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Showing 76,926 through 76,950 of 77,171 results

YouthNation: Building Remarkable Brands in a Youth-Driven Culture

by Matt Britton

Youth is no longer an age—it's a commodity YouthNation is an indispensable brand roadmap to the youth-driven economy. Exploring the idea that youth is no longer an age—it's a commodity that's available to everyone—this book shows what it takes to stay connected, agile, authentic, and relevant in today's marketplace. Readers will learn the ins and outs of the new consumer, and the tools, methods, and techniques that ensure brand survival in the age of perpetual youth. Coverage includes marketing in a post-demographic world, crafting the story of the brand, building engaged communities, creating experiences that inspire loyalty and evangelism, and the cutting-edge tricks that help businesses large and small harness the enormous power of youth. The old marketing models are over, and the status quo is dead. Businesses today have to embody the ideals of youth culture in order to succeed, by tapping the new and rapidly evolving resources n business and in life. When everything is changing at the pace of a teenager's attention span, how do businesses future-fit for long-term success? This book provides a plan, and the thoughts, strategies, and brass tacks advice for putting it into action. Use New-Gen psychographics to target markets Build stronger evangelism with a compelling brand narrative Create loyal communities with immersive and engaging experiences Navigate the radically-changed landscape of the future marketplace In today's hyper-socialized, Facebook fanatic, selfie-obsessed world, youth is the primary driver of business and culture. Smart companies are looking to tap into the fountain of youth, and the others are sinking fast. YouthNation is a roadmap to brand relevancy in the new economy, giving businesses turn-by-turn direction to their market destination.

Youthquake 2017: The Rise of Young Cosmopolitans in Britain (Palgrave Studies in Young People and Politics)

by James Sloam Matt Henn

This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license.This book investigates the reasons behind the 2017 youthquake – which saw the highest rate of youth turnout in a quarter of a century, and an unprecedented gap in youth support for Labour over the Conservative Party – from both a comparative and a theoretical perspective. It compares youth turnout and party allegiance over time and traces changes in youth political participation in the UK since the onset of the 2008 global financial crisis – from austerity, to the 2016 EU referendum, to the rise of Corbyn – up until the June 2017 General Election. The book identifies the rise of cosmopolitan values and left-leaning attitudes amongst Young Millennials, particularly students and young women. The situation in the UK is also contrasted with developments in youth participation in other established democracies, including the youthquakes inspired by Obama in the US (2008) and Trudeau in Canada (2015).

Youthsites: Histories of Creativity, Care, and Learning in the City (SOCIAL JUSTICE YOUTH COMMUNITY PRACTICE)

by Stuart R. Poyntz Julian Sefton-Green Heather Fitzsimmons Frey

This book is an original study of the youth organizations in London, Toronto, and Vancouver that offer creative and arts programs mainly to youth from diverse and socially marginalized backgrounds. It describes a sector that is often not recognized, organizations that don't like being institutionalized, forms of education that exist outside the mainstream, types of aesthetic expression that often go unrecognized, and unusual learning and cultural opportunities for socially marginalized young people. Rooted in the history of community arts movements from the 1970s, Youthsites, or the non-formal youth arts learning sector, is now part of cities around the world. Technological change, shifts in educational discourses, changes in policy rhetorics, including a turn away from traditional public institutions and a decline in funding of formal public schooling have all impacted the growth of youth arts organizations. Yet there are to date no systematic studies of the history, structure, and development of this sector. Youthsites: Histories of Creativity, Care, and Learning in the City fills this gap and is the first book to develop an internationally comparative, evidence-based, structural analysis of the development of the youth arts sector. Based on an original 4-year study examining the history, priorities, and tensions within this sector between 1995 and 2015, Youthsites explores the organizations and people who are helping young people to become creators, citizens, or just themselves in times of austerity, crisis, and change. This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. It is free to read at Oxford Scholarship Online and offered as a free PDF download from OUP and selected open access locations.

