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Showing 4,476 through 4,500 of 4,976 results

Success in Academic Writing (Macmillan Study Skills)

by Trevor Day

Helps students to develop confidence, technique and clarity of purpose as a writer in their discipline. Takes the reader through the complete writing process from understanding the task through researching, reading and planning, to drafting and composing, reviewing and finalising their copy with many self-study exercises included throughout.

Success in Academic Writing (Bloomsbury Study Skills)

by Trevor Day

Writing essays, reports, presentations, papers or dissertations makes up a substantial element of most undergraduate and taught postgraduate degree courses. Anything that makes the process easier and more effective can make a big difference to your success as a student.Taking the reader through the writing process, from understanding the task, through researching, reading and planning, to drafting and composing, reviewing and finalising their copy, the book contains many self-study exercises that will help to develop confidence, technique and clarity of purpose as a writer, whether a first year social science student or a final year scientist or engineer. The book adopts an empowering approach – encouraging the student to find out what they need to know in order to be a successful writer in their discipline. Much more than a set of hints and tips, this book provides an all-encompassing approach to becoming a confident academic writer.New for this edition:- a new section on managing your physical and mental state-advice on a wider range of assignment types, including recorded presentations, such as vlogs, and blogs-introduction to a wider range of strategies that students can employ while composing their work, including material to help students maintain their focus and concentration

Success in Academic Writing (Bloomsbury Study Skills)

by Trevor Day

Writing essays, reports, presentations, papers or dissertations makes up a substantial element of most undergraduate and taught postgraduate degree courses. Anything that makes the process easier and more effective can make a big difference to your success as a student.Taking the reader through the writing process, from understanding the task, through researching, reading and planning, to drafting and composing, reviewing and finalising their copy, the book contains many self-study exercises that will help to develop confidence, technique and clarity of purpose as a writer, whether a first year social science student or a final year scientist or engineer. The book adopts an empowering approach – encouraging the student to find out what they need to know in order to be a successful writer in their discipline. Much more than a set of hints and tips, this book provides an all-encompassing approach to becoming a confident academic writer.New for this edition:- a new section on managing your physical and mental state-advice on a wider range of assignment types, including recorded presentations, such as vlogs, and blogs-introduction to a wider range of strategies that students can employ while composing their work, including material to help students maintain their focus and concentration

Success in Groupwork (Pocket Study Skills)

by Mark Dawson Peter Hartley

Using examples of real students’ successful group projects, this succinct and supportive guide will help students tackle group assignments with confidence. Bite-sized chapters take students from forming a group and establishing roles through to dealing with conflict and delivering a group assessment. The book contains practical advice on making decisions and active listening, alongside opportunities to reflect on progress and identify opportunities for improvement. This is an essential resource for all students who are expected to produce a group project as part of their course, regardless of their level or discipline.

Success in Groupwork (Pocket Study Skills)

by Peter Hartley Mark Dawson Sue Beckingham

Using examples of real students' successful group projects, this succinct and supportive guide will help students tackle group assignments with confidence. Bite-sized chapters take students from forming a group and establishing roles through to dealing with conflict and delivering a group assessment. The book contains practical advice on making decisions and active listening, alongside opportunities to reflect on progress and identify opportunities for improvement. This is an essential resource for all students who are expected to produce a group project as part of their course, regardless of their level or discipline.

Success in Groupwork (Pocket Study Skills)

by Peter Hartley Mark Dawson Sue Beckingham

Using examples of real students' successful group projects, this succinct and supportive guide will help students tackle group assignments with confidence. Bite-sized chapters take students from forming a group and establishing roles through to dealing with conflict and delivering a group assessment. The book contains practical advice on making decisions and active listening, alongside opportunities to reflect on progress and identify opportunities for improvement. This is an essential resource for all students who are expected to produce a group project as part of their course, regardless of their level or discipline.

Success with Your Early Years Research Project (PDF)

by Carla Solvason Rosie Walker

'Action research and Early Years practices go together, as naturally as the new day rising. This book is a celebration of new days. Early Years research is a practice for creative thinking for new tomorrows; the book shows us how to do this, and is to be commended for anyone who wishes to find innovative ways to think and act for all new beginnings.' -Jean McNiff, Professor of Educational Research, York St John University Where do you start with a research project? How do you choose a good question? What are tutors looking for in an outstanding project? This book will help you answer all of the above and that is just the beginning. With examples of real research projects from students just like you, it takes you through each step of the process including: Choosing your question and approach Making sure your research is ethical Gathering and analysing data Reaching conclusions Putting your findings into practice. After each example the authors provide commentary on what made each project so good, or what needed more work, helping you see what a good project really looks like. Suitable for anyone tackling a research project as part of the Early Years course, at foundation or degree level, this book will help you make sure your project is interesting, relevant and impacts on your practice.

