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Feld- und Hallenhockey – Das Praxisbuch für Studium, Training und Freizeitsport (Sportpraxis)

by Anne Krause Wolfgang Hillmann Konstantin Rehlinghaus

Hockey stellt eine der beliebtesten Mannschaftsportarten in Deutschland dar. Sowohl an (Hoch-)Schulen als auch im Freizeit- und Vereinssport gewinnt Hockey als Sportspiel an Relevanz. Das vorliegende Lehrbuch soll Sportstudierenden, Übungsleiter*innen und Trainer*innen im Breitensport sowie Lehrer*innen im Schulsport einen Überblick über die Grundlagen des Feld- und Hallenhockeys zum Erlernen der Sportart bieten. Dafür werden Techniken und Taktiken zum Erwerb des Spielverständnisses für Hockeyanfänger*innen bis Fortgeschrittene dargestellt. Zudem wird erläutert, wie Hockey mithilfe einer zielgruppenorientierten Vermittlung sicher gelehrt und mit Freude erlebt werden kann. Durch mehr als 20 Übungs- und Spielformen mit sukzessiven Schwierigkeitssteigerungen und über 100 grafischen Darstellungen werden vielfältige Differenzierungsmöglichkeiten beschrieben, um Hockey auf dem Feld und in der Halle sowie für unterschiedliche Alters- und Leistungsgruppen anbieten zu können. Besonders hervorzuheben sind 16 abrufbare Videos zu verschiedenen Technikelementen, die eine multimediale Wissensvermittlung ermöglichen. Durch die Verknüpfung praxisorientierter Inhalte und wissenschaftlich fundierten Wissens wird eine aktuelle Übersicht zum modernen Hockeyspiel im Breitensport angeboten, um die Faszination Hockey weiter zu verbreiten.

The Fell

by Sarah Moss

Acclaimed author of Summerwater and Ghost Wall, Sarah Moss is back with a sharply observed and darkly funny novel for our times.'A tense page turner . . . I gulped The Fell down in one sitting' - Emma Donoghue'This slim, intense masterpiece is one of my best books of the year' - Rachel Joyce At dusk on a November evening in 2020 a woman slips out of her garden gate and turns up the hill. Kate is in the middle of a two-week quarantine period, but she just can’t take it any more – the closeness of the air in her small house, the confinement. And anyway, the moor will be deserted at this time. Nobody need ever know. But Kate’s neighbour Alice sees her leaving and Matt, Kate’s son, soon realizes she’s missing. And Kate, who planned only a quick solitary walk – a breath of open air – falls and badly injures herself. What began as a furtive walk has turned into a mountain rescue operation . . . Unbearably suspenseful, witty and wise, The Fell asks probing questions about the place the world has become since March 2020, and the place it was before. This novel is a story about compassion and kindness and what we must do to survive, and it will move you to tears. ‘One of the best writers at work in Britain today’ – Fiona Mozley, author of Elmet ‘One of our very best contemporary novelists’ – Independent

The Female Athlete E-Book

by Rachel M. Frank

Of all the important factors that must be considered when assessing and treating an athlete, the impact of patient sex is perhaps the most critical, yet historically has often been neglected. The "same injury" in a male patient may present differently, sometimes in subtle ways, than in a female patient and may require a different treatment approach. The Female Athlete, edited by Dr. Rachel Frank, provides concise, expert coverage of the ways in which common sports medicine injuries present in female patients versus male patients, describing recent literature analyzing sex differences in injury patterns and available treatment options. Provides a comprehensive review of key areas of importance related to care for women in sports, including the differences in care and treatment for male and female patients. Covers many of the most common injuries female athletes face, including ACL injuries, shoulder instability, concussion, stress fractures, female overuse injuries, and more. Considers prevention strategies, nutritional recommendations, as well as exercise recommendations for women during pregnancy.