Youthsites: Histories of Creativity, Care, and Learning in the City (SOCIAL JUSTICE YOUTH COMMUNITY PRACTICE)

by Stuart R. Poyntz Julian Sefton-Green Heather Fitzsimmons Frey

This book is an original study of the youth organizations in London, Toronto, and Vancouver that offer creative and arts programs mainly to youth from diverse and socially marginalized backgrounds. It describes a sector that is often not recognized, organizations that don't like being institutionalized, forms of education that exist outside the mainstream, types of aesthetic expression that often go unrecognized, and unusual learning and cultural opportunities for socially marginalized young people. Rooted in the history of community arts movements from the 1970s, Youthsites, or the non-formal youth arts learning sector, is now part of cities around the world. Technological change, shifts in educational discourses, changes in policy rhetorics, including a turn away from traditional public institutions and a decline in funding of formal public schooling have all impacted the growth of youth arts organizations. Yet there are to date no systematic studies of the history, structure, and development of this sector. Youthsites: Histories of Creativity, Care, and Learning in the City fills this gap and is the first book to develop an internationally comparative, evidence-based, structural analysis of the development of the youth arts sector. Based on an original 4-year study examining the history, priorities, and tensions within this sector between 1995 and 2015, Youthsites explores the organizations and people who are helping young people to become creators, citizens, or just themselves in times of austerity, crisis, and change. This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. It is free to read at Oxford Scholarship Online and offered as a free PDF download from OUP and selected open access locations.

YouTube: Online Video and Participatory Culture (Digital Media and Society #3)

by Jean Burgess Joshua Green

YouTube is one of the most well-known and widely discussed sites of participatory media in the contemporary online environment, and it is the first genuinely mass-popular platform for user-created video. In this timely and comprehensive introduction to how YouTube is being used and why it matters, Burgess and Green discuss the ways that it relates to wider transformations in culture, society and the economy. The book critically examines the public debates surrounding the site, demonstrating how it is central to struggles for authority and control in the new media environment. Drawing on a range of theoretical sources and empirical research, the authors discuss how YouTube is being used by the media industries, by audiences and amateur producers, and by particular communities of interest, and the ways in which these uses challenge existing ideas about cultural ‘production’ and ‘consumption’. Rich with both concrete examples and featuring specially commissioned chapters by Henry Jenkins and John Hartley, the book is essential reading for anyone interested in the contemporary and future implications of online media. It will be particularly valuable for students and scholars in media, communication and cultural studies.

You've Changed: Sex Reassignment and Personal Identity (Studies in Feminist Philosophy)

by Laurie J. Shrage

Is sex identity a feature of one's mind or body, and is it a relational or intrinsic property? Who is in the best position to know a person's sex, do we each have a true sex, and is a person's sex an alterable characteristic? When a person's sex assignment changes, has the old self disappeared and a new one emerged; or, has only the public presentation of one's self changed? "You've Changed" examines the philosophical questions raised by the phenomenon of sex reassignment, and brings together the essays of scholars known for their work in gender, sexuality, queer, and disability studies, feminist epistemology and science studies, and philosophical accounts of personal identity. An interdisciplinary contribution to the emerging field of transgender studies, it will be of interest to students and scholars in a number of disciplines.

You've Changed: Sex Reassignment and Personal Identity (Studies in Feminist Philosophy)

by Laurie J. Shrage

Is sex identity a feature of one's mind or body, and is it a relational or intrinsic property? Who is in the best position to know a person's sex, do we each have a true sex, and is a person's sex an alterable characteristic? When a person's sex assignment changes, has the old self disappeared and a new one emerged; or, has only the public presentation of one's self changed? "You've Changed" examines the philosophical questions raised by the phenomenon of sex reassignment, and brings together the essays of scholars known for their work in gender, sexuality, queer, and disability studies, feminist epistemology and science studies, and philosophical accounts of personal identity. An interdisciplinary contribution to the emerging field of transgender studies, it will be of interest to students and scholars in a number of disciplines.

