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Coaching (in) Diversity an Hochschulen: Hintergründe – Ziele – Anlässe – Verfahren

by Birgit Szczyrba Timo Van Treeck Beatrix Wildt Johannes Wildt

Dieses Buch erschließt fundiert und praxisnah Bedeutung, Ansatzpunkte und Aspekte von Beratung als Instrument der Personal- und Hochschulentwicklung im Kontext von Studium und Lehre. Professionelles Coaching unterstützt Akteure in Studium und Lehre sowie in Studiengangs- und Curriculumentwicklungen im Sinne einer neuen Lehr- und Lernkultur. Diskurse um Diversity spielen dabei eine zunehmende Rolle.

Coaching in Government: Stories and Tips for Coaching Professionals

by Theodora J. Fitzsimmons Marykate Behan Dougherty Alan Lee Myers

This book captures the story of how internal coaching was introduced and has since evolved in the U.S. Federal Government. It provides coaches and government agency leaders with skills and tools to help them implement their own successful coaching programs. Written by leaders in the field, the book follows the stories of several pioneers who have implemented coaching programs in government, aiming to help coaches learn from their mistakes and gain from their wisdom. Filled with interviews, case studies, reflective questions, and how-to action points, each chapter accessibly highlights the successes and failures of each program's journey so that professionals can incorporate these lessons in their own practice. Chapters take readers from the beginning considerations to contemplating the future of their programs, focusing on setting a vision, overcoming issues and challenges, leveraging predictors of success, making key decisions, building foundations for sustainability, and creating continuing education for sustainment of change. Accessible and relatable, these stories will help professionals learn from those that have come before them, helping them begin the groundswell of change effectively and proactively in their own programs. This book is essential reading for coaches and government agency leaders, as well as for any public sector agency and any private sector organization that is interested in implementing coaching.

Coaching in Government: Stories and Tips for Coaching Professionals

by Theodora J. Fitzsimmons Marykate Behan Dougherty Alan Lee Myers

This book captures the story of how internal coaching was introduced and has since evolved in the U.S. Federal Government. It provides coaches and government agency leaders with skills and tools to help them implement their own successful coaching programs. Written by leaders in the field, the book follows the stories of several pioneers who have implemented coaching programs in government, aiming to help coaches learn from their mistakes and gain from their wisdom. Filled with interviews, case studies, reflective questions, and how-to action points, each chapter accessibly highlights the successes and failures of each program's journey so that professionals can incorporate these lessons in their own practice. Chapters take readers from the beginning considerations to contemplating the future of their programs, focusing on setting a vision, overcoming issues and challenges, leveraging predictors of success, making key decisions, building foundations for sustainability, and creating continuing education for sustainment of change. Accessible and relatable, these stories will help professionals learn from those that have come before them, helping them begin the groundswell of change effectively and proactively in their own programs. This book is essential reading for coaches and government agency leaders, as well as for any public sector agency and any private sector organization that is interested in implementing coaching.

Coaching in Three Dimensions: Meeting the Challenges of a Complex World (Essential Coaching Skills and Knowledge)

by Paul Lawrence Allen Moore

Traditional approaches to coaching fail to account for the way organizations really work. Attempts to enhance leadership capability one person at a time, through private one-to-one coaching sessions, are unlikely to succeed by themselves. Coaching in Three Dimensions: Meeting the Challenges of a Complex World offers a more connected, systemic approach, aligning coaching with the realities and challenges of organizations operating in an ever more complex world. Coaching in Three Dimensions is structured around a central model: the three dimensions of coaching. Using stories and case studies, the book enables readers to: Consider their current and desired approach to coaching: is it traditional, dialogic, or systemic? Identify which areas of practice they work in and wish to work in: one-to-one coaching, group/team coaching, and/or organizational coaching? Think about stretching their development as a coach in terms of competence, capability, and perspective: how do you enhance your capacity to manage the challenges of increasing complexity? The book explains complexity using simple language and easy-to-recognize examples, and suggests pragmatic approaches going forwards. Coaches will learn how to expand their scope and impact, and to navigate the new and difficult challenges posed by contemporary businesses. Clients wishing to use coaching in complex change work will learn what to look out for in prospective coaches and how to best deploy them in their organizations. Coaching in Three Dimensions will appeal greatly to all coaches, including those working with organisations, students and those in training, as well as HR and OD professionals and senior leaders.

