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Fliegen lernen: Flugsimulation mit Microsoft Flight Simulator, X-Plane, AeroflyFS und FlightGear
by Mario DonickFliegen fasziniert Menschen seit Angedenken. Seit es Computer gibt, versuchen Menschen das Fliegen am Computer nachzustellen – zur Ausbildung, aber auch zur Unterhaltung und um hinter die Geheimnisse der Luftfahrt zu blicken.Mit dem neuen Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 begann im August 2020 ein neues Kapitel der Flugsimulation an PC und Spielkonsole: Noch nie war die Weltdarstellung so realistisch, noch nie das simulierte Wetter so plausibel, noch nie die Simulation so zugänglich. Doch auch X-Plane, AeroflyFS und das kostenlose FlightGear sind ideale Werkzeuge zur persönlichen Weiterbildung und zum virtuellen Erkunden unserer Erde.In diesem Buch lernen Sie Flugsimulation von Grund auf und dabei auch einiges über die Luftfahrt selbst: Warum fliegt ein Flugzeug? Welche Rolle spielt das Wetter? Wie finden Pilot*innen ihren Weg? Was geschieht bei Notfällen? Diese und weitere Themen werden praxisnah abgehandelt, sodass Sie alles selbst ausprobieren können – egal welchen der genannten Simulatoren Sie nutzen.Die Website zum Buch finden Sie unter https://ueberstrom.net/fliegen/.
Fliehkraft und Beharrungsregler: Versuch einer einfachen Darstellung der Regulierungsfrage im Tolleschen Diagramm
by Fritz ThümmlerFließgewässer: Hydraulik, Hydrologie, Morphologie und Wasserbau
by Andreas MalcherekDas vorliegende Buch vermittelt Studierenden die hydrologischen, hydraulischen und wasserbaulichen Grundlagen für Gerinne und Fließgewässer. Mit den Programmierbeispielen können die Inhalte geübt und vertieft werden.
Fließgewässer- und Auenentwicklung: Grundlagen und Erfahrungen
by Peter JürgingNatürliche Fließgewässerlandschaften sind dynamische Abfluss-, Retentions- und Lebensräume. Früher wurden bei Gewässerausbauten diese wichtigen Funktionen meist nicht ausreichend berücksichtigt. Die Folgen sind zum Teil massive Störungen des Wasserhaushaltes, die sich insbesondere auf die Abflüsse (Hoch- und Niedrigwasser) und die morphologischen Gewässerbettstrukturen auswirken, aber auch den Naturhaushalt der Fließgewässer- und Auenlandschaften verändert haben. Konsequenterweise wurden zunehmend Forderungen zum Schutz, zur Wiederherstellung oder Schaffung naturnäherer Verhältnisse in und an Fließgewässern einschließlich ihrer Auen laut. Bei der Konzeption dieses Buches wurde eine ganzheitliche Betrachtungsweise gewählt. Die Eigenschaften (Besonderheiten) von natürlichen Fließgewässerlandschaften werden ebenso erläutert, wie die Auswirkungen von menschlichen Einflüssen auf die Fließgewässerentwicklung. Aktuelle Vorgehensweisen im Zusammenhang mit dynamischen Gewässer- und Auenentwicklungen werden nachvollziehbar dargestellt und durch zahlreiche Beispiele aus unterschiedlichen Gewässerlandschaften ergänzt.
Fließgewässer- und Auenentwicklung: Grundlagen und Erfahrungen
by Heinz PattDieses Fachbuch erläutert die Grundlagen und Erfahrungen bei der Entwicklung von Fließgewässern und Gewässerauen. Aktuelle Vorgehen zum Umgang mit einer dynamischen Gewässer- und Auenentwicklung werden nachvollziehbar dargestellt und durch zahlreiche Beispiele aus unterschiedlichen Gewässerlandschaften ergänzt. Zur Erreichung der ambitionierten Ziele der Europäischen Wasserrahmenrichtlinie sind die gewässerökologischen, naturschutzfachlichen und hydromorphologischen Bedingungen (u.a. Hoch- und Niedrigwasser) im Gewässerkörper und in den angrenzenden Bereichen (u.a. die Gewässerauen), bei der Planung und Gestaltung zu berücksichtigen. Eine ganzheitliche Betrachtungsweise ist dabei Grundvoraussetzung.
