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Showing 76,351 through 76,375 of 77,172 results

Workplace Well-being: How to Build Psychologically Healthy Workplaces

by Arla Day E. Kevin Kelloway Joseph J. Hurrell

Workplace Wellbeing is a complete guide to understanding and implementing the principles of a psychologically healthy workplace for psychologists and other practitioners. Grounded in the latest theory and research yet filled with plenty of case studies and proven techniques Introduces the core components of psychologically healthy workplaces, including health and safety, leadership, employee involvement, development, recognition, work-life balance, culture and communication Addresses important issues such as the role of unions, the importance of leadership, healthy workplaces in small businesses, respectful workplace cultures, and corporate social responsibility Discusses factors that influence the physical safety of employees, as well as their physical and psychological health Brings together stellar scholars from around the world, including the US, Canada, Europe, Israel, and Australia

Workplace Well-being: How to Build Psychologically Healthy Workplaces

by Arla Day E. Kevin Kelloway Joseph J. Hurrell

Workplace Wellbeing is a complete guide to understanding and implementing the principles of a psychologically healthy workplace for psychologists and other practitioners. Grounded in the latest theory and research yet filled with plenty of case studies and proven techniques Introduces the core components of psychologically healthy workplaces, including health and safety, leadership, employee involvement, development, recognition, work-life balance, culture and communication Addresses important issues such as the role of unions, the importance of leadership, healthy workplaces in small businesses, respectful workplace cultures, and corporate social responsibility Discusses factors that influence the physical safety of employees, as well as their physical and psychological health Brings together stellar scholars from around the world, including the US, Canada, Europe, Israel, and Australia

Workshop in a Box: Communication Skills For It Professionals

by Abhinav Kaiser

This book is for anyone who works with technology and wants to develop their communication skills. If you want to develop better working, relationships, communicate your ideas more effectively, and build a wider culture of collaboration and understanding, this book has been created for you.

Workshops: Zu einer besonderen Form der Interaktion in Organisationen (Organisationsstudien)

by Mascha Nolte

Workshops erfreuen sich in Organisationen anhaltend großer Beliebtheit. In Unternehmen, Verwaltungen, Parteien, Universitäten oder etwa Schulen werden sie regelmäßig genutzt, um drängende Organisationsthemen zu bearbeiten. Trotz der weiten Verbreitung des Workshops ist dieser bislang kaum erforscht. Insbesondere die interaktiven Besonderheiten und Dynamiken des Formats wurden bisher nicht systematisch in den Blick genommen: Welchen Regeln gelten für Wahl von Themen im Workshop? Wie unterscheiden sich die typischen Workshoprollen – Moderatoren, Teilnehmende und Auftraggeber – voneinander? Was passiert in der Zeit vor, nach und während der Veranstaltung? Welche Auswirkungen hat der Raum für die Interaktion? Mithilfe eines interaktionssoziologisches Begriffsrepertoires wird die besondere ,Interaktionsordnung‘des Workshops dargestellt. Die primär theoretischen Überlegungen sind dabei so angelegt, dass sich aus ihnen nützliche Reflexionsfragen für die Praxis all derjenigen, die in Organisationen mit Workshops zu tun haben, ableiten lassen.

Workspace Made Easy: A clear and practical guide on how to create a fantastic work environment

by Kursty Groves Neil Usher

Demystifying the entire workspace industry, for the non-expert and expert alike, this unique book sets out every step and consideration in how to lead a project to create a fantastic workspace.Entirely free of baffling jargon and industry-speak, it’s a refreshingly accessible, practical, down-to-earth guide applicable to all types of workspace, new or renovated and anywhere in the world. Created by two leading workspace practitioners with over half a century of combined multi-sector international experience, this book maps the process from initial idea to finished product and beyond in a succinct, logical and easy-to-follow question and answer style. It helps the reader instantly become a better project leader, and, for all those firms they’ll deal with, a more informed and prepared client.Supported by amusing and informative true stories throughout, the book is an indispensable guide that is sure to become an industry standard.

Workspace Made Easy: A clear and practical guide on how to create a fantastic work environment

by Kursty Groves Neil Usher

Demystifying the entire workspace industry, for the non-expert and expert alike, this unique book sets out every step and consideration in how to lead a project to create a fantastic workspace.Entirely free of baffling jargon and industry-speak, it’s a refreshingly accessible, practical, down-to-earth guide applicable to all types of workspace, new or renovated and anywhere in the world. Created by two leading workspace practitioners with over half a century of combined multi-sector international experience, this book maps the process from initial idea to finished product and beyond in a succinct, logical and easy-to-follow question and answer style. It helps the reader instantly become a better project leader, and, for all those firms they’ll deal with, a more informed and prepared client.Supported by amusing and informative true stories throughout, the book is an indispensable guide that is sure to become an industry standard.

