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Against All Things Ending: The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant (The\last Chronicles Of Thomas Covenant #Bk. 3)

by Stephen Donaldson

Stephen Donaldson returns to the internationally bestselling story of Thomas Covenant and The Land in this awesome, cataclysmic adventureDesperate for help to find her adopted son, Jeremiah, Linden Avery has resurrected Thomas Covenant in a cataclysmic exertion of Earthpower and wild magic. But the consequences of her efforts are more terrible than she could have imagined.Sorcery on that scale has awakened the Worm of the World's End: the ultimate end of all Time, and therefore of all life, has been set in motion. And on a more personal level, the results are no less extreme. The stress of reincarnation so many centuries after his death has fractured Covenant's mind. He cannot tell Linden where to find her son. And his leprosy has renewed its grip on him, inexorably killing his nerves. The Ranyhyn had tried to warn her.Now, plunged to depths of desperation and despair for which she is entirely unprepared, Linden seeks radical responses to the dilemmas she has created. Searching for Jeremiah, and accompanied only by a few friends and allies - some of them unwilling - she takes chances that threaten her sanity, forcing her to confront the Land's most fearsome secrets. Dreadful futures hinge on all of her choices, and she and her companions are driven beyond the limits of their endurance.Yet she still walks paths laid out for her by the Despiser, and his forces are ready ...

Bronze Summer: The Northland Trilogy (The\northland Trilogy Ser. #2)

by Stephen Baxter

Centuries have passed. The wall that Ana's people built has long outlasted her and history has been changed. The British Isles are still one with the European mainland and Doggerland has become a vibrant and rich land. So rich that it has drawn the attention of the Greeks. An invasion is mounted and soon Greek Biremes are grinding ashore on a coastline we never knew and the world will be changed for ever.Stephen Baxter's new series catapults forward from pre-history into the ancient world and charts a new and wonderful story for our world. This is a superb example of Baxter's belief that anything is possible for mankind - even making a new world.

Iron Winter (Northland #3)

by Stephen Baxter

The final volume in the millennia-spanning trilogy about an England with a very different history to our ownMany generations ago the Wall was first built to hold back the sea. Northland, a country of fertile plains and ancient forests rescued from the ocean, has become a thriving civilisation based on trade, technology and tradition, centred on the ancient home of the first builders, Etxelur. The whole of Europe, spanned by the Northlanders' steam caravan lines, has been changed in ways that could never have been predicted. But nothing can last forever, not even the Wall. The weather is changing, growing colder, and in the wake of the long winters come famine, destruction and terror. And as whole nations are forced out of their lands and head for warmer climes, it seems that even Northland may not be able to endure.

The Chosen Seed: The Dog-Faced Gods Book Three (DOG-FACED GODS TRILOGY #3)

by Sarah Pinborough

His nephew has been kidnapped and, as he works desperately to save Luke, Detective Inspector Cass Jones has been framed for murder. He's on the run, being hunted by former colleagues, and is unwelcome wherever he goes ... until he gets help from a very unexpected figure from his past. Detectives Hask and Ramsey are on a different case - searching for the killer behind the lethal Strain II virus currently sweeping its way through London ... a search which throws up an unexpected clue that suggests Cass might be innocent of murder after all. But when they're ordered not to investigate further, they realise the mystery behind the murder is far greater than they thought.Somehow it's linked to Mr Bright, and to the Network which manipulates everyone from the shadows. A rift is growing between these rival factions as Strain II takes a firmer hold on the city, and as the Interventionists warn of a final battle which will bring them all together - or, once and for all, tear everything apart.Cass Jones is going up against The Bank and its sinister employees one last time. He needs every ally he can get, and this time he means to find answers - even if he has to uncover the true history of humanity to do it. And the more he learns, the more everything hinges on finding Luke ...Set in a future that's close enough to touch, Sarah Pinborough's series combines the streetwise grime of a George Pelecanos mystery with the near-future dystopian setting of Richard Morgan.