Coaching in Three Dimensions: Meeting the Challenges of a Complex World (Essential Coaching Skills and Knowledge)

by Paul Lawrence Allen Moore

Traditional approaches to coaching fail to account for the way organizations really work. Attempts to enhance leadership capability one person at a time, through private one-to-one coaching sessions, are unlikely to succeed by themselves. Coaching in Three Dimensions: Meeting the Challenges of a Complex World offers a more connected, systemic approach, aligning coaching with the realities and challenges of organizations operating in an ever more complex world. Coaching in Three Dimensions is structured around a central model: the three dimensions of coaching. Using stories and case studies, the book enables readers to: Consider their current and desired approach to coaching: is it traditional, dialogic, or systemic? Identify which areas of practice they work in and wish to work in: one-to-one coaching, group/team coaching, and/or organizational coaching? Think about stretching their development as a coach in terms of competence, capability, and perspective: how do you enhance your capacity to manage the challenges of increasing complexity? The book explains complexity using simple language and easy-to-recognize examples, and suggests pragmatic approaches going forwards. Coaches will learn how to expand their scope and impact, and to navigate the new and difficult challenges posed by contemporary businesses. Clients wishing to use coaching in complex change work will learn what to look out for in prospective coaches and how to best deploy them in their organizations. Coaching in Three Dimensions will appeal greatly to all coaches, including those working with organisations, students and those in training, as well as HR and OD professionals and senior leaders.

Coaching in Times of Crisis and Transformation: How to Help Individuals and Organizations Flourish

by Liz Hall

Coaching in Times of Crisis and Transformation takes an in-depth look at crisis and change in the world we live in today and discusses its impact on both individuals and organizations. Covering not just coaching in the current crisis but any time of crisis and change, it offers a complete, practical resource for managers and coaches to tackle the challenges effectively. This book can help turn a crisis, whether personal or systemic into an opportunity for transformation. Coaching in Times of Crisis and Transformation covers definitions of crisis from both the individual and organizational perspective, including insights on: adapting to change and finding opportunities in crisis, what neuroscience tells us about our reactions to change, transformative coaching, change models, supporting organizations in crisis and how coaching and mentoring can act as preventative measures against crises.

Coaching in Times of Crisis and Transformation: How to Help Individuals and Organizations Flourish

by Liz Hall

Coaching in Times of Crisis and Transformation takes an in-depth look at crisis and change in the world we live in today and discusses its impact on both individuals and organizations. Covering not just coaching in the current crisis but any time of crisis and change, it offers a complete, practical resource for managers and coaches to tackle the challenges effectively. This book can help turn a crisis, whether personal or systemic into an opportunity for transformation. Coaching in Times of Crisis and Transformation covers definitions of crisis from both the individual and organizational perspective, including insights on: adapting to change and finding opportunities in crisis, what neuroscience tells us about our reactions to change, transformative coaching, change models, supporting organizations in crisis and how coaching and mentoring can act as preventative measures against crises.

Coaching jenseits von Tools und Techniken: Philosophie und Psychologie des Coaching aus systemischer Sicht

by Uwe Böning

Ob Psychologie, Philosophie, Soziologie oder Kunst - all diese Disziplinen und weitere können fundamentales Rüstzeug fürs Coaching bieten. Sie liefern Denkweisen und Ideen, die einen qualitativen und herausfordernden theoretischen Rahmen und kreative Impulse für die Praxis darstellen. Uwe Böning, Coaching-Pionier und -Vordenker, stellt in diesem Buch zentrale Themen aus den genannten Disziplinen zusammen und vermittelt damit ein tieferes Verständnis und einen ganzheitlichen Blick für unterschiedliche Varianten und Qualitätsstufen in der Praxis: Worauf kommt es im Coaching im Kern an? Was macht es nachhaltig erfolgreich? Und was macht den Unterschied zwischen Handwerk und Kunst im Coaching? Es geht um Ideen und Verständnis, Hintergründe und Haltungen - statt um Tools und Techniken. Ein Buch für Coaches und Coaching-Ausbilder, Berater, Führungskräfte und Personalmanager.

