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Approximate Computing and its Impact on Accuracy, Reliability and Fault-Tolerance (Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology)

by Gennaro S. Rodrigues Fernanda L. Kastensmidt Alberto Bosio

This book introduces the concept of approximate computing for software and hardware designs and its impact on the reliability of embedded systems. It presents approximate computing methods and proposes approximate fault tolerance techniques applied to programmable hardware and embedded software to provide reliability at low computational costs. The book also presents fault tolerance techniques based on approximate computing, thus presenting how approximate computing can be applied to safety-critical systems.

Approximate Computing Techniques: From Component- to Application-Level

by Alberto Bosio Daniel Ménard Olivier Sentieys

This book serves as a single-source reference to the latest advances in Approximate Computing (AxC), a promising technique for increasing performance or reducing the cost and power consumption of a computing system. The authors discuss the different AxC design and validation techniques, and their integration. They also describe real AxC applications, spanning from mobile to high performance computing and also safety-critical applications.

Approximate Deconvolution Models of Turbulence: Analysis, Phenomenology and Numerical Analysis (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #2042)

by William J. Layton Leo G. Rebholz

This volume presents a mathematical development of a recent approach to the modeling and simulation of turbulent flows based on methods for the approximate solution of inverse problems. The resulting Approximate Deconvolution Models or ADMs have some advantages over more commonly used turbulence models – as well as some disadvantages. Our goal in this book is to provide a clear and complete mathematical development of ADMs, while pointing out the difficulties that remain. In order to do so, we present the analytical theory of ADMs, along with its connections, motivations and complements in the phenomenology of and algorithms for ADMs.

Approximate Global Convergence and Adaptivity for Coefficient Inverse Problems

by Larisa Beilina Michael Victor Klibanov

Approximate Global Convergence and Adaptivity for Coefficient Inverse Problems is the first book in which two new concepts of numerical solutions of multidimensional Coefficient Inverse Problems (CIPs) for a hyperbolic Partial Differential Equation (PDE) are presented: Approximate Global Convergence and the Adaptive Finite Element Method (adaptivity for brevity). Two central questions for CIPs are addressed: How to obtain a good approximations for the exact solution without any knowledge of a small neighborhood of this solution, and how to refine it given the approximation. The book also combines analytical convergence results with recipes for various numerical implementations of developed algorithms. The developed technique is applied to two types of blind experimental data, which are collected both in a laboratory and in the field. The result for the blind backscattering experimental data collected in the field addresses a real world problem of imaging of shallow explosives.

Approximate Iterative Algorithms

by Anthony Louis Almudevar

Iterative algorithms often rely on approximate evaluation techniques, which may include statistical estimation, computer simulation or functional approximation. This volume presents methods for the study of approximate iterative algorithms, providing tools for the derivation of error bounds and convergence rates, and for the optimal design of such

Approximate Models of Mechanics of Composites: An Asymptotic Approach

by Jan Awrejcewicz Igor V. Andrianov Galina A. Starushenko

Approximate Models of Mechanics of Composites: An Asymptotic Approach is an essential guide to constructing asymptotic models and mathematical methods to correctly identify the mechanical behavior of composites. It provides methodology for predicting and evaluating composite behavior in various structures, leading to accurate mathematical and physical assessments. The book estimates the error of approximations through comparing asymptotic solutions with the results of numerical and analytical solutions to gain a holistic view of the data. The authors have developed asymptotic models based on mathematical and physical rigorous approaches, which include three-phase models of fibrous composites, a modernized three-phase composite model with cylindrical inclusions, and models of two-dimensional composites of hexagonal structure. Also covered are two-phase models of composites related to the Maxwell formula and a percolation transition model for elastic problems based on the self-consistency method and Padé approximations. By obtaining analytical expressions to effectively characterize composite materials, their physical and geometric parameters can be accurately assessed. This book suits engineers and students working in material science, mechanical engineering, physics, and mathematics, as well as composite materials in industries such as construction, transport, aerospace, and chemical engineering.

