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When You Reach Me

by Rebecca Stead

Miranda's life is starting to unravel. Her best friend, Sal, gets punched by a kid on the street for what seems like no reason, and he shuts Miranda out of his life. The key that Miranda's mum keeps hidden for emergencies is stolen. And then a mysterious note arrives:'I am coming to save your friend's life, and my own.I ask two favours. First, you must write me a letter.'The notes keep coming, and Miranda slowly realises that whoever is leaving them knows things no one should know. Each message brings her closer to believing that only she can prevent a tragic death. Until the final note makes her think she's too late.


by Susan Cooper Joseph Delaney Berlie Doherty Jamila Gavin Matt Haig Robin Jarvis Derek Landy Sam Llewellyn Mal Peet Philip Reeve Eleanor Updale

Derek Landy, Philip Reeve, Joseph Delaney, Susan Cooper, Eleanor Updale, Jamila Gavin, Mal Peet, Matt Haig, Berlie Doherty, Robin Jarvis and Sam Llewellyn have come together to bring you eleven ghost stories: from a ghost walk around York; to a drowned boy, who's determined to find someone to play with; to a lost child trapped in a mirror, ready to pull you in; to devilish creatures, waiting with bated breath for their next young victim; to an ancient woodland reawakened. Some will make you scream, some will make you shiver, but all will haunt you gently long after you've put the book down.

Liar and Spy

by Rebecca Stead

When Georges moves into a new apartment block he meets Safer, a twelve-year-old self-appointed spy. Soon Georges has become his spy recruit. His first assignment? To track the mysterious Mr X, who lives in the flat upstairs. But as Safer becomes more demanding, Georges starts to wonder: what is a game and what is a lie? How far is too far to go for your only friend?Winner of the Guardian Children's Fiction Prize and shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal.'A joy to read' Independent 'Rebecca Stead makes writing this well look easy' Philip Ardagh, Guardian 'Exactly what I would have wanted to read in my early teens. It feels sophisticated and clever and knowing without being too grown-up and dark' Viv Groskop, Observer When You Reach Me was a New York Times bestseller, won the Newbery Medal and was shortlisted for the Waterstone's Children's Book Prize.

The Sultan's Tigers

by Josh Lacey

The tiger is yours and you must come to take him. His jaw and chest are covered with fine jewels, rubies and emeralds . . . You must bring yourself to India and find this tiger.Tom Trelawney discovers an incredible family secret. While serving as a soldier in India one of his ancestors stole and then hid a precious, jewel-encrusted tiger. The tiger is one of eight - all identical - that once surrounded the throne of a legendary sultan. Now a ruthless Indian billionaire is attempting to collect the full set - and only one is still missing . . .With his roguish Uncle Harvey in tow, Tom sets off to find this family treasure. But they're not the only people looking for it . . .

The Dogs of Winter

by Bobbie Pyron

When Mishka is abandoned on the streets of Moscow he falls in with a gang of other homeless children, hoping they’ll give him a chance of survival. But as winter freezes the city and food becomes scarce, he is left alone, to fend for himself.Help comes in an unexpected form: Mishka is adopted by a pack of dogs. The creatures quickly become more than just his street companions, they are his family. But he can’t stay hidden from the world for ever . . .


by Sam Gayton

Inspired by Gulliver’s Travels, Lilliput is an exhilarating adventure filled with cunning escape plans, evil clockmakers and very talkative parrots. Join Lily as she travels over rooftops, down chimneys and into chocolate shops on a journey to find the one place in the world where she belongs . . . Home.'An undertaking of which Swift himself would have approved' Irish Times'Spirited and clever tribute to the original' Daily Mail

Spy Another Day

by Philip Caveney

After the thrills and spills of his adventure on Terror Island, Kip is reluctant to allow Mr Lazarus to send him into another movie - but Beth has other ideas, particularly when she discovers The Paramount Picture Palace is planning to show the latest film in the Jason Corder series, Spy Another Day. Its star, Daniel Crag, has always been Beth's favourite screen actor. When Mr Lazarus asks her to obtain Corder's ID card, she agrees to go in and Kip feels duty-bound to accompany her. But what should have proved a simple visit ends in disaster when Kip and Beth are separated and find themselves in different parts of the same film. Can they find their way through all the dangers of a spy movie and defeat the evil genius, Doctor Leo Kasabian, before the final credits roll and they are trapped there . . . forever?

