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Finite-Elemente-Methode: Rechnergestützte Einführung
by Peter SteinkeDieses moderne Lehrbuch ermöglicht aufgrund der ausführlichen Darstellung, der rechnergestützten Form und vieler Beispiele einen einfachen Einstieg in die Finite-Elemente-Methode (FEM). Nach einer Einführung in die mathematischen Grundlagen behandelt der Autor das Verfahren von Ritz und Probleme der Elastostatik. Das dynamische Verhalten von Bauteilen formuliert er ebenso wie deren Stabilitätsverhalten als Eigenwertproblem. Und bei den Feldproblemen geht er beispielsweise auf die Wärmeübertragung ein. Abschließend zeigt er die Möglichkeiten und Anwendungen der rechnergestützten Lernsoftware CALL_for_FEM auf.In der vorliegenden 5. Auflage werden erstmals isoparametrische Elemente behandelt. Die Dynamik wurde auf Elemente wie Scheibe und Platte erweitert und in die Lernsoftware CALL_for_FEM eingebunden.Auf der SpringerVieweg Homepage zum Buch kann die Lernsoftware CALL_for_FEM heruntergeladen werden. Mit zahlreichen Programmen lassen sich FE-Probleme numerisch oder mit Hilfe der Computeralgebra symbolisch lösen. Die Handhabung der Lernsoftware wird an Hand von Videos erläutert.Die ZielgruppenDas Werk ist sowohl für Studierende als auch Ingenieure und Physiker geeignet.
Finite-Elemente-Methode: Rechnergestützte Einführung
by Peter SteinkeDie rechnergestützte Einführung in die Finite-Elemente-Methode ermöglicht einen schnellen Einstieg in das Thema. Die dritte Auflage bietet neue und überarbeitete Kapitel, viele aktualisierte und in Graphiken visualisierte Rechen- und Anwendungsbeispiele sowie die neu gestaltete, interaktive Lernsoftware CALL_for_FEM. Die Einführung in die mathematischen Grundlagen, das Verfahren von Ritz, die Probleme der Statik und Dynamik sowie Feldprobleme werden für Studierende, Ingenieure und Physiker gut verständlich in Text und Anwendungssoftware erörtert.
Finite-Elemente-Methode: Rechnergestützte Einführung
by Peter SteinkeDie verständliche, lern- und anwendungsgerechte Einführung in die Finite-Elemente-Methode (FEM) inklusive Elastostatik und Feldprobleme. Viele Rechenbeispiele und Computeralgebra vertiefen den Lehrstoff – ideal für interaktives Lernen und Arbeiten. Die beigefügte CD-ROM enthält weitere Rechen- und Anwendungsbeispiele, FE-Programme für Taschenrechner bzw. PCs sowie Maple-Worksheets inkl. eines FE-Programms für Maple. Videoclips erläutern die Handhabung. Buch und CD-ROM sind in 2. Auflage deutlich verbessert und erweitert. Weitere Software und Updates finden Sie im Internet unter: http://www.fh-muenster.de/fb3/steinke/hilfe/updates/updates.htm.
Finite-Elemente-Methode: Rechnergestützte Einführung
by Peter SteinkeIdeal zum interaktiven Arbeiten und zum Selbststudium - die verständliche Einführung vermittelt lern- und anwendungsgerecht die FE-Methode mit den Bereichen der Elastostatik und Feldprobleme. Viele Rechenbeispiele und Computeralgebra vertiefen den Lehrstoff. Das Plus der 2. Auflage: Neue Programme zur Dynamik und Potenzialproblemen.
Finite-Elemente-Methode: Rechnergestützte Einführung
by Peter SteinkeIdeal zum interaktiven Arbeiten und zum Selbststudium - die verständliche Einführung vermittelt lern- und anwendungsgerecht die FE-Methode mit den Bereichen der Elastostatik und Feldprobleme. Viele Rechenbeispiele und Computeralgebra vertiefen den Lehrstoff. Das Plus der 2. Auflage: Neue Programme zur Dynamik und Potenzialproblemen.
