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Showing 12,176 through 12,200 of 13,412 results

Tipps und Tricks für den Sportmediziner: Problemlösungen von A-Z (Tipps und Tricks)

by Christian Helge Siebert Christian Breuer Stefan Krüger Oliver Miltner

Die Sportmedizin ist ein interdisziplinäres Fach der Medizin, das den Einfluss von Bewegung, Training und Sport auf den gesunden und kranken Menschen untersucht. Bislang fehlte ein Ratgeber, der aktuelle Probleme in der Sportmedizin aufgreift und erprobte Lösungen anbietet. Das vorliegende Buch schließt diese Lücke: In über 100 Tipps werden häufig auftretende Schwierigkeiten geschildert und Ratschläge gegeben, wie man diese Probleme lösen kann. Die Beiträge sind alphabetisch geordnet und übersichtlich strukturiert, wodurch die einzelnen Stichworte schnell auffindbar und leicht nachzuvollziehen sind. Die Lösungsvorschläge sind häufig kostengünstig und gewährleisten einen sicheren Umgang mit dem Patienten. Fast alle Methoden und Techniken werden durch Abbildungen veranschaulicht. Dieses Buch ist jedem Arzt, der im Bereich Sportmedizin tätig ist, wärmstens zu empfehlen, es enthält aber auch für interessierte Studenten viele wertvolle Informationen, die über das Lehrbuchwissen hinausgehen. Aus einer Rezension des Bandes "Tipps und Tricks für den Urologen": "Die Tipps und Tricks sind eine wahre Fundgrube von Ideen, von denen sowohl der Anfänger als auch der Erfahrene profitieren kann." (Münchner ärztliche Anzeigen)

Tips and Techniques in Elbow Surgery: A Practical Approach

by Joshua S. Dines Roger Van Riet Christopher L. Camp Teruhisa Mihata

Bringing together the top elbow surgeons from around the world, this contemporary, up-to-date text presents surgical tips and techniques for the most common elbow procedures. Because authorship will be limited to leaders in the field, the emphasis will be on practical tips and techniques that can readily be implemented in the clinical and surgical environment.This text covers approximately 50 of the most common elbow surgical procedures, which are further subdivided into the following five categories: Trauma, Degenerative, Arthroscopy, Sports, and Neurologic. The focus of each chapter is on describing the precise clinical and surgical techniques used by the experts in each of these areas. Each chapter highlights a specific procedure and benefits from a consistent chapter approach: Description, Principles, Indications, Contraindications, Procedural Steps, Handling Difficulties, and Bailout and Salvage options. Given the international representation of the editors and authors, Tips and Techniques in Elbow Surgery will appeal to a very wide audience and will be of benefit to any surgeon who treats elbow injuries.

Tips and Tricks for Problem Fractures, Volume I: The Upper Extremity

by Daniel S. Horwitz Michael Suk Teresa K. Swenson

This pocket-sized, user-friendly text provides a simple guide for the treatment of common orthopedic fractures of the upper extremity, focusing on techniques, tips and tricks. It utilizes a case-based structure with great attention given to the specific steps required to obtain excellent outcomes while also pointing out pitfalls and ways to salvage intraoperative complications. The chapters are presented anatomically from shoulder to fingertips, beginning with clavicle fractures, acromioclavicular and sternoclavicular joint injuries and scapula fractures. The various types of fracture to the humerus, elbow, radius and ulna follow, with concluding chapters covering fractures and dislocations of the wrist and hand. Throughout the book, a consistent chapter format is followed, comprised of an introduction, clinical presentation and diagnosis, relevant radiology, management strategies, outcomes, and clinical pearls and pitfalls.Incorporating the most recent implants and operative techniques, Tips and Tricks for Problem Fractures, Volume I will be a timely and handy resource for orthopedic surgeons, fellows, residents and students.