Yārsān of Iran, Socio-Political Changes and Migration

by S. Behnaz Hosseini

This book examines how socio-political surroundings have affected the evolution of Yārsāni religious thought and why the Yārsāni religious belief, despite its fundamental disagreement with Islamic tenets, has been affiliated with Islam. It also considers the historical context and socio-religious milieu in which the Yārsāni belief appropriates religious forces to survive, how Yārsānis experience their religion in Islamic society, and what differences are significant in their lived experiences. The author explores how the experience of worship influences real life for the Yārsānis from the perspectives of sociology, behaviorism, content analysis, cultural studies and ethnography in Iran and diaspora with focus on Sweden. Yārsāni followers became known as those who “don’t tell secrets,” primarily because they were not allowed to promote and advertise their religion in public, but recently have started to reveal their religion, especially in social media. This book discovers the transformation of this religion, and in particular in which context an individual can change the content of religion, and bring about new ideas regarding religion and belief.

Yugoslav Economists on Problems of a Socialist Economy

by Radmila Stojanovic

This title was first published in 1964

Yugoslav Economists on Problems of a Socialist Economy

by Radmila Stojanovic

This title was first published in 1964

Yugoslav Workers’ Selfmanagement: Proceedings of a Symposium Held in Amsterdam, 7–9 January, 1970

by M. J. Broekmeyer

This book contains the Proceedings of a Conference held on 7-9 January 1970 in Amsterdam on the problems and perspectives of Yugoslav workers' self management. The Yugoslav writers were selected according to the criteria that they are competent in their field and that they have different viewpoints in their assessment of the system. We hope that the threefold purpose of this book will be attained, namely to provide a clearer insight for the Western reader into the Yugoslav system; secondly to confront Yugoslav society with the ques­ tions asked and the criticism voiced here with regard to the practice of workers' selfmanagement; and, lastly, to pay a modest tribute to the 20th anniversary of Yugoslav workers' self management. To be sure, the range of subjects treated in Amsterdam might seem to be rather wide, but one should bear in mind thaI this was unavoidable in the first large-scale confrontation of two different social systems outside Yugoslavia. Although the language used in this book may not always correspond with the official standards, we trust that the published texts will be easily readable for the benevolent reader.

Zahlenwerk: Kalkulation, Organisation und Gesellschaft (Organisation und Gesellschaft)

by Andrea Mennicken Hendrik Vollmer

Inwiefern die massenhafte Mobilisierung von Zahlen und Rechenpraktiken die Aufrechterhaltung sozialer Ordnung ermöglicht oder in Mitleidenschaft zieht, hat in den Sozialwissenschaften bislang wenig systematische Beachtung gefunden. Auch die Diskussion über organisiertes Rechnen, die im englischsprachigen Raum unter dem Oberbegriff des "Accounting" geführt wird, ist weitgehend auf Spezialistenkreise beschränkt geblieben. Mit Beiträgen zum Umgang mit Zahlen in Organisationen, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft dokumentiert der Band "Zahlenwerke" eine nun allmählich erwachende sozialwissenschaftliche Aufmerksamkeit und zeigt dabei neben interdisziplinären Berührungspunkten zwischen Soziologie und Betriebswirtschaftslehre auch solche zwischen organisations- und gesellschaftstheoretischen sowie kulturwissenschaftlichen Ansätzen auf.

Zahlungen für Ökosystemdienstleistungen: Zwischen Marktprinzipien und Kommunikation

by Kristin Nicolaus

Kristin Nicolaus erarbeitet in diesem Buch eine diskursdemokratische Perspektive auf Zahlungen für Ökosystemdienstleistungen (PES). Sie rückt die Kommunikationen und Möglichkeiten der Partizipation in den Mittelpunkt und analysiert – mittels qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse – 18 Entstehungsprozesse von PES in Deutschland und Großbritannien. Aus der empirischen Untersuchung ergeben sich Erkenntnisse, die bisher kaum Beachtung fanden und Aussagen darüber treffen, wie vielfältig PES zustande kommen und welchen Einfluss die jeweiligen Kontexte darauf nehmen. Die gewonnenen Einsichten setzen sich von bisher vorherrschenden Funktionslogiken ab und erweitern so das Bild von Zahlungen für Ökosystemdienstleistungen.

