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Showing 65,776 through 65,800 of 100,000 results

Management von Lieferanten-Produzenten-Beziehungen: Eine Analyse von Unternehmensnetzwerken in der deutschen Automobilindustrie (Unternehmensführung & Controlling)

by Boris Wertz

Auf der Basis einer empirischen Analyse von Unternehmensnetzwerken in der Automobilindustrie zeigt Boris Wertz auf, wie die Beziehungen zwischen Lieferanten und Produzenten gestaltet sein müssen, um eine effektive Zusammenarbeit zu gewährleisten.

Management von Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit im Einkauf (Qualitäts- und Zuverlässigkeitsmanagement)

by Gerhard Kastreuz

Dieses Buch vermittelt die relevanten Inhalte zum Themenkreis Qualitätssicherung im Einkauf. Bereits bei der Beschaffung von Materialien werden Anforderungen gestellt, die überprüfbar sein müssen. Hierzu gibt das Buch detaillierte Auskunft.

Management von Softwareprojekten: Eine Einführung für Studenten und Praktiker

by Peter F. Elzer

Das Buch gibt eine Einführung, die alle Aspekte des Projektmanagements von Softwareprojekten berücksichtigt. Dabei geht der Autor von der Einsicht aus, daß eine große Anzahl multidimensionaler Aspekte integrativ zu berücksichtigen sind - Aspekte, die sich in der Art eines Netzwerkes gegenseitig beeinflussen.

Management wetterinduzierter Risiken in der Energiewirtschaft (Schriften zum europäischen Management)

by Thomas Kempe

Thomas Kempe untersucht die praktischen und theoretischen Aspekte des Management von wetterinduzierten Unternehmensrisiken. Der Autor prüft, welche Risikostrategien und -instrumente für die unterschiedlichen Typen von Unternehmen der Energiewirtschaft am geeignetsten erscheinen.

Managementaufgabe PPS-Einführung (VDI-Buch)

by Jürgen Finger

Managementleistungen im Lebenszyklus von Immobilien (Leitfaden des Baubetriebs und der Bauwirtschaft)

by Fritz Berner Marek Evert Bernd Kochendörfer Horst Franke Michael Fretter Tanja Kohnke Oliver Krecker Katrin Kredel Matthias Kuß Andreas Ligner Thomas Lützkendorf Ralf Moldenhauer Andreas Roquette Lothar Ruf Sven Seehawer Steffen Schmitt Wenzel Steinhage Christof Stumpf Hermann Stapenhorst Richard Wartenberg Christian Zanner Volker Zerr

Das Buch ist von Bauingenieuren für Bauingenieure geschrieben, die sich professionell mit der Immobilienwirtschaft beschäftigen. Jedes Gebäude unterliegt einem Lebenszyklus, der Kosten verursacht. Diese vorhersehbaren Kosten müssen bereits bei der zukünftigen Planung berücksichtigt werden. Die Autoren stellen dabei umfassend und praxisorientiert alle wichtigen Managementleistungen vor, die für eine erfolgreiche Planung, Vorbereitung und Durchführung einer Immobilie erforderlich sind.

Managementwissen für Ingenieure: Wie funktionieren Unternehmen? (VDI-Buch)

by Adolf J. Schwab

Das Buch führt auf leicht verständliche Weise in die Begriffswelt der Betriebswirtschaftslehre ein und überbrückt die Sprachbarrie­ren zwischen Ingenieuren und Kaufleuten. Begriffe wie etwa Budgetierung, Controlling, Key Account Management, Balanced Score Card, Basel III, Six Sigma oder E-Business, Kostenrechnung, Betriebswirtschaftliche Auswertung, kurz­fristige Er­folgsrechnung etc., die die Ingenieurausbildung gewöhnlich vermissen lässt, werden grundlegend und leicht lesbar er­klärt. Die Lektüre dieses Werks erlaubt Ingenieuren auch bei finanztechnischen Themen profund mit­zureden. Ferner qualifiziert es sie in hervorragender Weise als Unternehmer im Unter­nehmen erfolgreich zu agie­ren, gegebenenfalls auch ein eigenes Unternehmen zu gründen.

Managementwissen für Ingenieure (VDI-Buch)

by Adolf J. Schwab

Um erfolgreich zu sein, müssen Ingenieure neben der Lösung rein technischer Fragestellungen zunehmend betriebswirtschaftliche und managementorientierte Entscheidungen treffen. Das Buch vermittelt praxisbezogen die nötigen betriebswirtschaftlichen Grundkenntnisse, die für einen erfolgreichen Berufsalltag in der Industrie oder eine erfolgreiche Existenzgründung unentbehrlich sind.

