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Eileen Ramsay: Queen of Yachting Photography

by Barry Pickthall

Eileen Ramsay was at the centre of a unique period in yachting history, and this wonderful book, featuring her classic photography, celebrates an extraordinary woman and her extraordinary subjects.Eileen's heyday was between 1957 and 1970 - a time when eccentrics ruled, records were there for the setting, and women weren't often to be found behind the lens. But Eileen established herself as one of the greatest yachting photographers of her time, taking famous portraits of such sailing icons as Sir Francis Chichester, Eric Tabarly, Olympians including Rodney Pattisson and Keith Musto, and historic pictures from the first OSTAR (Observer Single-handed Trans-Atlantic Race). She was the only photographer Chichester allowed on his Gypsy Moth yachts, and managed to photograph the notorious charmers Uffa Fox and Max Aitken.Her unique archive records the explosive growth in dinghy and offshore sailing during the post-war years, and includes pictures of the first Enterprises, Mirrors, Ospreys, Optimists and the first America's Cup 12 metres Sceptre and Evaine. This beautiful book will feature: - the post-war explosion in dinghy sailing - the growth of offshore racing - the pioneering days of the OSTAR race and solo circumnavigations - the 12 metre class and the America's Cup - post-war powerboat racingThere are also wonderful personal tributes to Eileen throughout by sailing personalities such as Vernon Stratton, Keith Musto and Uffa Fox.

Einfluss massenmedialer und interpersonaler Kommunikation: Die Relevanzbeurteilung von Ereignissen am Beispiel der Fußball-EM 2016

by Anne-Christin Hoffmann

Anne-Christin Hoffmann untersucht den Einfluss massenmedialer und interpersonaler Kommunikation auf die Relevanzbeurteilung von Themen. Sie legt den Blick darauf, unter welchen Rahmenbedingungen Rezipienten welche Ereignisse als wichtig für sich, ihr soziales Umfeld und die Gesellschaft einschätzen. Das Zusammenspiel von Gesprächen und Mediennutzung in Medienwirkungsprozessen betrachtet sie exemplarisch anhand der Fußball-Europameisterschaft 2016. Als Großereignis stößt es Kommunikation in öffentlichen, teil- und nicht-öffentlichen Räumen an. Den Effekt dieser unterschiedlichen Kommunikationsformen auf die Beurteilung der Themenrelevanz analysiert sie mithilfe eines Mehrmethodendesigns, bestehend aus zwei Inhaltsanalysen, einer Tagebuchstudie sowie einer Online-Befragung.

Einfluß von Leistungssport auf das endokrine System der Frau

by Kurt G. Wurster

Mit einem Geleitwort von Jeschke, D.

Einführung in die Ganganalyse: Grundlagen, Anwendungsgebiete, Messmethoden (essentials)

by Oliver Ludwig Stephan Becker Michael Fröhlich

Das vorliegende essential gibt einen kompakten Einblick in das komplexe Feld der Analyse des menschlichen Ganges. Neben der Darstellung grundlegender Konzepte der Ganganalytik stellen die Autoren die systematische Unterteilung des Gangzyklus dar und gehen auf relevante Analyseparameter und Fehlerquellen ein. Der Leser erhält eine einführende Übersicht über die vielfältigen Einsatzgebiete der Ganganalytik sowie die dabei eingesetzten technischen Hilfsmittel.

Einführung in die Methoden, Methodologie und Statistik im Sport

by Michael Fröhlich Jochen Mayerl Andrea Pieter Wolfgang Kemmler

Studieren Sie Sportwissenschaft, sehen Sie Ihren Fokus in erster Linie in der praktischen Anwendung Ihres Wissens und sind wahrscheinlich überrascht, dass Sie sich in Ihrem Studium oder in einer weiteren Qualifikation nun erneut mit Mathematik und Statistik auseinandersetzen müssen. Haben Sie mit Schrecken festgestellt, dass Statistik auch hier zum unverzichtbaren Handwerkszeug gehört, will dieses Buch Sie motivieren, die Grundlagen der Methoden und der Statistik im Sport zu verstehen, Wissenslücken zu schließen und zu erkennen, dass empirisches Arbeiten keine Zauberei ist. Die Autoren vermitteln Hintergründe zur Verortung der Sportwissenschaft im wissenschaftlichen Kontext und erklären darauf aufbauend die Grundbegriffe und Arbeitsschritte bei der Durchführung, Auswertung und Beurteilung wissenschaftlicher Studien. Sie finden hier fundierte Tipps, wie Sie die richtige Forschungsfrage stellen, wie Sie Daten sammeln und aufbereiten, wann Sie welches statistische Verfahren rechnen und wie Sie die Standards guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis umsetzen können. Alle Ausführungen sind leicht verständlich formuliert und mit einer Vielzahl von realen Beispielen aus der Sportwissenschaft verdeutlicht. Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen eine gute Unterstützung, die empirischen Herausforderungen Ihres Studiums zu bewältigen - sei es beim Verstehen von Studien, sei es bei der Erstellung der ersten Hausarbeit mit echten Daten oder bei dem Verfassen Ihrer Abschlussarbeit.

