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Fluidization: International Fluidization Conference
by John M. Matsen John R. GraceFluidized beds have gained prominence in many process in dustries (including chemicals, petroleum, metallurgy, food and pharmaceuticals) as a means of bringing particulate solids into contact with gases and/or liquids. Many fluidized bed operations are physical in nature (e.g. drying, coating, classification, granulation, and rapid heat transfer as in quenching or annealing). Other operations involve chemical reactions including the cata lytic cracking of hydrocarbons, the manufacture of acry10nitrite and phthalic anhydride, the roasting of metallurgical ores, and the regeneration of spent catalysts. In recent years fluidized beds have been of special interest because of their potential as the central component in new processes for utilizing coal as a source of energy, notably in coal combustion and gasification processes. The fluidized bed offers a number of advantages over most other methods of contacting, in particular high rates of heat transfer, temperature uniformity and solids mobility. Among the disadvantages are particle losses by entrainment, attrition of solids, limited reactor efficiency due to gas bypassing and gas and solids backmixing, and difficulties in design and scale-up due to the complexity of fluidized beds. The International Fluidization Conference held in Henniker, New Hampshire, U.S.A. from 3-8 August 1980 was the fifth inter national congress devoted to the entire field of fluidization.
Fluidization of Fine Powders: Cohesive versus Dynamical Aggregation (Particle Technology Series #18)
by José Manuel Valverde MillánThis book covers the rich phenomenology exhibited by fine powders when they are fluidized by a gas flow. Fine powder cohesiveness leads to poor flowability, clumping, difficulty in fluidizing, irregular avalanching behavior, etc. Despite all the inconveniences, fine powder processes pervade the chemical, pharmaceutical, agricultural and mining industries among others. The author in this book analyzes the mechanism by which interparticle adhesive forces are reduced by means of surface additives. Different techniques have been developed in the last years to assist fluidization by helping the gas flow to mobilize and break cohesive aggregates, which help to homogenize fluidization. As reviewed in this book, the use of these techniques may have a relevant impact on novel processes based on fluidized beds of fine powder and with relevant applications on leading edge technologies such as Atomic Layer Deposition on nanoparticles and CO2 capture by gas-fluidized beds of adsorbent powders. The study of fluidized beds has a marked interdisciplinary character. This book is thus intended for academic and industrial researchers in applied physics, mechanical, chemical, and environmental engineering, who are interested in the special characteristics of fine powders.
Fluidized-Bed Reactors: Processes and Operating Conditions (Particle Technology Series #26)
by John G. Yates Paola LettieriThe fluidized-bed reactor is the centerpiece of industrial fluidization processes. This book focuses on the design and operation of fluidized beds in many different industrial processes, emphasizing the rationale for choosing fluidized beds for each particular process. The book starts with a brief history of fluidization from its inception in the 1940’s. The authors present both the fluid dynamics of gas-solid fluidized beds and the extensive experimental studies of operating systems and they set them in the context of operating processes that use fluid-bed reactors. Chemical engineering students and postdocs as well as practicing engineers will find great interest in this book.