The Coaching Kaleidoscope: Insights from the Inside (INSEAD Business Press)

by Manfred Kets de Vries, Laura Guillen, Konstantin Korotov and Elizabeth Florent-Treacy

Through sharing the research methodologies, and describing intervention and change techniques used in leadership development, this book, written by IGLC-INSEAD professors and leadership coaches, contributes to a better understanding of how organizations may go beyond coaching in order to create best places to work.

Coaching mit System: Die Kunst nachhaltiger Beratung

by Heinrich Fallner Michael Pohl

Coaching mit System professionalisiert Führungs- und Beratungskräfte, Teams und Organisationen. Wer Veränderungsprozesse gestaltet, braucht qualitätsvolle Begleitung. Für InhaberInnen anspruchsvoller Berufsrollen wird es immer selbstverständlicher, auf die Unterstützung von Personen mit kompetenter Außensicht zurückzugreifen. Coaching und Supervision gehören mittlerweile zur positiven Routine vorausschauenden Organisationshandelns und nachhaltiger Qualitätssicherung. Eine Coachingkultur bildet sich heraus. Dies ist ein Lehr-, Lern- und Werkbuch nachhaltiger Beratung. Als Lehrbuch bietet es Zusammenhangswissen für ein Beratungskonzept mit Anspruch und fördert soziale Kompetenz. Als Werkbuch bietet es anwendungsbezogene Anregungen für die eigene Praxis. Die Autoren verbinden humanwissenschaftliche Fundierung mit lebendiger, bildlicher und praxisnaher Darstellung. Ein Buch sowohl für Fachleute als auch für allgemein am Thema Coaching Interessierte.

Coaching mit System: Die Kunst nachhaltiger Beratung

by Michael Pohl Heinrich Fallner

Coaching mit System ist ein Coachingkonzept für die nachhaltige Begleitung von Führungs- und Veränderungsprozessen. Das Motto lautet „Quer denken, kreativ handeln, Diverses integrieren“. Das Buch vermittelt Zusammenhangswissen für dieses Beratungskonzept, fördert soziale Kompetenz und bietet anwendungsbezogene Anregungen für die Praxis. Die Autoren verbinden humanwissenschaftliche Fundierung mit lebendiger, bildlicher und praxisnaher Darstellung. Ein Buch sowohl für Fachleute als auch für allgemein am Thema Coaching Interessierte.

Coaching Online: A Practical Guide

by Kate Anthony DeeAnna Merz Nagel

Translating traditional coaching methods and competencies for use in the online world, this informative and timely guide shows coaches how to transform their face-to-face practice into one that utilises technological means of communication with clients, mentors, and everyone else associated with their practice. The book offers up-to-the-minute practical and ethical information from two world-expert coaches, leaning on their combined 50 years of experience and study. It covers the practice of online coaching via email, chat, audio/telephone and video methods, as well as the ethics of online coaching (including an ethical framework), case material, supervision, mentoring and training, and a look into the future of the coaching profession in light of technological developments and the culture of cyberspace. Whether you are a coach-in-training or established Coaching Master, this book is an accessible and invaluable tool for taking and maintaining your coaching services online.

Coaching Online: A Practical Guide

by Kate Anthony DeeAnna Merz Nagel

Translating traditional coaching methods and competencies for use in the online world, this informative and timely guide shows coaches how to transform their face-to-face practice into one that utilises technological means of communication with clients, mentors, and everyone else associated with their practice. The book offers up-to-the-minute practical and ethical information from two world-expert coaches, leaning on their combined 50 years of experience and study. It covers the practice of online coaching via email, chat, audio/telephone and video methods, as well as the ethics of online coaching (including an ethical framework), case material, supervision, mentoring and training, and a look into the future of the coaching profession in light of technological developments and the culture of cyberspace. Whether you are a coach-in-training or established Coaching Master, this book is an accessible and invaluable tool for taking and maintaining your coaching services online.

Coaching-Praxisfelder: Forschung und Praxis im Dialog

by Robert Wegener Michael Loebbert Agnès Fritze

Coaching ist längst nicht mehr nur in der Führungskräfteentwicklung und im Sport anzutreffen. Auch in weiteren Handlungsfeldern wie beispielsweise der Politik, dem Gesundheitssektor, der Sozialen Arbeit oder der Wissenschaft findet Coaching vermehrt Verbreitung. Diese rasante Entwicklung aufgreifend, versucht die Publikation die Konturen der immer deutlicher erkennbaren Coaching-Praxisfelder nachzuzeichnen. Mit Beiträgen namhafter Expertinnen und Experten aus dem deutsch- und englischsprachigen Raum werden dazu aktuelle Erkenntnisse aus Wissenschaft und Praxis präsentiert. Einen weiteren Teil der Publikation bilden Coaching-Praxisfelder übergreifende Themen wie Programme, moderne Medien und Evaluationsansätze im Coaching.

