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Yoga ab 55 für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Larry Payne

Von Yoga kann man in jedem Alter profitieren! Dieses Buch zeigt Ihnen Übungen, die Sie auch dann machen können, wenn sich ab 55 erste Wehwehchen zeigen: Übungen für einen gesunden Rücken, für den Beckenboden oder bei Knieproblemen oder Arthrose. Das Buch stellt nicht nur die einzelnen Übungen Schritt für Schritt vor, sondern enthält auch kurze Übungsprogramme, die Sie in 5, 15 oder 20 Minuten durchführen können und die sich einfach in den Alltag integrieren lassen, so dass es eigentlich keine Ausrede dafür gibt, nicht ein paar Minuten etwas für sich und seinen Körper zu tun.

Yoga auf dem Stuhl für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Larry Payne Don Henry

Alles, was Sie für Yoga brauchen, ist ein Stuhl. Larry Payne und Don Henry zeigen Ihnen in diesem Buch, wie Sie dank der Stabilität und Sicherheit, die Ihnen ein Stuhl bietet, Yoga praktizieren können - auch, wenn Sie in Ihrer Mobilität eingeschränkt sind. Das Buch enthält viele Illustrationen und Beschreibungen traditioneller Yoga-Übungen, die Sie auch im Sitzen ausführen können. So kann jeder von der entspannenden und stresslindernden Wirkung von Yoga profitieren, sei es nach einer Verletzung, im fortgeschrittenen Alter, in der Schwangerschaft und vieles mehr. Stellen Sie mit diesem Buch Ihren eigenen Übungsplan für zu Hause, unterwegs oder im Büro zusammen. So bleiben Sie auch im Sitzen aktiv!

Yoga bei Angsterkrankungen: Ein Programm für Betroffene und Anleitende

by Andreas Ströhle Anna Dania Esch Maike Schmidt Mara Oldenburg

Viele Menschen kämpfen jeden Tag mit Ängsten und fühlen sich damit oft alleingelassen. Yoga gibt uns die Möglichkeit, selbst aktiv zu werden. Es hilft dabei, Vertrauen in den Körper zurückzugewinnen und zu lernen, achtsam mit Gefühlen und Körperreaktionen umzugehen.Dieses Buch bietet ein Yogaprogramm, welches an der Berliner Charité für Menschen mit Angsterkrankungen entwickelt wurde. Praktische Beispiele, Übungssequenzen und videounterstützte Anleitungen können sowohl selbstständig zu Hause als auch in der Therapie genutzt werden.Yogalehrer und Bewegungstherapeuten finden hier ein ausführliches Manual mit begleitenden Downloadmaterialien für ein 8-wöchiges körperorientiertes Yogaprogramm, das auf die Bedürfnisse von Menschen mit Angsterkrankungen zugeschnitten ist. Zudem wird fundamentales Wissen über Ängste und einhergehende physiologische und psychologische Prozesse vermittelt und in Zusammenhang mit den Wirkmechanismen von Yoga gestellt. Das Buch richtet sich an Personen mit gesteigerten Ängsten und Angststörungen sowie Anleitende, die somit umfassend auf eine angstsensible Yogapraxis vorbereitet werden.

Yoga for Cyclists

by Lexie Williamson

Yoga is fast becoming an essential performance tool for road cyclists keen to improve flexibility, core strength, balance, breathing efficiency and mental focus. Most cyclists want to ride harder for longer but the unnatural slouched posture and repetitive nature of riding takes its toll on the body. Short, tight hamstrings, hip flexors and quadriceps are easily damaged and, over time, can cause knock-on problems in the lower back or knees. But a cyclist with a supple back, hips and hamstrings will not only be far less prone to overuse injuries than his stiffer training partners. He can also hunker down into aerodynamic positions easily and ride for longer, with more comfort. A cyclist able to breathe slower and deeper will breathe more efficiently and economically. A cyclist able to reduce adrenaline and control a scattered mind with concentration techniques will remain calm and focused in the heat of a race. Yoga for Cyclists will be the first title to address all of these areas by adapting yoga techniques specifically for cyclists of all levels, in clear, concise chapters. This is the ideal, no-nonsense resource, where every stretch, strengthening posture, breathing or recovery technique relates back to its impact on performance. Also included in this enhanced ebook are twelve video clips of selected yoga sequences.

