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Showing 2,601 through 2,625 of 13,417 results

Darragh: My Story

by Darragh Ó Sé

For 16 years, Darragh Ó Sé wore the number 8 jersey for Gaelic football's most celebrated county, stoking the fires in Kerry's engine room. With six All Ireland medals, he is the most decorated footballer of the modern era.Darragh's name is synonymous with his county's unrelenting appetite for success, but throughout his illustrious career he has held his counsel, allowing his football to do the talking. Until now.This is the story of a modern Kerry icon. Uncompromising, passionate and possessing a savage wit, Darragh talks openly for the first time about his life in the green and gold, and about his constant drive to succeed.Elsewhere in the book, he details his setbacks, reflects on a family tragedy and reveals how his upbringing on the fringe of west Kerry helped shape his character, steeling him for a career in the toughest position in Gaelic football. This is the story of Darragh Ó Sé - the life of a legend.

Darts: Player by Player

by Liam McCann

More popular than ever, darts has lit up television screens for over thirty years and Darts Player by Player is a fascinating compilation of the 50 greatest players to have ever graced the sport. Enjoy the game s early masters, including the indomitable Eric Bristow, fan favourite Jocky Wilson and the only man to win world titles in three separate decades, John Lowe. Marvel at the majesty of the game s greatest player, Phil Taylor, who has swept all before him for more than 20 years.

Das Ellenbogengelenk: Grundlagen, Diagnostik, physiotherapeutische Behandlung

by Thilo O. Kromer

Als Nachschlagewerk und Handlungsanleitung liefert Ihnen das Buch kompaktes Grundwissen und Praxis-Know-how, um Ellenbogen-Probleme effizient zu behandeln. - Anatomie, Bio- und Pathomechanik - Alle wichtigen Krankheits- und Verletzungsbilder - Diagnose, befundspezifische lokale Therapie und globale Rehabilitation

Das Knie: Diagnostik – Therapie – Rehabilitation

by Rudolf Schabus Elisabeth Bosina

Verletzungen des Kniegelenks zählen zu den häufigsten sporttraumatologischen Befunden. Dieser Ratgeber stellt die modernsten diagnostischen Verfahren sowie konservative und operative Therapien dar. Der Dialog zwischen Diagnostiker, Operateur und Therapeut gewährleistet die bestmögliche Übersicht vom Zeitpunkt vor der Therapie bis hin zur Rehabilitation. Wenn Behandler täglich miteinander kommunizieren, können Therapien rasch angepasst, umgesetzt und umgehend mit Patienten besprochen werden. Dieses Vorgehen erzielt Therapieerfolge und vermeidet Komplikationen. Ein allgemein verständliches Fachbuch für Ärzte, Physiotherapeuten und Patienten.

Das Knochenmarködem-Syndrom: Fortschritte in Diagnose und Therapie (essentials)

by Reiner Bartl

Mit Einführung der Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) als bildgebende Methode für die klinische Routine in den 80er Jahren kann erstmals das Knochenmarködem (KMÖ) eindeutig diagnostiziert werden. Der lokale Nachweis eines KMÖ im Rahmen von orthopädischen, sportmedizinischen und unfallchirurgischen Erkrankungen führte zum Begriff des „Knochenmarködem-Syndroms“ (KMÖS). Diese radiologisch-klinische Entität ist mit massiven Schmerzen und Bewegungseinschränkung verbunden. Während früher eine Anbohrung des ödematösen Bezirks als „Mittel der Wahl“ galt, stehen heute effektive Medikamente, biophysikalische Verfahren und Kombinationstherapien zur Verfügung, die zu einer Ausheilung des Ödems führen.

Das Modell der personenbezogenen Kommunikation und Rezeption: Beeinflussung durch Stars, Prominente, Helden und andere Deutungsmuster

by Thomas Könecke

In dieser interdisziplinär angelegten Studie wird das Modell der personenbezogenen Kommunikation und Rezeption vorgestellt. Es zeigt, dass die betrachteten sozialen Konstrukte wie z. B. Prominente, Stars und (Sport-)Helden nicht nur in Bezug auf kleinere Gemeinschaften, sondern auch international und interkulturell kompatible Bedeutungsüberschneidungen teilen und – kulturspezifisch und kulturübergreifend – zentrale Funktionen für das Zusammenleben und gerade auch die personenbezogene Kommunikation erfüllen. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser Erkenntnis wird am Ende des vielschichtigen Forschungsprozesses eine Auswahl von weiterführenden wissenschaftlichen und praktischen Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Anknüpfungspunkten für die Ergebnisse und Überlegungen dieser Arbeit aufgezeigt.