On the Steel Breeze (Poseidon's Children Ser. #2)

by Alastair Reynolds

A thousand years in the future, mankind's influence expands into the universe. Alastair Reynolds' epic vision of our journey into deep space will redefine Space Opera.Chiku Yellow is earthbound: living a peaceful life on a changing world as humanity explores a thousand new ways to experience life. Chiku Red is space-bound: blasted into deep space to investigate Eunice Akinya's last journey, and maybe discover the final secrets of space travel.Chiku Green is planet-bound: travelling thousands of lightyears to the planet Crucible. A new home for humankind; it's a habitable planet hosting a fascinating alien labyrinth.All three are Chiku Akinya.All three are pivotal to our future in space.All three are in danger ...

Midnight Crossroad: Now a major new TV series: MIDNIGHT, TEXAS (Midnight, Texas #1)

by Charlaine Harris

The first book in Charlaine Harris's bestselling paranormal mystery series about a small town where only outsiders fit in - now adapted into major TV series Midnight, Texas on SyFy UKFrom Charlaine Harris, the bestselling author who created Sookie Stackhouse, the world of Bon Temps, Louisiana, comes a new, darker world - populated by more strangers than friends. But then, that's how the locals prefer it.Welcome to Midnight, Texas, a town with many boarded-up windows and few full-time inhabitants, located at the crossing of Witch Light Road and Davy Road. It's a pretty standard dried-up western town.There's a pawnshop (someone lives in the basement and is seen only at night). There's a diner (people who are just passing through tend not to linger). And there's new resident Manfred Bernardo, who thinks he's found the perfect place to work in private (and who has secrets of his own).Stop at the one traffic light in town, and everything looks normal. Stay awhile, and learn the truth...

Definitely Dead: A True Blood Novel (Sookie Stackhouse #6)

by Charlaine Harris

Sookie doesn't have that many relations, so she hated to lose one - but of all the people to go, she didn't expect it to be her cousin Hadley, a consort of New Orleans' vampire queen - after all, Hadley was technically already dead.But she is gone, beyond recall, and she's left Sookie an inheritance - one that comes with a bit of a risk - not least because someone doesn't want Sookie digging too deep into Hadley's past - or her possessions.Sookie's life is once again on the line, and this time the suspects range from the rogue werewolves who have rejected Sookie as a friend of the pack to her first love, the vampire Bill.Sookie's got a lot to do if she's going to keep herself alive ...The Sookie Stackhouse books are delightful Southern Gothic supernatural mysteries, starring Sookie, the telepathic cocktail waitress, and a cast of increasingly colourful characters, including vampires, werewolves and things that really do go bump in the night.

Slave to Sensation: Book 1 (The Psy-Changeling Series #1)

by Nalini Singh

In a world that denies emotions, where the ruling Psy punish any sign of desire, Sascha Duncan must conceal the feelings that brand her as flawed. To reveal them would be to sentence herself to the horror of 'rehabilitation' - the complete psychic erasure of her personality ...Both human and animal, Lucas Hunter is a Changeling hungry for the very sensations the Psy disdain. After centuries of uneasy co-existence, these two races are now on the verge of war over the brutal murder of several Changeling women. Lucas is determined to find the Psy killer who butchered his packmate, and Sascha is his ticket into their closely guarded society. But he soon discovers that this ice-cold Psy is very capable of passion - and that the animal in him is fascinated by her.Caught between their conflicting worlds, Lucas and Sascha must remain bound to their identities - or sacrifice everything for a taste of darkest temptation ...

Caressed by Ice: Book 3 (The Psy-Changeling Series #3)

by Nalini Singh

As an Arrow, an elite soldier in the Psy Council ranks, Judd Lauren was forced to do terrible things in the name of his people. Now a defector, his dark abilities have made him the most deadly of assassins - cold, pitiless, unfeeling. Until he meets Brenna ...Brenna Shane Kincaid was an innocent before she was abducted - and had her mind violated - by a serial killer. Her sense of evil runs so deep, she fears she could become a killer herself. Then the first dead body is found, victim of a familiar madness. Judd is her only hope, yet her sensual changeling side rebels against the inhuman chill of his personality, even as desire explodes between them. Shocking and raw, their passion is a danger that threatens not only their hearts, but their very lives ...