Zahlungsbereitschaft für kollektive Umweltgüter: Soziologische und ökonomische Analysen

by Ulf Liebe

Bei der Bereitstellung kollektiver Umweltgüter wie saubere Luft oder natürliche Wälder liegt oft ein Marktversagen vor, und es besteht daher politischer Handlungsbedarf. Aber welchen Nutzen stiften kollektive Umweltgüter, und in welchem Umfang und welcher Qualität ist eine Angebotsveränderung durch politische Maßnahmen sinnvoll? Unter dem Stichwort der Zahlungsbereitschaftsanalyse hat die Ökonomie ein Instrumentarium entwickelt, den Nutzen/Wert kollektiver Güter zu ermitteln. Im Unterschied bzw. in Ergänzung zur Ökonomie werden in diesem Buch theoretische und methodische Beiträge der Soziologie zur Zahlungsbereitschaftsanalyse ausgelotet. Gleichzeitig wird die Fruchtbarkeit der soziologischen Perspektive an einem empirischen Anwendungsbeispiel zur monetären Bewertung der biologischen Vielfalt im Wald demonstriert.

Zambia, Mining, and Neoliberalism: Boom and Bust on the Globalized Copperbelt (Africa Connects)

by Alastair Fraser Miles Larmer

This book paints a vivid picture of Zambia's experience riding the copper price rollercoaster. It brings together the best of recent research on Zambia's mining industry from eminent scholars in history, geography, anthropology, politics, sociology and economics. The authors discuss how aid donors pressed Zambia to privatize its key industry and how multinational mining houses took advantage of tax-breaks and lax regulation. It considers the opportunities and dangers presented by Chinese investment, how both companies and the Zambian state responded to dramatic instabilities in global commodity markets since 2004, and how frustration with the courting of mining multinationals has led to the rise of populist opposition. This detailed study of a key industry in a poor Central African state tells us a great deal about the unstable nature and uneven impacts of the whole global economic system.

Zehou Li and the Aesthetics of Educational Maturity: A Transcultural Reading (New Directions in the Philosophy of Education)

by Flora Liuying Wei

This book articulates a unique conception of aesthetic educational philosophy and its relation to the Chinese world, drawing on the works of the prominent contemporary Chinese philosopher Zehou Li. The book outlines an aesthetics approach to educational maturity that recognises both the contributions of Western Enlightenment ideals and Chinese traditions, paving the way for an inclusive and post-comparative philosophy. It offers a nuanced discussion of Zehou Li’s thought and how his work can be framed at the border between traditional and modern China, between China and the West. The book combines a discussion of aesthetics with educational theory and considers their combined implications for educational practice (in particular in the first-person perspectives of students, parents, and teachers), in both local and global contexts. Providing a way of doing philosophy of education that carefully considers interactions and overlaps between Western and Chinese civilisation, the book will be of great interest to researchers, academics and postgraduate students in the fields of educational philosophy, educational theory, Chinese and cross-cultural philosophy.

Zehou Li and the Aesthetics of Educational Maturity: A Transcultural Reading (New Directions in the Philosophy of Education)

by Flora Liuying Wei

This book articulates a unique conception of aesthetic educational philosophy and its relation to the Chinese world, drawing on the works of the prominent contemporary Chinese philosopher Zehou Li. The book outlines an aesthetics approach to educational maturity that recognises both the contributions of Western Enlightenment ideals and Chinese traditions, paving the way for an inclusive and post-comparative philosophy. It offers a nuanced discussion of Zehou Li’s thought and how his work can be framed at the border between traditional and modern China, between China and the West. The book combines a discussion of aesthetics with educational theory and considers their combined implications for educational practice (in particular in the first-person perspectives of students, parents, and teachers), in both local and global contexts. Providing a way of doing philosophy of education that carefully considers interactions and overlaps between Western and Chinese civilisation, the book will be of great interest to researchers, academics and postgraduate students in the fields of educational philosophy, educational theory, Chinese and cross-cultural philosophy.

