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Light Propagation in Linear Optical Media

by Glen D. Gillen Katharina Gillen Shekhar Guha

Light Propagation in Linear Optical Media describes light propagation in linear media by expanding on diffraction theories beyond what is available in classic optics books. In one volume, this book combines the treatment of light propagation through various media, interfaces, and apertures using scalar and vector diffraction theories. After covering the fundamentals of light and physical optics, the authors discuss light traveling within an anisotropic crystal and present mathematical models for light propagation across planar boundaries between different media. They describe the propagation of Gaussian beams and discuss various diffraction models for the propagation of light. They also explore methods for spatially confining (trapping) cold atoms within localized light-intensity patterns. This book can be used as a technical reference by professional scientists and engineers interested in light propagation and as a supplemental text for upper-level undergraduate or graduate courses in optics.

Light Scattering by Irregularly Shaped Particles

by Schuerman

This volume contains most of the invited papers presented at the International Workshop on Light Scattering by Irregularly Shaped Particles held on June 5-7, 1979. at the State University of New York at Albany (SUNYA). Over seventy participants representing many dis­ ciplines convened to define some of the ever-increasing number of resonant light-scattering problems associated with particle shape and to relate their most recent investigations in this field. It is obvious from the two introductory papers that an investi­ gator's primary discipline determines his/her approach to the light­ scattering problem. The meteorologist, Diran Deirmendjian, advocates an empirical methodology: to model the scattering by atmospheric aerosols, using equivalent spheres as standards, in the most effi­ cient and simplest manner that is consistent with remote sensing, in situ, and laboratory· data. Because of the almost infinite variety of particle shapes, he questions not only the possibility but even the usefulness of the exact solution of scattering by a totally arbitrary particle. The astrophysicist, J. Mayo Greenberg, is primarily concerned with the information content carried by the scattered light because this radiation is the sole clue to under­ standing the nature of interstellar dust. What measurements (polar­ ization, color dependence, etc ••• ) should be made to best determine a given particle characteristic (size, surface roughness, refractive index, etc ••• )? Thus, he considers the physics of the scattering process to be of paramount interest.

Light Scattering by Systems of Particles: Null-Field Method with Discrete Sources: Theory and Programs (Springer Series in Optical Sciences #124)

by Adrian Doicu Thomas Wriedt Yuri A. Eremin

This book develops the theory of the null-field method (also called T-matrix method), covering almost all aspects and current applications. This book also incorporates FORTRAN programs and simulation results. Worked examples of the application of the FORTRAN programs show readers how to adapt or modify the programs for their specific application.

Light Scattering from Microstructures: Lectures of the Summer School of Laredo, University of Cantabria, Held at Laredo, Spain, Sept.11-13, 1998 (Lecture Notes in Physics #534)

by Fernando Moreno Francisco Gonzales

The classical phenomenon of light scattering is one of the most studied t- ics in light-matter interaction and, even today, involves some controversial issues. A present focus of interest for many researchers is the possibility of obtaining information about microstructures, for example surface roughness, and the size, shape and optical properties of particles by means of a n- invasive technique such as the illumination of these objects with light. One of their main tasks is to extract the relevant information from a detailed study of the scattered radiation. This includes: measurement of the light intensity in di erent directions, analysis of its polarization, determination of its stat- tics,etc. Contributionstoresolvingthisproblemareimportantnotonlyfrom the point of view of increasing basic knowledge but also in their applications to several elds of industry and technology. Consider, for example, the pos- bility of distinguishing between di erent types of atmospheric contaminants, biological contaminants in our blood, the detection of microdefects in the manufacturing of semiconductors, magnetic discs and optical components, or the development of biological sensors. During the period September 11-13, 1998, we brought together a group of international experts on light scattering at the Summer School of Laredo at the University of Cantabria. In a series of one-hour lectures, they discussed currentaspectsoflightscatteringfrommicrostructureswithspecialemphasis on recent applications. The present book condenses those lectures into ve parts.

