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Wolves of Mercy Falls, Book 2: Linger (PDF)

by Maggie Stiefvater

In Shiver, Grace and Sam found each other. Now, in Linger, they must fight to be together. For Grace, this means defying her parents and keeping dangerous secrets. For Sam, it means grappling with his werewolf past ... and figuring out a way to survive the future. But just when they manage to find happiness, Grace finds herself changing in ways she could never have expected...

Wolves of Mercy Falls, Book 3: Forever (PDF)

by Maggie Stiefvater

In 'Shiver', Grace and Sam found each other. In 'Linger', they fought to be together. Now, the stakes are even higher than before. Wolves are being hunted. Lives are being threatened. And love is harder and harder to hold on to as death comes closing in.

The Woman in Black

by Susan Hill

Arthur Kipps, a junior solicitor, is summoned to attend the funeral Mrs Alice Drablow, the house's sole inhabitant of Eel Marsh House, unaware of the tragic secrets which lie hidden behind the shuttered windows. The house stands at the end of a causeway, wreathed in fog and mystery, but it is not until he glimpses a wasted young woman, dressed all in black, at the funeral, that a creeping sense of unease begins to take hold, a feeling deepened by the reluctance of the locals to talk of the woman in black - and her terrible purpose.

The Woman in Black

by Susan Hill

Arthur Kipps, a junior solicitor, is summoned to attend the funeral Mrs Alice Drablow, the house's sole inhabitant of Eel Marsh House, unaware of the tragic secrets which lie hidden behind the shuttered windows. The house stands at the end of a causeway, wreathed in fog and mystery, but it is not until he glimpses a wasted young woman, dressed all in black, at the funeral, that a creeping sense of unease begins to take hold, a feeling deepened by the reluctance of the locals to talk of the woman in black - and her terrible purpose.

Wordsworth Classics: Pride and Prejudice (PDF)

by Jane Austen

Pride and Prejudice, which opens with one of the most famous sentences in English Literature, is an ironic novel of manners. In it the garrulous and empty-headed Mrs Bennet has only one aim - that of finding a good match for each of her five daughters. In this she is mocked by her cynical and indolent husband. With its wit, its social precision and, above all, its irresistible heroine, Pride and Prejudice has proved one of the most enduringly popular novels in the English language.

Wordsworth Classics: The Great Gatsby (PDF)

by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Generally considered to be F. Scott Fitzgerald's finest novel, The Great Gatsby is a consummate summary of the roaring twenties, and a devastating expose of the Jazz Age.

Wuthering Heights (Collins Classroom Classics Ser.)

by Emily Brontë Maria Cairney

Exam board: AQA A, Edexcel, Cambridge Assessment International Education Level & Subject: AS and A Level English Literature First teaching: September 2015 First examination: June 2017 This edition of Wuthering Heights provides depth and context for A Level students, with the complete novel in an easy to read format, and a detailed introduction and bespoke glossary written by an experienced A Level teacher with academic expertise in the area. · Affordable high quality complete text of Wuthering Heights, ideal for AS and A Level Literature · Perfectly pitched introductions provide the depth and demand required by AS and A Level · Explore the contemporary context, Emily Brontë's writing, the novel's critical reception and subsequent interpretations for a deeper reading of the text · Expand your further reading with a list of key articles and critical and theoretical texts · Improve your understanding of the novel with unfamiliar concepts and culturally-specific terms defined in the glossary

