt. Viele von ihnen – etwa das Internet als Kommunikations- und Vertriebskanal und der Aufstieg von Daten zur ökonomischen Ressource – stellen zweifellos neue Phänomene dar.Gleichzeitig sind diese aktuellen Vorgänge mit sehr alten Prozessen verwoben. Die wissensbasierte Wirtschaft, die herausragende Rolle von Forschung und Entwicklung, die Verschiebung der Wertschöpfung in Richtung Dienstleistung und das steigende Anforderungsniveau an die Beschäftigten sind Phänomene, die sich seit Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts nachweisen lassen und das wirtschaftliche Gesicht der industrialisierten Staaten seit langem formen. Diese Vermischung von Neuem und Altem, die mit Macht die entwickelten Volkswirtschaften herausfordert und – so jedenfalls die immer wieder zu hörende Befürchtung – kaum einen Stein auf dem anderen lassen wird, verkompliziert die Debatte. Im vorliegenden Band werden erstmals Perspektiven der Wirtschaftsgeschichte, der Soziologie, der Wirtschaftswissenschaften und des Maschinenbaus zusammengebracht, um dieser Frage nachzugehen.

Wissenssoziologie sozialer Probleme: Grundlegung einer relativistischen Problemtheorie

by Michael Schetsche

Auf die zunehmende Bedeutung symbolischer Prozesse für die Strukturierung der sozialen Welt muß die Problemsoziologie mit einer theoretischen Neuausrichtung reagieren. Im Zentrum der von der relativistischen Problemtheorie angeleiteten Analyse sozialer Probleme stehen symbolische Strukturen und Prozesse, die sich als entscheidende Parameter für die Karriere sozialer Probleme im 21. Jahrhundert erweisen werden: der innere Aufbau problematisierender Deutungsmuster und deren - von Konkurrenzprozessen beherrschte - Verbreitung in Massen- und Netzwerkmedien. Dieser Perspektivwechsel macht die Erfolgschancen neuer sozialer Probleme in der Öffentlichkeit erstmals prognostizierbar.

Wissenssoziologische Diskursanalyse: Grundlegung eines Forschungsprogramms

by Reiner Keller

Die Arbeit entwickelt die theoretischen Grundlagen und die Forschungsperspektiven der Wissenssoziologischen Diskursanalyse. Sie verknüpft mit der Wissenssoziologie einerseits, den Diskurstheorien andererseits zwei bislang unverbundene Traditionen der sozialwissenschaftlichen Wissensanalyse. Darauf aufbauend entwirft sie ein umfangreiches Forschungsprogramm zur Untersuchung gesellschaftlicher Wissensverhältnisse und Wissenspolitiken.

Wissenssoziologische Diskursanalyse: Grundlegung eines Forschungsprogramms (Interdisziplinäre Diskursforschung)

by Reiner Keller

Die Arbeit entwickelt die theoretischen Grundlagen und die Forschungsperspektiven der Wissenssoziologischen Diskursanalyse. Sie verknüpft mit der Wissenssoziologie einerseits, den Diskurstheorien andererseits zwei bislang unverbundene Traditionen der sozialwissenschaftlichen Wissensanalyse. Darauf aufbauend entwirft sie ein umfangreiches Forschungsprogramm zur Untersuchung gesellschaftlicher Wissensverhältnisse und Wissenspolitiken.

Wissenssoziologische Sozialpädagogik: Entwurf einer Theorie der Sozialarbeit (Wissen, Kommunikation und Gesellschaft)

by Jochem Kotthaus

Jede moderne Gesellschaft benötigt Stützungsmechanismen, welche drohende und tatsächliche Abweichungen und Abwanderungen aus dem Wissenskanon einer Gesellschaft unterbinden. Die Sozialarbeit ist eine dieser Institutionen, sie behandelt Probleme der Sinnabwanderung aus der Alltagswelt. Die vorliegende Untersuchung unternimmt den Versuch einer soziologischen Grundlegung der Sozialarbeit und zwar in der Lesart, welche als verstehende Soziologie bekannt geworden ist und über die Mundanphänomenologie zur Wissenssoziologie theoretisch ausgebaut wurde.