Managementwissen für Ingenieure: Führung, Organisation, Existenzgründung (VDI-Buch)

by Adolf J. Schwab

Das Buch führt in die Begriffe der Betriebswirtschaftslehre ein und überbrückt damit die Sprachbarriere zwischen Ingenieuren und Kaufleuten. Begriffe wie etwa Budgetierung, Controlling oder Key Account Management werden grundlegend und leicht verständlich erklärt. Mit diesem Band können Ingenieure Basiswissen in finanztechnischen Fragen aufbauen und so qualifiziert als Unternehmer in Firmen oder als Unternehmensgründer agieren. Für die 4. Auflage wurden u a. die Themenbereiche Steuerrecht, Basel II und Qualitätsmanagement aktualisiert.

Managementwissen für Ingenieure (VDI-Buch)

by Adolf J. Schwab

Um erfolgreich zu sein, müssen Ingenieure neben der Lösung rein technischer Fragestellungen zunehmend betriebswirtschaftliche und managementorientierte Entscheidungen treffen. Das Buch vermittelt praxisbezogen die nötigen betriebswirtschaftlichen Grundkenntnisse, die für einen erfolgreichen Berufsstart in der Industrie oder eine erfolgreiche Existenzgründung unentbehrlich sind.

Managerial Control of American Workers: Methods and Technology from the 1880s to Today (PDF)

by Mel Van Elteren

Today, surveillance and regulation of employees at all levels (except the highest) of the American workplace are pervasive. Digital information systems have become important tools of managerial control, along with the principles of human relations and corporate culture, and employment-based welfare capitalism.The constraints built into these systems through what some call ""business process reengineering"" are a continuation of scientific management principles developed during the late 19th century. This book provides fresh insight into various practices of managerial control from the 1880s to the present and their effects on work organization and quality, and worker skill requirements.

The Managerial Implications of Microelectronics

by Brian C. Twiss

A Manager's Guide for Better Decision-Making: Easy to Apply Tools and Techniques (Manufacturing and Production Engineering)

by Abu S.M. Masud

An important activity for an organization’s leaders and managers is making decisions associated with problem-solving. Making decisions is a complex endeavor where choices are made from courses of action where resources are limited and in the presence of constraints. Written as a guide, this book offers a quantitative approach to decision-making. The process of decision-making is presented from a holistic point of view. This book offers a basic understanding of the issues and processes involved in decision-making by presenting the tools associated with problem analysis, tools that enable developing choices, as well as tools used to normalize judgment criteria achievement so that they are comparable across measures using different scales. Several solution methods for decision problems that have one evaluation criterion are explained first. Methods for problems with multiple criteria for evaluating alternate solutions are discussed as well. The multiple criteria methods include those that do not require any explicit preference or trade-off information from the decision-maker and those that do require the decision-maker’s preference or trade-off information. The intended audience of the book includes technical and nontechnical professionals, managers, and supervisors at all levels, and engineering and business educators. The book would also be useful to undergraduate students, beginning graduate students, and recent graduates of professional programs, or in mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, and humanities.

A Manager's Guide for Better Decision-Making: Easy to Apply Tools and Techniques (Manufacturing and Production Engineering)

by Abu S.M. Masud

An important activity for an organization’s leaders and managers is making decisions associated with problem-solving. Making decisions is a complex endeavor where choices are made from courses of action where resources are limited and in the presence of constraints. Written as a guide, this book offers a quantitative approach to decision-making. The process of decision-making is presented from a holistic point of view. This book offers a basic understanding of the issues and processes involved in decision-making by presenting the tools associated with problem analysis, tools that enable developing choices, as well as tools used to normalize judgment criteria achievement so that they are comparable across measures using different scales. Several solution methods for decision problems that have one evaluation criterion are explained first. Methods for problems with multiple criteria for evaluating alternate solutions are discussed as well. The multiple criteria methods include those that do not require any explicit preference or trade-off information from the decision-maker and those that do require the decision-maker’s preference or trade-off information. The intended audience of the book includes technical and nontechnical professionals, managers, and supervisors at all levels, and engineering and business educators. The book would also be useful to undergraduate students, beginning graduate students, and recent graduates of professional programs, or in mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, and humanities.