The Female Athlete Triad: A Clinical Guide

by Catherine M. Gordon Meryl S. LeBoff

This is the first book of its kind to focus solely on the female athlete triad - its origins, its recognition, and most importantly, its management. Since the symptoms themselves cover a range of medical specialties, chapters are written by experts in a number of relevant fields - sports medicine, orthopedics, endocrinology, and pediatrics - with an eye toward overall care of the young female athlete. Additionally, each chapter includes suggestions on how to educate and communicate with young athletes and their parents, as well as trainers and coaches, on how to manage the illness outside of the direct clinical setting.The female athlete triad is often seen in sports where low body weight is emphasized, such as gymnastics, figure skating, and running, though it can appear in any sport or activity. The interrelated symptoms - eating disorders, amenorrhea, and low bone mass - exist on a spectrum of severity and are serious and potentially life-threatening if not properly treated. Psychological problems, in addition to medical ones, are not uncommon. The Female Athlete Triad: A Clinical Guide discusses all of these areas for a well-rounded and in-depth approach to the phenomenon and will be a useful reference for any clinician working with female athletes across the lifespan.

The Female Body Bible: Make Your Body Work For You

by Dr Emma Ross Baz Moffat Dr Bella Smith

UNDERSTAND YOUR BODY TO EMPOWER YOURSELF FOR LIFE.This book will help you create healthy habits that consider all aspects of female health at every life stage, including how to:* harness your hormones to improve your cycle symptoms, work productivity and exercise habits* fuel your body to have the energy you need to smash your goals* exceed your personal best for fun, fitness or competition* exercise safely and build strength to benefit your long-term health* equip you with the knowledge to manage injuries that women are more prone to than men* change the language used to talk to adolescent girls about their bodies and give them the confidence to advocate for themselves* confidently communicate with your health and fitness practitioners, friends, partners or colleagues about health issues you may be facingMerging the latest science with the combined experience of its three expert authors: NHS doctor Bella Smith, sports research scientist Dr Emma Ross and athletic coach Baz Moffat, The Female Body Bible busts the myths and taboos that persist around women's bodies.This isn't just a book, it's a movement - a call to action. Every woman deserves to know more about her body and everyone, regardless of their sex, needs to know more about women's bodies to remove the vestiges of secrecy and shame once and for all. This is the playbook of all the elements that go into getting the most out of your body, and a selection of strategies that you can try to find out what works for you and your incredible body.Instead of prioritising how a body looks, we need to focus on how it feels and functions. When we listen to our body, understand how it works and embrace and nurture it, health, fitness and happiness will follow.

Female Fans of the NFL: Taking Their Place in the Stands (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society)

by Anne Cunningham Osborne Danielle Sarver Coombs

In the past, sport, particularly football, has been defined as a male domain. Women’s interest stereotypically ranges from gentle tolerance to active resistance. But increasingly, women are proudly identifying themselves as supporters of their teams, and have become highly desirable audiences for sport organizations and merchandisers. Football provides a unique site at which to examine the complex interplay between three theoretical areas: identity formation and maintenance, commercialization of cultural practices, and gender hegemony. This book explores how women experience their fandom, and what barriers exist for the female fan.

Female Fans of the NFL: Taking Their Place in the Stands (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society #49)

by Anne Cunningham Osborne Danielle Sarver Coombs

In the past, sport, particularly football, has been defined as a male domain. Women’s interest stereotypically ranges from gentle tolerance to active resistance. But increasingly, women are proudly identifying themselves as supporters of their teams, and have become highly desirable audiences for sport organizations and merchandisers. Football provides a unique site at which to examine the complex interplay between three theoretical areas: identity formation and maintenance, commercialization of cultural practices, and gender hegemony. This book explores how women experience their fandom, and what barriers exist for the female fan.

Female Football Fans: Community, Identity and Sexism

by C. Dunn

Most sociological work on football fandom has focused on the experience of men, and it usually talks about alcohol, fighting and general hooliganism. This book shows that there are some unique facets of female experience and fascinating negotiations of identity within the male-dominated world of men's professional football.

Female Football Players and Fans: Intruding into a Man's World (Football Research in an Enlarged Europe)

by Gertrud Pfister Stacey Pope

This volume draws upon social science and historical approaches to provide insights into the world of women’s football and female fans. It gives an in-depth analysis of the development of the women’s game in different European countries and examines the experiences of female fans. An overview about women’s football in Europe shows the rise and development of the game and the increasing inclusion of girls and women in football and fan communities. To date, there has been a lack of research on female participation in football, but drawing on research studies from various European countries, the volume explores a range of issues, including how girls and women become football fans and players, how women combine football with their everyday lives, and how they may encounter stereotypes and barriers when they challenge male dominance by entering this traditionally male sport. This collection will be of interest to students and scholars in a range of fields, including sports sociology, sport sciences, gender studies, leisure studies, women’s studies as well as fandom and cultural studies.

