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Functional Fractional Calculus

by Shantanu Das

When a new extraordinary and outstanding theory is stated, it has to face criticism and skeptism, because it is beyond the usual concept. The fractional calculus though not new, was not discussed or developed for a long time, particularly for lack of its application to real life problems. It is extraordinary because it does not deal with ‘ordinary’ differential calculus. It is outstanding because it can now be applied to situations where existing theories fail to give satisfactory results. In this book not only mathematical abstractions are discussed in a lucid manner, with physical mathematical and geometrical explanations, but also several practical applications are given particularly for system identification, description and then efficient controls. The normal physical laws like, transport theory, electrodynamics, equation of motions, elasticity, viscosity, and several others of are based on ‘ordinary’ calculus. In this book these physical laws are generalized in fractional calculus contexts; taking, heterogeneity effect in transport background, the space having traps or islands, irregular distribution of charges, non-ideal spring with mass connected to a pointless-mass ball, material behaving with viscous as well as elastic properties, system relaxation with and without memory, physics of random delay in computer network; and several others; mapping the reality of nature closely. The concept of fractional and complex order differentiation and integration are elaborated mathematically, physically and geometrically with examples. The practical utility of local fractional differentiation for enhancing the character of singularity at phase transition or characterizing the irregularity measure of response function is deliberated. Practical results of viscoelastic experiments, fractional order controls experiments, design of fractional controller and practical circuit synthesis for fractional order elements are elaborated in this book. The book also maps theory of classical integer order differential equations to fractional calculus contexts, and deals in details with conflicting and demanding initialization issues, required in classical techniques. The book presents a modern approach to solve the ‘solvable’ system of fractional and other differential equations, linear, non-linear; without perturbation or transformations, but by applying physical principle of action-and-opposite-reaction, giving ‘approximately exact’ series solutions.Historically, Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wihelm Leibniz independently discovered calculus in the middle of the 17th century. In recognition to this remarkable discovery, J.von Neumann remarked, “…the calculus was the first achievement of modern mathematics and it is difficult to overestimate its importance. I think it defines more equivocally than anything else the inception of modern mathematical analysis which is logical development, still constitute the greatest technical advance in exact thinking.”This XXI century has thus started to ‘think-exactly’ for advancement in science & technology by growing application of fractional calculus, and this century has started speaking the language which nature understands the best.

Functional Fractional Calculus for System Identification and Controls

by Shantanu Das

In this book, not only are mathematical abstractions discussed in a lucid manner, but also several practical applications are given particularly for system identification, description and then efficient controls. The reader gets a feeling of the wide applicability of fractional calculus in the field of science and engineering. With this book, a starter can understand the concepts of this emerging field with a minimal effort and basic mathematics.

Functional Genomics and Biotechnology in Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae Crops (Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry #70)

by Hiroshi Ezura Tohru Ariizumi Jordi Garcia-Mas Jocelyn Rose

This volume summarizes recent technological advances in the design and engineering of Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae crops. It begins with contributions on the tomato and melon genome sequence, databases for Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae research, DNA markers in the breeding of the two families, and mutant resources and TILLING platforms in tomato research. Subsequent chapters address the use of molecular techniques for the modification of important breeding traits, such as tomato fruit set, growth, ripening, and sugar accumulation, as well as disease and insect resistance in melons. The volume closes with chapters on genome editing using artificial nucleases as a future breeding tool, and on the development of an in silico crop design system. It offers a valuable resource for plant breeders, molecular biologists, and agronomists.