Fließpressen: Wirtschaftliche Fertigung metallischer Präzisionswerkstücke (VDI-Buch)
by Kurt Lange Manfred Kammerer Klaus Pöhlandt Joachim SchöckFließpressen ist ein Werkstoff und Zeit sparendes Fertigungsverfahren der Massivumformung. Es spielt für die kostengünstige Herstellung von präzisen, oft einbaufertigen Werkstücken aus Stahl und anderen metallischen Werkstoffen eine zunehmend wichtige Rolle. Das Buch führt systematisch in die Grundlagen und -verfahren des Kalt- und Halbwarmfließpressens ein und stellt die dazugehörigen Werkstoffe, Werkzeuge und Maschinen vor. Wärme- und Oberflächenbehandlung in der Serienproduktion werden ebenso behandelt wie die Verfahrenssimulation und die Berechnung für die Umformgrad- und Presskraftermittlung. Anhand zahlreicher konkreter Praxisbeispiele werden Problemlösungen für bewährte und weniger bekannte Verfahren und Anwendungsfälle vorgestellt. Das Buch wendet sich an Fertigungsingenieure in der Industrie ebenso wie an Wissenschaftler und Studierende in der Fertigungs- und Werkstofftechnik."
Fließpressen von Sintermetall im Temperaturbereich zwischen 873 K (IFU - Berichte aus dem Institut für Umformtechnik der Universität Stuttgart #63)
by W. SchaubFließpressen von Stahl
by Heinz-Dietrich FeldmannDas Fließpressen (früher Kaltspritzen genannt) ist schon seit etwa sechzig Jahren bekannt, während das Fließpressen von Stahl seit etwa zwanzig Jahren als Fertigungsverfahren angewendet wird. Es wurde bis 1945 vorwiegend nur für die Munitionsfertigung eingesetzt und galt als Geheimverfahren. Dieses erklärt, daß erst nach 1945 die ersten tech nischen Veröffentlichungen über dieses Fertigungsverfahren erschienen sind. Die Behandlung im technischen Schrifttum ist aber bisher un zureichend, und eine zusammenhängende Darstellung fehlt überhaupt. Das lag einerseits dar an, daß die praktische Entwicklung des Fließpreß verfahrans wesentlich schneller vor sich ging, als die Forschung folgen konnte, andererseits an der ständigen Weiterentwicklung und Erschlie ßung immer wieder neuer Anwendungsmöglichkeiten. Die Entwicklung des Fließpressens ist noch keinesfalls abgeschlossen, in vielen Dingen steht man erst am Anfang, aber es besteht doch ein gewisser derzeitiger Wissensstand. In diesem Buch wird erstmals in der Welt versucht, eine Gesamt darstellung über das Fließpressen von Stahl auf Grund der derzeitigen Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse zu geben. Es wendet sich an den Stu dierenden als ein auf das Wesentliche beschränktes Lehrbuch und als Handbuch an den Konstrukteur und Betriebsmann. Es wurden bewußt die einfachsten Berechnungsgrundlagen für den Kraft- und Arbeits bedarf sowie vereinfachte Vorstellungen über die Umformvorgänge gewählt. Auch ist der Verfasser sich darüber im klaren, daß beim Er scheinen dieses Buches bereits wieder neue Erfahrungen und Erkennt nisse vorliegen können. Dieses Buch konnte nur geschrieben werden dank der großzügigen Unterstützung der Kabel-und Metallwerke Neumeyer AG, Nürnberg, deren einzigartige Erfahrungen überhaupt das Fundament für das Fließpressen von Stahl bilden.
