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Atmospheric Radiation: Progress and Prospects, Proceedings of the Beijing International Radiation Symposium - Beijing, China, August 26-30, 1986

This book is a proceedings from the ‘Beijing International Radiation Symposium’, held in August 26-30, 1986. It summarizes the discussions and debates that took place in the field of atmospheric radiation, remote sensing and climate applications at the time. It focuses on the challenges and prospects for atmospheric radiation in relation to remote sensing, weather prediction and climate studies.

Atmospheric Re-Entry Vehicle Mechanics

by Patrick Gallais

Based on a long engineering experience, this book offers a comprehensive and state-of-the-art analysis of aerodynamic and flight mechanic entry topics. This updated edition had new chapters on Re-entry on Mars mission, flight quality, rarefied aerodynamics and re-entry accuracy. In addition, it provides a large set of application exercises and solutions.

Atmospheric Research in Antarctica: Present Status and Thrust Areas in Climate Change

by Neloy Khare

Atmospheric Research in Antarctica: Present Status and Thrust Areas in Climate Change represents a panoramic view of the developments in the field of Antarctic atmospheric sciences and meteorology broadly covering geomagnetism and aeronomy, middle atmospheric studies and global and climate change studies. It includes greenhouse gases, ozone monitoring as well as very low frequency (VLF) phenomena, and space weather, Antarctic meteorology, and mathematical modeling of atmosphere and ocean processes around Antarctica. Atmospheric electricity and aerosols investigations over Antarctica along with the total solar eclipse-related studies, calibration of AWIFS Sensor, and measurements of positive ions, are also discussed. This book is aimed at researchers and graduate students in atmospheric studies, meteorology, Antarctic studies, climate change. FEATURES: Covers scientific aspects of Antarctic meteorology and atmospheric sciences under climate change scenario Contains diverse set of information with strong bearing on recent and past polar processes Presents integrated research on polar science coupled with meteorological, climatological and atmosphericsciences Thoroughly reviews geomagnetism and aeronomy, middle atmospheric studies including global and climate change studies Helps readers understand how Antarctica’s climate has changed in the past and is being affected by ‘global warming’ and how might we expect its climate to change in the future?

Atmospheric Research in Antarctica: Present Status and Thrust Areas in Climate Change

by Neloy Khare

Atmospheric Research in Antarctica: Present Status and Thrust Areas in Climate Change represents a panoramic view of the developments in the field of Antarctic atmospheric sciences and meteorology broadly covering geomagnetism and aeronomy, middle atmospheric studies and global and climate change studies. It includes greenhouse gases, ozone monitoring as well as very low frequency (VLF) phenomena, and space weather, Antarctic meteorology, and mathematical modeling of atmosphere and ocean processes around Antarctica. Atmospheric electricity and aerosols investigations over Antarctica along with the total solar eclipse-related studies, calibration of AWIFS Sensor, and measurements of positive ions, are also discussed. This book is aimed at researchers and graduate students in atmospheric studies, meteorology, Antarctic studies, climate change. FEATURES: Covers scientific aspects of Antarctic meteorology and atmospheric sciences under climate change scenario Contains diverse set of information with strong bearing on recent and past polar processes Presents integrated research on polar science coupled with meteorological, climatological and atmosphericsciences Thoroughly reviews geomagnetism and aeronomy, middle atmospheric studies including global and climate change studies Helps readers understand how Antarctica’s climate has changed in the past and is being affected by ‘global warming’ and how might we expect its climate to change in the future?

Atmospheric Science at NASA: A History (New Series in NASA History (PDF))

by Erik M. Conway

This book offers an informed and revealing account of NASA’s involvement in the scientific understanding of the Earth’s atmosphere. Since the nineteenth century, scientists have attempted to understand the complex processes of the Earth’s atmosphere and the weather created within it. This effort has evolved with the development of new technologies—from the first instrument-equipped weather balloons to multibillion-dollar meteorological satellite and planetary science programs. Erik M. Conway chronicles the history of atmospheric science at NASA, tracing the story from its beginnings in 1958, the International Geophysical Year, through to the present, focusing on NASA’s programs and research in meteorology, stratospheric ozone depletion, and planetary climates and global warming. But the story is not only a scientific one. NASA’s researchers operated within an often politically contentious environment. Although environmental issues garnered strong public and political support in the 1970s, the following decades saw increased opposition to environmentalism as a threat to free market capitalism. Atmospheric Science at NASA critically examines this politically controversial science, dissecting the often convoluted roles, motives, and relationships of the various institutional actors involved—among them NASA, congressional appropriation committees, government weather and climate bureaus, and the military.