Yoga for Cyclists

by Lexie Williamson

Yoga is fast becoming an essential performance tool for road cyclists keen to improve flexibility, core strength, balance, breathing efficiency and mental focus. Most cyclists want to ride harder for longer but the unnatural slouched posture and repetitive nature of riding takes its toll on the body. Short, tight hamstrings, hip flexors and quadriceps are easily damaged and, over time, can cause knock-on problems in the lower back or knees. But a cyclist with a supple back, hips and hamstrings will not only be far less prone to overuse injuries than his stiffer training partners. He can also hunker down into aerodynamic positions easily and ride for longer, with more comfort. A cyclist able to breathe slower and deeper will breathe more efficiently and economically. A cyclist able to reduce adrenaline and control a scattered mind with concentration techniques will remain calm and focused in the heat of a race. Yoga for Cyclists will be the first title to address all of these areas by adapting yoga techniques specifically for cyclists of all levels, in clear, concise chapters. This is the ideal, no-nonsense resource, where every stretch, strengthening posture, breathing or recovery technique relates back to its impact on performance.

Yoga for Cyclists: Prevent injury, build strength, enhance performance

by Lexie Williamson

Unlock your cycling potential with yoga. Striving for stamina, power and speed can take its toll on the cyclist's body. Yoga is the ideal cycling companion to relieve the repetitive strains of riding, helping to ease tight muscles, increase mobility and reduce chances of injury. In this new edition of the bestselling title, learn how to use yoga to optimise your recovery, ride tension-free and enhance your performance. A specialist in yoga for cycling, Lexie Williamson guides you through tried-and-tested poses and mobility drills so you can: · gain a supple back, hips and hamstrings· adopt a stronger aerodynamic position through riding-specific core moves · develop efficient breathing and build a mind-body connection· recover more efficiently with restorative yoga practices Functional and accessible, Yoga for Cyclists adapts yoga techniques for modern cyclists of all levels, making it suitable for everyone from the beginner to the Tour de France-hopeful. By following step-by-step sequences, from quick hip releases to extended post-ride sessions, you'll discover how the power of yoga can transform your cycling. 'Handy for both beginners and pros... leaves no stone unturned.' – Women's Fitness 'A genuinely useful guide that will soon have tattered edges through use.' –

Yoga for Cyclists

by Lexie Williamson

Yoga for Cyclists is the missing key to unlocking your cycling potential. A new edition of the bestselling title. Yoga can help cyclists in a number of ways: it builds strength, improves flexibility and develops efficient breathing. Other benefits include improved focus, tension-free cycling, optimised recovery and fewer injuries. Most cyclists will know that the unnatural slouched posture and repetitive nature of riding takes its toll on the body. Short, tight hamstrings, hip flexors and quadriceps are easily damaged and, over time, can cause knock-on problems in the lower back or knees. By tailoring the core principles of Yoga to cycling, Lexie Williams can turn you into a cyclist with a supple back, hips and hamstrings. You will be able to hunker down into more aerodynamic positions, as well as being far less prone to overuse injury. This book also explores breathing and concentration techniques to enable you to breath slower and deeper, reduce adrenaline, and control a scattered mind to remain calm and focused in the heat of a race. Yoga for Cyclists adapts yoga techniques for cyclists of all levels making it suitable for everyone from the beginner to the Tour de France-hopeful. This is the ideal, no-nonsense resource, where every stretch, strengthening posture, breathing or recovery technique relates back to its impact on performance.

Yoga for Runners

by Lexie Williamson

Running is a fantastic cardiovascular workout that floods the body with 'feel good' endorphins and many runners find its rhythmic, repetitive nature a natural stress reliever and maybe even meditative. The downside of repetitive motion, however, is that it taxes a few select groups of muscles (hamstrings, quadriceps, hip flexors and Achilles) and neglects the remainder. This leads to muscular imbalances and, eventually, injury.This book addresses these imbalances by using yoga postures to both stretch and lengthen these short, tight running hotspots in a way that is time-efficient and highly targeted.Like yoga it's a union of all these physical and mental aspects that affect the performance of the runner as a whole. Practice the techniques together to become a stronger, smoother runner who is less prone to injury. Breathe deeper and more efficiently to train for longer. Gain a clear head to tackle negative distractions as you train or race, and in life generally. Also included in this enhanced ebook are twelve video clips of selected yoga postures and sequences.