Das Pilates-Lehrbuch: Matten- und Geräteübungen für Prävention und Rehabilitation

by Verena Geweniger Alexander Bohlander

Physiotherapeuten, Sportlehrer und Fitnesstrainer finden in diesem Lehrbuch alle wichtigen Grundlagen und Trainingstipps für ein effektives und ansprechendes Pilates-Training. Die Autoren verknüpfen das traditionelle Pilates-Konzept mit den neusten Erkenntnissen der Sportwissenschaft und Physiotherapie. Sie zeigen dabei, wie Matten- und Geräteübungen ebenfalls in der Therapie eingesetzt werden können. Lernen Sie als Trainer Ihr Kursprogramm auf das Leistungsniveau Ihrer Kunden anzupassen und dabei auf individuelle Bedürfnisse einzugehen. So gestalten Sie ein wirkungsvolles Pilates-Training zur Verbesserung von Koordination, Flexibilität und Stabilität.

Das Pilates-Lehrbuch: Matten- und Geräteübungen für Prävention und Rehabilitation

by Verena Geweniger Alexander Bohlander

Das Pilates-Buch für die Profis: Hintergrundinfos und umfassendes Praxiswissen zum Einsatz des Pilates-Konzepts in Prävention und Therapie. Zu den Grundlagen gehören u.a.die „Pilates-Prinzipien“ (Breathing, Centering, Flow, Precision, Concentration, Control, Coordination). Im umfangreichen Praxis-Teil werden alle Techniken und Übungen (Matten- und Gerätetraining) mit Fotosequenzen zum detaillierten Bewegungsablauf und genauer Anleitung und Erläuterung jeder Übung vorgestellt. Patientenbeispiele veranschaulichen Behandlungsabläufe und therapeutische Effekte der Pilates-Konzepts bei verschiedenen Krankheitsbildern, und Stundenbilder geben konkrete Anregungen für die Gestaltung von Kurseinheiten in präventiv ausgerichteten Kursen. Ein Muss für Pilates-Profis: Physiotherapeuten, Sportlehrer, Trainer ...

Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World

by Raphael Honigstein

‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ Gary Lineker Packed with exclusive interviews with key protagonists, Raphael Honigstein’s book lifts the lid on the secrets of German football’s success.13th July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time. Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass from his international teammate André Schürrle, jumps slightly to meet the ball and cushion it with his chest. Landing on his left foot, he takes a step with his right, swivels, and in one fluid motion, without the ball touching the ground, volleys it past the onrushing Argentine goalkeeper into the far corner of the net. The goal wins Germany the World Cup for the first time in almost twenty-five years. In Das Reboot, journalist and television pundit Raphael Honigstein charts the return of German football - how did German football transform itself from its efficient, but unappealing and defensively minded traditions to the free-flowing, attacking football that was on display during the last World Cup? The answer takes him from California to Stuttgart, from Munich to the Maracaná, via Dortmund and Durban. ‘German football boasts not only the World Cup, but superb writers…A fine account of how Germany reclaimed hegemony’ Guardian

Data Analysis and Research for Sport and Exercise Science: A Student Guide

by Craig Williams Chris Wragg

Data Analysis and Research for Sport and Exercise Science is tailored to suit undergraduate sports and exercise science students seeking a clear understanding of data and statistics to support their scientific research. The text is divided into three main areas: Research and Design, Data Analysis and the Interpretation of Findings. Topics covered in the book include: * introduction to the scientific research method* the literature review* developing your research question and experimental design* using statistical analysis to interpret results* presentation of your data* discussing your results and drawing conclusions. Both authors have supervised many student dissertations and have an excellent understanding of the concerns and pitfalls facing those new to this field.

Data Analysis and Research for Sport and Exercise Science: A Student Guide

by Craig Williams Chris Wragg

Data Analysis and Research for Sport and Exercise Science is tailored to suit undergraduate sports and exercise science students seeking a clear understanding of data and statistics to support their scientific research. The text is divided into three main areas: Research and Design, Data Analysis and the Interpretation of Findings. Topics covered in the book include: * introduction to the scientific research method* the literature review* developing your research question and experimental design* using statistical analysis to interpret results* presentation of your data* discussing your results and drawing conclusions. Both authors have supervised many student dissertations and have an excellent understanding of the concerns and pitfalls facing those new to this field.