Archangel's Kiss: Book 2 (The Guild Hunter Series #2)

by Nalini Singh

Welcome to a dark new world where lethal, beautiful archangels hold sway over immortals and mortals both, with the Guild Hunters caught in between, tasked with retrieving those vampires who break their contracts with their angelic masters.Elena Deveraux is a Guild Hunter. She was hired to do the impossible - to hunt down a rogue Archangel - and she suceeded where none had believed she could. But in the process, she fell in love. And not just with anyone: with the Archangel Raphael. It is a love that's as powerful, entrancing and incredible as it is terrifying, and dangerous.But the world won't stand still while Elena and Raphael enjoy their new-found love. Vampires and angels still go rogue, and it's still Elena's job to hunt them down, and return them to their angelic masters. For all that she is exceptional, Elena isn't invulnerable - and the more obvious her talents become, the bigger a target she could find herself ...

Dead Reckoning: A True Blood Novel (Sookie Stackhouse #11)

by Charlaine Harris

There's a reckoning on the way ...... and Sookie has a knack for being in trouble's way; not least when she witnesses the firebombing of Merlotte's, the bar where she works. Since Sam Merlotte is known to be two-natured, suspicion immediately falls on the anti-shifters in the area. Sookie suspects otherwise, but before she can investigate something else - something even more dangerous - comes up.Sookie's lover Eric Northman and his 'child' Pam are plotting something in secret. Whatever it is, they seem determined to keep Sookie out of it; almost as determined as Sookie is to find out what's going on. She can't sit on the sidelines when both her work and her love life under threat - but as she's gradually drawn into their plans Sookie finds the situation is deadlier than she could ever have imagined.

Blue Diablo: Corine Solomon: Book One (Corine Solomon #1)

by Ann Aguirre

'Right now, I'm a redhead. I've been blonde and brunette as the situation requires, though an unscheduled colour change usually means relocating in the middle of the night. So far, I'm doing well here. Nobody knows what I'm running from. And I'd like to keep it that way.'Eighteen months ago, Corine Solomon crossed the border to Mexico City, fleeing her past, her lover, and her 'gift' - for Corine is a handler: she can touch something and know its history, and sometimes, its future. Using her ability, she can find the missing - and that's why people never stop trying to find her. People like her ex, Chance ...Chance's uncanny luck has led him to her doorstep. He needs her help. Someone dear to them both has gone missing in Laredo, Texas, and the only hope of finding her is through Corine's gift. But their search is going to get dangerous as the trail leads them into a strange dark world of demons and sorcerers, ghosts and witchcraft, zombies - and the blackest of black magic.

Hell Fire: Corine Solomon: Book Two (Corine Solomon #2)

by Ann Aguirre

As a handler, Corine Solomon can touch any object and know its history. It's too bad she can't seem to forget her own. With her ex-boyfriend Chance in tow - lending his particularly supernatural brand of luck - Corine journeys back home to Kilmer, Georgia, in order to discover the truth behind her mother's death and the origins of her 'gift'.But while trying to uncover the secrets in her past, Corine and Chance find that something is rotten in the state of Georgia. Just a few miles away, no one seems to know Kilmer exists. And inside the town borders there are signs of a dark curse affecting the town and all its residents - and it can only be satisfied with death ...

Shady Lady: Corine Solomon: Book Three (Corine Solomon #3)

by Ann Aguirre

Whenever Corine Solomon touches an object, she immediately knows its history. But her own future concerns her more and more. Now back in Mexico, she's running her pawnshop and trying to get a handle on her strange new powers, for she might need them. And soon.Then former ally Kel Ferguson walks through her door. Heavily muscled and tattooed, Kel looks like a convict but calls himself a holy warrior. This time, he carries a warning for Corine: the Montoya cartel is coming for her - but they don't just pack automatic weapons. The Montoyas use warlocks, shamans, voodoo priests - anything to terminate trouble. And Corine has become enemy number one ...