Female Olympian and Paralympian Events: Analyses, Backgrounds, and Timelines

by Linda K. Fuller

Female Olympian and Paralympian Events is a groundbreaking book that examines women’s sports in the Olympic and Paralympic Games, which have long been underappreciated and under-analyzed. The book begins with a brief background on women’s participation in the Olympic Games and their role relative to the International Olympic Committee, then introduces the underlying Gendered Critical Discourse Analysis theory used throughout the book’s analysis before delving into a literature review of female Olympians and Paralympians’ events. It includes a listing of noteworthy “firsts” in the field, followed by individual discussions of twenty-eight Summer and seven Winter events, analyzed according to their historical, rhetorical, and popular cultural representations. Women’s unique role(s) in the various events are discussed, particular athletes and Paralympic events are highlighted, and original tables are also included. At the end of each section, affiliated organizations and resources are included in this invaluable referential volume.

Female Olympians: A Mediated Socio-Cultural and Political-Economic Timeline

by Linda K. Fuller

This book examines women's participation in the Olympic Games since they were allowed to be included in that global arena. Using a holistic, social scientific approach, and emphasizing the rhetoric of sport mediatization, Female Olympians reviews the literature relative to sexism, racism, and ageism before providing historical, political, economic, and socio-cultural perspectives such as the gendered language of Olympic reportage, religious considerations, women’s bodies relative to their training for the Games, drugs and doping, and female Paralympians. With numerous critical case studies, never-before assembled data, and personal interviews with athletes, this volume offers insights that both investigate and celebrate female Olympians’ successes.

The Female Tradition in Physical Education: Women First reconsidered (Routledge Studies in Physical Education and Youth Sport)

by David Kirk and Patricia Vertinsky

The Female Tradition in Physical Education re-examines a key question in the history of modern education: why did the remarkably successful leaders of female physical education, who pioneered the development of the subject in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century England, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, lose control in the years following the Second World War? Despite the later resurgence of second wave feminism they never regained a voice, with the result that male leadership was able to shift the curriculum in ways that neglected the needs and interests of girls and young women. Drawing on new sources and a range of historiographical approaches, and touching on related fields such as therapeutic exercise and dance, the book examines the development of physical education for girls in a number of countries to offer an alternative explanation to the dominant narrative of the ‘demise’ of the female tradition. Providing an important contextualization for the state of contemporary female physical education, this is fascinating reading for anybody with an interest in the development of sport and physical education, women’s and gender history, and physical culture more generally.

The Female Tradition in Physical Education: Women First reconsidered (Routledge Studies in Physical Education and Youth Sport)

by David Kirk Patricia Vertinsky

The Female Tradition in Physical Education re-examines a key question in the history of modern education: why did the remarkably successful leaders of female physical education, who pioneered the development of the subject in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century England, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, lose control in the years following the Second World War? Despite the later resurgence of second wave feminism they never regained a voice, with the result that male leadership was able to shift the curriculum in ways that neglected the needs and interests of girls and young women. Drawing on new sources and a range of historiographical approaches, and touching on related fields such as therapeutic exercise and dance, the book examines the development of physical education for girls in a number of countries to offer an alternative explanation to the dominant narrative of the ‘demise’ of the female tradition. Providing an important contextualization for the state of contemporary female physical education, this is fascinating reading for anybody with an interest in the development of sport and physical education, women’s and gender history, and physical culture more generally.

Femininity, Feminism and Recreational Pole Dancing (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society)