Einführung Sportsponsoring: Theorieüberblick und Praxiseinblick

by Andreas Bergmann

In diesem Lehrbuch lernen Sie die Grundlagen des Sponsorings sowie verschiedene Ausprägungen und Erscheinungsformen des Sportsponsorings kennen. Anhand zahlreicher Praxisbeispiele, Statistiken und Studienergebnisse bekommen Sie eine realistische Vorstellung von der Größenordnung, in der sich das Sportsponsoringvolumen in Deutschland und weltweit bewegt und welche Sportarten und Branchen in diesem Sektor von Relevanz sind. Ihnen werden die Ziele, Motive und die Akteure im Bereich des Sportsponsorings vorgestellt. Des Weiteren lernen Sie die theoretische Verortung des Sportsponsorings aus Management- bzw. Marketing- und Kommunikationssicht kennen und können sich mit dem strukturierten Sponsoringmanagementprozess vertraut machen. Insgesamt erhalten Sie mit diesem Lehrbuch ein breites Grundlagenwissen zum Thema Sportsponsoring.

Einsatz digitaler Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie im Bewegungs- und Sportunterricht: (Fach)didaktische Zugänge und qualitative Befunde aus Sicht von Lehrkräften

by Andreas Raab

Digitalisierungsprozesse und Anliegen einer digitalen Bildung prägen aktuell das Schulwesen. Dies wurde durch die Covid-19-Pandemie zusätzlich verstärkt. Gleichzeitig wird digitale Technologie im Freizeit- und Leistungssport umfassend genutzt und ist allgegenwärtiger Bestandteil der Bewegungs-, Spiel- und Sportkultur. Daher ist die Einbindung digitaler Technologie auch als Thema für den Bewegungs- und Sportunterricht relevant. Zentrale Akteur*innen der Umsetzung curricularer Neuerungen und didaktischer Innovationen sind die Lehrkräfte. Ziel dieses Buches ist, den Beitrag, den der Einsatz von digitaler Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT) zu einem zeitgemäßen und zielorientierten Bewegungs- und Sportunterricht gegenwärtig und perspektivisch leisten kann, herauszuarbeiten. Den theoretischen Rahmen bildet die Verknüpfung der bildungswissenschaftlichen Diskussion zur fortschreitenden Digitalisierung in Schule und Unterricht mit pädagogischen, didaktischen und curricularen Ansprüchen an das Fach Bewegung und Sport. Im empirischen Teil werden die Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Interviewstudie mit Bewegungs- und Sportlehrkräften zur Einbindung digitaler Technologie dargestellt und diskutiert. Zusammenfassend werden Empfehlungen für die qualitätsvollen Einsatz von IKT im Bewegungs- und Sportunterricht abgeleitet.

Eisenstoffwechsel: Diagnostik und Therapie der Anämien

by M. Wick W. Pinggera P. Lehmann

Eisenstoffwechselstörungen, insbesondere der Eisenmangel, zählen zu den am häufigsten übersehenen oder fehlgedeuteten Erkrankungen. Heute gestatten empfindliche, gut standardisierte immunchemische Verfahren eine präzise Bestimmung der Eisenspeicherproteine und der Eisen-Transportproteine. In der Mehrzahl der Fälle können Eisenmangelzustände und nicht eisenbedingte Ursachen einer Anämie schnell und sicher diagnostiziert werden. Die stürmische Entwicklung der klinischen Chemie und eine starke Nachfrage machten eine überabeitete dritte Auflage des Buches, erweitert um das Kapitel "Therapieansätze bei Anämien", notwendig. Die Relevanz der wesentlichen Analyte des Eisenstoffwechsels für Diagnose, Früherkennung, Klassifikation des Patienten bzw. Therapieüberwachung wird übersichtlich dargestellt, um dem Arzt am Krankenbett eine dienliche Hilfestellung zu geben. "... Den Autoren ist es gelungen, die Relevanz der wesentlichen Befunde des Eisenstoffwechsels übersichtlich darzustellen. Besonders die präzise Bestimmung des Eisenspeicherproteins Ferritin im Plasma spiegelt die Depoteisenreserven korrekt wieder und ermöglicht schnelle und sichere Diagnose von Eisenmangelzuständen." Ärztewoche

