Special Collections

Disability themed Accessible images

Showing 51 through 62 of 62 results

Louis Braille (UEB contracted)

by Rnib

This page shows a portrait of Louis Braille. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left when the image is the correct way up. The image is surrounded by an image border. The image is of his head and some of his shoulders only. His head is pointing forwards. At the top of the image he has red brown, slightly chunky hair. He has strong eyebrows. Both of his eyes are closed. He has pronounced cheekbones and sunken cheeks. He has a neck scarf wrapped around his neck. He wears a heavy jacket and waistcoat which is buttoned up to his neck. His eyes are closed because he was blind from the age of three.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

Louis Braille (large print)

by Rnib

This page shows a portrait of Louis Braille. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left when the image is the correct way up. The image is surrounded by an image border. The image is of his head and some of his shoulders only. His head is pointing forwards. At the top of the image he has red brown, slightly chunky hair. He has strong eyebrows. Both of his eyes are closed. He has pronounced cheekbones and sunken cheeks. He has a neck scarf wrapped around his neck. He wears a heavy jacket and waistcoat which is buttoned up to his neck. His eyes are closed because he was blind from the age of three.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

Albert Einstein (UEB uncontracted)

by Rnib

This image shows a portrait of Albert Einstein. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. He is facing you so all facial features can be found. Only his head, neck and some of his shoulders are shown. His wild white hair is quite long and sticks up. He has a black moustache which is also unruly. He has short black eyebrows and distinctive brown eyes. He wears a brown jacket and a blue tie. His white shirt has a stand up collar which folds over just up from the tie knot. The image is surrounded by an image border.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

Albert Einstein (UEB contracted)

by Rnib

This image shows a portrait of Albert Einstein. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. He is facing you so all facial features can be found. Only his head, neck and some of his shoulders are shown. His wild white hair is quite long and sticks up. He has a black moustache which is also unruly. He has short black eyebrows and distinctive brown eyes. He wears a brown jacket and a blue tie. His white shirt has a stand up collar which folds over just up from the tie knot. The image is surrounded by an image border.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

Albert Einstein (large print)

by Rnib

This image shows a portrait of Albert Einstein. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. He is facing you so all facial features can be found. Only his head, neck and some of his shoulders are shown. His wild white hair is quite long and sticks up. He has a black moustache which is also unruly. He has short black eyebrows and distinctive brown eyes. He wears a brown jacket and a blue tie. His white shirt has a stand up collar which folds over just up from the tie knot. The image is surrounded by an image border.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

Paralympic goalball (UEB Uncontracted)

by Rnib Bookshare

This page shows a goalball court, a goalball, a pair of light-blocking eyeshades and a player rolling a ball. Each image has a dashed line image.Goalball court (left)At the top of the image is a heavy dashed line representing the back of the goal, which stretches across the full width of the court. Slightly down the page is the goal line with goalposts, marked by small circles, to the left and right. Further down are the three players in the team area, shown as crosses (the opposing team down the page are shown as dots). Down again a horizontal line marks the start of the landing area, and another line, called the high ball line, marks the start of the neutral area, which extends down to the heavy horizontal centre line. The lines in the top half of the court are repeated in the bottom half of the court, but the other way around. Goalball (top centre)This is an image of a goalball. It is made from blue rubber and has two bells inside it. There are four holes (shown as small clear circles) on opposite hemispheres to allow the sound of the bells to be heard. It has distinctive lines radiating from a circle in the centre. Light-blocking eyeshades (top right)These eyeshades are seen from the front. Their opaque lens is in the middle of the image. The headband curves round to the top of the image from either side, with a buckle on the one on the left.Goalball player rolling a ball (bottom right)This image shows a goalball player, seen from the side, on the right of the page and a ball on the left.The player's head is at the top of the image facing to the left. He is wearing eyeshades. His body, clothed in a t-shirt, is down the page and he has his arms extending to the right and left with protective pads on his elbows. His legs, further down the page, stretch out to the right and left. He is wearing padded shorts and protective pads on his knees.The player has just rolled the ball to the left, where it can be found moving in the bottom left of the image.

