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Worship across the Racial Divide: Religious Music and the Multiracial Congregation

by Gerardo Marti

Many scholars and church leaders believe that music and worship style are essential in stimulating diversity in congregations. Gerardo Marti draws on interviews with more than 170 congregational leaders and parishioners, as well as his experiences participating in worship services in a wide variety of Protestant, multiracial Southern Californian churches, to present this insightful study of the role of music in creating congregational diversity. Worship across the Racial Divide offers a surprising conclusion: that there is no single style of worship or music that determines the likelihood of achieving a multiracial church. Far more important are the complex of practices of the worshipping community in the production and absorption of music. Multiracial churches successfully diversify by stimulating unobtrusive means of interracial and interethnic relations; in fact, preparation for music apart from worship gatherings proves to be just as important as its performance during services. Marti shows that aside from and even in spite of the varying beliefs of attendees and church leaders, diversity happens because music and worship create practical spaces where cross-racial bonds are formed. This groundbreaking book sheds light on how race affects worship in multiracial churches. It will allow a new understanding of the dynamics of such churches, and provide crucial aid to church leaders for avoiding the pitfalls that inadvertently widen the racial divide.

The Worship Mall: Contemporary responses to contemporary culture

by Bryan Spinks

Religion is in competition with the leisure and entertainment industries. The postmodern generation is open to spirituality, but young adults have not been born into faith communities that embrace them fully and command their allegiance over a lifetime. Studies suggest that for the young, belief in God is an optional matter, a consumer choice, and different trends in contemporary worship and worship styles are offered by churches to suit personal taste. What is in these trends that might appeal to 'Gen Y'? Are they worship, or something other than worship? Bryan Spinks invites you to walk through The Worship Mall and see what is on offer in the postmodern culture.

Worst Cases: Terror and Catastrophe in the Popular Imagination

by Lee Clarke

Al Qaeda detonates a nuclear weapon in Times Square during rush hour, wiping out half of Manhattan and killing 500,000 people. A virulent strain of bird flu jumps to humans in Thailand, sweeps across Asia, and claims more than fifty million lives. A single freight car of chlorine derails on the outskirts of Los Angeles, spilling its contents and killing seven million. An asteroid ten kilometers wide slams into the Atlantic Ocean, unleashing a tsunami that renders life on the planet as we know it extinct. We consider the few who live in fear of such scenarios to be alarmist or even paranoid. But Worst Cases shows that such individuals—like Cassandra foreseeing the fall of Troy—are more reasonable and prescient than you might think. In this book, Lee Clarke surveys the full range of possible catastrophes that animate and dominate the popular imagination, from toxic spills and terrorism to plane crashes and pandemics. Along the way, he explores how the ubiquity of worst cases in everyday life has rendered them ordinary and mundane. Fear and dread, Clarke argues, have actually become too rare: only when the public has more substantial information and more credible warnings will it take worst cases as seriously as it should. A timely and necessary look into how we think about the unthinkable, Worst Cases will be must reading for anyone attuned to our current climate of threat and fear.

Worst Cases: Terror and Catastrophe in the Popular Imagination

by Lee Clarke

Al Qaeda detonates a nuclear weapon in Times Square during rush hour, wiping out half of Manhattan and killing 500,000 people. A virulent strain of bird flu jumps to humans in Thailand, sweeps across Asia, and claims more than fifty million lives. A single freight car of chlorine derails on the outskirts of Los Angeles, spilling its contents and killing seven million. An asteroid ten kilometers wide slams into the Atlantic Ocean, unleashing a tsunami that renders life on the planet as we know it extinct. We consider the few who live in fear of such scenarios to be alarmist or even paranoid. But Worst Cases shows that such individuals—like Cassandra foreseeing the fall of Troy—are more reasonable and prescient than you might think. In this book, Lee Clarke surveys the full range of possible catastrophes that animate and dominate the popular imagination, from toxic spills and terrorism to plane crashes and pandemics. Along the way, he explores how the ubiquity of worst cases in everyday life has rendered them ordinary and mundane. Fear and dread, Clarke argues, have actually become too rare: only when the public has more substantial information and more credible warnings will it take worst cases as seriously as it should. A timely and necessary look into how we think about the unthinkable, Worst Cases will be must reading for anyone attuned to our current climate of threat and fear.

