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The Vocational Assessor Handbook: Including a Guide to the QCF Units for Assessment and Internal Quality Assurance (IQA)

by Ros Ollin Jenny Tucker Ian Greer

For UK assessors of QCF qualifications and NVQs, verifiers, school and FE college teachers, providers of training and work-based learning and those working towards PTLLS, CTLLS, DTLLS teaching qualifications, The Vocational Assessor Handbook contains a detailed guide to the following QCF units for assessment and internal quality assurance (verification) enabling readers to:-Understand the Principles and Practices of Assessment (Knowledge and Understanding Unit)-Assess Occupational Competence in the Work Environment-Assess Vocational Skills, Knowledge and Understanding-Understand the Principles and Practices of Internally Assuring the Quality of Assessment (Knowledge and Understanding Unit)-Plan, Allocate and Monitor Work in Your Own Area of ResponsibilityPacked with the most up to date, detailed and reliable guidance, The Vocational Assessor Handbook is the only book for assessors and verifiers of vocational qualifications and is essential reading for anyone involved in vocational education. Previously published as The NVQ Assessor, Verifier and Candidate Handbook, this revised edition includes fully updated terminology as well as the latest information on regulations and qualifications.

Vom Exposé zum Bucherfolg: Schreib- und PR-Leitfaden für engagierte Autor*innen

by Gabriele Borgmann

Ein Buch zu schreiben stellt stets eine große Herausforderung dar. Denn immer gilt es, von der Initialidee über die Schreibphase bis zum Marketing mit Wissen und Weitsicht zu agieren. Gabriele Borgmann bietet in ihrem Buch eine umfassende Orientierung in der Welt der vielfältigen Publikationsmöglichkeiten und vermittelt Autor*innen mit ihrem Praxisleitfaden das erfolgsentscheidende Know-how. Den Schwerpunkt legt sie auf das Publizieren in einem Verlag, aber auch Selfpublisher*innen für Sach- und Unternehmensbücher erhalten Arbeitstechniken und ausgewählte Methoden für die Schreib- und PR-Phase. Sie macht Mut, das eigene Buchprojekt voranzutreiben, an den schriftstellerischen Erfolg zu glauben und überzeugt daran zu arbeiten. Sie bestärkt Autor*innen, das eigene Werk vor, bei und nach Erscheinen nachhaltig zu promoten. Für den Bucherfolg sind vier Größen entscheidend: Themenwissen, Schreibstimme, die persönliche Überzeugungskraft der Autor*innen sowie ihre Kontakte und Netzwerke. Die aktualisierte 2. Auflage wurde durchgesehen, verbessert und um das Thema "Lesungen" erweitert.Hinter jedem Erfolg steht Arbeit. Der Wille allein reicht nicht aus, besonders bei Autoren. Das ist das Credo von Gabriele Borgmann. Sie zeigt, wie Sachbücher strukturiert, geschrieben, vermarktet werden. Das macht ihr Buch zum einem Arbeitsbuch für jede Phase. Endlich ist es erschienen!Hermann Scherer

Vygotsky and Science Education

by Colette Murphy

This book highlights those aspects of Vygotskian theory which are most cogent to Science Education, including the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), concept development, play and imagination. Whilst these and other Vygotskian constructs apply to both research and practice in all forms of Science Education, this book employs a specific and critical focus on one or two key concepts for each context. Thus play and imagination are explored in depth in the chapter on science in early childhood learning, the ZPD is considered in depth in the primary school science chapter, and concept development in the secondary-level chapter. Chapters on higher education science learning and teaching, science teacher education, informal science learning, science education research, and the scientific endeavour itself draws on those aspects of Vygotskian theory which relate most closely. This book makes an important contribution to Vygotskian theory. Never before has it been applied so widely and comprehensively to the field of science and STEM education. The book is intended for students and academics in science and STEM education and the social sciences. It is also of interest to Vygotsky scholars and those involved in the analysis of pedagogic practice within and beyond science and STEM education.

