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Claude Levi-Strauss: The Bearer of Ashes (Routledge Library Editions: Social and Cultural Anthropology)

by David Pace

Lévi-Strauss is one of the intellectual giants of the twentieth century yet he is a very private and isolated figure, who has been reticent about himself. This book, first published in 1983,provides a fascinating insight into his character through a careful reading of the more speculative passages of his books and interviews. His personal existential and psychological orientation is explored through a structural analysis of Tristes Tropiques, his most personal book, and his writings on art, nature and civilization and through a consideration of his debt to Rousseau. Dr Pace examines in depth Lévi-Strauss’s critique of cultural evolutionism and his attack on the notion of world history. He assesses the political implications of Lévi-Strauss’s own interpretation of human progress through an examination of his debates with Sartre and other Marxists in the 1950s and 1960s and his subsequent movement to the right. The author’s concern throughout is to place the world-view of this great French anthropologist in the context of twentieth-century intellectuals’ struggle to come to grips with cultural relativism and the ‘problem’ of the primitive.

Claus Offe and the Critical Theory of the Capitalist State (Routledge Innovations in Political Theory)

by Jens Borchert Stephan Lessenich

Back in 1972, German political sociologist Claus Offe published a book on the Structural Problems of Late Capitalism which, for almost two decades, inspired and stimulated an international and transdisciplinary debate on the role of the state in contemporary capitalism. An academic debate which, paradoxically, began to wane as the issues about which Offe had been writing became even more prominent: the "Contradictions of the Welfare State" (the title of a collection of Offe’s main contributions to the debate published in English in 1984) and democratic capitalism’s reality of the permanent "crises of crisis management". Since 2008, it has again become a widely shared diagnosis that advanced capitalism is in crisis. However, there is either scholarly disagreement or (more often so) mere perplexity when it comes to understanding this crisis and to explaining the prevalent patterns in dealing with it. In this volume, Jens Borchert and Stephan Lessenich critically combine a reconstruction Claus Offe’s approach to state theory with an analysis of the current constellation of democratic capitalism based on that same theory. In doing so, they expertly argue that his relational approach to state theory is much better equipped analytically to grasp the contradictory dynamics of the financial crisis and its political regulation than competing contributions. This is why systematically revisiting the theory of "late capitalism" is not only of a historical concern, but constitutes an essential contribution to a political sociology of our time.

Claus Offe and the Critical Theory of the Capitalist State (Routledge Innovations in Political Theory)

by Jens Borchert Stephan Lessenich

Back in 1972, German political sociologist Claus Offe published a book on the Structural Problems of Late Capitalism which, for almost two decades, inspired and stimulated an international and transdisciplinary debate on the role of the state in contemporary capitalism. An academic debate which, paradoxically, began to wane as the issues about which Offe had been writing became even more prominent: the "Contradictions of the Welfare State" (the title of a collection of Offe’s main contributions to the debate published in English in 1984) and democratic capitalism’s reality of the permanent "crises of crisis management". Since 2008, it has again become a widely shared diagnosis that advanced capitalism is in crisis. However, there is either scholarly disagreement or (more often so) mere perplexity when it comes to understanding this crisis and to explaining the prevalent patterns in dealing with it. In this volume, Jens Borchert and Stephan Lessenich critically combine a reconstruction Claus Offe’s approach to state theory with an analysis of the current constellation of democratic capitalism based on that same theory. In doing so, they expertly argue that his relational approach to state theory is much better equipped analytically to grasp the contradictory dynamics of the financial crisis and its political regulation than competing contributions. This is why systematically revisiting the theory of "late capitalism" is not only of a historical concern, but constitutes an essential contribution to a political sociology of our time.

Clausewitz Talks Business: An Executive's Guide to Thinking Like a Strategist

by Norton Paley

Clausewitz Talks Business: An Executive's Guide to Thinking Like a Strategist distills the wisdom of Carl von Clausewitz's monumental 1832 classic On War considered by many eminent scholars as the most distinguished Western work on war ever written. This book transposes Clausewitz's most enduring concepts on leadership and strategy to help today's

Claustrophilia: The Erotics of Enclosure in Medieval Literature (The New Middle Ages)

by C. Howie

Through extended readings of English, French, and Italian writers of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth centuries, Claustrophilia shows that medieval enclosures actually make room for desires and communities that a poetics of pure openness would exclude.