Y Bachgen Mewn Pyjamas

by Catherine Jones Emily Huws John Boyne

Addasiad o'r llyfr The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas a ddaeth yn destun ffilm gofiadwy yn ddiweddar. Stori ingol am ddarn o hanes na ddylid byth ei anghofio. Llyfr dadlennol am gyfeillgarwch ac am greulondeb rhyfel. Chlywodd Bruno, sy'n naw oed, erioed sôn am yr Ateb Terfynol na'r Holocost. Does ganddo ddim syniad fod ei wlad yn gwneud pethau mor greulon i bobl Ewrop. [A Welsh translation of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas which was recently adapted into a memorable film which has touched the hearts of millions of people. Nine-year-old Bruno knows nothing of the Final Solution and the Holocaust. He is oblivious to the appalling cruelties being inflicted on the people of Europe by his country.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Y Castell Siwgr

by Angharad Tomos

Dwy ferch ar ddau gyfandir. Un lord ag awch am elw. Stori ddirdynnol am gaethferch, am forwyn, am long a chastell ac am ddioddefaint y tu hwnt i ddychymyg. [A tortuous historical novel by experienced Welsh novelist. The story takes us to Penrhyn's magnificent castle and to the terrible plantations of Jamaica, as we follow the lives of two young girls, Dorcas and Eboni. This is a novel that attempts to get to grip with this shocking chapter in the history of mankind.]

Y Ddinas ar Ymyl y Byd (Cyfres y Dderwen)

by Arwel Vittle

Tu fewn i furiau'r Ddinas mae milwyr creulon, dynion busnes llwgr, Ceidwad hollbresennol, merch â marc dirgel ar ei hysgwydd a chyfrinachau'r awdurdodau. Mae'r Argyfwng a'r Haint wedi gadael eu hôl ac wedi troi natur ben i waered. Nofel ddychmygus i bobl ifainc ac oedolion yng Nghyfres y Dderwen gan awdur Dial yr Hanner Brawd a Talu'r Pris. [Within the City walls there are cruel soldiers, corrupt businessmen, an ever-present Keeper, a girl with a secret mark on her shoulder and the secrets of the authorities. The Crisis and the Disease have left their mark and turned nature up-side-down. An imaginative novel for teenagers and adults in the Cyfres y Dderwen series by the author of Dial yr Hanner Brawd.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Y Ddwy Lisa - Cysgod yr Hebog (Cyfres y Dderwen)

by Gareth Williams

Dilyniant i Y Ddwy Lisa - Sgrech y Dylluan. Mae bywydau'r ddwy Lisa yn gorgyffwrdd fwyfwy, er mor annhebygol mae hynny'n ymddangos ar yr olwg gyntaf. Nofel sy'n treiddio i gymeriad y ddwy a'u hymateb i berthynas â'u rhieni, ffrindiau a chariadon. [A sequel to Sgrech y Dylluan. In this novel we get to know the families of the two Lisas, by seeing the obvious tensions within the households. When Lisa Marie comes into contact with Lisa Angharad's father, the lives of the two girls become interlaced in an unimaginably dark way.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Y Ddwy Lisa - Sgrech y Dylluan (Cyfres y Dderwen)

by Gareth Williams

Mae Y Ddwy Lisa yn adrodd hanes Lisa Angharad a Lisa Marie, y ddwy ar yr wyneb yn gymeriadau hollol wahanol i'w gilydd. Ond mae bywydau'r ddwy'n dod ynghyd mewn modd tywyll sydd y tu hwnt i realiti. Nofel sy'n dal gafael hyd at y diwedd. [Y Ddwy Lisa tells the story of Lisa Angharad and Lisa Marie, who's characters, on the surface, appear to have nothing in common. Their lives, however, come together in a sinister way which pushes the bounds of reality. A gripping story right to the end.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Y Diffeithwch Du (Cyfres Y Melanai #2)

by Bethan Gwanas

Mae'r nofel yn olrhain hanes Efa, sy'n dywysoges ar y Melanai, ar ôl iddi hi a'i ffrindiau ddianc o'r Palas rhag iddi orfod lladd ei mam, y frenhines, yn dilyn traddodiad y wlad. Maen nhw wedi cyrraedd Y Diffeithwch Du sydd yn llawn peryglon ac yn cwrdd â chawr o'r enw Id, a nifer o anifeiliaid a sefyllfaoedd peryglus a heriol. Ail deitl mewn trioleg. [A novel telling the story of Efa, princess of the Melanai, after she and her friends flee the Palace before she has to kill her mother, the queen, as decreed by tradition. On reaching The Dark Desolation which is full of dangers, they meet the giant Id, a number of animals and treacherous challenges. The second title in a trilogy.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Y Dylluan Wen