Fluidmechanik: Einführendes Lehrbuch
by Peter Böckh Christian SaumweberDieses Lehrbuch liegt jetzt in der 3. Auflage vor. Es behandelt u.a.- die wichtige Berechnung des Druckverlustes bei der Strömung von Flüssigkeits-/Gasgemischen in Rohren- die kritische Strömung von Gasen und Flüssigkeits-/Gasgemischen- die Strömung kompressibler Fluide mit hoher Geschwindigkeit (Fanno-Linie)- Reibungsdruckverluste in quer angeströmten Rohrbündeln- Grundlagen der numerischen Lösungsmethoden- Strömungsmesstechnik und Fehlerrechnung- in Mathcad erstellte Beispiele, die im Internet abgerufen werden können.Die Studierenden lernen, mit Hilfe des Buches anspruchsvolle Apparate, wie z.B. Raketenbrennkammer, Verdampfer oder Kondensatoren für Wärmepumpen, selbständig auszulegen.Der Aufbau des Buches zeichnet sich durch eine praxisnahe, klar strukturierte und systematische Darstellung aus. Zahlreiche durchgerechnete Beispiele erleichtern das Verständnis.Die Zielgruppen Studierende des Maschinenbaus und der Verfahrenstechnik an Universitäten und Fachhochschulen
Fluidmechanik: Band 2: Elementare Strömungsvorgänge dichteveränderlicher Fluide sowie Potential- und Grenzschichtströmungen
by Erich TruckenbrodtFluidmechanik: Band 1: Grundlagen und elementare Strömungsvorgänge dichtebeständiger Fluide (Klassiker der Technik)
by Erich A. TruckenbrodtDer Lehrbuch-Klassiker stellt die physikalischen und theoretischen Gesetzmäßigkeiten der Fluidmechanik dar. Anwendungsbeispiele, die weitgehend auf dem Impulssatz aufbauen, vermitteln ein vertieftes Verständnis, Lösungswege sind ausführlich aufgezeigt. Wegen der großen Nachfrage wurde das Werk in der Reihe „Klassiker der Technik" neu aufgelegt. Der Band ist ein einzigartiges, bewährtes Lehrbuch zum Thema und zugleich nützliches Nachschlagewerk für den Praktiker.
Fluidmechanik: Band 2: Elementare Strömungsvorgänge dichteveränderlicher Fluide sowie Potential- und Grenzschichtströmungen (Klassiker der Technik)
by Erich A. TruckenbrodtDer Lehrbuch-Klassiker stellt die physikalischen und theoretischen Gesetzmäßigkeiten der Fluidmechanik dar. Anwendungsbeispiele, die weitgehend auf dem Impulssatz aufbauen, vermitteln ein vertieftes Verständnis, Lösungswege sind ausführlich aufgezeigt. Wegen der großen Nachfrage wurde das Werk in der Reihe „Klassiker der Technik" neu aufgelegt. Der Band ist ein einzigartiges, bewährtes Lehrbuch zum Thema und zugleich nützliches Nachschlagewerk für den Praktiker.
Fluidmechanisch und elektrophysikalisch optimierte Entladungsstrecken für CO2-Hochleistungslaser (Laser in der Materialbearbeitung)
by Wolfgang PfeifferFluids, Colloids and Soft Materials: An Introduction to Soft Matter Physics (Wiley Series on Surface and Interfacial Chemistry)
by Alberto Fernandez-Nieves Ponisseril Somasundaran Nissim GartiThis book presents a compilation of self-contained chapters covering a wide range of topics within the broad field of soft condensed matter. Each chapter starts with basic definitions to bring the reader up-to-date on the topic at hand, describing how to use fluid flows to generate soft materials of high value either for applications or for basic research. Coverage includes topics related to colloidal suspensions and soft materials and how they differ in behavior, along with a roadmap for researchers on how to use soft materials to study relevant physics questions related to geometrical frustration.
Fluids, Colloids and Soft Materials: An Introduction to Soft Matter Physics (Wiley Series on Surface and Interfacial Chemistry)
by Alberto Fernandez Nieves Antonio Manuel PuertasThis book presents a compilation of self-contained chapters covering a wide range of topics within the broad field of soft condensed matter. Each chapter starts with basic definitions to bring the reader up-to-date on the topic at hand, describing how to use fluid flows to generate soft materials of high value either for applications or for basic research. Coverage includes topics related to colloidal suspensions and soft materials and how they differ in behavior, along with a roadmap for researchers on how to use soft materials to study relevant physics questions related to geometrical frustration.