Approximate Models of Mechanics of Composites: An Asymptotic Approach

by Jan Awrejcewicz Igor V. Andrianov Galina A. Starushenko

Approximate Models of Mechanics of Composites: An Asymptotic Approach is an essential guide to constructing asymptotic models and mathematical methods to correctly identify the mechanical behavior of composites. It provides methodology for predicting and evaluating composite behavior in various structures, leading to accurate mathematical and physical assessments. The book estimates the error of approximations through comparing asymptotic solutions with the results of numerical and analytical solutions to gain a holistic view of the data. The authors have developed asymptotic models based on mathematical and physical rigorous approaches, which include three-phase models of fibrous composites, a modernized three-phase composite model with cylindrical inclusions, and models of two-dimensional composites of hexagonal structure. Also covered are two-phase models of composites related to the Maxwell formula and a percolation transition model for elastic problems based on the self-consistency method and Padé approximations. By obtaining analytical expressions to effectively characterize composite materials, their physical and geometric parameters can be accurately assessed. This book suits engineers and students working in material science, mechanical engineering, physics, and mathematics, as well as composite materials in industries such as construction, transport, aerospace, and chemical engineering.

Approximate Reasoning by Parts: An Introduction to Rough Mereology (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #20)

by Lech Polkowski

The monograph offers a view on Rough Mereology, a tool for reasoning under uncertainty, which goes back to Mereology, formulated in terms of parts by Lesniewski, and borrows from Fuzzy Set Theory and Rough Set Theory ideas of the containment to a degree. The result is a theory based on the notion of a part to a degree. One can invoke here a formula Rough: Rough Mereology : Mereology = Fuzzy Set Theory : Set Theory. As with Mereology, Rough Mereology finds important applications in problems of Spatial Reasoning, illustrated in this monograph with examples from Behavioral Robotics. Due to its involvement with concepts, Rough Mereology offers new approaches to Granular Computing, Classifier and Decision Synthesis, Logics for Information Systems, and are--formulation of well--known ideas of Neural Networks and Many Agent Systems. All these approaches are discussed in this monograph. To make the exposition self--contained, underlying notions of Set Theory, Topology, and Deductive and Reductive Reasoning with emphasis on Rough and Fuzzy Set Theories along with a thorough exposition of Mereology both in Lesniewski and Whitehead--Leonard--Goodman--Clarke versions are discussed at length. It is hoped that the monograph offers researchers in various areas of Artificial Intelligence a new tool to deal with analysis of relations among concepts.

Approximation and Complexity in Numerical Optimization: Continuous and Discrete Problems (Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications #42)

by Panos M. Pardalos

There has been much recent progress in approximation algorithms for nonconvex continuous and discrete problems from both a theoretical and a practical perspective. In discrete (or combinatorial) optimization many approaches have been developed recently that link the discrete universe to the continuous universe through geomet­ ric, analytic, and algebraic techniques. Such techniques include global optimization formulations, semidefinite programming, and spectral theory. As a result new ap­ proximate algorithms have been discovered and many new computational approaches have been developed. Similarly, for many continuous nonconvex optimization prob­ lems, new approximate algorithms have been developed based on semidefinite pro­ gramming and new randomization techniques. On the other hand, computational complexity, originating from the interactions between computer science and numeri­ cal optimization, is one of the major theories that have revolutionized the approach to solving optimization problems and to analyzing their intrinsic difficulty. The main focus of complexity is the study of whether existing algorithms are efficient for the solution of problems, and which problems are likely to be tractable. The quest for developing efficient algorithms leads also to elegant general approaches for solving optimization problems, and reveals surprising connections among problems and their solutions. A conference on Approximation and Complexity in Numerical Optimization: Con­ tinuous and Discrete Problems was held during February 28 to March 2, 1999 at the Center for Applied Optimization of the University of Florida.

Approximation Methods in Science and Engineering

by Reza N. Jazar

Approximation Methods in Engineering and Science covers fundamental and advanced topics in three areas: Dimensional Analysis, Continued Fractions, and Stability Analysis of the Mathieu Differential Equation. Throughout the book, a strong emphasis is given to concepts and methods used in everyday calculations. Dimensional analysis is a crucial need for every engineer and scientist to be able to do experiments on scaled models and use the results in real world applications. Knowing that most nonlinear equations have no analytic solution, the power series solution is assumed to be the first approach to derive an approximate solution. However, this book will show the advantages of continued fractions and provides a systematic method to develop better approximate solutions in continued fractions. It also shows the importance of determining stability chart of the Mathieu equation and reviews and compares several approximate methods for that. The book provides the energy-rate method to study the stability of parametric differential equations that generates much better approximate solutions.