Zeig mir mehr Biostatistik!: Mehr Ideen und neues Material für einen guten Biometrie-Unterricht

by Reinhard Vonthein Iris Burkholder Rainer Muche Geraldine Rauch

Wie schon in "Zeig mir Biostatistik!" werden wieder viele Ideen für einzelne Übungen, Unterrichtseinheiten, Prüfungen oder ganze Kurse vorgestellt. Alle benötigten Materialien sind für den Nutzer online frei verfügbar, um dem Leser die Anwendung zu vereinfachen. Die Herausgeber unterrichten Biometrie als Haupt- oder Nebenfach an verschiedenen Universitäten bzw. Hochschulen und im Rahmen unterschiedlicher Studiengänge, u.a. dem Studiengang Humanmedizin. Daraus entstand das gemeinsame Ziel, den Austausch von Ideen und ausgereiftem Unterrichtsmaterial zu fördern. Alle Beiträge dieses Buches wurden für den Preis für das beste Lehrmaterial im Fach Biometrie 2016 eingereicht, der von der Arbeitsgruppe Lehre und Didaktik der Biometrie der Deutschen Region der Internationalen Biometrischen Gesellschaft ausgeschrieben wurde. So entstand ein breiter Querschnitt an Beiträgen für eine lebendige Lehre der Biostatistik.

Zeit der Begegnung — Begegnung mit der Zeit: Zeitliche Aspekte literarischen Lesens

by Claudia Ulrike Duwe

Claudia Duwe untersucht den Lesevorgang auf seine zeitlichen Implikationen und zeigt, welche zentrale Rolle zeitliche Gegebenheiten für die Ich-Findung und für Möglichkeiten der Reflexion und Erkenntnis des Subjekts spielen und inwiefern das Lesen von Romanen in der heutigen "Beschleunigungsgesellschaft" hier eine konstitutive Wirkung haben kann.

Zeit des Wandels und der Initiative: Änderungen unterstützen - Gewohnheiten stabilisieren

by Klaus Konrad

Dieses Buch betrachtet Veränderung aus verschiedenen Perspektiven und unterstützt in seinen Erläuterungen Menschen, die im beratenden sowie pädagogischen Kontext arbeiten. Im Zentrum stehen Theorien, Anwendungen und Beispiele rund um Veränderungen und Neu-Anfänge. Wir fangen immer wieder neu an. Wandeln, verwandeln, modellieren, modernisieren, ersetzen, variieren, fluktuieren sind Synonyme dafür, die uns im Alltag immer wieder begegnen. Sich wandeln und dynamisch zeigen liegt im Trend. Dazu passt das weithin sichtbare Bestreben nach Selbstoptimierung. Ungeachtet von Lebensalter und Ausbildung versuchen viele Menschen jederzeit ein neues Bild von sich zu entwerfen, und sei es auch nur virtuell.

Zeit im Arrest: Biographische und lebenspraktische Bedeutung des Jugendarrestes (Studien zur Schul- und Bildungsforschung #71)

by Anja Eckold

Anja Eckold sondiert die umstrittene und kontrovers diskutierte Maßnahme Jugendarrest historisch und analysiert sie am Beispiel einer Arrestanstalt. Den Hauptteil der Arbeit bilden ihre empirisch-biographieanalytischen Fallstudien mit Arrest verbüßenden Jugendlichen. Die Autorin stellt die Frage nach der biographischen und lebenspraktischen Bedeutung des Jugendarrests für die Jugendlichen und untersucht, wie sich diese zu juristisch intendierten Zielsetzungen und erzieherischen, pädagogischen und präventiven Zielen verhält. Mit diesem Schwerpunkt gelingt eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit abgehobenen und empiriefernen Vorstellungen zur Bedeutung von Jugendarrest.

