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Denis Compton: The Authorized Biography

by Tim Heald

Description Denis Compton was one of England's -indeed cricket's -greatest batsmen. In the summer of 1947 alone he scored 18 hundreds. A flashing strokeplayer who could take any bowling attack apart, he also played football at the highest level, winning an FA Cup-winners medal with Arsenal. The original 'Brylcreem Boy', perhaps British sport's first true media personality, Compton cut a dashing figure, and when he died was mourned as the kind of cricketer whose like we shall never see again. 'Never have I been so deeply touched on a cricket ground as I was in this heavenly summer when I went to Lord's to see a pale-faced crowd existing on rations, the rocket bomb still in the ears of most folk -see this worn, dowdy crowd watching Compton. The strain of long years of anxiety and affliction passed from all hearts at the sight of Compton in full sail... There were no rations in an innings by Compton' Neville Cardus 'Compton was not the last of the double internationals, but he was the greatest' Michael Parkinson

Denis Law: King and Country

by Alex Gordon Sir Alex Ferguson

Denis Law is undoubtedly Scottish football's favourite son. He is joint top record scorer for his country with an impressive strike rate of 30 goals in 52 games and scored in the famous 3 - 2 win over world champions England at Wembley in 1967. As well as his prolific strike rate, he was also part of the Scotland team that won their way through to the 1974 World Cup Finals in West Germany - the first time the Scots had reached the finals in 16 years. In this unique portrait of Denis Law, which is the first book solely devoted to his illustrious international career, Alex Gordon interviews a vast array of former teammates, including Willie Henderson, Davie Hay, John Greig, Pat Crerand, Tommy Gemmell, and international opponents such as Gordon Banks, George Best and Bobby Charlton. Denis Law was the showman supreme. He was more than a mere goal scorer whose cavalier thrusts and menacing darts brought panic to opposing defences. Law was an inspiration to those around him at club and country level and to younger generations of fans everywhere. Team-mates adored him, opponents feared him, fans revered him. He was a free spirit, an extrovert, a complete one-off, a rare combination of impudence and intelligence, class and clout. Denis Law is, was and always will be The King.

Dennis Wise: The Autobiography

by Dennis Wise

Dennis Wise is one of the best-loved British footballers in the Premiership. This cheeky London lad was one of the infamous London crazy gang, whose wild pranks hit the headlines but who defied the odds by beating giants Liverpool to take the FA Cup Final in 1988. Since then he has moved to Chelsea where as skipper he has led the team up the Premiership ladder and this year won two cups. But things haven't always gone so smoothly, Dennis nearly went to prison after being falsely accused of attacking a taxi driver and he has had his fair share of battles with managers, including Terry Venebles and Glenn Hoddle. In this autobiography Dennis will tell all about the Crazy Gang days and his time at Chelsea. The book will include inside stories and Wise's own frank views on key football figures such as Vinnie Jones, Glenn Hoddle, Terry Venables and Paul Gascoigne. This paperback edition has an extra chapter covering Chelsea's 2000 cup campaigns and Dennis' revived international career.

Der Anti-Stress-Trainer für Sportler: Wenn Dein Kopf streikt und Dein Körper folgt

by Clemens Ressel Peter Buchenau

Das Buch aus der Anti-Stress-Trainer-Reihe enthält alltagstaugliche Praxistipps und profitiert von leicht verständlichen und schnell umsetzbaren Mental-Programmen für stressgeplagte Profi- und Freizeitsportler. Auf unterhaltsame und informative Art und Weise erfährt jeder Leser und jede Leserin, wie unkompliziert diese Profitipps in den Alltag integriert werden können. Der Autor gibt seinen reichhaltigen Erfahrungsschatz als Trainer von Top-Sportlern und Nationalteams an alle, die sich für das Thema „Mentale Fitness“ interessieren, weiter. In allem Denken und Handeln ist der Autor resultatorientiert, denn im Sport zählen die erzielten Ergebnisse. Die nachhaltige und langfristige Umsetzung dieser Resultate sind das Besondere an den Trainingsmodulen und Inhalten von Clemens Ressel.

Der Einsatz Sozialer Medien im Sport: Gestaltung, Vermarktung, Monetarisierung

by Christoph G. Grimmer

Der Sammelband bündelt aktuelle wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zum Forschungsbereich Social Media im Sport und bietet zugleich durch ausgewiesene Praxisexperten Einblick in die Vermarktung des Sports über Soziale Medien. Durch interdisziplinäre Betrachtung aus den Bereichen Journalismus, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Rechtswissenschaft gelingt ein mehrperspektivischer Zugang. Die Beiträge belegen für unterschiedliche Sportarten und Ebenen (Einzelpersonen, Organisationen, Gesellschaft) die Relevanz Sozialer Medien in der Vermarktung und Monetarisierung speziell im Spitzensport.

