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BIM im Brücken- und Ingenieurbau: Digitale Bauwerksmodelle mit NX 10, 3D-Konstruktion, Datenintegration und FE-Simulation

by Markus Nöldgen

Das Lehrbuch richtet sich an Studierende sowie Konstruktions- und Berechnungsingenieure in der Praxis des konstruktiven Ingenieurbaus, die sich bereits heute oder in der nahen Zukunft mit der 3D-Konstruktion, Datenintegration und Simulation im Zuge des BIM befassen.Anhand von ausgewählten praxisnahen Beispielen wird die grundlegend neue Methodik der 3D-Modellierung im Brücken- und Ingenieurbau Schritt für Schritt aufgezeigt und durch e-learning features (Videos, Dateien) ergänzt. Mithilfe eines übergreifenden Projektbeispiels wird der Zusammenhang der Anwendung von BIM für ein Brückenbauwerk vorgestellt und die theoretischen Hintergründe kurz erläutert.Schließlich werden sowohl die Planableitung aus dem Modell, die Integration von Daten und Messungen, die Bauablaufsimulation sowie ein Ansatz für die integrierte FE-Simulation direkt aus dem Konstruktionsmodell (Design-Embedded-Simulation) aufgezeigt.

BIM im Brücken- und Ingenieurbau: Digitale Bauwerksmodelle mit NX, 3D-Konstruktion, Datenintegration, Datenaustausch und FE-Simulation

by Markus Nöldgen

Das Lehrbuch richtet sich an Studierende sowie Konstruktions- und Berechnungsingenieure in der Praxis des konstruktiven Ingenieurbaus, die sich bereits heute oder in der nahen Zukunft mit der 3D-Konstruktion, Datenintegration und Simulation im Zuge des Building Information Modeling (BIM) befassen. Anhand von ausgewählten praxisnahen Beispielen wird die grundlegend neue Methodik der 3D-Modellierung im Brücken- und Ingenieurbau Schritt für Schritt aufgezeigt und durch e-learning features (Videos, Dateien) ergänzt. Mithilfe eines übergreifenden Projektbeispiels wird der Zusammenhang der Anwendung des BIM für ein Brückenbauwerk vorgestellt und die theoretischen Hintergründe kurz erläutert. Schließlich werden sowohl die Planableitung aus dem Modell, die Integration von Daten und Messungen, die Bauablaufsimulation sowie ein Ansatz für die integrierte FE-Simulation direkt aus dem Konstruktionsmodell (Design-Embedded-Simulation) aufgezeigt. In der zweiten Auflage wurden sämtliche Beispiele mit der neuesten Software-Generation überarbeitet. Ein neues Kapitel widmet sich dem Datenaustausch über neutrale Industry Foundation Classes (IFC), der in der Praxis zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnt.

BIM im Immobilienbetrieb: Anwendung, Implementierung, Digitalisierungstrends und Fallstudien

by Michael May Markus Krämer Maik Schlundt

Dieses Fachbuch – nicht nur für Praktiker – beschäftigt sich mit allen Facetten und Fragestellungen der Anwendung von Building Information Modeling (BIM) im Immobilienbetrieb und Facility Management (FM).Ausgehend von den Grundlagen und Vorzügen von BIM sowie dessen Entwicklung, werden alle Bereiche im Immobilienbetrieb beleuchtet, bei denen BIM sinnvoll eingesetzt werden kann. Dabei werden BIM- und CAFM-Grundlagen, moderne Digitalisierungstechniken, Datenstandards und Datenaustausch sowie Interoperabilität und Aspekte der Wirtschaftlichkeit von BIM-Projekten ausführlich erläutert. Das Vorgehen bei der BIM-Einführung, Anwendungsszenarien und konkrete Praxisbeispiele runden das Werk ebenso ab wie ein Blick in aktuelle Forschungsthemen und künftige Entwicklungen.