Data Analysis in Sport (Routledge Studies in Sports Performance Analysis)

by Peter O'Donoghue Lucy Holmes

Making sense of sports performance data can be a challenging task but is nevertheless an essential part of performance analysis investigations. Focusing on techniques used in the analysis of sport performance, this book introduces the fundamental principles of data analysis, explores the most important tools used in data analysis, and offers guidance on the presentation of results. The book covers key topics such as: The purpose of data analysis, from statistical analysis to algorithmic processing Commercial packages for performance and data analysis, including Focus, Sportscode, Dartfish, Prozone, Excel, SPSS and Matlab Effective use of statistical procedures in sport performance analysis Analysing data from manual notation systems, player tracking systems and computerized match analysis systems Creating visually appealing ‘dashboard’ interfaces for presenting data Assessing reliability. The book includes worked examples from real sport, offering clear guidance to the reader and bringing the subject to life. This book is invaluable reading for any student, researcher or analyst working in sport performance or undertaking a sport-related research project or methods course

Data Analysis in Sport (Routledge Studies in Sports Performance Analysis)

by Peter O'Donoghue Lucy Holmes

Making sense of sports performance data can be a challenging task but is nevertheless an essential part of performance analysis investigations. Focusing on techniques used in the analysis of sport performance, this book introduces the fundamental principles of data analysis, explores the most important tools used in data analysis, and offers guidance on the presentation of results. The book covers key topics such as: The purpose of data analysis, from statistical analysis to algorithmic processing Commercial packages for performance and data analysis, including Focus, Sportscode, Dartfish, Prozone, Excel, SPSS and Matlab Effective use of statistical procedures in sport performance analysis Analysing data from manual notation systems, player tracking systems and computerized match analysis systems Creating visually appealing ‘dashboard’ interfaces for presenting data Assessing reliability. The book includes worked examples from real sport, offering clear guidance to the reader and bringing the subject to life. This book is invaluable reading for any student, researcher or analyst working in sport performance or undertaking a sport-related research project or methods course

Data Analytics in Football: Positional Data Collection, Modelling and Analysis

by Daniel Memmert Dominik Raabe

Data Analytics in Football provides students, researchers and coaches with a firm grounding in the principles of modern performance analysis. It offers an insight into the use of positional data, exploring how it can be collected, modelled, analysed and interpreted. Introducing cutting-edge methods, the book challenges long-held assumptions and encourages a new way of thinking about football analysis. Based on data collected from the German Bundesliga and the UEFA Champions League, the book seeks to define the role of positional data in football match analysis by exploring topics such as: What is positional data analysis and how did it emerge from conventional match analysis? How can positional data be collected and which technologies can be used? What are the benefits of a data-driven approach to decision making in football? What Key Performance Indicators based on positional data should be used? How can traditional match analysis be complemented by using positional data and advanced KPIs? How can these new methods evolve in the future? Accessibly written, packed full of examples from elite football and supplemented with expert interviews (Ralf Rangnick, Urs Siegenthaler and others), Data Analytics in Football is a thought-provoking, rigorously evidence-based guide to the use of data analytics in football performance analysis. As such, it is a vital resource for any student, researcher or coach interested in performance analysis and skill acquisition, or anyone interested in football more generally.

Data Analytics in Football: Positional Data Collection, Modelling and Analysis

by Daniel Memmert Dominik Raabe

Data Analytics in Football provides students, researchers and coaches with a firm grounding in the principles of modern performance analysis. It offers an insight into the use of positional data, exploring how it can be collected, modelled, analysed and interpreted. Introducing cutting-edge methods, the book challenges long-held assumptions and encourages a new way of thinking about football analysis. Based on data collected from the German Bundesliga and the UEFA Champions League, the book seeks to define the role of positional data in football match analysis by exploring topics such as: What is positional data analysis and how did it emerge from conventional match analysis? How can positional data be collected and which technologies can be used? What are the benefits of a data-driven approach to decision making in football? What Key Performance Indicators based on positional data should be used? How can traditional match analysis be complemented by using positional data and advanced KPIs? How can these new methods evolve in the future? Accessibly written, packed full of examples from elite football and supplemented with expert interviews (Ralf Rangnick, Urs Siegenthaler and others), Data Analytics in Football is a thought-provoking, rigorously evidence-based guide to the use of data analytics in football performance analysis. As such, it is a vital resource for any student, researcher or coach interested in performance analysis and skill acquisition, or anyone interested in football more generally.