Zeit im Lebensverlauf: Ein Glossar (Sozialtheorie)

by Sebastian Schinkel Fanny Hösel Sina-Mareen Köhler Alexandra König Elisabeth Schilling Julia Schreiber Regina Soremski Maren Zschach

Gegenwartsgesellschaften funktionieren über enorm dynamische Zeitlogiken und eröffnen vielfältige Handlungsräume. Das transdisziplinäre Glossar bietet Einblicke in die vielseitigen Erkenntnisse und Perspektiven zum Thema Zeit im Lebensverlauf. Die einzelnen Stichworte beschreiben Aspekte individueller Zeitlichkeit und sozialer Zeitstrukturen in ihrer Diversität, mitunter auch Unberechenbarkeit, die den Lebensrhythmus und schließlich das Lebensgefühl mitbestimmen. Damit rücken nicht zuletzt Fragen zur Konstruktion sinnvoller Zeitgestaltung und soziokultureller Zwänge zwischen Planbarkeit und Kontingenz in den Blick: als Auseinandersetzung mit Zeitordnungen und einem sozial verfassten Zeiterleben, das auf diese Zeitordnungen bezogen und durch diese strukturiert ist.

Zeit und Arbeit: Eine Einführung

by Irene Raehlmann

Das Buch behandelt ein zentrales Problemfeld moderner Gesellschaften. Diskutiert werden die theoretischen Grundlagen, wichtige Etappen der Entwicklung der deutschen Wirtschaftsgesellschaft, Praxisbeispiele einer flexiblen Gestaltung von Zeit und Arbeit, Zukunftsmodelle und deren politische Umsetzungschancen.

Zeit und Politikberatung: Eine systemtheoretische Analyse

by Stefan Vorderstraße

Das Verhältnis von Politik und Zeit ist in der Politikwissenschaft oftmals vernachlässigt. Stefan Vorderstraße legt den Fokus auf die Bedeutung von Zeit in Strukturen und Prozessen der Politikberatung. Politische Entscheidungsträger sehen sich unter den Bedingungen einer stets gegenwärtig entscheidungsabhängigen und ungewissen Zukunft dem Problem ausgesetzt, kollektiv verbindliche Entscheidungen treffen zu müssen. Politik ist zudem mit einem Koordinierungsbedarf konfrontiert, dem sie über Politikberatung zu begegnen versucht. Auf Basis systemtheoretischer Konzepte geht der Autor der Frage nach, ob und mit Hilfe welcher Beratungsformen Politik den Anforderungen sozialer Gleichzeitigkeit in der funktional differenzierten Gesellschaft gerecht werden kann. Politische Entscheidungsprozesse und politikwissenschaftliche Analyseansätze konfrontiert er mit typischen Charakteristika der zunehmend beschleunigten Gesellschaft. Er plädiert für eine kombinierte Betrachtung von Sach-, Sozial- und Zeitdimension und leistet einen grundlegenden Beitrag zum Verständnis der Bedeutung von Zeit in und für Politikberatung.

Zeit- und Selbstmanagement: Ein Trainingsmanual – Module, Methoden, Materialien für Training und Coaching. Arbeitsmaterialien im Web

by Silke Weisweiler Birgit Dirscherl Isabell Braumandl

Termin- und Zeitdruck, Informationsüberflutung und Multitasking sind zum Massenphänomen geworden. Die Folge: Auch hoch motivierte Leistungsträger geraten an die Grenzen ihrer psychischen und physischen Belastbarkeit. Dieses Fachbuch für Weiterbildungsanbieter und Personalabteilungen bietet ein komplettes Trainingsprogramm: Hintergrundwissen zu Zeit- und Selbstkompetenz sowie pädagogischen Ansätzen, vollständige Moderationsanleitungen, Foliensätze und Arbeitsmaterialien. Ein Methodenbaukasten, der auch im individuellen Coaching einsetzbar ist.

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