Wellbeing and Resilience for Nursing, Health and Social Care Students

by Annette Chowthi-Williams

This book has been designed to support, improve and maintain your wellbeing throughout your programme of study and into your career. Becoming a health and social care professional means that you will encounter challenging situations from a very early stage in your course, and protecting your own health and wellbeing is essential whilst caring for others. Written by an expert team, this book will equip you with the tools, resources and strategies you need to develop your resilience and care for your wellbeing. In doing so, it develops other essential skills including communication, problem-solving,research, critical thinking and reflection, thereby supporting your personal and professional development, and key requirements for your course. Key features: - Written specifically for the nursing, social work and allied health professions and the particular challenges these roles face - Practical activities and case studies help you apply key concepts to your personal context and professional practice - Features a personal wellbeing journal to help you assess, monitor and improve your wellbeing

Wellbeing and Resilience for Nursing, Health and Social Care Students

by Annette Chowthi-Williams

This book has been designed to support, improve and maintain your wellbeing throughout your programme of study and into your career. Becoming a health and social care professional means that you will encounter challenging situations from a very early stage in your course, and protecting your own health and wellbeing is essential whilst caring for others. Written by an expert team, this book will equip you with the tools, resources and strategies you need to develop your resilience and care for your wellbeing. In doing so, it develops other essential skills including communication, problem-solving,research, critical thinking and reflection, thereby supporting your personal and professional development, and key requirements for your course. Key features: - Written specifically for the nursing, social work and allied health professions and the particular challenges these roles face - Practical activities and case studies help you apply key concepts to your personal context and professional practice - Features a personal wellbeing journal to help you assess, monitor and improve your wellbeing

Wellbeing and Resilience for Nursing, Health and Social Care Students

This book has been designed to support, improve and maintain your wellbeing throughout your programme of study and into your career. Becoming a health and social care professional means that you will encounter challenging situations from a very early stage in your course, and protecting your own health and wellbeing is essential whilst caring for others. Written by an expert team, this book will equip you with the tools, resources and strategies you need to develop your resilience and care for your wellbeing. In doing so, it develops other essential skills including communication, problem-solving,research, critical thinking and reflection, thereby supporting your personal and professional development, and key requirements for your course. Key features: - Written specifically for the nursing, social work and allied health professions and the particular challenges these roles face - Practical activities and case studies help you apply key concepts to your personal context and professional practice - Features a personal wellbeing journal to help you assess, monitor and improve your wellbeing

Wellbeing for the IB PYP: Teaching for Success

by Dr Kimberley O'Brien

Teach for success and implement effective strategies to create flexible, inviting and intentional learning spaces - essential for supporting physical and emotional wellbeing. - Offers guidance on how to support emotional wellbeing with dedicated chapters on Mindfulness, anxiety and stress and the importance of wellbeing and PSEL. - Helps develop fully rounded and responsible learners with exploration of the lB Learner Profile and ATL skills of social, communication and self-management skills with case studies and Dr Kimberley's Top 5 Tips. - Provides a collaborative approach to wellbeing with storybooks (PYP Friends) and workbooks (PYP ATL Skills Workbooks) that can be used alongside this resource to develop your students social and emotional wellbeing.

Wer spricht?: Sprachbezogene Subjektivierungsprozesse in der Schule der Migrationsgesellschaft (Pädagogische Professionalität und Migrationsdiskurse)

by Doris Pokitsch

Was es für jugendliche Schüler*innen in Österreich bedeutet ein- oder mehrsprachig zu sein, als Dialektsprecher*in zu gelten, Deutsch als ‚Muttersprache‘ zu sprechen oder als ‚Zweitsprache‘ zu lernen, wird in dieser Studie subjektivierungsanalytisch untersucht. Durch die Verknüpfung von sprachbezogenen Selbst-Positionierungen in Gruppendiskussionen mit (Bildungs-)Diskursen, werden Machtwirkungen diskursiven Wissens über Sprachen und Sprecher*innen in Bildungskontexten sichtbar. Aufgezeigt wird, welche Schüler*innen-Subjekte in der und durch die Schule der Migrationsgesellschaft im doppelten Sinne sprachlich gebildet werden.