Light Scattering from Polymer Solutions and Nanoparticle Dispersions (Springer Laboratory)

by Wolfgang Schärtl

Light scattering is a very powerful method for characterizing the structure of polymers and nanoparticles in solution. As part of the Springer Laboratory series, this book provides a simple-to-read and illustrative textbook probing the seemingly very complicated topic of light scattering from polymers and nanoparticles in dilute solution, and goes further to cover some of the latest technical developments in experimental light scattering.

Light Scattering in Semiconductor Structures and Superlattices (Nato Science Series B: #273)

by D. J. Lockwood Jeff F. Young

Just over 25 years ago the first laser-excited Raman spectrum of any crystal was obtained. In November 1964, Hobden and Russell reported the Raman spectrum of GaP and later, in June 1965, Russell published the Si spectrum. Then, in July 1965, the forerunner of a series of meetings on light scattering in solids was held in Paris. Laser Raman spectroscopy of semiconductors was at the forefront in new developments at this meeting. Similar meetings were held in 1968 (New York), 1971 (Paris) and 1975 (Campinas). Since then, and apart from the multidisciplinary biennial International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy there has been no special forum for experts in light scattering spectroscopy of semiconductors to meet and discuss latest developments. Meanwhile, technological advances in semiconductor growth have given rise to a veritable renaissance in the field of semiconductor physics. Light scattering spectroscopy has played a crucial role in the advancement of this field, providing valuable information about the electronic, vibrational and structural properties both of the host materials, and of heterogeneous composite structures. On entering a new decade, one in which technological advances in lithography promise to open even broader horirons for semiconductor physics, it seemed to us to be an ideal time to reflect on the achievements of the past decade, to be brought up to date on the current state-of-the-art, and to catch some glimpses of where the field might be headed in the 1990s.

Light Scattering in Solids IX: Novel Materials and Techniques (Topics in Applied Physics #108)

by Manuel Cardona Roberto Merlin

This volume treats new materials (nanotubes and quantum dots) and new techniques (synchrotron radiation scattering and cavity confined scattering). In the past five years, Raman and Brillouin scattering have taken a place among the most important research and characterization methods for carbon nanotubes. Among the novel techniques discussed in this volume are those employing synchrotron radiation as a light source.

Light Scattering Reviews: Single and Multiple Light Scattering (Springer Praxis Books)

by Alexander A. Kokhanovsky

This book provides an account of recent developments in light scattering media optics. Leading researchers focus on both the theoretical and experimental results in the area. In particular, light scattering by ice crystals, soil particles and biological particles is considered. This volume first discusses single light scattering, followed by multiple light scattering and finally examines possible applications in combustion and marine research.

Light Scattering Reviews 2 (Springer Praxis Books)

by Alexander A. Kokhanovsky

Light Scattering Reviews 4: Single Light Scattering and Radiative Transfer (Springer Praxis Books)

by Alexander A. Kokhanovsky

This fourth volume of Light Scattering Reviews is composed of three parts. The ?rstpartisconcernedwiththeoreticalandexperimentalstudiesofsinglelightsc- tering by small nonspherical particles. Light scattering by small particles such as, for instance, droplets in the terrestrial clouds is a well understood area of physical optics. On the other hand, exact theoretical calculations of light scattering p- terns for most of nonspherical and irregularly shaped particles can be performed only for the restricted values of the size parameter, which is proportional to the ratio of the characteristic size of the particle to the wavelength?. For the large nonspherical particles, approximations are used (e. g. , ray optics). The exact th- retical techniques such as the T-matrix method cannot be used for extremely large particles, such as those in ice clouds, because then the size parameter in the v- iblex=2?a/???,wherea is the characteristic size (radius for spheres), and the associated numerical codes become unstable and produce wrong answers. Yet another problem is due to the fact that particles in many turbid media (e. g. , dust clouds) cannot be characterized by a single shape. Often, refractive indices also vary. Because of problems with theoretical calculations, experimental (i. e. , la- ratory) investigations are important for the characterization and understanding of the optical properties of such types of particles. The ?rst paper in this volume, written by B. Gustafson, is aimed at the descr- tionofscaledanalogueexperimentsinelectromagneticscattering.