Functional Genomics and Evolution of Photosynthetic Systems (Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration #33)

by Robert L. Burnap and Wim F. J. Vermaas

New possibilities have been brought about by the stunning number of genomic sequences becoming available for photosynthetic organisms. This new world of whole genome sequence data spans the phyla from photosynthetic microbes to algae to higher plants. These whole genome projects are intrinsically interesting, but also inform the variety of other molecular sequence databases including the recent 'meta-genomic' sequencing efforts that analyze entire communities of organisms. As impressive as they are, are obviously only the beginning of the effort to decipher the biological meaning encoded within them. This book aims to highlight progress in this direction. This book aims toward a genome-level understanding of the structure, function, and evolution of photosynthetic systems and the advantages accrued from the availability of phyletically diverse sets of gene sequences for the major components of the photosynthetic apparatus. While not meant to be fully comprehensive in terms of the topics covered, it does provide detailed views of specific cases and thereby illustrates important new directions that are being taken in this fast-moving field—a field that involves the integration of bioinformatics, molecular biology, physiology, and ecology.

Functional Genomics in Aquaculture (World Aquaculture Society Book series)

by Marco Saroglia

Genomics has revolutionized biological research over the course of the last two decades. Genome maps of key agricultural species have offered increased understanding of the structure, organization, and evolution of animal genomes. Building upon this foundation, researchers are now emphasizing research on genome function. Published with the World Aquaculture Society, Functional Genomics in Aquaculture looks at the advances in this field as they directly relate to key traits and species in aquaculture production. Functional Genomics in Aquaculture opens with two chapters that provide a useful general introduction to the field of functional genomics. The second section of the book focuses on key production traits such as growth, development, reproduction, nutrition, and physiological response to stress and diseases. The final five chapters focus on a variety of key aquaculture species. Examples looking at our understanding of the functional genomes of salmonids, Mediterranean sea bass, Atlantic cod, catfish, shrimp, and molluscs, are included in the book. Providing valuable insights and discoveries into the functional genomes of finfish and shellfish species, Functional Genomics in Aquaculture, will be an invaluable resource to researchers and professionals in aquaculture, genetics, and animal science.

Functional Genomics in Aquaculture (World Aquaculture Society Book series)

by Marco Saroglia

Genomics has revolutionized biological research over the course of the last two decades. Genome maps of key agricultural species have offered increased understanding of the structure, organization, and evolution of animal genomes. Building upon this foundation, researchers are now emphasizing research on genome function. Published with the World Aquaculture Society, Functional Genomics in Aquaculture looks at the advances in this field as they directly relate to key traits and species in aquaculture production. Functional Genomics in Aquaculture opens with two chapters that provide a useful general introduction to the field of functional genomics. The second section of the book focuses on key production traits such as growth, development, reproduction, nutrition, and physiological response to stress and diseases. The final five chapters focus on a variety of key aquaculture species. Examples looking at our understanding of the functional genomes of salmonids, Mediterranean sea bass, Atlantic cod, catfish, shrimp, and molluscs, are included in the book. Providing valuable insights and discoveries into the functional genomes of finfish and shellfish species, Functional Genomics in Aquaculture, will be an invaluable resource to researchers and professionals in aquaculture, genetics, and animal science.

Functional Gradient Materials and Surface Layers Prepared by Fine Particles Technology (NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry #16)

by Marie-Isabelle Baraton Irina V. Uvarova

The NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Functional Gradient Materials and Surface Layers Prepared by Fine Particles Technology" was held in Kiev (Ukraine) on June 18- 28, 2000 where more than 90 participants, ranging from Ph.D. students to experienced senior scientists, met and exchanged ideas. This meeting was aimed at stimulating the research work across traditional disciplinary lines by bringing together scientists from diverse research areas related to functional gradient materials and surface layers. It also intended to give opportunities for initiating collaborative works between scientists from NATO and Partner countries and to trigger fruitful and exciting discussions between experienced and young researchers. In this respect, this NATO-ASI has been quite successful. The term of functional gradient materials which originates from Japan in the 1980's describes a class of engineering materials with spatially inhomogeneous microstructures and properties (MRS Bulletin, 1995,20, N°l). These materials can be successfully utilized in various applications like electronic devices, optical films, anti­ wear and anti-corrosion coatings, thermal barrier coatings, biomaterials, to name only a few. Although these functional gradient materials are not fundamentally new, the use of nanoparticles in their fabrication and in surface layers as well has greatly improved their performances to meet challenging requirements for industrial applications.