Data Analytics in Football: Positional Data Collection, Modelling and Analysis

by Daniel Memmert Dominik Raabe

Data Analytics in Football provides students, researchers, and coaches with a firm grounding in the principles of modern performance analysis. It offers an insight into the use of positional data, exploring how they can be collected, modeled, analyzed, and interpreted. Introducing cutting-edge methods, the book challenges long-held assumptions and encourages a new way of thinking about football analysis. The book seeks to define the role of positional data in football match analysis by exploring topics such as the following: What is positional data analysis, and how did it emerge from conventional match analysis? How can positional data be collected, and which technologies can be used? What key performance indicators based on positional data should be used? How can traditional match analysis be complemented by using positional data and advanced KPIs? How can these new methods evolve in the future? Based on data collected from active leagues and fully revised for the new second edition, the text now also examines data collection in relation to other sports, how a data-driven approach in decision-making is achieved by professional teams, the potential of the new methods of data collection, and how they could evolve in the future. Accessibly written, packed full of examples from elite football, and supplemented with expert interviews, Data Analytics in Football is a thought-provoking, rigorously evidence-based guide to the use of data analytics in football performance analysis. As such, it is a vital resource for any student, researcher, or coach interested in performance analysis and skill acquisition, or anyone interested in football more generally.

Data Analytics in Football: Positional Data Collection, Modelling and Analysis

by Daniel Memmert Dominik Raabe

Data Analytics in Football provides students, researchers, and coaches with a firm grounding in the principles of modern performance analysis. It offers an insight into the use of positional data, exploring how they can be collected, modeled, analyzed, and interpreted. Introducing cutting-edge methods, the book challenges long-held assumptions and encourages a new way of thinking about football analysis. The book seeks to define the role of positional data in football match analysis by exploring topics such as the following: What is positional data analysis, and how did it emerge from conventional match analysis? How can positional data be collected, and which technologies can be used? What key performance indicators based on positional data should be used? How can traditional match analysis be complemented by using positional data and advanced KPIs? How can these new methods evolve in the future? Based on data collected from active leagues and fully revised for the new second edition, the text now also examines data collection in relation to other sports, how a data-driven approach in decision-making is achieved by professional teams, the potential of the new methods of data collection, and how they could evolve in the future. Accessibly written, packed full of examples from elite football, and supplemented with expert interviews, Data Analytics in Football is a thought-provoking, rigorously evidence-based guide to the use of data analytics in football performance analysis. As such, it is a vital resource for any student, researcher, or coach interested in performance analysis and skill acquisition, or anyone interested in football more generally.

Data Analytics in Professional Soccer: Performance Analysis Based on Spatiotemporal Tracking Data

by Daniel Link

Daniel Link explores how data analytics can be used for studying performance in soccer. Based on spatiotemporal data from the German Bundesliga, the six individual studies in this book present innovative mathematical approaches for game analysis and player assessment. The findings can support coaches and analysts to improve performance of their athletes and inspire other researchers to advance the research field of sports analytics.

Data Mining and Machine Learning in High-Performance Sport: Performance Analysis of On-field and Video Assistant Referees in European Soccer Leagues (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Rabiu Muazu Musa Anwar P.P. Abdul Majeed Mohd Azraai Mohd Razman Mohamad Razali Abdullah Garry Kuan

This book explores the application of data mining and machine learning techniques in studying the activity pattern, decision-making skills, misconducts, and actions resulting in the intervention of VAR in European soccer leagues referees. The game of soccer at the elite level is characterised by intense competitions, a high level of intensity, technical, and tactical skills coupled with a long duration of play. Referees are required to officiate the game and deliver correct and indisputable decisions throughout the duration of play. The increase in the spatial and temporal task demands of the game necessitates that the referees must respond and cope with the physiological and psychological loads inherent in the game. The referees are also required to deliver an accurate decision and uphold the rules and regulations of the game during a match. These demands and attributes make the work of referees highly complex. The increasing pace and complexity of the game resulted in the introduction of the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) to assist and improve the decision-making of on-field referees. Despite the integration of VAR into the current refereeing system, the performances of the referees are yet to be error-free. Machine learning coupled with data mining techniques has shown to be vital in providing insights from a large dataset which could be used to draw important inferences that can aid decision-making for diagnostics purposes and overall performance improvement. A total of 6232 matches from 5 consecutive seasons officiated across the English Premier League, Spanish LaLiga, Italian Serie A as well as the German Bundesliga was studied. It is envisioned that the findings in this book could be useful in recognising the activity pattern of top-class referees, that is non-trivial for the stakeholders in devising strategies to further enhance the performances of referees as well as empower talent identification experts with pertinent information for mapping out future high-performance referees.​

