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Showing 8,601 through 8,625 of 13,387 results

Playmaker: My Life And The Love Of Football

by Glenn Hoddle

‘On the pitch he was a magician’ – Arsène Wenger The first full autobiography from former footballer and England manager Glenn Hoddle

Playmakers: How the NFL Really Works (And Doesn't)

by Mike Florio

The story of a modern NFL that can&’t get out of its own way—and can&’t stop making moneyIn recent decades, the NFL has simultaneously become an athletic, financial, and cultural powerhouse—and a League that can&’t seem to go more than a few weeks without a scandal. Whether it&’s about domestic violence, performance-enhancing drugs, racism, or head trauma, the NFL always seems to be in some kind of trouble. Yet no matter the drama, the TV networks keep showing games, the revenue keeps rising, and the viewers keep tuning in.How can a sports league—or any organization—operate this way? Why do the negative stories keep happening, and why don&’t they ever seem to affect the bottom line? In this wide-ranging book, Mike Florio takes readers from the boardroom to the locker room, from draft day to the Super Bowl, answering these questions and more, and showing what really goes on in the sport that America can&’t seem to quit.Known for his constant stream of new information and incisive commentary, Florio delivers again in this book. With new insights and reporting on scandals past and present, this book will be the talk of the League—whether the League likes it or not.

Please Don't Go: Big John's Journey Back to Life

by John Hartson

In July 2009, former Celtic and Wales soccer star John Hartson was diagnosed with testicular cancer, which had also spread to his lungs and brain. But before his treatment even began, John came to the brink of death after contracting pneumonia, ceasing to breathe and undergoing emergency brain surgery. Against all the odds, he pulled through, and in Please Don't Go he documents his incredible fight for life.Profoundly moving, John's own story is interwoven with the poignant recollections of his pregnant wife, Sarah, as well as with extracts from his sister Victoria's personal diary. This remarkable book covers the five-week period during which John's survival was most in jeopardy.John's truly inspirational account of how he has managed to overcome a very aggressive form of cancer will offer hope and courage to others affected by the disease. It is a touching and ultimately uplifting insight into the bravery of the popular football hero, who has fought back to full health in the face of adversity.

Pleasure, Profit, Proselytism: British Culture and Sport at Home and Abroad 1700-1914 (Sport In The Global Society Ser.)

by J. A. Mangan

This book examines aspects of sport which Britain nurtured within its own culture and also transmitted to overseas territories with the expansion of empire.

Pleasure, Profit, Proselytism: British Culture and Sport at Home and Abroad 1700-1914

by J. A. Mangan

This book examines aspects of sport which Britain nurtured within its own culture and also transmitted to overseas territories with the expansion of empire.

PNF in der Praxis: Eine Anleitung in Bildern

by Math Buck Dominiek Beckers

Von neurophysiologischen Grundlagen über Befunderhebung und Behandlungstechniken bis hin zu PNF-Pattern – Lernen Sie mit diesem Praxis- und Lehrbuch Schritt für Schritt alle Facetten der Propriozeptiven Neuromuskulären Fazilitation kennen und werden Sie zum Experten dieser etablierten Methode.In diesem Buch finden Sie: Grundlagen der PNF (inklusive PNF-Philosophie, ICF-Modell, motorisches Lernen u.v.m.), PNF-Patterns und ihre funktionelle Anwendung präzise und verständlich erklärt, über 640 farbige Abbildungen für die anschauliche Darstellung aller wichtigen Techniken und Behandlungsschritte, Behandlungsbeispiele und zahlreiche Praxistipps für eine unkomplizierte Umsetzung im therapeutischen Alltag, Fragen am Ende jedes Kapitels zur Kontrolle Ihres LernerfolgsNeu in der 8. Auflage: Vollständig aktualisiert, Vorstellung der Internationalen PNF Association, zusätzliche Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und Patientenbeispiele Ein Muss für alle, die PNF lernen möchten oder bereits anwenden!