Der Fuß des Läufers

by Erik Hohmann Andreas B. Imhoff

Laufen ist "in". Zwangsläufig nehmen dadurch Verletzungen an Fuß- und Sprunggelenk zu. Die Gründe u.a.: falsches Training, mangelnde Vorbereitung, Überlastung. Die Abteilung für Sportorthopädie der TU München organisiert Fuß- und Laufkongresse. Die Themen und Ergebnisse hier in diesem Buch: Anatomie des Fußes, Fußkinetik im Bewegungsablauf, Fußdeformitäten und Laufen, Sporteinlagen, Laufschuhberatung, Laufverletzungen, Training, Rehabilitation.

Der Körper in der Postmoderne: Zwischen Entkörperlichung und Körperwahn

by Minas Dimitriou Susanne Ring-Dimitriou

In diesem Band befassen sich die Autorinnen und Autoren mit der Thematik „Körper in der Postmoderne“ aus der Sicht unterschiedlicher fachwissenschaftlicher Disziplinen. In den Vordergrund des Interesses rücken neben der Frage nach der Art und Weise des Verständnisses des menschlichen Körpers als komplexes gesellschaftliches Phänomen, auch die Erscheinungsformen und Artikulationslinien des postmodernen Körpers.

Der Leistenschmerz des Sportlers: Differentialdiagnose und Therapie

by W. Overbeck W. Franz

Das Beschwerdebild "Leistenschmerz" ist vielseitig und betrifft zunächst übergreifend mehrere Fachgebiete der Medizin. Ausgehend von der funktionellen Anatomie geben differentialdiagnostische Ansätze und Erörterungen zur Indikation für konservative und operative Therapien einen guten Überblick. Anforderungen an Prophylaxe und Rehabilitation runden die Betrachtung ab.

Der Unfallmann

by G. Mehrtens M. Reichenbach J. Seusing

Des Pawson's Knot Craft and Rope Mats: 60 Ropework Projects Including 20 Mat Designs

by Des Pawson

This wonderful collection of Des Pawson's personal ropecraft recipes combines an expanded and now full-colour collection of projects from Des's popular Des Pawson's Knot Craft, together with 20 new and brilliant mat designs.Readers can learn how to make 60 different ropework projects, including mats, bellropes, key fobs, fenders and doorstops. Along with fascinating titbits of nautical history as background to many projects and guidance as to how they can be the starting point for many other items, Des gives step-by-step instructions on how to put these knots together to form the finished article, and advice on the size and lengths of the materials required - just as you would find in a recipe book. Full-colour illustrations, clear and practical tips on technique, and photos of the finished products mean that this book is ideal for all abilities. With this book to hand, readers will have the confidence to start making desirable objects with knots because, as Des says, this is the book that makes all other knot books work!

Des Pawson's Knot Craft and Rope Mats: 60 Ropework Projects Including 20 Mat Designs

by Des Pawson

This wonderful collection of Des Pawson's personal ropecraft recipes combines an expanded and now full-colour collection of projects from Des's popular Des Pawson's Knot Craft, together with 20 new and brilliant mat designs.Readers can learn how to make 60 different ropework projects, including mats, bellropes, key fobs, fenders and doorstops. Along with fascinating titbits of nautical history as background to many projects and guidance as to how they can be the starting point for many other items, Des gives step-by-step instructions on how to put these knots together to form the finished article, and advice on the size and lengths of the materials required - just as you would find in a recipe book. Full-colour illustrations, clear and practical tips on technique, and photos of the finished products mean that this book is ideal for all abilities. With this book to hand, readers will have the confidence to start making desirable objects with knots because, as Des says, this is the book that makes all other knot books work!

The Descent

by Thomas Dekker

'I have success, money, women. I've been lionised by the public and the media. The world is at my feet. I've spread my wings and here I am, soaring above everything and everyone. But in reality, the descent has already begun.' Thomas Dekker was set to become one of pro cycling’s superstars. But before long, he found himself sucked in by the lure of hedonistic highs and troubled by the intense pressure to perform. In The Descent, Dekker tells his story of hotel room blood bags, shady rendezvous with drug dealers and late-night partying at the Tour de France. This is Dekker’s journey from youthful idealism to a sordid path of excess and doping that lays bare cycling’s darkest secrets like never before.