Clean Clothes: A Global Movement to End Sweatshops

by Liesbeth Sluiter

The Clean Clothes Campaign is a worldwide movement that aims to improve the wages and conditions of sweatshop workers. This is the story of their struggle.*BR**BR*Large retailers such as Tesco, Walmart and Carrefour lure shoppers in with prices that seem too good to be true. This book shows that they're too good to be fair. All along the industry's supply chain, workers, often children, are exploited through poverty wages, unpaid overtime and harsh anti-union measures. The campaign urges those in charge of the garment industry's supply lines to protect their workers and treat them fairly.*BR**BR*This dynamic account of direct engagement by concerned consumers is a must read for those that see globalisation differently and want their shopping choices to support the most vulnerable people involved in the clothing industry.

Clean Coaching: The insider guide to making change happen

by Angela Dunbar

Most coaches today see their role as mainly non-directive, helping to uncover their coachee’s own wisdom. However, coaches may unwittingly and unconsciously constrain what their coachees talk and think about, getting in the way of unique, self-generated solutions. Clean Coaching provides a different, simple yet highly effective approach to one-to-one facilitation. It is a style, strategy and set of techniques that help coachees gain insight and make changes through discovering more about their own ‘insider’ perspective: of themselves and the world around them. Through the use of specifically-phrased, structured coaching questions, the coach’s own biased perspectives are stripped from their language, ensuring the coachee’s unique personal experience is honoured. In Clean Coaching, Angela Dunbar explains how this approach works in practical terms, with descriptions of how to structure a Clean Coaching session and the steps to take within such a session. The book gives detailed descriptions of the kinds of questions to ask and provides a wealth of analogues, examples and case studies to bring the descriptions alive, offering a clear blueprint for action. In addition, the book explains where Clean Coaching has come from, describing the development of Clean Language and other "Clean" approaches by the psychologist and psychotherapist David Grove. It also tracks how "Clean" approaches have been adopted and adapted by other practitioners. Dunbar draws on current research in the fields of developmental, neurological, cognitive and social psychology to demonstrate why Clean Coaching works so successfully. Exploring Clean Coaching in detail, and informed by both research and practice, this book will be a valuable resource for coaches at all levels, including executive coaches and those in training, as well as managers and executives acting in a coaching capacity.

Clean Coaching: The insider guide to making change happen

by Angela Dunbar

Most coaches today see their role as mainly non-directive, helping to uncover their coachee’s own wisdom. However, coaches may unwittingly and unconsciously constrain what their coachees talk and think about, getting in the way of unique, self-generated solutions. Clean Coaching provides a different, simple yet highly effective approach to one-to-one facilitation. It is a style, strategy and set of techniques that help coachees gain insight and make changes through discovering more about their own ‘insider’ perspective: of themselves and the world around them. Through the use of specifically-phrased, structured coaching questions, the coach’s own biased perspectives are stripped from their language, ensuring the coachee’s unique personal experience is honoured. In Clean Coaching, Angela Dunbar explains how this approach works in practical terms, with descriptions of how to structure a Clean Coaching session and the steps to take within such a session. The book gives detailed descriptions of the kinds of questions to ask and provides a wealth of analogues, examples and case studies to bring the descriptions alive, offering a clear blueprint for action. In addition, the book explains where Clean Coaching has come from, describing the development of Clean Language and other "Clean" approaches by the psychologist and psychotherapist David Grove. It also tracks how "Clean" approaches have been adopted and adapted by other practitioners. Dunbar draws on current research in the fields of developmental, neurological, cognitive and social psychology to demonstrate why Clean Coaching works so successfully. Exploring Clean Coaching in detail, and informed by both research and practice, this book will be a valuable resource for coaches at all levels, including executive coaches and those in training, as well as managers and executives acting in a coaching capacity.