Worst Cases: Terror and Catastrophe in the Popular Imagination

by Lee Clarke

Al Qaeda detonates a nuclear weapon in Times Square during rush hour, wiping out half of Manhattan and killing 500,000 people. A virulent strain of bird flu jumps to humans in Thailand, sweeps across Asia, and claims more than fifty million lives. A single freight car of chlorine derails on the outskirts of Los Angeles, spilling its contents and killing seven million. An asteroid ten kilometers wide slams into the Atlantic Ocean, unleashing a tsunami that renders life on the planet as we know it extinct. We consider the few who live in fear of such scenarios to be alarmist or even paranoid. But Worst Cases shows that such individuals—like Cassandra foreseeing the fall of Troy—are more reasonable and prescient than you might think. In this book, Lee Clarke surveys the full range of possible catastrophes that animate and dominate the popular imagination, from toxic spills and terrorism to plane crashes and pandemics. Along the way, he explores how the ubiquity of worst cases in everyday life has rendered them ordinary and mundane. Fear and dread, Clarke argues, have actually become too rare: only when the public has more substantial information and more credible warnings will it take worst cases as seriously as it should. A timely and necessary look into how we think about the unthinkable, Worst Cases will be must reading for anyone attuned to our current climate of threat and fear.

Worst Cases: Terror and Catastrophe in the Popular Imagination

by Lee Clarke

Al Qaeda detonates a nuclear weapon in Times Square during rush hour, wiping out half of Manhattan and killing 500,000 people. A virulent strain of bird flu jumps to humans in Thailand, sweeps across Asia, and claims more than fifty million lives. A single freight car of chlorine derails on the outskirts of Los Angeles, spilling its contents and killing seven million. An asteroid ten kilometers wide slams into the Atlantic Ocean, unleashing a tsunami that renders life on the planet as we know it extinct. We consider the few who live in fear of such scenarios to be alarmist or even paranoid. But Worst Cases shows that such individuals—like Cassandra foreseeing the fall of Troy—are more reasonable and prescient than you might think. In this book, Lee Clarke surveys the full range of possible catastrophes that animate and dominate the popular imagination, from toxic spills and terrorism to plane crashes and pandemics. Along the way, he explores how the ubiquity of worst cases in everyday life has rendered them ordinary and mundane. Fear and dread, Clarke argues, have actually become too rare: only when the public has more substantial information and more credible warnings will it take worst cases as seriously as it should. A timely and necessary look into how we think about the unthinkable, Worst Cases will be must reading for anyone attuned to our current climate of threat and fear.

Wörterbuch der Marxistisch-Leninistischen Soziologie

by Georg Aßmann

Wörterbuch zur Inneren Sicherheit

by Matthias Gasch

In der aktuellen sicherheitspolitischen Diskussion überschlagen sich seit den Terroranschlägen von New York, Madrid und London die Vorschläge seitens der Politik, wie Sicherheit gewährleistet werden kann. Es werden zum Teil drastische Maßnahmen empfohlen und auf den Gesetzesweg gebracht, die gravierende Auswirkungen auf das rechtsstaatliche und politisch verfasste System, nicht nur der Inneren Sicherheit, sondern auch des gesamten gesellschaftlichen Systems der Bundesrepublik enthalten. Zudem werden die unterschiedlichsten technischen Begriffe diskutiert, bei denen die Kenntnisse über Folgewirkungen und die Verkettungen von nicht intendierten Wirkungen oftmals diffus sind. Das "Wörterbuch zur Inneren Sicherheit" verfolgt die Zielsetzung, die wichtigsten der in der Diskussion befindlichen Begriffe zusammenzufassen und entsprechend aufzubereiten.

Worth and Welfare in the Controversy over Abortion

by C. Coope

This book addresses the controversy over abortion. Covering interesting topics, including the claim that certain items (paintings, people) have 'intrinsic value' and should not be destroyed; the thought that young human beings do not have a good of their own; and the question whether the objection to murder turns on the violation of right to life.

