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Books for children with Autism

Showing 26 through 34 of 34 results

Different Like Me

by Marc Thomas and Jennifer Elder

Different Like Me introduces children aged 8 to 12 years to famous, inspirational figures from the world of science, art, math, literature, philosophy and comedy. Eight-year-old Quinn, a young boy with Asperger's Syndrome, tells young readers about the achievements and characteristics of his autism heroes, from Albert Einstein, Dian Fossey and Wassily Kandinsky to Lewis Carroll, Benjamin Banneker and Julia Bowman Robinson, among others. All excel in different fields, but are united by the fact that they often found it difficult to fit in-just like Quinn. Fully illustrated in colour and written in child-friendly language, this book will be a wonderful resource for children, particularly children with autism, their parents, teachers, carers and siblings.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

Different Like Me

by Marc Thomas and Jennifer Elder

Different Like Me introduces children aged 8 to 12 years to famous, inspirational figures from the world of science, art, math, literature, philosophy and comedy. Eight-year-old Quinn, a young boy with Asperger's Syndrome, tells young readers about the achievements and characteristics of his autism heroes, from Albert Einstein, Dian Fossey and Wassily Kandinsky to Lewis Carroll, Benjamin Banneker and Julia Bowman Robinson, among others. All excel in different fields, but are united by the fact that they often found it difficult to fit in-just like Quinn. Fully illustrated in colour and written in child-friendly language, this book will be a wonderful resource for children, particularly children with autism, their parents, teachers, carers and siblings.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

The Obsessive Joy of Autism (PDF)

by Julia Bascom

'Being autistic, to me, means a lot of different things, but one of the best things is that I can be so happy, so enraptured about things no one else understands and so wrapped up in my own joy that, not only does it not matter that no one else shares it, but it can become contagious. This is the part about autism that I can never explain. This is the part I never want to lose.' Julia Bascom's depiction of the joy of autistic obsessions tells a story about autism that is very rarely told. It tells of a world beyond impairments and medical histories, where the multiples of seven can open a floodgate of untranslatable joy, where riding a train can make everything feel perfectly sized and full of light, and where flapping your hands just so amplifies everything you feel. The Obsessive Joy of Autism will resonate powerfully with other autistic people, and encourage those who have a person with autism in their lives to look out for that joy, to chase it, to get obsessed.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

He’s Not Naughty!

by Deborah Brownson

Taryn and Jake are best friends who have lots of similarities and lots of differences. One of the differences is that Jake has autism and Taryn doesn't, which means they can act differently sometimes. Taryn knows that people with autism are often mistaken for being naughty when it's actually a natural way for their brain to react. Fed up with everyone not understanding, Taryn decides to let the world know why Jake isn't naughty! Join Taryn as she candidly explains her understanding of autism, and why there's always a reason behind everything Jake does.This distinctively illustrated book is a quick and quirky way to explain to friends and family why children with autism behave the way they do. Unique visuals provide a great sense of what it's truly like to have autism, making this the perfect book for children aged 6-10 to learn about autism.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

M is for Autism

by Vicky Martin and The Students of Limpsfield Grange School

Written by the students of Limpsfield Grange School for girls with autism, M is for Autism is a truly authentic coming-of-age novel that shows what it's really like to grow up feeling a bit different. Why is being normal so easy for everyone else? Will finally getting a label help M to make sense of it all? What does normal even mean anyway?

Date Added: 01/28/2022

The Ice-Cream Sundae Guide to Autism

by Debby Elley and Tori Houghton

Autism is a bit like an ice-cream sundae. There are lots of ingredients that go into it. There are so many types of sundae glasses out there. Some are plain and simple, some are loud and proud! In fact, sundae glasses are a bit like people - we're all different. Because we all have different personalities, autism doesn't look the same in everybody.This picture-led book uses ice-cream sundae ingredients to represent various aspects of autism such as sensory differences, special interests or rigidity of thinking, explaining the different facets of autism in a neutral way. The reader can create their own individual 'ice-cream sundae' to illustrate their personal strengths and challenges, highlighting how it makes them unique and helping to build confidence and self-awareness. It includes colourful illustrations and workbook activities to help children cement their understanding of autism.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

Autism: I See Things Differently

by Pat Thomas

This reassuring picture book explains autism in simple terms. It explores how children with autism might feel and suggest ways for other children to consider this child's feelings. The questions surrounding this condition are made accessible and approachable. This book is written largely from the child's perspective. It's meant to be read with your child, or with a group of children, in a way that allows the child to open up about what he or she thinks and feels. Questions in a "What about you?" sections provide useful prompts for discussion.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

The Autism Detective

by Elaine Brownless

"Dear Kit and Scully, your mission is to learn about autism. On this quest you will need to investigate the human brain and learn about diversity."What do you know about autism? Whether you know a little or a lot, you are invited to explore your understanding of the autism spectrum and discover something new by joining detectives Scully and Kit on their investigation. As Scully and Kit interview six ordinary children, follow the clues and see if you can guess which of them are autistic. This book puts the spotlight on six children that openly talk about their experiences at school and at home. By the end of the book, two children reveal what autism means to them. Read this alone or with an adult and learn about autism, diversity, how we are all unique and what we all share.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

Autistic Planet

by Jennifer Elder

Autistic Planet is a world where trains run to time, people working in offices have rocking chairs, and all kids dream of winning the chess World Cup. Join us on a journey to this alternative reality, where being different is ordinary, and being "typical" is unheard of! This book is full of colour illustrations and written in child-friendly rhyme.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

Showing 26 through 34 of 34 results