Worktown: The Astonishing Story of the Project that launched Mass Observation

by David Hall

In the late 1930s the Lancashire town of Bolton witnessed a ground-breaking social experiment. Over three years, a team of ninety observers recorded, in painstaking detail, the everyday lives of ordinary working people at work and play - in the pub, dance hall, factory and on holiday. Their aim was to create an 'anthropology of ourselves'. The first of its kind, it later grew into the Mass Observation movement that proved so crucial to our understanding of public opinion in future generations. The project attracted a cast of larger-than-life characters, not least its founders, the charismatic and unconventional anthropologist Tom Harrisson and the surrealist intellectuals Charles Madge and Humphrey Jennings. They were joined by a disparate band of men and women - students, artists, writers and photographers, unemployed workers and local volunteers - who worked tirelessly to turn the idle pleasure of people-watching into a science. Drawing on their vivid reports, photographs and first-hand sources, David Hall relates the extraordinary story of this eccentric, short-lived, but hugely influential project. Along the way, he creates a richly detailed, fascinating portrait of a lost chapter of British social history, and of the life of an industrial northern town before the world changed for ever.

The World: A Beginner's Guide

by Göran Therborn

What is the world of the 21st century like now that the centrality of the West is no longer given? How were the societies and cultures of today's world together with their interconnections forged, and what is driving human society in our times? In short, what is the state of the world today as we enter the second decade of the 21st century? This is the first book which deals with planetary human society as whole. It is a beginner's guide to the world after the West and after globalization, compact, portable, and jargon-free. It is aimed at everybody who, even with experience, has kept a beginner's curiosity of the world, to everybody who does not know everything they want to know about it, about the good, the evil, and the salvation of the world. It lays bare the socio-cultural geology of the world, its major civilizations, its historical waves of globalization, its family-sex-gender systems, and its pathways to modernity. It outlines the dynamics of the world, its basic drives, the contours of its most important global and sub-global processes. It presents the big team players on the world stage, populous as well as rich countries, missions and movements as well corporations and cities. It traces the life-courses of men and women on all the continents, from their birth and childhood to their old age, and their funeral.

The World: A Beginner's Guide

by Göran Therborn

What is the world of the 21st century like now that the centrality of the West is no longer given? How were the societies and cultures of today's world together with their interconnections forged, and what is driving human society in our times? In short, what is the state of the world today as we enter the second decade of the 21st century? This is the first book which deals with planetary human society as whole. It is a beginner's guide to the world after the West and after globalization, compact, portable, and jargon-free. It is aimed at everybody who, even with experience, has kept a beginner's curiosity of the world, to everybody who does not know everything they want to know about it, about the good, the evil, and the salvation of the world. It lays bare the socio-cultural geology of the world, its major civilizations, its historical waves of globalization, its family-sex-gender systems, and its pathways to modernity. It outlines the dynamics of the world, its basic drives, the contours of its most important global and sub-global processes. It presents the big team players on the world stage, populous as well as rich countries, missions and movements as well corporations and cities. It traces the life-courses of men and women on all the continents, from their birth and childhood to their old age, and their funeral.

The World Anti-Doping Code: Fit for Purpose? (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society)

by Lovely Dasgupta

Following the recent doping scandals that have brought the highest echelons of international sport into disrepute, this book examines the elitism at the core of the World Anti-Doping Agency and considers how the current World Anti-Doping Code might be restructured. Analyzing the correlation between the commodification of sports and doping, and the role WADA plays in this context, it takes into consideration the perspectives of non-elite athletes as well as athletes from developing countries which have previously been excluded from the anti-doping discourse. It offers recommendations for improving the coordination and implementation of the World Anti-Doping Code and argues for the creation of a more inclusive anti-doping regime. This is an important resource for students of sports law, sports management and sports ethics, as well as vital reading for sports administrators, sports sociologists, sports policy makers, sports lawyers and arbitrators, as well as athletes themselves.