Clean Water: International Clean Water Conference held in La Jolla, California, 28–30 November 1995

by Winston Chow, Robert W. Brocksen and Joe Wisniewski

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS IX PART I CONFERENCE SUMMARY STATEMENT R. W. BROCKSEN, W. CHOW, E. D. DAUGHERTY, Y. G. MUSSALLI, J. WISNIEWSKI and A. L. WOODIS I Clean Water: Factors that Influence its Availability, Quality and its Use: Summary of the International Water Conference 3-7 PART II WATER RESOURCE OVERVIEWS S. PECK I Managing and Protecting Our Water Resources 11-20 R. BROCKSEN, W. CHOW and K. CONNOR I Addressing Electric Utility Surface Water Challenges 21-29 C. LOHSE-HANSON I Lake Superior Binational Program: The Role of Electric Utilities 31-40 J. A. VEIL and D. O. MOSES I Consequences of Proposed Changes to Clean Water Act Thermal Discharges 41-52 PART III ECOLOGICAL I HEALTH RISKS c. SEIGNEUR, E. CONSTANTINOU and L. LEVIN I Multipathway Health Risk Assessment of Power Plant Water Discharges 55-64 C. W. CHEN, J. HERR, R. A. GOLDSTEIN, F. J. SAGONA, K. E. RYLANT and G. E. HAUSER I Watershed Risk Analysis Model for TVA's Holston River Basin 65-70 S. FERSON, L. R. GINZBURG and R. A. GOLDSTEIN I Inferring Ecological Risk from Toxicity Bioassays 71-82 C. ARQUIETT, M. GERKE and I. DATSKOU I Evaluation of Contaminated Groundwater Cleanup Objectives 83-92 G. L. BOWIE, J. G. SANDERS, G. F. RIEDEL, C. C. GILMOUR, D. L. BREITBURG, G. A. CUTIER and D. B. PORCELLA / Assessing Selenium Cycling and Accumulation in Aquatic Ecosystems 93-104 D. W. RODGERS, J. SCHRODER and L.

Clear and Present Safety: The World Has Never Been Better and Why That Matters to Americans

by Michael A. Cohen Micah Zenko

An eye-opening look at the history of national security fear-mongering in America and how it distracts citizens from the issues that really matter What most frightens the average American? Terrorism. North Korea. Iran. But what if none of these are probable or consequential threats to America? What if the world today is safer, freer, wealthier, healthier, and better educated than ever before? What if the real dangers to Americans are noncommunicable diseases, gun violence, drug overdoses—even hospital infections? In this compelling look at what they call the “Threat†‘Industrial Complex,” Michael A. Cohen and Micah Zenko explain why politicians, policy analysts, academics, and journalists are misleading Americans about foreign threats and ignoring more serious national security challenges at home. Cohen and Zenko argue that we should ignore Washington’s threat†‘mongering and focus instead on furthering extraordinary global advances in human development and economic and political cooperation. At home, we should focus on that which actually harms us and undermines our quality of life: substandard schools and healthcare, inadequate infrastructure, gun violence, income inequality, and political paralysis.

Clear blue water?: The Conservative Party and the welfare state since 1940

by Robert M. Page

Has the modern Conservative Party developed a distinctive approach to the post-war welfare state? In exploring this question, this accessible book takes an authoritative look at Conservative Party policy and practice in the modern era. The book takes as its main starting point the progressive One Nation Conservative (1950-64) perspective, which endeavoured to embrace those features of the welfare state deemed compatible with the party’s underlying 'philosophy'. Attention then shifts to the neo-liberal Conservatives (1974-97), who sought to reverse the forward march of the welfare state on the grounds of its 'harmful’ economic and social effects. Finally, David Cameron’s (2005-present day) 'progressive’ neo-liberal Conservative welfare state strategy is put under the spotlight. The book’s time-defined content and broad historical thread make it a valuable resource for academics and students in social policy and politics as well as social history.