Fließpressen von Stahl im Temperaturbereich 773 K (IFU - Berichte aus dem Institut für Umformtechnik der Universität Stuttgart #54)
by U. DietherFlight 427: Anatomy of an Air Disaster
by Gerry ByrneBoeing's 737 is indisputably the most popular and arguably the safest commercial airliner in the world. But the plane had a lethal flaw, and only after several disastrous crashes and years of painstaking investigation was the mystery of its rudder failure solved. This book tells the story of how engineers and scientists finally uncovered the defect that had been engineered into the plane. One of its novel features is that it portrays the complex interaction of different experts and opposing interests in investigating and solving the mystery of this single crash.
Flight Dynamics
by Robert F. StengelFlight Dynamics takes a new approach to the science and mathematics of aircraft flight, unifying principles of aeronautics with contemporary systems analysis. While presenting traditional material that is critical to understanding aircraft motions, it does so in the context of modern computational tools and multivariable methods. Robert Stengel devotes particular attention to models and techniques that are appropriate for analysis, simulation, evaluation of flying qualities, and control system design. He establishes bridges to classical analysis and results, and explores new territory that was treated only inferentially in earlier books. This book combines a highly accessible style of presentation with contents that will appeal to graduate students and to professionals already familiar with basic flight dynamics. Dynamic analysis has changed dramatically in recent decades, with the introduction of powerful personal computers and scientific programming languages. Analysis programs have become so pervasive that it can be assumed that all students and practicing engineers working on aircraft flight dynamics have access to them. Therefore, this book presents the principles, derivations, and equations of flight dynamics with frequent reference to MATLAB functions and examples. By using common notation and not assuming a strong background in aeronautics, Flight Dynamics will engage a wide variety of readers. Introductions to aerodynamics, propulsion, structures, flying qualities, flight control, and the atmospheric and gravitational environment accompany the development of the aircraft's dynamic equations.
Flight Dynamics: Second Edition
by Robert F. StengelAn updated and expanded new edition of an authoritative book on flight dynamics and control system design for all types of current and future fixed-wing aircraftSince it was first published, Flight Dynamics has offered a new approach to the science and mathematics of aircraft flight, unifying principles of aeronautics with contemporary systems analysis. Now updated and expanded, this authoritative book by award-winning aeronautics engineer Robert Stengel presents traditional material in the context of modern computational tools and multivariable methods. Special attention is devoted to models and techniques for analysis, simulation, evaluation of flying qualities, and robust control system design.Using common notation and not assuming a strong background in aeronautics, Flight Dynamics will engage a wide variety of readers, including aircraft designers, flight test engineers, researchers, instructors, and students. It introduces principles, derivations, and equations of flight dynamics as well as methods of flight control design with frequent reference to MATLAB functions and examples. Topics include aerodynamics, propulsion, structures, flying qualities, flight control, and the atmospheric and gravitational environment.The second edition of Flight Dynamics features up-to-date examples; a new chapter on control law design for digital fly-by-wire systems; new material on propulsion, aerodynamics of control surfaces, and aeroelastic control; many more illustrations; and text boxes that introduce general mathematical concepts.Features a fluid, progressive presentation that aids informal and self-directed studyProvides a clear, consistent notation that supports understanding, from elementary to complicated conceptsOffers a comprehensive blend of aerodynamics, dynamics, and controlPresents a unified introduction of control system design, from basics to complex methodsIncludes links to online MATLAB software written by the author that supports the material covered in the book
Flight Dynamics and Control of Aero and Space Vehicles (Aerospace Series)
by Rama K. YedavalliFlight Vehicle Dynamics and Control Rama K. Yedavalli, The Ohio State University, USA A comprehensive textbook which presents flight vehicle dynamics and control in a unified framework Flight Vehicle Dynamics and Control presents the dynamics and control of various flight vehicles, including aircraft, spacecraft, helicopter, missiles, etc, in a unified framework. It covers the fundamental topics in the dynamics and control of these flight vehicles, highlighting shared points as well as differences in dynamics and control issues, making use of the ‘systems level’ viewpoint. The book begins with the derivation of the equations of motion for a general rigid body and then delineates the differences between the dynamics of various flight vehicles in a fundamental way. It then focuses on the dynamic equations with application to these various flight vehicles, concentrating more on aircraft and spacecraft cases. Then the control systems analysis and design is carried out both from transfer function, classical control, as well as modern, state space control points of view. Illustrative examples of application to atmospheric and space vehicles are presented, emphasizing the ‘systems level’ viewpoint of control design. Key features: Provides a comprehensive treatment of dynamics and control of various flight vehicles in a single volume. Contains worked out examples (including MATLAB examples) and end of chapter homework problems. Suitable as a single textbook for a sequence of undergraduate courses on flight vehicle dynamics and control. Accompanied by a website that includes additional problems and a solutions manual. The book is essential reading for undergraduate students in mechanical and aerospace engineering, engineers working on flight vehicle control, and researchers from other engineering backgrounds working on related topics.