PNF in der Praxis: Eine Anleitung in Bildern

by Math Buck Dominiek Beckers Susan S. Adler

In dem Lehrbuch werden die Prinzipien, Techniken, Bewegungsmuster und die Anwendung der Behandlungsmethode Propriozeptive Neuromuskuläre Fazilitation (PNF) systematisch und gut verständlich dargestellt. Behandlungsbeispiele und Praxistipps leiten zur Umsetzung in der praktischen funktions- und aktivitätsorientierten Arbeit am und mit dem Patienten an. Über 600 Fotos machen Techniken und Behandlungsschritte leicht nachvollziehbar.Neu in der 6. Auflage: - Durchgehend neue farbige Fotos! - In Kapitel 1 die Grundlagen der PNF ausführlich erläutert (Internationale Klassifikation der Funktionsfähigkeit, Behinderung und Gesundheit der WHO, Clinical Reasoning, motorisches Lernen, motorische Kontrolle) - sehr anschaulich an einem konkreten Fallbeispiel „durch-gespielt“.

PNF in der Praxis: Eine Anleitung in Bildern

by Math Buck Dominiek Beckers Susan S. Adler

"Propriozeptiv" betrifft Rezeptoren, die für Bewegungs- und Lageempfindung des Körpers verantwortlich sind. "Neuromuskulär" bezieht sich auf das Zusammenspiel der Nerven und Muskeln des Körpers. "Fazilitation" bedeutet Anbahnung (engl. facilitate: einfacher machen, erleichtern). PNF in der Praxis, inzwischen in der überarbeiteten 5. Auflage, stellt Prinzipien, Techniken, Bewegungsmuster und die funktionelle Anwendung dieser Behandlungsmethode systematisch und präzise dar: - Über 500 Fotos machen Techniken und Behandlungsschritte leicht nachvollziehbar. - PNF-Pattern und die Anwendung der Techniken werden gut verständlich erklärt. - Behandlungsbeispiele und Praxistipps leiten zur Umsetzung in der praktischen funktions- und aktivitätsorientierten Arbeit am und mit dem Patienten an. Neu in der 5. Auflage: - Besser strukturierte Gestaltung zur schnelleren Orientierung. - Zusätzliche Lernhilfen. - Im Kapitel "Aktivitäten des täglichen Lebens" ausführliche Erläuterungen zu den Fotoserien.

PNF in der Praxis: Eine Anleitung in Bildern (Rehabilitation und Prävention #22)

by Math Buck Dominiek Beckers Susan S. Adler

Mit diesem Buch ist es Dominiek Beckers und Math Buck (Rehabilitationszentrum Hoensbroek) gelungen, für Physiotherapeuten, die mit dem PNF-Konzept arbeiten und solche, die die Methode erlernen möchten, ein Praxismanual und Lehrbuch nach Maß zu entwickeln: PNF IN DER PRAXIS zeigt detailgenau in Wort und Bild, wie Techniken und Bewegungsabläufe ausgeführt werden, und informiert gleichzeitig über die vielfältigen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten des Konzepts in den Bereichen Untersuchung, Therapieplanung und Behandlung. Die zweite Auflage ist in Zusammenarbeit mit Susan S. Adler, einer "Pionierin" des PNF-Konzepts, entstanden. Mit überwiegend neu aufgenommenen Fotos, die wichtige funktionelle Aspekte der Techniken noch deutlicher illustrieren, und mit ergänzten und überarbeiteten Erläuterungen zum "Was-wie-warum" der PNF-Methode bringt die Neuauflage den Leser auf den neuesten Stand der Anwendung der PNF in der Praxis.