Wissenstransfer im Krankenhaus: Institutionelle und strukturelle Voraussetzungen

by Maximiliane Wilkesmann

Moderne Krankenhäuser gleichen einem Mikrokosmos menschlichen Daseins mit all seinen Spannungen – und das wortwörtlich vom Leben bis zum Tode. Neben den medizinischen Herausforderungen, die es zu bewältigen gilt, exist- ren eine Vielzahl besonderer Beziehungen in diesem Mikrokosmos. Als Anfang 2006 unser jüngster Sohn unerwartet schwer erkrankte, wurde ich als pflegende Angehörige für fünf Wochen unweigerlich Mitglied im Mik- kosmos Krankenhaus. 24 Stunden am Tag beobachte ich mehr oder weniger gezwungenermaßen den Krankenhausalltag aus dem Augenwinkel einer aus- bildeten Sozialwissenschaftlerin. Als besonders interessanter Untersuchungs- genstand stellte sich der Wissenstransfer zwischen den Ärzten und den Pfle- kräften heraus. Frisch aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen, galt es daher dieses Feld näher zu erforschen. Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde im Wintersemester 2008/09 von der Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft der Ruhr-Universität Bochum als Dissertation angen- men. Für den Druck wurde sie geringfügig gekürzt. An dieser Stelle möchte ich die Gelegenheit nutzen, all den Personen zu danken, die zum Gelingen der Arbeit beigetragen haben. Mein erster Dank geht an meine Gutachter, Prof. Dr. Heiner Minssen und Prof. Dr. Sigrid Metz-Göckel, für die Ermunterung zu dieser Arbeit, den fachlichen Rat sowie für das stete Vertrauen in das Gelingen dieser Arbeit.

The Witch-Hunt Narrative: Politics, Psychology, and the Sexual Abuse of Children

by Ross E. Cheit

In the 1980s, a series of child sex abuse cases rocked the United States. The most famous case was the 1984 McMartin preschool case, but there were a number of others as well. By the latter part of the decade, the assumption was widespread that child sex abuse had become a serious problem in America. Yet within a few years, the concern about it died down considerably. The failure to convict anyone in the McMartin case and a widely publicized appellate decision in New Jersey that freed an accused molester had turned the dominant narrative on its head. In the early 1990s, a new narrative with remarkable staying power emerged: the child sex abuse cases were symptomatic of a 'moral panic' that had produced a witch hunt. A central claim in this new witch hunt narrative was that the children who testified were not reliable and easily swayed by prosecutorial suggestion. In time, the notion that child sex abuse was a product of sensationalized over-reporting and far less endemic than originally thought became the new common sense. But did the new witch hunt narrative accurately represent reality? As Ross Cheit demonstrates in his exhaustive account of child sex abuse cases in the past two and a half decades, purveyors of the witch hunt narrative never did the hard work of examining court records in the many cases that reached the courts throughout the nation. Instead, they treated a couple of cases as representative and concluded that the issue was blown far out of proportion. Drawing on years of research into cases in a number of states, Cheit shows that the issue had not been blown out of proportion at all. In fact, child sex abuse convictions were regular occurrences, and the crime occurred far more frequently than conventional wisdom would have us believe. Cheit's aim is not to simply prove the narrative wrong, however. He also shows how a narrative based on empirically thin evidence became a theory with real social force, and how that theory stood at odds with a far more grim reality. The belief that the charge of child sex abuse was typically a hoax also left us unprepared to deal with the far greater scandal of child sex abuse in the Catholic Church, which, incidentally, has served to substantiate Cheit's thesis about the pervasiveness of the problem. In sum, The Witch-Hunt Narrative is a magisterial and empirically powerful account of the social dynamics that led to the denial of widespread human tragedy.

The Witchcraft Reader (PDF)

by Darren Oldridge

The Witchcraft Reader offers a selection of the best historical writing on witchcraft, exploring how belief in witchcraft began, and the social and cultural context in which this belief flourished. A whole range of historical perspectives is collected here, including recent research on the role of gender in witch trials, ideas about the devil and demonic possession, and the reasons for the decline of witch trials.

Witches and Demons: A Comparative Perspective on Witchcraft and Satanism (Studies in Public and Applied Anthropology #10)

by Jean La Fontaine

Devil worship, black magic, and witchcraft have long captivated anthropologists as well as the general public. In this volume, Jean La Fontaine explores the intersection of expert and lay understandings of evil and the cultural forms that evil assumes. The chapters touch on public scares about devil-worship, misconceptions about human sacrifice and the use of body parts in healing practices, and mistaken accusations of children practicing witchcraft. Together, these cases demonstrate that comparison is a powerful method of cultural understanding, but warns of the dangers and mistaken conclusions that untrained ideas about other ways of life can lead to.