Atmospheric Temperature Profiles of the Northern Hemisphere: A Compendium of Data (Springer Atmospheric Sciences)

by Young Yee Kueyson Y. Yee Erik Y. Yee

For more than three decades, the US Standard Atmosphere has been used by researchers and professionals in many areas of aeronautics and atmospheric sciences. It is an idealized, all season average temperature profile of the earth's atmosphere. But today's modern day and sophisticated global applications require more extensive representations of the mean temperature profile. This book is a global augmentation of the climatological tropospheric temperature profiles in the Northern Hemisphere for different latitude belts and seasons. There are 72 mean temperature profile tables from the surface up to 10 kilometers in height that represent the four seasons for different latitudinal belts (5° N, 10° N , 15° N, 20° N, 25° N, 30° N, 35° N, 40° N, 45° N, 50° N, 55° N, 60° N, 65° N, 70° N, 75° N, 80° N, 85° N). The model is based on a neural network algorithm that uses archived radiosonde data, retrieved temperature profiles from remote sensors, and the solar insolation at the top of the earth's atmosphere. It is the most comprehensive book of mean seasonal tropospheric temperature profiles to date. It will be an indispensible reference to the aeronautic and meteorological industries worldwide as well as an easy-to-use guide for climatologists, meteorologists, aeronautic engineers, researchers and aviators.

Atmospheric Water Harvesting Development and Challenges (Water Science and Technology Library #122)

by Elvis Fosso-Kankeu Ali Al Alili Hemant Mittal Bhekie Mamba

The commercial operation of atmospheric water harvesting systems is still limited to few countries; this is mainly due to the low energy efficiency of the system and the inability to effectively operate throughout the various seasons of the year. Researchers have attempted to develop strategies to render the operation of atmospheric water harvesters easier and cost effective. This book covers work progress toward such direction, including among others the co-operation of these systems with renewable energy source and the adaptation of the systems to local conditions; the response of the communities around the world to such technology and how its implementation is affected by cultural believe, cost, and technological friendliness. The book is of interest to academic researchers, students, water authorities, professional in relevant industries, government regulatory bodies officers, and environmentalists.

Atom, Molecule, and Cluster Beams I: Basic Theory, Production and Detection of Thermal Energy Beams (Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics #28)

by Hans Pauly

A consistent, up-to-date description of the extremely manifold and varied experimental techniques which nowadays enable work with neutral particles. Th book lays the physical foundations of the various experimental techniques, which utilize methods from most fields in physics.

Atom, Molecule, and Cluster Beams II: Cluster Beams, Fast and Slow Beams, Accessory Equipment and Applications (Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics #32)

by Hans Pauly

This book completes the physical foundations and experimental techniques described in volume 1 with an updated review of the accessory equipment indispensable in molecular beam experiments. It extends the subject to cluster beams and beams of hyperthermal and subthermal energies.

Atom Optics with Laser Light (Laser Science And Technology Ser.)

by V.S. Letokhov

This book deals specifically with the manipulation of atoms by laser light, describing the focusing, channeling and reflection of atoms by laser fields. It also describes the potential fields required to cause the phase change of the wave function necessary for the atomic interactions to occur.

Atom Optics with Laser Light (Laser Science And Technology Ser.)

by V.S. Letokhov

This book deals specifically with the manipulation of atoms by laser light, describing the focusing, channeling and reflection of atoms by laser fields. It also describes the potential fields required to cause the phase change of the wave function necessary for the atomic interactions to occur.

Atom Probe Microscopy (Springer Series in Materials Science #160)

by Baptiste Gault Michael P. Moody Julie M. Cairney Simon P. Ringer

Atom probe microscopy enables the characterization of materials structure and chemistry in three dimensions with near-atomic resolution. This uniquely powerful technique has been subject to major instrumental advances over the last decade with the development of wide-field-of-view detectors and pulsed-laser-assisted evaporation that have significantly enhanced the instrument’s capabilities. The field is flourishing, and atom probe microscopy is being embraced as a mainstream characterization technique. This book covers all facets of atom probe microscopy—including field ion microscopy, field desorption microscopy and a strong emphasis on atom probe tomography.Atom Probe Microscopy is aimed at researchers of all experience levels. It will provide the beginner with the theoretical background and practical information necessary to investigate how materials work using atom probe microscopy techniques. This includes detailed explanations of the fundamentals and the instrumentation, contemporary specimen preparation techniques, experimental details, and an overview of the results that can be obtained. The book emphasizes processes for assessing data quality, and the proper implementation of advanced data mining algorithms. Those more experienced in the technique will benefit from the book as a single comprehensive source of indispensable reference information, tables and techniques. Both beginner and expert will value the way that Atom Probe Microscopy is set out in the context of materials science and engineering, and includes references to key recent research outcomes.

