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Read Write Inc. Phonics: Looking After a Hamster (PDF)

by Gill Munton Ruth Miskin

Find out all about hamsters and how to look after them. Read about what to put in their cage, what they like to play with, the food they like to eat and how to handle them. Do you know how to check your hamster's health and what to do if it's sick? Find out here!/p>

Read Write Inc. Phonics: Grey Set 7, Story 8, Andrew (PDF)

by Gill Munton Ruth Miskin

Andrew goes to the beach with his big brother. He decides to try out his new blow-up boat. One minute he is bobbing about in the sea, listening to the gulls and the next minute he's in terrible trouble. Will he be rescued The Read Write Inc. Phonics storybooks provide structured practice in decoding words and reading through phonics. Each book offers practical and effective advice in guiding children through every story. They build confidence using fun and engaging stories with opportunities for talk and praise throughout. Every story uses artwork by Tim Archbold, who uses a style that has been likened Quentin Blake's, which children love. Read Write Inc Phonics is a proven synthetic phonics programme that ensures early success in reading, writing and spelling.

Read Write Inc. Phonics: Wailing Winny's Car Boot Sale (PDF)

by Gill Munton Ruth Miskin

Winny the Witch has a car boot sale to sell some things she no longer wants. Her husband, Phantom Phil, is furious because she has sold his favourite smelly trainers. Winny flies around visiting her friends to see if she can get them back. She certainly has some unusual friends, as you will find out, but will she get the trainers back?

Read Write Inc. Phonics: Vulture Culture (PDF)

by Gill Munton Ruth Miskin

Do you know what a vulture looks like? In South America there are some special vultures called Andean condors. They are enormous. When their wings are stretched out they are as wide as 3 metres. How far is 3 metres from here

Read Write Inc. Phonics: The Jar of Oil (PDF)

by Gill Munton Ruth Miskin

A rich prince gives a poor man a jar of scented oil. The poor man starts to dream about selling the oil for gold coins. He dreams of what he would do with the money. But, because of the man's foolishness, something goes wrong

Read Write Inc. Phonics: The Lion's Paw (PDF)

by Gill Munton Ruth Miskin

A long, long time ago, in Roman times, a poor slave called Androcles runs away from his master. He finds a cave to sleep in but the cave is a lion's den. Androcles helps the lion and they become friends. After a while, Androcles decides to go back to his home. But he is thrown into prison by his master and made to fight lions in a lion pit. What will happen to Androcles now?

Read Write Inc. Phonics: The Poor Goose (PDF)

by Gill Munton Ruth Miskin

The goose is challenged to a race with horse and sheepdog. She can only waddle slowly so they are sure they will win. She says nothing but doesn't seem too worried. What do you think the goose will do?

Read Write Inc. Phonics: Toad (PDF)

by Gill Munton Ruth Miskin

Princess Joan is playing in her garden one day when she drops her ball into the lake. A croaky toad offers to return it to her. In exchange he wants to eat from her plate, drink from her cup and sleep in her bed. Joan agrees and as soon as she has the ball back, she runs off. What will the toad do?

Read Write Inc. Phonics: Our House (PDF)

by Gill Munton Ruth Miskin

This story describes a boy's house. We don't get to know his name but he tells us all about his home and family. Although his house is messy and a bit chaotic at times, he rather likes his home and his family. nbsp; The Read Write Inc. Phonics storybooks provide structured practice in decoding words and reading through phonics. Each book offers practical and effective advice in guiding children through every story. They build confidence using fun and engaging stories with opportunities for talk and praise throughout. Every story uses artwork by Tim Archbold, who uses a style that has been likened Quentin Blake's, which children love.Read Write Inc Phonics is a proven synthetic phonics programme that ensures early success in reading, writing and spelling.