Desert Survival (Air Ministry Survival Guide)

by A.M. Pamphlet 225

THE ULTIMATE SURVIVAL GUIDE for anyone who thinks they'd survive the world's most hostile environments - or at least imagine they could do.-----------------------------First issued to airmen in the 1950s, the Air Ministry's Sea Survival guide includes original and authentic emergency advice to crew operating over the ocean. With original illustrations and text, these survival guides provide an insight to military survival techniques from a by-gone era.Packed with original line drawings and instruction in:- How to find water in a dry stream course- How to make a hat out of seat cushions- What to do in the event of meeting 'hostile parties'Focussing on one of the most unforgiving environments on Earth, Desert Survival is one of four reprints of The Air Ministry's emergency survival pamphlets. Others include:· Jungle Survival· Sea Survival· Arctic Survival

The Design of Learning Spaces (Future Schools)

by Pamela Woolner

Learning can take place anywhere. So does the detail of the physical surroundings provided by schools matter? After many years of minimal investment in school premises, schools in the UK are in the midst of a wave of planning, building and using new schools. This includes all English secondary schools, being renewed through Building Schools for the Future (BSF), as well as schemes for English primaries and programmes of school construction in Scotland and Wales. Starting from an educational perspective, and building on work in architectural design, Pamela Woolner gives an overview of current issues in the design of learning environments, covering the physical design of spaces and how that design impacts on the organisation of people in schools, their relationships and their teaching and learning. Filling the gap in understanding and knowledge between the worlds of architecture and education, this is essential reading for school leaders and all those engaged in thinking about how school design might be planned and arranged to facilitate learning and teaching.

The Design of Learning Spaces (Future Schools)

by Pamela Woolner

Learning can take place anywhere. So does the detail of the physical surroundings provided by schools matter? After many years of minimal investment in school premises, schools in the UK are in the midst of a wave of planning, building and using new schools. This includes all English secondary schools, being renewed through Building Schools for the Future (BSF), as well as schemes for English primaries and programmes of school construction in Scotland and Wales. Starting from an educational perspective, and building on work in architectural design, Pamela Woolner gives an overview of current issues in the design of learning environments, covering the physical design of spaces and how that design impacts on the organisation of people in schools, their relationships and their teaching and learning. Filling the gap in understanding and knowledge between the worlds of architecture and education, this is essential reading for school leaders and all those engaged in thinking about how school design might be planned and arranged to facilitate learning and teaching.

Designed for Recreation: A Practical Handbook for All Concerned with Providing Leisure Facilities in the Countryside (Routledge Revivals)

by Elisabeth Beazley

Originally published in 1969, at a time when there was an ever-increasing number of people going to the coast and countryside at weekends and on holiday, this book filled a gap by providing detail on the physical results of all that needed to be done for the leisure-seeking public. It discusses juggling the needs of the public whilst maintaining the quality of the natural environment – a balancing act which remains as relevant in the 21st Century as when the book was first published. The book is intended for all those making provision for public recreation and countryside protection. The passing of the Countryside Act in 1968 in the UK necessitated detailed work for local authorities: the design and siting of car parks; public lavatories; litter bins, camp and picnic sites; swimming pools and information centres to name but a few. Elisabeth Beazley discusses the principles involved and illustrates successful and cautionary examples from both sides of the Atlantic as well as Continental Europe

Designed for Recreation: A Practical Handbook for All Concerned with Providing Leisure Facilities in the Countryside (Routledge Revivals)

by Elisabeth Beazley

Originally published in 1969, at a time when there was an ever-increasing number of people going to the coast and countryside at weekends and on holiday, this book filled a gap by providing detail on the physical results of all that needed to be done for the leisure-seeking public. It discusses juggling the needs of the public whilst maintaining the quality of the natural environment – a balancing act which remains as relevant in the 21st Century as when the book was first published. The book is intended for all those making provision for public recreation and countryside protection. The passing of the Countryside Act in 1968 in the UK necessitated detailed work for local authorities: the design and siting of car parks; public lavatories; litter bins, camp and picnic sites; swimming pools and information centres to name but a few. Elisabeth Beazley discusses the principles involved and illustrates successful and cautionary examples from both sides of the Atlantic as well as Continental Europe

Designing the Olympics: Representation, Participation, Contestation (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society)

by Jilly Traganou

Designing the Olympics claims that the Olympic Games provide opportunities to reflect on the relationship between design, national identity, and citizenship. The "Olympic design milieu" fans out from the construction of the Olympic city and the creation of emblems, mascots, and ceremonies, to the consumption, interpretation, and appropriation of Olympic artifacts from their conception to their afterlife. Besides products that try to achieve consensus and induce civic pride, the "Olympic design milieu" also includes processes that oppose the Olympics and their enforcement. The book examines the graphic design program for Tokyo 1964, architecture and urban plans for Athens 2004, brand design for London 2012, and practices of subversive appropriation and sociotechnical action in counter-Olympic movements since the 1960s. It explores how the Olympics shape the physical, legal and emotional contours of a host nation and its position in the world; how the Games are contested by a broader social spectrum within and beyond the nation; and how, throughout these encounters, design plays a crucial role. Recognizing the presence of multiple actors, the book investigates the potential of design in promoting equitable political participation in the Olympic context.