The Worth of Water: Designing Climate Resilient Rainwater Harvesting Systems

by Liam McCarton Sean O'Hogain Anna Reid

There is no more fundamental substance to life on earth than water. Three quarter of the Earth’s surface is covered by either saltwater or freshwater, yet millions face a daily struggle to access enough water for survival. The effects of ongoing climate change have expanded the water crisis to areas previously considered water secure. This book addresses the role rainwater harvesting (rwh) can play in developing a resilient water infrastructure that will prove adaptive to climate change. The book features three sections. The first section presents the concepts underpinning a new approach to water infrastructure. The term “the worth of water” was developed to reflect the importance of the social life of water. This encompasses all human relationships with water including the social, cultural, hydrological, political, economic, technical and spiritual. A technology portfolio showcasing the worth of water from the Qanats of the ancient world to the modern Rain Cities is presented. Other concepts discussed include the circular economy of water and the concept of multiple waters for multiple users of multiple qualities. Water and its properties are a function of its peculiar molecular structure and this is illustrated in the book. Rainwater harvesting is considered by the authors as containing an inherent treatment train which functions as a complex water treatment system providing physical, chemical and biological removal mechanisms. Part two presents a new design methodology together with design templates and worked examples for the hydraulic and economic analysis of rwh systems. A state-of-the-art literature review of the potential health implications of utilizing rwh is also presented. The final section of the book discusses how rwh can play a vital role in contributing to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and to living within the Planetary Boundaries.

Wounded City: Violent Turf Wars in a Chicago Barrio

by Robert Vargas

In 2009, Chicago spent millions of dollars to create programs to prevent gang violence in some of its most disadvantaged neighborhoods. Yet in spite of the programs, violence has grown worse in some of the very neighborhoods that the violence prevention programs were intented to help. While public officials and social scientists often attribute the violence - and the failure of the programs - to a lack of community in poor neighborhoods, closer study reveals another source of community division: local politics. Through an ethnographic case study of Chicago's Little Village neighborhood, Wounded City dispells the popular belief that a lack of community is the primary source of violence, arguing that competition for political power and state resources often undermine efforts to reduce gang violence. Robert Vargas argues that the state, through the way it governs, can contribute to distrust and division among community members, thereby undermining social cohesion. The strategic actions taken by police officers, politicians, nonprofit organizations, and gangs to collaborate or compete for power and resources can vary block by block, triggering violence on some blocks while successfully preventing it on others. A rich blend of urban politics, sociology, and criminology, Wounded City offers a cautionary tale for elected officials, state agencies, and community based organizations involved with poor neighborhoods.

WOUNDED CITY C: Violent Turf Wars in a Chicago Barrio

by Robert Vargas

In 2009, Chicago spent millions of dollars to create programs to prevent gang violence in some of its most disadvantaged neighborhoods. Yet in spite of the programs, violence has grown worse in some of the very neighborhoods that the violence prevention programs were intented to help. While public officials and social scientists often attribute the violence - and the failure of the programs - to a lack of community in poor neighborhoods, closer study reveals another source of community division: local politics. Through an ethnographic case study of Chicago's Little Village neighborhood, Wounded City dispells the popular belief that a lack of community is the primary source of violence, arguing that competition for political power and state resources often undermine efforts to reduce gang violence. Robert Vargas argues that the state, through the way it governs, can contribute to distrust and division among community members, thereby undermining social cohesion. The strategic actions taken by police officers, politicians, nonprofit organizations, and gangs to collaborate or compete for power and resources can vary block by block, triggering violence on some blocks while successfully preventing it on others. A rich blend of urban politics, sociology, and criminology, Wounded City offers a cautionary tale for elected officials, state agencies, and community based organizations involved with poor neighborhoods.

Wounded Masculinities: Men, Health, and Chronic illness

by Valeria Quaglia

This book contributes to the emerging field of men’s health studies, delving into how men incorporate, adapt, negotiate, or reject health care practices to perform masculinities in social interactions. By moving beyond the simplistic association between men, masculinity and the adoption of ‘risky’ or ‘unhealthy’ practices, this book draws from recent critical perspectives on the study of men’s health, seeking to challenge and problematize the relationship between masculinities and health. The text presents original empirical findings derived from qualitative and digital research examining the different ways in which men (re)negotiate their masculinities after the onset of a chronic illness, focusing on diabetes as a strategic case study. Living with a chronic illness implies that those gender practices that are usually taken for granted suddenly become unachievable and impose a reconfiguration of the masculine self, as well as a negotiation of the very meaning of masculinity. The volume aims to critically examine this interactive process of (re)negotiation, while also reflecting on men, masculinities and their health on a more general level. This book serves as a valuable resource for students and scholars in social sciences working on the intersection of gender and health, as well as for health professionals seeking a deeper understanding of the connection between men, gender and health.

Writers and Society in Modern Japan (St Antony's Series)

by Irena Powell

The Writer’s Handbook for Sociology

by Dona J Young

The Writer’s Handbook for Sociology gives students the tools that they need to develop evidence-based writing skills and format academic papers in American Psychological Association (APA) and American Sociological Association (ASA) style. This book helps learners develop a reader-friendly writing style incorporating active voice, parallel structure, and conciseness. In addition, grammar and mechanics are presented in a systematic way to facilitate learning, helping students fill learning gaps.