Eisenstoffwechsel, Anämien Diagnostik und Therapie: Neue Konzepte bei Renaler Anämie und Rheumatoider Arthritis

by M. Wick W. Pinggera P. Lehmann

Eisenstoffwechselstörungen, insbesondere der Eisenmangel, zählen zu den am häufigsten übersehenen oder fehlgedeuteten Erkrankungen. Heute gestatten empfindliche, gut standardisierte immunchemische Verfahren eine präzise Bestimmung der Eisenspeicherproteine und der Eisen-Transportproteine. In der Mehrzahl der Fälle können Eisenmangelzustände und nicht eisenbedingte Ursachen einer Anämie schnell und sicher diagnostiziert werden. Die stürmische Entwicklung der klinischen Chemie und die starke Nachfrage machten eine vierte erweiterte Auflage des Buches notwendig. Die Relevanz der wesentlichen Analyte des Eisenstoffwechsels für Diagnose, Früherkennung, Klassifikation des Patienten bzw. Therapieüberwachung wird übersichtlich dargestellt, um dem Arzt am Krankenbett eine dienliche Hilfestellung zu geben.

El Cerrador: Edición Juvenil

by Mariano Rivera

Mariano Rivera nunca soñó en llegar a ser un atleta profesional. Él nunca coleccionó tarjetas de béisbol, ni jugó en Pequeñas Ligas ni vitoreó a su equipo en una Serie Mundial. Él tampoco oyó hablar de Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Joe DiMaggio o Mickey Mantle.Pero un día, todo cambió.De ser un niño que jugaba con sus amigos en Panamá hasta ser un deportista exitoso con los Yankees de Nueva York, la vida de Mariano se convirtió en algo grandioso que jamás él pensó. Cuando él se para en el montículo no oye a la multitud, sólo oye la voz del árbitro gritando: "¡Strike!". Es el compañero de juego en el que puedes confiar, aun cuando las bases están llenas en la parte baja de la novena entrada. Sea que lo conozcas como Mo o como el "Sandman", Mariano es El cerrador y esta es su historia.Lleno de consejos para atletas jóvenes y anécdotas del equipo de los Yankees, El cerrador: Edición juvenil es una inspiradora historia de perseverancia, espíritu deportivo y dedicación que han definido la vida de una leyenda del béisbol.

El Clasico: Football's Greatest Rivalry

by Richard Fitzpatrick

Real Madrid versus Barcelona is regarded by many as the most captivating fixture in world football. But it is not only the on-pitch battles that have forged their rivalry. From General Franco and bloody civil war to the Catalan city of Barcelona's lukewarm reaction to Spain's recent World Cup and European Championship triumphs, bitterness is never far from the surface. In El Clásico, Richard Fitzpatrick charts the key political and historical flashpoints between the two clubs. With exclusive interviews with key figures, including Luís Figo, Hristo Stoichkov, Joan Laporta and Vicente del Bosque, El Clásico is the definitive guide to football's greatest feud.

Elastography of the Musculoskeletal System

by Salvatore Marsico Albert Solano

In this book recognized world-renowned expert authors expose the state of the art on musculoskeletal ultrasound elastography.Low cost, wide dissemination and accuracy in the evaluation of the musculoskeletal structures, nerves, periosseous soft parts, vascular structures, together with the possibility of performing real time dynamic studies, made the ultrasound technique widely spread among sonographers and musculoskeletal radiologists.Each chapter presents a description of the elastographic semiotics of the main pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and soft tissue, images that represent both routine and more complex clinical cases in a practical and schematic way and summary tables on the characteristics in terms of elasticity found in the main pathologies.A wealth of color images as well as dynamic images and tables complete the book, that will be a useful tool for sonographers , radiologists, orthopedists, sports medicine specialists wishing to expand their knowledge on ultrasound elastography.