Successful Dissertations: The Complete Guide for Education, Childhood and Early Childhood Studies Students

by Caron Carter

Whether looking for guidance on the whole process, needing help with conducting a literature review or interpreting your quantitative and qualitative data, this accessible and empowering guide will take you through the dissertation process and provide all the information you need to make the most of your research project.This edition includes:- new discussions on critical analysis and the use of internet and social media research data- an expanded chapter on quantitative method and a new section on mixed methods research- case studies from a broader range of education and early childhood settings, both formal and informal- an extended range of types of data analysis discussed- updated references and recommended reading suggestions throughout, reflecting changes in legislation- a glossary of key terms- new end-of-chapter reflective tasks- a new companion website providing all checklists and templates in the book as downloadable resources as well as new mind mapping templates, a supervisor record form, sample ethics form, sample letters to research settings, a pre-submission final checklist, research proposal examples and guidance on setting out tables, figures, appendices and managing your endnotes and reference listSuccessful Dissertations is the essential guide for all undergraduate researchers starting a dissertation project in an Education department.

Successful Dissertations: The Complete Guide for Education, Childhood and Early Childhood Studies Students

by Caron Carter

Whether looking for guidance on the whole process, needing help with conducting a literature review or interpreting your quantitative and qualitative data, this accessible and empowering guide will take you through the dissertation process and provide all the information you need to make the most of your research project.This edition includes:- new discussions on critical analysis and the use of internet and social media research data- an expanded chapter on quantitative method and a new section on mixed methods research- case studies from a broader range of education and early childhood settings, both formal and informal- an extended range of types of data analysis discussed- updated references and recommended reading suggestions throughout, reflecting changes in legislation- a glossary of key terms- new end-of-chapter reflective tasks- a new companion website providing all checklists and templates in the book as downloadable resources as well as new mind mapping templates, a supervisor record form, sample ethics form, sample letters to research settings, a pre-submission final checklist, research proposal examples and guidance on setting out tables, figures, appendices and managing your endnotes and reference listSuccessful Dissertations is the essential guide for all undergraduate researchers starting a dissertation project in an Education department.

Successful Doctoral Training in Nursing and Health Sciences: A Guide for Supervisors, Students and Advisors

by Debra Jackson Patricia M. Davidson Kim Usher

This textbook is a practical, user-friendly and essential guide for doctoral students, their supervisors and advisors and administrators of doctoral programs in nursing and health sciences. Nurses and health scientists have a relatively young tradition of doctoral training, and this means students often come to doctoral studies without a clear understanding of what is required to be successful at this level of education. Supporting students to successful completion of doctoral studies involves a complex fusion of skills, and yet researchers and academics receive little specialist training in this crucial area of teaching and learning. Strong pedagogies around doctoral supervision and writing are essential because in addition to the scientific, research and educative skills required, it is important to be able to establish and maintain enabling professional relationships within which both parties can thrive, and that can withstand the years of critique needed for doctoral work. The authors offer supervisors, advisors, students and administrators practical advice on helping students thrive, and steering them through various challenges that can arise during doctoral candidature. With a focus on nursing and health sciences, the authors take a global approach, recognising the international focus of doctoral training in nursing and health sciences. The authors of this book are experienced supervisors and advisors to doctoral students and together, have well over 100 successful doctoral completions and more than 1000 publications. They draw on a series of interviews and case studies to share their knowledge and experience and provide insights and guidance to inspire and support student progression and ensure students get the most out of their doctoral studies.

Sunset Song (Scotnotes Ser. #No. 1)

by Douglas Young

Sunset Song regularly appears in lists of favourite Scottish books, and is perhaps the iconic Scottish novel of the first half of the 20th century. Rich in character and detail, and filled with religious, historical and political themes, Sunset Song is a deep, powerful work which rewards close attention and study. Douglas Young’s Scotnote provides readers with an authoritative analysis of the novel, and an overview of the political and historical background to its creation. This is an ideal guide for school pupils and students studying Sunset Song.