Light Scattering Reviews 5: Single Light Scattering and Radiative Transfer (Springer Praxis Books)

by Alexander A. Kokhanovsky

Light scattering by densely packed inhomogeneous media is a particularly ch- lenging optics problem. In most cases, only approximate methods are used for the calculations. However, in the case where only a small number of macroscopic sc- tering particles are in contact (clusters or aggregates) it is possible to obtain exact results solving Maxwell’s equations. Simulations are possible, however, only for a relativelysmallnumberofparticles,especiallyiftheirsizesarelargerthanthewa- length of incident light. The ?rst review chapter in PartI of this volume, prepared by Yasuhiko Okada, presents modern numerical techniques used for the simulation of optical characteristics of densely packed groups of spherical particles. In this case, Mie theory cannot provide accurate results because particles are located in the near ?eld of each other and strongly interact. As a matter of fact, Maxwell’s equations must be solved not for each particle separately but for the ensemble as a whole in this case. The author describes techniques for the generation of shapes of aggregates. The orientation averaging is performed by a numerical integration with respect to Euler angles. The numerical aspects of various techniques such as the T-matrix method, discrete dipole approximation, the ?nite di?erence time domain method, e?ective medium theory, and generalized multi-particle Mie so- tion are presented. Recent advances in numerical techniques such as the grouping and adding method and also numerical orientation averaging using a Monte Carlo method are discussed in great depth.

Light Scattering Reviews 7: Radiative Transfer and Optical Properties of Atmosphere and Underlying Surface (Springer Praxis Books)

by Alexander A. Kokhanovsky

Light Scattering Reviews (vol.7) is aimed at the description of modern advances in radiative transfer and light scattering. The following topics will be considered: the general - purpose discrete - ordinate algorithm DISORT for radiative transfer, fast radiative transfer techniques, use of polarization in remote sensing, Markovian approach for radiative transfer in cloudy atmospheres, coherent and incoherent backscattering by turbid media and surfaces,advances in radiative transfer methods as used for luminiscence tomography, optical properties of aerosol, ice crystals, snow, and oceanic water. This volume will be a valuable addition to already published volumes 1-6 of Light Scattering Reviews.

Light Scattering Reviews 9: Light Scattering and Radiative Transfer (Springer Praxis Books)

by Alexander Kokhanovsky

Light Scattering Reviews (vol. 9) is aimed at the description of modern advances in radiative transfer and light scattering. The following topics will be considered: light scattering by atmospheric dust particles and also by inhomogeneous scatterers, the general - purpose discrete - ordinate algorithm DISORT for radiative transfer, the radiative transfer code RAY based on the adding-doubling solution of the radiative transfer equation, aerosol and cloud remote sensing, use of polarization in remote sensing, direct aerosol radiative forcing, principles of the Mueller matrix measurements, light reflectance from various land surfaces. This volume will be a valuable addition to already published volumes 1-8 of Light Scattering Reviews.

Light Scattering Reviews, Volume 11: Light Scattering and Radiative Transfer (Springer Praxis Books)

by Alexander Kokhanovsky

This is the eleventh volume in the series Light Scattering Reviews, devoted to current knowledge of light scattering problems and both experimental and theoretical research techniques related to their solution. The focus of this volume is to describe modern advances in radiative transfer and light scattering optics. This book brings together the most recent studies on light radiative transfer in the terrestrial atmosphere, while also reviewing environmental polarimetry. The book is divided into nine chapters: • the first four chapters review recent advances in modern radiative transfer theory and provide detailed descriptions of radiative transfer codes (e.g., DISORT and CRTM). Approximate solutions of integro-differential radiative transfer equations for turbid media with different shapes (spheres, cylinders, planeparallel layers) are detailed; • chapters 5 to 8 focus on studies of light scattering by single particles and radially inhomogeneous media; • the final chapter discusses the environmental polarimetry of man-made objects.