Flight Dynamics and Control of Aero and Space Vehicles (Aerospace Series)
by Rama K. YedavalliFlight Vehicle Dynamics and Control Rama K. Yedavalli, The Ohio State University, USA A comprehensive textbook which presents flight vehicle dynamics and control in a unified framework Flight Vehicle Dynamics and Control presents the dynamics and control of various flight vehicles, including aircraft, spacecraft, helicopter, missiles, etc, in a unified framework. It covers the fundamental topics in the dynamics and control of these flight vehicles, highlighting shared points as well as differences in dynamics and control issues, making use of the ‘systems level’ viewpoint. The book begins with the derivation of the equations of motion for a general rigid body and then delineates the differences between the dynamics of various flight vehicles in a fundamental way. It then focuses on the dynamic equations with application to these various flight vehicles, concentrating more on aircraft and spacecraft cases. Then the control systems analysis and design is carried out both from transfer function, classical control, as well as modern, state space control points of view. Illustrative examples of application to atmospheric and space vehicles are presented, emphasizing the ‘systems level’ viewpoint of control design. Key features: Provides a comprehensive treatment of dynamics and control of various flight vehicles in a single volume. Contains worked out examples (including MATLAB examples) and end of chapter homework problems. Suitable as a single textbook for a sequence of undergraduate courses on flight vehicle dynamics and control. Accompanied by a website that includes additional problems and a solutions manual. The book is essential reading for undergraduate students in mechanical and aerospace engineering, engineers working on flight vehicle control, and researchers from other engineering backgrounds working on related topics.
Flight Dynamics Principles: A Linear Systems Approach To Aircraft Stability And Control
by Michael V. CookThe study of flight dynamics requires a thorough understanding of the theory of the stability and control of aircraft, an appreciation of flight control systems and a grounding in the theory of automatic control. Flight Dynamics Principles is a student focused text and provides easy access to all three topics in an integrated modern systems context. Written for those coming to the subject for the first time, the book provides a secure foundation from which to move on to more advanced topics such as, non-linear flight dynamics, flight simulation, handling qualities and advanced flight control.
Flight Dynamics, Simulation, and Control: For Rigid and Flexible Aircraft
by Ranjan VepaExplore Key Concepts and Techniques Associated with Control Configured Elastic AircraftA rapid rise in air travel in the past decade is driving the development of newer, more energy-efficient, and malleable aircraft. Typically lighter and more flexible than the traditional rigid body, this new ideal calls for adaptations to some conventional concep
Flight Dynamics, Simulation, and Control: For Rigid and Flexible Aircraft
by Ranjan VepaFlight Dynamics, Simulation, and Control of Aircraft: For Rigid and Flexible Aircraft explains the basics of non-linear aircraft dynamics and the principles of control-configured aircraft design, as applied to rigid and flexible aircraft, drones, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Addressing the details of dynamic modeling, simulation, and control in a selection of aircraft, the book explores key concepts associated with control-configured elastic aircraft. It also covers the conventional dynamics of rigid aircraft and examines the use of linear and non-linear model-based techniques and their applications to flight control. This second edition features a new chapter on the dynamics and control principles of drones and UAVs, aiding in the design of newer aircraft with a combination of propulsive and aerodynamic control surfaces. In addition, the book includes new sections, approximately 20 problems per chapter, examples, simulator exercises, and case studies to enhance and reinforce student understanding. The book is intended for senior undergraduate and graduate mechanical and aerospace engineering students taking Flight Dynamics and Flight Control courses. Instructors will be able to utilize an updated Solutions Manual and figure slides for their course.