Read Write Inc. Phonics: Hairy Fairy (PDF)

by Gill Munton Ruth Miskin

He has a beautiful dress, a wand and wings just like other fairies but there's a problem. He is covered in thick hair. Imagine what problems that gives him. No one will give himnbsp; a job. But in the end he finds the perfect solution and henbsp; ends up better off than all the other fairies. nbsp; The Read Write Inc. Phonics storybooks provide structured practice in decoding words and reading through phonics. Each book offers practical and effective advice in guiding children through every story. They build confidence using fun and engaging stories with opportunities for talk and praise throughout. Every story uses artwork by Tim Archbold, who uses a style that has been likened Quentin Blake's, which children love.Read Write Inc Phonics is a proven synthetic phonics programme that ensures early success in reading, writing and spelling.

Read Write Inc. Phonics, Blue Set 6, Story 4: King of the Birds (PDF)

by Gill Munton Ruth Miskin

The birds decide they need a new leader because they are always quarrelling. Crow wants to be the leader but he thinks no one will choose him because he doesn't have beautiful feathers. But do you think that is important? It is not beautiful feathers that will make a good King of the Birds; it is something much more important. What do you think it will be?

Read Write Inc. Phonics, Blue Set 6, Story 7: Jade's Party (PDF)

by Gill Munton Ruth Miskin

It's Jade's birthday and she's very excited. She goes with her big brother, bave, to the shops with a shopping list. They have fun loading the trolley and choosing napkins and balloons. But, when they get home and unpack, something has gone horribly wrong.

Read Write Inc. Phonics, Blue Set 6, Story 8: Jellybean (PDF)

by Gill Munton Ruth Miskin

The child in this story really wants a pet. The family tries all sorts of pets - an elephant, a sheep and a little mouse. Each one isn't right for different reasons. They finally choose one. Find out what!

Read Write Inc. Phonics, Green, Set 1, Story 10: Stitch the Witch (PDF)

by Gill Munton Ruth Miskin

If you could have three wishes what would they be? Stitch the witch must be in a good mood today because she has decided to give her cat three wishes. Stitch can't even get this right! What do you think might go wrong?

Read Write Inc. Phonics, Green, Set 1, Story 10: Stitch the Witch (PDF)

by Gill Munton Ruth Miskin

If you could have three wishes what would they be? Stitch the witch must be in a good mood today because she has decided to give her cat three wishes. Stitch can't even get this right!nbsp;What do you think might go wrong? The Read Write Inc. Phonics storybooks provide structured practice in decoding words and reading through phonics. Each book offers practical and effective advice in guiding children through every story. They build confidence using fun and engaging stories with opportunities for talk and praise throughout. Every story uses artwork by Tim Archbold, who uses a style that has been likened Quentin Blake's, which children love. Read Write Inc Phonics is a proven synthetic phonics programme that ensures early success in reading, writing and spelling.nbsp;

Read Write Inc. Phonics, Green, Set 1, Story 3: Six Fish (PDF)

by Gill Munton Ruth Miskin

This story is about two friends: Pug bog and Fat Cat. Pug dog tells his friend that if he continues to eat so much something dreadful will happen.And he's right ... The Read Write Inc. Phonics storybooks provide structured practice in decoding words and reading through phonics. Each book offers practical and effective advice in guiding children through every story. They build confidence using fun and engaging stories with opportunities for talk and praise throughout.

Read Write Inc. Phonics, Green, Set 1, Story 4: The Spell (PDF)

by Ruth Miskin Gill Munton

Who is the tidiest person in your house? Meet Stitch the witch. She is a very fussy witch and likes her home to be clean and tidy. Stitch the witch is cross because her cat has left paw marks on her bed. So rather than just tell her off (like your mum and dad would do if you had made your bed spread dirty) she casts a spell on the poor cat!

Read Write Inc. Phonics, Green, Set 1, Story 6: Tug, Tug (PDF)

by Gill Munton Ruth Miskin

Black Hat Bob is fishing from his boat using a fishing rod. He is looking forward to eating a lovely supper of fish and chips.