With All Our Strength: The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan

by Anne E. Brodsky

With All Our Strength is the inside story of this women-led underground organization and their fight for the rights of Afghan women. Anne Brodsky, the first writer given in-depth access to visit and interview their members and operations in Afghanistan and Pakistan, shines light on the gruesome, often tragic, lives of Afghan women under some of the most brutal sexist oppression in the world.

With All Our Strength: The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan

by Anne E. Brodsky

With All Our Strength is the inside story of this women-led underground organization and their fight for the rights of Afghan women. Anne Brodsky, the first writer given in-depth access to visit and interview their members and operations in Afghanistan and Pakistan, shines light on the gruesome, often tragic, lives of Afghan women under some of the most brutal sexist oppression in the world.

With the Boys: Little League Baseball and Preadolescent Culture

by Gary Alan Fine

What are boys like? Who is the creature inhabiting the twilight zone between the perils of the Oedipus complex and the Strum und Drang of puberty? In With the Boys, Gary Alan Fine examines the American male preadolescent by studying the world of Little League baseball. Drawings on three years of firsthand observation of five Little Leagues, Fine describes how, through organized sport and its accompanying activities, boys learn to play, work, and generally be "men."

With the Boys: Little League Baseball and Preadolescent Culture

by Gary Alan Fine

What are boys like? Who is the creature inhabiting the twilight zone between the perils of the Oedipus complex and the Strum und Drang of puberty? In With the Boys, Gary Alan Fine examines the American male preadolescent by studying the world of Little League baseball. Drawings on three years of firsthand observation of five Little Leagues, Fine describes how, through organized sport and its accompanying activities, boys learn to play, work, and generally be "men."

With the Boys: Little League Baseball and Preadolescent Culture

by Gary Alan Fine

What are boys like? Who is the creature inhabiting the twilight zone between the perils of the Oedipus complex and the Strum und Drang of puberty? In With the Boys, Gary Alan Fine examines the American male preadolescent by studying the world of Little League baseball. Drawings on three years of firsthand observation of five Little Leagues, Fine describes how, through organized sport and its accompanying activities, boys learn to play, work, and generally be "men."

With the Boys: Little League Baseball and Preadolescent Culture

by Gary Alan Fine

What are boys like? Who is the creature inhabiting the twilight zone between the perils of the Oedipus complex and the Strum und Drang of puberty? In With the Boys, Gary Alan Fine examines the American male preadolescent by studying the world of Little League baseball. Drawings on three years of firsthand observation of five Little Leagues, Fine describes how, through organized sport and its accompanying activities, boys learn to play, work, and generally be "men."

The Withering of the Welfare State: Regression

by James Connelly and Jack Hayward

Since the 1970s the public commitment to social solidarity between citizens through comprehensive provision of welfare has been eroded by the imperatives of international markets. In this volume the problems posed to public intervention are analyzed. The contributors compare and evaluate how different countries have dealt with these challenges.

Within and Beyond Capitalism: A Twofold Transformation (Critiques and Alternatives to Capitalism)

by Dieter Klein

This book argues for a twofold transformation to mitigate environmental catastrophe, avert war and overcome poverty and authoritarianism: a struggle for democratic, peace-oriented, social and ecological changes within the framework of a post-neoliberal, but still bourgeois-capitalist society, and a drive towards entry-level projects aimed at a great transformation beyond capitalism. Calling for the embrace of core values and institutions aligned with solidarity as opposed to capitalism, it advances four guiding ideas for the pursuit of such a path: redistribution of life chances and power, socio-ecological restructuring, redesign of democratic institutions, and reversal from confrontation to peace through international cooperation and solidarity. A presentation of the fundamental elements of a left strategy for socioecological transformation, this volume will appeal to scholars of social, political and economic theory with interests in post-capitalist futures.