Approximation Techniques for Engineers: Second Edition

by Louis Komzsik

This second edition includes eleven new sections based on the approximation of matrix functions, deflating the solution space and improving the accuracy of approximate solutions, iterative solution of initial value problems of systems of ordinary differential equations, and the method of trial functions for boundary value problems. The topics of th

Approximation Techniques for Engineers: Second Edition

by Louis Komzsik

This second edition includes eleven new sections based on the approximation of matrix functions, deflating the solution space and improving the accuracy of approximate solutions, iterative solution of initial value problems of systems of ordinary differential equations, and the method of trial functions for boundary value problems. The topics of th

Approximation Theory: From Taylor Polynomials to Wavelets (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis)

by Ole Christensen Khadija Laghrida Christensen

This concisely written book gives an elementary introduction to a classical area of mathematics – approximation theory – in a way that naturally leads to the modern field of wavelets. The exposition, driven by ideas rather than technical details and proofs, demonstrates the dynamic nature of mathematics and the influence of classical disciplines on many areas of modern mathematics and applications. Featuring classical, illustrative examples and constructions, exercises, and a discussion of the role of wavelets to areas such as digital signal processing and data compression, the book is one of the few to describe wavelets in words rather than mathematical symbols.

Approximation Theory and Algorithms for Data Analysis (Texts in Applied Mathematics #68)

by Armin Iske

This textbook offers an accessible introduction to the theory and numerics of approximation methods, combining classical topics of approximation with recent advances in mathematical signal processing, and adopting a constructive approach, in which the development of numerical algorithms for data analysis plays an important role. The following topics are covered: * least-squares approximation and regularization methods * interpolation by algebraic and trigonometric polynomials * basic results on best approximations * Euclidean approximation * Chebyshev approximation * asymptotic concepts: error estimates and convergence rates * signal approximation by Fourier and wavelet methods * kernel-based multivariate approximation * approximation methods in computerized tomography Providing numerous supporting examples, graphical illustrations, and carefully selected exercises, this textbook is suitable for introductory courses, seminars, and distance learning programs on approximation for undergraduate students.

Approximationstheorie: Tschebyscheffsche Approximation mit Anwendungen (Teubner Studienbücher Mathematik)

by Lothar Collatz Werner Krabs

In neuerer Zeit sind so viele Lehrbücher über Approximationstheorie erschienen, daß man nach der Berechtigung eines weiteren Buches fragen mag. Die Motivie­ rung ergab sich aus der Tatsache, daß sowohl in der Zeitschriftenliteratur über Approximationstheorie als auch in den meisten Lehrbüchern relativ wenig auf die Anwendungen eingegangen wird. Es scheint in der heutigen Zeit eine gewisse Diskrepanz zu bestehen zwischen manchen viel von Mathematikern bearbeiteten Gebieten und den Gebieten, deren mathematische Untersuchung von seiten der Anwendungen aus dringend erwünscht wäre. Die in physikalischen und technischen Fragestellungen auftretenden Approximationsprobleme sind, im Zug der fort­ schreitenden Entwicklung, so vielseitig und oft andersartig als in der bisher ge­ wöhnlich betrachteten Theorie und dabei zugleich häufig mathematisch sehr interessant und tiefliegend, so daß sich hier ein außerordentlich reiches Betäti­ gungsfeld für die mathematische Forschung ergibt. Sehr oft sind wir von Studen­ ten, Diplomanden, Doktoranden nach Themen aus der Approximationstheorie gefragt worden, die zugleich praktische Bedeutung haben, und da hierüber viel­ fach nicht genügend bekannt zu sein scheint, versucht dieses Büchlein, die Lücke zwischen Theorie und Anwendungen ein wenig aufzufüllen. Da bei den Anwen­ dungen von den verschiedenen Approximationsarten die Tschebyscheffsche Approximation, kurz T. A. , die anderen Typen an Bedeutung weit zu übertreffen scheint, befaßt sich das Buch vorwiegend mit der T. A. , und zwar sowohl mit der Theorie als auch mit den Anwendungen. Der Brücke zwischen bei den dienen auch verschiedene Übungsaufgaben am Schluß des Buches.