Supervising Student Independence: A Research-based Approach to Academic Supervision in Practice

by Maria Zackariasson Jenny Magnusson

This open access book examines the supervision of undergraduate degree projects, with a particular focus on how supervision may contribute to developing student independence and academic literacies. Based on an extensive research project, it uses examples from focus group interviews as well as actual supervision situations, taken from different higher education programmes at several universities in Sweden and Russia. The authors discuss issues such as supervisors’ perceptions and understandings of student independence, the relationship between supervisor and student, the significance of emotions in the supervision process, different supervision tools to foster independence, and the supervisor’s role not only as a guide and helper but also as an assessor of the students’ work. The book will appeal to scholars within the field of teaching and learning in higher education, as well as those from other disciplines who are interested in developing their own supervision practice.

Survival Guide for Early Career Researchers

by Dominika Kwasnicka Alden Yuanhong Lai

Navigating research careers is often highly challenging for early career researchers (ECRs) in the social sciences. The ability to thrive in research careers is complex and requires "soft" people and management skills and resilience that often cannot be formally taught through university coursework. Written from a peer perspective, this book provides guidance and establishes emotional rapport on topical issues relevant for ECRs in academia and industry. The authors are ECRs who have been successful in navigating their careers, and they seek to connect with readers in a supportive and collegial manner. Each chapter includes elements of story-telling and scientific thinking and is organized into three parts: (1) a personal story that is relevant to the topic; (2) key content on professional and personal effectiveness based on evidence in the psychological, sociological, and/or management sciences; and (3) action points and practical recommendations. The topics covered are specifically curated for people considering undertaking research careers or already working in research, including:Work Hard, Snore Hard: Recovery from Work for Early Career ResearchersNetworking and Collaborating in Academia: Increasing Your Scientific Impact and Having Fun in the ProcessAccelerating Your Research Career with Open ScienceEngaging with the Press and MediaMake Your Science Go Viral: How to Maximize the Impact of Your ResearchExploring the Horizon: Navigating Research Careers Outside of AcademiaThinking like an Implementation Scientist and Applying Your Research in PracticeSurvival Guide for Early Career Researchers summarizes relevant evidence-based research to offer advice in strategic but also supportive ways to ECRs. It is an essential go-to practical resource for PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, and junior faculty. This book will also benefit senior researchers who are serving as mentors or delivering professional development programs, administrators and educators in institutions of higher learning, and anyone with an interest in building a successful research career.

Survival Guide Wissenschaft: (Über-)Lebenstipps für akademische Karrieren

by Kai Noeske Benjamin Rott Katrin Hille

Survival Guide Wissenschaft – der unverzichtbare Begleiter für angehende Wissenschaftler:innen! Wertvolle Ratschläge, bewährte Strategien und Insiderwissen aus vielen Jahrzehnten akademischer Laufbahnen mit Kurven, Ecken und Kanten. Tipps und Tricks, Dos and Don’ts, um wissenschaftliche Karrieren an Universitäten und anderen Forschungseinrichtungen zu starten, zu überleben und erfolgreich voranzutreiben. Von der Forschungsplanung bis zur Bewerbung um Stipendien und Stellen, von der Netzwerkbildung bis zur Work-Life-Balance, aber auch Exit-Strategien – dieser Survival Guide liefert die entscheidenden (Über-)Lebenstipps für ein Leben in Academia.

Survival Skills for Thesis and Dissertation Candidates (Springer Texts in Education)

by Robert S. Fleming Michelle Kowalsky

This is a must-have preparation and reference guide for students embarking on the challenging journey of completing a thesis or dissertation. The authors, who are both “students of thesis and dissertation travel,” combine their expertise and insights to offer wise travel guidance designed to enhance both the success and satisfaction of this likely once-in-a-lifetime journey. The various chapters provide a realistic preview of how to prepare for and how to complete each stage of this travel journey successfully. Individual chapters on each of the major tasks each serve as an important reference for students to review as they progress, thus providing a guide which will be consulted many times throughout their program. The book provides advice on the most common aspects of the thesis or dissertation process, and it is written in a user-friendly manner designed to engage students and to enhance their comfort level as they journey through their candidacy. The importance of each task in the thesis or dissertation journey is addressed, along with its role in contributing to a successful outcome, and is accompanied by advice and suggestions from previous travellers. The challenges inherent in all stages of the journey are examined, along with proactive strategies for avoiding potential “bumps in the road.” You will not want to depart on this monumental travel adventure without this valuable survival guide!