Clear blue water?: The Conservative Party and the welfare state since 1940

by Robert M. Page

Has the modern Conservative Party developed a distinctive approach to the post-war welfare state? In exploring this question, this accessible book takes an authoritative look at Conservative Party policy and practice in the modern era. The book takes as its main starting point the progressive One Nation Conservative (1950-64) perspective, which endeavoured to embrace those features of the welfare state deemed compatible with the party’s underlying 'philosophy'. Attention then shifts to the neo-liberal Conservatives (1974-97), who sought to reverse the forward march of the welfare state on the grounds of its 'harmful’ economic and social effects. Finally, David Cameron’s (2005-present day) 'progressive’ neo-liberal Conservative welfare state strategy is put under the spotlight. The book’s time-defined content and broad historical thread make it a valuable resource for academics and students in social policy and politics as well as social history.

Clear Bright Future: A Radical Defence of the Human Being

by Paul Mason

A passionate defence of humanity and a work of radical optimism from the international bestselling author of PostcapitalismHow do we preserve what makes us human in an age of uncertainty? Are we now just consumers shaped by market forces? A sequence of DNA? A collection of base instincts? Or will we soon be supplanted by algorithms and A.I. anyway?In Clear Bright Future, Paul Mason calls for a radical, impassioned defence of the human being, our universal rights and freedoms and our power to change the world around us. Ranging from economics to Big Data, from neuroscience to the culture wars, he draws from his on-the-ground reporting from mass protests in Istanbul to riots in Washington, as well as his own childhood in an English mining community, to show how the notion of humanity has become eroded as never before.In this book Paul Mason argues that we are still capable - through language, innovation and co-operation - of shaping our future. He offers a vision of humans as more than puppets, customers or cogs in a machine. This work of radical optimism asks: Do you want to be controlled? Or do you want something better?

Cleavage, Connection and Conflict in Rural, Urban and Contemporary Asia (ARI - Springer Asia Series #3)

by Tim Bunnell, D. Parthasarathy and Eric C. Thompson

Asia, the location of the world’s fastest-growing economies, is also home to some of the fastest rates of urbanization humanity has ever seen, a process whose speed renders long-term outcomes highly unpredictable. This volume contrasts with much published work on the rural/urban divide, which has tended to focus on single case studies. It provides empirical perspectives from four Asian countries: India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand, and includes a wealth of insights that both critique and expand popular notions of the rural-urban divide. The volume is relevant not just to Asian contexts but to social scientific research on population dynamics more generally. Rather than deploying a single study to chart national trends, three chapters on each country make possible much more complex perspectives. As a result, this volume does more than extend our understanding of the interplay between cities and hinterlands within Asia. It enhances our notions of rural/urban cleavages, connections and conflicts more generally, with data and analysis ready for application to other contexts. Of interest to diverse scholars across the social sciences and Asian studies, this work includes accounts ranging from rural youth real estate entrepreneurs in Hyderabad, India, to social development in Aceh province in Indonesia, devastated by the 2004 tsunami, to the relationship between urban space and commonly held notions of the supernatural in Thailand’s northern city of Chiang Mai.

Clerical Sexual Abuse: How the Crisis Changed US Catholic Church-State Relations (Palgrave Studies in Religion, Politics, and Policy)

by Jo Renee Formicola

The book discusses the changing relationship between American Catholic Bishops and civil authorities in the United States, as civil authority has eclipsed traditional Catholic ecclesiastical privilege and clerical exemption resulting from the hierarchical mismanagement and cover-up of clerical sexual abuse in the United States.

Clever Girls: Autoethnographies of Class, Gender and Ethnicity

by Jackie Goode

This collection by three generations of women from predominantly working-class backgrounds explores the production of the classed, gendered and racialized subject with powerful, engaging, funny and moving stories of transitions through family relationships, education, friendships and work. The developments that take place across a life in processes of ‘becoming’ are examined through the fifteen autoethnographies that form the core of the book, set within an elaboration of the social, educational and geo-political developments that constitute the backdrop to contributors’ lives. Clever Girls discusses the status of personal experience as ‘research data’ and the memory work that goes into the making of autoethnography-as-poiesis. The collection illustrates the huge potential of autoethnography as research method, mode of inquiry and creative practice to illuminate the specificities and commonalities of experiences of growing up as ‘clever girls’ and to sound a ‘call to action’ against inequality and discrimination.