Finite-Elemente-Methoden im Stahlbau (Bauingenieur-Praxis)
by Rolf Kindmann Matthias KrausThe Finite Element Method (FEM) has become a standard tool used in everyday work by structural engineers having to analyse virtually any type of structure. After a short introduction into the methodolgy, the book concentrates on the calculation of internal forces, deformations, ideal buckling loads and vibration modes of steel structures. Beyond linear structural analysis, the authors focus on various important stability cases such as flexural buckling, lateral torsional buckling and plate buckling along with determining ideal buckling loads and second-order theory analysis. Also, investigating cross-sections using FEM will become more and more important in the future. For practicing engineers and students in engineering alike all necessary calculations for the design of structures are presented clearly.
Finite-Elemente-Methoden im Stahlbau: Inkl. E-book Als Pdf) (Bauingenieur-Praxis)
by Rolf Kindmann Matthias KrausThe Finite Element Method FEM is a standard method for structural analysis. For practitioners in construction engineering as well as for students, and introduction and all necessary calculations for the design of steel structures according to the Eurocodes (EC 3) are presented.
Finite-Elemente-Methoden im Stahlbau: Inkl. E-book Als Pdf) (Bauingenieur-Praxis)
by Rolf Kindmann Matthias KrausThe Finite Element Method (FEM) has become a standard tool used in everyday work by structural engineers having to analyse virtually any type of structure. After a short introduction into the methodolgy, the book concentrates on the calculation of internal forces, deformations, ideal buckling loads and vibration modes of steel structures. Beyond linear structural analysis, the authors focus on various important stability cases such as flexural buckling, lateral torsional buckling and plate buckling along with determining ideal buckling loads and second-order theory analysis. Also, investigating cross-sections using FEM will become more and more important in the future. For practicing engineers and students in engineering alike all necessary calculations for the design of structures are presented clearly.
Finite-Elemente-Methoden im Stahlbau (Bauingenieur-Praxis)
by Matthias Kraus Rolf KindmannThe Finite Element Method FEM is a standard method for structural analysis. For practitioners in construction engineering as well as for students, and introduction and all necessary calculations for the design of steel structures according to the Eurocodes (EC 3) are presented.
Finite Elemente Modelle der Maschinenelemente
by Klaus SchierIn diesem Buch wird eine Auswahl von Maschinenelementen zu Finite-Elemente-Modellen aufbereitet. Die Abläufe der Modellbildung sind durch Text- und Bildfolgen dokumentiert und so allgemein gehalten, dass keine Abhängigkeiten zu einem bestimmten FE-System bestehen. Jedes Modell wird durch eine Berechnung nach klassischer Berechnungsmethode verifiziert und diskutiert. Varianten des Lösungsansatzes werden herausgestellt. Es wird auf eine praxisorientierte Beschreibung geachtet. Der Inhalt des Buches ist klar gegliedert. CAE-Techniken enthalten Konstruieren (CAD), Berechnen und Optimieren (FEM). Das Berechnen kann überschläglich erfolgen, zu bestimmten Themen auch tiefgründiger nach klassischen Theorien und Berechnungsprogrammen. Es sind aber erkennbare Grenzen gesetzt. Bei der Berechnung von Maschinenelementen müssen häufig Mittelwerte angenommen werden. Damit wird das Optimieren eingeschränkt. Das Berechnungswerkzeug „Finite Elemente Methode (FEM)" schließt diese Lücke.