Coaching-Praxisfelder. Forschung und Praxis im Dialog

by Robert Wegener, Michael Loebbert and Agnès Fritze

Coaching ist längst nicht mehr nur in der Führungskräfteentwicklung und im Sport anzutreffen. Auch im Kontext weiterer Handlungsfelder wie beispielsweise der Politik, dem Gesundheitssektor, der Sozialen Arbeit oder der Wissenschaft findet Coaching vermehrt Verbreitung. Die rasche Weiterentwicklung von Coaching aufnehmend, leistet diese Publikation einen Beitrag dazu, die Konturen der immer deutlicher erkennbaren Coaching-Praxisfelder nachzuzeichnen. Mit den Beiträgen international namhafter Expertinnen und Experten aus dem deutsch- und englischsprachigen Raum werden dazu aktuelle Erkenntnisse aus Wissenschaft und Praxis präsentiert. Einen weiteren Teil der Publikation bilden Coaching-Praxisfelder übergreifende Themen wie Coaching-Programme, moderne Medien und Evaluationsansätze.

Coaching Psychology: Meta-theoretical Perspectives And Applications In Multicultural Contexts

by Llewellyn E. van Zyl Marius W. Stander Aletta Odendaal

This book offers detailed strategies, methodologies, approaches, practice guidelines, and policy implications effective for professional coaching on the individual, group and organizational level. It details empirical research-based and theoretical perspectives on coaching psychology as well as elaborates upon the fundamentals within multi-cultural contexts. First delivering a general introduction to coaching psychology before going on to examine specific psychological approaches towards coaching. The book also provides a conceptual framework for the use of psychometrics in multi-cultural coaching psychology. Next, the book presents meta-theoretical perspectives and applications for multi-cultural contexts, such as how to enhance leadership with group coaching from a system psychodynamic approach, how coaching can be used to support behavioral engagement and wellbeing, and how to utilize symbolic expressions, art, myths, dreams, and fantasies in coaching. This book provides practical tools towards critical self-reflective practice. Delivering the current state of the art research by presenting psychological coaching strategies theory and practice in one viewpoint. It also informs on the activity of various research approaches, thus interesting the broader student and academic reader. It will help all readers evaluate their current coaching competencies and, in the end, become better coaches. The book will also serve as an ideal resource for psychologists who want to migrate into coaching psychology.

Coaching Psychology for Learning: Facilitating Growth in Education (Coaching Psychology)

by Qing Wang

The contribution of coaching psychology to educational fields is increasingly recognised. This timely book introduces coaching psychology as a facilitative method to support learning in different educational contexts.Coaching Psychology for Learning: Facilitating Growth in Education is conveniently organised into three parts: Part One begins with a detailed account of educational paradigms, learning theories, and coaching psychology theories; it then reviews important studies of coaching applied to the educational field and identifies a number of gaps to which coaching psychology for learning can contribute; Part Two presents two empirical participatory studies of coaching psychology for learning, which draw from both doctoral research conducted in the UK and educational work in Mainland China; two original and evidence-based coaching models are also illustrated; Part Three consolidates the empirical evidence and original coaching models by exploring the nature of educational coaching, including the context, purpose, processes, and people and their interrelations. The review of learning theories and coaching psychology theories in Part One enables the reader to gain a quick understanding of coaching psychology and its role in education, while the empirical studies in Part Two are particularly useful for undergraduate and postgraduate students, providing practical examples of how to conduct coaching psychology research in the field of education, in both the West and the East. The book also offers advice on design and implementation issues, which will benefit educational psychologists and coaching psychologists who wish to focus their professional practice in education.Coaching Psychology for Learning is essential reading for any teacher, student or practitioner who wishes to become an educational coach to facilitate learning. It will appeal to coaches and coaching psychologists, including those in training and at postgraduate level, as well as professionals in educational settings, such as school leaders, counsellors and coaches, and educational psychologists.