The Elbow: Principles of Surgical Treatment and Rehabilitation

by Giuseppe Porcellini Roberto Rotini Susanna Stignani Kantar Silvia Di Giacomo

This book provides readers with detailed guidance on the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of injuries and disorders of the elbow, including dislocation, complex instability, articular fractures, epicondylitis and epitrochleitis, distal biceps and triceps tendon injuries, peripheral nerve pathology, snapping triceps syndrome, elbow stiffness, and upper limb compartment syndrome. The choice between conservative and surgical treatment in different settings is clearly explained, and detailed advice offered on selection of surgical technique. A separate section provides a deeper understanding of the most common sports-related elbow pathologies, and their management, based on careful correlation with the movements performed by athletes in particular sports. Extensive consideration is also given to rehabilitation and physiotherapy protocols. This book will be of value for all orthopedic surgeons and other specialists who care for patients with elbow injuries, which can represent a challenge even to the more experienced.

The Elbow and Its Disorders E-Book

by Bernard F. Morrey

A must-have resource for any orthopaedic library, the latest edition of this technique-focused guide to the elbow has been revised and updated to give you even more coverage of trauma, arthroscopy, soft tissue injury, and joint replacement. The new full-color illustrations and online access to 43 video clips of exams and procedures performed by experts visually enhance an already great resource for both the novice becoming familiar with elbow anatomy and biomechanics and the seasoned surgeon treating difficult elbow problems.Features a technique-focused style and emphasis so you can provide the best hands-on care for your patients. Presents authoritative guidance from leading experts. Covers basic science through practical clinical application for a comprehensive look at the elbow.Features expanded coverage of key topics in trauma, soft tissue procedures, and joint replacement technique to keep you up to date on the latest advances. Supplements the text with new full-color-photos, illustrations, and diagrams for a more instructive and visually appealing approach. Includes 39 video clips (over 2 hours) of exams and procedures—such as calcific tendonitis and RCR margin convergence—performed by the experts online for step-by-step guidance.

Elbow and Sport

by Luigi Adriano Pederzini Denise Eygendaal Matteo Denti

​This book is a comprehensive guide to the diagnosis and treatment of injuries to the elbow joint incurred by athletes of all ages during participation in sports such as tennis, golf, baseball, volleyball, weight lifting, and javelin throwing. The coverage includes the evaluation and management of medial and lateral elbow pain, degenerative elbow, distal biceps and triceps tendon injuries, posterior impingement and nerve compression syndromes, dislocations, and fractures. General guidance is also provided on injury prevention, physical examination, imaging, the use of endoscopy, and rehabilitation. Clinical anatomy of the elbow is thoroughly described and a chapter on biomechanics explains the basic science of the discussed pathologies. Elbow and Sport is a book project initiated by the Elbow and Wrist Committee of the European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) with the aim of describing sports-related elbow pathologies from diagnosis to conservative or surgical treatment. The authors include some of the most eminent experts in elbow surgery from Europe and elsewhere in the world. The guidelines proposed in the book will be invaluable for all specialists in upper limb sport lesions, including surgeons, sport medicine doctors, and physiotherapists.

Elbow Arthroplasty: Current Techniques and Complications

by Filippo Castoldi Giuseppe Giannicola Roberto Rotini

This handbook provides detailed, state-of-the-art information on total elbow replacement, covering all relevant aspects, from basic science and pathogenesis to clinical and instrumental evaluation, and treatment techniques. Elbow arthroplasties have undergone a considerable evolution in recent decades due to better anatomical and biomechanical knowledge, continuous development of biomaterials, improvement of operative techniques and better definition of the surgical indications. This book enables readers to better understand the main indications, the outcomes and the complications following total elbow arthroplasty, radial head arthroplasty, radiocapitellar arthroplasty and distal humerus hemiarthroplasty. The closing section addressing the post-operative management of the patients who have undergone elbow replacement is provided in order to optimize the relationship between the orthopedic surgeon and the rehabilitation physician. Written by leading experts in the field, the book is an invaluable tool for experienced surgeons, orthopedic residents and shoulder fellows.