BIM in Bridge and Infrastructure Design: Digital Building Models with NX, 3D Design, Data Integration, Data Exchange and FE Simulation

by Markus Nöldgen

The textbook is addressed to students, structural draftsmen and structural engineers who are involved in the design of structures in the course of roads and railways with a focus on Building Information Modeling (BIM).Based on selected simplified examples the new method of object-oriented 3D-modeling (OOM) for alignment-based bridge structures is explained step-by-step with supplementary e-learning material (videos and sample files) for a modern self-assessed learning.A comprehensive 3D-Model of a bridge structure is set up and explained in detail with all relevant background information on the techniques and methodologies in the BIM process. The enrichment of semantic data is shown and explained as well as the combination with parameters and processes such as the combination with masses. An outlook is given for the forthcoming export of the model via neutral .ifc-standard in the OPEN BIM process.In mechanical engineering drawings and simulations are derived from the 3D-Model for many years already so that these options are refered to in this textbook with the focus on design-embedded-simulations for bridge structures. The technique of isogeometric modeling and a linked finite-element-simulation is shown in chapter 4 to outline the potential for future applications.

BIM in Real Estate Operations: Application, Implementation, Digitalization Trends and Case Studies

by Michael May Markus Krämer Maik Schlundt

This reference book - not only for practitioners - deals with all facets and issues of the application of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in real estate operations and Facility Management (FM).Starting from the basics and advantages of BIM as well as its development, all areas in real estate operations are illuminated where BIM can be usefully applied. BIM and CAFM basics, modern digitization techniques, data standards and data exchange, as well as interoperability and aspects of the economic viability of BIM projects are explained in detail. The procedure for introducing BIM, application scenarios and concrete practical examples round off the work, as does a look at current research topics and future developments.

BIM in Small Practices: Illustrated Case Studies

by Robert Klaschka

BIM (Building Information Modelling) is revolutionising architecture and construction, as more and more practices are realising the benefits it brings to design, sustainability, and construction. There is a perception that BIM is a process best left to large practices – requiring significant resources and the ability to invest heavily in IT. This book overturns that misconception: introducing a selection of inspirational BIM-enabled projects by small architectural practices. Full of practical tips and hard-won experience, BIM in Small Practices: Illustrated Case Studies includes pithy contributions from industry experts who identify and explore the important issues for small practices including how to get your practice started with BIM, and how it aligns to the new Plan of Work. This landmark publication will motivate small practices who are considering taking those first steps towards implementing BIM.

The BIM Manager's Handbook: Guidance for Professionals in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction

by Dominik Holzer

The BIM Manager's Handbook: Guidance for Professionals in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a design and construction software that manages not just graphics, but also information—information that enables the automatic generation of drawings and reports, design analysis, schedule simulation, facilities management, and cost analysis—ultimately enabling any building team to make better-informed decisions. This allows a range of professionals—architects, engineers, construction managers, surveyors, cost estimators, project managers, and facility managers—to share this information throughout a building's lifecycle. BIM is now recognized worldwide for the efficiencies it delivers in terms of working collaboratively, communication, processes, cost savings, and a property's lifecycle management. With the widespread adoption of BIM, BIM Managers have become a much-needed new breed of professionals in architectural, engineering, and construction practice. Their role is often misunderstood and ill-defined, and such are the day-to-day deliverables that they are likely to face. The BIM Manager's Handbook provides an in-depth account of the breadth of activities that any BIM Manager or staff member, who is actively engaged in the delivery of project, is required to undertake. Providing prereleases of the final work, The BIM Manager's Handbook ePart series isolates significant topics around BIM management. In the sixth and final ePart, BIM is taken to the next level by outlining what is required to truly excel as a BIM Manager. It highlights how BIM Managers acquire the necessary communication skills to maximize an efficient information flow between the BIM Manager and others. It illustrates how BIM Managers tie their activities to cutting-edge BIM research and development globally. Lastly, this ePart lays out how to promote BIM excellence both within an organization and beyond.