Apps effektiv managen und vermarkten: Die eigene App erfolgreich veröffentlichen: Von der Konzeption bis zur Vermarktung (

by Max Ott

Lernen Sie Ihre App effektiv, strukturiert und begeisternd weltweit zu vermarkten. In diesem praxisorientierten Buch erhalten Sie einen prägnanten Überblick von der Idee und Konzeption einer App, über die Entwicklung und die Veröffentlichung der App, bis hin zu ihrer Vermarktung und Weiterentwicklung. Um Ihnen den Weg zu Ihrer App so anschaulich wie möglich zu beschreiben, werden wir in diesem Buch den gesamten Lebenszyklus einer App verfolgen. Dabei liegen die Schwerpunkte auf der nachhaltigen Pflege, also dem Management, und dem Marketing. Außerdem lernen wir Methoden zur Formulierung und laufenden Verbesserung des gesamten App-Geschäftsmodells kennen.

Appunti sulle equazioni differenziali ordinarie (UNITEXT)

by Antonio Ambrosetti

Le equazioni differenziali sono un argomento fondamentale non solo della matematica, ma anche della fisica, dell’ingegneria e, in generale, di tutte le scienze. Questo volume intende fornire allo studente una panoramica di alcune tra le più interessanti e suggestive questioni relative alle equazioni differenziali ordinarie trattate da un punto di vista geometrico, aprendo uno sguardo verso l’analisi funzionale. Oltre ai risultati classici sulle equazioni lineari, molto spazio è dato ai problemi nonlineari che spesso non sono oggetto dei corsi istituzionali.L'esposizione è tenuta a un livello semplice in modo che il libro possa essere accessibile a studenti dell’ultimo anno della laurea triennale e della laurea magistrale, offrendo anche spunti per ulteriori approfondimenti.

Aptamers: Biotechnological Applications of a Next Generation Tool

by Gulab Singh Yadav Vikas Kumar Neeraj K. Aggarwal

The book discusses the basics of aptamers and the advent of aptamer-based technology in recent times. The book covers the diverse applications of aptamers, such as in detection of animal and plant pathogens, disease diagnosis and therapeutics, environmental contamination detection etc. Besides these applications, the book also describes the use of these synthetic or modified DNA, as drug delivery vehicles.The different chapters describe how the binding capacity and specificity of aptamers can be exploited in various ways. The book also discusses how these attributes of aptamers can outdo the antibody technology in biomedical and diagnostic solutions. This crisp and concise book gives the readers an insight into the most recent biotechnological applications of aptamers. ​

Aptamers for Medical Applications: From Diagnosis to Therapeutics

by Yiyang Dong

This book outlines comprehensively the main medical uses of aptamers, from diagnosis to therapeutics in fourteen chapters. Pioneering topics covered include aptamer pharmaceuticals, aptamers for malign tumors, aptamers for personalized therapeutics and aptamers for point-of-care testing. The book offers an essential guide for medical scientists interested in developing aptamer-based schemes for better theranostics. It is therefore of interest for not only academic researchers, but also practitioners and medical researchers in various fields of medical science, medical research and bio-analytical chemistry.

Aptamers in Biotechnology (Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology #174)

by Katharina Urmann Johanna-Gabriela Walter

This book reviews the development, characterization and applications of aptamers in different areas of biotechnology ranging from therapeutics to diagnostics and protein purification. Hailed as chemical antibodies, these single-stranded nucleic acid receptors were predicted to supersede antibodies in traditional assays, such as ELISA, within a short time. While this has yet to happen, readers will find in this book a deep insight into the progress of aptamer technology and a critical discussion about the limitations that need to be overcome in order to find wider acceptance and use outside of the still relatively small aptamer-community. This book covers all aspects of aptamer generation and application for the aptamer-experienced reader and curious novice alike, with the addition of an industry perspective on the future of aptamer-use in biotechnology.

Aptasensors for Food Safety: Fundamentals and Applications

by Raju Khan Ayushi Singhal Rajan Sharma Y. S Rajput

This reference book provides updated knowledge on fundamentals and applications of aptasensorsin food science. It discusses aptamer selection strategies including Systematic Evolution of Ligandsthrough EXponential enrichment (SELEX), Capture SELEX, Cell SELEX, and GO SELEX strategiesfor aptasensor design involving well-studied and newly emerged nanomaterials, food analysisfocusing on its safety, aptasensing techniques relevant to detection of food pathogens, pesticides,veterinary drug residues, toxins, heavy metals, allergens, and future perspectives of aptamers infood science and technology. The book focuses on recent developments in aptasensors and their usein detection of contaminants in food. The book is an excellent resource for R&D organizationsdedicated to the development of biosensors in general and aptasensors in particular for the detectionof environmental contaminants in the food supply chain. Also, the contents of the book willbe useful to researchers, postgraduate students, analytical chemists, food scientists, and regulatoryauthorities.