Yoga for Runners

by Lexie Williamson

Running is a fantastic cardiovascular workout that floods the body with 'feel good' endorphins and many runners find its rhythmic, repetitive nature a natural stress reliever and maybe even meditative. The downside of repetitive motion, however, is that it taxes a few select groups of muscles (hamstrings, quadriceps, hip flexors and Achilles) and neglects the remainder. This leads to muscular imbalances and, eventually, injury.This book addresses these imbalances by using yoga postures to both stretch and lengthen these short, tight running hotspots in a way that is time-efficient and highly targeted.Like yoga it's a union of all these physical and mental aspects that affect the performance of the runner as a whole. Practice the techniques together to become a stronger, smoother runner who is less prone to injury. Breathe deeper and more efficiently to train for longer. Gain a clear head to tackle negative distractions as you train or race, and in life generally.

Yoga for Runners: Prevent injury, build strength, enhance performance

by Lexie Williamson

'A fantastic book' – Running Fitness'The Bible for runners who want to use yoga to enhance their running performance' - Athletics Weekly'The latest way to enhance your running performance' - Trail RunningTRANSFORM YOUR RUNNING THROUGH YOGAWould you like to run further and faster? Want to find the perfect runner's flow? Yoga is the key to unlocking your running potential. Practised by the world's leading endurance athletes, yoga builds strength, improves flexibility and boosts recovery. Fully revised and featuring step-by-step exercises and workouts, the bestselling Yoga for Runners shows you how to:- release running tight spots, like the hamstrings and hip flexors - run taller with focused core exercises- strengthen weak muscles through power yoga moves- prevent injury with recovery techniques - breathe more deeply and sharpen your mindSuitable for runners of all levels, this is your essential training companion for strong and smooth running.

Yoga for Runners: Prevent injury, build strength, enhance performance

by Lexie Williamson

'A fantastic book' – Running Fitness'The Bible for runners who want to use yoga to enhance their running performance' - Athletics Weekly'The latest way to enhance your running performance' - Trail RunningTRANSFORM YOUR RUNNING THROUGH YOGAWould you like to run further and faster? Want to find the perfect runner's flow? Yoga is the key to unlocking your running potential. Practised by the world's leading endurance athletes, yoga builds strength, improves flexibility and boosts recovery. Fully revised and featuring step-by-step exercises and workouts, the bestselling Yoga for Runners shows you how to:- release running tight spots, like the hamstrings and hip flexors - run taller with focused core exercises- strengthen weak muscles through power yoga moves- prevent injury with recovery techniques - breathe more deeply and sharpen your mindSuitable for runners of all levels, this is your essential training companion for strong and smooth running.

Yoga, Forward Bend Standing Posture (large print)

by Rnib

This image can only give an insight into what yoga is. It cannot be used alone as a training / user guide. The posture is only one from hundreds of possibilities and cannot be used in isolation. Yoga must be taught with breathing exercises and sequencing of postures. Each posture involves a timed procedure of movement, breathing and focused thought, not a static exercise position. There are two images of a standing woman seen from the side, separated by a dashed line on the page. There is a locator dot shown which will be in the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The image on the left of the page is the full standing, forward bend posture. Only one leg and arm are shown. She wears a vest and leggings. The woman's lower body faces to the right and her upper body faces to the left. Her bottom is to the top left and her feet to the bottom of the page. Her upper body is sharply bent at the hips towards the floor. Her arms also stretch down towards the floor. Her legs are straight as she grasps her toes and looks left to just below her knees. Her hair is tied up in a bun. The image on the right of the page is the easy or beginner's standing, forward bend posture. She also wears a vest and leggings. Only one leg and arm are shown. Her bottom is to the top left and her feet to the bottom of the page. Her upper body bent at the hips, goes diagonally down and right. Her arms stretch out at a right angle diagonally down and left. She grasps her ankles and looks at her hands. Her legs to the left are bent slightly at the knee. Her hair is tied up in a bun.

Yoga, Forward Bend Standing Posture (UEB contracted)

by Rnib

This image can only give an insight into what yoga is. It cannot be used alone as a training / user guide. There are two images of a standing woman seen from the side, separated by a dashed line on the page. There is a locator dot shown which will be in the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The image on the left of the page is the full standing, forward bend posture. Only one leg and arm are shown. She wears a vest and leggings. The woman's lower body faces to the right and her upper body faces to the left. Her bottom is to the top left and her feet to the bottom of the page. Her upper body is sharply bent at the hips towards the floor. Her arms also stretch down towards the floor. Her legs are straight as she grasps her toes and looks left to just below her knees. Her hair is tied up in a bun. The image on the right of the page is the easy or beginner's standing, forward bend posture. She also wears a vest and leggings. Only one leg and arm are shown. Her bottom is to the top left and her feet to the bottom of the page. Her upper body bent at the hips, goes diagonally down and right. Her arms stretch out at a right angle diagonally down and left. She grasps her ankles and looks at her hands. Her legs to the left are bent slightly at the knee. Her hair is tied up in a bun.