The BIM Manager's Handbook: Guidance for Professionals in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction

by Dominik Holzer

The BIM Manager's Handbook: Guidance for Professionals in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a design and construction software that manages not just graphics, but also information—information that enables the automatic generation of drawings and reports, design analysis, schedule simulation, facilities management, and cost analysis—ultimately enabling any building team to make better-informed decisions. This allows a range of professionals—architects, engineers, construction managers, surveyors, cost estimators, project managers, and facility managers—to share this information throughout a building's lifecycle. BIM is now recognized worldwide for the efficiencies it delivers in terms of working collaboratively, communication, processes, cost savings, and a property's lifecycle management. With the widespread adoption of BIM, BIM Managers have become a much-needed new breed of professionals in architectural, engineering, and construction practice. Their role is often misunderstood and ill-defined, and such are the day-to-day deliverables that they are likely to face. The BIM Manager's Handbook provides an in-depth account of the breadth of activities that any BIM Manager or staff member, who is actively engaged in the delivery of project, is required to undertake. Providing prereleases of the final work, The BIM Manager's Handbook ePart series isolates significant topics around BIM management. In the sixth and final ePart, BIM is taken to the next level by outlining what is required to truly excel as a BIM Manager. It highlights how BIM Managers acquire the necessary communication skills to maximize an efficient information flow between the BIM Manager and others. It illustrates how BIM Managers tie their activities to cutting-edge BIM research and development globally. Lastly, this ePart lays out how to promote BIM excellence both within an organization and beyond.

The BIM Manager's Handbook, Part 1: Best Practice BIM

by Dominik Holzer

ePart 1 Best Practice BIM: Seeking to get BIM right? This ePart provides a touchstone for good practice by introducing a number of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), which represent benchmarks for successful BIM implementation. It explains what good BIM looks like and the pitfalls to avoid with ‘bad BIM’ and ‘pseudo BIM’. It highlights the part that the BIM Manager can play in achieving excellence by outlining the various responsibilities the BIM Manager’s role encompasses, while also emphasising how these responsibilities have changed over time and how they are set to evolve. By drawing on interviews with the top BIM Managers worldwide, it delivers up-to-date expert insights from the field. Obook ISBN: 9781118987780; ePub ISBN: 9781118987858; ePDF ISBN: 9781118985618; published April 2015

The BIM Manager's Handbook, Part 1: Best Practice BIM

by Dominik Holzer

ePart 1 Best Practice BIM: Seeking to get BIM right? This ePart provides a touchstone for good practice by introducing a number of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), which represent benchmarks for successful BIM implementation. It explains what good BIM looks like and the pitfalls to avoid with ‘bad BIM’ and ‘pseudo BIM’. It highlights the part that the BIM Manager can play in achieving excellence by outlining the various responsibilities the BIM Manager’s role encompasses, while also emphasising how these responsibilities have changed over time and how they are set to evolve. By drawing on interviews with the top BIM Managers worldwide, it delivers up-to-date expert insights from the field. Obook ISBN: 9781118987780; ePub ISBN: 9781118987858; ePDF ISBN: 9781118985618; published April 2015

The BIM Manager's Handbook, Part 2: Change Management

by Dominik Holzer

ePart 2 Change Management: A BIM Manager might be hired for their technical skills, but their success relies heavily on their ability to be an agent of change within their organisation, facilitating transition to BIM processes and mentoring staff through the cultural and procedural shifts. This ePart outlines strategies to manage an organisation’s transition to BIM successfully and to master supporting its continuous evolution. Based on accounts from top practitioners, it highlights how the BIM manager might approach interfacing with their organisation’s leadership by successfully lobbying and leading on BIM from the inside, while overcoming change-resistance and managing teams’ expectations. It concludes with a ‘Tips and Tricks’ section that provides in-depth advice for running BIM audits and for setting up in-house BIM workshops, which are instrumental for any BIM Manager seeking a better understanding of their organisational context and to raise the level of awareness of the BIM knowledge of key decision-makers. Obook ISBN: 9781119092308; ePub ISBN: 9781118987797; ePDF ISBN: 9781119092292; published April 2015

