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Flow chart example (UEB contracted)

by Rnib Bookshare

On this page is a flowchart showing the making of a lemon cake. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. The chart is on the left of the page and the labels describing the chart are to the right. The chart runs vertically from the top left of the page to the bottom, each stage being represented by various shaped boxes with text in them. Start with the sausage shaped box at the top and follow the arrows. With the diamond-shaped decision box, there will be more than one set of arrows to follow.

Gaseous exchange in the alveolus (UEB Contracted)

This is an image of gaseous exchange in the alveolus. It is a multi-page image set on two pages, a key and then the diagram page. A locator dot and title are shown on both pages. These must always be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. Key to gaseous exchange in the alveolus. This page shows the symbols and textures used on the diagram page. A sample of the texture is on the left with its description on the right. Gaseous exchange in the alveolus. This diagram shows the principle of the movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the alveolus in relation to a capillary. The diagram is surrounded by an image border. Air moves in and out of the alveolus through the bronchiole, at the top centre of the diagram. The circular alveolus is in the centre of the diagram. A capillary goes from the left centre of the diagram, around the bottom edge of the alveolus, to the right side. There are circular red blood cells in the capillary. As they move around the alveolus from left to right, carbon dioxide from the red blood cells diffuses into the alveolus, and then oxygen diffuses from the alveolus into the red blood cells.

Gaseous exchange in the alveolus (Large Print)

This is an image of gaseous exchange in the alveolus. It is a multi-page image set on two pages, a key and then the diagram page. A locator dot and title are shown on both pages. These must always be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. Key to gaseous exchange in the alveolus. This page shows the symbols and textures used on the diagram page. A sample of the texture is on the left with its description on the right. Gaseous exchange in the alveolus. This diagram shows the principle of the movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the alveolus in relation to a capillary. The diagram is surrounded by an image border. Air moves in and out of the alveolus through the bronchiole, at the top centre of the diagram. The circular alveolus is in the centre of the diagram. A capillary goes from the left centre of the diagram, around the bottom edge of the alveolus, to the right side. There are circular red blood cells in the capillary. As they move around the alveolus from left to right, carbon dioxide from the red blood cells diffuses into the alveolus, and then oxygen diffuses from the alveolus into the red blood cells.

Flow chart example (UEB uncontracted)

by Rnib Bookshare

On this page is a flowchart showing the making of a lemon cake. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. The chart is on the left of the page and the labels describing the chart are to the right. The chart runs vertically from the top left of the page to the bottom, each stage being represented by various shaped boxes with text in them. Start with the sausage shaped box at the top and follow the arrows. With the diamond-shaped decision box, there will be more than one set of arrows to follow.

Gaseous exchange in the alveolus (UEB Uncontracted)

This is an image of gaseous exchange in the alveolus. It is a multi-page image set on two pages, a key and then the diagram page. A locator dot and title are shown on both pages. These must always be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. Key to gaseous exchange in the alveolus. This page shows the symbols and textures used on the diagram page. A sample of the texture is on the left with its description on the right. Gaseous exchange in the alveolus. This diagram shows the principle of the movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the alveolus in relation to a capillary. The diagram is surrounded by an image border. Air moves in and out of the alveolus through the bronchiole, at the top centre of the diagram. The circular alveolus is in the centre of the diagram. A capillary goes from the left centre of the diagram, around the bottom edge of the alveolus, to the right side. There are circular red blood cells in the capillary. As they move around the alveolus from left to right, carbon dioxide from the red blood cells diffuses into the alveolus, and then oxygen diffuses from the alveolus into the red blood cells.

Gantt chart example (large print)

by Rnib Bookshare

This page shows an example of a Gantt chart. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. The short text descriptions down the left of the page relate to the row of boxes (or cells) opposite in the grid at the right. Each represents a step in the process of making a cake. Across the top of the page, the time is shown in intervals of five minutes. Below this is the grid in which some of the boxes are filled with textures. The textured cells in each row show how long each step will take and when it will start and end. So, for example, the third stage down Break open eggs, refers to the fourth cell to the right. By moving up to the scale at the top, you can see that this step will take five minutes to complete and will run from minute 15 to minute 20 in the cake-making process.