Atom Probe Tomography: Analysis at the Atomic Level

by Michael K. Miller

The microanalytical technique of atom probe tomography (APT) permits the spatial coordinates and elemental identities of the individual atoms within a small volume to be determined with near atomic resolution. Therefore, atom probe tomography provides a technique for acquiring atomic resolution three­ dimensional images of the solute distribution within the microstructures of materials. This monograph is designed to provide researchers and students the necessary information to plan and experimentally conduct an atom probe tomography experiment. The techniques required to visualize and to analyze the resulting three-dimensional data are also described. The monograph is organized into chapters each covering a specific aspect of the technique. The development of this powerful microanalytical technique from the origins offield ion microscopy in 1951, through the first three-dimensional atom probe prototype built in 1986 to today's commercial state-of-the-art three­ dimensional atom probe is documented in chapter 1. A general introduction to atom probe tomography is also presented in chapter 1. The various methods to fabricate suitable needle-shaped specimens are presented in chapter 2. The procedure to form field ion images of the needle-shaped specimen is described in chapter 3. In addition, the appearance of microstructural features and the information that may be estimated from field ion microscopy are summarized. A brief account of the theoretical basis for processes of field ionization and field evaporation is also included.

Atom-Probe Tomography: The Local Electrode Atom Probe

by Michael K. Miller Richard G. Forbes

Nanocharacterization by Atom Probe Tomography is a practical guide for researchers interested atomic level characterization of materials with atom probe tomography.Readers will find descriptions of the atom probe instrument and atom probe tomography technique, field ionization, field evaporation and field ion microscopy. The fundamental underlying physics principles are examined, in addition to data reconstruction and visualization, statistical data analysis methods and specimen preparation by electropolishing and FIB-based techniques. A full description of the local electrode atom probe – a new state-of-the-art instrument – is also provided, along with detailed descriptions and limitations of laser pulsing as a method to field evaporate atoms. Valuable coverage of the new ionization theory is also included, which underpins the overall technique.

Atom Tunneling Phenomena in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics #36)

by Tetsuo Miyazaki

Topics include the theory of atom tunneling reactions, conclusive evidence and controlling factors for such reactions in solid hydrogen, tunneling dislocation motion, coherent tunneling diffusion, the production of interstellar molecules and semiconductors using tunneling reactions, the effect of atom tunneling on molecular structure and crystalline structure, the suppression of mutation and cancer by an atom tunneling reaction of vitamin C, and atom tunneling reactions of vitamin E and of enzymes.

Atom- und Quantenphysik: Einführung in die experimentellen und theoretischen Grundlagen (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Hermann Haken Hans C. Wolf

Atom- und Quantenphysik führt sorgfältig und leicht verständlich in die Ergebnisse und Methoden der empirischen Atomphysik ein, wobei auch das Rüstzeug der Quantentheorie vermittelt und besonders die Wechselwirkung zwischen Experiment und Theorie herausgearbeitet wird. Die vorliegende sechste Auflage wurde verbessert und durch Berücksichtigung neuer Entwicklungen ergänzt: Ein neuer Abschnitt zu Positronium, Myonium und Antiwasserstoff wurde hinzugefügt; bereits ab der 5. Auflage direkte Beobachtung einzelner Atome in Paul-Fallen, von Atomen in Molekülen an Festkörperoberflächen durch Rastertunnelmikroskopie, neue Experimente zur Atominterferometrie, Laserkühlung von Atomen. Auch gibt es einen Anhang zur Herleitung der Heisenbergschen Unschärferelation. Das letzte Kapitel führt in die Grundlagen der Quantentheorie der chemischen Bindung ein, welche im zweiten Band der Autoren Molekülphysik und Quantenchemie ihre Fortsetzung findet. 167 Übungen mit vollständigen Lösungen runden das Buch ab und dienen der Vertiefung.