The BIM Manager's Handbook, Part 2: Change Management

by Dominik Holzer

ePart 2 Change Management: A BIM Manager might be hired for their technical skills, but their success relies heavily on their ability to be an agent of change within their organisation, facilitating transition to BIM processes and mentoring staff through the cultural and procedural shifts. This ePart outlines strategies to manage an organisation’s transition to BIM successfully and to master supporting its continuous evolution. Based on accounts from top practitioners, it highlights how the BIM manager might approach interfacing with their organisation’s leadership by successfully lobbying and leading on BIM from the inside, while overcoming change-resistance and managing teams’ expectations. It concludes with a ‘Tips and Tricks’ section that provides in-depth advice for running BIM audits and for setting up in-house BIM workshops, which are instrumental for any BIM Manager seeking a better understanding of their organisational context and to raise the level of awareness of the BIM knowledge of key decision-makers. Obook ISBN: 9781119092308; ePub ISBN: 9781118987797; ePDF ISBN: 9781119092292; published April 2015

The BIM Manager's Handbook, Part 3: Focus on Technology

by Dominik Holzer

ePart 3: Focus on Technology: How do you ensure your organisation gets the most out of the BIM technology available? Dedicated to the main technology-related aspects of a BIM Manager’s role, this ePart explains how to establish and manage an organisation’s BIM-related tool-ecology and how to use BIM in order to link from design to fabrication. What do BIM Managers need to do in order ensure their teams use the right tools for the various tasks in design, construction and beyond? How do they connect them and how do they keep up with updates in this rapidly changing environment. This ePart highlights the challenges BIM Managers need to overcome in software, hardware and network selection. It also brings into focus the opportunities BIM Managers face in the changing context of BIM in the Cloud. Extending beyond technical know-how, it also offers advice on how to create a successful interface between the BIM Manager and the IT specialist(s). Obook ISBN: 9781118987803; ePub ISBN: 9781118987773; ePDF ISBN:9781118987766; published August 2015

The BIM Manager's Handbook, Part 3: Focus on Technology

by Dominik Holzer

ePart 3: Focus on Technology: How do you ensure your organisation gets the most out of the BIM technology available? Dedicated to the main technology-related aspects of a BIM Manager’s role, this ePart explains how to establish and manage an organisation’s BIM-related tool-ecology and how to use BIM in order to link from design to fabrication. What do BIM Managers need to do in order ensure their teams use the right tools for the various tasks in design, construction and beyond? How do they connect them and how do they keep up with updates in this rapidly changing environment. This ePart highlights the challenges BIM Managers need to overcome in software, hardware and network selection. It also brings into focus the opportunities BIM Managers face in the changing context of BIM in the Cloud. Extending beyond technical know-how, it also offers advice on how to create a successful interface between the BIM Manager and the IT specialist(s). Obook ISBN: 9781118987803; ePub ISBN: 9781118987773; ePDF ISBN:9781118987766; published August 2015

The BIM Manager's Handbook, Part 4: Building Up a BIM Support Infrastructure

by Dominik Holzer

ePart 4: Building up a BIM Support Infrastructure: Addressing the ‘back of house’ aspect of BIM Management, this ePart outlines how to go about developing a range of in-house BIM standards and guidelines. It highlights how BIM Managers go about establishing a training programme for staff and the setting up and management of an organisation’s BIM content library. It covers the support needed to move BIM information into the field and further into facilities and asset management. It emphasises the importance of internal messaging, and articulating how to nurture a culture of peer-to peer support and advancement of skills by individual staff members. Looking beyond a single firm’s or organisation’s requirements, the ePart positions BIM support infrastructure in the wider context of key global BIM policies and guidelines. Obook ISBN: 9781118987896; ePub ISBN: 9781118987919; ePDF ISBN:9781118987834; published August 2015

The BIM Manager's Handbook, Part 4: Building Up a BIM Support Infrastructure

by Dominik Holzer

ePart 4: Building up a BIM Support Infrastructure: Addressing the ‘back of house’ aspect of BIM Management, this ePart outlines how to go about developing a range of in-house BIM standards and guidelines. It highlights how BIM Managers go about establishing a training programme for staff and the setting up and management of an organisation’s BIM content library. It covers the support needed to move BIM information into the field and further into facilities and asset management. It emphasises the importance of internal messaging, and articulating how to nurture a culture of peer-to peer support and advancement of skills by individual staff members. Looking beyond a single firm’s or organisation’s requirements, the ePart positions BIM support infrastructure in the wider context of key global BIM policies and guidelines. Obook ISBN: 9781118987896; ePub ISBN: 9781118987919; ePDF ISBN:9781118987834; published August 2015