Gantt chart example (UEB contracted)

by Rnib Bookshare

This page shows an example of a Gantt chart. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. The short text descriptions down the left of the page relate to the row of boxes (or cells) opposite in the grid at the right. Each represents a step in the process of making a cake. Across the top of the page, the time is shown in intervals of five minutes. Below this is the grid in which some of the boxes are filled with textures. The textured cells in each row show how long each step will take and when it will start and end. So, for example, the third stage down Break open eggs, refers to the fourth cell to the right. By moving up to the scale at the top, you can see that this step will take five minutes to complete and will run from minute 15 to minute 20 in the cake-making process.

Gantt chart example (UEB uncontracted)

by Rnib Bookshare

This page shows an example of a Gantt chart. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. The short text descriptions down the left of the page relate to the row of boxes (or cells) opposite in the grid at the right. Each represents a step in the process of making a cake. Across the top of the page, the time is shown in intervals of five minutes. Below this is the grid in which some of the boxes are filled with textures. The textured cells in each row show how long each step will take and when it will start and end. So, for example, the third stage down Break open eggs, refers to the fourth cell to the right. By moving up to the scale at the top, you can see that this step will take five minutes to complete and will run from minute 15 to minute 20 in the cake-making process.

Great Britain and Ireland annual precipitation (UEB Contracted)

This is a multi-page image of annual precipitation in Great Britain and Ireland, set on two pages. There are locator dots shown, which will be at the top left of each page when the images are the right way up. Great Britain and Ireland map: This page shows a map of Great Britain and Ireland only. It has a dashed line image border and a north arrow. The map of Great Britain and Ireland is in the middle of the page and extends to the top and bottom of the page. Mainland Great Britain is to the right and separated from Ireland by the Irish Sea. The north arrow is in the top right corner of the page and is framed by an image border. Great Britain and Ireland annual precipitation: This page shows a map of Great Britain and Ireland indicating rainfall in different areas. It has a key, a north arrow and a dashed line image border. The key is at the top left of the page. On the left, it shows examples of the textures (colours) used to indicate levels of rainfall, on the map, with descriptive labels to the right. The key is framed by an image border. Britain and Ireland are in the centre of the page and extend to the top and bottom of the page with mainland Britain on the right and Ireland on the left. In the top right corner of the diagram the north arrow is framed by an image border.

Great Britain and Ireland July temperatures (UEB Uncontracted)

This is a multi-page image of Great Britain and Ireland July temperatures, set on two pages. There are locator dots shown, which will be at the top left of each page when the images are the right way up. Great Britain and Ireland map: This page shows a map of Great Britain and Ireland. It has a dashed line image border and a north arrow. The map is in the middle of the page and extends to the top and bottom of the page. Mainland Great Britain is to the right and separated from Ireland by the Irish Sea. The north arrow is in the top right corner of the page and is framed by an image border. Great Britain and Ireland July temperatures: This is a map of Great Britain and Ireland with a dashed line image border and a north arrow. Great Britain and Ireland are in the centre of the page extending to the top and bottom. Ireland is on the left and Britain on the right separated by the Irish Sea. There are six heavy dashed lines representing isotherms (lines of equal temperature) shown on the map. Most of these run from east to west, although two of the lines form closed loops; these are indicated by labels on the right. In the top right corner is a north arrow enclosed by a dashed line image border.

The human lungs (UEB Contracted)

This diagram shows the lungs and the respiratory tract seen from the front. A locator dot and title are shown. These must always be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. At the top centre of the image is the hyoid bone, which lies at the back of the mouth where the throat begins. The first part of the tract is wider as it is shared with the start of the food passageway. The cartilage of the larynx is followed by thick lines of cartilage which are the rings that keep the trachea open. In the centre of the image, the trachea divides into the left and right bronchi which lead to the left and right lungs. The right lung (on the left of the page) has three lobes. The left lung (on the right of the page) has two lobes. The bottom left of this lung has a large curved indentation which is where the heart is positioned.