Functional Hybrid Materials

by Pedro Gómez-Romero Clément Sanchez

Functional Hybrid Materials consist of both organic and inorganic components, assembled for the purpose of generating desirable properties and functionalities. The aim is twofold: to bring out or enhance advantageous chemical, electrochemical, magnetic or electronic characteristics and at the same time to reduce or wholly suppress undesirable properties or effects. Another target is the creation of entirely new material behavior. The vast number of hybrid material components available has opened up a wide and diversified field of fascinating research. In this book, a team of highly renowned experts gives an in-depth overview, illustrating the superiority of well-designed hybrid materials and their potential applications.

Functional Hydrogels as Biomaterials (Springer Series in Biomaterials Science and Engineering #12)

by Jun Li Yoshihito Osada Justin Cooper-White

This book introduces readers to the latest advances in hydrogel biomaterials, mainly focusing on the emerging areas of synthetic and biopolymer hydrogels formed through specially designed chemical or physical crosslinking, and the cyclodextrin-based host-guest supramolecular self-assembly, for cell encapsulation, cell expansion, cell differentiation and tissue repair, stem cell culture, and cellular therapy and drug delivery applications. The book was written by experts at the forefront of these interdisciplinary areas and is intended for all researchers working in the fields of biomaterials and biomedical engineering, as well as medical professions. Jun Li is a Professor at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore. Yoshihito Osada is a Professor at RIKEN Advanced Science Institute, Japan. Justin Cooper-White is a Professor at the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, University of Queensland, Australia.

Functional Hydrogels in Drug Delivery: Key Features and Future Perspectives

by Umile Gianfranco Spizzirri Giuseppe Cirillo

The book deals with the synthesis and characterization of hydrogels specifically used as drug delivery systems. Each chapter includes the most recent updates about the different starting materials employed and the improvement of their physicochemical and biological properties to synthetize high performing carriers for specific uses.

Functional Hydrogels in Drug Delivery: Key Features and Future Perspectives

by Umile Gianfranco Spizzirri Giuseppe Cirillo

The book deals with the synthesis and characterization of hydrogels specifically used as drug delivery systems. Each chapter includes the most recent updates about the different starting materials employed and the improvement of their physicochemical and biological properties to synthetize high performing carriers for specific uses.

Functional Lipid Nanosystems in Cancer

by Marlene Lúcio

Cancer remains one of the most challenging issues in modern medicine, being responsible for a high number of deaths every year. Recent important developments in cancer diagnosis and therapy based on the versatility of nanosystems have made it possible to incorporate multifunctional synergistic actions into a single delivery system. This book compiles the research on the use of functional lipid nanosystems that combine different strategies in one single nanosystem to enhance overall cancer treatment. Besides providing an overview of the current functional nanosystem strategies, it also offers researchers essential theoretical background on cancer, the physiological barriers to its treatment, aspects related to the design and optimization of nanocarriers for cancer treatment, and clinical developments, including promises, safety issues, and the expected future. The editors bring together a group of scientists from all over the world to discuss the most relevant issues and to provide updates on functional lipid nanosystems and cancer.

Functional Lipid Nanosystems in Cancer

by Marlene Lúcio Carla M. Lopes Maria Elisabete C. D. Real Oliveira

Cancer remains one of the most challenging issues in modern medicine, being responsible for a high number of deaths every year. Recent important developments in cancer diagnosis and therapy based on the versatility of nanosystems have made it possible to incorporate multifunctional synergistic actions into a single delivery system. This book compiles the research on the use of functional lipid nanosystems that combine different strategies in one single nanosystem to enhance overall cancer treatment. Besides providing an overview of the current functional nanosystem strategies, it also offers researchers essential theoretical background on cancer, the physiological barriers to its treatment, aspects related to the design and optimization of nanocarriers for cancer treatment, and clinical developments, including promises, safety issues, and the expected future. The editors bring together a group of scientists from all over the world to discuss the most relevant issues and to provide updates on functional lipid nanosystems and cancer.