PNF in der Praxis: Eine Anleitung in Bildern

by Math Buck Dominiek Beckers Susan S. Adler

PNF in der Praxis stellt Prinzipien, Techniken, Bewegungsmuster und die funktionelle Anwendung dieser Behandlungsmethode systematisch und präzise dar:Knapp 650 Fotos machen Techniken und Behandlungsschritte leicht nachvollziehbar.PNF-Pattern und die Anwendung der Techniken werden gut verständlich erklärt. Behandlungsbeispiele und Praxistipps leiten zur Umsetzung in der praktischen funktions- und aktivitätsorientierten Arbeit am und mit dem Patienten an. In Kapitel 1 werden die Grundlagen der PNF ausführlich erläutert (Internationale Klassifikation der Funktionsfähigkeit, Behinderung und Gesundheit der WHO, Clinical Reasoning, motorisches Lernen, motorische Kontrolle) und sehr anschaulich an einem konkreten Fallbeispiel „durch-gespielt“. In den weiteren Kapiteln zusätzliche Patientenbeispiele speziell zur Umsetzung des ICF-Ziels „Partizipation/Teilhabe am sozialen Leben“Die 7. Auflage wurde vollständig überarbeitet und aktualisiert.Ein Muss für PNF-Interessierte und –Anwender, für Aus- und Fortbildung und im Berufsalltag.

PNF in der Praxis: Eine Anleitung in Bildern (Rehabilitation und Prävention #22)

by Math Buck Dominiek Beckers Susan S. Adler

Das Erfolgsrezept dieses Klassikers ist die systematische und präzise Darstellung der PNF-Prinzipien, Techniken und Bewegungsmuster mit detaillierten Bildfolgen und genauen Anleitungen. Anschaulicher geht es nicht!Die Pluspunkte der komplett überarbeiteten und erweiterten Neuauflage:o Realitätsnahe Behandlungsbeispiele mit "echten" Patienteno Rund 100 neue und noch aussagekräftigere Fotoso Noch schneller im Blick: Behandlungsziele und Praxis-Tippso Topaktuell mit ergänzten Inhalten: Befundaufnahme, Gangzyklus, Mattenaktivitäten und "Replikation"

PNF in der Praxis: Eine Anleitung in Bildern (Rehabilitation und Prävention #22)

by Math Buck Dominiek Beckers Susan S. Adler

Das Lehrbuch und Praxismanual hat sich in wenigen Jahren als "Klassiker" der PNF-Literatur etabliert, da Techniken und Bewegungsmuster systematisch und detailgenau erläutert und durch zahlreiche Fotos veranschaulicht werden. Die dritte Auflage ist komplett überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Für die PNF-spezifischen Begriffe werden jetzt durchgehend die deutschen Bezeichnungen verwendet, wie sie im Unterricht und in der Praxis geläufig sind.Ob Sie die PNF-Methode bereits selbst anwenden oder sie erst erlernen wollen - diese Neuauflage bringt Sie kompetent und ohne Umwege auf den neuesten Stand der PNF-Anwendung in der Praxis.

PNF in Lokomotion: Let's sprint, let's skate

by Britta Dietz Tae-Yoon Kim Moon-Kyu Lee Franziska Brandl Christiane Werlich Fritz Basner

Für das ganzheitliche Behandlungskonzept hat die Autorin die Methode der Propriozeptiven Neuromuskulären Fazilitation (PNF) weiterentwickelt: PNF-Bewegungsmuster werden zusammengefasst zu Gesamtbewegungsmustern, die den Abläufen beim Sprinten und Skaten entsprechen. Therapeuten können diese Bewegungsmuster, die den Patienten durch das Gehen vertraut sind, sehr gut analysieren und korrigieren. Die Vorgehensweisen in der Therapie werden anhand zahlreicher Fotos und knapper Texte vermittelt. Tabellarische Übersichten erleichtern die Therapieplanung.