Friday Night Bites: A Chicagoland Vampires Novel (Chicagoland Vampires Series #2)

by Chloe Neill

VAMPIRES IN CHICAGO!You'd think a headline like that would have made the fine citizens of the Windy City to take up arms against us bloodsucking fiends. Instead, ten months later, we're enjoying celebrity statue and fending off the paparazzi, who are only slightly less dangerous than angry stake-wielding slayers. Don't get me wrong - Joe Public isn't exactly thrilled to be living side by side with the undead, but at least they haven't stormed the castle ... not yet ... But it could be a matter of time. There's a first-time reporter sniffing around vampire society, and if he uncovers the Raves - mass feeding parties, where vampires round humans up like cattle and drink themselves silly. The fact that it's majorly frowned upon by vamp society won't make a difference to that kind of a headline, or a new reporter who's out to impress his family.So now my 'master' - the centuries-old yet gorgeously well-preserved Ethan Sullivan - wants me to reconnect with my own upper-class family and act as liaison between humans and vampire ... and use the opportunity to keep the less savoury aspects of vamp existence out of the media spotlight. Tough job, when it seems someone doesn't want vamps and humans to play nicely - someone with a serious, ancient grudge ...

The Hero of Ages: Mistborn Book Three (Mistborn #3)

by Brandon Sanderson

Tricked into releasing the evil spirit Ruin while attempting to close the Well of Ascension, new emperor Elend Venture and his wife, the assassin Vin, are now hard-pressed to save the world.This adventure brings the Mistborn epic fantasy trilogy to a dramatic and surprising climax as Sanderson's saga offers complex characters and a compelling plot, asking hard questions about loyalty, faith and responsibility.

Crimes by Moonlight: Mysteries From The Dark Side

by Charlaine Harris

Nighttime is the perfect time for the perfect crime. #1 SUNDAY TIMES and NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author Charlaine Harris edits and contributes an all-new story - set in her Sookie Stackhouse universe, now filmed as TRUE BLOOD - to this anthology from the Mystery Writers of America.Other authors include:Steve Brewer, Dana Cameron, Max Allan Collins and Mickey Spillane, Barbara D'Amato, Brendan DuBois, Terrie Farley Moran, Jack Fredrickson, Parnell Hall, Carolyn Hart, S. W. Hubbard, Toni L. P. Kelner, Lou Kemp, William Kent Kreuger, Harley Jane Kozak, Margaret Maron, Martin Meyers, Jeffrey Somers, Elaine Viets and Mike Wiecek

Grave Surprise (Harper Connelly #2)

by Charlaine Harris

A bolt of lightning struck Harper Connelly when she was 15, leaving her with a strange spider web of red on her torso and right leg, episodes of weakness, shakes and headaches - and an ability to find dead people.Harper is summoned to Memphis to demonstrate her unique talent, but there are still plenty of sceptics, even as Harper stands atop a grave and announces there are two bodies buried there. The police are convinced there's something fishy going on when the grave is opened to reveal the centuries-dead remains of a man, which they'd expected (that being his grave, after all) and a dead girl, which no one expected - except Harper, of course. And suspicions are raised even further because Harper had failed to find eleven-year-old Tabitha Morgenstern when she was abducted two years before.Harper and Tolliver need to find the real killer to prove Harper's innocence, especially after their nocturnal visit to the cemetery in hopes that Harper can sense something more is followed by the discovery, the following morning, of a third dead body in the grave ...