Tips und Tricks für den Traumatologen: Problemlösungen von A bis Z (Tipps und Tricks)

by Christian H. Siebert Bruno C. Heinz

Dieses Buch befaßt sich mit zahlreichen Schwierigkeiten der Diagnostik und Therapie in der Unfallchirurgie und der traumatologischen Orthopädie, die in Klinik und Praxis auftreten können. In über 100 Tips und Tricks werden die Probleme geschildert und Lösungen oder Alternativen vorgeschlagen, die häufig besonders kostengünstig un patientenfreundlich sind. Die Beiträge sind alphabetisch geordnet und übersichtlich strukturiert, wodurch die einzelnen Stichworte schnell auffindbar und leicht nachvollziehbar sind. Fast alle Methoden und Techniken werden durch zahlreiche Abbildungen zusätzlich veranschaulicht. Dieses Buch ist jedem Unfallchirurgen, Sportmediziner und Orthopäden wärmstens zu empfehlen, es enthält aber auch für interessierte Studenten viele wertvolle Informationen, die über das Lehrbuchwissen hinausgehen.

Tired of London, Tired of Life: One Thing A Day To Do in London

by Tom Jones

As the late great Samuel Johnson sagely observed, 'When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.' When author Tom Jones found himself doing the same things week in, week out while living in England's treasured capital, he decided to heed Johnson's words and seek out a thing to do each day in London to make him fall back in love with the city.Here, in Tired of London, Tired of Life, Tom shares the fun, diverting and imaginative things that you can do to keep yourself amused in London. With seasonally appropriate suggestions for each day of the year, you can explore East London by canoe, search for Fagin's lair in Clerkenwell, play petanque in Southwark, seek out Aphrodite in the British Museum on Valentine's Day and enjoy a host of unusual ways to enjoy the capital. So grab your A-Z and start discovering a whole other side to this majestic city.

Tischtennis – Das Praxisbuch für Studium, Training und Freizeitsport (Sportpraxis)

by Timo Klein-Soetebier Axel Binnenbruck

Dieses Lehrbuch verknüpft erstmals wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu der Sportart Tischtennis mit praktischen Handlungsempfehlungen für Training und Wettkampf. Es wurde in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Deutschen Tischtennis-Bund (DTTB) konzipiert und richtet sich insbesondere an Sport-Studierende mit Praxismodulen sowie an trainingswissenschaftlich- und pädagogisch-interessierte Trainer*innen und Übungsleiter*innen im Breiten- und Freizeitsport. Mithilfe der Buchinhalte können Sie die technischen und taktischen Elemente der Sportart Tischtennis erlernen und Ihre Spielfähigkeit unter verschiedenen Wettkampfbedingungen – z. B. Doppel und Einzel – weiterentwickeln. Darüber hinaus lernen Sie als Trainer*in praxisnahe didaktisch-methodische Ansätze kennen, um unterschiedliche Schwerpunkte zu setzen und ein angepasstes Tischtennistraining für nahezu jede Zielgruppe planen und durchführen zu können. Abrufbare Videos, beispielsweise zum Aufschlagtraining oder zur Beinarbeitstechnik, veranschaulichen Trainingsinhalte und ermöglichen einen einfachen Praxistransfer. Zusätzlich erhalten Sie einen vertiefenden Einblick in die Besonderheiten, Alleinstellungsmerkmale und aktuellen Entwicklungen im Tischtennis. Insgesamt bietet dieses Lehrbuch die optimale Basis sowohl für Ihre eigene persönliche Entwicklung im Tischtennis als auch für die Wissensvermittlung an zukünftige Instrukteure dieser Sportart.