by Angharad Jones

Cyfrol y Fedal Ryddiaith yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Bro Colwyn 1995 a ddisgrifiwyd fel stori dda, afaelgar wedi ei hadeiladu'n gampus gan lenor sy'n sicr o'i chrefft. [The volume which was awarded the Prose Medal at the 1995 National Eisteddfod and which was described as a psychological novel in which the story is gradually and skilfully unfolded.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Y "Fo" yn y Tŷ

by Mair Hughes

Stori iasoer am deulu ifanc yn gorfod symud i fyw i hen dy sy'n mynd â'i ben iddo, a chanfod bod presenoldeb annifyr a pheryglus iawn yn byw yno. [A story about a young family who have to move to a dilapidated old house, and find that a very unpleasant and dangerous presence lives there.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Y "Fo" yn y Ty

by Mair Hughes

Stori iasoer am deulu ifanc yn gorfod symud i fyw i hen dy sy'n mynd â'i ben iddo, a chanfod bod presenoldeb annifyr a pheryglus iawn yn byw yno. [A story about a young family who have to move to a dilapidated old house, and find that a very unpleasant and dangerous presence lives there.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Y Jaguar Glas Tywyll

by Elgan Davies Delyth Ifan James Field

Mae Gethin Evans, 15 oed, yn ffansïo'i hun fel tipyn o dditectif. 'Dyw hi ddim yn syndod felly fod swydd dros yr haf gyda Margam Powell, Gwasanaeth Ymholi Personol, yn apelio ato. Ond prin bod dychymyg byw Gethin hyd yn oed wedi rhagweld yr hyn sy'n digwydd ar ôl ei gyfweliad. Gyda help Caryl, mae Gethin yn rhoi ei sgiliau ditectif ar waith. [Gethin Evans, 15 year old, fancies himself as a detective. It's no surprise then that he wishes to work during the summer holidays for Margam Powell, Personal Query Service. But even Gethin's vivid imagination could have predicted what would happen following his interview. With Caryl's help, he puts his detective skills to work.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Y Mabin-OD-i

by Hilma Edwards

Nofel fer fyrlymus a hwyliog ar gyfer yr arddegau sy'n gyforiog o gymeriadau cyfarwydd o'r Mabinogi mewn sefyllfaoedd cwbl gyfoes. [A short humorous novel for teenagers in which familiar characters from traditional Welsh legends are placed in completely contemporary situations.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Y Pair Dadeni (Manawydan Jones)

by Alun Davies

Nofel antur i'r arddegau cynnar - y nofel gyntaf ar gyfer yr oed yma gan awdur straeon y ditectif poblogaidd Taliesin MacLeavy. Y canolbwynt ydi bachgen mud 15 oed, Manawydan Jones, sy'n darganfod taw ei gyn-daid ydi Manawydan fab Llŷr o'r Mabinogi. Nofel hawdd i'w darllen gyda themâu dwys, yn rhoi gwedd newydd ar rai o straeon y Mabinogi i gynulleidfa ifanc. [An adventure novel for the early teens - the first novel by the author of the stories about popular detective Taliesing MacLeavy. The hero is 15 year old mute, Manawydan Jones, who discovers that he is descended from Manawydan fab Llŷr of the Mabinogi. An easy read with serious themes, presenting a modern look at some Mabinogi tales for a young audience.]