Clever Girls and the Literature of Women's Upward Mobility

by Mary Eagleton

This book follows the figure of ‘the clever girl’ from the post-war to the present and focuses on the fiction, plays and memoirs of contemporary British women writers. Spurred on by an ethic of meritocracy, the clever girl is now facing austerity and declining social mobility. Though suggesting optimism, a public discourse of ‘opportunity’, ‘aspiration’ and ‘choice’ is often experienced as an anxious and chancy process. In a wide-ranging study, the book explores the struggle to move away from home and traditional notions of femininity; the persistent problems associated with women’s embodiment; the pressures of class and racial divisions; the new subjectivities of the neoliberal era; and the generational conflict underpinning austerity. The book ends with a consideration of feminism’s place as a phantom presence in this history of clever girls. This study will appeal to readers of contemporary women’s writing and to those interested in what has been one of the dominant social narratives of the post-war period from upward to declining mobility.

Clever Girls and the Literature of Women's Upward Mobility

by Mary Eagleton

This book follows the figure of ‘the clever girl’ from the post-war to the present and focuses on the fiction, plays and memoirs of contemporary British women writers. Spurred on by an ethic of meritocracy, the clever girl is now facing austerity and declining social mobility. Though suggesting optimism, a public discourse of ‘opportunity’, ‘aspiration’ and ‘choice’ is often experienced as an anxious and chancy process. In a wide-ranging study, the book explores the struggle to move away from home and traditional notions of femininity; the persistent problems associated with women’s embodiment; the pressures of class and racial divisions; the new subjectivities of the neoliberal era; and the generational conflict underpinning austerity. The book ends with a consideration of feminism’s place as a phantom presence in this history of clever girls. This study will appeal to readers of contemporary women’s writing and to those interested in what has been one of the dominant social narratives of the post-war period from upward to declining mobility.

Cleverlands: The Secrets Behind the Success of the World’s Education Superpowers

by Lucy Crehan

As a teacher in an inner-city school, Lucy Crehan was exasperated with ever-changing government policy claiming to be based on lessons from ‘top-performing’ education systems. She resolved to find out what was really going on in the classrooms of countries whose teenagers ranked top in the world in reading, maths and science. Cleverlands documents Crehan’s journey around the world, weaving together her experiences with research on policy, history, psychology and culture to offer extensive new insights into what we can learn from these countries.

Click: What Millions of People Are Doing Online and Why It Matters

by Bill Tancer

What time of year do teenage girls search for prom dresses online? How does the quick adoption of technology affect business success (and how is that related to corn farmers in Iowa)? How do time and money affect the gender of visitors to online dating sites? And how is the Internet itself affecting the way we experience the world? In Click, Bill Tancer takes us behind the scenes into the massive database of online intelligence to reveal the naked truth about how we use the Web, navigate to sites, and search for information--and what all of that says about who we are. As online directories replace the yellow pages, search engines replace traditional research, and news sites replace newsprint, we are in an age in which we've come to rely tremendously on the Internet--leaving behind a trail of information about ourselves as a culture and the direction in which we are headed. With surprising and practical insight, Tancer demonstrates how the Internet is changing the way we absorb information and how understanding that change can be used to our advantage in business and in life. Click analyzes the new generation of consumerism in a way no other book has before, showing how we use the Internet, and how those trends provide a wealth of market research nearly as vast as the Internet itself. Understanding how we change is integral to our success. After all, we are what we click.