Yoga, Forward Bend Standing Posture (UEB uncontracted)

by Rnib

This image can only give an insight into what yoga is. It cannot be used alone as a training / user guide. There are two images of a standing woman seen from the side, separated by a dashed line on the page. There is a locator dot shown which will be in the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The image on the left of the page is the full standing, forward bend posture. Only one leg and arm are shown. She wears a vest and leggings. The woman's lower body faces to the right and her upper body faces to the left. Her bottom is to the top left and her feet to the bottom of the page. Her upper body is sharply bent at the hips towards the floor. Her arms also stretch down towards the floor. Her legs are straight as she grasps her toes and looks left to just below her knees. Her hair is tied up in a bun. The image on the right of the page is the easy or beginner's standing, forward bend posture. She also wears a vest and leggings. Only one leg and arm are shown. Her bottom is to the top left and her feet to the bottom of the page. Her upper body bent at the hips, goes diagonally down and right. Her arms stretch out at a right angle diagonally down and left. She grasps her ankles and looks at her hands. Her legs to the left are bent slightly at the knee. Her hair is tied up in a bun.

Yoga Games to Teach in Schools: 52 Activities to Develop Self-Esteem, Self-Control and Social Skills

by Michael Chissick

The best way to teach yoga to children is with games. With 52 vibrant, easy-to-follow yoga games requiring no previous yoga experience, this book will enable you to help children become better listeners, take responsibility, gain self-control, improve behaviour, become assertive and improve self-esteem and confidence.Within these pages Michael Chissick has distilled nearly twenty years' experience of teaching yoga to children aged 3-11 in mainstream and special needs schools. He explains the ideal yoga lesson structure to transform your children's behaviour: you will learn which games to teach, when to teach them and how to teach them, and how the additional benefits of improved co-ordination, flexibility, fitness, self-calming and relaxation can be accessible to all children regardless of impairment, need, culture, shape, mood or size.

Yoga in the Black Community: Healing Practices and Principles

by Marilyn Peppers-Citizen Charlene Marie Muhammad

As the practice of yoga continues to flourish within Western Black and Brown communities, this transformative, Black culturally centered toolkit highlights the barriers that hinder access to yoga. It takes core aspects of yoga philosophy and contextualizes it within Black cultural norms, religious taboos, and historical healing practices, and teaches readers how to foster a safe haven for their clients and communities.Based on decades' worth of experience and expertise, this dynamic author duo discusses important topics such as health disparities, complementary healthcare, and the rich heritage and resilience of Black communities. This is an invaluable and practical resource that offers practices and actionable guidance and supports practitioners to explore a Black culturally centered approach to yoga whilst facilitating better health and wellbeing for Black people.

The Yoga Manifesto: How Yoga Helped Me and Why it Needs to Save Itself

by Nadia Gilani

A powerful love letter to yoga and an urgent manifesto for its recovery from Nadia Gilani, writer and pioneering yoga teacher.

Yoga Zurück ins Leben: Wie Yoga bei Krebs helfen kann

by Claudia Mainau

Die Autorin erkrankte in ihrem Leben zwei Mal an Leukämie. Yoga half ihr bei der Bewältigung der lebensbedrohenden Krankheit und auf ihrem Weg zurück in ein erfülltes kraftvolles Leben. Ihre Erfahrungen gepaart mit ihrem Wissen als ganzheitliche Ärztin mit eigener Yogapraxis gibt sie nun in diesem Buch weiter. Einfach und anschaulich beschreibt sie welche Strategien zur Bewältigung der bei Krebs häufig auftretenden körperlichen und mentalen Lebenskrise helfen können und wie sich die Geisteshaltung und Lebensführung durch Yoga positiv auf die Krankheit auswirkt. Herzstück des Buches sind die Yoga-Übungsanleitungen in Wort und Bild. In einfachen, gut nachvollziehbaren Anleitungen stellt sie Übungen vor, ihre therapeutische Wirkung und Abwandlungen für mögliche körperliche Einschränkungen. Aus Aufwärmübungen, Körperhaltungen (Asanas) und Atemübungen (Pranayama) kann ein individuelles, vollständiges Übungsprogramm zusammengestellt werden. Das Buch richtet sich an Betroffene, sowie an Yogalehrer, Trainer und Physiotherapeuten, aber auch an Ärzte und Pflegekräfte in der Onkologie.