The human lungs (UEB Uncontracted)

This diagram shows the lungs and the respiratory tract seen from the front. A locator dot and title are shown. These must always be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. At the top centre of the image is the hyoid bone, which lies at the back of the mouth where the throat begins. The first part of the tract is wider as it is shared with the start of the food passageway. The cartilage of the larynx is followed by thick lines of cartilage which are the rings that keep the trachea open. In the centre of the image, the trachea divides into the left and right bronchi which lead to the left and right lungs. The right lung (on the left of the page) has three lobes. The left lung (on the right of the page) has two lobes. The bottom left of this lung has a large curved indentation which is where the heart is positioned.

The human respiratory system (UEB Contracted)

This diagram shows the anatomy of the human respiration system. A locator dot and title are shown. These must always be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. There is an outline of the head, the chest and upper arms surrounded by an image border. The chest is facing you and the head is turned to face the left side of the page. The head is shown in cross section so you can follow the respiratory tract in through the nose, and just below, in through the mouth past the teeth and tongue to join the nasal passageway at the back of the throat. The tract branches left as the respiratory tract and oesophagus (food pathway) split. Only the beginning of the oesophagus is shown. After this split the respiratory tract widens, this is where the larynx (voice box) is. The neck and chest are shown opened but not in cross section so the external appearance of the organs can be seen. The respiratory tract goes down and in the centre of the image splits into two smaller tracts, one going to the lung on the left and one to the lung on the right. The respiratory tract has rings of cartilage so the pathway is kept open. The heart can be found between the lower parts of the lungs. Below this is a thick line representing the diaphragm. The cut sections of the ribs surround the lungs to the left and right.

Level 1 NVQ/SVQ Diploma Painting and Decorating (PDF)

by Kevin Jarvis Steve Olsen

Heinemann's learner-focused painting and decorating resources are now available for the Level 1 NVQ/SVQ Diploma This tailor-made textbook for the Level 1 learner covers all the content from the Diploma specification and making sure candidates get the right tools for the job.

Great Britain and Ireland July temperatures (UEB Contracted)

This is a multi-page image of Great Britain and Ireland July temperatures, set on two pages. There are locator dots shown, which will be at the top left of each page when the images are the right way up. Great Britain and Ireland map: This page shows a map of Great Britain and Ireland. It has a dashed line image border and a north arrow. The map is in the middle of the page and extends to the top and bottom of the page. Mainland Great Britain is to the right and separated from Ireland by the Irish Sea. The north arrow is in the top right corner of the page and is framed by an image border. Great Britain and Ireland July temperatures: This is a map of Great Britain and Ireland with a dashed line image border and a north arrow. Great Britain and Ireland are in the centre of the page extending to the top and bottom. Ireland is on the left and Britain on the right separated by the Irish Sea. There are six heavy dashed lines representing isotherms (lines of equal temperature) shown on the map. Most of these run from east to west, although two of the lines form closed loops; these are indicated by labels on the right. In the top right corner is a north arrow enclosed by a dashed line image border.

High and low pressure belts (UEB Contracted)

The image on this page is of the Earth and shows belts of high and low pressure and prevailing winds. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. There are labels to the left of the page. In the centre there is a disc with horizontal bands of texture representing the planet Earth with high and low air pressure areas. On the disc, there are curved lines with arrowheads showing the directions of prevailing winds. There is also a heavy dashed horizontal straight line showing the Equator with horizontal dashed lines up and down the page from this showing the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. To the right of this are curved lines with arrowheads showing rising and descending air.