Functional Materials: Properties, Performance and Evaluation

by Ewa Klodzinska

Through advanced characterization and new fabrication techniques, the physics, chemistry, and structure of functional materials have become a central focus of investigation in materials science, chemistry, physics, and engineering. This book presents a detailed overview of recent research developments on functional materials, including nanomaterial

Functional Materials and Biomaterials (Advances in Polymer Science #209)

by Matthias Häußler Ben Zhong Tang Xiang Dong Liu Alan R. Esker Chanjoong Kim Patrice Lucas Masaji Matsunaga Norio Nishi Jean-Jacques Robin Dong-An Wang Masanori Yamada Hyuk Yu

This book has the highest impact factor of all publications ranked by ISI within polymer science. It contains short and concise reports on physics and chemistry of polymers, each written by the world renowned experts. It remains valid and useful after 5 or 10 years. The electronic version is available free of charge for standing order customers at:

Functional Materials and Electronics

by Jiabao Yi Sean Li

This informative book focuses on newly developed functional materials and their applications for electronic and spintronic devices. Electronic devices have become a part of our daily modern life, involving mobile phones, data storage, computers, and satellites, and there is relentless growth in microelectronics. This volume covers the topics of oxide materials for electronics devices, new materials, and new properties, especially in newly developed research areas, such as oxide magnetic semiconductors and two-dimensional electron gas. Key features: Emphasizes functional materials for electronic devices, including two-dimensional materials, two-dimensional electron gas, multiferroic materials, memory materials, sensor materials, and spintronic materials. Describes the basics as well as new developments of these functional materials and devices.

Functional Materials and Electronics

by Jiabao Yi Sean Li

This informative book focuses on newly developed functional materials and their applications for electronic and spintronic devices. Electronic devices have become a part of our daily modern life, involving mobile phones, data storage, computers, and satellites, and there is relentless growth in microelectronics. This volume covers the topics of oxide materials for electronics devices, new materials, and new properties, especially in newly developed research areas, such as oxide magnetic semiconductors and two-dimensional electron gas. Key features: Emphasizes functional materials for electronic devices, including two-dimensional materials, two-dimensional electron gas, multiferroic materials, memory materials, sensor materials, and spintronic materials. Describes the basics as well as new developments of these functional materials and devices.

Functional Materials for the Oil and Gas Industry: Characterization and Applications (Emerging Trends and Technologies in Petroleum Engineering)

by Deepak Dwivedi Amit Ranjan Jitendra S. Sangwai

Functional Materials for the Oil and Gas Industry: Characterization and Applications discusses the latest techniques in characterization and applications of functional materials in the oil and gas industry. It provides an expert review of recent developments in a variety of materials, such as ceramics, composites, and alloys, and covers all major aspects relevant to the industry, including asset management (corrosion), operation (pipeline engineering), energy management, and applications in extreme environments. This book: • Discusses modern characterization techniques, such as in situ TEM, SAXS, SANS, X-ray, and neutron tomography. • Covers conventional and advanced nondestructive techniques (NDTs), such as ultrasonic testing and radiography for asset integrity checking in oil and gas sectors. • Describes advanced properties of a variety of functional materials and their applications to the oil and gas field. • Explains self-cleaning coating technologies and their applications and materials for renewable energy sources. • Details advances in synthesis methods for functional materials. • Features industrial aspects of afunctional materials application in each chapter. Written for an interdisciplinary audience of industrial practitioners, academics, and researchers in petroleum, materials, chemical, and related disciplines of engineering, this work offers significant insight into the state-of-the-art in the development and characterization of advanced functional materials.