Yogi: A Life Behind the Mask

by Jon Pessah

The definitive biography of Yogi Berra, the New York Yankees icon, winner of 10 World Series championships, and the most-quoted player in baseball historyLawrence "Yogi" Berra was never supposed to become a major league ballplayer. That's what his immigrant father told him. That's what Branch Rickey told him, too-right to Berra's face, in fact. Even the lowly St. Louis Browns of his youth said he'd never make it in the big leagues. Yet baseball was his lifeblood. It was the only thing he ever cared about. Heck, it was the only thing he ever thought about. Berra couldn't allow a constant stream of ridicule about his appearance, taunts about his speech, and scorn about his perceived lack of intelligence to keep him from becoming one of the best to ever play the game-at a position requiring the very skills he was told he did not have.Drawing on more than one hundred interviews and four years of reporting, Jon Pessah delivers a transformational portrait of how Berra handled his hard-earned success-on and off the playing field-as well as his failures; how the man who insisted "I really didn't say everything I said!" nonetheless shaped decades of America's culture; and how Berra's humility and grace redefined what it truly means to be a star. Overshadowed on the field by Joe DiMaggio early in his career and later by a youthful Mickey Mantle, Berra emerges as not only the best loved Yankee but one of the most appealingly simple, innately complex, and universally admired men in all of America.

Yogi: A Life Behind the Mask

by Jon Pessah

Discover the definitive biography of Yogi Berra, the New York Yankees icon, winner of 10 World Series championships, and the most-quoted player in baseball history.Lawrence "Yogi" Berra was never supposed to become a major league ballplayer.That's what his immigrant father told him. That's what Branch Rickey told him, too—right to Berra's face, in fact. Even the lowly St. Louis Browns of his youth said he'd never make it in the big leagues.Yet baseball was his lifeblood. It was the only thing he ever cared about. Heck, it was the only thing he ever thought about. Berra couldn't allow a constant stream of ridicule about his appearance, taunts about his speech, and scorn about his perceived lack of intelligence to keep him from becoming one of the best to ever play the game—at a position requiring the very skills he was told he did not have.Drawing on more than one hundred interviews and four years of reporting, Jon Pessah delivers a transformational portrait of how Berra handled his hard-earned success—on and off the playing field—as well as his failures; how the man who insisted "I really didn't say everything I said!" nonetheless shaped decades of America's culture; and how Berra's humility and grace redefined what it truly means to be a star.Overshadowed on the field by Joe DiMaggio early in his career and later by a youthful Mickey Mantle, Berra emerges as not only the best loved Yankee but one of the most appealingly simple, innately complex, and universally admired men in all of America.

The Yogi Book

by Yogi Berra

Celebrate one of the greatest and most beloved baseball players who ever lived—and certainly the most quoted. The Yogi Book is the New York Times bestseller filled with Yogi Berra&’s immortal sayings, plus photographs, a career timeline, and appreciations by some of his greatest fans, including Billy Crystal and Tim McCarver. Yogi Berra's gift for saying the smartest things in the funniest, most memorable ways has made him a legend. The Yogi Book brings all of his famous quotes together in one place—and even better, gives the story behind them. "It ain't over till it's over."—that&’s Yogi's answer to a reporter when he was managing the Mets in July 1973, and they were nine games out of first place (not only quotable, but prophetic—they won the pennant). "Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded."—Yogi's comment to Stan Musial and Joe Garagiola about Ruggeri's restaurant in St. Louis in 1959. "It gets late early out there."—Yogi describing how shadows crept across Yankee Stadium's left field during late autumn afternoons.