by Kerry Griffiths

This book explores the phenomenon of pole dancing as an increasingly popular fitness and leisure activity for women. It moves beyond previous debates surrounding the empowering or degrading nature of pole dancing classes, and instead explores the complexities of these concepts and highlights that women participating in this practice cannot be seen as one dimensional. Femininity, Feminism and Recreational Pole Dancing explores the construction, negotiation and presentation of a gendered and classed identity and self through participation in pole dancing, the meaning of pole dancing as a fitness practice for women, and the concepts of community and friendship as developed through classes. Using empirical research, the book uncovers the stories and experiences of the women who participate in these classes, and examines what the mainstreaming of this type of sexualised dance means for the women who practice it. Pole dancing is shown to be a practice in which female identities are negotiated, performed and enacted and this book positions pole dancing as an activity which both reinforces but also presents some challenge to ideas of feminism and femininity for the women that participate. Women's participation in pole dancing is described in a discourse of choice and control, yet this book argues that the decision to participate is somewhat constructed by the advertising of these classes as enabling women to create a particular desirable self, which is perpetuated throughout our culture as the ‘ideal’. Exploring the ways in which women attempt to manage impressions and present themselves as ‘respectable’, the book examines how women wish to dis-identify with both women who work as strippers and women who are feminist, seeing both identities as contradictory to the feminine image that they pursue. The book explores the capacity of these classes to offer women some feelings of agency but challenges the idea that participating in pole dancing can offer collective empowerment. The book ultimately argues that women’s participation can be viewed both in terms of their active engagement and enjoyment of these classes and in terms of the structures and pressures which continue to shape their lives. This timely publication explores the complexity of the pole dancing phenomenon and highlights a range of questions surrounding this activity as a leisure form. It will be a valuable contribution to those interested in women’s and gender studies, cultural studies, feminism, sociology and leisure studies.

Femininity, Feminism and Recreational Pole Dancing (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society)

by Kerry Griffiths

This book explores the phenomenon of pole dancing as an increasingly popular fitness and leisure activity for women. It moves beyond previous debates surrounding the empowering or degrading nature of pole dancing classes, and instead explores the complexities of these concepts and highlights that women participating in this practice cannot be seen as one dimensional. Femininity, Feminism and Recreational Pole Dancing explores the construction, negotiation and presentation of a gendered and classed identity and self through participation in pole dancing, the meaning of pole dancing as a fitness practice for women, and the concepts of community and friendship as developed through classes. Using empirical research, the book uncovers the stories and experiences of the women who participate in these classes, and examines what the mainstreaming of this type of sexualised dance means for the women who practice it. Pole dancing is shown to be a practice in which female identities are negotiated, performed and enacted and this book positions pole dancing as an activity which both reinforces but also presents some challenge to ideas of feminism and femininity for the women that participate. Women's participation in pole dancing is described in a discourse of choice and control, yet this book argues that the decision to participate is somewhat constructed by the advertising of these classes as enabling women to create a particular desirable self, which is perpetuated throughout our culture as the ‘ideal’. Exploring the ways in which women attempt to manage impressions and present themselves as ‘respectable’, the book examines how women wish to dis-identify with both women who work as strippers and women who are feminist, seeing both identities as contradictory to the feminine image that they pursue. The book explores the capacity of these classes to offer women some feelings of agency but challenges the idea that participating in pole dancing can offer collective empowerment. The book ultimately argues that women’s participation can be viewed both in terms of their active engagement and enjoyment of these classes and in terms of the structures and pressures which continue to shape their lives. This timely publication explores the complexity of the pole dancing phenomenon and highlights a range of questions surrounding this activity as a leisure form. It will be a valuable contribution to those interested in women’s and gender studies, cultural studies, feminism, sociology and leisure studies.

Feminisms in Leisure Studies: Advancing a Fourth Wave (Routledge Critical Leisure Studies)

by Diana Parry

Feminisms in Leisure Studies acknowledges and advances the contribution of feminist theories to leisure knowledge and research. Building upon the strong history of feminist leisure scholarship, the book reviews key feminist theories and offers an overview of a fourth wave of feminism and its relevance to leisure. Written by a team of leading international feminist scholars, each chapter addresses a particular theoretical perspective, using examples from each author’s research to unpack methodological and substantive issues essential to leisure studies. Critically, this book moves beyond women, the emphasis of much gender scholarship to date, to focus on issues of feminism as connected to leisure scholarship more broadly. This book is an important and engaging read for students and scholars of diversity, women’s studies, multiculturalism, social justice, gender studies, leisure studies, LGBTQQ studies, and feminist research.