The BIM Manager's Handbook, Part 5: Day-to-Day BIM Management

by Dominik Holzer

ePart 5: Day-to-Day BIM Management: How do you go about mastering hands-on support BIM for your team? ePart 5 introduces the operational tasks a BIM Manager is expected to accomplish. Depending on an organisation’s size BIM Managers either supervise the rollout of BIM on various projects, or they actively get involved in mentoring those authoring or coordinating information in BIM. By providing a strong project focus, this ePart, firstly, addresses requirements for in-house BIM project support; secondly, it explains how to support the integration and coordination of BIM data across a multi-disciplinary project team. Leading BIM experts from the US, UK and Australia divulge their recipes for successful operational management. Obook ISBN: 9781118987902; ePub ISBN:9781118987919; ePDF ISBN: 9781118987926; published November 2015

The BIM Manager's Handbook, Part 5: Day-to-Day BIM Management

by Dominik Holzer

ePart 5: Day-to-Day BIM Management: How do you go about mastering hands-on support BIM for your team? ePart 5 introduces the operational tasks a BIM Manager is expected to accomplish. Depending on an organisation’s size BIM Managers either supervise the rollout of BIM on various projects, or they actively get involved in mentoring those authoring or coordinating information in BIM. By providing a strong project focus, this ePart, firstly, addresses requirements for in-house BIM project support; secondly, it explains how to support the integration and coordination of BIM data across a multi-disciplinary project team. Leading BIM experts from the US, UK and Australia divulge their recipes for successful operational management. Obook ISBN: 9781118987902; ePub ISBN:9781118987919; ePDF ISBN: 9781118987926; published November 2015

The BIM Manager's Handbook, Part 6: Excelling your BIM Efforts

by Dominik Holzer

ePart 6: Excelling your BIM Efforts: In this final ePart, BIM is taken to the next level by outlining what is required to truly excel as a BIM Manager. It highlights how BIM Managers acquire the necessary communication skills to maximise an efficient information flow between the BIM Manager and others. It illustrates how BIM Managers tie their activities to cutting-edge BIM research and development globally. Lastly, the ePart will lay out how to promote BIM excellence both within an organisation and beyond. Obook ISBN: 9781118987971; ePub ISBN: 9781118987988; ePDF ISBN: 9781118987964; published November 2015

The BIM Manager's Handbook, Part 6: Excelling your BIM Efforts

by Dominik Holzer

ePart 6: Excelling your BIM Efforts: In this final ePart, BIM is taken to the next level by outlining what is required to truly excel as a BIM Manager. It highlights how BIM Managers acquire the necessary communication skills to maximise an efficient information flow between the BIM Manager and others. It illustrates how BIM Managers tie their activities to cutting-edge BIM research and development globally. Lastly, the ePart will lay out how to promote BIM excellence both within an organisation and beyond. Obook ISBN: 9781118987971; ePub ISBN: 9781118987988; ePDF ISBN: 9781118987964; published November 2015

A BIM Professional’s Guide to Learning Archicad: Design, Visualize, Document, And Deliver Projects Of All Sizes Efficiently Using Archicad

by Stefan Boeykens and Ruben Van de Walle

Boost your design workflow by efficiently visualizing, documenting, and delivering BIM projects