Titanic on Trial: The Night The Titanic Sank - Told Through The Testimonies Of Her Passengers And Crew

by Nic Compton

On 15 April 2012, it will be 100 years since the Titanicsank. Since that fateful night, stories about the sinking have becomelegendary - how the band played tothe end, how lifeboats were lowered half-empty - but amongst the films,novels and academic arguments, only those who were there canseparate truth from fiction.After the sinking, inquiries into the loss of 1,517 lives (out of2,223 aboard) were held in both the UK and US. The proceedings produced1,000 pages of transcripts. Some of the testimonies were inevitably less than impartial, but as a whole thetranscripts represent the most thorough and complete account of thesinking, told in the voices of those who were there.For the first time these transcripts have been specially edited and arranged chronologically, so that they tell the story ofthe Titanic's sinking as a narrative, rather than a list ofquestions and answers in a courtroom. Thewitnesses are transformed into characters in a much biggerstory, and the events are described from different perspectives of people inevery part of the ship, from a stoker in the boiler room escaping hissection before the watertight doors sealed behind him, to first classpassengers trying to buy their way onto lifeboats.Capturing the disbelief, the chaos and the terror of the disaster, thisunique book brings to life the tragedy through the voices of those whosurvived it.

Titanic on Trial

by Nic Compton

On 15 April 2012, it will be 100 years since the Titanicsank. Since that fateful night, stories about the sinking have becomelegendary - how the band played tothe end, how lifeboats were lowered half-empty - but amongst the films,novels and academic arguments, only those who were there canseparate truth from fiction.After the sinking, inquiries into the loss of 1,517 lives (out of2,223 aboard) were held in both the UK and US. The proceedings produced1,000 pages of transcripts. Some of the testimonies were inevitably less than impartial, but as a whole thetranscripts represent the most thorough and complete account of thesinking, told in the voices of those who were there.For the first time these transcripts have been specially edited and arranged chronologically, so that they tell the story ofthe Titanic's sinking as a narrative, rather than a list ofquestions and answers in a courtroom. Thewitnesses are transformed into characters in a much biggerstory, and the events are described from different perspectives of people inevery part of the ship, from a stoker in the boiler room escaping hissection before the watertight doors sealed behind him, to first classpassengers trying to buy their way onto lifeboats.Capturing the disbelief, the chaos and the terror of the disaster, thisunique book brings to life the tragedy through the voices of those whosurvived it.

The Title: The Story of the First Division

by Scott Murray

Some folk will tell you the FA Premier League is the greatest show on earth. They may even have a point. But to build something so successful, so popular, so inescapable, you've got to have mighty strong foundations.Prior to 1992, the old First Division was England's premier prize. Its rich tapestry winds back to 1888 and the formation of the Football League. A grand century-long tradition in danger of being lost in the wake of Premier League year zero.No more! In The Title Scott Murray tells the lively, cherry-picked story of English football through the prism of the First Division. Rich with humour yet underpinned with solid research, this is a glorious meander across our national sport's varied terrain.With as much about Burnley, Wolves, West Brom and Portsmouth as the likes of Arsenal, Liverpool and Manchester United, we learn the less well-known stories the sport has to tell, such as the plight of Glossop, the smallest club to ever play top-flight football, and final day drama involving Huddersfield and Cardiff that knocks Michael Thomas into a cocked hat. We bask in the managerial genius of Tom Watson, the bowler-hatted Victorian Mourinho; celebrate the joy of the Busby Babes; discover the shameless showmanship of George Allison; embark on righteous escapades with Hughie Gallacher; and meet some old favourites in Don Revie, Bill Shankly, Alex Ferguson and Brian Clough.At turns exciting, surprising, witty and bittersweet, The Title is a highly informed, fresh and affectionate love-letter to the English game, and a delight for any football fan.

To Barcelona and Beyond: 'The Men Who Lived Rangers' European Dream

by Paul Smith

Rangers have more than 100 trophies to the club's credit in an illustrious history - but only one of those prizes has been claimed on foreign shores. The triumph over Moscow Dynamo in the 1972 European Cup Winners' Cup final in the Nou Camp stadium is the achievement Ibrox teams have been attempting to emulate for decades since that famous win. To Barcelona and Beyond charts the twists and turns of that celebrated European campaign and tells the real story, in the players' own words, of the men who made it happen. Through a unique collection of interviews with all eleven of the Barca Bears and comprehensive biographical profiles, Paul Smith charts the journey of a group of home-grown players who went on to propel Rangers to continental glory - and just where football's rollercoaster has taken them in the years that have followed. Each player had a major part to play in that most memorable of nights and each tells their story. With additional material studying the experiences of the army of travelling supporters and examining the business aspect of the 1972 triumph, To Barcelona and Beyond pays a lasting tribute to one of the greatest occasions in Scottish football.