Buttons: A World Champion's Story (Shire Library)

by Alan Meredith Gillian Meredith

Buttons have been made from almost every known material. Their study provides insight into fashion trends, the clothing industry and social history in general. This book introduces an array of these treasures from the past, to show the variety of materials and the intricate design and workmanship incorporated in the making of the button.


by Neil Gaiman Dave McKean

When a young girl ventures through a hidden door, she finds another life with shocking similarities to her own.Coraline has moved to a new house with her parents and she is fascinated by the fact that their 'house' is in fact only half a house! Divided into flats years before, there is a brick wall behind a door where once there was a corridor. One day it is a corridor again and the intrepid Coraline wanders down it. And so a nightmare-ish mystery begins that takes Coraline into the arms of counterfeit parents and a life that isn't quite right.Can Coraline get out? Can she find her real parents? Will life ever be the same again?

Holes (Newbery Ser.)

by Louis Sachar

Stanley Yelnat's family has a history of bad luck going back generations, so he is not too surprised when a miscarriage of justice sends him to Camp Green Lake Juvenile Detention Centre. Nor is he very surprised when he is told that his daily labour at the camp is to dig a hole, five foot wide by five foot deep, and report anything that he finds in that hole. The warden claims that it is character building, but this is a lie and Stanley must dig up the truth. In this wonderfully inventive, compelling novel that is both serious and funny, Louis Sachar has created a masterpiece that will leave all readers amazed and delighted by the author's narrative flair and brilliantly handled plot.

Witch Child (Young Adult Cassette Librariestm Ser.)

by Celia Rees

When Mary sees her grandmother accused of witchcraft and hanged for the crime, she is silently hurried to safety by an unknown woman. The woman gives her tools to keep the record of her days - paper and ink. Mary is taken to a boat in Plymouth and from there sails to the New World where she hopes to make a new life among the pilgrims. But old superstitions die hard and soon Mary finds that she, like her grandmother, is the victim of ignorance and stupidity, and once more she faces important choices to ensure her survival. With a vividly evoked environment and characters skilfully and patiently drawn, this is a powerful literary achievement by Celia Rees that is utterly engrossing from start to finish.

Clover Twig and the Perilous Path

by Kaye Umansky

Clover Twig - clever, neat, responsible, is still in the employ of Mrs Eckles, chaotic, cantankerous, and a witch. One day, Granny Dismal, a witch from the neighbouring village, warns them that the Perilous Path has been seen in the woods. As its name indicates, it leads nowhere good, and also has a habit of sneaking up on you. And then little Herby, Clover's baby brother, goes missing ...A very funny witch-filled romp, featuring Clover, Mrs Eckles and the return of Mrs Eckles's wicked revenge-driven witch sister, Mesmeranza ...

Tales of Terror from the Black Ship (Tales Of Terror Ser. #1)

by Chris Priestley

At the Old Inn, which clings precariously to a cliff top above a storm-lashed ocean, two sick children are left alone while their father fetches the doctor. Then a visitor comes begging for shelter, and so begins a long night of storytelling, in which young Ethan and Cathy, who have an unnatural appetite for stories of a macabre persuasion, sit out the last throes of the storm in the company of a sailor with more than enough grisly tales to satisfy them.But something about this sailor puts Ethan on edge, and he becomes increasingly agitated for his father's return. Only when the storm blows itself out can Ethan relax - but not for long, for the new dawn opens the children's eyes to a truth more shocking, more distressing than anything they heard the night before.