Flight Dynamics, Simulation, and Control: For Rigid and Flexible Aircraft
by Ranjan VepaFlight Dynamics, Simulation, and Control of Aircraft: For Rigid and Flexible Aircraft explains the basics of non-linear aircraft dynamics and the principles of control-configured aircraft design, as applied to rigid and flexible aircraft, drones, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Addressing the details of dynamic modeling, simulation, and control in a selection of aircraft, the book explores key concepts associated with control-configured elastic aircraft. It also covers the conventional dynamics of rigid aircraft and examines the use of linear and non-linear model-based techniques and their applications to flight control. This second edition features a new chapter on the dynamics and control principles of drones and UAVs, aiding in the design of newer aircraft with a combination of propulsive and aerodynamic control surfaces. In addition, the book includes new sections, approximately 20 problems per chapter, examples, simulator exercises, and case studies to enhance and reinforce student understanding. The book is intended for senior undergraduate and graduate mechanical and aerospace engineering students taking Flight Dynamics and Flight Control courses. Instructors will be able to utilize an updated Solutions Manual and figure slides for their course.
Flight Formation Control
by Josep Guerrero Rogelio LozanoIn the last decade the development and control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) has attracted a lot of interest. Both researchers and companies have a growing interest in improving this type of vehicle given their many civilian and military applications. This book presents the state of the art in the area of UAV Flight Formation. The coordination and robust consensus approaches are presented in detail as well as formation flight control strategies which are validated in experimental platforms. It aims at helping students and academics alike to better understand what coordination and flight formation control can make possible. Several novel methods are presented: - controllability and observability of multi-agent systems; - robust consensus; - flight formation control; - stability of formations over noisy networks; which generate solutions of guaranteed performance for UAV Flight Formation. Contents 1. Introduction, J.A. Guerrero. 2. Theoretical Preliminaries, J.A. Guerrero. 3. Multiagent Coordination Strategies, J.A. Guerrero, R. Lozano, M.W. Spong, N. Chopra. 4. Robust Control Design for Multiagent Systems with Parametric Uncertainty, J.A. Guerrero, G. Romero. 5. On Adaptive and Robust Controlled Synchronization of Networked Robotic Systems on Strongly Connected Graphs, Y.-C. Liu, N. Chopra. 6. Modeling and Control of Mini UAV, G. Flores Colunga, J.A. Guerrero, J. Escareño, R. Lozano. 7. Flight Formation Control Strategies for Mini UAVs, J.A. Guerrero. 8. Formation Based on Potential Functions, L. García, A. Dzul. 9. Quadrotor Vision-Based Control, J.E. Gomez-Balderas, J.A. Guerrero, S. SALAZAR, R. Lozano, P. Castillo. 10. Toward Vision-Based Coordination of Quadrotor Platoons, L.R. García Carrillo, J.A. Guerrero, R. Lozano. 11. Optimal Guidance for Rotorcraft Platoon Formation Flying in Wind Fields, J.A. Guerrero, Y. Bestaoui, R. Lozano. 12. Impact of Wireless Medium Access Protocol on the Quadrotor Formation Control, J.A. Guerrero, Y. Challal, P. Castillo. 13. MAC Protocol for Wireless Communications, A. Mendez, M. Panduro, O. Elizarraras, D. Covarrubias. 14. Optimization of a Scannable Pattern for Bidimensional Antenna Arrays to Provide Maximum Performance, A. Reyna, M.A. Panduro, A. Mendez.