Client and Agency: Working Class Responses to Casework

by John Mayer

It is a startling and somewhat disturbing fact that social work researchers-as well as research psychiatrists and psychologists-have rarely explored the treatment situation from the standpoint of the client. Client and Agency, first published in the 1960s, explores by means of free-fl owing interviews, a close-up picture of the client's experiences at a social work agency.There has been a growing awareness of the importance of consumer opinion in the social services following the wide spread impact of consumer groups, particularly those concerned with educational and medical services. Social work agencies have hesitated, uncertain about the researchers and their methods, and fearful of the outcome. But it is desirable that they incorporate the views of consumer groups because client opinion is one way of checking the effectiveness of their work.The practice of social work requires the application of knowledge derived from a variety of sources and academic disciplines. It is frequently difficult to relate conflicting evidence and diverse theories about human behavior for use in day-to- day work with acutely troubled and deprived people. It points to the need for more extensive studies of both consumers and suppliers of social work services because it raises many pertinent questions. In Client and Agency clients of a Family Welfare Association discuss the kind of help they expect to receive, their impressions of the social worker and the treatment process, and the ways they felt they were helped or not helped.

Client and Agency: Working Class Responses to Casework

by John Mayer

It is a startling and somewhat disturbing fact that social work researchers-as well as research psychiatrists and psychologists-have rarely explored the treatment situation from the standpoint of the client. Client and Agency, first published in the 1960s, explores by means of free-fl owing interviews, a close-up picture of the client's experiences at a social work agency.There has been a growing awareness of the importance of consumer opinion in the social services following the wide spread impact of consumer groups, particularly those concerned with educational and medical services. Social work agencies have hesitated, uncertain about the researchers and their methods, and fearful of the outcome. But it is desirable that they incorporate the views of consumer groups because client opinion is one way of checking the effectiveness of their work.The practice of social work requires the application of knowledge derived from a variety of sources and academic disciplines. It is frequently difficult to relate conflicting evidence and diverse theories about human behavior for use in day-to- day work with acutely troubled and deprived people. It points to the need for more extensive studies of both consumers and suppliers of social work services because it raises many pertinent questions. In Client and Agency clients of a Family Welfare Association discuss the kind of help they expect to receive, their impressions of the social worker and the treatment process, and the ways they felt they were helped or not helped.

Client-Centered Business Consulting: The Power of Psychological Understanding (SpringerBriefs in Psychology)

by Federico Addimando

This book explores the psychology behind effective business consulting. We dive into the various factors that shape client behavior and decision-making, and we provide insights into the most effective techniques and strategies for building rapport, establishing trust, and delivering value. Whether you are a seasoned consultant looking to refine your skills, or a new consultant seeking to build a solid foundation, this book is designed to provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to succeed in the dynamic and demanding world of business consulting.

Clients with Complex Needs: Interprofessional Practice

by Jan Keene

The current trend in health care is to view health problems through a broader lens that encompasses both the psychological and social influences on illness. This book reflects practitioners' increasing concern for clients with multifaceted problems. The text takes a practical approach to the problem, based on sound empirical research. It provides insight into the nature of the multiple problems presented by clients and offers practical advice on how to provide the comprehensive support required by these disadvantaged individuals. It offers methods of carrying out psychosocial assessments and explains how these findings may be used in interventions.

Climate Action Upsurge: The Ethnography of Climate Movement Politics (Routledge Advances in Climate Change Research)

by Stuart Rosewarne James Goodman Rebecca Pearse

In the late 2000s climate action became a defining feature of the international political agenda. Evidence of global warming and accelerating greenhouse gas emissions created a new sense of urgency and, despite consensus on the need for action, the growing failure of international climate policy engendered new political space for social movements. By 2007 a ‘climate justice’ movement was surfacing and developing a strong critique of existing official climate policies and engaging in new forms of direct action to assert the need for reduced extraction and burning of fossil fuels. Climate Action Upsurge offers an insight into this important period in climate movement politics, drawing on the perspectives of activists who were directly engaged in the mobilisation process. Through the interpretation of these perspectives the book illustrates important lessons for the climate movement today. In developing its examination of the climate action upsurge, the book focuses on individual activists involved in direct action ‘Climate Camps’ in Australia, while drawing comparisons and highlighting links with climate campaigns in other locales. The book should be of interest to scholars and researchers in climate change, environmental sociology, politics, policy and activism.

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