Functional Materials for the Oil and Gas Industry: Characterization and Applications (Emerging Trends and Technologies in Petroleum Engineering)

Functional Materials for the Oil and Gas Industry: Characterization and Applications discusses the latest techniques in characterization and applications of functional materials in the oil and gas industry. It provides an expert review of recent developments in a variety of materials, such as ceramics, composites, and alloys, and covers all major aspects relevant to the industry, including asset management (corrosion), operation (pipeline engineering), energy management, and applications in extreme environments. This book: • Discusses modern characterization techniques, such as in situ TEM, SAXS, SANS, X-ray, and neutron tomography. • Covers conventional and advanced nondestructive techniques (NDTs), such as ultrasonic testing and radiography for asset integrity checking in oil and gas sectors. • Describes advanced properties of a variety of functional materials and their applications to the oil and gas field. • Explains self-cleaning coating technologies and their applications and materials for renewable energy sources. • Details advances in synthesis methods for functional materials. • Features industrial aspects of afunctional materials application in each chapter. Written for an interdisciplinary audience of industrial practitioners, academics, and researchers in petroleum, materials, chemical, and related disciplines of engineering, this work offers significant insight into the state-of-the-art in the development and characterization of advanced functional materials.

Functional Materials from Colloidal Self-assembly

by Qingfeng Yan

A comprehensive resource for new and veteran researchers in the field of self-assembling and functional materials In Functional Materials from Colloidal Self-assembly, a pair of distinguished researchers delivers a thorough overview of how the colloidal self-assembly approach can enable the design and fabrication of several functional materials and devices. Among other topics, the book explores the foundations of self-assembly in different systems, nucleation, the growth of nanoparticles, self-assembly of colloidal microspheres for photonic crystals and devices, and the self-assembly of amphiphilic molecules as a template for mesoporous materials. The authors also discuss the self-assembly of biomolecules, superstructures from self-assembly, architectures from self-assembly, and the applications of self-assembled nanostructures. Functional Materials from Colloidal Self-assembly provides a balanced approach to the theoretical background and applications of the subject, offering sound guidance to both experienced and early-career researchers. The book also delivers: A thorough introduction to the fundamentals of colloids, including the theory of nucleation and the growth of colloidal particles Comprehensive explorations of mechanisms and strategies for the self-assembly of colloidal particles, including DNA-mediated colloidal self-assembly Practical discussions of characterization techniques for self-assembled colloidal structures, including electron microscopy techniques and X-ray techniques In-depth examinations of biological and biomedical materials, including tissue engineering, drug loading and release, and biodetection Perfect for materials scientists, inorganic chemists, and catalytic chemists, Functional Materials from Colloidal Self-assembly is also a must-read reference for biochemists and surface chemists seeking a one-stop resource on self-assembling and functional materials.

Functional Materials from Colloidal Self-assembly

by George Zhao Qingfeng Yan

A comprehensive resource for new and veteran researchers in the field of self-assembling and functional materials In Functional Materials from Colloidal Self-assembly, a pair of distinguished researchers delivers a thorough overview of how the colloidal self-assembly approach can enable the design and fabrication of several functional materials and devices. Among other topics, the book explores the foundations of self-assembly in different systems, nucleation, the growth of nanoparticles, self-assembly of colloidal microspheres for photonic crystals and devices, and the self-assembly of amphiphilic molecules as a template for mesoporous materials. The authors also discuss the self-assembly of biomolecules, superstructures from self-assembly, architectures from self-assembly, and the applications of self-assembled nanostructures. Functional Materials from Colloidal Self-assembly provides a balanced approach to the theoretical background and applications of the subject, offering sound guidance to both experienced and early-career researchers. The book also delivers: A thorough introduction to the fundamentals of colloids, including the theory of nucleation and the growth of colloidal particles Comprehensive explorations of mechanisms and strategies for the self-assembly of colloidal particles, including DNA-mediated colloidal self-assembly Practical discussions of characterization techniques for self-assembled colloidal structures, including electron microscopy techniques and X-ray techniques In-depth examinations of biological and biomedical materials, including tissue engineering, drug loading and release, and biodetection Perfect for materials scientists, inorganic chemists, and catalytic chemists, Functional Materials from Colloidal Self-assembly is also a must-read reference for biochemists and surface chemists seeking a one-stop resource on self-assembling and functional materials.