Flight Formation Control
by Josep Guerrero Rogelio LozanoIn the last decade the development and control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) has attracted a lot of interest. Both researchers and companies have a growing interest in improving this type of vehicle given their many civilian and military applications. This book presents the state of the art in the area of UAV Flight Formation. The coordination and robust consensus approaches are presented in detail as well as formation flight control strategies which are validated in experimental platforms. It aims at helping students and academics alike to better understand what coordination and flight formation control can make possible. Several novel methods are presented: - controllability and observability of multi-agent systems; - robust consensus; - flight formation control; - stability of formations over noisy networks; which generate solutions of guaranteed performance for UAV Flight Formation. Contents 1. Introduction, J.A. Guerrero. 2. Theoretical Preliminaries, J.A. Guerrero. 3. Multiagent Coordination Strategies, J.A. Guerrero, R. Lozano, M.W. Spong, N. Chopra. 4. Robust Control Design for Multiagent Systems with Parametric Uncertainty, J.A. Guerrero, G. Romero. 5. On Adaptive and Robust Controlled Synchronization of Networked Robotic Systems on Strongly Connected Graphs, Y.-C. Liu, N. Chopra. 6. Modeling and Control of Mini UAV, G. Flores Colunga, J.A. Guerrero, J. Escareño, R. Lozano. 7. Flight Formation Control Strategies for Mini UAVs, J.A. Guerrero. 8. Formation Based on Potential Functions, L. García, A. Dzul. 9. Quadrotor Vision-Based Control, J.E. Gomez-Balderas, J.A. Guerrero, S. SALAZAR, R. Lozano, P. Castillo. 10. Toward Vision-Based Coordination of Quadrotor Platoons, L.R. García Carrillo, J.A. Guerrero, R. Lozano. 11. Optimal Guidance for Rotorcraft Platoon Formation Flying in Wind Fields, J.A. Guerrero, Y. Bestaoui, R. Lozano. 12. Impact of Wireless Medium Access Protocol on the Quadrotor Formation Control, J.A. Guerrero, Y. Challal, P. Castillo. 13. MAC Protocol for Wireless Communications, A. Mendez, M. Panduro, O. Elizarraras, D. Covarrubias. 14. Optimization of a Scannable Pattern for Bidimensional Antenna Arrays to Provide Maximum Performance, A. Reyna, M.A. Panduro, A. Mendez.
Flight Mechanics Modeling and Analysis
by Jitendra R. RaolThe design, development, analysis, and evaluation of new aircraft technologies such as fly by wire, unmanned aerial vehicles, and micro air vehicles, necessitate a better understanding of flight mechanics on the part of the aircraft-systems analyst. A text that provides unified coverage of aircraft flight mechanics and systems concept will go a lon
Flight Mechanics Modeling and Analysis
by Jitendra R. Raol Jatinder SinghFlight Mechanics Modeling and Analysis comprehensively covers flight mechanics and flight dynamics using a systems approach. This book focuses on applied mathematics and control theory in its discussion of flight mechanics to build a strong foundation for solving design and control problems in the areas of flight simulation and flight data analysis. The second edition has been expanded to include two new chapters and coverage of aeroservoelastic topics and engineering mechanics, presenting more concepts of flight control and aircraft parameter estimation. This book is intended for senior undergraduate aerospace students taking Aircraft Mechanics, Flight Dynamics & Controls, and Flight Mechanics courses. It will also be of interest to research students and R&D project-scientists of the same disciplines. Including end-of-chapter exercises and illustrative examples with a MATLAB®-based approach, this book also includes a Solutions Manual and Figure Slides for adopting instructors. Features: • Covers flight mechanics, flight simulation, flight testing, flight control, and aeroservoelasticity. • Features artificial neural network- and fuzzy logic-based aspects in modeling and analysis of flight mechanics systems: aircraft parameter estimation and reconfiguration of control. • Focuses on a systems-based approach. • Includes two new chapters, numerical simulation examples with MATLAB®-based implementations, and end-of-chapter exercises. • Includes a Solutions Manual and Figure Slides for adopting instructors.