Atomare Stoßprozesse: Eine Einführung in die physikalischen Grundlagen und grundlegenden Ergebnisse (Teubner Studienbücher Physik)

by Hugo Neuert

In den letzten Jahrzehnten haben sich die Erkenntnisse über die Atome und Moleküle auf Grund von Untersuchungen von Stoßprozessen von Elektronen, Photonen und schwereren Teilchen auf Atome und Moleküle sehr erweitert. Zu diesem Bereich der atomphysikalischen Forschung gibt es zwar inzwischen eine sehr große Anzahl von gründ­ lichen zusammenfassenden Darstellungen, jeweils über Teilgebiete, die einem weiterführenden studium zugrunde gelegt werden können. Um das Gebiet in seiner Breite zunächst einmal kennen zu lernen, ist aber nach der Meinung des Verfassers zur Einführung eines Dar­ stellung von Nutzen, die den Leser mit den elementaren Vorgängen und jeweils einigen exemplarischen Ergebnissen bekannt macht. Das vorliegende Buch ist ein Versuch einer solchen Einführung, in der die Vielfalt der möglichen und der untersuchten Prozesse aufgezeigt werden soll, ohne allerdings einen Anspruch auf die Erfassung und genauere Beschreibung aller Einzelheiten zu erheben. Es werden dazu nur die Grundkenntnisse der Atomphysik und der elementaren Quanten­ theorie vorausgesetzt. Da sich das Buch weniger an die mit den Teilgebieten bereits vertrauten Fachleute als vielmehr an Leser richtet, die die Probleme der Atomaren Stoßprozesse und einige grundlegende Ergebnisse kennen lernen wollen, um daraus Anregungen für weitere Studien zu gewinnen, wurde einer etwas mehr phänomeno­ logischen Darstellung der Vorzug gegeben. Es war somit auch nicht die Absicht, die zu den verschiedenen Problemen mehr oder weniger ausgearbeiteten Theorien näher auszubreiten. Doch soll im Text die Möglichkeit des Vergleichs der theoretischen Aussagen mit den expe­ rimentellen Resultaten genutzt werden.

Atome — Moleküle — Kerne: Band I Atomphysik

by Raimund Honecker

Zielsetzung dieses Lehrbuches ist es, Studierende der Physik in die Grundlagen der Atomphysik aus experimenteller und theoretischer Sicht einzuführen und sie dabei behutsam aber systematisch mit den wichtigsten Methoden des dazu notwendigen quantenmechanischen Rüstzeugs vertraut zu machen. Die gesonderte Kennzeichnung einzelner Abschnitte nach zwei unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsgraden gestattet es einerseits dem Anfänger, eine Übersicht über die vielfältigen Erscheinungen und experimentellen Methoden zu gewinnen, andererseits dem Fortgeschrittenen die konsequente quantenmechanische Behandlung grundlegender Probleme nachzuvollziehen.

Atome — Moleküle — Kerne: Band II Molekül- und Kernphysik

by Raimund Honecker

Die Kapitel Molekülphysik und Kernphysik sind die naturgemäßen Anschlußgebiete an die Atomphysik, deren Grundlagen wir in Band I behandelt haben. Daß wir in der Rei­ henfolge die Molekülphysik voranstellen, hat keinen zwingenden Grund. Die getroffene Wahl möge den Lesern insofern entgegenkommen, als die Molekülphysik von der bereits aus der Atomphysik bekannten elektromagnetischen Wechselwirkung beherrscht wird, während in der Kernphysik die starke und schwache Wechselwirkung ganz andere, für den Anfänger ungewohnte Behandlungsmethoden verlangen. Mit gutem Grund haben wir der Kernphysik ein einführendes Kapitel über Teilchenphysik hinzugefügt; haben sich die Gewichte dieser beiden Gebiete in den letzten Jahrzehnten doch stetig von der Kernphysik auf die Teilchenphysik verschoben. Die Frage mag sogar berechtigt sein, warum wir den Stoff der Kernphysik nicht noch stärker beschränkt haben. Die Le­ ser werden jedoch feststellen, daß viele Begriffe, Methoden und Ge!!etzmäßigkeiten der Kernphysik auch Bestandteile der Teilchenphysik sind und sich entlang des historischen Weges der Kernphysik leichter lernen lassen. Um die Einheit beider Bände zu wahren, haben wir die Numerierung der Kapitel und Anhänge des ersten Bandes fortgesetzt. Ebenso wurde die *-Markierung schwie­ riger Abschnitte für Fortgeschrittene beibehalten. Wir gehen aber davon aus, daß die Anfänger beim Studium des ersten Bandes genügend Fachkenntnisse erworben haben, um im zweiten Band auch etwas schwierigere Sachverhalte zu verstehen. Das Litera­ turverzeichnis umfaßt ausführliche Angaben für beide Bände. Wir haben wiederum versucht, den Stoff in experimenteller und theoretischer Sicht möglichst ausgewogen darzustellen.