The World Anti-Doping Code: Fit for Purpose? (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society)

by Lovely Dasgupta

Following the recent doping scandals that have brought the highest echelons of international sport into disrepute, this book examines the elitism at the core of the World Anti-Doping Agency and considers how the current World Anti-Doping Code might be restructured. Analyzing the correlation between the commodification of sports and doping, and the role WADA plays in this context, it takes into consideration the perspectives of non-elite athletes as well as athletes from developing countries which have previously been excluded from the anti-doping discourse. It offers recommendations for improving the coordination and implementation of the World Anti-Doping Code and argues for the creation of a more inclusive anti-doping regime. This is an important resource for students of sports law, sports management and sports ethics, as well as vital reading for sports administrators, sports sociologists, sports policy makers, sports lawyers and arbitrators, as well as athletes themselves.

The World At 2000 (PDF)

by Fred Halliday

Beneath the millennial shine of political optimism and technological advance lurk a set of deep uncertainties: global inequality is growing; weapons of mass destruction are spreading; strident assertions of identity divide peoples and states; overall, there is a marked lack of effective co-ordination and reduced confidence in the power of people, ideas and democratic processes to achieve change. This book provides a critical but cautiously optimistic assessment of the state and prospects of the world at 2000. Alternate ISBNs 9780333945353 9780333994276

World at Risk

by Ulrich Beck

Twenty years ago Ulrich Beck published Risk Society, a book that called our attention to the dangers of environmental catastrophes and changed the way we think about contemporary societies. During the last two decades, the dangers highlighted by Beck have taken on new forms and assumed ever greater significance. Terrorism has shifted to a global arena, financial crises have produced worldwide consequences that are difficult to control and politicians have been forced to accept that climate change is not idle speculation. In short, we have come to see that today we live in a world at risk. A new feature of our world risk society is that risk is produced for political gain. This political use of risk means that fear creeps into modern life. A need for security encroaches on our liberty and our view of equality. However, Beck is anything but an alarmist and believes that the anticipation of catastrophe can fundamentally change global politics. We have the opportunity today to reconfigure power in terms of what Beck calls a 'cosmopolitan material politics’. World at Risk is a timely and far-reaching analysis of the structural dynamics of the modern world, the global nature of risk and the future of global politics by one of the most original and exciting social thinkers writing today.

World at Risk

by Ulrich Beck

Twenty years ago Ulrich Beck published Risk Society, a book that called our attention to the dangers of environmental catastrophes and changed the way we think about contemporary societies. During the last two decades, the dangers highlighted by Beck have taken on new forms and assumed ever greater significance. Terrorism has shifted to a global arena, financial crises have produced worldwide consequences that are difficult to control and politicians have been forced to accept that climate change is not idle speculation. In short, we have come to see that today we live in a world at risk. A new feature of our world risk society is that risk is produced for political gain. This political use of risk means that fear creeps into modern life. A need for security encroaches on our liberty and our view of equality. However, Beck is anything but an alarmist and believes that the anticipation of catastrophe can fundamentally change global politics. We have the opportunity today to reconfigure power in terms of what Beck calls a 'cosmopolitan material politics’. World at Risk is a timely and far-reaching analysis of the structural dynamics of the modern world, the global nature of risk and the future of global politics by one of the most original and exciting social thinkers writing today.

World Christianity and Covid-19: Looking Back and Looking Forward

by Chammah J. Kaunda

This volume explores how Christians around the world have made sense of the meaning of suffering in the context of and post-COVID-19. It interrogates the question of God, suffering, and structural injustice. Further, it discusses the Christian response to the compounded threats of racial injustice, climate injustice, wildlife injustice, gender injustice, economic injustice, political injustice, unjust in the distributions of the vaccine and future challenges in the post-COVID-19 era. The contributions are authored by scholars, students, activists and clergy from various fields of inquiry and church traditions. The volume seeks to deepen Christian understanding of the meaning of suffering in the context of COVID-19 pandemic. It explores the fresh ways the pandemic can contribute to reconceptualizing human relations and specifically, what it means to be human in the context of suffering, the place of or justifications of God in suffering, human place in creation, and the role of the church in re-articulating the theological meanings and praxes of suffering for today.

World Cinema's 'Dialogues' With Hollywood

by P. Cooke

Paul Cooke looks at Hollywood's interaction with national and transnational cinemas, from German Expressionism to Bollywood and Chinese film. While Hollywood has had a huge impact on the medium - doing all the talking in the 'dialogue' - world cinema's economic, aesthetic and political relationship with Hollywood is of profound importance.