Coaching Psychology for Learning: Facilitating Growth in Education (Coaching Psychology)

by Qing Wang

The contribution of coaching psychology to educational fields is increasingly recognised. This timely book introduces coaching psychology as a facilitative method to support learning in different educational contexts.Coaching Psychology for Learning: Facilitating Growth in Education is conveniently organised into three parts: Part One begins with a detailed account of educational paradigms, learning theories, and coaching psychology theories; it then reviews important studies of coaching applied to the educational field and identifies a number of gaps to which coaching psychology for learning can contribute; Part Two presents two empirical participatory studies of coaching psychology for learning, which draw from both doctoral research conducted in the UK and educational work in Mainland China; two original and evidence-based coaching models are also illustrated; Part Three consolidates the empirical evidence and original coaching models by exploring the nature of educational coaching, including the context, purpose, processes, and people and their interrelations. The review of learning theories and coaching psychology theories in Part One enables the reader to gain a quick understanding of coaching psychology and its role in education, while the empirical studies in Part Two are particularly useful for undergraduate and postgraduate students, providing practical examples of how to conduct coaching psychology research in the field of education, in both the West and the East. The book also offers advice on design and implementation issues, which will benefit educational psychologists and coaching psychologists who wish to focus their professional practice in education.Coaching Psychology for Learning is essential reading for any teacher, student or practitioner who wishes to become an educational coach to facilitate learning. It will appeal to coaches and coaching psychologists, including those in training and at postgraduate level, as well as professionals in educational settings, such as school leaders, counsellors and coaches, and educational psychologists.

Coaching Psychology for Mental Health: Borderline Personality Disorder and Personal Psychological Recovery (Coaching Psychology)

by Martin O'Connor Hugh O'Donovan

Traditionally, coaching psychologists have worked with people who aren’t experiencing significant mental distress or have diagnosed mental illness. This book describes an innovative and challenging project of bringing coaching psychology to the lived experience of individuals with a diagnosed mental illness, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). The authors present a case for why coaching psychology needs to be constructively challenged to broaden its base and be more inclusive and of service to people experiencing BPD in particular. The book describes a coaching interaction involving coaching psychologists and a number of individuals with BPD who had completed a behavioural skills programme (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy; DBT). It explores the epistemological and practice tensions involving the dominance of clinical recovery (elimination of symptoms) in mental health services and personal or psychological recovery (originating in the narratives of people with a diagnosis of mental illness who yearn to live a life worth living). This book, written amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, makes a compelling case for coaching psychologists to engage with the philosophy and practice implications of personal recovery, at both professional and personal levels. It will be vital reading for those engaged in coaching psychology and for the education, training and continuous professional development of coaches and coaching psychologists.

Coaching Psychology for Mental Health: Borderline Personality Disorder and Personal Psychological Recovery (Coaching Psychology)

by Martin O'Connor Hugh O'Donovan

Traditionally, coaching psychologists have worked with people who aren’t experiencing significant mental distress or have diagnosed mental illness. This book describes an innovative and challenging project of bringing coaching psychology to the lived experience of individuals with a diagnosed mental illness, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). The authors present a case for why coaching psychology needs to be constructively challenged to broaden its base and be more inclusive and of service to people experiencing BPD in particular. The book describes a coaching interaction involving coaching psychologists and a number of individuals with BPD who had completed a behavioural skills programme (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy; DBT). It explores the epistemological and practice tensions involving the dominance of clinical recovery (elimination of symptoms) in mental health services and personal or psychological recovery (originating in the narratives of people with a diagnosis of mental illness who yearn to live a life worth living). This book, written amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, makes a compelling case for coaching psychologists to engage with the philosophy and practice implications of personal recovery, at both professional and personal levels. It will be vital reading for those engaged in coaching psychology and for the education, training and continuous professional development of coaches and coaching psychologists.

Coaching Science

by Dan Gordon

Coaching is an increasingly important area of sports science courses, and this text provides accessible and up-to-date coverage of this key topic. Modern coaches need to be applied scientists who keep abreast of research and are able to apply a multidisciplinary understanding to their practice. The book therefore examines coaching in terms of biomechanics, physiology and psychology, as well as perennial issues such as athlete motivation, nutrition, design of training programmes, talent identification, monitoring and ethics. Written by an author who combines academic expertise with high-level practical experience, the book successfully links theory with case studies.