Finite Elemente Modelle der Statik und Festigkeitslehre: 101 Anwendungsfälle zur Modellbildung
by Klaus SchierUm die Finite Elemente Methode (FEM) bei anspruchsvollen Aufgaben anwenden zu können, werden Softwaresysteme benötigt. Die Modellbildung rückt damit in den Mittelpunkt der Problemlösung. Der Band vermittelt nach einer kurzen Einführung in die FE-Methode die Abläufe der Modellbildung in allgemeiner Form, das heißt, unabhängig von bestimmten FEM-Programmen. Im Zentrum stehen die Modellbildung an Tragwerken, an Bauteilen bei unterschiedlichen Beanspruchungsarten, die Anwendung verschiedener Elementtypen sowie die Verifizierung der FE-Ergebnisse.
Finite Elemente Programme für Platten und Schalen
by E. Hinton D. R. J. Owen Gerhard KrauseDas Buch geht über die Beschreibung der Methode oder spezieller Programme weit hinaus: Es bietet einen relativ einfachen Zugang, indem lediglich geringe mathematische Vorkenntnisse (Differentialgleichungen und Matrizenrechnung) erwartet und die Voraussetzungen der schubweichen Plattentheorie und einer speziellen Schalentheorie so weit dargestellt werden, wie man sie zum Aufstellen der finiten Gleichungen benötigt. Die hergeleiteten Bezeichnungen sind nicht nur relativ leicht nachvollziehbar, sondern werden in Form von Programmen praktisch vermittelt; die Umsetzung wird an praxisorientierten Beispielen demonstriert. Die Programme können dazu dienen, sie auf eigene Probleme anzuwenden, die Software weiter auszubauen oder aber verfeinerte Algorithmen zu implementieren. Diese Ausgabe ist gegenüber dem englischen Original erweitert und aktualisiert worden.
Finite Elemente Simulation von Massivumformvorgängen mit Berücksichtigung des Kontaktproblems und der radialen Anisotropie (PSU Prozeßsimulation in der Umformtechnik #8)
by Dae-Kern KangFinite Elements: Computational Engineering Sciences
by A. J. BakerApproaches computational engineering sciences from the perspective of engineering applications Uniting theory with hands-on computer practice, this book gives readers a firm appreciation of the error mechanisms and control that underlie discrete approximation implementations in the engineering sciences. Key features: Illustrative examples include heat conduction, structural mechanics, mechanical vibrations, heat transfer with convection and radiation, fluid mechanics and heat and mass transport Takes a cross-discipline continuum mechanics viewpoint Includes Matlab toolbox and .m data files on a companion website, immediately enabling hands-on computing in all covered disciplines Website also features eight topical lectures from the author’s own academic courses It provides a holistic view of the topic from covering the different engineering problems that can be solved using finite element to how each particular method can be implemented on a computer. Computational aspects of the method are provided on a companion website facilitating engineering implementation in an easy way.
Finite Elements: Computational Engineering Sciences
by A. J. BakerApproaches computational engineering sciences from the perspective of engineering applications Uniting theory with hands-on computer practice, this book gives readers a firm appreciation of the error mechanisms and control that underlie discrete approximation implementations in the engineering sciences. Key features: Illustrative examples include heat conduction, structural mechanics, mechanical vibrations, heat transfer with convection and radiation, fluid mechanics and heat and mass transport Takes a cross-discipline continuum mechanics viewpoint Includes Matlab toolbox and .m data files on a companion website, immediately enabling hands-on computing in all covered disciplines Website also features eight topical lectures from the author’s own academic courses It provides a holistic view of the topic from covering the different engineering problems that can be solved using finite element to how each particular method can be implemented on a computer. Computational aspects of the method are provided on a companion website facilitating engineering implementation in an easy way.
Finite Elements: A Gentle Introduction
by J. Bonet D.J. HenwoodThe finite element method is popular among engineers and scientists as a numerical technique for solving practical problems. At the same time, the links with classical variational methods make the technique of interest to mathematicians. This book introduces the main concepts of the finite element method in a simple and carefully paced manner, using numerical examples wherever possible. Both the theoretical and practical aspects are described and explained. A basic knowledge of engineering mathematics is all that is required, and the style is not formal. The approach and treatment are intended to appeal to the advanced undergraduate or postgraduate, or to the practising engineer who wishes to acquire a deeper understanding of the finite element software that he is using.