Atome — Moleküle — Kerne: Band I Atomphysik

by Gerd Otter Raimund Honecker

Das zweibändige Lehrbuch Atome - Moleküle - Kerne, dessen erster Band über Atomphysik nun vorliegt, erwuchs aus den Manuskripten einer zweisemestrigen Vorlesung, die seit vielen Jahren an der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule Aachen veranstaltet wird. Das Buch richtet sich an Studierende mit Fach Physik ab etwa dem dritten oder vierten Se­ mester und ist in erster Linie als begleitende Hilfestellung zu entsprechenden Hochschulkursen gedacht. Es sollte sich aber auch zur Vorbereitung auf das Vor-und Hauptexamen oder zum Selbststudium eignen. Wir haben eine in sich geschlossene Darstellung angestrebt, die den Lernenden systematisch durch den Stoff führt. Das Buch ist andererseits so aufgebaut, daß der Anfänger, der sich zunächst nur einen Überblick über die vielfältigen Erscheinungen im atomaren Bereich verschaffen will, die schwierigen, mit einem * markierten Abschnitte über­ schlagen kann, ohne den Faden zu verlieren. Im fortgeschrittenen Stadium mag er dann das Buch abermals zur Hand nehmen, um das Erlernte durch die konsequente quantenmechanische Behandlung der Problemstellungen zu vertiefen. Passsagen für Fortgeschrittene innerhalb des Textes sind mit ** A ** (= Anfang) und **E** (= Ende) gekennzeichnet. Jedes Kapitel endet mit einer Zusammenfassung des erlernten Stoffs. Aus diesen wenigen Bemerkungen läßt sich ersehen, welche Voraussetzungen der Lernende mitbringen muß: Grundkenntnisse der klassischen Physik sowie eine gewisse Übung im Um­ gang mit dem wichtigsten formalen Rüstzeug der Höheren Mathematik. Kenntnisse der Quan­ tenmechanik werden nicht vorausgesetzt.

Atomic and Electronic Properties of 2D Moiré Interfaces (Springer Theses)

by Astrid Weston

This thesis provides the first atomic length-scale observation of the structural transformation (referred to as lattice reconstruction) that occurs in moiré superlattices of twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) at low (θ Studies using Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), a powerful tool for atomic-scale imaging, were limited due to the complexity of the (atomically-thin) sample fabrication requirements. This work developed a unique way to selectively cut and re-stack monolayers of TMDs with a controlled rotational twist angle which could then be easily suspended on a TEM grid to meet the needs of the atomically thin sample requirements. The fabrication technique enabled the study of the two common stacking-polytypes including 3R and 2H (using MoS2 and WS2 as the example) as well as their structural evolution with decreasing twist-angle.Atomic-scale studies were followed by a comprehensive investigation of their electronic properties using scanning probe microscopy and electrical transport measurements of the artificially-engineered structures. The electronic structure of two common stacking-polytypes (3R and 2H) were strikingly different, as revealed by conductive atomic force microscopy. Further studies focused on the 3R-stacking polytype to reveal room-temperature out-of-plane ferroelectricity using tools such as kelvin probe force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and electrical transport measurements. This work highlights that the unique intrinsic properties of TMDs (i.e. semiconductors with strongly light-matter interaction) combined with the additional twisted degree-of-freedom has great potential to create atomically thin transistors/LEDs with built-in memory storage functions and will further aid in the development of the next generation of optoelectronics.

Atomic and Electronic Structure of Surfaces: Theoretical Foundations (Springer Series in Surface Sciences #16)

by Michel Lannoo Paul Friedel

Surfaces and interfaces play an increasingly important role in today's solid state devices. In this book the reader is introduced, in a didactic manner, to the essential theoretical aspects of the atomic and electronic structure of surfaces and interfaces. The book does not pretend to give a complete overview of contemporary problems and methods. Instead, the authors strive to provide simple but qualitatively useful arguments that apply to a wide variety of cases. The emphasis of the book is on semiconductor surfaces and interfaces but it also includes a thorough treatment of transition metals, a general discussion of phonon dispersion curves, and examples of large computational calculations. The exercises accompanying every chapter will be of great benefit to the student.

Atomic and Molecular Beams: The State of the Art 2000

by Roger Campargue

This title covers the state of the art in this field both theoretically and experimentally. With contributions from leading researchers including several Nobel laureates, it represents a long-lasting source of reference on all aspects of fundamental research into or using atomic and molecular beams.

Atomic and Molecular Beams: Production and Collimation

by Cyril Bernard Lucas

Atomic and molecular beams are employed in physics and chemistry experiments and, to a lesser extent, in the biological sciences. These beams enable atoms to be studied under collision-free conditions and allow the study of their interaction with other atoms, charged particles, radiation, and surfaces. Atomic and Molecular Beams: Production and Col

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