The Poacher's Handbook

by Ian Niall

Ian Niall wrote this masterpiece of country lore to retain the thrill of crossing the hills in the moonlight and of creeping up the woodside at dusk. He said, 'This book is about poaching in the old traditional style, the craft of men who knew and loved the countryside and invoked the unorthodox skills rather than the crude use of modern science to catch their game, which they took sparingly, as they needed it.' From the Poacher's Handbook you will learn how to retrieve a ferret from a deep burrow and how to train a dog, as well as the cunning ways of gamekeepers and the meaning in the changing flight of a loan pigeon. You are advised to walk softly and to listen long, when to run and when to stand still, the thing to do in the black hat of night and the way to read a flushed magpie and the laugh of the jay. Poet, countryman and scholar, Bernard O'Donaghue, wrote a foreword to this celebrated country classic which will delight a new generation of country lovers and collectors alike. The Poacher's Handbook was first published in 1950. Hailed as 'the outstanding of nature books', it was an immediate bestseller and achieved no less than 14 editions before being republished in 1960 as The New Poacher's Handbook but without Barbara Greg's wood engravings. Since then there have been two separate paperback editions and total sales of over 100,000. This edition is a re-issue of the original format and includes Barbara Greg's highly-acclaimed wood engravings.


by Judith Draper

From ABSCESS to ZONKEY, this dictionary clearly explains over 500 equine words and terms in clear and straightforward language. With a clear design, it will be the perfect companion for any young person keen to increase their understanding of the world of ponies and horses.

The Pocket Guide to Fishing Knots

by Peter Owen

'Whether you are tangling with a tarpon or tricking a little brown trout, the knot matters. That's why anyone interested in catching (rather than losing!) fish, should read this book.' – Charles Jardine, Countryside AllianceHere are 24 essential knots that every fisherman - game, coarse and sea - needs to know.This compact little reference book (ideal for slipping in the fishing bag) shows you in clear, step-by-step drawings exactly how to tie the knots and when to use them. Also included is expert advice on the latest in knot-tying tools and line connectors. This is the clearest, best-value knot book available. No angler should be without it.

The Pocket Guide to Matching the Hatch

by Peter Lapsley Dr Cyril Bennett

This compact, little pocket book – the first ever to feature the natural insect next to its matching artificial fly – arms the angler with all the information he needs to select the right fly from his flybox. • Superb photographs of aquatic insects (larvae, pupae, adults) with the artificial flies positioned alongside them • Times of hatching • The geographical distribution • Whether it is a river fly or a lake fly, or both • Life cycles of the insects • Clues from the river and from the trout’s behaviour Peter Lapsley contributes regularly to Flyfishing & Flytying and is author of several fishing books. He is a qualified national game angling instructor. Dr Cyril Bennett is one of the UK’s leading entomologists, specialising in river insects. His photographs of insects – some never before captured on camera – add a unique element to this book.

Pocket Money

by Gordon Burn

Following the 1985 final between Dennis Taylor and Steve Davis, Britain found itself in the grip of a new sporting obsession. Snooker, or 'Coronation Street with balls', was suddenly big business and 1986 was set to be a crucial year. In one corner was Barry Hearn and his Romford Mafia - Davis, Taylor and Griffiths - and in the other were the bad boys - Higgins, White and Knowles - threatening the game's good name, and its earning potential. For one year, Gordon Burn travelled with this snooker circus, from Hong Kong and China to out of season resorts in the North of England and the season's finale in Sheffield. With unprecedented access to the leading players and personalities involved, Pocket Money affords a unique snapshot into an extraordinary time and place.

Pocket Mountain Bike Maintenance

by Guy Andrews

Pocket Mountain Bike Maintenance provides mountain bike enthusiasts with step-by-step guidance to maintaining and repairing their bikes, combining an easy-to-use format and design with high quality photographs of the latest equipment.The book guides the reader through most common problem that may occur on a mountain bike and shows how to repair it. It also give tips on how to spot the early warning signs of trouble so that you can fix the problem before you need to get involved with costly replacements. It is the perfect reference manual to carry with you in a pannier or backpack.

Pocket Mountain Bike Maintenance

by Guy Andrews

Pocket Mountain Bike Maintenance provides mountain bike enthusiasts with step-by-step guidance to maintaining and repairing their bikes, combining an easy-to-use format and design with high quality photographs of the latest equipment.The book guides the reader through most common problem that may occur on a mountain bike and shows how to repair it. It also give tips on how to spot the early warning signs of trouble so that you can fix the problem before you need to get involved with costly replacements. It is the perfect reference manual to carry with you in a pannier or backpack.