BIM Teaching and Learning Handbook: Implementation for Students and Educators

by M. Reza Hosseini Farzad Khosrowshahi Ajibade Aibinu Sepehr Abrishami

This book is the essential guide to the pedagogical and industry-inspired considerations that must shape how BIM is taught and learned. It will help academics and professional educators to develop programmes that meet the competences required by professional bodies and prepare both graduates and existing practitioners to advance the industry towards higher efficiency and quality. To date, systematic efforts to integrate pedagogical considerations into the way BIM is learned and taught remain non-existent. This book lays the foundation for forming a benchmark around which such an effort is made. It offers principles, best practices, and expected outcomes necessary to BIM curriculum and teaching development for construction-related programs across universities and professional training programmes. The aim of the book is to: Highlight BIM skill requirements, threshold concepts, and dimensions for practice; Showcase and introduce tried-and-tested practices and lessons learned in developing BIM-related curricula from leading educators; Recognise and introduce the baseline requirements for BIM education from a pedagogical perspective; Explore the challenges, as well as remedial solutions, pertaining to BIM education at tertiary education; Form a comprehensive point of reference, covering the essential concepts of BIM, for students; Promote and integrate pedagogical consideration into BIM education. This book is essential reading for anyone involved in BIM education, digital construction, architecture, and engineering, and for professionals looking for guidance on what the industry expects when it comes to BIM competency.

BIM Teaching and Learning Handbook: Implementation for Students and Educators

by M. Reza Hosseini Farzad Khosrowshahi Ajibade Aibinu Sepehr Abrishami

This book is the essential guide to the pedagogical and industry-inspired considerations that must shape how BIM is taught and learned. It will help academics and professional educators to develop programmes that meet the competences required by professional bodies and prepare both graduates and existing practitioners to advance the industry towards higher efficiency and quality. To date, systematic efforts to integrate pedagogical considerations into the way BIM is learned and taught remain non-existent. This book lays the foundation for forming a benchmark around which such an effort is made. It offers principles, best practices, and expected outcomes necessary to BIM curriculum and teaching development for construction-related programs across universities and professional training programmes. The aim of the book is to: Highlight BIM skill requirements, threshold concepts, and dimensions for practice; Showcase and introduce tried-and-tested practices and lessons learned in developing BIM-related curricula from leading educators; Recognise and introduce the baseline requirements for BIM education from a pedagogical perspective; Explore the challenges, as well as remedial solutions, pertaining to BIM education at tertiary education; Form a comprehensive point of reference, covering the essential concepts of BIM, for students; Promote and integrate pedagogical consideration into BIM education. This book is essential reading for anyone involved in BIM education, digital construction, architecture, and engineering, and for professionals looking for guidance on what the industry expects when it comes to BIM competency.

Bin-Picking: New Approaches for a Classical Problem (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #44)

by Dirk Buchholz

This book is devoted to one of the most famous examples of automation handling tasks – the “bin-picking” problem. To pick up objects, scrambled in a box is an easy task for humans, but its automation is very complex. In this book three different approaches to solve the bin-picking problem are described, showing how modern sensors can be used for efficient bin-picking as well as how classic sensor concepts can be applied for novel bin-picking techniques. 3D point clouds are firstly used as basis, employing the known Random Sample Matching algorithm paired with a very efficient depth map based collision avoidance mechanism resulting in a very robust bin-picking approach. Reducing the complexity of the sensor data, all computations are then done on depth maps. This allows the use of 2D image analysis techniques to fulfill the tasks and results in real time data analysis. Combined with force/torque and acceleration sensors, a near time optimal bin-picking system emerges. Lastly, surface normal maps are employed as a basis for pose estimation. In contrast to known approaches, the normal maps are not used for 3D data computation but directly for the object localization problem, enabling the application of a new class of sensors for bin-picking.

Binäre Steuerungstechnik: Eine Einführung

by Karl H. Fasol

Dieses Werk ist aus einer Vorlesung für Maschinenbauer entstanden, wendet sich aber an Studierende aller ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Fachrichtungen; es ist darüberhinaus sehr praxisorientiert geschrieben und unterstützt daher Ingenieure bei der Lösung von Problemen der Automatisierungstechnik. Nach einer kurzen Einführung werden die Grundlagen der Schaltalgebra ausführlich dargestellt. Diese bilden die Basis für den Entwurf von Speichern und Flipflops und die daraus aufgebauten Schaltungen. Mit diesen Kenntnissen können verbindungsprogrammierte vor allem aber speicherprogrammierbare Zwangsfolge- und Freifolgesteuerungen entworfen werden. Breiter Raum wird der Programmierung von speicherprogrammierbaren Steuerungen gewidmet. Zahlreiche Übungsaufgaben erleichtern das Verständnis und die Umsetzung für praktische Anwendungen.

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