The Writer’s Handbook for Sociology

by Dona J Young

The Writer’s Handbook for Sociology gives students the tools that they need to develop evidence-based writing skills and format academic papers in American Psychological Association (APA) and American Sociological Association (ASA) style. This book helps learners develop a reader-friendly writing style incorporating active voice, parallel structure, and conciseness. In addition, grammar and mechanics are presented in a systematic way to facilitate learning, helping students fill learning gaps.

Writing a War of Words: Andrew Clark and the Search for Meaning in World War One

by Lynda Mugglestone

Writing a War of Words is the first exploration of the war-time quest by Andrew Clark - a writer, historian, and volunteer on the first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary - to document changes in the English language from the start of the First World War up to 1919. Clark's unique series of lexical scrapbooks, replete with clippings, annotations, and real-time definitions, reveals a desire to put living language history to the fore, and to create a record of often fleeting popular use. The rise of trench warfare, the Zeppelinophobia of total war, and descriptions of shellshock (and raid shock on the Home Front) all drew his attentive gaze. The archive includes examples from a range of sources, such as advertising, newspapers, and letters from the Front, as well as documenting social issues such as the shifting forms of representation as women 'did their bit' on the Home Front. Lynda's Mugglestone's fascinating investigation of this valuable archive reassesses the conventional accounts of language history during this period, recuperates Clark himself as another 'forgotten lexicographer', challenges the received wisdom on the inexpressibilities of war, and examines the role of language as an interdisciplinary lens on history.

Writing a War of Words: Andrew Clark and the Search for Meaning in World War One

by Lynda Mugglestone

Writing a War of Words is the first exploration of the war-time quest by Andrew Clark - a writer, historian, and volunteer on the first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary - to document changes in the English language from the start of the First World War up to 1919. Clark's unique series of lexical scrapbooks, replete with clippings, annotations, and real-time definitions, reveals a desire to put living language history to the fore, and to create a record of often fleeting popular use. The rise of trench warfare, the Zeppelinophobia of total war, and descriptions of shellshock (and raid shock on the Home Front) all drew his attentive gaze. The archive includes examples from a range of sources, such as advertising, newspapers, and letters from the Front, as well as documenting social issues such as the shifting forms of representation as women 'did their bit' on the Home Front. Lynda's Mugglestone's fascinating investigation of this valuable archive reassesses the conventional accounts of language history during this period, recuperates Clark himself as another 'forgotten lexicographer', challenges the received wisdom on the inexpressibilities of war, and examines the role of language as an interdisciplinary lens on history.

Writing Academic Texts Differently: Intersectional Feminist Methodologies and the Playful Art of Writing (Routledge Advances in Feminist Studies and Intersectionality)

by Nina Lykke

This edited volume combines cutting-edge research on feminist and intersectional writing methodologies with explorations of links between academic and creative writing practices. Contributors discuss what it means for academic writing processes to explore intersectional in-between spaces between monolithic identity markers and power differentials such as gender, race, ethnicity, class, sexuality and nationality. How does such a frame change academic writing? How does it make it pertinent to explore new synergies between academic and creative writing? In answer to these questions, the book offers theories, methodologies, political and ethical considerations, as well as reflections on writing strategies. Suggestions for writing exercises, developed against the background of the contributors' individual and joint teaching practices, will inspire readers to engage in alternative writing practices themselves.

Writing Academic Texts Differently: Intersectional Feminist Methodologies and the Playful Art of Writing (Routledge Advances in Feminist Studies and Intersectionality #16)

by Nina Lykke Anne Brewster Kathy Davis Redi Koobak Sissel Lie Andrea Petö

This edited volume combines cutting-edge research on feminist and intersectional writing methodologies with explorations of links between academic and creative writing practices. Contributors discuss what it means for academic writing processes to explore intersectional in-between spaces between monolithic identity markers and power differentials such as gender, race, ethnicity, class, sexuality and nationality. How does such a frame change academic writing? How does it make it pertinent to explore new synergies between academic and creative writing? In answer to these questions, the book offers theories, methodologies, political and ethical considerations, as well as reflections on writing strategies. Suggestions for writing exercises, developed against the background of the contributors' individual and joint teaching practices, will inspire readers to engage in alternative writing practices themselves.