Coaching Self-Organising Teams: Helping Teams Flourish

by Ro Gorell

There is a tendency to assume that teams will naturally know how to self-organise and optimise their collective talents. This thoughtful and engaging book explores the practicalities of coaching teams and some of the challenges that naturally occur because of who we are as human beings. Part of The Professional Coaching Series, this book challenges the assumption that self-organising teams will work in all settings, answering some of the recurring questions and challenges observed in many organisations. How do we connect with each other, so we create trust? How do we work through conflict and see it as part of a natural ebb and flow in relationships? How do we create meaningful work in the context of an ever-changing environment? The opening chapter lays out some basic team coaching principles to help set the stage for coaching people in teams and there are coaching questions in each chapter to engage the reader, as well as tools they can use immediately. Coaching teams is more than just applying coaching skills. It requires a deep understanding of how people behave and an adaptive approach to coaching. This book provides both research references and practical tools to help team coaches start their team coaching journey.

Coaching Self-Organising Teams: Helping Teams Flourish

by Ro Gorell

There is a tendency to assume that teams will naturally know how to self-organise and optimise their collective talents. This thoughtful and engaging book explores the practicalities of coaching teams and some of the challenges that naturally occur because of who we are as human beings. Part of The Professional Coaching Series, this book challenges the assumption that self-organising teams will work in all settings, answering some of the recurring questions and challenges observed in many organisations. How do we connect with each other, so we create trust? How do we work through conflict and see it as part of a natural ebb and flow in relationships? How do we create meaningful work in the context of an ever-changing environment? The opening chapter lays out some basic team coaching principles to help set the stage for coaching people in teams and there are coaching questions in each chapter to engage the reader, as well as tools they can use immediately. Coaching teams is more than just applying coaching skills. It requires a deep understanding of how people behave and an adaptive approach to coaching. This book provides both research references and practical tools to help team coaches start their team coaching journey.

The Coaching Shift: How A Coaching Mindset and Skills Can Change You, Your Interactions, and the World Around You

by Shonna D. Waters Brodie Gregory Riordan

The Coaching Shift: How A Coaching Mindset and Skills Can Change You, Your Interactions, and the World Around You offers practical guidance on how to adopt a coaching mindset and how to build a coaching skill set to unlock better communication, stronger relationships, and high performance in others. Accessible and practical, the book draws on research from coaching, neuroscience, cognitive psychology, social psychology, and industrial-organizational psychology to provide the best science-based practices that can be applied in work and life. It presents core coaching skills that anyone can develop and use to improve their own emotions, thoughts, behaviors, and interactions with others. It uses levels of analysis to help readers think about key concepts first in relation to themselves, and then in 1:1 interactions, group and team dynamics, organizational-level impact, and beyond. The book offers specific and tangible advice for readers to develop their coaching and communication skills, while also developing a deeper understanding of themselves. The Coaching Shift, with its clear tone, anecdotal references, and practical application, will be essential reading for coaches in practice and in training, and for academics and students of coaching and coaching psychology. These concepts and practices are also relevant for anyone who wants to have more effective interactions with others.

The Coaching Shift: How A Coaching Mindset and Skills Can Change You, Your Interactions, and the World Around You

by Shonna D. Waters Brodie Gregory Riordan

The Coaching Shift: How A Coaching Mindset and Skills Can Change You, Your Interactions, and the World Around You offers practical guidance on how to adopt a coaching mindset and how to build a coaching skill set to unlock better communication, stronger relationships, and high performance in others. Accessible and practical, the book draws on research from coaching, neuroscience, cognitive psychology, social psychology, and industrial-organizational psychology to provide the best science-based practices that can be applied in work and life. It presents core coaching skills that anyone can develop and use to improve their own emotions, thoughts, behaviors, and interactions with others. It uses levels of analysis to help readers think about key concepts first in relation to themselves, and then in 1:1 interactions, group and team dynamics, organizational-level impact, and beyond. The book offers specific and tangible advice for readers to develop their coaching and communication skills, while also developing a deeper understanding of themselves. The Coaching Shift, with its clear tone, anecdotal references, and practical application, will be essential reading for coaches in practice and in training, and for academics and students of coaching and coaching psychology. These concepts and practices are also relevant for anyone who wants to have more effective interactions with others.

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