To Catch A Cloud

by Elena de Roo

I spy a cloud go floating byWhere do you go, Cloud, so high?To the seaShe singsWhere the wild gulls flyThen catch me if you canI cryWe race each other to the seaCan''t catch me, CloudCan't catch meA boy and a dog follow a cloud out to sea, but as the weather worsens he relies on the whales and waves to bear him home.

To Every Thing a Season: Shibe Park and Urban Philadelphia, 1909-1976

by Bruce Kuklick

Shibe Park was demolished in 1976, and today its site is surrounded by the devastation of North Philadelphia. Kuklick, however, vividly evokes the feelings people had about the home of the Philadelphia Athletics and later the Phillies.

To Every Thing a Season: Shibe Park and Urban Philadelphia, 1909-1976

by Bruce Kuklick

Shibe Park was demolished in 1976, and today its site is surrounded by the devastation of North Philadelphia. Kuklick, however, vividly evokes the feelings people had about the home of the Philadelphia Athletics and later the Phillies.

To Every Thing a Season: Shibe Park and Urban Philadelphia, 1909-1976

by Bruce Kuklick

Shibe Park was demolished in 1976, and today its site is surrounded by the devastation of North Philadelphia. Kuklick, however, vividly evokes the feelings people had about the home of the Philadelphia Athletics and later the Phillies.

To Heaven’s Heights: An Anthology of Skiing in Literature

by Ingrid Christophersen

To Heaven’s Heights is an eclectic collection of ski stories from world famous authors from Leni Riefenstahl to Garrison Keillor, by way of Ian Fleming and Bill Bryson. Spanning one thousand years and with contributions from over 60 authors, the anthology celebrates skiing as a means of transport, communication, hunting, exploring, and latterly as an Olympic sport and a leisure activity enjoyed by millions around the globe. With writings of accidents and avalanches, magic and mystery, these stories are for children and grown-ups, ski racers and armchair athletes. Proceeds from the book will go to Snow Camp, the UK’s National Snowsports charity, giving young inner-city children the opportunity to experience the mountains and in many cases turn their lives around.

To Hell and Back: An Autobiography

by Niki Lauda

Niki Lauda drove a car for sport, but crossed the line between life and death and fought back to even greater glory. Even people who know nothing of Formula One have heard of his crash at Nurburgring in 1976, when we was dragged from the inferno of his Ferrari so badly injured he was given the last rites. Within 33 days, he was racing again at Monza. His wounds bled, he had no eyelids. He was terrified. A year later, he reclaimed his World Championship title.In To Hell and Back he reveals how he battled fear to stage a comeback that seemed beyond human endurance. Then it’s Lauda vs Hunt, an epic rivalry later dramatized in 2013’s Hollywood blockbuster Rush, and he looks back on the strict childhood and parental disapproval that he believes gave him an ‘addiction to excellence’. There’ll never be another like him.

To Hell on a Bike: Riding Paris-Roubaix: The Toughest Race in Cycling

by Iain MacGregor

SHORTLISTED FOR CYCLING BOOK OF THE YEAR AT THE BRITISH SPORTS BOOK AWARDS'Paris-Roubaix is the best race in the world and knocks spots off the Tour de France.' Sir Bradley Wiggins.Paris-Roubaix. The Hell of the North. The ultimate monument in cycling's Classics. More than 150 miles across dusty or muddy roads, much of it puncture-inducing and bone-breaking cobblestones. Even professional riders blanche at the very mention of it. Tour de France winners (with the notable exception of Wiggins in 2014) make their excuses from it. So why on earth would an amateur even dare to attempt it?In To Hell on a Bike, Iain MacGregor does just that and as he prepares for the ride of his life, he explores the history and culture of this extraordinary race. With insights from legends of the sport, trainers, mechanics and fellow writers, as well as those who have maintained the traditions of Paris-Roubaix since its inception over a century ago, it is the ultimate story of the ultimate cycling challenge.