Madame Pamplemousse and Her Incredible Edibles

by Rupert Kingfisher Sue Hellard

Madame Pamplemousse is the story of Madeleine, forced to work in her unpleasant uncle's horrible restaurant, The Squealing Pig. By chance she comes across the most marvellous shop, run by Madame Pamplemousse, which is quiet, discreet, yet full of delicious and otherworldly 'edibles' - Pterodactyl Bacon, Scorpion Tails in Smoked Garlic Oil, and Great Squid Tentacle in Jasmine-Scented Jelly. A quiet comradeship develops between Madeleine, Madame Pamplemousse, and Madame's cat, Camembert. And together they create some wonderful culinary magic. Exquisite, beautifully formed prose that has echoes of Angela Carter belies a narrative that is full of pace. A wonderful fairy tale that will appeal to both adults and children.

Princess Academy: New Edition (Princess Academy #No. 1)

by Shannon Hale

Fourteen-year-old Miri lives on a mountain where her ancestors have quarried stone and lived in poverty for generations. Then just before winter's first snowfall, a delegation from the lowlands arrive with exciting news. The king's priests have divined that her small village is the home of the future princess. In a year's time, the prince will come himself and chose his bride from among the girls of the village. The king's ministers set up an academy on the mountain, where every girl of age will be sent to learn the skills of a princess. But there is no way Miri can prepare herself for what lies in store.

More Sideways Arithmetic from Wayside School: More Than 50 Brainteasing Math Puzzles (Wayside School Ser.)

by Louis Sachar

Welcome back to maths class at Wayside School. How much is PEPPERS + PIG LIPS? If Jenny's shirt has sparkles on it, will Todd have egg in his hair? These Sideways Arithmetic problems may look puzzling at first, but you can use real maths to solve them, and the answers are perfectly logical. There are lots of clues and hints, plus all the answers are right there in the book. Best of all, the children you have read about in the other books about Wayside School are here to help you! Try solving these, and more than fifty other maths brainteasers, along with the kids from Mrs. Jewls's class. You'll learn a lot about maths but you'll be laughing too much to notice!

Sideways Arithmetic from Wayside School: More than 50 mindboggling maths puzzles! - Rejacketed (Wayside School Ser.)

by Louis Sachar

Why does elf + elf = fool?How many meals will Miss Mush, the lunch teacher, have to cook for the food to taste as bad as it smells?These Sideways Arithmetic problems may look puzzling at first, but you can use real maths to solve them, and the answers are right there in the book. There are lots of clues and hints; plus all the answers are in the back of the book. Best of all, all the kids you read about in the other books about Wayside School are here to help you!Try solving this, and more than fifty other maths brainteasers, along with the kids from Mrs Jewls's class. You'll learn a lot about maths but you'll be laughing too much to notice!

H.I.V.E. 4: Dreadnought (H. I. V. E. Ser. #4)

by Mark Walden

A renegade faction of the world's most powerful villains is intent on destroying G.L.O.V.E. (Global League Of Villainous Enterprises) and showing the world the true face of evil. The Disciples begin by hijacking Diabolus Darkdoom's Airborne command post, then they kidnap his son and his son's best friend. Unfortunately for them, Nigel Darkdoom (and Franz) also happen to be Otto's friends.Heading out to America, Otto, Wing et al embark on a perilous and highly unauthorised rescue operation. Cut off from the support of H.I.V.E. and on the run from American security forces the hunt for their friends leads to one of the US military's most secret facilities. It becomes clear that the Disciples are not all they appear and in a desperate race against time Otto must work out who his real friends are to prevent the Disciples from completing their true objective. Only Otto can save the world from domination by a sinister new world order but it might be that the price he has to pay is just too high. When it comes to the crunch will he be prepared to sacrifice himself?

H.I.V.E.: Higher Institute Of Villainous Education (H. I. V. E Ser. #1)

by Mark Walden

H.I.V.E. (Higher Institute of Villainous Education) is a top-secret school of applied villainy where children with a precocious gift for wrongdoing are sent to develop their talents into criminal mastermind. After all, 'villains have the best lines and wear the best costumes'. One small catch is that the children cannot leave until training is complete, six years later. With villainy comes a certain freedom of thought, and every year one student in particular will show exceptional talent - after all, it takes the best to produce the worst. This year there are two students: Otto Malpense and his new friend Wing Fanchu are both exceptionally bad, and they are definitely not keen on being held against their will for six long years . . .