Elbow Arthroscopy

by Gregory Bain Marc R. Safran

This book, which derives from an initiative of the Education Committee of The International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS), addresses all aspects of elbow arthroscopy. Anatomy is thoroughly introduced, referencing safe portals and describing techniques to minimize risk of complications. Subsequent chapters focus on the use of arthroscopy in a range of conditions, including osteochondritis dissecans, stiff elbow, epicondylitis, elbow instability, and elbow fractures. Guidance is provided on diagnosis and indications for arthroscopy, and arthroscopic technique is clearly detailed. A key chapter describes complications and how to avoid them. The authors are experts and pioneers in the field from North America, Australia, and Europe who have in common the ability to teach complex procedures in a simple way. This book will be an invaluable aid for the developing surgeon and an excellent reference for the experienced surgeon.​

Elbow Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury: A Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment

by Joshua S. Dines David W. Altchek

Presenting a comprehensive discussion of the biomechanics, assessment, diagnosis and management of injuries to the elbow ulnar collateral ligament (UCL), including video clips of selected surgical techniques, this is a thorough and practical text for any clinician seeing athletes with this increasingly common injury. The book is organized thematically, beginning with anatomy and biomechanics of the ligament. Diagnosis of these injuries follows, with chapters focusing on both physical exam tests and imaging studies. Chapters on both conservative treatment and surgical approaches form the heart of the text, including revision surgery and complications, and review the variety of techniques and expected outcomes. Additionally, individual chapters are devoted to the female and high school-aged athlete. Proper rehabilitation is essential and rounds out the text, including a unique focus on sports-specific rehabilitation. Written and edited by top clinicians in orthopedics and sports medicine, this book is an essential reference for diagnosing and treating injuries to the elbow UCL.

Elbow Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury: A Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment

by Joshua S. Dines Christopher L. Camp David W. Altchek

Now in a fully revised and expanded second edition, this practical text presents the current state of the art and latest advancements in the biomechanics, assessment, diagnosis and management of UCL injury in the elbow. In the years since this book’s initial publication, significant developments have occurred on multiple fronts relating to elbow UCL injury, including injury prevention, less invasive repair techniques, more anatomical surgical reconstructions, and improved post-injury rehabilitation protocols. Chapters are once again arranged thematically, beginning with discussion of the relevant anatomy and surgical approaches, throwing biomechanics and overload mechanisms, epidemiology, history and physical exam. After a description of the radiological approaches to assessment, both conservative and surgical strategies are outlined and discussed in detail, from repair both with and without augmentation to reconstruction both arthroscopically and with newer minimally invasive techniques. Considerations for UCL injury in special populations – the young athlete and the female athlete – and sports-specific rehabilitation, return-to-play and prevention via wearable technology round out this thorough presentation. Enhanced with select video clips illustrating surgical techniques, Elbow Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury, Second Edition remains a go-to resource for orthopedic surgeons, sports medicine specialists, therapists and trainers who work with athletes that suffer from these conditions.

Electrical Power Transmission System Engineering: Analysis and Design, Third Edition

by Turan Gonen

Electrical Power Transmission System Engineering: Analysis and Design is devoted to the exploration and explanation of modern power transmission engineering theory and practice. Designed for senior-level undergraduate and beginning-level graduate students, the book serves as a text for a two-semester course or, by judicious selection, the material

Electrical Power Transmission System Engineering: Analysis and Design

by Yunhe Hou

Today, there are various textbooks dealing with a broad range of topics in the power system area of electrical engineering. Some of them are considered to be classics. However, they do not particularly concentrate on topics dealing with electric power transmission. Therefore, Electrical Power Transmission System Engineering: Analysis and Design, as a textbook, is unique; it is written specifically for an in-depth study of modern power transmission engineering. Written in the classic, self-learning style of the original, Electrical Power Transmission System Engineering: Analysis and Design, Fourth Edition is updated and features: HVDC system operation and control Renewable energy (including wind and solar energy) Detailed numerical examples and problems MATLAB® applications This book includes a comprehensive and systematic introduction of electric power transmission systems, from basic transmission planning and concepts to various available types of transmission systems. Written particularly for a student or practicing engineer who may want to teach himself or herself, the basic material has been explained carefully, clearly, and in detail with numerous examples, which is also useful for professors. In addition to detailed basic knowledge of transmission lines, new components enabling modern electronics and renewable penetrated transmission systems are emphasized. The discussion goes beyond the usual analytical and qualitative analysis to cover overall aspects of transmission system analysis and design.