Magic Bites: A Kate Daniels Novel: 1 (Kate Daniels Novel Ser. #1)

by Ilona Andrews

Kate Daniels is about to enter a world of gritty magic and dangerous mystery! Vampires, necromancers and mages abound on the city streets, with one kickass heroine in the middleFuture Atlanta is an interesting place to live: one moment magic dominates, and cars stall and guns fail. The next, technology takes over and the defensive spells no longer protect your house from monsters.Here skyscrapers topple under the onslaught of magic; the Pack, a paramilitary clan of shapechangers, prowl through the ruined streets; and the Masters of the Dead, necromancers driven by their thirst for knowledge and wealth, pilot blood-crazed vampires with their minds. Kate Daniels likes her sword a little too much, and she has a hard time controlling her mouth. The magic in her blood makes her a target, and she's spent most of her life hiding in plain sight. But when Kate's guardian is murdered, she must choose to do nothing, and remain safe, or to risk her life by pursuing his preternatural killer. Hiding is easy, but the right choice is rarely easy ...Readers are hooked on Magic Bites:'Everything in this story has an edge to it . . . there is humour, but it's of the drier, more wry, and grimmer variety . . . The stakes are particularly high in this novel, in ways that you need to read to find out' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'[Kate] is tough, smart, mouthy and a little arrogant. She is my favourite kind of heroine. She doesn't give in to lengthy emotional blabbering or emotional breakdowns so I love her!' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'I want to add a gazillion more starts to my rating . . . I love the concept of the shifting magic and technology' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Kate is a kickass heroine. She knows how to use her sword better than she knows how to walk in high heels. She is fierce, strong, reliable, faithful to her friends' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 'I love this book. I love this world. I love Kate. It's still my favourite series. It's fantastic, it's a great start, and if you haven't read it yet, DO IT. And then remember that the books just get better from here, exponentially better' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Blackveil (Green Rider Ser. #Bk. 4)

by Kristen Britain

Karigan G'ladheon was a regular girl until she stumbled across a dying man. There were two arrows embedded in his back, and wherever his horse was taking him, he was going to die before they got there.He gave Karigan his horse, his cloak and his brooch - the symbol that he was one of the King's Green Riders - and, with them, his mission. To deliver a message to the King. He made her swear to do it ... even though the Shadow Man who killed him would be hot on her trail. That mission made her a Green Rider.Now, her first legendary mission is long complete. Karigan has learnt to wield the magic her Green Rider brooch allows her to access, and she's used it to defy some of the most terrifying dark magicians of the age. But while Mornhavon the Black has gone, he's not defeated. His restless spirit haunts Blackveil, the lethal, corrupt forest that stands beyond a failing magical wall at the edge of King Zachary's territory. Karigan's destiny is leading her there, and when her King asks her to join a mission to Blackveil to save the remnants of a dying race, it seems she has little choice but to follow it ...

Green Rider (Green Rider Ser. #Bk. 1)

by Kristen Britain

Karigan G'ladheon always seemed to be getting into a fight, and today was no exception. But as she trudged through the forest, using her long walk home to contemplate her depressing future - and the expulsion it was bound to hold - a horse burst through the woodland and charged straight for her. The rider was slumped over his mount's neck with two arrows embedded in his back. Wherever his horse was taking him, he would be dead before they got there.There's nothing Karigan can do, as the young man lies dying on the road. He had sworn to carry out his mission as a Green Rider - one of the legendary messengers of the king - and he has a life or death message that must reach King Zachary. Karigan may be unable to save him, but she can deliver his message. He makes her swear to it, to keep it secret and, with his last breath, he warns her to 'beware the shadow man ...'Pursued by an unknown assassin, following a path only her horse seems to know, and accompanied by the silent specter of the original messenger, Karigan is going to become a legendary Green Rider herself. Caught up in a world of deadly danger and complex magic, compelled by forces she cannot understand, her simple promise to deliver a letter is about to become a race against time ... and a race for her life ...