Data Mining and Machine Learning in Sports: Success Metrics for Elite Goalkeepers in European Football Leagues (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Rabiu Muazu Musa Anwar P. Majeed Aina Munirah Ab Rasid Mohamad Razali Abdullah

This brief highlights the factors associated with good goalkeeping techniques and their impact on goalkeepers’ performance in elite European football leagues. The goalkeeping performances of 1600 goalkeepers from five consecutive seasons across the English Premier League, Spanish La Liga, Italian Serie A, and German Bundesliga are studied. The findings from this brief are useful for identifying the success metrices of top-class goalkeepers that help stakeholders to devise strategies to further enhance their performances and empower talent identification experts with pertinent information for mapping out future high-performance goalkeepers.

David Beckham: EDGE - Dream to Win (EDGE: Dream to Win #1)

by Roy Apps

Ever had a dream -- a dream to win? David had a dream -- to play for Manchester United.This is the story of David's early years and his break through into Manchester United's first team.This title is published by Franklin Watts EDGE, which produces a range of books to get children reading with confidence. We believe this title will be of interest to readers aged 7+ and to older readers who struggle with reading. EDGE - for books kids can't put down.

David Beckham: My Side

by David Beckham

David Beckham is one of the world's foremost media icons, his popularity transcending sport and cultural divides. This is his own in-depth account of his career to date, for Manchester United and England, and of his childhood, family and personal life.

David Gower (Text Only): The 50 Greatest Cricketers Of All Time

by David Gower

David Gower was the most brilliant and gifted of English Test batsmen in recent times. Yet, despite his unimpeachable Test record, his career was not without controversy.

David Gower's 50 Greatest Cricketers of All Time: The 50 Greatest Cricketers Of All Time

by David Gower

Former England captain and impeccably stylish batsman David Gower, himself inducted into cricket’s Hall of Fame, here takes a leap of faith and names his 50 greatest players of all time. Going back through the history of the game, he honours the finest run-getters, wicket-takers, glove men and captains he played with and against, as well as those he has been able to observe as a spectator or commentator, and legendary achievers from earlier eras. Full of first-hand recollections and anecdotes, this book is sure to delight – and occasionally infuriate – cricket enthusiasts everywhere. Who was the best of the great West Indian quicks? Have England heroes like Boycott, Pietersen and Flintoff made the cut? Who has been the greatest Australian batsman, post-Bradman? All is revealed in this lively and contentious celebration of cricket’s true greats.

David Weir: On Top of the Game

by David Weir

David Weir's career is a tale of triumph on the pitch but also of victory over the assumption all top-level footballers are finished in their mid-30s. Weir, who turned 41 in May 2011, is the oldest outfield player to represent Rangers since 1945, passing the mark set by their famous full-back, Jock 'Tiger' Shaw. In this revealing autobiography, Weir gives an insight into the high of playing in the 1998 World Cup finals for his country to the low of the chaotic 2-2 draw in the Faroes four years later which led to his decision to stop playing for Scotland. For the first time, he gives his side of the story. How he felt Berti Vogts, Scotland's boss, used him as a scapegoat. Many felt Weir's international career would end on that sour note and that his club career was approaching its conclusion, too. He was 32 and David Moyes, his manager at Everton, made no secret he was on the lookout for new, younger defenders. Like thousands of footballers before him, Weir could just have accepted his time was up. He had a young family and a father who was suffering from Alzheimer's to help care for and self-doubt gnawed at him. Could he cut it any more? Instead, he moved to Rangers in January 2007, making his debut for his childhood favourites at a mere 36 years and 236 days and has helped them to eight trophies since and a European final in 2008. Weir's is a story of battling against the odds to keep playing at the top level and proving he could, despite the doubts of others and indeed himself.

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