Designing the Olympics: Representation, Participation, Contestation (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society)

by Jilly Traganou

Designing the Olympics claims that the Olympic Games provide opportunities to reflect on the relationship between design, national identity, and citizenship. The "Olympic design milieu" fans out from the construction of the Olympic city and the creation of emblems, mascots, and ceremonies, to the consumption, interpretation, and appropriation of Olympic artifacts from their conception to their afterlife. Besides products that try to achieve consensus and induce civic pride, the "Olympic design milieu" also includes processes that oppose the Olympics and their enforcement. The book examines the graphic design program for Tokyo 1964, architecture and urban plans for Athens 2004, brand design for London 2012, and practices of subversive appropriation and sociotechnical action in counter-Olympic movements since the 1960s. It explores how the Olympics shape the physical, legal and emotional contours of a host nation and its position in the world; how the Games are contested by a broader social spectrum within and beyond the nation; and how, throughout these encounters, design plays a crucial role. Recognizing the presence of multiple actors, the book investigates the potential of design in promoting equitable political participation in the Olympic context.

Destiny and Stardust (Pony Club Secrets)

by Stacy Gregg

Summer special chunky read 2-in-1 edition of the third and fourth books in the ‘Pony Club Secrets’ series: ‘Destiny and the Wild Horses’ and ‘Stardust and the Daredevil Ponies’.

Destiny and the Wild Horses (Pony Club Secrets #3)

by Stacy Gregg

The third gripping adventure in this exciting new pony-club series. With gymkhanas to win, rivals to defeat, mysteries to solve and ponies in danger to save – these books are perfect for all girls who love ponies.

Detecting Doping in Sport (Routledge Research in Sport and Exercise Science)

by Stephen Moston Terry Engelberg

The book explores the changing landscape of anti-doping investigations, which now largely centre on the collection of intelligence about doping through processes such as surveillance, interviews with witnesses and interrogation of athletes. It examines why and how investigative processes, hitherto typically reserved for serious crimes, have been co-opted by anti-doping agencies into a situation where their potential for harm has received little or no critical consideration. This book highlights the opportunities and threats inherent in adopting new investigative processes. It is expected that many of the same problems that have engulfed forensic investigations over the last two decades, such as miscarriages of justice, are likely to surface in future anti-doping investigations. Drawing on empirical research and theory from a range of disciplines, including: forensic psychology, criminology, policing, law, sports management and policy studies, this book fills a scholarly vacuum on the investigation of doping through non-biological detection methods.

Detecting Doping in Sport (Routledge Research in Sport and Exercise Science)

by Stephen Moston Terry Engelberg

The book explores the changing landscape of anti-doping investigations, which now largely centre on the collection of intelligence about doping through processes such as surveillance, interviews with witnesses and interrogation of athletes. It examines why and how investigative processes, hitherto typically reserved for serious crimes, have been co-opted by anti-doping agencies into a situation where their potential for harm has received little or no critical consideration. This book highlights the opportunities and threats inherent in adopting new investigative processes. It is expected that many of the same problems that have engulfed forensic investigations over the last two decades, such as miscarriages of justice, are likely to surface in future anti-doping investigations. Drawing on empirical research and theory from a range of disciplines, including: forensic psychology, criminology, policing, law, sports management and policy studies, this book fills a scholarly vacuum on the investigation of doping through non-biological detection methods.

The Detective Wore Silk Drawers: A Sergeant Cribb Investigation (Sergeant Cribb #2)

by Peter Lovesey

Forbidden in Victorian England, the grim and violent world of bare-knuckle fighting has gone underground. So when a headless body is found floating in the Thames, his hands 'pickled' for fighting, Sergeant Cribb knows he is facing a challenge.Desperate for information, they select the young constable Henry Jago to infiltrate the gang, subjecting him to a rigorous programme of purging, pickling and training. Cribb is certain that the losing fighters are being killed, or worse, so getting Jago out just in time is crucial . . .

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