Survivalguide Studium: Quickguide zu weniger Stress und guten Noten

by Gabriele Bensberg

Studieren hat es in sich heutzutage - nicht erst seit Beginn der Corona-Pandemie! Doch hier kommt ein kleines Buch, das Dir auf wenigen Seiten den Weg durch den Studi-Alltagsdschungel zeigt. Es gibt viele handliche Tipps rund um Themen wie Arbeitsplatz, Zeitmanagement, Lernmethoden, Möglichkeiten, die Gedächtnisleistung zu steigern sowie die Vorbereitung von Prüfungen und das Schreiben wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten. - Du leidest unter Prüfungsangst oder Schreibblockaden? Lass Dich nicht entmutigen - denn auch das ist lösbar, dieser Ratgeber sagt Dir, wie! Und nicht zuletzt hat er noch hilfreiche Tipps parat, wie Du ganz allgemein eine individuelle Lebensvision entwickelst, Dir Ziele setzt und Selbstvertrauen gewinnst, um Deinen eigenen Weg zu finden und diesen auch bei Widerständen zu gehen - denn wer sich über all dies im Klaren ist, den werfen die Probleme des Studienalltags auch nicht so schnell aus der Bahn. Kurz: Dies ist Dein Guide für den tollen Lebensabschnitt, der sich Studium nennt!

Surviving your dissertation: a comprehensive guide to content and process (PDF)

by Kjell Erik Rudestam

Perfect for graduate students as well as behavioural and social scientists who supervise and conduct research! In the fully updated Fourth Edition of their best-selling guide, Surviving Your Dissertation , Rudestam and Newton answer questions concerning every stage of the dissertation process, including: selecting a suitable topic conducting a literature review developing a research question understanding the role of theory selecting an appropriate methodology and research design analysing data interpreting and presenting results.

Surviving Your First Year at University: A Student Toolkit

by Catherine O'Connor Liz Thomas

"Going to University is an exciting time but it can also feel scary and overwhelming. This excellent guide helps demystify some of the technicalities, so students can easily navigate the system… Recommended reading for anyone keen to make the most of this brilliant life opportunity."Lynda Brady, Pro Vice Chancellor (Student Experience), Edge Hill University, UK.“… It is clear the authors have considered the transition to university life from a range of perspectives, not just an academic one, which is particularly helpful for the challenges students face entering higher education.”Christie Pritchard, Student Learning Manager, University of Plymouth, UK.“This book is a must read… There is something in it for everyone who wants to start university, just started or is already there.”Nils Lenoch, Copenhagen Business Academy, Denmark.“In this book Catherine O’Connor with Liz Thomas’ shares an honest and direct message about life as you begin University and leave as a graduate... from this book you can learn all the tips and tricks on how to manoeuvre University life for the first time.”Fiona Nashie, University of Westminster, UK.“The past year or so has been a challenging time for students and teachers alike. Many of the skills needed to survive university life have gone unused for a multitude of students around the world. I believe that this book will be very useful for students who could not attend their first year on campus… The author highlights all the essential skills that will be required to achieve a satisfying experience at university. It has been very useful to me personally in dealing with any anxiety, or apprehension, regarding starting higher education due to the extended time away from social interactions with various people that are crucial for personal, and professional development.”Sherdil Asif, Student, University of Westminster, UK.Surviving your First Year at University is the ideal companion for new and existing students who want to get the most out of their university experience. Whether you are worried about money, mental health, time management or organising your course load this handy book is packed with advice on how to make the most of your degree. O’Connor and Thomas share their wisdom on topics including:•Understanding and navigating the university system•Coping with social and cultural change •Overcoming the challenges of living away from home•Creating opportunities for personal growth•Using your degree as a platform for your career aspirations•Special tips for International students•Maintaining physical and mental well-being The book describes in detail how a university works and what to expect in day-to-day life there. There are practical tips on coping with academic demands, examinations, money management, lifestyle and self-care.This text is an invaluable toolkit for all students who want to succeed at university.Catherine O’Connor is an Education Consultant and Author, with 25 years’ experience in the university sector at Trinity College Dublin and Dublin City University, Ireland. She is a regular contributor to the media and a subject expert on transition to higher education, career development and the future of work.Liz Thomas is a researcher and consultant in the field of higher education with over twenty years’ experience. Her research focuses on getting into university, experience and success in higher education, and progression to the labour market or further study.