Within and Beyond Capitalism: A Twofold Transformation (Critiques and Alternatives to Capitalism)

by Dieter Klein

This book argues for a twofold transformation to mitigate environmental catastrophe, avert war and overcome poverty and authoritarianism: a struggle for democratic, peace-oriented, social and ecological changes within the framework of a post-neoliberal, but still bourgeois-capitalist society, and a drive towards entry-level projects aimed at a great transformation beyond capitalism. Calling for the embrace of core values and institutions aligned with solidarity as opposed to capitalism, it advances four guiding ideas for the pursuit of such a path: redistribution of life chances and power, socio-ecological restructuring, redesign of democratic institutions, and reversal from confrontation to peace through international cooperation and solidarity. A presentation of the fundamental elements of a left strategy for socioecological transformation, this volume will appeal to scholars of social, political and economic theory with interests in post-capitalist futures.

Within and Beyond Citizenship: Borders, Membership and Belonging (Sociological Futures)

by Roberto G. Gonzales Nando Sigona

Within and Beyond Citizenship brings together cutting-edge research in sociology and social anthropology on the relationship between immigration status, rights and belonging in contemporary societies of immigration. It offers new insights into the ways in which political membership is experienced, spatially and bureaucratically constructed, and actively negotiated and contested in the everyday lives of citizens and non-citizens. Themes, concepts and ideas covered include: The shifting position of the non-citizen in contemporary immigration societies; The intersection of human mobility, immigration control and articulations of citizenship; Activism and everyday practices of membership and belonging; Tension in policy and practice between coexisting traditions and regimes of rights; Mixed status families, belonging and citizenship; The ways in which immigration status (or its absence) intersects with social cleavages such as age, class, gender and ‘race’ to shape social relations. This book will appeal to academics and practitioners working in the disciplines of Social and Political Anthropology, Sociology, Social Policy, Human Geography, Political Sciences, Citizenship Studies and Migration Studies.

Within and Beyond Citizenship: Borders, Membership and Belonging (Sociological Futures)

by Roberto G. Gonzales Nando Sigona

Within and Beyond Citizenship brings together cutting-edge research in sociology and social anthropology on the relationship between immigration status, rights and belonging in contemporary societies of immigration. It offers new insights into the ways in which political membership is experienced, spatially and bureaucratically constructed, and actively negotiated and contested in the everyday lives of citizens and non-citizens. Themes, concepts and ideas covered include: The shifting position of the non-citizen in contemporary immigration societies; The intersection of human mobility, immigration control and articulations of citizenship; Activism and everyday practices of membership and belonging; Tension in policy and practice between coexisting traditions and regimes of rights; Mixed status families, belonging and citizenship; The ways in which immigration status (or its absence) intersects with social cleavages such as age, class, gender and ‘race’ to shape social relations. This book will appeal to academics and practitioners working in the disciplines of Social and Political Anthropology, Sociology, Social Policy, Human Geography, Political Sciences, Citizenship Studies and Migration Studies.

Withstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life: Dynamics of Stressors, Resources, and Reserves

by Dario Spini Eric Widmer

This open access interdisciplinary book integrates the major findings and theoretical advances of a 12-year research program run by the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research LIVES research program hosted by the universities of Lausanne and Geneva, within a single comprehensive and coherent publication on vulnerability across adulthood. The book is based on the idea that vulnerability is an essential component of the life course that can inform how we use our resources, reserves and cope with stressors across the life course. It provides a unique interdisciplinary research framework based on the idea that vulnerability is a complex and dynamic process that can only be approached through a multidimensional, multilevel, and multidirectional perspective.This is an invaluable new resource for students and researchers in life course studies, and those from other disciplines willing to include life course factors in their research on vulnerability issues.

Witness and Memory: The Discourse of Trauma

by Ana Douglass Thomas A. Vogler

This is a collection within the anthropology of violence and witness studies, a discipline inaugurated in the 1980s. It accomplishes a tight focus while tackling seemingly disparate topics: from Rigoberat Menchu to O.J. Simpson, and from feminist poetry to Hiroshima Mon Amour. With approaches ranging from anthropological and historical to literary and philosophical, this collection is engaging in both subject matter and writing style.

Witness and Memory: The Discourse of Trauma

by Ana Douglass Thomas A. Vogler

This is a collection within the anthropology of violence and witness studies, a discipline inaugurated in the 1980s. It accomplishes a tight focus while tackling seemingly disparate topics: from Rigoberat Menchu to O.J. Simpson, and from feminist poetry to Hiroshima Mon Amour. With approaches ranging from anthropological and historical to literary and philosophical, this collection is engaging in both subject matter and writing style.

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