A Manager's Guide to Telecommunications

by Martin Gandoff

A Manager's Guide to Telecommunications discusses the basic principles of various telecommunications equipment that can be utilized in management practice. The book also covers the techniques, relevance, and selection of different telecommunication devices. The text first covers communication and computers, and then proceeds to tackling transmission technology and techniques. The next chapter covers networks and exchanges, while the succeeding two chapters discuss voice and text communication, respectively. The last two chapters talk about database on-line database and local area networks, successively. The book will be of great use to those in management positions who wish to learn more about the various telecommunications equipment.

Managing a Material World (Environment & Policy #13)

by Pier Vellinga, Frans Berkhout and Joyeeta Gupta

As we reach the end of the 20th century, the question of how to meet human needs and preferences while safeguarding the global environment is a major concern facing humanity. This book reflects the state of the art of thinking on the necessary concepts, tools and instruments that are likely to help producers, consumers and governments to adjust their policies and practices. It covers theories and concepts, practical approaches and visions of industry and government. The book has been written by a team of authors that includes the most forward thinking researchers and managers on the issue. It is a handbook for all those involved in decisions about product design and eco-efficiency, about environment and resource use policies. Moreover it can serve as a handbook for all those who are studying with the aim to become involved in such issues.

Managing Agricultural Enterprises: Exploring Profitability and Best Practice in Central Europe

by Paweł Bryła

Exploring the competitiveness and profitability of the agricultural sector in Central Europe, this book argues that the successful management of agricultural enterprises is inconceivable without the knowledge and application of modern forms of management and technology. Organised in an analytical framework and offering comprehensive empirical data, this book focusses on the countries of Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary. The contributors identify good practices, unresolved problems, and factors influencing profitability. Topics explored include the challenges of increasing sales potential, competitiveness, partnerships and cooperation, human resources issues, and risk management. By constituting a valuable source of knowledge, Managing Agricultural Enterprises is important to those researching the agricultural industry and management, but also to policy-makers and managers of agricultural enterprises.

Managing Agricultural Enterprises: Exploring Profitability and Best Practice in Central Europe

by Paweł Bryła

Exploring the competitiveness and profitability of the agricultural sector in Central Europe, this book argues that the successful management of agricultural enterprises is inconceivable without the knowledge and application of modern forms of management and technology. Organised in an analytical framework and offering comprehensive empirical data, this book focusses on the countries of Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary. The contributors identify good practices, unresolved problems, and factors influencing profitability. Topics explored include the challenges of increasing sales potential, competitiveness, partnerships and cooperation, human resources issues, and risk management. By constituting a valuable source of knowledge, Managing Agricultural Enterprises is important to those researching the agricultural industry and management, but also to policy-makers and managers of agricultural enterprises.

Managing Agricultural Systems

by G.E. Dalton

A large proportion of the world's population is directly involved in agriculture, many of them as small businessmen. Each of these businessmen applies his skill and resources day in, day out, to produce food and raw materials. All of them to a greater or lesser extent operate in a changing environment to which they must adjust. Many aspects of the environments of agricultural institutions by the decisions of other people; in the marketplace, are influenced in ancillary industries, in research institutes and places of learning and in Government organisations that create and implement agricultural policy. Improvements in the quality of decisions made by those who manage all the various parts of the agricultural system can have a major impact on the quality of everyone's life. How can such improvements be achieved? This book is based on the belief that a grasp of concepts or principles can add a great deal to the understanding and management of agricultural systems of all kinds. It therefore attempts to transmit some ideas and observations about management in agriculture. It is not about techniques nor about the particular problems of a specific type of agriculture. Its aim is to promote reflection, thought and discussion by professional people whose decisions influence the performance of agricultural VII V11l PREFACE systems. As such, the book attempts to convey only the -central concepts of management in as simple a language as possible.

Managing Air Quality and Energy Systems

by Brian D. Fath and Sven E. Jørgensen

Bringing together a wealth of knowledge, the Handbook of Environmental Management, Second Edition, gives a comprehensive overview of environmental problems, their sources, their assessment, and their solutions. Through in-depth entries, and a topical table of contents, readers will quickly find answers to questions about pollution and management issues. This six-volume set is a reimagining of the award-winning Encyclopedia of Environmental Management, published in 2013, and features insights from more than 500 contributors, all experts in their fields. The experience, evidence, methods, and models used in studying environmental management is presented here in six stand-alone volumes, arranged along the major environmental systems. Features of the new edition: The first handbook that demonstrates the key processes and provisions for enhancing environmental management. Addresses new and cutting -edge topics on ecosystem services, resilience, sustainability, food-energy-water nexus, socio-ecological systems and more. Provides an excellent basic knowledge on environmental systems, explains how these systems function and offers strategies on how to best manage them. Includes the most important problems and solutions facing environmental management today. In this second volume, Managing Air Quality and Energy Systems, the reader is introduced to the general concepts and processes of the atmosphere, with its related systems. This volume explains how these systems function and provides strategies on how to best manage them. It serves as an excellent resource for finding basic knowledge on the atmosphere, and includes important problems and solutions that environmental managers face today. This book practically demonstrates the key processes, methods, and models used in studying environmental management.