What Is Scenography? (PDF)

by Pamela Howard

Pamela Howard's What is Scenography? has become a classic text in contemporary theatre design and performance practice. In this second edition, the author expands on her holistic analysis of scenography as comprising space, text, research, art, performers, directors and spectators, to examine the changing nature of scenography in the twenty-first century. The book includes: case studies and anecdotes from Howard's own celebrated career illustrations of her own recent work, in full colour throughout an updated 'world view' of scenography, with definitions from the world's most famous and influential scenographers A direct and personal response to the question of how to define scenography by one of the world's leading practitioners, What is Scenography? continues to shape the work of visual theatremakers throughout the world.

Where People Work: Where People Work (Mapping #3)

by Jen Green

Full of hands-on activities to help you learn all about map skills whilst also learning about the features of a where people work. This book will show you what a bird's eye map is by looking at aerial photos; how landmarks can be shown as symbols; how to measure scale and distance; what map plans are; how compass points show you how to find directions; how to follow pathways and roads; how to use grid references; looking at landuse ; and looking at transport maps.Illustrations by Sarah Horne in an amusing and lively style are combined with photographs to really capture a child's attention helping them to learn these important map skills.

Where's Your Argument? (Pocket Study Skills)

by Michael Shoolbred Helen Cooper

From first steps to final submission, this accessible guide takes students through each stage of the assignment-writing process and equips them with the skills they need to construct and develop convincing academic arguments.Concise and compact, it offers practical advice on forming ideas, structuring arguments and finding your academic voice. The authors, both of whom are experienced in working directly with students, also provide valuable guidance on a number of important subtleties in academic writing, including expressing reservations or enthusiasm in academic writing and using evidence to convey different viewpoints.The second edition contains new material on synthesizing ideas from different sources, as well as more varied examples of what 'finding your academic voice means' in the context of different assignments, including blogs and observations. Applicable to different types of assignment, this is an essential resource for all undergraduates and postgraduates who are looking to communicate their arguments effectively and improve the quality of their academic writing.

Where's Your Evidence? (Pocket Study Skills)

by Emma Coonan

This engaging guide will equip students with the knowledge, skills and tools to find and evaluate academic information in a critical, informed and thoughtful way. It begins by encouraging students to think about the purpose of their information search, before taking them step-by-step through the process of searching for information, from sifting through search results to critically evaluating information. The final part of the book explores finding and evaluating information in the wider world, and shows students how to put the skills they've learned into effect in the workplace and in daily life.This will be an essential resource for students of all disciplines who need to master the fundamentals of finding information.

Where's Your Evidence? (Pocket Study Skills)

by Emma Coonan

This engaging guide will equip students with the knowledge, skills and tools to find and evaluate academic information in a critical, informed and thoughtful way. It begins by encouraging students to think about the purpose of their information search, before taking them step-by-step through the process of searching for information, from sifting through search results to critically evaluating information. The final part of the book explores finding and evaluating information in the wider world, and shows students how to put the skills they've learned into effect in the workplace and in daily life.This will be an essential resource for students of all disciplines who need to master the fundamentals of finding information.