Great Britain and Ireland January temperatures (UEB Uncontracted)

This is a multi-page image of Great Britain and Ireland January temperatures, set on two pages. There are locator dots shown, which will be at the top left of each page when the images are the right way up.Great Britain and Ireland map: This page shows a map of Britain and, Ireland. It has a dashed line image border and a north arrow. The map of Britain and, Ireland is in the middle of the page and extends to the top and bottom of the page. Mainland Great Britain is to the right and separated from Ireland by the Irish Sea. The north arrow is in the top right corner of the page and is framed by an image border. Great Britain and Ireland January temperatures: This is a map of Britain and, Ireland with a dashed line image border and a north arrow. Great Britain and Ireland are in the centre of the page extending to the top and bottom. Ireland is on the left and Great Britain on the right separated by the Irish Sea. There are five heavy dashed lines representing isotherms (lines of equal temperature) shown on the map. These run approximately north to south, although one of these, in the centre of Ireland, is a closed loop. The temperature labels are to be found to the bottom and to the right of the land mass. In the top right corner is a north arrow enclosed by a dashed line image border.

The human lungs (Large Print)

This diagram shows the lungs and the respiratory tract seen from the front. A locator dot and title are shown. These must always be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. At the top centre of the image is the hyoid bone, which lies at the back of the mouth where the throat begins. The first part of the tract is wider as it is shared with the start of the food passageway. The cartilage of the larynx is followed by thick lines of cartilage which are the rings that keep the trachea open. In the centre of the image, the trachea divides into the left and right bronchi which lead to the left and right lungs. The right lung (on the left of the page) has three lobes. The left lung (on the right of the page) has two lobes. The bottom left of this lung has a large curved indentation which is where the heart is positioned.

Great Britain and Ireland annual precipitation (UEB Uncontracted)

This is a multi-page image of annual precipitation in Great Britain and Ireland, set on two pages. There are locator dots shown, which will be at the top left of each page when the images are the right way up. Great Britain and Ireland map: This page shows a map of Great Britain and Ireland only. It has a dashed line image border and a north arrow. The map of Great Britain and Ireland is in the middle of the page and extends to the top and bottom of the page. Mainland Great Britain is to the right and separated from Ireland by the Irish Sea. The north arrow is in the top right corner of the page and is framed by an image border. Great Britain and Ireland annual precipitation: This page shows a map of Great Britain and Ireland indicating rainfall in different areas. It has a key, a north arrow and a dashed line image border. The key is at the top left of the page. On the left, it shows examples of the textures (colours) used to indicate levels of rainfall, on the map, with descriptive labels to the right. The key is framed by an image border. Britain and Ireland are in the centre of the page and extend to the top and bottom of the page with mainland Britain on the right and Ireland on the left. In the top right corner of the diagram the north arrow is framed by an image border.

Great Britain and Ireland January temperatures (UEB Contracted)

This is a multi-page image of Great Britain and Ireland January temperatures, set on two pages. There are locator dots shown, which will be at the top left of each page when the images are the right way up.Great Britain and Ireland map: This page shows a map of Britain and, Ireland. It has a dashed line image border and a north arrow. The map of Britain and, Ireland is in the middle of the page and extends to the top and bottom of the page. Mainland Great Britain is to the right and separated from Ireland by the Irish Sea. The north arrow is in the top right corner of the page and is framed by an image border. Great Britain and Ireland January temperatures: This is a map of Britain and, Ireland with a dashed line image border and a north arrow. Great Britain and Ireland are in the centre of the page extending to the top and bottom. Ireland is on the left and Great Britain on the right separated by the Irish Sea. There are five heavy dashed lines representing isotherms (lines of equal temperature) shown on the map. These run approximately north to south, although one of these, in the centre of Ireland, is a closed loop. The temperature labels are to be found to the bottom and to the right of the land mass. In the top right corner is a north arrow enclosed by a dashed line image border.