Feminisms in Leisure Studies: Advancing a Fourth Wave (Routledge Critical Leisure Studies)

by Diana C. Parry

Feminisms in Leisure Studies acknowledges and advances the contribution of feminist theories to leisure knowledge and research. Building upon the strong history of feminist leisure scholarship, the book reviews key feminist theories and offers an overview of a fourth wave of feminism and its relevance to leisure. Written by a team of leading international feminist scholars, each chapter addresses a particular theoretical perspective, using examples from each author’s research to unpack methodological and substantive issues essential to leisure studies. Critically, this book moves beyond women, the emphasis of much gender scholarship to date, to focus on issues of feminism as connected to leisure scholarship more broadly. This book is an important and engaging read for students and scholars of diversity, women’s studies, multiculturalism, social justice, gender studies, leisure studies, LGBTQQ studies, and feminist research.

Feminist Applied Sport Psychology: From Theory to Practice

by Leeja Carter

With an emphasis on women and transwomen athletes and exercisers of color, Feminist Applied Sport Psychology: From Theory to Practice introduces the reader to feminist, black feminist, and womanist sport psychology, offering an alternative and powerful approach to working with athletes. Covering core concepts, applied skills, and research methods, the book includes useful features throughout, such as discussion questions and definitions of key terms. It is organized into three sections covering, firstly, feminist theory, history, movements, and their importance in applied sport psychology; secondly, the intersection of race, class, and gender, and the integration of intersectional considerations into sport psychology; and finally, in-depth case studies of feminist sport psychology in action, each of which offers strategies for best practice. Feminist Applied Sport Psychology: From Theory to Practice is important reading for feminist-centred students and practitioners in performance and sports domains, and exercise psychology and anybody with an interest in feminist approaches to working with women of diverse backgrounds.

Feminist Applied Sport Psychology: From Theory to Practice

by Leeja Carter

With an emphasis on women and transwomen athletes and exercisers of color, Feminist Applied Sport Psychology: From Theory to Practice introduces the reader to feminist, black feminist, and womanist sport psychology, offering an alternative and powerful approach to working with athletes. Covering core concepts, applied skills, and research methods, the book includes useful features throughout, such as discussion questions and definitions of key terms. It is organized into three sections covering, firstly, feminist theory, history, movements, and their importance in applied sport psychology; secondly, the intersection of race, class, and gender, and the integration of intersectional considerations into sport psychology; and finally, in-depth case studies of feminist sport psychology in action, each of which offers strategies for best practice. Feminist Applied Sport Psychology: From Theory to Practice is important reading for feminist-centred students and practitioners in performance and sports domains, and exercise psychology and anybody with an interest in feminist approaches to working with women of diverse backgrounds.

Feminist New Materialisms, Sport and Fitness: A Lively Entanglement (New Femininities in Digital, Physical and Sporting Cultures)

by Holly Thorpe Julie Brice Marianne Clark

This book offers the first critical examination of the contributions of feminist new materialist thought to the study of sport, fitness, and physical culture. Bringing feminist new materialist theory into a lively dialogue with sport studies, it highlights the possibilities and challenges of engaging with posthumanist and new materialist theories. With empirical examples and pedagogical offerings woven throughout, the book makes complex new materialist concepts and theories highly accessible. It vividly illustrates sporting matter as lively, vital, and agentic. Engaging specifically with the methodological, theoretical, ethical and political challenges of feminist new materialisms, it elaborates understandings of moving bodies and their entanglements with human, non-human, technological, biological, cultural, and environmental forces in contemporary society. This book extends humanist, representationalist, and discursive approaches that have characterized the landscape of critical research on active bodies, and invites new imaginings and articulations for sport and moving bodies in uncertain times and unknown futures.View the video abstracts for each of the book's chapter here: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7

The Feminization of Sports Fandom: A Sociological Study (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society)

by Stacey Pope

Women fans have entered the traditionally male domain of the sports stadium in growing numbers in recent years. Watching professional sport is important for women for so many reasons, but their expectations and experiences have been largely ignored by academics. This book tackles these shortcomings in the literature and sheds new light on the many ways in which women become sports fans. This groundbreaking study is the first to focus on the phenomenon of the feminization of sports fandom. Including original research on football and rugby union in the UK, it looks at the increasing opportunities for women to become sports fans in contemporary society and critically examines the way this form of leisure is valued by women. Drawing upon feminist thinking and intersectionality, it shows how women from different social classes and age groups consume the spectacle of sport. This book is fascinating reading for any student or scholar interested in sport and leisure studies, sociology and gender or women’s studies.