Finite Elements: Theory and Application Proceedings of the ICASE Finite Element Theory and Application Workshop Held July 28–30, 1986, in Hampton, Virginia (ICASE NASA LaRC Series)
by D. L. Dwoyer M. Y. Hussaini R. G. VoigtThis volume covers the proceedings ofthe ICASE/LaRC workshop on "Finite Element Theory and Application" held during July 28-30, 1986. The purpose of this workshop was to provide an update on the status of finite element theory, to assess the impactoftbis theory on practice, and to suggest directions for Cuture research. There were thirteen participants in the workshop. Some of them were leading mathematicians working on the finite element theory, and the rest expert practitioners in the areas of fluid dynamics and structural analysis. The first six articles in this volume provide a brief review of the theoretical and computational aspects of finite element methods (FEM). The remaining seven articles deal with a variety of applications highlighting the type of results that are possible, and indicating areas which deserve future research. The first article is by Temam. lt provides an introduction and overview of the general finite element methods for the nonspecialist. lt also illustrates the power of finite element methods with two specific applications-the free surface flowjstructure interaction problern and the compressible Euler solu tion to the flow past a finite aspect ratio flat plate at incidence. The second article by Brezzi is againan introduction and overview ofmixed finite element methods. lt includes a brief discussion of special techniques for solving the discrete problem, as weil as some applications to certain basic problems in elasticity and hydrodynamics.
Finite Elements-based Optimization: Electromagnetic Product Design and Nondestructive Evaluation
by S. Ratnajeevan Hoole Yovahn Yesuraiyan HooleThis book is intended to be a cookbook for students and researchers to understand the finite element method and optimization methods and couple them to effect shape optimization. The optimization part of the book will survey optimization methods and focus on the genetic algorithm and Powell’s method for implementation in the codes. It will contain pseudo-code for the relevant algorithms and homework problems to reinforce the theory to compile finite element programs capable of shape optimization. Features Enables readers to understand the finite element method and optimization methods and couple them to effect shape optimization Presents simple approach with algorithms for synthesis Focuses on automated computer aided design (CAD) of electromagnetic devices Provides a unitary framework involving optimization and numerical modelling Discusses how to integrate open-source mesh generators into your code Indicates how parallelization of algorithms, especially matrix solution and optimization, may be approached cheaply using the graphics processing unit (GPU) that is available on most PCs today Includes coupled problem optimization using hyperthermia as an example
Finite Elements-based Optimization: Electromagnetic Product Design and Nondestructive Evaluation
by S. Ratnajeevan Hoole Yovahn Yesuraiyan HooleThis book is intended to be a cookbook for students and researchers to understand the finite element method and optimization methods and couple them to effect shape optimization. The optimization part of the book will survey optimization methods and focus on the genetic algorithm and Powell’s method for implementation in the codes. It will contain pseudo-code for the relevant algorithms and homework problems to reinforce the theory to compile finite element programs capable of shape optimization. Features Enables readers to understand the finite element method and optimization methods and couple them to effect shape optimization Presents simple approach with algorithms for synthesis Focuses on automated computer aided design (CAD) of electromagnetic devices Provides a unitary framework involving optimization and numerical modelling Discusses how to integrate open-source mesh generators into your code Indicates how parallelization of algorithms, especially matrix solution and optimization, may be approached cheaply using the graphics processing unit (GPU) that is available on most PCs today Includes coupled problem optimization using hyperthermia as an example
Finite Elements for Truss and Frame Structures: An Introduction Based on the Computer Algebra System Maxima (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)
by Andreas Öchsner Resam MakvandiThis book is intended as an essential study aid for the finite element method. Based on the free computer algebra system Maxima, the authors offer routines for symbolically or numerically solving problems in the context of plane truss and frame structures, allowing readers to check classical ‘hand calculations’ on the one hand and to understand the computer implementation of the method on the other. The mechanical theories focus on the classical one-dimensional structural elements, i.e. bars, Euler–Bernoulli and Timoshenko beams, and their combination to generalized beam elements. Focusing on one-dimensional elements reduces the complexity of the mathematical framework, and the resulting matrix equations can be displayed with all components and not merely in the form of a symbolic representation. In addition, the use of a computer algebra system and the incorporated functions, e.g. for equation solving, allows readers to focus more on the methodology of the finite element method and not on standard procedures.