Y Pibgorn Hud

by Gareth Evans

Nofel antur wedi'i lleoli ym merw'r chweched ganrif ym Mhrydain yn y flwyddyn 552. Ynys ranedig, llawn tensiwn, sy'n bygwth ffrwydro fel llosgfynydd. Ynys sy'n simsanu ar ôl i'r pla sgubo drwy'r tir. Y cleddyf sy'n rheoli bellach, ac mae'n rhaid i bawb ddilyn y drefn. Yn enwedig plant. Yn enwedig merched. Pawb heblaw merch deuddeg oed o'r enw Ina. [An adventure novel set amidst the turmoil of 6th century Britain. Its the year 552 and the island is divided, with tensions threatening to explode like a volcano. The island is unsteady after the plague that has swept the land; the sword rules and everyone has to bow to the law. Especially children. Especially women. Everyone, apart from 12 year old Ina.]

The Yearbook: (PDF)

by Holly Bourne

Finding your voice. Speaking the truth. Falling in love. All the biggest drama happens in high school... Mean Girls meets To All The Boys I've Loved Before in this hugely relatable high-school takedown from the queen of UKYA. Paige is used to staying quiet in the face of lies. Like how popular girl Grace is a such an amazing person (lie). How Laura steals people's boyfriends (lie). How her own family are so perfect (lie). Now Grace and friends have picked their "best" high-school moments for Paige to put in the all-important Yearbook. And they're not just lies. They're poison. But Paige has finally had enough. And as she starts to find love through the pages of a book, she finds her voice too. Now she is going to rewrite her story - and the Yearbook is the perfect place to do it.

York Notes for GCSE: Character and Voice (PDF)

by Geoff Brookes

For over 25 years, York Notes has been helping GCSE students just like you achieve the very best grade they can in their exam. So if you're looking for straightforward, easy-to-use advice on how to boost your grades to the next level, York Notes for GCSE is the only guide you're going to need.

Yr Alarch Du (Cyfres y Dderwen)

by Rhiannon Wyn

Nofel wedi'i gosod yn nhre Caernarfon, yn adrodd hanes perthynas tad alcoholig, ei fab, a merch o stad Sgubor Goch. Cawn bortread byw o'r dre a'r cymeriadau trwy lygaid y tri. Nofel i'r arddegau hwyr ac oedolion. Enillydd gwobr Tir na n-Og 2012. [A novel located in the town of Caernarfon, which tells the intertwined story of an alcoholic father, his son, and a girl the boy has met at the fair. Through the eyes of the three a lively picture is painted of the town and its characters. A novel for older teenagers and adults. Tir na n-Og Award winner 2012.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Yr Almaen Mewn Cyfnod O Newid, 1919-1939: Uda - Gwlad Gwahaniaethau, 1910-1929 (PDF)

by R. Evans Steve Waugh John Wright

Confidently tackle curriculum change with the market-leading series for WJEC GCSE History; relaunched to cover the new content and assessment requirements, this book helps every student develop the in-depth knowledge and historical skills they need to achieve their best. - Guides you through the key questions and content in the 2017 specification, with thorough and reliable course coverage from a team of expert examiners, teachers and authors - Builds understanding of Welsh, British and wider-world history through a clear, detailed narrative that is accessible to all learners - Enables students to practise and improve their enquiry, analytical and evaluative skills as they progress through carefully-designed activities in each chapter - Enhances subject knowledge and interest by including a range of stimulating source materials for discussion and reflection - Prepares students for assessment with practice questions, sample responses and step-by-step guidance on approaching questions *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Yr Ynys (Cyfres Yma)

by Lleucu Roberts

Y nofel gyntaf mewn trioleg ar gyfer yr arddegau hŷn. Mae Gwawr a Cai yn paratoi ar gyfer taith yn ôl i'r Henwlad er mwyn darganfod mwy am fywyd eu hynafiaid cyn ffrwydriad dinistriol y Diwedd Mawr a gafodd effaith tyngedfennol ar y byd. [The first title in a trilogy for older teenagers. Gwawr and Cai prepare to journey back to the Henwlad where they hope to learn about the lives of their ancestors before a destructive explosion which had a fateful effect on the world.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

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