Managing Air Quality and Energy Systems

by Brian D. Fath

Bringing together a wealth of knowledge, the Handbook of Environmental Management, Second Edition, gives a comprehensive overview of environmental problems, their sources, their assessment, and their solutions. Through in-depth entries, and a topical table of contents, readers will quickly find answers to questions about pollution and management issues. This six-volume set is a reimagining of the award-winning Encyclopedia of Environmental Management, published in 2013, and features insights from more than 500 contributors, all experts in their fields. The experience, evidence, methods, and models used in studying environmental management is presented here in six stand-alone volumes, arranged along the major environmental systems. Features of the new edition: The first handbook that demonstrates the key processes and provisions for enhancing environmental management. Addresses new and cutting -edge topics on ecosystem services, resilience, sustainability, food-energy-water nexus, socio-ecological systems and more. Provides an excellent basic knowledge on environmental systems, explains how these systems function and offers strategies on how to best manage them. Includes the most important problems and solutions facing environmental management today. In this second volume, Managing Air Quality and Energy Systems, the reader is introduced to the general concepts and processes of the atmosphere, with its related systems. This volume explains how these systems function and provides strategies on how to best manage them. It serves as an excellent resource for finding basic knowledge on the atmosphere, and includes important problems and solutions that environmental managers face today. This book practically demonstrates the key processes, methods, and models used in studying environmental management.

Managing and Delivering Performance

by Bernard Marr

Performance management is at the top of agendas in most government and public organizations, as well as many not-for-profit organizations. In this follow up to his successful book, Strategic Performance Management, the author focuses on the unique challenges public sector organizations face when tackling the issues of strategic performance management. Drawing on his extensive experience of working with numerous government, public sector, and not-for-profit organizations over the author covers:* The context of decision making in the public sector* The significance of the use of budgeting for performance management, and the impact of performance measurements on budgets* A huge range of underpinning cases and examples from the public sector, including cases on the Home Office and the NHS in the UK, and the US Air ForceFor senior executives in the public sector and government, and for faculty and students in the field this is the authoritative strategic level treatment of this fast-growing area.

Managing and Delivering Performance

by Bernard Marr

Performance management is at the top of agendas in most government and public organizations, as well as many not-for-profit organizations. In this follow up to his successful book, Strategic Performance Management, the author focuses on the unique challenges public sector organizations face when tackling the issues of strategic performance management. Drawing on his extensive experience of working with numerous government, public sector, and not-for-profit organizations over the author covers:* The context of decision making in the public sector* The significance of the use of budgeting for performance management, and the impact of performance measurements on budgets* A huge range of underpinning cases and examples from the public sector, including cases on the Home Office and the NHS in the UK, and the US Air ForceFor senior executives in the public sector and government, and for faculty and students in the field this is the authoritative strategic level treatment of this fast-growing area.

Managing and Engineering Complex Technological Systems

by Avigdor Zonnenshain Shuki Stauber

Presents the origins and evolution of the systems engineering discipline and helps readers gain a personal familiarity with systems engineering experts: their experience, opinions and attitudes in this field This book is based on a qualitative study that includes dozens of in-depth interviews with experts in the systems engineering field. This book is broken into three main parts. The first part is a general overview of the systems engineering field. The second part discusses the changes the systems engineering discipline has undergone with the analysis as case studies of two significant Israeli defence systems projects: the IAI Lavi project and the Iron Dome project. The third part of this book contains interviews with renowned experts in the systems engineering field. This part is divided into five sections: systems engineering as the answer to the challenges of a complex technological world – the aerospace industries; the development of systems engineering in the commercial and industrial worlds, and in complex civil systems; the impact of the accelerated development of the computing world on systems engineering processes; systems engineering and the academic world; and systems engineering in the world of training and consulting. This book presents the main insights derived from the interviews, and an analysis and discussion of the question of the relevance of systems engineering to the management world. Some highlights of this book are that it Integrates the technological aspects with the behavioural aspects of the field Serves managerial needs of engineering and management in general, so managers with no technical background can derive knowledge from this book Provides approaches for seeing beyond technology-understanding the mission Managing and Engineering Complex Technological Systems is a great resource on management for managers as well as systems engineers.

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