Light Scattering, Size Exclusion Chromatography and Asymmetric Flow Field Flow Fractionation: Powerful Tools for the Characterization of Polymers, Proteins and Nanoparticles

by Stepan Podzimek

A comprehensive, practical approach to three powerful methods of polymer analysis and characterization This book serves as a complete compendium of three important methods widely used for the characterization of synthetic and natural polymers—light scattering, size exclusion chromatography (SEC), and asymmetric flow field flow fractionation (A4F). Featuring numerous up-to-date examples of experimental results obtained by light scattering, SEC, and A4F measurements, Light Scattering, Size Exclusion Chromatography and Asymmetric Flow Field Flow Fractionation takes an all-in-one approach to deliver a complete and thorough explanation of the principles, theories, and instrumentation needed to characterize polymers from the viewpoint of their molar mass distribution, size, branching, and aggregation. This comprehensive resource: Is the only book gathering light scattering, size exclusion chromatography, and asymmetric flow field flow fractionation into a single text Systematically compares results of size exclusion chromatography with results of asymmetric flow field flow fractionation, and how these two methods complement each other Provides in-depth guidelines for reproducible and correct determination of molar mass and molecular size of polymers using SEC or A4F coupled with a multi-angle light scattering detector Offers a detailed overview of the methodology, detection, and characterization of polymer branching Light Scattering, Size Exclusion Chromatography and Asymmetric Flow Field Flow Fractionation should be of great interest to all those engaged in the polymer analysis and characterization in industrial and university research, as well as in manufacturing quality control laboratories. Both beginners and experienced can confidently rely on this volume to confirm their own understanding or to help interpret their results.

Light Scattering, Size Exclusion Chromatography and Asymmetric Flow Field Flow Fractionation: Powerful Tools for the Characterization of Polymers, Proteins and Nanoparticles

by Stepan Podzimek

A comprehensive, practical approach to three powerful methods of polymer analysis and characterization This book serves as a complete compendium of three important methods widely used for the characterization of synthetic and natural polymers—light scattering, size exclusion chromatography (SEC), and asymmetric flow field flow fractionation (A4F). Featuring numerous up-to-date examples of experimental results obtained by light scattering, SEC, and A4F measurements, Light Scattering, Size Exclusion Chromatography and Asymmetric Flow Field Flow Fractionation takes an all-in-one approach to deliver a complete and thorough explanation of the principles, theories, and instrumentation needed to characterize polymers from the viewpoint of their molar mass distribution, size, branching, and aggregation. This comprehensive resource: Is the only book gathering light scattering, size exclusion chromatography, and asymmetric flow field flow fractionation into a single text Systematically compares results of size exclusion chromatography with results of asymmetric flow field flow fractionation, and how these two methods complement each other Provides in-depth guidelines for reproducible and correct determination of molar mass and molecular size of polymers using SEC or A4F coupled with a multi-angle light scattering detector Offers a detailed overview of the methodology, detection, and characterization of polymer branching Light Scattering, Size Exclusion Chromatography and Asymmetric Flow Field Flow Fractionation should be of great interest to all those engaged in the polymer analysis and characterization in industrial and university research, as well as in manufacturing quality control laboratories. Both beginners and experienced can confidently rely on this volume to confirm their own understanding or to help interpret their results.

Light Scattering Technology for Food Property, Quality and Safety Assessment (Contemporary Food Engineering)