Aptasensors for Food Safety: Fundamentals and Applications

This reference book provides updated knowledge on fundamentals and applications of aptasensorsin food science. It discusses aptamer selection strategies including Systematic Evolution of Ligandsthrough EXponential enrichment (SELEX), Capture SELEX, Cell SELEX, and GO SELEX strategiesfor aptasensor design involving well-studied and newly emerged nanomaterials, food analysisfocusing on its safety, aptasensing techniques relevant to detection of food pathogens, pesticides,veterinary drug residues, toxins, heavy metals, allergens, and future perspectives of aptamers infood science and technology. The book focuses on recent developments in aptasensors and their usein detection of contaminants in food. The book is an excellent resource for R&D organizationsdedicated to the development of biosensors in general and aptasensors in particular for the detectionof environmental contaminants in the food supply chain. Also, the contents of the book willbe useful to researchers, postgraduate students, analytical chemists, food scientists, and regulatoryauthorities.

Aptasensors for Point-of-Care Diagnostics: Fundamentals and Biomedical Applications

by Arpana Parihar

The design and fabrication of aptamer-based biosensors for point-of-care testing of disease diagnostic and prognostic is an upthrust and interdisciplinary area of research. This book covers the design and development of novel cost-effective aptamer-based biosensors for disease diagnostic and prognostic including an understanding of health care management in terms of timely updates of disease situations in a particular geographical area. It also discusses the scaling up and market trend of aptamer-based devices for extension of research from lab to market, and end users. Features: Explains the design and fabrication of aptasensors-based diagnostic devices. Includes novel approaches and comprehensive technology overview for diagnosis management towards early-stage detection of various biomarkers associated with several health conditions. Demonstrates possible benefits of combined diagnostics and therapeutic possibilities using aptamer-based point-of-care technologies devices. Discusses emerging implications and recent advances of biosensing platforms for designing and developing aptamer-based point-of-care testing (POCT) devices. Explores aptamer-based approach to develop advanced platforms for medical applications and open arena for state-of-the-art future research. This book is aimed at researchers and graduate students in biomedical engineering, diagnostics, nanobiotechnology, and materials science.

Aptasensors for Point-of-Care Diagnostics: Fundamentals and Biomedical Applications

The design and fabrication of aptamer-based biosensors for point-of-care testing of disease diagnostic and prognostic is an upthrust and interdisciplinary area of research. This book covers the design and development of novel cost-effective aptamer-based biosensors for disease diagnostic and prognostic including an understanding of health care management in terms of timely updates of disease situations in a particular geographical area. It also discusses the scaling up and market trend of aptamer-based devices for extension of research from lab to market, and end users. Features: Explains the design and fabrication of aptasensors-based diagnostic devices. Includes novel approaches and comprehensive technology overview for diagnosis management towards early-stage detection of various biomarkers associated with several health conditions. Demonstrates possible benefits of combined diagnostics and therapeutic possibilities using aptamer-based point-of-care technologies devices. Discusses emerging implications and recent advances of biosensing platforms for designing and developing aptamer-based point-of-care testing (POCT) devices. Explores aptamer-based approach to develop advanced platforms for medical applications and open arena for state-of-the-art future research. This book is aimed at researchers and graduate students in biomedical engineering, diagnostics, nanobiotechnology, and materials science.

Aqa A Level Chemistry Year 2 Paper 2: (PDF) (Collins Student Support Materials Series)

by Colin Chambers Stephen Whittleton Geoffrey Hallas Andrew Maczek David Nicholls Rob Symonds

Checked by AQA examiners, this is an essential study and revision guide for the 2015 AQA A-level Year 2 Chemistry specification concentrating on organic chemistry and related physical chemistry topics for Paper 2. •Tackle new-style written exam questions with guidance on practical and mathematical skills •Avoid common mistakes and get advice on exams with Exam Notes •Focus on just the content you need with Essential Notes •Memorise terminology for required practicals and mathematical and Working Scientifically aspects •Practise exam-style questions

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