H.I.V.E. 3: Escape Velocity (H. I. V. E. Ser. #3)

by Mark Walden

Pupils and staff at HIVE are horrified to discover that Dr Nero has been captured by the forces of HOPE, the Hostile Operative Prosecution Executive, the world's newest and most ruthlessly efficient security force. Three months pass without any news of his fate, and Number One has decided to appoint a sinister new headmistress for the school, somebody that the pupils and staff had thought that they'd seen the last of. Meanwhile Otto is also struggling to cope with new abilities that are starting to manifest themselves; can he really be unconsciously interfacing with computers without physical contact? And if he is, what exactly do these new powers really mean?The only way to find Nero and the truth behind the lies is to escape HIVE. Otto must get out, and take the risks which come with being a rogue agent. Then he just has to break into MI6.

H.I.V.E. 5: Rogue (H. I. V. E. Ser. #5)

by Mark Walden

The leaders of the world's villainous forces are being picked off one by one in a series of mysterious attacks and Dr Nero is forced to take temporary control of G.L.O.V.E. when Diabolus Darkdoom is seriously injured. He then discovers that Otto, who has now been missing for several months since Dreadnought, is leading the attacks. Under pressure from the remaining members of the ruling council, Nero is left with no choice but to issue a capture or kill order for Otto. Wing learns of the order and persuades Raven to allow him to join her on her mission to retrieve Otto. Other members of the ruling council, suspicious of Nero's relationship with the boy, have initiated their own missions to eliminate Otto. Wing and Raven find themselves in a deadly race against time to track Otto down before the other G.L.O.V.E. assassins get to him. Their pursuit takes them to a secret facility hidden deep within the Amazon rainforest, where they face a mysterious operative even deadlier than Raven. Meanwhile back at H.I.V.E., the school's own automated defence systems turn against the pupils and staff. And there is no one there to stop it.

The Wide-Awake Princess: A Tale Of The Wide-awake Princess (The Wide-Awake Princess #1)

by E. D. Baker

E.D. Baker pulls out all the stops in this brilliant version of a classic tale. It's a little known fact that Sleeping Beauty's younger sister, Annie, is the one who must save the day and rescue her from the evil curse. Annie is impervious to ALL magic - good and bad - and is the only one left awake when her sister pricks that finger. She sets off through the kingdom to find her sister's true love, the only person who can wake her and reverse the spell. Annie is joined by a handsome prince in disguise as she tackles Hansel and Gretel (and their witch), and many other fabulously familiar fairytale characters. Full of Baker's trademark humour, plot twists, and with a funny and strong female lead, this will charm fans of The Frog Princess, and bring in many new ones.

The Grasshopper's Run

by Siddhartha Sarma

Just as the invasion begins, an ambitious and vicious Japanese officer orders the massacre of a village of the Ao Naga tribe. Among those killed is Uti, grandson of the eldest Ao chief.Gojen is his best friend, and on hearing the news of Uti's death he is unable to stay in school in Calcutta and so returns to the ancestral home, where he embarks on a gruelling journey of revenge.As the war unfolds and Gojen finds himself ever more embroiled in the battles and struggles for survival, it soon becomes clear that he is fighting for more than his homeland and the memory of his dead friend.

Small Steps (Readers Circle Ser.)

by Louis Sachar

Armpit and X-Ray are living in Austin, Texas. It is three years since they left the confines of Camp Green Lake Detention Centre and Armpit is taking small steps to turn his life around. He is working for a landscape gardener because he is good at digging holes, he is going to school and he is enjoying his first proper romance, but is he going to be able to stay out of trouble when there is so much building up against him?In this exciting novel, Armpit is joined by many vibrant new characters, and is learning what it takes to stay on course, and that doing the right thing is never the wrong choice.

There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom

by Louis Sachar

"Give me a dollar or I'll spit on you." That's Bradley Chalker for you. He is the oldest child in the class. He tells enormous lies. He picks fights with girls, and the teachers say he has 'serious behaviour problems'. No one likes him - except Carla, the new school counsellor. She thinks Bradley is sensitive and generous, and she even enjoys his far-fetched stories. Carla knows that Bradley could change, if only he weren't afraid to try. Sometimes the hardest thing in the world is believing in yourself.

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