World Cities and Climate Change (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Sociology)

by Mike Hodson Simon Marvin

Relationships between cities and energy, water, waste and transport networks are changing. World Cities and Climate Change argues that this is not something that is happening naturally but is the product of social, economic, political and spatial processes and that these changes have profound implications for the shape of contemporary and future cities. Drawing on research and examples from London, New York, Tokyo, Melbourne, Shanghai, San Francisco and other world cities, Mike Hodson and Simon Marvin pose a critical question: Are visions of future urbanism socially and ecologically progressive or do they promote the selective and partial re-bounding of particular social groups and places predicated on new - often hidden - interdependencies? They develop a critical synthesis of dominant, new infrastructure styles that they argue are emerging as responses to the systemic pressures of climate change and resource constraint confronting cities and networks. The book outlines the key elements of these new strategies and critically assesses their implications and relevance to other urban contexts.World Cities and Climate Change is key reading for students, academics, researchers and policy makers with an interest in urban politics, technology and ecology.

World Class Initiatives and Practices in Early Education: Moving Forward in a Global Age (Educating the Young Child #9)

by Louise Boyle Swiniarski

This book offers current international initiatives, developed for working with children from “Birth to Eight” by a diverse group of noted professional authors. Their readings present an overview of early education as it evolved from the Froebelian kindergarten to today’s practices in various Early Education settings around the globe. The international voices of the authors represent a balanced perspective of happenings in various nations and lend a conversational approach to each chapter. The chapters analyze the Universal Preschool Education movement promoted by various countries, states, and agencies; examine model curriculum programs in a variety of teaching/learning settings; and identify directions the community can take in promoting effective early education programs. Particular attention is given to key issues and concerns faced by practitioners and families world-wide. Studies reveal successful approaches to bilingual education in a Chilean kindergarten, research findings on gender differences in primary school girls for learning science in Wales, literacy development strategies for teaching in UK multicultural classrooms and childhood centres, the process of integration special education with early childhood practices in China, and exemplars of community outreach to improve the well being of children through advocacy for governmental changes in early education policies and professional development. This book is for everyone interested in the well being of young children moving forward in a global age to meet the challenges of early citizenship in their world.

World Class Universities: A Contested Concept (Evaluating Education: Normative Systems and Institutional Practices)

by Michael A. Peters Sharon Rider Mats Hyvönen Tina Besley

This open access book focuses on the dimensions of the discourse of 'The World Class University', its alleged characteristics, and its policy expressions. It offers a broad overview of the historical background and current trajectory of the world-class-university construct. It also deepens the theoretical discussion, and points a way forward out of present impasses resulting from the pervasive use and abuse of the notion of "world-class" and related terms in the discourse of quality assessment. The book includes approaches and results from fields of inquiry not otherwise prominent in Higher Education studies, including philosophy and media studies, as well as sociology, anthropology, educational theory.The growing impact of global rankings and their strategic use in the restructuring of higher education systems to increase global competitiveness has led to a ‘reputation race’ and the emergence of the global discourse of world class universities. The discourse of world class universities has rapid uptake in East Asian countries, with China recently refining its strategy. This book provides insights into this process and its future development.

World, Class, Women: Global Literature, Education, and Feminism

by Robin Truth Goodman

World, Class, Women begins the extraordinarily important task of bringing a postcolonial, feminist voice to critical pedagogy and, by extension explores how current debates about education could make a contribution to feminist thought. Robin Truth Goodman deftly weaves together the disciplines of literature, postcolonialism, feminism, and education in order to theorize how the shrinking of the public sphere and the rise of globalization influence access to learning, what counts as knowledge, and the possibilities of a radical feminism.

World, Class, Women: Global Literature, Education, and Feminism

by Robin Truth Goodman

World, Class, Women begins the extraordinarily important task of bringing a postcolonial, feminist voice to critical pedagogy and, by extension explores how current debates about education could make a contribution to feminist thought. Robin Truth Goodman deftly weaves together the disciplines of literature, postcolonialism, feminism, and education in order to theorize how the shrinking of the public sphere and the rise of globalization influence access to learning, what counts as knowledge, and the possibilities of a radical feminism.