The Pocket Mountain Bike Trail Guide: Your slope saviour

by Clive Forth

From the author of The Mountain Bike Skills Manual, this is a take-it-with-you trail guide that covers everything you need to know when you're out on your bike. The emphasis is firmly on the practical, including changing your chain, adjusting your gears, fixing breaks and mending punctures - skills that a surprising number of riders lack. There is a section on getting the best out of your bike and your ride - from cornering effectively to wheelies and bunny hops - as well as information on preparation, planning, weather, nutrition and trail etiquette. Last but not least, the book contains a easy-to-follow first-aid section. Packed with colour photos and illustrations in a step-by-step format, compact, comprehensive and clear, this is a must-have companion for all mountain bikers heading out on the trail.

The Pocket Mountain Bike Trail Guide: Your slope saviour

by Clive Forth

From the author of The Mountain Bike Skills Manual, this is a take-it-with-you trail guide that covers everything you need to knowwhen you're out on your bike. The emphasis is firmly on the practical, including changing your chain, adjusting your gears, fixing breaks and mending punctures - skills that a surprising number of riders lack. There is a section on getting the best out of your bike and your ride - from cornering effectively to wheelies and bunny hops - as well as information on preparation, planning, weather, nutrition and trail etiquette. Last but not least, the book contains a easy-to-follow first-aid section. Packed with colour photos andillustrations in a step-by-step format, compact, comprehensive and clear, this is a must-have companion for all mountain bikers heading out on the trail.

Pocket Primer on the Rheumatic Diseases

by John H. Stone Leslie J. Crofford Patience H. White

For eight decades the Primer on the Rheumatic Diseases has been the standard text from which most medical students and house ofcers have learned rheumatology. I myself will never forget thumbing through an older edition of the Primer as a second-year resident, while waiting to review a perplexing patient with my tutor. Fortunately the tutor was r- ning late with his own patients, so I had time to fip through the book – then much thinner – a couple of times. While turning the pages, per- ing the features of those diseases whose names were still exotic to me, and considering my patient’s history of conductive hearing loss and p- monary nodules, a light went on when I stumbled eventually on a part- ular chapter. I still remember the jaw-dropping efect on my tutor of my announcement then that I had a patient with Wegener’s granulomatosis. I think I became a rheumatologist that very moment! Subsequent editions of the Primer have sufered from the inevitable “obesity creep,” making it an outstanding reference textbook but virtually impossible to fip through quickly while awaiting one’s tutor, and even more difcult to slip into the pocket of a white coat to carry on rounds. For this reason we have created the Pocket Primer, a mini version that cuts the larger book down to its essentials.

Pocket Road Bike Maintenance

by Guy Andrews

Pocket Road Bike Maintenance provides road bike enthusiasts with step-by-step guidance to maintaining and repairing their bikes, combining an easy-to-use format and design with high quality photographs of the latest equipment.The book guides the reader through most common problems that may occur on a road bike and shows how to repair it. It also give tips on how to spot the early warning signs of trouble so that you can fix the problem before you need to get involved with costly replacements.It is the perfect reference manual to carry with you in a pannier or backpack.

Podium: What Shapes A Sporting Champion?

by Ben Oakley

What does it really take to make the podium? Which of the biological, environmental and psychological factors really shape a champion's route to the top? To answer these questions, Ben Oakley has taken the original step of combining existing research with a study of leading athletes' autobiographies. Looking at the early histories and initial challenges of serial champions in their own words, Podium sheds new light on their commonalities. A similar focus in training, similar influences around them and, above all, similar mental attributes are revealed – and tales of individual brilliance are given a fresh twist. From Ian Thorpe, Usain Bolt and Chrissie Wellington to Victoria Pendleton, Lionel Messi and Roger Federer, all we see is a smooth progression to glory, but each is a rocky path punctuated by critical episodes, and it is the response to these events that can transform talented people into winners. Podium is fascinating reading for anyone interested in the big names at the peak of their respective sports, and essential for coaches or parents of the next budding star. This enthralling read will enrich your interpretation of champions' lives and provide a map of the complex paths through sport to the podium.

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