Date Added: 01/27/2022

Paralympic goalball (UEB Contracted)

by Rnib Bookshare

This page shows a goalball court, a goalball, a pair of light-blocking eyeshades and a player rolling a ball. Each image has a dashed line image.Goalball court (left)At the top of the image is a heavy dashed line representing the back of the goal, which stretches across the full width of the court. Slightly down the page is the goal line with goalposts, marked by small circles, to the left and right. Further down are the three players in the team area, shown as crosses (the opposing team down the page are shown as dots). Down again a horizontal line marks the start of the landing area, and another line, called the high ball line, marks the start of the neutral area, which extends down to the heavy horizontal centre line. The lines in the top half of the court are repeated in the bottom half of the court, but the other way around. Goalball (top centre)This is an image of a goalball. It is made from blue rubber and has two bells inside it. There are four holes (shown as small clear circles) on opposite hemispheres to allow the sound of the bells to be heard. It has distinctive lines radiating from a circle in the centre. Light-blocking eyeshades (top right)These eyeshades are seen from the front. Their opaque lens is in the middle of the image. The headband curves round to the top of the image from either side, with a buckle on the one on the left.Goalball player rolling a ball (bottom right)This image shows a goalball player, seen from the side, on the right of the page and a ball on the left.The player's head is at the top of the image facing to the left. He is wearing eyeshades. His body, clothed in a t-shirt, is down the page and he has his arms extending to the right and left with protective pads on his elbows. His legs, further down the page, stretch out to the right and left. He is wearing padded shorts and protective pads on his knees.The player has just rolled the ball to the left, where it can be found moving in the bottom left of the image.

Date Added: 01/27/2022

Paralympic goalball (Large Print)

by Rnib Bookshare

This page shows a goalball court, a goalball, a pair of light-blocking eyeshades and a player rolling a ball. Each image has a dashed line image.Goalball court (left)At the top of the image is a heavy dashed line representing the back of the goal, which stretches across the full width of the court. Slightly down the page is the goal line with goalposts, marked by small circles, to the left and right. Further down are the three players in the team area, shown as crosses (the opposing team down the page are shown as dots). Down again a horizontal line marks the start of the landing area, and another line, called the high ball line, marks the start of the neutral area, which extends down to the heavy horizontal centre line. The lines in the top half of the court are repeated in the bottom half of the court, but the other way around. Goalball (top centre)This is an image of a goalball. It is made from blue rubber and has two bells inside it. There are four holes (shown as small clear circles) on opposite hemispheres to allow the sound of the bells to be heard. It has distinctive lines radiating from a circle in the centre. Light-blocking eyeshades (top right)These eyeshades are seen from the front. Their opaque lens is in the middle of the image. The headband curves round to the top of the image from either side, with a buckle on the one on the left.Goalball player rolling a ball (bottom right)This image shows a goalball player, seen from the side, on the right of the page and a ball on the left.The player's head is at the top of the image facing to the left. He is wearing eyeshades. His body, clothed in a t-shirt, is down the page and he has his arms extending to the right and left with protective pads on his elbows. His legs, further down the page, stretch out to the right and left. He is wearing padded shorts and protective pads on his knees.The player has just rolled the ball to the left, where it can be found moving in the bottom left of the image.

Date Added: 01/27/2022

Paralympic athletics (UEB uncontracted)

by Rnib Bookshare

On this page there are images of a runner with a carbon fibre 'blade', a wheelchair racer, a man throwing a club and a man putting the shot. Each image has a dashed line image border. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. Runner with a blade (top left) This image shows a running man seen from the side. His leg to the right is amputated below the knee and is he wearing a 'blade' (a curving carbon fibre spring). His head is at the top centre of the image, with his body down the page and his arms extending to the left and right. He is wearing a singlet and shorts. One of his legs goes down and left from the knee, to the ground at the bottom of the image. His other leg goes down to the knee, where the 'blade' is fixed. Wheelchair racer (top right) This is an image of a wheelchair racer seen from the side and facing to the right. Her head, wearing a helmet, is at the top centre of the image. Her body curves down the page to the left and her one visible arm extends out to the left. Further down is the chair's large back wheel and to the right is a horizontal section of the chair's structure and a smaller front wheel. Both wheels are touching the surface of the ground at the bottom of the image. Club throwing event (bottom left) The club thrower is seen from the side and facing to the left. His head is at the top centre of the image and his body is down the page. He has one arm going left and up and one going right and down. Down from his body is the seat of the wheelchair and further down its two wheels are touching the ground. The club that he has just thrown backwards over his head is flying through the air in the top right of the image. Shot putting (bottom right) This athlete is about to put the shot (throw a heavy metal ball with a pushing motion). He is a double amputee, having lost his legs from the upper thigh down, and is seated on a high table to bring him up to a suitable height for the event."