Finite Elements in Civil Engineering Applications: Proceedings of the Third Diana World Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 9-11 October 2002
by Max A. N. Hendriks J. A. RotsThese proceedings present high-level research in structural engineering, concrete mechanics and quasi-brittle materials, including the prime concern of durability requirements and earthquake resistance of structures.
Finite Elements in Civil Engineering Applications: Proceedings of the Third Diana World Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 9-11 October 2002
by Max A.N. Hendriks; Jan G. RotsThese proceedings present high-level research in structural engineering, concrete mechanics and quasi-brittle materials, including the prime concern of durability requirements and earthquake resistance of structures.
Finite Elements in Fracture Mechanics: Theory - Numerics - Applications (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications #201)
by Meinhard KunaFracture mechanics has established itself as an important discipline of growing interest to those working to assess the safety, reliability and service life of engineering structures and materials. In order to calculate the loading situation at cracks and defects, nowadays numerical techniques like finite element method (FEM) have become indispensable tools for a broad range of applications. The present monograph provides an introduction to the essential concepts of fracture mechanics, its main goal being to procure the special techniques for FEM analysis of crack problems, which have to date only been mastered by experts. All kinds of static, dynamic and fatigue fracture problems are treated in two- and three-dimensional elastic and plastic structural components. The usage of the various solution techniques is demonstrated by means of sample problems selected from practical engineering case studies. The primary target group includes graduate students, researchers in academia and engineers in practice.
Finite Elements in Structural Analysis: Theoretical Concepts and Modeling Procedures in Statics and Dynamics of Structures (Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering)
by Horst WerkleThe book introduces the basic concepts of the finite element method in the static and dynamic analysis of beam, plate, shell and solid structures, discussing how the method works, the characteristics of a finite element approximation and how to avoid the pitfalls of finite element modeling. Presenting the finite element theory as simply as possible, the book allows readers to gain the knowledge required when applying powerful FEA software tools. Further, it describes modeling procedures, especially for reinforced concrete structures, as well as structural dynamics methods, with a particular focus on the seismic analysis of buildings, and explores the modeling of dynamic systems. Featuring numerous illustrative examples, the book allows readers to easily grasp the fundamentals of the finite element theory and to apply the finite element method proficiently.
Finite Elements in Water Resources: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference, Hannover, Germany, June 1982
by K. P. Holz U. Meissner W. Zielke C. A. Brebbia G. Pinder W. GrayThese proceedings contain the papers presented at the Fourth International Conference on Finite Elements in Water Resources, held in June, 1982, at the University of Hannover, Federal Re public of Germany. This Conference continued the successful series of previous conferences held at Princeton University in 1976, at Imperial College in 1978, and at the University of Mississippi in 1980. Since Finite Elements have proved to be a powerful means for analysing water resource problems, the principal objective of the Conference was to provide an exchange of experiences in practical applications of the finite element method and to establish a forum for discussion regarding accuracy, economy, limitations and improvements. Related discretization methods were included within the scope of the Conference. New develop ments in numerical and computational techniques, basic mathe matical formulations, and soft- and hardware aspects were considered to be equally important topics for an exchange of ideas between both theoretically and practically oriented re searchers. The Conference Organizing Committee is very grateful to the many distinguished scientists who attended the Conference, and for their contributions towards the proceedings. This collection of papers in being made available to a wider audience of en gineers and scientists by CML Publications in Southampton, U.K.