Electrical Power Transmission System Engineering: Analysis and Design

by Yunhe Hou

Today, there are various textbooks dealing with a broad range of topics in the power system area of electrical engineering. Some of them are considered to be classics. However, they do not particularly concentrate on topics dealing with electric power transmission. Therefore, Electrical Power Transmission System Engineering: Analysis and Design, as a textbook, is unique; it is written specifically for an in-depth study of modern power transmission engineering. Written in the classic, self-learning style of the original, Electrical Power Transmission System Engineering: Analysis and Design, Fourth Edition is updated and features: HVDC system operation and control Renewable energy (including wind and solar energy) Detailed numerical examples and problems MATLAB® applications This book includes a comprehensive and systematic introduction of electric power transmission systems, from basic transmission planning and concepts to various available types of transmission systems. Written particularly for a student or practicing engineer who may want to teach himself or herself, the basic material has been explained carefully, clearly, and in detail with numerous examples, which is also useful for professors. In addition to detailed basic knowledge of transmission lines, new components enabling modern electronics and renewable penetrated transmission systems are emphasized. The discussion goes beyond the usual analytical and qualitative analysis to cover overall aspects of transmission system analysis and design.

The Electricity of Every Living Thing: A Woman’s Walk in the Wild to Find Her Way Home

by Katherine May

Perfect for fans of The Salt Path and The Outrun, this book is a life-affirming exploration of wild landscapes, what it means to be different and, above all, how we can all learn to make peace within our own unquiet minds.'A windswept tale, beautifully told' Raynor Winn - The Salt Path 'A manifesto for the value of difficult people. I loved it' Amy Liptrot - The OutrunIn August 2015, Katherine May set out to walk the 630-mile South West Coast Path. She wanted to understand why she had stopped coping with everyday life; why motherhood had been so overwhelming and isolating, and why the world felt full of inundation and expectations she can't meet. Setting her feet down on the rugged and difficult path by the sea, the answer begins to unfold. It's a chance encounter with a voice on the radio that sparks a realisation that she has Asperger's Syndrome. The Electricity of Every Living Thing tells the story of the year in which Katherine comes to terms with her diagnosis. It leads to a re-evaluation of her life so far - a kinder one, which finally allows her to be different rather than simply awkward, arrogant or unfeeling. The physical and psychological journeys become inextricably entwined, and as Katherine finds her way across the untameable coast, she also finds the way to herself.What readers are saying about The Electricity of Every Living Thing:'This book showed a realistic view of how autism feels to some people, and it's explained so well''The astonishing sensitivity and awareness in her writing, both about the beautiful landscapes and nature around on her walks, and in relation to her family, friends and self put paid to many outdated myths about what it is like to be autistic''Compelling and transformative'

Electrolytes, Acid-Base Balance and Blood Gases: Clinical Aspects and Laboratory

by Wolf Rüdiger Külpmann H.-K. Stummvoll Paul Lehmann

The first part of this book describes in a condensed manner the current state of diagnosis and treatment of disorders of electrolyte balance. It provides the physician with both a rapid aid to orientation at the bedside as well as a comprehensive insight into the pathophysiological relationships involved. A separate section deals with electrolytes in the urine. In the subsequent chapters, preanalysis and analysis of electrolytes are discussed.

Electrolytes, Acid-Base Balance and Blood Gases: Clinical Aspects and Laboratory

by Wolf Rüdiger Külpmann H.-K. Stummvoll Paul Lehmann

This book examines the medical significance of electrolytes, acids, bases and blood gases, and how they are determined. It was written to provide physicians with a snapshot of the analytical testing of electrolytes, acids, bases and blood gases. In addition, it provides laboratory technicians with an overview of physiology and pathophysiology in these fields. The first part of the book provides a summary of the current status of diagnosis and therapy. It can be used for quick reference at the - tient’s bedside or to more thoroughly research pathophysiological int- dependencies. A separate section is dedicated to electrolytes in urine. The latter chapters discuss the preanalytical and analytical testing of electrolytes, the acid-base balance and blood gases, with special cons- eration for performing determination using ion-selective electrodes and carrier-bound reagents (“dry chemistry”). The final chapter discusses the quality assurance of the methods, with consideration for the new Guidelines of the German Bundesärztekammer (2001), which are p- sented in outline form.

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