To Live: Fighting for life on the killer mountain

by Élisabeth Revol

On 25 January 2018, Élisabeth Revol and her climbing partner Tomasz Mackiewicz summited Nanga Parbat, the killer mountain. Situated in the Karakoram, the world’s ninth-highest peak is an immense ice-armoured pyramid of rock rising to an altitude of 8,126 metres. Élisabeth and Tomek had completed only the second winter ascent of the mountain, and Élisabeth had become the first woman to summit Nanga Parbat in winter. But their euphoria was short-lived. As soon as they reached the top, their adventure turned into a nightmare as Tomek was struck by blindness.In her own words, Élisabeth tells the story of this tragedy and the extraordinary rescue operation that resounded across the globe as fellow climbers flew in from K2 to help the stricken pair. She confronts her memories, her terror, her immense pain and the heartbreak of having survived, alone. To Live is Élisabeth Revol’s poignant tribute to her friend and climbing partner.

To the Baltic with Bob: An Epic Misadventure

by Griff Rhys Jones

In the summer of 2002, two profoundly amateur sailors, Griff and Bob, set off in an elderly yacht for Russia, because, on the map, it looked easier than sailing to Cornwall. They took Baines with them, as he knew how to mend the engine. And this is their story.Over four long months of applied bickering in a vessel no bigger than a London taxi, they visited most of the geographically interesting restaurants on the Baltic seaboard. They sailed, over, and, even at one point, onto the mysterious heart of the Nordic world. They pushed themselves to the very limits of human endurance, before finally agreeing to wash their sleeping bags on a cool cycle at number six.To the Baltic with Bob is the full account of their stirring journey through the longest heat wave the frozen north has ever suffered; of three men in search of the answer to a troubling question: can you really outmanoeuvre a mid-life crisis by running away to sea?

To the Edge: A Man, Death Valley, and the Mystery of Endurance

by Kirk Johnson

This extreme sports saga, part Plimptonesque narrative, part spiritual journey, explores the limits of personal endurance as a determined journalist takes on a 135-mile Death Valley marathon.Journalist Kirk Johnson knows pain—mind-numbing, bodywracking pain. When his beloved older brother commits suicide, Kirk starts running— running to escape, running to understand, running straight into the hell of Badwater, the ultimate test of endurance equal to five consecutive marathons. From the inferno of Death Valley to the freezing summit of Mt. Whitney, alongside a group of dreamers, fanatics, and virtual running machines, Kirk will stare down his limitations and his fears on a journey inward—a journey that just might offer the redemption of his deepest and most personal loss.

To the Greatest Heights: One woman's inspiring journey to the top of Everest and beyond

by Vanessa O'Brien

'What a wonderful, honest, refreshing book, full of free-spirited adventure, humour and profound thoughts to provide inspiration to anyone who simply dreams of getting out and doing their own thing' SIR CHRIS BONINGTON'Ernest Shackleton listed those qualities an explorer should possess over a century ago: optimism, patience, idealism with imagination, and courage. Vanessa's qualities are truly akin to these' ALEXANDRA SHACKLETONWhen Vanessa O'Brien was made redundant in 2008 as part of the recession, she moved to Hong Kong with her husband for his career and resigned herself to being 'just the wife'. There she was, aged 46, bored, uninspired, unemployed. Was this going to be how she was going to live the rest of her life?One night in the infamous Kee Club, over shots of tequila, a friend suggested O'Brien climb Everest, and that was the start of an epic journey she never looked back from as she climbed Everest, K2 and many other mountains. This is her inspirational story. As O'Brien says, she couldn't explain to her readers how she got to the top of K2 at the age of 52 without being honest about what came before. In To the Greatest Heights, she reveals the trials and tribulations of her difficult childhood, and the result is a life-affirming book that shows how she achieved these climbs in spite of and because of her past. To read To the Greatest Heights is to know that there is a path to overcoming the worst of what happens to us, a path that helps us reach the summit of our lives too, whatever our age.