World Culture Re-Contextualised: Meaning Constellations and Path-Dependencies in Comparative and International Education Research

by Jürgen Schriewer

Impressive strands of research have shown the emergent reality of increasing world-level interconnection in almost every field of social action. As a consequence, theories and models have been developed which are aimed at conceptualising this new reality along the lines of an ‘institutionalised’ World Culture. This offers a new understanding of the worldwide diffusion of specifically modern – i.e. mainly Western – rules, ideologies and organisational patterns, and of attendant harmonisation and standardisation of fields of social action. World Culture theories have not gone unchallenged. Rather, cross-cultural studies have revealed much more complex processes of regional fragmentation and (re-)diversification; of the refraction, appropriation, and hybridisation, through distinct socio-cultural conditioning, of world-level models and ideas; and of the ongoing effectiveness both of structural path-dependencies and of specifically cultural aspects such as collective memories, social meanings, and religious (or ideological) belief systems. Comparative research has thus highlighted an intricate simultaneity of contrary currents: of the increasing world-level interconnection of communication and exchange relations on the one hand, and, on the other, the persistence of context-specific interpretations, translations, and deviation-generating re-contextualisations of world-level forces and challenges.This research provides the theoretical problematique that animates this volume. The chapters explore the conceptual tools and explanatory power of theories and models which do not just oppose or reject World Culture theory, but are instead suited to complementing and differentiating it. The volume offers an enlightening conceptualisation of the intricate interaction of global processes with local agency, and of world-level forces with the self-evolutionary potentials inherent in specific contexts, socio-cultural structures, and distinctive meanings constellations. This book was originally published as a special issue of Comparative Education.

World Culture Re-Contextualised: Meaning Constellations and Path-Dependencies in Comparative and International Education Research

by Jürgen Schriewer

Impressive strands of research have shown the emergent reality of increasing world-level interconnection in almost every field of social action. As a consequence, theories and models have been developed which are aimed at conceptualising this new reality along the lines of an ‘institutionalised’ World Culture. This offers a new understanding of the worldwide diffusion of specifically modern – i.e. mainly Western – rules, ideologies and organisational patterns, and of attendant harmonisation and standardisation of fields of social action. World Culture theories have not gone unchallenged. Rather, cross-cultural studies have revealed much more complex processes of regional fragmentation and (re-)diversification; of the refraction, appropriation, and hybridisation, through distinct socio-cultural conditioning, of world-level models and ideas; and of the ongoing effectiveness both of structural path-dependencies and of specifically cultural aspects such as collective memories, social meanings, and religious (or ideological) belief systems. Comparative research has thus highlighted an intricate simultaneity of contrary currents: of the increasing world-level interconnection of communication and exchange relations on the one hand, and, on the other, the persistence of context-specific interpretations, translations, and deviation-generating re-contextualisations of world-level forces and challenges.This research provides the theoretical problematique that animates this volume. The chapters explore the conceptual tools and explanatory power of theories and models which do not just oppose or reject World Culture theory, but are instead suited to complementing and differentiating it. The volume offers an enlightening conceptualisation of the intricate interaction of global processes with local agency, and of world-level forces with the self-evolutionary potentials inherent in specific contexts, socio-cultural structures, and distinctive meanings constellations. This book was originally published as a special issue of Comparative Education.

World Education Patterns in the Global North: The Ebb of Global Forces and the Flow of Contextual Imperatives (International Perspectives on Education and Society #V43, Part A)

by C. C. Wolhuter

Comparative and International Education is a dynamic and growing field facing extraordinary challenges in every corner of the world. World Education Patterns in the Global North surveys the educational responses and new educational landscapes being developed as a consequence of powerful global forces demanding change within the Global North’s educational contexts, including North America, Central and South-East Europe, and East Asia, These forces include the ecological crisis, the population explosion, the changing nature of work, the rise of knowledge economies, economic internationalism, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the technology revolution, changing social relations, the empowerment of minority interest groups, the rise of multicultural societies, the diminishing stature of the nation-state, and the rise of supra-national and international political structures.

World Education Patterns in the Global North: The Ebb of Global Forces and the Flow of Contextual Imperatives (International Perspectives on Education and Society #V43, Part A)

by C. C. Wolhuter

Comparative and International Education is a dynamic and growing field facing extraordinary challenges in every corner of the world. World Education Patterns in the Global North surveys the educational responses and new educational landscapes being developed as a consequence of powerful global forces demanding change within the Global North’s educational contexts, including North America, Central and South-East Europe, and East Asia, These forces include the ecological crisis, the population explosion, the changing nature of work, the rise of knowledge economies, economic internationalism, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the technology revolution, changing social relations, the empowerment of minority interest groups, the rise of multicultural societies, the diminishing stature of the nation-state, and the rise of supra-national and international political structures.

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