Why Don't Things Fall Up?: and Six Other Science Lessons You Missed at School

by Alom Shaha

'A book of quiet wonder.' Ian Dunt 'I have learnt (and remembered) so much, and so easily. It's the mango ice cream of science books.' Hilary McKay'Everything Alom writes is a joy to ponder, his love of science is utterly contagious, the perfect guide through things that might perplex.' Robin Ince'A joyful exploration of fundamental questions about our world; Shaha proves that science is for everyone!' Roma Agrawal'Friendly, informative and such fun to read.' Christopher Edge 'Alom Shaha is the science teacher many people will wish they had but didn't.' Philip Ball'Here is the teacher you'll wish you had at school.' Jim S. Al-Khalili CBE Has a child - or anyone else - ever asked you why the sky is blue? Could you explain why ice cream melts? Have you forgotten why scientists think the universe started with a Big Bang, and do you understand the difference between respiration and breathing?Why Don't Things Fall Up? will gently remind you of everything you may have learnt once upon a time, but have somehow forgotten along the way. If you've ever changed the subject when a child has asked for homework help, or if you have the curiosity of a seven year old yourself, or if you know everything but have forgotten the basics or don't want to know anything except the basics - then this is the book for you. Using questions asked by children as a starting point, Alom Shaha (who has spent over two decades trying to help people of all ages understand this stuff) takes us on a tour of the "big ideas" of science from his unique perspective. His experience as a dad, a teacher and science communicator means he knows exactly what people don't know -and especially the misconceptions and other intellectual hurdles which prevent us from grasping key ideas. Combining his proven skill for explaining science with storytelling and flashbacks to school experiments, Why Don't Things Fall Up? reminds us that science is not just for scientists - it's a human endeavour that enriches all our lives.

Wie halten Sie Ihre Gabel?: Von mentaler Programmierung zu innerer Freiheit

by Gundolf R. Wende

​Wer mentale Programmierungen erkennt und bei sich ändert, wird innerlich souverän und kann frei und selbst bestimmt gestalten. In der Regel ist uns nicht bewusst, dass sich bereits in frühester Kindheit und Jugend die Art und Weise unseres Denkens und Handelns manifestiert. Daran ändert sich meist während unseres ganzen Lebens recht wenig. Doch was, wenn Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Arbeitswelt sich jetzt so schnell und radikal wandeln wie nie zuvor – während wir unbewusst bei alten Programmierungen bleiben? Wir werden innerlich unsicher, agieren zaghaft und unsouverän. Es mangelt uns an mentaler Flexibilität und psychologischer Sicherheit, um den Wandel zu gestalten. Wir sind häufig im Widerstand und klammern uns an Hergebrachtes, ohne wirklich zu begreifen, warum. Wir verstehen die Programme dahinter nicht.Das Buch richtet sich an ein breites Publikum. Es spricht all diejenigen an, die das Gefühl haben, „festzustecken“ und die freier und selbst bestimmter leben möchten. Leistungsorientierte Menschen in verantwortungsvollen Positionen in Wirtschaft, Politik, Wissenschaft, Kultur etc., suchen in einer brüchigen, nicht-linearen Welt einen inneren Anker, um mutig und inspiriert Neues gestalten zu können.

Wiley GAAP: Practical Implementation Guide and Workbook

by Barry J. Epstein Nadira M. Saafir

Wiley GAAP Workbook provides easy-to-understand guidance and clarity to practical applications of GAAP. Enhancing your comprehension of GAAP to enable practical application of a variety of situations that you may encounter in practice, this workbook and guide simplifies application of GAAP standards and interpretations to specific real-world situations. Provides easy-to-understand clarity and guidance on interpretation and application of the overwhelming and voluminous GAAP standards Offers explanations supplemented with examples, case studies, solutions, and illustrations for enhanced understanding of GAAP Includes newly issued accounting pronouncements and information on the GAAP codification Wiley GAAP: Practical Implementation Guide and Workbook is a quick reference guide on Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and their application with easy to understand outlines of FASB standards, practical insights, case studies with solutions, illustrations, and multiple choice questions with solutions. It greatly facilitates understanding of the practical implementation issues involved in applying these complex rules-based standards.