The Feminization of Sports Fandom: A Sociological Study (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society)

by Stacey Pope

Women fans have entered the traditionally male domain of the sports stadium in growing numbers in recent years. Watching professional sport is important for women for so many reasons, but their expectations and experiences have been largely ignored by academics. This book tackles these shortcomings in the literature and sheds new light on the many ways in which women become sports fans. This groundbreaking study is the first to focus on the phenomenon of the feminization of sports fandom. Including original research on football and rugby union in the UK, it looks at the increasing opportunities for women to become sports fans in contemporary society and critically examines the way this form of leisure is valued by women. Drawing upon feminist thinking and intersectionality, it shows how women from different social classes and age groups consume the spectacle of sport. This book is fascinating reading for any student or scholar interested in sport and leisure studies, sociology and gender or women’s studies.

Femoroacetabular Impingement

by Óliver Marín-Peña

This book is the first monograph to examine all aspects of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), an important disease first described early in the twenty-first century. Comprising 27 chapters and including many color illustrations, the book contains a variety of points of view from more than 50 experts from 11 countries and represents an up-to-date compilation of professional knowledge on FAI. The full range of available surgical treatments is carefully described and evaluated, including arthroscopic treatment, the open and mini-open approaches, periacetabular osteotomy, hip resurfacing arthroplasty, and combined techniques. Differential diagnosis, imaging, postoperative management, and treatment outcome are also discussed in appropriate detail. It is hoped that this book will promote a comprehensive approach to what is a common pathology and thereby encourage further improvement in treatment.

Fence: Striking Distance

by Sarah Rees Brennan

The boys of Kings Row bout with drama, rivalry, and romance in this original YA novel by The New York Times bestselling author Sarah Rees Brennan -- inspired by the award-nominated comic series by C.S. Pacat and Johanna The Mad.Sixteen-year-old Nicholas Cox is the illegitimate son of a retired fencing champion who dreams of getting the proper training he could never afford. After earning a place on the elite Kings Row fencing team, Nicholas must prove himself to his rival, Seiji Katayma, and navigate the clashes, friendships, and relationships between his teammates on the road to state championships -- where Nicholas might finally have the chance to spar with his golden-boy half-brother.Coach Williams decides to take advantage of the boys' morale after a recent victory and assigns them a course of team building exercises to further deepen their bonds. It takes a shoplifting scandal, a couple of moonlit forest strolls, several hilariously bad dates, and a whole lot of introspection for the team to realize they are stronger together than they could ever be apart. The first installment of this enticing original YA novel series by Sarah Rees Brennan, rich with casual diversity and queer self-discovery, explores never-before-seen drama inspired by C.S. Pacat's critically acclaimed Fence comic series and boasts original cover and interior art by Johanna The Mad.Text and Illustration copyright: © 2020 BOOM! StudiosFence(TM) and © 2020 C.S. Pacat

Fence: Striking Distance

by Sarah Rees Brennan

The boys of Kings Row bout with drama, rivalry, and romance in this original YA novel by The New York Times bestselling author Sarah Rees Brennan — inspired by the award-nominated comic series by C.S. Pacat and Johanna The Mad. Sixteen-year-old Nicholas Cox is the illegitimate son of a retired fencing champion who dreams of getting the proper training he could never afford. After earning a place on the elite Kings Row fencing team, Nicholas must prove himself to his rival, Seiji Katayma, and navigate the clashes, friendships, and relationships between his teammates on the road to state championships -- where Nicholas might finally have the chance to spar with his golden-boy half-brother. Coach Williams decides to take advantage of the boys' morale after a recent victory and assigns them a course of team building exercises to further deepen their bonds. It takes a shoplifting scandal, a couple of moonlit forest strolls, several hilariously bad dates, and a whole lot of introspection for the team to realize they are stronger together than they could ever be apart. The first installment of this enticing original YA novel series by Sarah Rees Brennan, rich with casual diversity and queer self-discovery, explores never-before-seen drama inspired by C.S. Pacat's critically acclaimed Fence comic series and boasts original cover and interior art by Johanna The Mad. Text and Illustration copyright: © 2020 BOOM! StudiosFence(TM) and © 2020 C.S. Pacat

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