The human respiratory system (UEB Uncontracted)

This diagram shows the anatomy of the human respiration system. A locator dot and title are shown. These must always be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. There is an outline of the head, the chest and upper arms surrounded by an image border. The chest is facing you and the head is turned to face the left side of the page. The head is shown in cross section so you can follow the respiratory tract in through the nose, and just below, in through the mouth past the teeth and tongue to join the nasal passageway at the back of the throat. The tract branches left as the respiratory tract and oesophagus (food pathway) split. Only the beginning of the oesophagus is shown. After this split the respiratory tract widens, this is where the larynx (voice box) is. The neck and chest are shown opened but not in cross section so the external appearance of the organs can be seen. The respiratory tract goes down and in the centre of the image splits into two smaller tracts, one going to the lung on the left and one to the lung on the right. The respiratory tract has rings of cartilage so the pathway is kept open. The heart can be found between the lower parts of the lungs. Below this is a thick line representing the diaphragm. The cut sections of the ribs surround the lungs to the left and right.

High and low pressure belts (Large Print)

The image on this page is of the Earth and shows belts of high and low pressure and prevailing winds. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. There are labels to the left of the page. In the centre there is a disc with horizontal bands of texture representing the planet Earth with high and low air pressure areas. On the disc, there are curved lines with arrowheads showing the directions of prevailing winds. There is also a heavy dashed horizontal straight line showing the Equator with horizontal dashed lines up and down the page from this showing the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. To the right of this are curved lines with arrowheads showing rising and descending air.

Great Britain and Ireland annual precipitation (Large Print)

This is a multi-page image of annual precipitation in Great Britain and Ireland, set on two pages. There are locator dots shown, which will be at the top left of each page when the images are the right way up. Great Britain and Ireland map: This page shows a map of Great Britain and Ireland only. It has a dashed line image border and a north arrow. The map of Great Britain and Ireland is in the middle of the page and extends to the top and bottom of the page. Mainland Great Britain is to the right and separated from Ireland by the Irish Sea. The north arrow is in the top right corner of the page and is framed by an image border. Great Britain and Ireland annual precipitation: This page shows a map of Great Britain and Ireland indicating rainfall in different areas. It has a key, a north arrow and a dashed line image border. The key is at the top left of the page. On the left, it shows examples of the textures (colours) used to indicate levels of rainfall, on the map, with descriptive labels to the right. The key is framed by an image border. Britain and Ireland are in the centre of the page and extend to the top and bottom of the page with mainland Britain on the right and Ireland on the left. In the top right corner of the diagram the north arrow is framed by an image border.

High and low pressure belts (UEB Uncontracted)

The image on this page is of the Earth and shows belts of high and low pressure and prevailing winds. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. There are labels to the left of the page. In the centre there is a disc with horizontal bands of texture representing the planet Earth with high and low air pressure areas. On the disc, there are curved lines with arrowheads showing the directions of prevailing winds. There is also a heavy dashed horizontal straight line showing the Equator with horizontal dashed lines up and down the page from this showing the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. To the right of this are curved lines with arrowheads showing rising and descending air.

Great Britain and Ireland July temperatures (Large Print)

This is a multi-page image of Great Britain and Ireland July temperatures, set on two pages. There are locator dots shown, which will be at the top left of each page when the images are the right way up. Great Britain and Ireland map: This page shows a map of Great Britain and Ireland. It has a dashed line image border and a north arrow. The map is in the middle of the page and extends to the top and bottom of the page. Mainland Great Britain is to the right and separated from Ireland by the Irish Sea. The north arrow is in the top right corner of the page and is framed by an image border. Great Britain and Ireland July temperatures: This is a map of Great Britain and Ireland with a dashed line image border and a north arrow. Great Britain and Ireland are in the centre of the page extending to the top and bottom. Ireland is on the left and Britain on the right separated by the Irish Sea. There are six heavy dashed lines representing isotherms (lines of equal temperature) shown on the map. Most of these run from east to west, although two of the lines form closed loops; these are indicated by labels on the right. In the top right corner is a north arrow enclosed by a dashed line image border.

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