Swanson's Family Medicine Review E-Book: Expert Consult - Online And Print

by Alfred F. Tallia Joseph E. Scherger Nancy W. Dickey

Includes nearly 2,500 case-based questions and answer rationales, newly updated to reflect the most current developments in practice. Chapter Summaries offer a quick review of the concepts—great for last-minute exam preparation.Open-ended Clinical Case Management Problems in each chapter provide additional opportunities for articulating your understanding of key topics.Features the most current information on concussion management, palliative care, pain management, and more.Allows you to earn up to 75 CME Credits online through Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School.

Systematic Approaches to a Successful Literature Review (PDF)

by Andrew Booth

Reviewing the literature is an essential part of every research project. This book takes you step-by-step through the process of approaching your literature review systematically, applying systematic principles to a wide range of literature review types.

Systemic Cognition and Education: Empowering Students for Excellence in Life

by Ibrahim A. Halloun

This book offers pedagogic and governance foundations and guidelines for systemic education. It provides an overall systems-based picture of what formal education should be about, and of how things should be carried out in practice, in order to empower students – and teachers – for success in life. It transcends traditional disciplinary education, showing how systemic, praxis immersive, convergence education (SPICE) produces graduates who know how to think outside the box and excel in practical real-life situations. Drawing on philosophy, cognition, and the latest developments in neuroscience, the book calls for systemic pedagogical frameworks that allow for different curricula to be coherently and efficiently designed, and consistently and systematically deployed across different disciplines and various grade levels in the context of mind-and-brain based experiential learning ecologies.This volume is a major design and practice reference for school teachers, university professors, graduate students, along with interested educators, educationists, and stakeholders in various sectors of society.

Taking Control of Writing Your Thesis: A Guide to Get You to the End

by Kay Guccione Jerry Wellington

Taking Control of Writing Your Thesis offers a clear account of the how, what, why and who of working together so that you can produce, finish and submit a successful thesis. Guccione is a Thesis Coach and Thesis Mentoring Programme Designer and is currently researching the barriers to thesis completion; Wellington has supervised and examined numerous dissertations at MA and doctoral level. They draw on these experiences throughout in providing you with expert guidance for your thesis, informed by real student testimonies and with 'Points to Ponder' and a wealth of online resources to support you along the way.Guccione and Wellington show that planning, writing and support for thesis writers is a collaborative venture but also one which you can take ownership of and manage. They show that there are ways to become more connected to what and who you need, and explore the collegial and peer-support structures that are there to be utilised. They situate the student within an educational context viewing them not as the lone researcher able or not able, skilled or unskilled, but as the navigator of the writing process. The authors draw on their experience to provide ways of thinking, and tools for empowering students to feel more in control of the practices of writing about research.

Taking Control of Writing Your Thesis: A Guide to Get You to the End

by Kay Guccione Jerry Wellington

Taking Control of Writing Your Thesis offers a clear account of the how, what, why and who of working together so that you can produce, finish and submit a successful thesis. Guccione is a Thesis Coach and Thesis Mentoring Programme Designer and is currently researching the barriers to thesis completion; Wellington has supervised and examined numerous dissertations at MA and doctoral level. They draw on these experiences throughout in providing you with expert guidance for your thesis, informed by real student testimonies and with 'Points to Ponder' and a wealth of online resources to support you along the way.Guccione and Wellington show that planning, writing and support for thesis writers is a collaborative venture but also one which you can take ownership of and manage. They show that there are ways to become more connected to what and who you need, and explore the collegial and peer-support structures that are there to be utilised. They situate the student within an educational context viewing them not as the lone researcher able or not able, skilled or unskilled, but as the navigator of the writing process. The authors draw on their experience to provide ways of thinking, and tools for empowering students to feel more in control of the practices of writing about research.

Tales from Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream (PDF)

by Caroline Plaisted

This attractive series retells some of Shakespeare's most popular and well-known plays, with lively illustrations and contemporary language to make the stories accessible to young readers.

Tales from Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet (PDF)

by Caroline Plaisted

This attractive series retells some of Shakespeare's most popular and well-known plays, with lively illustrations and contemporary language to make the stories accessible to young readers.

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