Fluids Under Pressure (Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics)
by Tomáš Bodnár Giovanni P. Galdi Šárka NečasováThis contributed volume is based on talks given at the August 2016 summer school “Fluids Under Pressure,” held in Prague as part of the “Prague-Sum” series. Written by experts in their respective fields, chapters explore the complex role that pressure plays in physics, mathematical modeling, and fluid flow analysis. Specific topics covered include:Oceanic and atmospheric dynamicsIncompressible flowsViscous compressible flowsWell-posedness of the Navier-Stokes equationsWeak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equationsFluids Under Pressure will be a valuable resource for graduate students and researchers studying fluid flow dynamics.
Fluidtechnik in Kraftfahrzeugen
by Norbert GebhardtDie steigenden Anforderungen an Sicherheits- und Komfortsysteme, aber auch eine Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz haben zu einer starken Erweiterung fluidtechnischer Anwendungen in Fahrzeugen geführt. Das Buch gibt erstmals einen geschlossenen Überblick über die verwendeten Systeme wie u. a. hydraulische oder pneumatische Bremssysteme, hydraulische Lenkunterstützungen, hydrodynamische Wandler, Klimaanlagen, Hydraulikzylinder, -pumpen und -motoren. Der Band richtet sich an Studenten wie auch an Techniker und Ingenieure in der Industrie.
Fluidverfahrenstechnik: Grundlagen, Methodik, Technik, Praxis
by Ralf GoedeckeVon Praktikern für Praktiker geschrieben, erläutert das vorliegende Werk die prozesstechnische Behandlung von Flüssigkeits- und Gasgemischen zur Reinigung, Auftrennung und Aufkonzentrierung der einzelnen Komponenten durch den Einsatz selektiver Trenntechniken: - Absorption - Rektifikation - Verdampfung - Kondensation - Extraktion - Adsorption - Chromatographie - Membrantechnik - Schmelzkristallisation - Trenntechnik mit überkritischen Fluiden Alle zum Verständnis der Unit-Operations notwendigen Grundlagen aus den Bereichen Thermodynamik, Wärme- und Stoffübertragung, Strömungslehre sowie zu Grenzflächenvorgängen sind in dem Buch enthalten. Neu ist die umfassende Darstellung der Synthese fluidverfahrenstechnischer Prozesse von der Idee bis zur praktischen Anwendung. In diesem Zusammenhang werden Aspekte wie Miniplanttechnologie, Prozesssynthese und -simulation erläutert. Auch so wichtige Probleme wie Einbauten, Scale-up und Fouling werden angesprochen. Um all diesen Anforderungen dem aktuellen Stand der Technik entsprechend gerecht zu werden, haben bei dem Buch namhafte Autoren aus Industrie und Wissenschaft zusammengearbeitet. Aufgrund der breit gefächerten Thematik wendet sich das Buch gleichermaßen an Planungs- und Betriebsingenieure wie an Neueinsteiger und Hochschulabgänger, die Grundlagenwissen in die Praxis umsetzen wollen.
Fluidware: Novel Approaches for Large-Scale IoT Systems (Internet of Things)
by Giancarlo Fortino Franco Zambonelli Mirko Viroli Barbara ReThis book provides an overview of the many approaches that can adopted for programming and deploying highly-adaptive and large-scale IoT systems, with a specific focus on the key results achieved within the Fluidware research project. The authors start by presenting Fluidware, which develops a novel programming model for IoT services and applications, along with the associated and robust large-scale IoT services and applications. Starting from previous findings in the areas of field-based coordination, collective adaptive systems, stream computing and aggregate computing, the authors address the complexity of building modern, large-scale IoT systems, by a full-fledged engineering approach revolving around a new notion of distributed programming. The authors show how the key innovative idea of Fluidware is to abstract collectives of devices of the IoT fabric as sources, digesters, and targets of distributed "flows" of contextualized events, carrying information about data produced and actuating commands. The book is divided into three parts: (i) the first part is a general introduction to the Fluidware ideas and to the key problems associated with programming IoT systems, (ii) the second part presents the key results achieved within the Fluidware project; (iii) the third part identified open challenges and research directions.