Functional Materials in Amperometric Sensing: Polymeric, Inorganic, and Nanocomposite Materials for Modified Electrodes (Monographs in Electrochemistry)

by Renato Seeber Fabio Terzi Chiara Zanardi

Amperometric sensors, biosensors included, particularly rely on suitable electrode materials. Progress in material science has led to a wide variety of options that are available today. For the first time, these novel functional electrode coating materials are reviewed in this monograph, written by and for electroanalytical chemists. This includes intrinsically conducting, redox and ion-exchange polymers, metal and carbon nanostructures, silica based materials. Monolayers and relatively thick films are considered. The authors critically discuss preparation methods, in addition to chemical and physical characteristics of these new materials. They present various examples of emerging applications in electroanalysis. Due to its comprehensive coverage, the book will become an indispensable source for researchers working on the development and even proper use of new amperometric sensor systems.

Functional Materials in Biomedical Applications

by Costas Demetzos Natassa Pippa Nikolaos Naziris

This book presents modern trends that regard the utilization of advanced functional materials for the development of innovative pharmaceuticals. Such materials include classes of lipids, polymers, proteins, and peptides, as well as inorganic materials, which find application in nanomedicinal products, drug delivery systems, medical devices, biotechnological products, and several other technologies. These products are promising for the therapy and diagnosis of diseases. Special attention is given to the available analytical techniques utilized for the evaluation of materials, their interactions, and their properties as well as the functionality of the final pharmaceutical forms. In addition, scale-up opportunities and limitations of nanomaterials and the current and emerging challenges in their clinical translation, with reference to relative regulatory aspects, are discussed. The book covers the latest advances in functional materials for biomedical applications and will serve as a guide for the industry and aid future research. It will be useful for upper undergraduate students and graduate students, young researchers (in the fields of pharmaceutics and materials sciences), scientists who want to enrich their knowledge on advanced drug delivery nanocarriers and their applications, researchers in the Big Pharma and readers who want to learn more about the role of nanoscience in the design and development of nanomedicines.

Functional Materials in Biomedical Applications

by Costas Demetzos Natassa Pippa Nikolaos Naziris

This book presents modern trends that regard the utilization of advanced functional materials for the development of innovative pharmaceuticals. Such materials include classes of lipids, polymers, proteins, and peptides, as well as inorganic materials, which find application in nanomedicinal products, drug delivery systems, medical devices, biotechnological products, and several other technologies. These products are promising for the therapy and diagnosis of diseases. Special attention is given to the available analytical techniques utilized for the evaluation of materials, their interactions, and their properties as well as the functionality of the final pharmaceutical forms. In addition, scale-up opportunities and limitations of nanomaterials and the current and emerging challenges in their clinical translation, with reference to relative regulatory aspects, are discussed. The book covers the latest advances in functional materials for biomedical applications and will serve as a guide for the industry and aid future research. It will be useful for upper undergraduate students and graduate students, young researchers (in the fields of pharmaceutics and materials sciences), scientists who want to enrich their knowledge on advanced drug delivery nanocarriers and their applications, researchers in the Big Pharma and readers who want to learn more about the role of nanoscience in the design and development of nanomedicines.

Functional Meat Products (Methods and Protocols in Food Science)

by Silvani Verruck Eliane Teixeira Marsico

This volume details the most up-to-date methods and protocols on how to manufacture functional meat products. Chapters guide researchers through functional meat products, probiotics, prebiotics, analytical methods, innovative fat reduction techniques, and the utilization of natural additives and bioactive compounds. Written in the format of the Methods and Protocols in Food Science series, chapters list necessary materials and methods for readily reproducible protocols. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Functional Meat Products aims to be a comprehensive guide for researchers and professionals in the food industry looking to explore and contribute to the development of healthier and more innovative meat products.

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