Read Write Inc. Phonics, Green, Set 1, Story 8: The Web (PDF)

by Gill Munton Ruth Miskin

A spider is sitting on his web, gleefully counting all the bugs he has caught. Will he manage to eat them? Things do not go as well as he was expecting.

Read Write Inc. Phonics, Green, Set 1, Story 8: The Web (PDF)

by Gill Munton Ruth Miskin

A spider is sitting on his web, gleefully counting all the bugs he has caught. Will he manage to eat them? Things do not go as well as he was expecting. The Read Write Inc. Phonics storybooks provide structured practice in decoding words and reading through phonics. Each book offers practical and effective advice in guiding children through every story. They build confidence using fun and engaging stories with opportunities for talk and praise throughout. Every story uses artwork by Tim Archbold, who uses a style that has been likened Quentin Blake's, which children love. Read Write Inc Phonics is a proven synthetic phonics programme that ensures early success in reading, writing and spelling.nbsp;

Read Write Inc. Phonics, Green, Set 1, Story 9: Pip's Pizza (PDF)

by Gill Munton Ruth Miskin

Pip and Zip are aliens. Pip has rolled out some pizza dough and added egg and nuts. Zip is sniffing the air... mmmm! It smells delicious at the moment, but I don't think Pip really knows what else should go on the top of a pizza. What do you think he might add?

Read Write Inc. Phonics, Green, Set 1, Story 9: Pip's Pizza (PDF)

by Gill Munton Ruth Miskin

Pip and Zip are aliens. Pip has rolled out some pizza doughnbsp;and added egg and nuts. Zip is sniffing the air... mmmm! Itnbsp;smells delicious at the moment, but I don'tnbsp;think Pip really knows what else should go onnbsp;the top of a pizza. What do you think he might add? The Read Write Inc. Phonics storybooks provide structured practice in decoding words and reading through phonics. Each book offers practical and effective advice in guiding children through every story. They build confidence using fun and engaging stories with opportunities for talk and praise throughout. Every story uses artwork by Tim Archbold, who uses a style that has been likened Quentin Blake's, which children love. Read Write Inc Phonics is a proven synthetic phonics programme that ensures early success in reading, writing and spelling.nbsp;

Read, Write Inc. Phonics, Green, Set 1, Storybook 5: Black Hat Bob (PDF)

by Gill Munton Ruth Miskin

Pirates are sailors who steal from other ships. This story is about a friendly pirate (well friendlier than most) called Black Hat Bob. He has an enemy called Red Hat Rob (Robb-eri). Red Hat Rob wants to steal Black Hat Bob's money that he keeps in a cash box. Will he succeed? The Read Write Inc. Phonics storybooks provide structured practice in decoding words and reading through phonics. Each book offers practical and effective advice in guiding children through every story. They build confidence using fun and engaging stories with opportunities for talk and praise throughout.

Read Write Inc. Phonics, Green, Set 1, Storybook 7: Chips (PDF)

by Gill Munton Ruth Miskin

I love eating chips from a fish and chip shop out of a papernbsp;bag. Have you ever done this? In this story, a little girl called Kim sits on a seat outside a chip shop with her bag of chips. Three friends come up to her and demand a chip, one after the other, but they all take large handfuls. You can guess what happens at the end! The Read Write Inc. Phonics storybooks provide structured practice in decoding words and reading through phonics. Each book offers practical and effective advice in guiding children through every story. They build confidence using fun and engaging stories with opportunities for talk and praise throughout. Every story uses artwork by Tim Archbold, who uses a style that has been likened Quentin Blake's, which children love. Read Write Inc Phonics is a proven synthetic phonics programme that ensures early success in reading, writing and spelling.nbsp;

Read Write Inc. Phonics, Green, Set 1, Storybooks: My Dog Ned (PDF)

by Gill Munton

The Read Write Inc. Phonics storybooks provide structured practice in decoding words and reading through phonics. Each book offers practical and effective advice in guiding children through every story. They build confidence using fun and engaging stories with opportunities for talk and praise throughout.nbsp;

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