A Yorkshire Tragedy: The Rise and Fall of a Sporting Powerhouse

by Anthony Clavane

THE BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF PROMISED LAND AND DOES YOUR RABBI KNOW YOU'RE HERE? SETS HIS FOCUS TO YORKSHIRE, AND ITS ENDANGERED STATUS AS A SPORTING POWERHOUSE.'If you want to know how it feels to be left behind, if you want to know how it feels to be forgotten, if you want to know how it feels to be heartbroken, then read this book' David PeaceFor the past 30 years, something has been missing from British sport. For some it has lost its heart and soul. Anthony Clavane argues that it has lost its Yorkshireness, which possibly amounts to the same thing.A Yorkshire Tragedy is the final part of Anthony Clavane's triptych that examines belonging, identity and the rise and fall of tightly knit sporting communities through the prism of the author's own personal experience.Loved A Yorkshire Tragedy? Then check out Does Your Rabbi Know You're Here? - Anthony Clavane's highly acclaimed history of Jewish involvement in English football.

You Are a Champion: How to Be the Best You Can Be

by Marcus Rashford

It’s hard to know what is possible until you start. You have to be able to dream big and be prepared to work towards your dreams. I’ve achieved a lot so far, but it didn’t come in one go; big things rarely happen overnight, and good things rarely happen as if by magic . . .Marcus Rashford is famous worldwide for his skills both on and off the pitch – but before he was a Manchester United and England footballer, and long before he started his inspiring campaign to end child food poverty, he was just an average kid from Wythenshawe, South Manchester. Now, Marcus Rashford MBE wants to show YOU how to achieve your dreams, in this positive and inspiring guide for life.No matter who you are and no matter where you come from, every single person in the world has the potential to be a champion. In You Are a Champion, the nation’s favourite footballer gives you the tools you need to reach your full potential, showing you how to be the very BEST version of yourself you can be.Written with journalist Carl Anka, this empowering guide is packed full of stories from Marcus’s own life, brilliant advice and top-tips from performance psychologist Katie Warriner. Perfect for readers who need to hear that they already are champions – they just might not know it yet.It shows kids how to:- Be comfortable with who you are – you can't be a champion until you're happy being you!- Dream big- Practise like a champion – good things take hard work and time- Get out of your comfort zone and learn from your mistakes- Navigate adversity in a positive way- Find your team- Use your voice and stand up for others- Never stop learningWith an afterword by Tim S. Grover.

You Are The Ref: A Guide to Good Refereeing

by Paul Trevillion Keith Hackett

Based on the well-known, long-running You Are the Ref football feature, illustrated by legendary artist Paul Trevillion and written by former international referee Keith Hackett, this guide is aimed at established, trainee, and newly qualified football referees. This is an accessible, easy-to-digest coaching manual and includes a Foreword by top referee Howard Webb. The mysteries of refereeing are explained clearly with Keith Hackett's incisive text and is brought to life with Paul Trevillion's images.You are the Ref covers all aspects of Refereeing and Assistant Referee training: movement and positioning; recognition of offences; viewing angles; whistle and flag technique; management of mass confrontation; sports psychology; managing conflict; teamwork; Law 11 (offside) explained; goal and target setting; how to deal with assessments; warming up; warming down; pre-match preparation; fit to play, Ref?; mentor programme; coaching referees; body language; self assessment; and much much more...

You Can Do Anything!: Find your happiness. Chase your dreams. Be unstoppable. By gold-medal-winning Paralympian Jonnie Peacock

by Mr Jonnie Peacock

Publishing just ahead of the Paralympics, this empowering non-fiction guide from two time gold-medal-winning Paralympian and Strictly Come Dancing star Jonnie Peacock will help young people find their happiness, chase their dreams and be unstoppable.Whether it's sport, art, maths or just spending time with friends, this book will help young readers discover what it is they love and how they can harness this to achieve whatever they want in life. Written in collaboration with children's mental health expert Laura Earnshaw, this empowering book is packed full of Jonnie's own stories alongside practical tips, tricks and journaling opportunities, with inspiring chapters on:– Embracing uniqueness– Finding what you love– Making it happen– Mind-body connection– Stepping out of your comfort zone– Bouncing back from adversity– Working as a team– Passing on your knowledge to help othersThe world should be open to everyone, and everyone should be able to achieve their dreams if they have the right support. Jonnie's book takes young readers on a journey to get inspired, build confidence and learn that they can achieve anything, no matter their abilities.Children will learn that happiness is something that can be actively worked on and found with hard work, a good mindset, plenty of patience and a whole heap of determination! All things Jonnie brings into his daily life and practice, so he can be the athlete he is today.Complete with lively illustrations by Ashwin Chacko, this book will help readers embrace their passions, maximise their potential and be unstoppable!

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