Date Added: 01/27/2022

Paralympic athletics (UEB Contracted)

by Rnib Bookshare

On this page there are images of a runner with a carbon fibre 'blade', a wheelchair racer, a man throwing a club and a man putting the shot. Each image has a dashed line image border. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. Runner with a blade (top left) This image shows a running man seen from the side. His leg to the right is amputated below the knee and is he wearing a 'blade' (a curving carbon fibre spring). His head is at the top centre of the image, with his body down the page and his arms extending to the left and right. He is wearing a singlet and shorts. One of his legs goes down and left from the knee, to the ground at the bottom of the image. His other leg goes down to the knee, where the 'blade' is fixed. Wheelchair racer (top right) This is an image of a wheelchair racer seen from the side and facing to the right. Her head, wearing a helmet, is at the top centre of the image. Her body curves down the page to the left and her one visible arm extends out to the left. Further down is the chair's large back wheel and to the right is a horizontal section of the chair's structure and a smaller front wheel. Both wheels are touching the surface of the ground at the bottom of the image. Club throwing event (bottom left) The club thrower is seen from the side and facing to the left. His head is at the top centre of the image and his body is down the page. He has one arm going left and up and one going right and down. Down from his body is the seat of the wheelchair and further down its two wheels are touching the ground. The club that he has just thrown backwards over his head is flying through the air in the top right of the image. Shot putting (bottom right) This athlete is about to put the shot (throw a heavy metal ball with a pushing motion). He is a double amputee, having lost his legs from the upper thigh down, and is seated on a high table to bring him up to a suitable height for the event.

Date Added: 01/27/2022

Paralympic athletics (Large Print)

by Rnib Bookshare

On this page there are images of a runner with a carbon fibre 'blade', a wheelchair racer, a man throwing a club and a man putting the shot. Each image has a dashed line image border. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. Runner with a blade (top left) This image shows a running man seen from the side. His leg to the right is amputated below the knee and is he wearing a 'blade' (a curving carbon fibre spring). His head is at the top centre of the image, with his body down the page and his arms extending to the left and right. He is wearing a singlet and shorts. One of his legs goes down and left from the knee, to the ground at the bottom of the image. His other leg goes down to the knee, where the 'blade' is fixed. Wheelchair racer (top right) This is an image of a wheelchair racer seen from the side and facing to the right. Her head, wearing a helmet, is at the top centre of the image. Her body curves down the page to the left and her one visible arm extends out to the left. Further down is the chair's large back wheel and to the right is a horizontal section of the chair's structure and a smaller front wheel. Both wheels are touching the surface of the ground at the bottom of the image. Club throwing event (bottom left) The club thrower is seen from the side and facing to the left. His head is at the top centre of the image and his body is down the page. He has one arm going left and up and one going right and down. Down from his body is the seat of the wheelchair and further down its two wheels are touching the ground. The club that he has just thrown backwards over his head is flying through the air in the top right of the image. Shot putting (bottom right) This athlete is about to put the shot (throw a heavy metal ball with a pushing motion). He is a double amputee, having lost his legs from the upper thigh down, and is seated on a high table to bring him up to a suitable height for the event.

Date Added: 01/27/2022

Paralympic archery (Large Print)

by Rnib Bookshare

There are two images on this page: an archer in a wheelchair taking aim at the target, and a one-armed archer using his mouth to release an arrow. Each image has a dashed line image border. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up.Archer in a wheelchair - This image is on the left of the page. It shows an archer in a wheelchair. He is facing you but his head is turned to the right, so that only one eye can be found. The archer's head is just above and to the left of the image's centre. Down and to the left is one of his arms. It goes to the left, then bending at the elbow it goes right to his hand, which is obscuring part of his chin and neck. The hand is pulling the string of the bow back and holding the arrow, which he is aiming at a target to the right, beyond the image border. His other arm is stretched out horizontally to the right, where his hand holds the bow's handgrip. The bow has a sight (an aid to accurate aiming) fixed to the handgrip above his hand. The bow arcs left, up and down the page from the archers hand on the right. The bow's string is attached to the tips at the top and bottom of the bow and is being pulled back and tensioned by the archer's hand near his head. The arrow can be found parallel to and above the archer's arm on the right. The archer's body and legs are down the page from his head. He is seated on the wheelchair, which has its wheels to the left and right of his feet.One-armed archer using his mouth to release an arrow - This image, on the right of the page, shows an archer whose arm has been amputated at the shoulder, aiming at a target to the right, beyond the image border. He is standing facing you with his head turned to the right on the left centre of the image. He is wearing a baseball cap with the peak to the back and he has a beard. He is holding the knock (slotted end) of the arrow in his mouth, the string of the bow pulled back under tension, the arrow going across the page horizontally to the right. The archer's arm goes across the page from below his chin to the handgrip of the bow on the right; to the left he has a leather chest protector strapped on. The bow arcs left, up and down the page from the archers hand on the right. It has a sight attached to the handgrip. The bow's string is attached to the tips at the top and bottom

Date Added: 01/27/2022

Showing 51 through 62 of 62 results