Today We Die a Little: Emil Zátopek, Olympic Legend to Cold War Hero

by Richard Askwith

LONGLISTED FOR THE WILLIAM HILL SPORTS BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARDSHORTLISTED FOR THE CROSS SPORTS BOOK AWARDS BIOGRAPHY OF THE YEAR The definitive biography of one of the greatest, most extraordinary runners and Olympic heroes of all time, from the author of running classic Feet in the Clouds. Emil Zátopek won five Olympic medals, set 18 world records, and went undefeated over 10,000 metres for six years. He redefined the boundaries of endurance, training in Army boots, in snow, in sand, in darkness. But his toughness was matched by a spirit of friendship and a joie de vivre that transcended the darkest days of the Cold War. His triumphs put his country on the map, yet when Soviet tanks moved in to crush Czechoslovakia’s new freedoms in 1968, Zátopek paid a heavy personal price for his brave defence of ‘socialism with a human face’. Rehabilitated two decades later, he was a shadow of the man he had been – and the world had all but forgotten him.Today We Die A Little strips away the myths to tell the complex and deeply moving story of the most inspiring Olympic hero of them all.

Together on Top of the World: The Remarkable Story of the First Couple to Climb the Fabled Seven Summits

by Phil Ershler Susan Ershler Robin Simons

On May 16, 2002, Phil and Susan Ershler reached the top of Mt. Everest and became the first couple in history to scale the fabled Seven Summits. What made their achievement all the more remarkable was that Susan was not a mountain climber, but a high-powered Fortune 500 executive who had never hiked or climbed until she met Phil at the age of 36. Phil, a professional mountain guide who was the first American to summit Everest from its treacherous north face, had climbed his whole life with Crohn's disease, a chronic, debilitating illness. Adding to these challenges, just before their final summit, Phil was diagnosed with colon cancer, and the resulting surgeries and complications were expected to end his career. This is Susan and Phil's story: a tale of love set in the mountains, a story of triumphal highs and devastating lows in quest of a seemingly impossible dream.

Tokyo 2020 Olympics For Dummies

by Celeste Kiyoko Hall

Make the most of your 2020 Olympic adventure! If you dream of traveling to the Olympic games but feel overwhelmed by the thought of a trip to Japan, then Tokyo 2020 Olympics For Dummies is for you. Hundreds of thousands of international travelers will arrive in Tokyo for the next Olympics to share in the worldwide camaraderie and watch world-class athletes in 33 sports. This book is your complete authority on how to join in! Learn about travel options, safety, customs, and facts about the Olympic Games. Tokyo is an amazing destination, and you’ll be prepared for the voyage of a lifetime with knowledge of Japanese culture and trip planning tips. Plan your trip to the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan Be prepared with tips on Japanese culture, customs, language, and more Learn about how the Olympic Games are structured to make the best of your time Stay stress free and have fun with international travel advice and Olympic facts! As you prepare for your once-in-a-lifetime excursion, keep this guide within easy reach!

Tokyo 2020 Olympics For Dummies

by Celeste Kiyoko Hall

Make the most of your 2020 Olympic adventure! If you dream of traveling to the Olympic games but feel overwhelmed by the thought of a trip to Japan, then Tokyo 2020 Olympics For Dummies is for you. Hundreds of thousands of international travelers will arrive in Tokyo for the next Olympics to share in the worldwide camaraderie and watch world-class athletes in 33 sports. This book is your complete authority on how to join in! Learn about travel options, safety, customs, and facts about the Olympic Games. Tokyo is an amazing destination, and you’ll be prepared for the voyage of a lifetime with knowledge of Japanese culture and trip planning tips. Plan your trip to the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan Be prepared with tips on Japanese culture, customs, language, and more Learn about how the Olympic Games are structured to make the best of your time Stay stress free and have fun with international travel advice and Olympic facts! As you prepare for your once-in-a-lifetime excursion, keep this guide within easy reach!

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