Wiley GAAP: Practical Implementation Guide and Workbook

by Barry J. Epstein Nadira M. Saafir

Wiley GAAP Workbook provides easy-to-understand guidance and clarity to practical applications of GAAP. Enhancing your comprehension of GAAP to enable practical application of a variety of situations that you may encounter in practice, this workbook and guide simplifies application of GAAP standards and interpretations to specific real-world situations. Provides easy-to-understand clarity and guidance on interpretation and application of the overwhelming and voluminous GAAP standards Offers explanations supplemented with examples, case studies, solutions, and illustrations for enhanced understanding of GAAP Includes newly issued accounting pronouncements and information on the GAAP codification Wiley GAAP: Practical Implementation Guide and Workbook is a quick reference guide on Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and their application with easy to understand outlines of FASB standards, practical insights, case studies with solutions, illustrations, and multiple choice questions with solutions. It greatly facilitates understanding of the practical implementation issues involved in applying these complex rules-based standards.

Wiley GAAP 2015: Interpretation and Application of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (Wiley Regulatory Reporting)

by Joanne M. Flood

The quick, complete, cross-referenced GAAP guide, with illustrations, explanations, and examples Wiley GAAP 2015 contains the most comprehensive coverage of all GAAP pronouncements in a single volume, providing professionals with a complete reference to the entire GAAP hierarchy. This new edition includes the latest updates to the standards, along with AICPA ASEC statements of position and a comprehensive cross-reference of accounting topics to the new FASB codification system. All pronouncements are fully explained in detail, including terminology, and practice exercises demonstrate real-world application. Each chapter includes a discussion of perspectives and issues, sources of GAAP, definitions, concepts, rules, and examples, with specific appendices where applicable. This useful guide contains more examples and illustrations than any other GAAP reference, and all original pronouncements are referenced to the FASB Current Text. GAAP is constantly being updated, and users require expert interpretation and explanation of relevant principles with every new pronouncement. This book provides clear, user-friendly guidance, including FASB Technical Bulletins, AcSEC Practice Bulletins, FASB Implementation Guides, and AICPA Statements of Position and Accounting Interpretations. Readers will: Refer to GAAP standards and ASEC statements quickly and easily Understand relevant terminology, concepts, and rules Study detailed examples to gain a solid working knowledge of the standards Gain confidence by practicing GAAP applications before using it in the field This guide represents the most complete, comprehensive GAAP reference available, and the digital format allows for instant access to needed information through the point-and-click index and Table of Contents. Busy professionals need to get up to speed quickly without sacrificing a solid understanding, and Wiley GAAP 2015 is the essential user-friendly reference.

Wiley GAAP 2015: Interpretation and Application of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (Wiley Regulatory Reporting)

by Joanne M. Flood

The quick, complete, cross-referenced GAAP guide, with illustrations, explanations, and examples Wiley GAAP 2015 contains the most comprehensive coverage of all GAAP pronouncements in a single volume, providing professionals with a complete reference to the entire GAAP hierarchy. This new edition includes the latest updates to the standards, along with AICPA ASEC statements of position and a comprehensive cross-reference of accounting topics to the new FASB codification system. All pronouncements are fully explained in detail, including terminology, and practice exercises demonstrate real-world application. Each chapter includes a discussion of perspectives and issues, sources of GAAP, definitions, concepts, rules, and examples, with specific appendices where applicable. This useful guide contains more examples and illustrations than any other GAAP reference, and all original pronouncements are referenced to the FASB Current Text. GAAP is constantly being updated, and users require expert interpretation and explanation of relevant principles with every new pronouncement. This book provides clear, user-friendly guidance, including FASB Technical Bulletins, AcSEC Practice Bulletins, FASB Implementation Guides, and AICPA Statements of Position and Accounting Interpretations. Readers will: Refer to GAAP standards and ASEC statements quickly and easily Understand relevant terminology, concepts, and rules Study detailed examples to gain a solid working knowledge of the standards Gain confidence by practicing GAAP applications before using it in the field This guide represents the most complete, comprehensive GAAP reference available, and the digital format allows for instant access to needed information through the point-and-click index and Table of Contents. Busy professionals need to get up to speed quickly without sacrificing a solid understanding, and Wiley GAAP 2015 is the essential user-friendly reference.

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