First Rider's Call (Green Rider Ser. #Bk. 2)

by Kristen Britain

Karigan may have heard the First Rider's call, but she's not about to let it take over her life ... ... or at least that's what she thinks. She swore to complete a dying man's mission - to deliver a sealed letter to King Zachary. Now that task, more dangerous than she could have imagined, is complete and her work is done, Karigan wants to leave the dangerous world of tainted magic and ancient magicians behind her and return home. Exhausted in both body and spirit, she plans to return to her quiet life and her father's business.But it proves no match for the Rider's call; ghostly hoofbeats sounding in her mind, visions of the freedom of the open road, all calling her back to the king's service as a Green Rider. Karigan resists it, but when she wakes up to find herself - in her nightdress - on horseback and halfway across the country, her destiny is clear: she is a Green Rider.As she discovers, it's not a good time to be called to serve. For a thousand years the D'Yer Wall, a physical and magical barrier protecting the land from the ancient, corrupted Blackveil Forest, has held. For a thousand years the forest, an arboreal prison containing one of Sacoridia's greatest enemies, has been quiet. Not any more. The wall has been breached, unnatural, lethal creatures are finding their way into Sacoridia, a dark sentience is stirring, and the Green Rider magic itself is failing. And in the midst of it all, Karigan is about to be called to her duty ...

The High King's Tomb (Green Rider Ser. #Bk. 3)

by Kristen Britain

With the ghostly help of the First Rider, Karigan G'ladheon had transported the corrupt spirit of Mornhavon the Black into the future, buying valuable time for her king and country.But how far in the future is Mornhavon now? A hundred years? Ten years? Only one year? There's no way to tell. So though the immediate threat has passed, Mornhavon's shadow still lies heavily on the land, and on their minds ... although there are threats closer to home as well. The D'Yer Wall, protecting Sacoridia from the dark, corrupted Blackveil forest, remains breached despite Karigan and her fellow Riders best efforts. They've scoured the land searching for lost documents and magical clues to help mend the breach, fend off any incursions from Blackveil Forest and, more pressingly, protect them from Mornhavon's return.Nor is the breach in the wall the only danger. Mornhavon may have gone, but the descendants of his people remain and they're ready to claim the land that their forefathers failed to conquer. These vengeful enemies, hidden within the peaceful borders of Sacoridia, have spent generations honing their dark magic ready to strike - and ensuring that their blow, when it comes, will be one that Karigan and the Sacordians have no defence against ...

Play of Passion: Book 9 (The Psy-Changeling Series #9)

by Nalini Singh

Passion and reason collide with explosive force in the newest installment of Nalini Singh's 'mesmerizing' Psy-Changeling series. As a conflict with Pure Psy looms on the horizon, two powerful wolves fight a far more intimate war of their own ...In his position as tracker for the SnowDancer pack, it's up to Drew Kincaid to rein in rogue changelings who have lost control of their animal halves - even if it means killing those who have gone too far. But nothing in his life has prepared him for the battle he must now wage to win the heart of a woman who makes his body ignite ... and who threatens to enslave his wolf.Lieutenant Indigo Riviere doesn't easily allow skin privileges, especially of the sensual kind - and the last person she expects to find herself craving is the most wickedly playful male in the den. Everything she knows tells her to pull back before the flames burn them both to ash ... but she hasn't counted on Drew's will.Now, two of SnowDancer's most stubborn wolves find themselves playing a hot, sexy game even as lethal danger stalks the very place they call home ...

Changing Planes: Stories (Gollancz S. F. Ser.)

by Ursula K. Le Guin

ARMCHAIR TRAVEL FOR THE MIND:It was Sita Dulip who discovered, whilst stuck in an airport, unable to get anywhere, how to change planes - literally. With a kind of a twist and a slipping bend, easier to do than describe, she could go anywhere - be anywhere - because she was already between planes ... and on the way back from her sister's wedding, she missed her plane in Chicago and found herself in Choom.The author, armed with this knowledge and Rornan's invaluable Handy Planetary Guide - although not the Encyclopedia Planeria, as that runs to forty-four volumes - has spent many happy years exploring places as diverse as Islac and the Veksian plane.CHANGING PLANES is an intriguing, enticing mixture of GULLIVER'S TRAVELS and THE HITCH-HIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY; a cross between Douglas Adams and Alain de Botton: a mix of satire, cynicism and humour by one of the world's best writers.

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