by Renfu Lu

Light Scattering Technology for Food Property, Quality and Safety Assessment discusses the development and application of various light scattering techniques for measuring the structural and rheological properties of food, evaluating composition and quality attributes, and detecting pathogens in food. The first four chapters cover basic concepts, principles, theories, and modeling of light transfer in food and biological materials. Chapters 5 and 6 describe parameter estimation methods and basic techniques for determining optical absorption and scattering properties of food products. Chapter 7 discusses the spatially-resolved measurement technique for determining the optical properties of food and biological materials, whereas Chapter 8 focuses on the time-resolved spectroscopic technique for measuring optical properties and quality or maturity of horticultural products. Chapter 9 examines practical light scattering techniques for nondestructive quality assessment of fruits and vegetables. Chapter 10 presents the theory of light transfer in meat muscle and the measurement of optical properties for determining the postmortem condition and textural properties of muscle foods and meat analogs. Chapter 11 covers the applications of spatially-resolved light scattering techniques for assessing quality and safety of animal products. Chapter 12 looks into light scattering for milk and dairy processing. Chapter 13 examines the applications of dynamic light scattering for measuring the microstructure and rheological properties of food. Chapter 14 shows the applications of a biospeckle technique for assessing the quality and condition of fruits and vegetables. Chapter 15 provides a detailed description of Raman scattering spectroscopic and imaging techniques in food quality and safety assessment. Chapter 16, the final chapter, focuses on applications of light scattering techniques for the detection of food-borne pathogens.

Light Scattering Technology for Food Property, Quality and Safety Assessment (Contemporary Food Engineering)

by Renfu Lu

Light Scattering Technology for Food Property, Quality and Safety Assessment discusses the development and application of various light scattering techniques for measuring the structural and rheological properties of food, evaluating composition and quality attributes, and detecting pathogens in food. The first four chapters cover basic concepts, principles, theories, and modeling of light transfer in food and biological materials. Chapters 5 and 6 describe parameter estimation methods and basic techniques for determining optical absorption and scattering properties of food products. Chapter 7 discusses the spatially-resolved measurement technique for determining the optical properties of food and biological materials, whereas Chapter 8 focuses on the time-resolved spectroscopic technique for measuring optical properties and quality or maturity of horticultural products. Chapter 9 examines practical light scattering techniques for nondestructive quality assessment of fruits and vegetables. Chapter 10 presents the theory of light transfer in meat muscle and the measurement of optical properties for determining the postmortem condition and textural properties of muscle foods and meat analogs. Chapter 11 covers the applications of spatially-resolved light scattering techniques for assessing quality and safety of animal products. Chapter 12 looks into light scattering for milk and dairy processing. Chapter 13 examines the applications of dynamic light scattering for measuring the microstructure and rheological properties of food. Chapter 14 shows the applications of a biospeckle technique for assessing the quality and condition of fruits and vegetables. Chapter 15 provides a detailed description of Raman scattering spectroscopic and imaging techniques in food quality and safety assessment. Chapter 16, the final chapter, focuses on applications of light scattering techniques for the detection of food-borne pathogens.

Light Science: Physics and the Visual Arts (Undergraduate Texts in Contemporary Physics)

by Thomas D. Rossing Christopher J Chiaverina

Intended for students in the visual arts and for others with an interest in art, but with no prior knowledge of physics, this book presents the science behind what and how we see. The approach emphasises phenomena rather than mathematical theories and the joy of discovery rather than the drudgery of derivations. The text includes numerous problems, and suggestions for simple experiments, and also considers such questions as why the sky is blue, how mirrors and prisms affect the colour of light, how compact disks work, and what visual illusions can tell us about the nature of perception. It goes on to discuss such topics as the optics of the eye and camera, the different sources of light, photography and holography, colour in printing and painting, as well as computer imaging and processing.

Light Science: Physics and the Visual Arts (Undergraduate Texts In Contemporary Physics Ser.)

by Thomas D. Rossing Christopher J. Chiaverina

Intended for students in the visual arts and for others with an interest in art, but with no prior knowledge of physics, this book presents the science behind what and how we see. The approach emphasises phenomena rather than mathematical theories and the joy of discovery rather than the drudgery of derivations. The text includes numerous problems, and suggestions for simple experiments, and also considers such questions as why the sky is blue, how mirrors and prisms affect the colour of light, how compact disks work, and what visual illusions can tell us about the nature of perception. It goes on to discuss such topics as the optics of the eye and camera, the different sources of light, photography and holography, colour in printing and painting, as well as computer imaging and processing.