Writing Analytical Assessments In Social Work (2nd Edition) (PDF)

by Chris Dyke

Writing assessments and reports is a core part of a social worker's role. Yet Ofsted, courts and research all identify a lack of analytical rigour in social work reports. Many are overlong, descriptive reports where what is needs is the application of professional judgement, a clear analysis and the ability to pull out causal relationships. Writing Analytical Assessments in Social Work is a guide to the principles of good writing and methodically shows you: how to analyse how to structure the process of writing an assessment (researching, chronologising, informed data-gathering, putting it all together), and how to get this done under time constraints. Written in an accessible way and packed with examples and case studies, this book is both practically-minded and constantly returning to first principles: reminding you what it is you are trying to achieve and teaching you how to write reports that can be read by families and judges alike. You will learn how to write high quality, useful and timely assessments without becoming mechanistic or managerial. It aims to kill the myth of a trade-off between efficiency and quality of work.

Writing and Power: A Critical Introduction to Composition Studies

by Candace Mitchell

This book offers a much needed alternative to the more traditional texts used to teach writing instruction. Grounded in history, the book clarifies changing theoretical and practical approaches to teaching writing, critically assessing each approach in relation to the social and political movements of the day, both within and beyond the university. The author takes us inside the real world of writing instruction; not only from the viewpoint of instructor, but as seen through the eyes of students struggling to make sense of the expectations of writing class. Mitchell emphasizes that "writing" entails far more than putting words to paper, and delves into contextually variable culturally defined expectations, that include multiple linguistic forms - both oral and written - highlighting the complexity of writing(s), while engaging the reader in lively academic debates about language and society.

Writing and Power: A Critical Introduction to Composition Studies

by Candace Mitchell

This book offers a much needed alternative to the more traditional texts used to teach writing instruction. Grounded in history, the book clarifies changing theoretical and practical approaches to teaching writing, critically assessing each approach in relation to the social and political movements of the day, both within and beyond the university. The author takes us inside the real world of writing instruction; not only from the viewpoint of instructor, but as seen through the eyes of students struggling to make sense of the expectations of writing class. Mitchell emphasizes that "writing" entails far more than putting words to paper, and delves into contextually variable culturally defined expectations, that include multiple linguistic forms - both oral and written - highlighting the complexity of writing(s), while engaging the reader in lively academic debates about language and society.

Writing and Thinking in Contemporary Academia: The Poetics of Clarity (Public Intellectuals and the Sociology of Knowledge)

by Martin Grünfeld

Across disciplinary borders, clarity is taken for granted as a cardinal virtue of communication in contemporary academia. But what is clarity, how is it practised in writing across disciplinary borders and how does it affect our ways of researching and thinking? This book explores such questions by scrutinising the ideal of clarity beyond its apparently self-evident value. Through a multi-methodological empirical analysis of the ideal of clarity, the author offers a sketch of what is termed ‘the poetics of clarity’, which is unfolded as a field of tension with important implications for sentence formation, authorial positioning and textual organisation. By way of a series of reflections on the possible consequences of this for thinking, this volume also explores the parts of knowledge production that may be marginalised, especially poetic language use, biases, interests and contexts, multi-dimensional arguments and errors. Revealing a positivist bias and a regime of high-speed consumption that characterise what, in certain regards, might be considered a productive space for knowledge production, Writing and Thinking in Contemporary Academia will appeal to scholars with interests in the sociology of knowledge, continental philosophy, the philosophy of science and academic writing.

Writing and Thinking in Contemporary Academia: The Poetics of Clarity (Public Intellectuals and the Sociology of Knowledge)

by Martin Grünfeld

Across disciplinary borders, clarity is taken for granted as a cardinal virtue of communication in contemporary academia. But what is clarity, how is it practised in writing across disciplinary borders and how does it affect our ways of researching and thinking? This book explores such questions by scrutinising the ideal of clarity beyond its apparently self-evident value. Through a multi-methodological empirical analysis of the ideal of clarity, the author offers a sketch of what is termed ‘the poetics of clarity’, which is unfolded as a field of tension with important implications for sentence formation, authorial positioning and textual organisation. By way of a series of reflections on the possible consequences of this for thinking, this volume also explores the parts of knowledge production that may be marginalised, especially poetic language use, biases, interests and contexts, multi-dimensional arguments and errors. Revealing a positivist bias and a regime of high-speed consumption that characterise what, in certain regards, might be considered a productive space for knowledge production, Writing and Thinking in Contemporary Academia will appeal to scholars with interests in the sociology of knowledge, continental philosophy, the philosophy of science and academic writing.

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