Fluktuationen und Dynamik aktiver Halbleiter-Bauelemente
by Wolfgang HarthAktive Halbleiter-Bauelemente können zur Umsetzung von Gleichleistung in Wechselleistung herangezogen werden. Bei den hier beispielhaft behandelten aktiven Zweipolen kann durch interne Rückkopplung ein negativer Widerstand auftreten, mit dem ein Resonator entdämpft wird und somit ein Oszillator entsteht. Dieser Oszillator wird charakterisiert durch seine Amplitude und Frequenz sowie deren Fluktuationen, nämlich Amplituden- und Frequenzrauschen. Damit ein Oszillator überhaupt einen stabilen Arbeitspunkt erreicht, muß das zugehörige aktive Bauelement eine nichtlineare Aussteuer-Charakteristik aufweisen. Bei der Beschreibung der Fluktuationen solcher Bauelemente muß daher die Kenntnis ihrer Dynamik vorausgehen. Dieses Buch behandelt Fluktuationsphänomene und deren Einfluß auf die Dynamik von aktiven Halbleiter-Bauelementen und stellt die vier wichtigsten Rauscheinströmungen ausfürhlich dar: äquivalentes thermisches Rauschen eines negativen Widerstandes, spontane Emission, Schrotrauschen und Rauschen heißer Elektronen. Diese Fluktuationen beeinflussen dabei wesentlich die Funktionseigenschaften des Van der Pol-Oszillators mit negativem, nichtlinearem Widerstand, des Injektionslasers sowie der Lawinenlaufzeit-Diode und des Gunn-Elements. Mit Hilfe der Langevin-Gleichungen, der Fokker-Planck- und Master-Gleichung werden zusammen mit den entsprechenden Autokorrelationsfunktionen jeweils die spektralen Dichten für Amplitude, Phase und Ausgangsleistung sowie Linienbreite und Rauschmaß bestimmt. Dieses Buch vermittelt Studierenden der Elektrotechnik und der Physik ein vertieftes Verständnis aktiver Halbleiter-Bauelemente aus den Bereichen Hochfrequenz-Elektronik und Opto-Elektronik. Dem Ingenieur in der Praxis kann diese Monographie eine nützliche Einführung in stochastische Phänomene auf diesem Gebiet sein. Vorausgesetzt werden Grundkenntnisse über Differentialgleichungen und Funktionentheorie.
Fluorescence Imaging and Biological Quantification
by Jasjit S. Suri Raquel Seruca J. Miquel SanchesThis comprehensive reference work details the latest developments in fluorescence imaging and related biological quantification. It explores the most recent techniques in this imaging technology through the utilization and incorporation of quantification analysis which makes this book unique. It also covers super resolution microscopy with the introduction of 3D imaging and high resolution fluorescence. Many of the chapter authors are world class experts in this medical imaging technology.
Fluorescence Imaging and Biological Quantification
by Jasjit S. Suri Raquel Seruca João M. SanchesThis comprehensive reference work details the latest developments in fluorescence imaging and related biological quantification. It explores the most recent techniques in this imaging technology through the utilization and incorporation of quantification analysis which makes this book unique. It also covers super resolution microscopy with the introduction of 3D imaging and high resolution fluorescence. Many of the chapter authors are world class experts in this medical imaging technology.
Fluorescence in Bio-inspired Nanotechnology: First as Probe, Then as Function (Springer Theses)
by Jonas HannestadIn his thesis Fluorescence in Bio-inspired Nanotechnology, Jonas Hannestad describes the evolving field of DNA nanotechnology in a lucid and easily accessible way. A central theme in the thesis is how biological structures and mechanisms constitute a basis for the design of novel technologies. Hannestad discusses how self-assembled, nanometer-scale DNA constructs can be functionalized using fluorescent labeling. In particular, he highlights how applications are based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). Another important contribution is the development of a lipid monolayer platform for the step-by-step assembly of DNA nanoconstructs. The work in the thesis is based on five peer-reviewed papers published in high-profile journals, all of which involve major contributions from the author.
Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Ophthalmoscopy
by Martin Zinkernagel Chantal DysliThis book focuses on the emerging non-invasive imaging technique of Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Ophthalmoscopy (FLIO). FLIO reveals unique information on retinal diseases, ranging from age-related macular degeneration and vascular diseases to hereditary retinal dystrophies. Fluorescence lifetimes enable the evaluation of disease progression before irreversible structural changes occur. The image acquisition is suitable for diagnostic purposes and follow-up examinations to investigate the natural course of disease, and to monitor the effects of possible therapies. This book fills the gap between available literature and gives state-of-the-art guidance on the principles of the FLIO technique, image acquisition, and data analysis. Written by a team of expert leaders within this field, this book will be relevant for scientists and clinicians with an interest in ophthalmoscopy.
Fluorescence Lifetime Spectroscopy and Imaging: Principles and Applications in Biomedical Diagnostics
by Laura Marcu Paul M. W. French Daniel S. ElsonDuring the past two decades, there has been an increasing appreciation of the significant value that lifetime-based techniques can add to biomedical studies and applications of fluorescence. Bringing together perspectives of different research communities, Fluorescence Lifetime Spectroscopy and Imaging: Principles and Applications in Biomedical Dia
Fluorescence Molecular Tomography: Principles and Applications
by Huabei JiangFluorescence Molecular Tomography: Principles and Applications is the first book to cover the underlying principles and practical applications of fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT) in a systematic manner. Using a tutorial approach, the text begins with an overview of the fundamentals of FMT and goes on to detail image reconstruction approaches (including linear and nonlinear reconstruction algorithms), FMT instrumentations (including time-domain, frequency-domain, and continuous-wave domain systems), and implementation of image-enhancing schemes (including both software and hardware approaches). Further chapters examine multimodal approaches combining photoacoustic tomography (PAT), computed tomography (CT), single-photon emission tomography (SPECT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and discuss bioluminescence tomography and miniaturized FMT from hand-held to endoscopic FMT. A final chapter looks at clinical applications and animal studies. This authoritative and practical guide will serve as a valuable reference for researchers, scientists, clinicians, and industry professionals.The first book dedicated to fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT); Covers underlying principles and practical applications; Written by a leading FMT research pioneer and expert.
Fluorescence of Living Plant Cells for Phytomedicine Preparations
by Victoria Vladimirovna RoshchinaFluorescence of Living Plant Cells for Phytomedicine Preparations reveals how valuable medicinal compounds can be identified through the application of vital fluorescence in plant cells. The book explains the roles that fluorescent compounds play in plant physiology and promotes our knowledge of plant secretory cells and phytopreparations. Supported by vivid illustrations, the book reveals how actinic light – light that induces fluorescence in leaves and flowers – can be used in the identification of secretory cells within plant tissue that may be the repository of valuable medicinal compounds. The book demonstrates the potential of fluorescence in pharmacological analysis with detailed methods for applying fluorescence to identify these deposits of natural drugs. As such, this groundbreaking book contains methods of express-pharmaceutical analysis that could open new horizons in pharmacy and the cultivation of medicinal plants. Features Describes various fluorescence microscopy techniques for the localization of compounds contained in plants with pharmaceutical interest Provides an analysis of pharmaceutical material based on autofluorescence and histochemical reactions for numerous medicinal plant species Demonstrates practices for providing optimal growing conditions and improving the quality of the compounds Showing the readiness of plant raw material for pharmaceutical industry, this book will appeal to professionals in the pharmaceutical industry and students and researchers in the fields of phytochemistry, botany and pharmaceutical sciences.