Light-Sensitive Polymeric Nanoparticles Based on Photo-Cleavable Chromophores (Springer Theses)

by Daniel Klinger

The triggered release of functional compounds from such polymeric carriers as micelles, nanoparticles or nanogels is a rapidly developing and highly versatile concept which is expected to be one of the key approaches to future therapeutics. In his thesis, Daniel Klinger highlights the approach of stimuli-responsive microgels for such applications and discusses why especially light as a trigger has an outstanding position amongst the family of conventional stimuli. Based on these considerations, the author focuses on the design, synthesis and characterization of novel photo-sensitive microgels and nanoparticles as potential materials for the loading and light-triggered release/accessibility of functional compounds. Starting from the synthesis of photo-cleavable organic building blocks and their use in the preparation of polymeric nanoparticles, continuing to the examination of their loading and release profiles, and concluding with biological in vitro studies of the final materials, Daniel Klinger’s work is an excellent example of the multidisciplinary research needed for the successful development of new materials in this field and has led to a number of further publications in internationally respected journals.

Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy

by Emmanuel G. Reynaud Pavel Tomančák

Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy An indispensable guide to a novel, revolutionary fluorescence microscopy technique! Light sheet fluorescence microscopy has revolutionized microscopy, since it allows scientists to perform experiments in an entirely different manner and to record data that had not been accessible before. With contributions from noted experts in the fields of physics, biology, and computer science, Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy is a unique guide that offers a practical approach to the subject, including information on the basics of light sheet fluorescence microscopy, instrumentation, applications, sample preparation, and data analysis. Comprehensive in scope, the book is filled with the cutting-edge methods as well as valuable insider tips. Grounded in real-world applications, the book includes chapters from major manufacturers that explores their recent systems and developments. In addition, the book hightlights a discussion of a “do-it-yourself” light sheet microscope, making the technique affordable for every laboratory. This important textbook: Serves as an easy-to-understand introduction to light sheet-based fluorescence Includes numerous tips and tricks for advanced practitioners Provides in-depth information on hardware and software solutions for a straightforward implementation of light sheet fluorescence microscopy in the lab Includes chapters from the major manufacturers including Zeiss, Leica, Lavision Biotech, Phase View, and Asi Aimed at cell biologists, biophysicists, developmental biologists, and neuro-biologists, Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy offers a comprehensive overview of the most recent applications of this microscopy technique.

Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy

by Emmanuel G. Reynaud Pavel Tomancak

Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy An indispensable guide to a novel, revolutionary fluorescence microscopy technique! Light sheet fluorescence microscopy has revolutionized microscopy, since it allows scientists to perform experiments in an entirely different manner and to record data that had not been accessible before. With contributions from noted experts in the fields of physics, biology, and computer science, Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy is a unique guide that offers a practical approach to the subject, including information on the basics of light sheet fluorescence microscopy, instrumentation, applications, sample preparation, and data analysis. Comprehensive in scope, the book is filled with the cutting-edge methods as well as valuable insider tips. Grounded in real-world applications, the book includes chapters from major manufacturers that explores their recent systems and developments. In addition, the book hightlights a discussion of a “do-it-yourself” light sheet microscope, making the technique affordable for every laboratory. This important textbook: Serves as an easy-to-understand introduction to light sheet-based fluorescence Includes numerous tips and tricks for advanced practitioners Provides in-depth information on hardware and software solutions for a straightforward implementation of light sheet fluorescence microscopy in the lab Includes chapters from the major manufacturers including Zeiss, Leica, Lavision Biotech, Phase View, and Asi Aimed at cell biologists, biophysicists, developmental biologists, and neuro-biologists, Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy offers a comprehensive overview of the most recent applications of this microscopy technique.

Light Sources: Basics of Lighting Technologies and Applications

by Spiros Kitsinelis Spyridon Kitsinelis

Decide Which Lighting Technology Is Best for Your ApplicationLight Sources, Second Edition: Basics of Lighting Technologies and Applications presents an overview of the three main technologies that have produced the numerous families of lighting products on the market today: electrical incandescence, electrical gas discharges, and semiconductor lig

Light Vehicle Technology

by Roy Brooks

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