Flight Mechanics Modeling and Analysis
by Jitendra R. Raol Jatinder SinghFlight Mechanics Modeling and Analysis comprehensively covers flight mechanics and flight dynamics using a systems approach. This book focuses on applied mathematics and control theory in its discussion of flight mechanics to build a strong foundation for solving design and control problems in the areas of flight simulation and flight data analysis. The second edition has been expanded to include two new chapters and coverage of aeroservoelastic topics and engineering mechanics, presenting more concepts of flight control and aircraft parameter estimation. This book is intended for senior undergraduate aerospace students taking Aircraft Mechanics, Flight Dynamics & Controls, and Flight Mechanics courses. It will also be of interest to research students and R&D project-scientists of the same disciplines. Including end-of-chapter exercises and illustrative examples with a MATLAB®-based approach, this book also includes a Solutions Manual and Figure Slides for adopting instructors. Features: • Covers flight mechanics, flight simulation, flight testing, flight control, and aeroservoelasticity. • Features artificial neural network- and fuzzy logic-based aspects in modeling and analysis of flight mechanics systems: aircraft parameter estimation and reconfiguration of control. • Focuses on a systems-based approach. • Includes two new chapters, numerical simulation examples with MATLAB®-based implementations, and end-of-chapter exercises. • Includes a Solutions Manual and Figure Slides for adopting instructors.
Flight Not Improbable: Octave Chanute and the Worldwide Race Toward Flight (Springer Biographies)
by Simine ShortThis book is a must-read for all those interested in the evolution of airplanes.Its protagonist, Octave Chanute, is best known for his scientific and collaborative approach to the engineering problems related to the development of flight and for the support he gave to the many aeronautical pioneers, including the Wright Brothers. But, as the author clearly demonstrates, this engineer’s contributions in the aeronautical field have frequently been underestimated, even though almost every famous and not so famous aeronautical enthusiast contacted him and used the readily available drawings of his glider to build and then learn to fly in their own design. Chanute’s biplane glider design, developed and flown first in 1896 in the Indiana Dunes along Lake Michigan, proved to be a key step in the evolution of the flying machine. By freely sharing not only drawings of the general design of this aircraft but also the lessons learned, the biplane became the starting point or prototype for many experimenters and can be considered the foundation for the modern airplane.This book focuses on Chanute’s work in aeronautics. Not having the internet of today, he became the “post-box of early aeronautics,” not only because of his landmark book “Progress in Flying Machines” but also because of his strong connections to anyone and everyone who worked in the aeronautical field. He made a point of continuing to learn throughout his own life, and strongly believed in sharing knowledge, while fostering and mentoring all those who were willing to learn.
The Flight Of The Creative Class: The New Global Competition For Talent (pdf)
by Richard FloridaThe most valued workers today are what the economist Richard Florida calls the Creative Class, skilled individuals ranging from money managers to make–up artists, software programmers to steady–cam operators who are in constant demand around the world. Florida's bestselling The Rise of the Creative Class identified these workers as the source of economic revitalization in American cities. In that book, he shows that investment in technology and a civic culture of tolerance (most–often marked by the presence of a large gay community) are the key ingredients to attracting and maintaining a local creative class. In The Flight of the Creative Class, Florida expands his research to cover the global competition to attract the Creative Class. The United States was, up until 2002, the unparalleled leader in creative capital. But several key events––the Bush administrations emphasis on smokestack industries, heightened security concerns after 9/11 and the growing cultural divide between conservatives and liberals––have put the US at a substantial dis–advantage.